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Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

The Hashemite University

Department of Civil Engineering

Lecture 8
Deflection and Camber

Dr Hazim Dwairi

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University


• Prestressed concrete beams are more slender

than R
C beams
beams, high span/depth ratios; thus
more deflection.
• Camber may be important. Camber may
increase, with concrete creep and with time.
¾ Bridge camber may cause pavement to be uneven,
even dangerous.
¾ Excessive roof camber may create drainage
¾ Excessive floor camber → partition cracking and
other non-
non-structural cracking.
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 1

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University


• The total deflection is a resultant of the upward

deflection due to prestressing force and
downward deflection due to the gravity loads.
• Only the flexural deformation is considered and
any shear deformation is neglected in the
calculation of deflection.
• The deflection of a member is calculated at least
for two cases:
¾ Short term deflection at transfer
¾ Long term at service loading
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University


• The short term deflection at transfer is due to the

initial prestressing force and self
self--weight without
the effect of creep and shrinkage of concrete.
• The long term deflection under service loads is
due to the effective prestressing force and the
total gravity loads.
• The deflection of a flexural member is calculated
to satisfy a limit state of serviceability.

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 2

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

Deflection due to Gravity Loads

• The methods of calculation of deflection are

taught in structural analysis
analysis--I course.
course Such
methods used are:
¾ Double integration method
¾ Moment
Moment--area method
¾ Conjugate beam method
¾ Principle of virtual work
• Students are expected to review at least one of
the above mentioned methods.

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Deflection due to Gravity Loads

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 3

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

Deflection due to Gravity Loads

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Deflection due to Prestressing Force

• The prestressing force causes a deflection only

if the CGS is eccentric to the CGC
• Deflection due to prestressing force is calculated
by the load-
load-balancing method.

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 4

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

5 PeL2
e 48 EI

1 PeL2
e 12 EI

L/2 L/2

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

( 3 − 4 a 2 ) PeL2
e Δ=
24 EI

aL (1-2a)L aL

1 PeL2
e 8 EI

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 5

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

e1 Parabola e2
e1+ e 2

1 Pe1 L2 5 Pe 2 L2
Δ= +
8 EI 48 EI

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Moment of Inertia

• Class U: f t ≤ 0.62 f c'

¾ Use gross section moment of inertia
inertia, Ig

• Class T: 0.62 f c' ≤ f t ≤ f c'

¾ Use effective moment of inertia, Ie

• Class C: f t > f c'

¾ Use effective moment of inertia, Ie

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 6

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

Effective Moment of Inertia

⎛M ⎞
I e = I cr + ⎜ cr ⎟ (I g )
− I cr ≤ I g
⎝ Ma ⎠
M cr ⎛f −fr ⎞
= 1 − ⎜ tl ⎟
Ma ⎝ fL ⎠
M a ≡ Max. service unfactored live load moment
f tl ≡ total service load concrete stress
f r ≡ modulus of rupture
f L ≡ service live load concrete stress

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Cracked Moment of Inertia

The PCI Approach:

I cr = n p A ps d p2 + n s A s d 2 ) (1 − 1.6 n p ρ p + n s ρs )
E ps
np =
ns =

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 7

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

Long--term Deflection
Approximate Method:
Due to prestress:
⎛ Δ + Δ pe ⎞
Δ Final = −Δ pe − ⎜ pi ⎟C u
⎝ 2 ⎠
To account for the
effect of creep on
P self weight
Δ pe = e Δ i
D tto prestress
Due t &S
lf weight:
i ht
⎛ Δ + Δ pe ⎞
Δ Final = − Δ pe − ⎜ pi ⎟ C u + ( 1 + C u ) ΔD
⎝ 2 ⎠

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Long--term Deflection
Due to prestress, Self weight , sustained
dead load & live load
⎛ Δ + Δ pe ⎞
Δ Final = − Δ pe − ⎜ pi ⎟ C u + ( 1 + C u )( ΔD + ΔSD )+ ΔL
⎝ 2 ⎠
Alternatively, use long-term multipliers
from PCI (Table 4.8.2)
Deflection limits in ACI (Table 9.5-b)
PCI design aids 11.1.3 and 11.1.4 for typical
elastic deflections
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 8

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University


• The simply supported I-I-beam shown in cross

section and elevation is to carry a uniform
service live load totaling 8kN/m over 12m12m span,
in addition to its own weight. The beam will be
pretensioned using multiple seven-
seven-wire strands,
eccentricity is 130
mm and constant. The P/S
force immediately y after transfer is 750kN,
reducing to 530
530kNkN effective. The 28 day
compressive strength of concrete is 40 MPa.
Calculate deflections and check with allowable
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

8 kN/m



125mm Ac= 110,000 mm2

Ic = 4.685 x 109 mm4
S = 1.562 x 107 mm4
r2 = 42,595 mm2


Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 9

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

Compute Stresses at Transfer and

-3.75MPa -12.80MPa

1 2

+3.16MPa -9.89MPa
1 Pi + MD
2 Pe + MD + ML
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Approximste Method:
f t = +3.16 MPa < f r = 0.62 40 = 3.92 MPa
∴ Class U: use I g
E c = 4700 40 = 29 ,725 MPa
Pi eL2 750 × 10 3 × 130 × 12000 2
Δ Pi = =
8 EI 8 × 29 ,725 × 4.685 × 10 9
Δ Pi = −12.6 mm ↑
⎛ 530 ⎞
Δ Pe = −12.6 ⎜ ⎟ = −8.9 mm ↑
⎝ 750 ⎠

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 10

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

Long-term deflection at 360 days

Creep Coefficient at 360 days:
t 0.6 360 0.6
C t = 0.6 Cu = ( 2.35 )
t + 10 0 360 0.6 + 10
C t = 0.774 × 2.35 = 1.82
Δ Pi + Δ Pe
Δ360 = −Δ Pe − C
2 t

12.6 + 8.9
Δ360 = −8.9 − ( 1.82 ) = −28.5 mm ↑
Long-term deflection at full service load:
Δ Pi + Δ Pe
Δ Net = −Δ Pe − C t + ( Δ D + ΔSD )( 1 + C t ) + Δ L
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Instantaneuos deflection due to selfweight

5 w D L4 5 × 2.75 × 12000 4
ΔD = =
384 EI 384 × 29 ,725 × 4.685 × 10 9
Δ D = +5.3 mm ↓
Instantaneuos deflection due to Live load
5 w L L4 5 × 8 × 12000 4
ΔD = =
384 EI 384 × 29 ,725 × 4.685 × 10 9
Δ L = +15.5 mm ↓
There is no superimposed dead load, ∴ ΔSD = 0
Δ Net = −28.5 + 5.3 ( 1 + 1.82 ) + 15.5
Δ Net = +1.95 mm ↓
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 11

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

PCI multipliers for long

deflection and camber
Without With
At Erection composite composite
topping deflection
Deflection (downward)
component – apply to the elastic
1.85 1.85
deflection due to the member
weight at release of prestress
Camber (upward) component –
apply to the elastic camber due
1.8 1.8
to prestress at the time of
release of prestress
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Final Without With

Deflection (downward) component –

apply to the elastic deflection due to the 2.70 2.40
member weight at release of prestress

Camber (upward) component – apply to

the elastic camber due to prestress at 2.45 2.20
the time of release of prestress
Deflection (downward) – apply to the
elastic deflection due to the 3.00 3.00
superimposed dead load only
Deflection (downward) – apply to the
elastic deflection caused by the --- 2.30
composite topping
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 12

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

Use PCI multipliers in previous


Selfweight multiplier = 2.7

Camber due to Pi multiplier = 2.45

ΔNet = ( 2.45 )( −12.6 ) + ( 2.7 )( 5.3 ) + ( 15.5 )

ΔNet = −1.06
1 06 mm ↑

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

ACI maximum permissible deflections

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 13

Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

AASHTO maximum permissible


Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 14

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