Task 3 (Rifki) Nursing English

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Name : Muh.

Rifki Apriansyah
Class : II.A
College : Pelamonia Nursing Academy Kesdam XIV/Hsn
NIM : 219022
No. Absen : 22

*** Practical Questions ***

UNIT 3 Reporting in Nursing

Answer the following questions:

1. Why a nurse should make reports? (kenapa perawat harus

membuat laporan)
Answer : Because nurses must tell about the results of their work
to their supervisors, and the nurse must also make a
documentation of the actions she/he was taking, so that it can help
for the future plan needs.
2. What is the content of the report? (apa isi dari laporan tersebut}
Answer : This report contains client information, patient status,
diagnoses, and all actions that have been taken by nurses before, as
well as events that occur while working
3. When is a change of shift report made? (kapan change of report
Answer : At the end of each shift
4. When is transfer report made? (kapan tranfer report dibuat}
Answer : At the moment the client stable or no longer requires
such intens monitoring then Patient transfer from one unit to
another to receive different levels.
5. What is the differnce between oral and written report? (apa
perbedaan antara oral report/laporan lisan dengan written
report/laporan tertulis}
Answer : Oral report are given when the information is immediate
use and not for permanency. While, written reports are to be
written when the information to be used by several personel which
is more or less permanent.

*** Theoretical questions ***

Choose the correct answer. Bold the correct answer with red color. (kasih
bold jawaban dengan warna merah).

1. Nursing reports contain (mengandung) ____________________.

a. information about patients c. information about family
b. medicine for patients d. a baby

2. In week 3, we study that information can be delivered to patients

a. formally & informally c. informally
b. formally d. as soon as possible

3. In general (secara umum), types of nursing reports are ________

a. oral c. written
b. oral and written d. trasfer

4. Oral reports are made when the information will be used for ________.
a. a lot of nurses c. immediate use
b. two staff only d. more than once

5.Written reports are made when the information will be used ________.
a. immediately c. by manager
b. by morning shift nurses d. by several medical staff

6. The advantages of written reports.

a. for temporer use only c. It is not easy to find and read.
b. the confidentiality is not guarant d. they can be filed, saved and
sent electronically.
7. When is a change of shift report made?
a. when the doctor asks the report c. at the end of each shift
b. when tha patient wants to go home d. every morning

8. Change of shift reports can be categorized as ________.

a. transfer reports c. good reports
b. written reports d. oral reports

9. Transfer reports: A patient is transfered to another unit because he

needs to ____
a. receive different level of treatment c. get a good room
b. get a new nurse d. receive many visitors

10. These are criteria of a good nursing report, except (kecuali)

a. must be colorful c. easily understood
b. can be made soon d. clear and complete
Catatan : Untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas, lihat juga materi unit 4.
Pada week 4 minggu depan tidak ada theoretical quetions.

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