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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

Submitted by

Eden Kassa _____________________ January 16,2017

Student Signature Date

Enyew Wubetu _____________________ January 16,2017

Student Signature Date

Getnet Jenbire _____________________ January 16,2017

Student Signature Date

Habtamu Birhan _____________________ January 16,2017

Student Signature Date

Habtamu Wubneh _____________________ January 16,2017

Student Signature Date

Leworkalush Dagnachew ________________ January 16,2017

Student Signature Date

Approved by

1. Endale Aragu _______________________ January 16, 2017

Advisor Signature Date

2. ______________________ ______________________ ____________________

Chairman, Dept.’s Signature Date

Senior project Committee


3. _______________________ ______________________ ___________________

Head of the Dep’t Signature Date

Page i
Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System


We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals and organizations. We would like to extend our sincere
thanks to all of them.

We are highly indebted to Adama Science and Technology University for the opportunity it
provided us to work on this project and explore further knowledge.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude towards our advisor Mr. Endale Aragu for his
guidance and constant supervision as well as his kind co-operation and encouragement, which
helped us in completion of this project, which is a Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

Our thanks and an appreciation goes to all of those who have willingly supported and helped us
out with their abilities.

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

CPMS……………………Construction Project Management System

TACPMS….....................Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

DB……………………… database

HTML……………………Hyper Text Markup Language

CSS………………………Cascading Style Sheet

GB………………………Giga Byte

RAM…...........................Random Access Memory

SQL…………………….Structural Query Language

PHP…………………….Hypertext Processor

UML…..........................Unified Modeling Language

TACON….....................Teklebithan Ambaye Construction

ISO….............................International Standard Organization

CSR…………………….Cooperate social responsibilities

CD……………………Compact Disk

CPU………………….Central Processing Unit

OOA…………………Object Oriented Analysis

OOD…......................Object Oriented Design

JS…………………....Java Script

Page iii
Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

Construction Project Management (CPM) is the overall planning, coordination, and control of
a project from inception to completion aimed at meeting a client’s requirements in order to
produce a functionally and financially visible project. This paper contains starting from data
gathering, system analysis, and system design and implementation part of construction Project
management system. The system analysis phases shows that what the existing system does and
what the problems are. However, the design phase shows the new proposed system and it shows
the solutions to the problems of the existing system and finally implementation part shows what
look like and how it works and shows the user interface.

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

Table of Contents
Acknowledgment ......................................................................................................................................... ii
Acronym ..................................................................................................................................................... iii
Abstract....................................................................................................................................................... iv
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... v
List of figures ............................................................................................................................................ viii
Chapter one ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Background of the organization ................................................................................................ 1
1.2.1. Mission of the organization ........................................................................................................ 2
1.2.2. Vision of the organization ........................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Background of the project.......................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Task and schedule ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.5. Statement of the problem ........................................................................................................... 3
1.6. Purpose of the project ................................................................................................................. 3
1.7. Team composition ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.8. Objective of the project .............................................................................................................. 4
1.8.1. General objective ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.8.2. Specific objective ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.9. Feasibility study .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.9.1. Technical feasibility ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.9.2. Operational feasibility ................................................................................................................. 4
1.9.3. Economic feasibility .................................................................................................................... 5
1.10. Scope and limitation................................................................................................................ 5
1.10.1. Scope of the study .................................................................................................................... 5
1.10.2. Limitation of the project ........................................................................................................... 5
1.11. Significance of the project ...................................................................................................... 5
1.12. Beneficiaries of the project ..................................................................................................... 6
1.13. Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.14. Development tools .......................................................................................................................... 7
1.15. Test plan.......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.15.1. Unit testing................................................................................................................................ 8

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

1.15.2. Integration testing .................................................................................................................... 9

1.15.3. System testing ........................................................................................................................... 9
1.15.4. Acceptance Testing ................................................................................................................... 9
1.16. Project Execution Phase ................................................................................................................... 9
1.17. Required resources with cost ...................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
2. Description of existing system ................................................................................................................ 12
2.1. Major function of existing system................................................................................................. 12
2.2. Users of current system ................................................................................................................. 12
2.3. Drawback of current system ............................................................................................................ 13
2.4. Business rule ................................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
3. Proposed System ..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2. Functional requirement ................................................................................................................. 15
3.3. Non-functional requirement.......................................................................................................... 15
3.4. System model .................................................................................................................................. 16
3.4.1. Scenario..................................................................................................................................... 17
3.4.2. Use case model ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.5. Object model................................................................................................................................... 32
3.5.1. Data dictionary .......................................................................................................................... 32
3.5.2. Class diagram ............................................................................................................................ 34
3.6. Dynamic model ............................................................................................................................... 36
3.6.1. Sequence diagram..................................................................................................................... 36
3.6.2. Activity diagram ........................................................................................................................ 45
3.6.3 State chart diagram.................................................................................................................... 55
Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................................................................... 61
4. System design ......................................................................................................................................... 61
4.1. Overview of system design ............................................................................................................ 61
4.1.1. Purpose of the system design ................................................................................................... 61
4.1.2 Design goal ................................................................................................................................. 61

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

4.2. Proposed system architecture ....................................................................................................... 63

4.2.1. System process.......................................................................................................................... 64
4.2.2. Subsystem decomposition ........................................................................................................ 66
4.2.3. Hardware/ software mapping................................................................................................... 67
4.2.4. Persistent data management.................................................................................................... 68
4.2.5. Component diagram ................................................................................................................. 72
4.2.7. Database design ........................................................................................................................ 75
4.2.8. Access control ........................................................................................................................... 76
4.2.9 User interface design ................................................................................................................. 77
Reference .................................................................................................................................................... 78

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

List of figures

Figure 1 use case diagram ........................................................................................................................... 24

Figure 2 class diagram ................................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 3 sequence diagram for register employee ..................................................................................... 36
Figure 4 sequence diagram for create account ............................................................................................ 37
Figure 5 sequence diagram for register project ........................................................................................... 38
Figure 6 sequence diagram for material registration................................................................................... 39
Figure 7 sequence diagram for register schedule....................................................................................... 40
Figure 8 sequence diagram for register project status................................................................................. 41
Figure 9 sequence diagram for update detail .............................................................................................. 42
Figure 10 sequence diagram for register standard ...................................................................................... 43
Figure 11 sequence diagram for view detail ............................................................................................... 44
Figure 12 Activity diagram for login .......................................................................................................... 45
Figure 13 activity diagram for create account ............................................................................................ 46
Figure 14 activity diagram for register project .......................................................................................... 47
Figure 15 Activity diagram for register material ........................................................................................ 48
Figure 16 Activity diagram for register schedule ....................................................................................... 49
Figure 17 Activity diagram for view detail ................................................................................................. 50
Figure 18 Activity diagram for register employee ...................................................................................... 51
Figure 19 activity diagram for update detail ............................................................................................... 52
Figure 20 Activity diagram for delete detail ............................................................................................... 53
Figure 21 activity diagram for generate report ........................................................................................... 54
Figure 22 State chart diagram for login ...................................................................................................... 55
Figure 23 State chart diagram for register schedule.................................................................................... 56
Figure 24 State chart diagram for register employee .................................................................................. 57
Figure 25 State chart diagram for register project ...................................................................................... 58
Figure 26 State chart diagram for register material .................................................................................... 59
Figure 27 State chart diagram for update detail .......................................................................................... 60
Figure 28 system architecture ..................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 29 System activity diagram ............................................................................................................. 64
Figure 30 over all TACPMS ....................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 31 system process ............................................................................................................................ 65
Figure 32 sub system decomposition .......................................................................................................... 66
Figure 33 hardware/software mapping ...................................................................................................... 68
Figure 34 Class to relational database mapping.......................................................................................... 68
Figure 35 project mapping .......................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 36 material mapping ........................................................................................................................ 69
Figure 37 task mapping ............................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 38 schedule mapping ....................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 39 account mapping ......................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 40 employee mapping...................................................................................................................... 71

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

Figure 41 project status mapping ................................................................................................................ 71

Figure 42 comment mapping ...................................................................................................................... 72
Figure 43 standard mapping........................................................................................................................ 72
Figure 44 component diagram .................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 45 deployment diagram ................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 46 database design ........................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 47 user interface .............................................................................................................................. 77

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

List of tables

Table 1 task and schedule ............................................................................................................................. 2

Table 2 team composition ............................................................................................................................. 3
Table 3 front end implementation soft ware tools ........................................................................................ 8
Table 4 back end implementation software tools Others .............................................................................. 8
Table 5 other software tools .......................................................................................................................... 8
Table 6 project execution phase .................................................................................................................. 11
Table 7 required resource and cost ............................................................................................................. 11
Table 8 use case description for manage account ....................................................................................... 25
Table 9 use case description for login......................................................................................................... 26
Table 10 use case description for register project ....................................................................................... 26
Table 11 use case description for register task ........................................................................................... 27
Table 12 use case description for register schedule .................................................................................... 27
Table 13 use case description for register material ..................................................................................... 28
Table 14 register employee ........................................................................................................................ 29
Table 15 use case description for generate report ....................................................................................... 29
Table 16 use case description for give comment ........................................................................................ 30
Table 17 use case description for register standard .................................................................................... 30
Table 18 use case description for validate standard .................................................................................... 31
Table 19 use case description for update detail .......................................................................................... 31
Table 20 use case description for logout..................................................................................................... 32
Table 21 data dictionary.............................................................................................................................. 34
Table 22 sub system description ................................................................................................................. 67
Table 23 access control ............................................................................................................................... 76

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

Chapter one
1.1. Introduction
Keeping track of information flow on construction job site is a vital task that has a direct bearing
on the timely completion of a building project. The majority of project schedule overruns are
caused by the lack of adequate resources needed to accomplish individual activities in a timely
manner. Accurate and timely information on the status of project resources needed by
construction management so as to make the best possible decisions about activity scheduling
with due with consideration give to resource availability. Construction Project Management is a
professional field that focuses on each part of the construction process of any built environment.
It typically encompasses commercial building site or multi-unit residential sites. Construction
Management of the site may be maintained by a general constructor or a separator entity, and
the construction management personnel or company answers to the development and is
responsible for overseeing every aspect of the project from start to finish.

1.2. Background of the organization

Engineer Tekleberhan Ambaye has anchored his name as a businessman and a philanthropist.
Named after himself, the company he established in 1993 is celebrating its 20th anniversary. In
fact, Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction (TACON) P.L.C. has grown significantly since its
humble beginning with 3 employees and an initial capital of 5,000 Ethiopian Birr (ETB).

Today, the company undertakes construction of a dozen projects whose contract sum surpasses
4.5 billion Birr, employs over 2,500 people and has its business empire further extends to the
neighboring countries.

The service segment has grown from building construction to the provision of a full line
infrastructure development including a specialist pile foundation excavation services. Success
also allows Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction (TACON) P.L.C. too instantaneously to grow
into an efficient and reputable class 1 construction contractor whose two decades of operational
history has been remarked by glamorous heydays of growth and expansion. Being the first ever
local construction company to qualify for ISO (International Standardization Organization)
9001:2000 certifications, TACON also takes hold of the industry’s top position in meeting
stringent technical qualification requirements, is credited for introducing innovative project
management techniques and sets itself exemplary in discharging Corporate Social
Responsibilities (CRSs).

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

1.2.1. Mission of the organization

To provide state of the art Engineering and construction services to the highest satisfaction of
clients through valuing people, creating long term relationship, Being cost effective, Timely
delivery of service, and ensuring safety and environmental concerns.

1.2.2. Vision of the organization

To become pace setter and most preferred Engineering and Construction Company in East Africa

1.3. Background of the project

There is a system that have been done before which addressed the Teklebirhan Ambye
construction project management system to the required employee detail and the schedule of the
construction through paper by writing on a sheet of paper for approval, registration and soon.
Now a day’s technology become backbone of every business that support management as well as
day to day activities .among those, information technology is the one of the Leading. Today there
is no place where computer is unavailable. Now we proposed the system that is fully controlled
by computerized system, which allows us to manage employee detail and schedule. The
proposed system will provide valuable opportunities for low expense, low time consumption and
high visibility commutations

1.4. Task and schedule

Nov16 Dec20 Fab01 Apr01 May19
- - - - -
Dec 16 Jan 1 apri27 May18 Jun 10
and Analysis



Table 1 task and schedule

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

1.5. Statement of the problem

The overall activities of the Teklebirhan Ambaye construction project management are under
taken manually. Because of these manual activities problems like: -

 Lack of good time management

 Lack of data accessibility for engineering units at the right time and problems in
schedule creation.
 There are repetitive and bulky activities like recording employee information, task
schedule, adding new project, updating records periodically and generating reports.
 The manual way of data handling and running up of the activities is tedious.
 Difficult to generate report.

1.6. Purpose of the project

The main purpose of the project is overcome the problems of the existing system or current
system that exist in operations of Teklebirhan Ambaye CPMS and changing the whole current
system in to computerized system without affecting the structure of the existing system.

1.7. Team composition

Title TeklebirhanAmbaye Construction Information Management System
Name Email Roll
HabtamuWubneh Secretary ,Design
m ,implementation,
Team analysis, testing
compositio LeworkalushDagnache Data gathering, design,
n w m analysis,implementatio
GetnetJenbire Analysis , testing,
HabtamuBirhan Coordinator ,gather
EnyawWubetu Analysis,
Eden Kassa Testing,
requirement gathering
Advisor Ins :EndaleAragu
Table 2 team composition

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

1.8. Objective of the project

1.8.1. General objective

The general objective of this project is to develop web based application for Teklebirhan
Ambaye Construction Project Management and to change the manual system to computerized
system in order to solve problems.

1.8.2. Specific objective

In order to achieve the main objective, we have developed the following specific objectives:

 Studying about problem of the existing system of the engineering unit

 Gathering required information for proposed system
 Analyzing the gathered information.
 Considering applicability of proposed system for the engineering unit
 Designing the proposed system
 Implementing the system
 Testing the system

1.9. Feasibility study

Feasibility study is essential to evaluate the cost and benefits of the new system. On the basis of
the feasibility study decision is taken on whether to proceed or to cancel the project. It includes
the following.

1.9.1. Technical feasibility

The entire group members are expected the system to be technically feasible. The system is
going to be developed by following the Object Oriented System Development technique. The
team has the ability to develop this system without any difficulty since the team has studied the
required methodologies and tools. So the system will be technically feasible. The project
members also have knowledge about PHP, Java script, CSS, MySQL database and Enterprise
architect to design the system. Besides, the group members have enough capability to develop
the project. So the system is technically feasible. In general using the different techniques, we
can perform the work up to the desire of the organization, even though fulfilling human being’s
need in all direction may be difficulty.

1.9.2. Operational feasibility

We have performed a series of steps to solve business problems and user requirements. The
system have definitely a positive impact on users as they involved in the development of this
project by providing their opinion/feedback and understood/adapt easily how it will support their
day to day business operation. We follow each step how the existing system is working and our

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

technical skill transform the existing system into a web based and automated one. The
new/proposed system is also compatible to any web browser. Based on these points our proposed
system is operational feasible.

1.9.3. Economic feasibility

 Financial Benefits

The team member calculated the corresponding tangible benefits with sample monetary
Cost Reduction: - To calculate these following things will be considered.
Total Number of employee of schedule in existing system= 5
Average Salary of each employee per month = 3500.00Birr
Total money required for payment per year= 5*3500*12= 210,000.00Birr
Average Number of employee needed when the new system is deployed= 1
Salary per month = 4,500.00Birr
Total money required for payment per year=1*4500*12= 54,000.00Birr
Difference b/n before and after deployment money required for payment
Cost Reduction and Avoidance= 210,000.00Birr -54,000.00Birr = 156,000.00 birr.
 Business process benefits
 Better decision making
 Better service to the office
 Little job burden to employees of office
 Rich information exchange between the organizations (client).

1.10. Scope and limitation

1.10.1. Scope of the study

The scope of this project is clearly stated below because of what the system is expected to
perform. The proposed system focuses on the project management of the organization. Its scope
includes register project, employees, task, project materials, task schedule and project status;
generate report and allowing users to give comment about the project.
Our project does not include payroll, attendance of the employee and other related activities
without the above scope like managing daily workers.

1.10.2. Limitation of the project

 Since, it is a web-based system the service given by the system is not accessed by users
as long as there is no connection.
 Because of the shortage of time we cannot perform our activity effectively

1.11. Significance of the project

The significance of this project is to:-

 Reducing time of employee recording.

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

 Protect the organization file from unauthorized access

 Better and fast process scheduling

 Reduce processing errors

 Decreased response time
 Manpower reduction
 Cost elimination
 Improve customer satisfaction
 Improve employee role
 Better decision making

1.12. Beneficiaries of the project

The primary beneficiaries of our project are Teklebirhan Ambeye Construction Company and
employees of the organization.

1.13. Methodology
Data collection methodology

To propose this project we have used the following data collection method.
a. Interview
We have made an interview with head of the Engineering Unit to get an overview of the current
system and the problem of the existing system
b. Observation
we have observed some sites in Teklebirhan Ambaye construction.
c. Document analysis
we have analyzed document which is stored in the office that shows the overview of the existing

System analysis and system design methodology

In this project the team will use object oriented system development methodology (OOSD).
This has two phases.

a. Object Oriented Analysis (OOA)

During this phase the team used to model the function of the system (use case modeling), find
and identify the business objects, organize the objects and identify the relationship between them
and finally model the behavior of the objects.

b. Object Oriented Design (OOD)

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

During this phase the team uses enterprise architect software to refine the use case model, and to
reflect the implantation environment, model object interactions and behavior that support the use
case scenario, and finally update object model to reflect the implementation environment.

Deployment/ implementation methodology

Implementation is coding of all functions specified by requirement analysis and design. To

perform this we will use client server architecture. The server provides service to the client and
the client requests service from server. So we will have servers and clients (computers) on the
system will be hosted.

System development methodology

Since the system requirement is well known, we will use water fall model for the system
development. i.e. starting from requirement analysis till testing of the project.

We choose water model, because of the following reason:-

 It is very simple to understand and use.

 In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed fully before the next phase can
 Requirements are well known, clear and fixed.
 There are no ambiguous requirements.
 The project is short.

1.14. Development tools

While developing the project starts from the each phase of documentation to the end, we will use
the following tools.


Software tools

Tools abbreviation Use

Hypertext markup
Html4/html5 For configuration
For layout design ,content
Cascading style decoration in user interface
sheet design and to give the style of
the interface
Java Js For validating client side

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

script/Jquery monitoring language

Table 3 front end implementation soft ware tools

Tools Abbreviation and version Used for

Hypertext Backend implementation
Php 5.6
preprocessor of the project.
MySQL Server MySQL 5.6 For database
wamp, xampp sever To run the project
Table 4 back end implementation software tools

Tools Use
Enterprise architect designing the project
MS word Documentation
Notepad++,sublime, Used for editing the source
Dreamweaver code
Browser To open the system
Table 5 other software tools

1.15. Test plan

Testing is the process of executing a program with the intension of finding errors. In order
to know whether there is an error or not in our system, we will perform the following testing
strategies; these strategies are used to test the functionalities and the working style of the

1.15.1. Unit testing

In these strategies, we will concentrates on each component/function of the software as
implemented in the source code. To perform these we will use two approaches/techniques of unit

A. Black box testing

In this technique, we will test to see if the function of the system is fully operational or error free.
This includes, testing the interface of the system rather than the logical structure of the system.

We used this testing technique for the following reasons

 More effective on larger units of code.

 Tester needs no knowledge of implementation, including specific programming
 Tester and programmer are independent of each other
 Tests are done from a user's point of view.
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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

 Will help to expose any ambiguities or inconsistencies in the specifications

B. White box testing

We will use this approach to know the internal working style of the system, test that all
internal operations are performed according to specifications and all internal components
have been exercised and the logical path of the system are correct.

We use this testing technique for the following reasons:

 It is easy to find out which type of input/data can help in testing the
application effectively.
 To optimize the code.
 It helps in removing the extra lines of code, which can bring in hidden
 Early detection of errors during software development.

1.15.2. Integration testing

In these strategies the group member will focuses on testing the design and construction of the
software architecture. To do the two techniques of integration testing will considered.

1. Top –Down integration testing

This will perform starting from the top module up to the last or bottom module individually (tests
were run as each individual module is integrated).

2. Bottom-up integration

We will begin with the lowest –level modules which are combined to cluster, or build that
perform a specific software sub-function (top-level).

1.15.3. System testing

After all of the above testing is checked we will test our system by other peoples and we will
conduct some comments how they get our system.

1.15.4. Acceptance Testing

This testing is done by the customer to ensure that the delivered product meets the
requirements and works as the customer expected. It includes:-

 Alpha- Conducted by users to ensure they accept the system

 Beta- Users use real data, not test data

1.16. Project Execution Phase

In order to complete or finish our project we will perform (pass) the following phases.

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

Roll Phase Required Required tools Function

no time
1 Data collection Dec 1 Pen Used to get good information about
and gathering - Paper existing system structure and
Dec 9 Ms word develop proposed system.
2 Requirement Dec 10 Pen Identify requirements
elicitation and - paper and define the
analysis Dec 16 EDRAWMAX functionalities of the
computers project (elicitation).
MSWORD. Analyze, validate and
understand the
requirement (analysis).

3 Design Dec 17 EDRAWMAX Transform user requirement into

- MSWORD implementation suitable form.
Dec 25 Pen To identify and understand the class
Paper in order to reuse, refine and remove
Computers vague classes.
SQL server
4 CRUD Dec 27 Editors Used to create, read, update and
operation - Server s delete records to/from the database.
Jun 2 Computers

5 Coding and Html Software coding phase is typing

implementation JavaScript code within the selected
CSS programming language in order to
PHP implement the functionalities of the
XAMP server project.
MYSQL server

6 Testing Computers Identify faults and errors in the

Browsers project.

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System


Table 6 project execution phase

After finishing our project by performing the above phase. Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction
users or members can communicate with each other about construction companies to exchange
different information’s like construction project information as well as about different
experiences via web based application.

The application contains the following features:-

• The system focuses record the Company project information in to the database
system, can control and manage company member biography and construction
• Member company can have own login ID than register, update and delete their

1.17. Required resources with cost

Material name No .material Price
Paper 1 packet 90 90
Pen 5 5 25
Lap top 1 8000 8000
Flash 8GB 2 150 300
Print 110 1 birr 110
Binding 2 10 20
Coffee and tea - - 600
Total cost of material 9145 birr
Table 7 required resource and cost

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

Chapter 2

2. Description of existing system

Currently in Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System is fully manual

It is necessary to know the existing system of a given organization to develop a better system. As
mentioned above existing system currently performs different activities includes register
employee , register schedule, register project , register project ,register project status and also
generate report in manual way. The target area of this proposed system is web-based
Construction Project Management System (i.e. change manual system in to computerized

2.1. Major function of existing system

The major function of the existing system of project management includes the following:

 Monitor schedule.
 Monitor employee.
 Provide material.
 Monitor material.
 Control construction process.
 Supervise the project.

2.2. Users of current system

This illustrates the actors involved in the current system:

1. Client performs the following activities:-

 Initiate the project
 Contact consultant
 Prepare the site
2. Project manager comes with the following activities:-
 Monitor schedule
 Provide material
 Control construction process
 Plan construction process
 Execute the project
3. Consultant comes with the following activities:-
 Design the project

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

 Prepare contract document

 Hire contractor
4. site-supervisor comes with the following activities:-
 Supervise the project
 Monitor schedule
5. construction manager(admin)
 register project
 view report manually
6. HR employee
 Monitor employee

2.3. Drawback of current system

The overall activities of the Teklebirhan Ambaye construction project management are under
taken manually. Because of this they face the following problems

 Lack of good time management.

 Lack of data accessibility.

 There are repetitive and bulky activities like recording employee information, task
schedule, adding new project, updating records periodically and generating reports.

 The manual way of data handling and running up of the activities is tedious.

 Difficult to generate report.

2.4. Business rule

The following are business rules of system.

1. The employee who is not registered does not allowed to perform any activity to the system.

2. The admin is the only user allowed to manage users and any activity related to the project.

3. The user must be authenticated to access the system.

4. Projects must be registered before any operations related with project are performed.

5. Report is generated if and only if a specific project and requirements are already registered.

6. If the employer wants to begin a new project; he/she should report to the consultant.

7. Consultants can represent the owner.

8. Consultants view all things about project.

9. Only Project manager can modify schedule.

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

10. Only project manager can register materials.

11. Store keeper has a privilege for viewing materials

12. The project status is validated based on the standard.

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Chapter 3

3. Proposed System
3.1. Overview
The proposed system is designed to replace the manual system of Construction Project
Management System in to computerized system and also designed to store the construction
project information in the database for the purpose of reducing the problem faced by manual
system. The application composes different forms to enter different project detail to the database
and retrieve required information of the project from the database.

3.2. Functional requirement

1. Manage account (create, update, delete and view account).
2. Register projects and its status.
3. Register schedule (create, update and view schedule) and task.
4. Generate report about the project.
5. Give Comments
6. Register employee (add, delete and update).
7. Record project materials.
8. Register standard.
9. Register task.

3.3. Non-functional requirement

Non-functional requirements are requirement, which has no essential for the system, but it can
support and give more quality for the system.

A. Users interface requirement

 User interface should be menu driven and attractive.
 The interface should be user friendly.
 The system should support error-handling mechanism that display graphic approach and
the system guide the user what will be the next action.
B. Authentication Requirement
 The system support user name and password to authentic.
 The system has different privilege to protect intruding.
C. Robustness( Error handling requirement): The system have error handling mechanisms
that is, as errors occur it will not stop functioning rather provide error manages and back to
the previous page to give chance to reenter data and process the task by beyond the error.
D. Well documented: the document of this project is processed in well manner
E. Resources: The system is compatible with specified hardware and software environment
F. Usability

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The system is user friendly. The new system provides web application user interfaces that are
compatible with any browsers.

 The system shall provide the easy access

 The system is easy to deal with.
 The system should is easy to understand.
 Unauthorized person should not use the system; rather just view the main page.
 No one can change the password without login to the system

G. Hardware consideration: the following sub-sections discuss the various aspect of hardware

 Processing power: 64 bit operating system and Intel(R) core (TM)i3-237M CPU
 Memory and secondary storage: more than 4GB, 500GB hard disk and swap space (if
the RAM is insufficient).
 Peripherals: includes CD ROM device, network device, etc.

H. Software consideration:

 Platform: our system supports any operating system and all browsers.

I. Performance requirement

The system performs its task within a user acceptable time and space. This includes the

 Response time: - depending on the strength of available network the system should
be response in short period of time.
 Storage space:-to do work efficiently the processor to be more than 2GB RAM ,

J. Reliability: The system should be reliable. Appropriate error messages will be provided to
users whenever incorrect information is inserted and handle the occurrence of that error.
3.4. System model
Used to construct an abstraction of a system that focuses on interesting aspects and ignores
irrelevant details. Our system includes three types of system model. Those are

1. Functional model (scenario, use case model)

2. Object model (class diagram)
3. Dynamic model (sequence, activity and state chart diagrams).

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3.4.1. Scenario
Scenario is real-life examples of how the system can be used. It should include scenario name,
flow of event, what can go wrong and how this is handled. Based on this the following scenarios
for our project are listed below.

1. Name of Scenario: manage account

Participating actors: admin.

Flow event:

a. Admin open and login to the system.

b. Admin select manage account tab.
c. The form is displayed to the admin page.
d. He/she fills user detail.
e. Click create button
f. The detail displayed at this page with deletes and edit tab.
g. He /she select edit tab.
h. Edit form with previous data
i. Change the detail he/she want to update
j. Click update button
k. Select delete tab, if he/she wants to delete the user’s detail.
l. The system displays successful message

Exceptional flow: if he/she enters wrong data, the system displays a message to enter correct

2. Name of Scenario: login

Participating actor: - all users

Flow event:-

a. The user opens the system.

b. The user enters a valid username and password.
c. The login form is displayed to the user.
d. The user clicks the login button.
e. The user display user page

Exceptional flow:-

a. If the user does not fill the correct username and password, the system notifies to enter
correct username and password.
b. The system does not work when the connection is not available/

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3. Name of Scenario: - register employee

Participating actor: - HR employee

Flow event:-

a. The HR employee open and login to the system

b. Users page displayed to the user
c. HR select register employee tab.
d. Registration form is displayed.
e. He/she fills the correct value to the form
f. Click register button.
g. The system display successful message

Exceptional flow: - If the HR does not enter correct information in to the form, the system
notifies to enter the correct employee data.

4. Name of Scenario: register project

Participating actor:-admin.

Flow event:-

a. The admin open and login to the system

b. Users page displayed to the user
c. Admin select register tab.
d. Registration form is displayed.
e. He/she fills the correct value to the form and click register button.
f. The system display successful message

Exceptional flow: - If the contractor does not fill correct data to the form, system notifies to enter
the correct data.

5. Name of scenario: - Register schedule

Participant actor:-project manager

Flow event:-

a. The project manager open and login to the system

b. Users page displayed to the user
c. Project manager select create schedule tab.
d. The schedule creation form is displayed.
e. He/she fills the form and click the create button.
f. The system display successful message

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Exceptional condition: -If project manager fills enter wrong data to the form, the system notifies
the contractor to enter correct data.

6. Name of Scenario: generate report

Participating actors: project manager, site-supervisor.


a. The actors open and login to the system

b. Users page displayed to the user
c. The user select generate report tab.
d. The report is displayed to the user.

7. Name of Scenario: give comment

Participating actor: all actors

Flow event:-

a. The actors open and login to the system

b. Users page displayed to the user
c. Select give comment tab.
d. The form is displayed.
e. He/she enter the comment.
f. Click submit comment button.
g. The system display successful message

Exceptional condition: if the actor enters invalid data, the system notifies to enter valid data.

8. Name of scenario: register standard

Participating actor: consultant

Flow event:-

a. The user open and login to the system

b. The user page is displayed to the user.
c. The user selects the register standard menu.
d. The form is displayed to the user
e. The user fills the form and click register button.
f. The system displays success full message

Exceptional condition: if the actor enters invalid data, the system notifies to enter valid data.

9. Name of scenario: validate standard

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Participating actor: consultant

Flow event:-

a. The user open and login to the system.

b. The user page is displayed to the user.
c. He/she views standard and project status.
d. The user compares the standard and the project status.

Exceptional condition: if the actor enters invalid data, the system notifies to enter valid data.

10. Name of scenario: update detail

Participating actor: admin, HR, project manager

Flow event:-

a. The user open and login to the system.

b. The user page is displayed to the user.
c. The users select the tab.
d. The update form is displayed to the user
e. The user fills the data to the form and clicks the update button.
f. The system displays successful message.

Exceptional condition: if the actor enters invalid data, the system notifies to enter valid data.

3.4.2. Use case model

a. Actor identification

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 Register material

 Register schedule and task

 Login
Project manager
 View project status

 Give comment

 Logout

 Change password

Register project status

 View schedule

Site manager Login

Give comment


 Change password

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View project status

 View schedule


Consultant Give comment

Register standard.

Validate standard.


 Change password


Give comment
Register employee.


 Change password


Give comment
Store keeper
View material.


 Change password

b. Use case identification

Our system includes the following use cases:-

 Login

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Manage account
Register project
Register employee
Register materials
Register schedule.
Register task that included in the project.
Register project status.
Generate report.
Giving comments.
Register standard.
Validate standard.
Change password.
View detail: used to view all information included under the system, such as:
 View schedule.
 View project status.
 View employee info.
 View materials.
 View comments.
 Update details: used to update the required information in the system such as:
 Update project.
 Update schedule.
 Update employee.
 Update materials record.
 Update password and account.
 Delete details : Used to delete all irrelevant information in the system, such as:
 Delete account.
 Delete materials.
 Delete standard
 Delete employee.
 Logout

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c. Use case diagram

Figure 1 use case diagram

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d. Use case description

Use case name manage account

Use case ID 01
Use case description To register/delete/approve/view users in to the database
Actor Admin
Pre-condition Admin must be login to the system and connection must be available.
Post-condition System has successfully register/delete/update/ and display account
information to the admin.
Main flow a. Admin select create/delete/update/view account tab from his/her
b. The system displays create/delete/update / view form.
c. Admin fills account information to create /delete/update/view
d. Admin click create/delete/update/search button.
Exceptional flow a. When there is not filled the account information correctly
“please fill account data correctly” message will be displayed.
b. When the admin fills the form incorrect manner, the message
“Invalid data Entered please fill in appropriate format” will be
Include Create, Update, delete, view account
Business rule 3
Frequency of use Depends on the users of the system
Table 8 use case description for manage account

Use case name Login

Use case ID 02
Use case description To authenticate users
Actor All users
Pre-condition Users must have username and password and internet connection is
Post-condition Login to the actor page/leave from page.
Main flow a. Actor open the system
b. The system display login form.
c. User fills correct username and password.
d. Click login button.
e. The system redirect to the index page.

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Exceptional flow When the user fills invalid username and password the system
displays incorrect message and notifies the user to enter the correct
Include Create account
Business rule -
Frequency of use Once on every user.
Table 9 use case description for login

Use case name Register project

Use case ID 03
Use case description Used to register new project.
Actor Admin
Pre-condition Users must be log in to the system and internet connection is
Post-condition Store the project detail to the database.
Main flow a. Admin select register project tab from the admin page.
b. The system display project registration form.
c. He/she fills correct project detail to the registration form.
d. He/she clicks register button.

Exceptional flow If the admin fills invalid detail to the form, the system displays
incorrect message and notifies the contractor to enter the correct
Include User login
Business rule 4
Frequency to use Depends the project to be registered.
Table 10 use case description for register project

Use case name Register task

Use case ID 04
Use case description Register the task in top the database in to database
Actor Project manager
Pre-condition Project manager must have username and password and internet
connection is available.
Post-condition Register the project task to the database.
Main flow a. Project manager select the register task tab from his/her
b. The system display task registration form.
c. Project manager fills the form with correct data.
d. Click register task button.

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Exceptional flow When the project manager fills invalid data in to the form, the
system displays incorrect message and notifies the user to enter
the correct data.
Include User login, update ,view project

Business rule 9

Frequency to use Depends on the total number tasks included in the project.

Table 11 use case description for register task

Use case name Register schedule

Use case ID 04
Use case description Register or record the project schedule in to database
Actor Project manager
Pre-condition Project manager must have username and password and internet
connection is available.
Post-condition Record project schedule to the database.
Main flow a. Project manager select the create schedule tab.
b. The system display schedule form.
c. Project manager fills the form with correct data.
d. Click create schedule button.
Exceptional flow When the project manager fills invalid data in to the form, the
system displays incorrect message and notifies the user to enter
the correct data.
Include User login, update ,view schedule

Business rule 9

Frequency to use Depends on the total number of years the project given and the
number of phases the project have.

Table 12 use case description for register schedule

Use case name Register material

Use case ID 05

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Use case description Used to register the material need for the project.
Actor Project manager
Pre-condition Users must be login to the system and internet connection is
Post-condition Save the project material detail to the database.
Main flow a. Project manager select register material tab from the project
manager page.
b. The system display material registration form.
c. He/she fills correct materials detail to the material registration
d. He/she clicks add material button.

Exceptional condition If the project manager fills invalid detail to the form, the system
displays incorrect message and notifies the contractor to enter the
correct data.
Include User login , delete, update, view material
Business rule -
Frequency to use Depends on the material that the project requires.
Table 13 use case description for register material

Use case name Register employee

Use case ID 06
Use case description Used to register the employee that works on the project.
Actor HR employee
Pre-condition HR must be login to the system and internet connection is
Post-condition Save the project employee detail to the database.
Main flow a. HR employee select register employee tab from his/her page.
b. The system display employee registration form.
c. He/she fills correct employee to the employee registration
d. He/she clicks register button.

Exceptional condition If the HR fills invalid detail to the form, the system displays
incorrect message and notifies the contractor to enter the correct
Include User login , view ,delete , update employee
Business rule 1
Frequency to use Depends on the number of project and the required employee for

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Table 14 register employee

Use case name Generate report

Use case ID 07
Use case description Used to generate report for the project status.
Actor All users
Pre-condition Users must be login to the system and the connection must be
Post-condition Fetch the report from different tables of the database.
Main flow a. Actor select generate report tap from his/her page.
b. The search form is displayed to the user.
c. The actors fill the data he/she want to search.
d. The actor clicks the search report button.
e. The system display report.
Exceptional condition If the actors fill invalid detail to the form, the system displays
incorrect message and notifies the contractor to enter the correct
Include User login
Business rule 5
Frequency to use Depends on every status of the project in the project.
Table 15 use case description for generate report

Use case name Give comment

Use case ID 08
Use case description Used for actors to give comment about the project.
Actor All users
Pre-condition Actors must have username and password.
Post-condition Record comments to the database.
Main flow a. Actor’s select give comment tab from his or her
b. The system display comment form.
c. Actors fill the form with correct data.
d. Click gives comment button.
Exceptional flow When he/she fills invalid data in to the form, the system
displays incorrect message and notifies the user to enter
the correct data.
Include View comment

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Business rule -

Frequency to use Depends on the project status.

Table 16 use case description for give comment

Use case name Registered standard

Use case ID 09
Use case description Used to register the agreements between the owner and the
construction company to the database
Actor Consultant
Pre-condition Users must be login to the system and connection must be
Post-condition The standard is saved to the database.
Main flow a. Consultant select register standard tab from his/her page.
b. The system displays the form.
c. He/she fills correct detail to the form.
d. He/she clicks update button.

Exceptional condition If the consultant fills invalid detail to the form, the system
displays incorrect message and notifies the contractor to enter
the correct data.
Business rule -
Include User login , delete ,view standard
Frequency to use Depends the stages of the project and the agreements of the
Table 17 use case description for register standard

Use case name Validate standard

Use case ID 10
Use case description Used to check the report status generated from the company
to the registered standard.
Actor Consultant
Pre-condition Users must be login to the system and connection must be
Post-condition The standard is validated.
Main flow a. Actor clicks view project status link
b. The project status is displayed.
c. He/she compares the registered standard with the

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project status

Exceptional condition -
Business rule -
Include User login
Frequency to use Depends on the standard.
Table 18 use case description for validate standard

\Use case name Update detail

Use case ID 11
Use case description Used to change detail from the database, such as schedule,
employee, project, account and materials.
Actor Admin ,HR employee ,project manager ,site manager
Pre-condition Users must be login to the system and connection must be
Post-condition Save the change to the database.
Main flow a. Actor select update tab from the user page.
b. The system displays the search form.
c. The actor fills to search the data he/she want to
d. The actor clicks the search button.
e. The system display update form with the previous
f. He/she fills correct detail to the update form.
g. He/she clicks update button.

Exceptional condition If the contractor fills invalid detail to the form, the system
displays incorrect message and notifies the contractor to enter the
correct data.
Business rule 9
Include User login
Frequency to use Depends on the user comment, project status and the required
time given to the project.
Table 19 use case description for update detail

Use case name Logout

Use case ID 12
Use case description Used to leave from the page.

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Actor All actors must logout from the system.

Pre-condition Actors must have username and password.
Post-condition The actor must be leave from the page.
Main flow a. Actors clicks logout link.
b. The actor leaves the page.
Exceptional flow -

Table 20 use case description for logout

3.5. Object model

3.5.1. Data dictionary

Classes Attributes Operations Descriptio
EID,FName,MName, Register employee() Used to
Employee LName,qualification, register
address,Age,Sex,Bdate, employee
phone, email.
Project ProjectID,projectName,Proj UpdateProject() Allow to
ectType,StartDate, end RegisterProject() register
Date,location ,totalBudget. View project() project
Schedule SID, startDate, endDate CreateSchedule() Allow to
,budjet,ProjectID,taskName View schedule() create
. Update schedule project
Account UserID,Fname,Mname,Lna Login () Allow to
me,age,sex,email, position, Create account() create
username,password,location account
,phone. for users
Standard Description,quality Register standard() Allowuser
parameter,Remark,standard Validate standard() s to
ID,tasked, generate
about the
Material MaterialID,materialName, registerMaterial() Allow
materialType,materialQualit view material() users to
y, add
materialSize,materialQuanti material

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

ty,ProjectID needed for

Project Descrption,pid,Remark,stat RegisterProjectStatus() To
status us,status Id,type viewProjectStatus() understand
the project
Admin EID,FName,MName, Register project() To
LName,qualification, Viewprojectstatus() manage
address, Age, Sex, Bdate, GiveComment() the overall
phone, email. manageAccount() system.
HR EID, FName ,MName, Register employee() To register
LName,qualification, the
address, Age, Sex, Bdate, permanent
phone, email. employees
of the
Project EID,FName,MName, RegisterMaterial() To
manager LName,qualification, registerSchedule() manage
address, Age, Sex, Bdate, GenerateReport() project.
phone, email. registerProject()

Store EID,FName,MName, View material() To view

keeper LName,qualification, material
address, Age, Sex, Bdate,
phone, email.
Consultant EID,FName,MName, viewProjectStatus() Used
LName,qualification, register standard() mange
address,Age,Sex, validateStandard() accounts
Bdate,phone, email. changePassword() of users

Site- EID,FName,MName, viewSchedule() Supervise

manager LName,qualification, registerprojectStatus() the project
address, Age, Sex, Bdate, viewProjectStatus()
phone, email. giveComment()

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Teklebirhan Ambaye Construction Project Management System

Comment time,Date,username,comm GiveComment() Allow

entID,comment. ViewComment() users to
Table 21 data dictionary

3.5.2. Class diagram

We use class diagram to describe the structure of a system by showing the system's
classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.

For designing of Class diagram, we have used Unified Modeling Language (UML). This
diagram is the main building block of our object-oriented modeling. The team applies it for both
general conceptual modeling of the systematic of the application, and for detailed modeling
translating the models into programming code. The classes in a class diagram represent both the
main objects, interactions in the application and the classes to be programmed.

In the system, Classes are abstractions that specify the attributes and behavior of a set of objects
and Objects are entities that encapsulate state and behavior. Each object has an identity: It can be
referred individually and is distinguishable from other objects. In mapping the diagram, we have
used the following criteria:

One –to- One relationship:-here when both involved entities exchange primary keys where the
new exchanged primary keys become the new foreign keys of the tables.

One –to- many relationships:-here the primary key on the many side has been mapped to the
one side.

Many –to- many relationships:-here the primary key on the many side has been mapped to the
many side.

The association of classes is described with diagrams as follows.

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Figure 2 class diagram

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3.6. Dynamic model

3.6.1. Sequence diagram

As the name indicates, the system used sequence diagram to show sequence of activities or how
processes operate with one another and in what order. It is a construct of a Message Sequence
Chart. It shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes
involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to
carry out the functionality of the scenario. Sequence diagrams are typically associated with use
case realizations in the Logical View of the system under development. With this diagram we
show, as parallel vertical lines (lifelines), different processes or objects that live simultaneously,
and, as horizontal arrows, the messages exchanged between them, in the order in which
they occur. This allows the specification of simple runtime scenarios in graphical manner. So
the group member lists some sequence diagrams for the system scenario are listed below.

1. Employee registration

Figure 3 sequence diagram for register employee

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2. Create account

Figure 4 sequence diagram for create account

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3. Project registration

Figure 5 sequence diagram for register project

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4. Material registration

Figure 6 sequence diagram for material registration

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5. Schedule creation

Figure 7 sequence diagram for register schedule

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6. Register project status

Figure 8 sequence diagram for register project status

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7. Update detail

Figure 9 sequence diagram for update detail

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8. Register standard

Figure 10 sequence diagram for register standard

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9. View detail

Figure 11 sequence diagram for view detail

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3.6.2. Activity diagram

An activity diagram is used to understand the flow of work that an object or component
performs. It can also be used to visualize the interaction between different use cases. One of the
strengths of activity diagrams is the representation of concurrent activities. Some of the activity
diagrams of our system are listed below.

1. Login

Figure 12 Activity diagram for login

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2. Create account

Figure 13 activity diagram for create account

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3. Register project

Figure 14 activity diagram for register project

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4. Material registration

Figure 15 Activity diagram for register material

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5. Create schedule

Figure 16 Activity diagram for register schedule

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6. View detail

Figure 17 Activity diagram for view detail

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7. Register employee

Figure 18 Activity diagram for register employee

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8. Update detail

open system

enter user name and password

click login button

no select update tab

validate view detail

enter valid data to the form


change database yes validate? update button


Figure 19 activity diagram for update detail

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9. Delete detail

Figure 20 Activity diagram for delete detail

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10. Generate report

open system

enter user name and password

click login button

validate select generate report tab

display report


Figure 21 activity diagram for generate report

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3.6.3 State chart diagram

It is used to describe the externally visible behavior of a system or of an individual object. Some
of the state chart diagrams of our system are described below.

1. Login

Figure 22 State chart diagram for login

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2. Create schedule

Figure 23 State chart diagram for register schedule

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3. Register employee

Figure 24 State chart diagram for register employee

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4. Register project

Figure 25 State chart diagram for register project

5. Register material

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Figure 26 State chart diagram for register material

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6. Update detail

Figure 27 State chart diagram for update detail

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Chapter 4

4. System design
4.1. Overview of system design
System design part of the system is the transformation of the analysis model into a system design
model. Up to now, we were in the problem domain. System design is the first part to get into the
solution domain in a software development. This chapter focuses on transforming the analysis
model into the design model that takes into account the non-functional requirements and
constraints described in the problem statement and requirement analysis sections discussed

This document describes the design issues of the overall system, such as design goal, subsystem
decomposition, hardware/software mapping, and persistent data management. It provides the
complete architectural overview of the proposed system. It is intended to capture and express the
significant architectural decisions, which have been made, on the system.

4.1.1. Purpose of the system design

The purpose of designing is to show the direction how the system is built and to obtain clear and
enough information needed to drive the actual implementation of the system. It is based on
understanding of the model the software built on. The objectives of design are to model the
system with high quality. Implementing of high quality system depend on the nature of design
created by the designer. If one wants to change to the system after it has been put in to operation
depends on the quality of the system design. So if the system is design effetely, it will be easy to
make changes to it.

4.1.2 Design goal

The objectives of design are to model the system with high quality. The design goals are derived
from nonfunctional requirements that means non-functional requirement is the description of the
feature characteristics and attribute of the system as well as any constraints that may limit the
boundary of the proposed solution.

Design goals describe the qualities of the system that the developers should consider.

 Performance
 Dependability
 Maintenance
 End user

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The system should respond fast with high throughput, i.e. it should perform the task quickly
possible as possible such as generating report and receiving, viewing project status and also
employee and material information etc. The system performs its task within a user acceptable
time and space. This includes the following:-

 Response time: - depending on the strength of available network the system should
be response in short period of time.
 Storage space:-to do work efficiently the processor to be more than 2GB RAM and
HD storage to be more than20MB

Our system includes the following dependability criteria’s:-

 Reliability: TACPMS system should be reliable.

 Fault Tolerance: - TACPMS should be fault tolerant to loss of connectivity with the
 Security: -TACPMS should be secured, i.e., not allow other users or unauthorized
users to access data that has no the right to access it.
 Availability: - as long as there is an internet connection and system failure the system
will be available 24 hours a day.

To be maintainable the system should meet the following maintenance criteria:-

 Modifiability: TACPMS system should be modifiable for further modification

and enhancement of the system.
 Portability: - the system is developed to be viewed and retrieved from any web
browser regardless of their version and platform it resides in it.
 Extensibility: - if it is needed to add new functionality to the system, this must
be achieved by only making a separate page and integrate this page with the
existing system.
 Readability: - the system code can be viewed by clicking on the current web
page and choose “view the source code” option.
End User Criteria
The system should have simple and understandable graphical user interface such as forms and buttons,
which have descriptive names. It should give reliable response for each user comment. All the interfaces,
forms and buttons are written or designed in a simple language or common language so that the user can
access it without any difficult.

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4.2. Proposed system architecture

In this project, the team uses a three-tier architecture, which has three layers. These three layers
are the Application or Presentation layer, the business layer and the data access layer.
Application or presentation layer is the form, which provides the user interface to either
programmer or end user. The business layer is the class, which the team uses to write the
function, which works as a mediator to transfer data from application layer or presentation layer
to data layer. This layer also has a property layer which is a class where variables are declared
corresponding to the fields of the database which can be required for the application and make
the properties so that the team can get or set the data using these properties into the variables.
The third tire is the data access layer which is also a class to get or set data to the database
queries back and forth. This layer only interacts with the database. The database queries or stored
procedures will be written here to access the data from the database or to perform any operation
to the database.

Figure 28 system architecture

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4.2.1. System process

Figure 29 System activity diagram

Over all system of the service depicted below.

Figure 30 over all TACPMS

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TACPMS system process

Figure 31 system process

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4.2.2. Subsystem decomposition

To reduce the complexity of the solution domain, we decompose a system into simpler parts,
called subsystems. The main need of this portion is to design the external part of the system. In
this project, there are seven sub system decompositions.

Figure 32 sub system decomposition

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Subsystem decomposition description

Subsystem purpose Class

Registration To manage users and Project, standard,
register project , employee employee, account
and standard/agreement
made by the contractor and
the owner and.
Project management Responsible for managing Material, schedule, task
the registered project, such
as register schedule by
dividing the project in to
tasks, register the project
status according to the
progress situation of the
project, register the
required material for the
registered project.
report Responsible generating Project status , comment
report for the status of the
Table 22 sub system description

4.2.3. Hardware/ software mapping

When we say hardware/software mapping for the system, it describes how subsystems
are assigned to hardware and off-the-shelf components. It also lists the issues introduced by
multiple nodes and software reuse.

In this system design mainly there are three hardware components. The client side, server side
and database side. When the team applies the system, necessary software will be loaded to each
side hardware components. Network should be installed between each side. Then each sub
system software will be assigned and configured to the mapped hardware. Then the local area
network will be connected to the internet and the system will be functional. But now it is a
design phase. The hardware software mapping of the system is described below with a simple

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Figure 33 hardware/software mapping

4.2.4. Persistent data management

The purpose of this section is to show the mapping of the objects/classes of the system, identified
during the analysis stage, in to the corresponding relational database.

Figure 34 Class
lass to relational database mapping

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Figure 35 project mapping

Figure 36 material mapping

Figure 37 task mapping

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Figure 38 schedule mapping

Figure 39 account mapping

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Figure 40 employee mapping

Figure 41 project status mapping

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Figure 42 comment mapping

Figure 43 standard mapping

4.2.5. Component diagram

The following component diagram represents a group of graph of components connected by
dependency relationships and dependencies are shown as dashed arrows from the client
component to the supplier component.

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Figure 44 component diagram

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4.2.6. Deployment diagram

Figure 45 deployment diagram

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4.2.7. Database design

Figure 46 database design

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4.2.8. Access control

In multiuser systems, different actors have access to different functionality and data. We modeled these
distinctions by associating different use cases to different actors. This is described by the following
access matrix.

Table 23 access control

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4.2.9 User interface design

Navigational paths

Figure 47 user interface

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1. Bernd Bruegge and Allen H. Dutoit. Object-Oriented-Software Engineering,Third Edition
Chapter 5.

2. .

ement+diagram. .

4. Lethbridge, Timothy C.
ava hal 56.

5. Navathe, Elmasri. Fundamentals of Database System 6th edition.

6. Tacon company-profile-app.


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