Research in Child and Adolescent Development: Study Guide For Module No. 5

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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Prof. Ed. 101 Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Module No. 5




You may have a separate 3-unit course on research. This module is not intended to be a substitute
for that three-unit course. It is simply meant to supplement what you got or will still get in the
Research course.

As you may have noticed, most if not all of what presented about the development of the child and
the adolescent are products of research. It might interest you to know how these concepts/theories
were arrived at. Or after having been exposed to a number of researches cited in this course,
hopefully, you may be so inspired that you, too, would like to start conducting researches on your
own or join group for research.


In this module, challenge yourself to:

 Explain the basic principles of research.

 Demonstrate appreciation of the ro



 You may have a separate 3-unit course on research. This module is not intended to be a
substitute for that three-unit course. It is simply meant to supplement what you got or will still
get in the Research course.

 As you may have noticed, most if not all of what presented about the development of the
child and the adolescent are products of research. It might interest you to know how these
concepts/theories were arrived at. Or after having been exposed to a number of researches
cited in this course, hopefully, you may be so inspired that you, too, would like to start
conducting researches on your own or join group for research.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Prof. Ed. 101 Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Module No. 5


 In this module, challenge yourself to:

 Explain the basic principles of research.
 Demonstrate appreciation of the role of teachers as consumers and producers of
developmental research.
 Read researches on child and adolescent development and make simple research abstracts
out of researches read.


 Read each statement below. Do you agree/disagree with each statement? Put a check mark
√ to indicate your answer.

Statement Yes No
1. Research is only for
those who plan to take
master’s degree or
doctorate degrees.
2. Research is easy to do.
3. Research is all about
giving questionnaires
and tallying the
4. Research with one or
two respondents is not
a valid research.
5. Teachers, because
they are busy in their
classrooms, are
expected to use
existing research rather
than conduct their own
research in the
6. There is no need to go
into research because
a lot of researches
have already been
7. Students are mere
users of knowledge
arrived at by research.
It is not their task to
conduct research.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Prof. Ed. 101 Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Module No. 5

8. Students do not
possess the
qualifications to
conduct research.
9. It is not worth
conducting research
considering the time
and money it requires.

 Your answers to the short questionnaire indicate your basic attitude about research. As a
pre-service teacher, it is important to have a positive attitude regard for research. Best
practices in education are usually borne out of research. Research informs practice.

 All of the topics discussed here are in one way or another, a product of research. Research
is a very reliable means for teachers to learn about the child and adolescent development.
When conducted in an appropriate and accurate manner, it becomes a strong basis for
making decisions about he things you will do as an effective teacher.

 Teachers as Consumers/End Users of Research
 Research gives teachers and also policy-makers important knowledge to use in decision-
making for the benefit of learners and their families. Well-informed teachers are able to use
and integrate the most authoritative research findings. Research enables teachers to come
up with informed decisions on what to teach and how to teach. This involves decisions
related to educational policies, curriculum, effective teaching-learning processes, and even
those involving research, too. It can help us, teachers, to be more knowledgeable about how
to fit our teaching with the developmental levels of our learners.

 Teachers as Researchers
 The conduct of research does not only belong to thesis and dissertation writers. It is for
students and teachers, too. Let us learn how to conduct research methods and designs with
focuss on child and adolescent development.

 The Scientific Method
 One important principle in research is adherence to the scientific method, since research is a
systematic and a logical process. As such, researchers basically follow the scientific method.
Dewey gave us 5 steps of the scientific method. They are as follows:
 Identify and define the problem
 Determine the hypothesis
 Collect and analyze data
 Formulate conclusions
 Apply conclusions to the original hypothesis

 Research Designs
 Researches that are done with the high level of quality and integrity provide us with valuable
information about child and adolescent development. To be able to conduct quality research,
it is important that you know various research designs and different data-gathering
techniques used by developmental researchers. Some are as follows:
 Case Study. An in-depth look at an individual.
 Correlational Study. A research design that determines associations.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Prof. Ed. 101 Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Module No. 5

 Experimental. A research design that determines the cause-and-effect relationships.

 Naturalistic Observation. A research design that focuses on children’s experiences in
natural settings.
 Longitudinal. This research design studies and follows through a single group over a period
of time. The same individuals are studied over a period of time, usually several years, or
 Cross-sectional. A research strategy in which individuals of different ages are compared at
one time.
 Sequential. This is the combined longitudinal approaches to learn about life-span
development (Schaie, 1993 cited by Santrock, 2002).
 Action Research. It is a reflective process of progressive problem-solving led by individuals
working with others in teams or as part of a “community of practice” to improve the way they
address issues and solve problems (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

 Data-Gathering Techniques
 Observation
 Physiological Measures
 Standardized
 Interviews and Questionnaires
 Life-History Records

 Ethical Principles
 To serve the genuine purposes of research, teacher researchers are subject to ethical
principles. Just as we have the Code of Ethics that governs the conduct of research. These
ethical standards serve as reminders that as researchers, we should strive to protect the
subjects of our study and to maintain the integrity of our research. Details of these ethical
principles are found in documents such as the following:
 Ethical standards of the American Educational Research Association
 Ethical Standards for Research with Children – Society for Research in Child Development
 Standards of the American Psychological Association Concerning Research

 The Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. 10173)
 This law was passed in the Philippines in 2012 “to protect the fundamental human right of
privacy of communication while ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and

 The law states that the collection of personal data “must be a declared, specified, and
legitimate purpose and that… consent is required prior to the collection of all personal data.”

 For more details, read RA 10173:


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Prof. Ed. 101 Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Module No. 5


 Write T if the statement is Correct and F if the statement is Wrong.
 Quality research adheres to the scientific method.
 For research on child and adolescent development to serve its ultimate purpose,
researchers must be governed by ethical principles.
 Which research design and data-gathering technique to use has nothing to do with the
nature of the research problem and objective/s of the research.
 Teachers are both producers of knowledge when they conduct research and are consumers
or end users of knowledge when they utilize research findings to improve instruction.
 Research has a transformative effect on teachers’ self-understanding and on their classroom
practice. It enables teachers to develop a better understanding of themselves, their
classrooms, and their practice through the act of reflective inquiry.

 Surf the internet for samples of research abstracts/researches on child and adolescent
development. Select one research abstract then using the matrix given below, write the
problem, the research methodology, the findings and conclusions.

Problem Research Methodology

Findings Conclusions

 How are the findings of this research useful to teachers?
 _________________________________________________________________________



 Teacher involvement in the conduct of teacher research shows a shift from thinking about
teacher research as something done to teachers to something done by teachers (Zeichner
1999; Lampert, 2000).



FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Prof. Ed. 101 Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Module No. 5

 Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D, et. al. (2018). The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning
Principles. Lorimar Publishing Inc.





 le of teachers as consumers and producers of developmental research.

 Read researches on child and adolescent development and make simple research abstracts
out of researches read.


Read each statement below. Do you agree/disagree with each statement? Put a check mark √ to
indicate your answer.

Statement Yes No
1. Research is only for those who plan to take master’s degree or
doctorate degrees.
2. Research is easy to do.
3. Research is all about giving questionnaires and tallying the
4. Research with one or two respondents is not a valid research.
5. Teachers, because they are busy in their classrooms, are expected to
use existing research rather than conduct their own research in the
6. There is no need to go into research because a lot of researches
have already been conducted.
7. Students are mere users of knowledge arrived at by research. It is not
their task to conduct research.
8. Students do not possess the qualifications to conduct research.
9. It is not worth conducting research considering the time and money it

Your answers to the short questionnaire indicate your basic attitude about research. As a pre-
service teacher, it is important to have a positive attitude regard for research. Best practices in


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Prof. Ed. 101 Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Module No. 5

education are usually borne out of research. Research informs practice.

All of the topics discussed here are in one way or another, a product of research. Research is a very
reliable means for teachers to learn about the child and adolescent development. When conducted
in an appropriate and accurate manner, it becomes a strong basis for making decisions about he
things you will do as an effective teacher.

Teachers as Consumers/End Users of Research

Research gives teachers and also policy-makers important knowledge to use in decision-making for
the benefit of learners and their families. Well-informed teachers are able to use and integrate the
most authoritative research findings. Research enables teachers to come up with informed
decisions on what to teach and how to teach. This involves decisions related to educational policies,
curriculum, effective teaching-learning processes, and even those involving research, too. It can
help us, teachers, to be more knowledgeable about how to fit our teaching with the developmental
levels of our learners.

Teachers as Researchers
The conduct of research does not only belong to thesis and dissertation writers. It is for students
and teachers, too. Let us learn how to conduct research methods and designs with focuss on child
and adolescent development.

The Scientific Method

One important principle in research is adherence to the scientific method, since research is a
systematic and a logical process. As such, researchers basically follow the scientific method.
Dewey gave us 5 steps of the scientific method. They are as follows:
1. Identify and define the problem
2. Determine the hypothesis
3. Collect and analyze data
4. Formulate conclusions
5. Apply conclusions to the original hypothesis

Research Designs
Researches that are done with the high level of quality and integrity provide us with valuable
information about child and adolescent development. To be able to conduct quality research, it is
important that you know various research designs and different data-gathering techniques used by
developmental researchers. Some are as follows:
1. Case Study. An in-depth look at an individual.
2. Correlational Study. A research design that determines associations.
3. Experimental. A research design that determines the cause-and-effect relationships.
4. Naturalistic Observation. A research design that focuses on children’s experiences in
natural settings.
5. Longitudinal. This research design studies and follows through a single group over a period
of time. The same individuals are studied over a period of time, usually several years, or
6. Cross-sectional. A research strategy in which individuals of different ages are compared at
one time.
7. Sequential. This is the combined longitudinal approaches to learn about life-span


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Prof. Ed. 101 Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Module No. 5

development (Schaie, 1993 cited by Santrock, 2002).

8. Action Research. It is a reflective process of progressive problem-solving led by individuals
working with others in teams or as part of a “community of practice” to improve the way they
address issues and solve problems (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Data-Gathering Techniques
1. Observation
2. Physiological Measures
3. Standardized
4. Interviews and Questionnaires
5. Life-History Records

Ethical Principles
To serve the genuine purposes of research, teacher researchers are subject to ethical principles.
Just as we have the Code of Ethics that governs the conduct of research. These ethical standards
serve as reminders that as researchers, we should strive to protect the subjects of our study and to
maintain the integrity of our research. Details of these ethical principles are found in documents
such as the following:
1. Ethical standards of the American Educational Research Association
2. Ethical Standards for Research with Children – Society for Research in Child Development
3. Standards of the American Psychological Association Concerning Research

The Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. 10173)

This law was passed in the Philippines in 2012 “to protect the fundamental human right of privacy of
communication while ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and growth.”

The law states that the collection of personal data “must be a declared, specified, and legitimate
purpose and that… consent is required prior to the collection of all personal data.”

For more details, read RA 10173:


A. Write T if the statement is Correct and F if the statement is Wrong.

1. Quality research adheres to the scientific method.
2. For research on child and adolescent development to serve its ultimate purpose,
researchers must be governed by ethical principles.
3. Which research design and data-gathering technique to use has nothing to do with the
nature of the research problem and objective/s of the research.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Prof. Ed. 101 Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Module No. 5

4. Teachers are both producers of knowledge when they conduct research and are
consumers or end users of knowledge when they utilize research findings to improve
5. Research has a transformative effect on teachers’ self-understanding and on their
classroom practice. It enables teachers to develop a better understanding of themselves,
their classrooms, and their practice through the act of reflective inquiry.

B. Surf the internet for samples of research abstracts/researches on child and adolescent
development. Select one research abstract then using the matrix given below, write the
problem, the research methodology, the findings and conclusions.

Problem Research Methodology

Source: (bibliographical entry

Findings __________________________ Conclusions

How are the findings of this research useful to teachers?




Teacher involvement in the conduct of teacher research shows a shift from thinking about teacher
research as something done to teachers to something done by teachers (Zeichner 1999; Lampert,


Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D, et. al. (2018). The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles.
Lorimar Publishing Inc.


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