Midterm Exam in English For Academic and Professional Purposes

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Midterm Exam in English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Gasatan, Kimberly Rose

Grade 12- St Cassian

I. Technological Advancement
A. Types of advancement that technology have brought us.
1. It made our lives improved.
a. Online banking
b. Smart cars
c. Smart TV’s
d. Lightning fast computers
2. It also negatively affected our lives.
a. Cyber warfare
b. Hackers
c. Identity theft
d. Cyber stalking
II. Access to education, medicine, industry and transportation has been
A. Information technology give new face to traditional libraries.
1. Traditional libraries.
a. Limited by its storage space.
2. Digital libraries.
a. Has the potential to store more documents.
B. Technology has the big impact in manufacturing sector.
1. It reduced the risks.
2. The stage of development the human being has arrived.
III. Agriculture, industry, profession, health, education, art, political
processes, recreation, religious activities and daily activities also
influenced by technology.
A. The positive effect of the technological advancement.
1. It provided us the efficient means for going whether forwards or
backwards as well.
2. It enabled us to increase our comfort.
3. It enabled us to achieve the efficiency in all sectors.
Gasatan, Kimberly Rose
Grade 12- St Cassian

Technology affects people all over the world. This technology has made our
lives safer by bringing us online banking, smart cars, smart TV’s, lightning fast
computers and other virtual reality. But, it also includes its disadvantages.
Technology also brings like hackers, cyberstalking, identity theft etc. It is also very
true that the society has been changed with the evolution of technology. Day to day
activities consumed a lot of time until technology became famous. The access to
various things like transportation has been simplified due to development in
modern day technology. All in all, we can say that our lives have improved.
Technology has also brought about efficiency and quality in the manufacturing
sector. Also, agriculture, industry, education, profession, health, art, political
processes, recreation, religious activities and daily life activities all are under the
influence of technology now.
Hence, technology enabled us to increase our comfort and to achieve
efficiency in all sectors of life.

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