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GSM-20/gs1 Analysis

Q1. The rock-cut architecture represents one of the most important

sources of our knowledge of early Indian art and history. Discuss.
(Answer in 150 words) 10

#Level: Moderate

#Answer Source: You can’t answer this question from one book or one chapter.
Answer is Scattered across sources. Ancient India by RS Sharma is useful. AL
Bhasam has a good discussion on this topic. Nitin’s book is useful as examples can
be quoted from this book.

#Factual Meter: Analysis should be supported by good number of facts(examples

in this case).

Q2. Pala period is the most significant phase in the history of Buddhism
in India. Enumerate. (Answer in 150 words) 10

#Level: Tough, as most of the candidates do not prepare early medieval AnC.

#Answer Source: AL Bhasam has a little utility on this topic. Nitin’s book to an
extent useful.

#Factual Meter: Little Analysis mostly factual question. Specific pointers like
Somapura Mahavira, role of Dharmapala and Gopala needs to be established. Why
it is most important phase need to be discussed.

Q3. Evaluate the policies of Lord Curzon and their long term
implications on the national movements. (Answer in 150 words) 10

#Level: Easy

#Answer Source: Available in Bipan Chandra. Need to write specific policies

(beyond Partition of Bengal).

#Factual Meter: First facts like PoB, University Act, Press regulations, Poor
handling of Famine, Great games with Russia and Defence budget issues should be
written down. Need to evaluate how these policies led to long term impacts on INM.

Q4. Discuss the geophysical characteristics of Circum- Pacific Zone.

(Answer in 150 words) 10

#Level: Moderate

#Answer Source: Easy to moderate. Available in 11th Class ncert. Available on covered by Mrunal’s video on geography(YT Mrunal).

#Factual Meter: Straight away discuss the characteristics of Ring of fire.

“It is a recycled question, already asked in past”.

GSM-20/gs1 Analysis
Q5. The process of desertification does not have climate boundaries.
Justify with examples. (Answer in 150 words) 10

#Level: Easy to moderate. It is unclear if they are asking in Indian perspective or


#Answer Source: UNCCD Summit in India, the Hindu covered extensively.

#Factual Meter: 1/3rd of India facing desertification. That’s the only fact needed,
rest you have to discuss desertification across the geography. From urban to rural to
agriculture to mountain, hence, you have to highlight linkage between climate
Context: current affairs.

Q6. How will the melting of Himalayan glaciers have a far- reaching
impact on the water resources of India? (Answer in 150 words) 10

#Level: Easy to moderate.

#Answer Source: Contemporary issue. It’s in news for last 2/3 years. The Hindu,
IE and D2E have discussed and debated this on monthly basis.

#Factual Meter: Little factual: like melting is twice as polar areas is needed. Rest
you have to figure out how melting will lead to water scarcity in India in general and
Ganga-Brahmaputra in specific.
Context: current affairs.

Q7. Account for the present location of iron and steel industries away
from the source of raw material, by giving examples. (Answer in 150
words) 10

#Level: Easy

#Answer Source: and both have covered it nicely. Rest
you can also use 10th NCERT for location factor issues. Khullar is bulky but
beautiful book for this section.

#Factual Meter: Specific examples needed to showcase the decentralisation and

moving away of industry from raw material areas.
“It is a recycled question, already asked in past”.

GSM-20/gs1 Analysis
Q8. Has caste lost its relevance in understanding the multi- cultural
Indian Society? Elaborate your answer with illustrations. (Answer in
150 words) 10

#Level: Moderate.

#Answer Source: Smriti Shah Mam’s lectures (VisionIAS) are the most useful
thing in Society (if you can arrange) else this can be answered from NCERT and IE.
Indian express (IE) has this habit of writing about caste and religion even more
than the Hindu. So, if you have read any of these newspapers they do provide
fodder, but writing good answer needs practice. Previous year papers can also be
used in this exercise.

#Factual Meter: Need to analyse. Examples from urban and rural setting can be
used. Then, discuss how caste is present across the religious groups. How the
element of caste is present across the geography like South vs North? Need to
establish that caste is more associated with local ethnicity and culture than purely a
social construct (as in descent form).

Q9. COVID-19 pandemic accelerated class inequalities and poverty in

India. Comment. (Answer in 150 words) 10

#Level: Easy

#Answer Source: The Hindu and other newspapers like FE, IE. Almost all good
news media have covered this aspect, until unless you watch Masala News Channels
or Toxic Debates on TV.

#Factual Meter: if you have recent data then good.

Context: current affairs.
I can post 100 links on this topic.

GSM-20/gs1 Analysis
Q10. Do you agree that regionalism in India appears to be a
consequence of rising cultural assertiveness? Argue. (Answer in 150
words) 10

#Level: Easy

#Answer Source: Smriti Shah Mam’s lectures (VisionIAS) if you can arrange.
Else, NCERTs for Secularism and Regionalism, with good newspaper reading, this
topic can be prepared. Previous year papers should be prepared.

#Factual Meter: Analyse and argue by yes and no.

Q11. Indian Philosophy and tradition played a significant role in

conceiving and shaping the monuments and their art in India. Discuss.
(Answer in 250 words) 15

#Level: Tough

#Answer Source: randomly picked up question. You can beat around the bush.
No definite source as it’s a very broad question. You need to analyse alot.

#Factual Meter: Discuss how philosophy (which one?) and tradition shaped
monuments and art forms.

Q12. Persian literary sources of medieval India reflect the spirit of the
age. Comment. (Answer in 250 words) 15

#Level: Easy to moderate

#Answer Source: 12th class new NCERT covers this in detail. Only Persian
literary sources are asked but both travellers blog and court historians work can be
used to reflect the spirit of age (in terms of socio-economic aspects). Like poor
scientific temper in Medieval period can be seen in poor scientific approach to
literature. Religion becoming important part of life dictating all aspects of life etc
may be written. Also in this question need to give more diversity like Southern
empire should also be covered, this would be add on.!

#Factual Meter: Few examples of medieval sources should be written rest you
have to analyse.
Recent context: SC used these sources in Ram Mandir Vivaad (both The
Hindu and IE ran a commentary on this).

GSM-20/gs1 Analysis
Q.13 Since the decade of the 1920s, the national movement acquired
various ideological strands and thereby expanded its social base.
Discuss. (Answer in 250 words) 15

#Level: Easy

#Answer Source: Bipan Chandra has a chapter on it. It’s a straight forward
question but you need to analyse with good mix of facts what strands added and
how it improved the social base?

#Factual Meter: Need to write beyond Gandhi’s addition to INM. Specific facts
and cases be added, like in the same period Indian princely states were sort of
added to INM etc. So good number of facts needed to support your arguments.
“It is a “mildly” recycled question, already asked in past”.

Q14. The interlinking of rivers can provide viable solutions to the multi-
dimensional inter-related problems of droughts, floods and interrupted
navigation. Critically examine. (Answer in 250 words) 15

#Level: Easy

#Answer Source: often discussed in news, both the Hindu and IE are useful for
this. Static wise covered by Khullar. Content available on and (solved past year papers)

#Factual Meter: You have to examine so arguments are needed, little facts will do
the work.
*“It is a recycled question, already asked in past”.

Q15. Account for the huge flooding of million cities in India including
the smart ones like Hyderabad and Pune. Suggest lasting remedial
measures. (Answer in 250 words) 15

#Level: Easy

#Answer Source: often discussed in news, both the Hindu and IE are useful for
this. Static wise covered by Khullar. Content available on and (solved past year papers)

#Factual Meter: Little facts, like case studies of a Mumbai ex: iFLOWS, Radar
system etc.
*“It is a recycled question, already asked in past”.

GSM-20/gs1 Analysis
Q16. India has immense potential of solar energy though there are
regional variations in its developments. Elaborate. (Answer in 250
words) 15

#Level: Easy

#Answer Source: often discussed in news, both the Hindu and IE are useful for
this. Static wise covered by Khullar.

#Factual Meter: Facts needed to show the Potential.

*Contemporary affairs question. In news for 2/3years.

Q17. Examine the status of forest resources of India and its resultant
impact on climate change. (Answer in 250 words) 15

#Level: Easy to moderate

#Answer Source: often discussed in news, both the Hindu and IE are useful for
this. Static wise covered by Khullar.

#Factual Meter: Facts needed to address the status part. Mostly Analytical.
*Contemporary affairs question. In news for 2/3years.

Q18. Is diversity and pluralism in India under threat due to

globalisation? Justify your answer. (Answer in 250 words) 15

#Level: Easy

#Answer Source: Smriti Shah Mam’s lectures (VisionIAS) if you can arrange.
Else, NCERTs, with good newspaper reading, this topic can be prepared. Previous
year papers should be prepared, has solved some society questions on
his site/YT.

#Factual Meter: Analyse and argue by yes and no.

“It is a recycled question, already asked in past”.

Q19. Customs and traditions suppress reason leading to obscurantism.

Do you agree? (Answer in 250 words) 15

#Level: Moderate to tough.

#Answer Source: This is a very broad question (caste, religion, women etc all
angle can be exploited in here). The understanding comes from reading newspaper
only (reason why reading it is most important, CA magazines can never cover
them). No specific source for this ques,

#Factual Meter: Completely analytical.

GSM-20/gs1 Analysis
Q20. How have digital initiatives in India contributed to the functioning
of the education system in the country? Elaborate your answer. (Answer
in 250 words) 15

#Level: Easy to moderate

#Answer Source: Current affairs based ques. In pandemic, education has been
the most affected. The Hindu, IE all major good newspapers reported how the
vulnerable sections are at burnt. Digital divide etc, in this background you have to
evaluate initiatives of govt.

#Factual Meter: Must be aware of some digital initiatives.

Context: current affairs.

1. This document is prepared by Kaptaan Jack Sparrow for illustrative purposes.
No intended or unintended promotion of any coaching/newspaper etc.
2. GS1 is mainly about awareness rather than some hard facts, the questions are
mostly dynamic. Prepare basic + minimal fodder material on all topics from
Vision/Forum value material, keep reading The Hindu and IE for society
3. Writing practice is important for mains, because you will not get questions
from your test series (whichever you are using that includes Insights secure
initiative), but understanding developed there helps in actual exam.
4. Best wishes,

Kaptaan 🙏

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