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Flow Assurance

Fluid sampling and

analysis services
Applications Resolving flow assurance problems incomplete or overly conservative esti-
■ Phase behavior testing means different things to different mates of the potential for wax-related
people. To some, it is unclogging wells, fouling or plugging.
■ Determining the physical
tieback lines and jumpers, and gather-
properties of waxes, asphal-
ing stations and risers of production- Live fluid analysis
tenes, and hydrates
robbing deposits of paraffin, scale, or When assessing a waxy crude produc-
■ Assessing the risk associ- hydrate. Others take a more proactive tion or transport situation, relying solely
ated with flow-impairment approach by monitoring data and feed- on conventional dead crude wax tests,
phenomena ing it into production models to enable including wax content and wax appear-
■ Proactively monitoring predictions of flow problems in time to ance temperature measurements, can
production take preventive actions. be misleading. Stock-tank oil tests are
■ Optimizing chemical inhibition Flow assurance is a multidiscipline insufficiently representative of field sit-
process involving sampling, laboratory uations because reservoir pressure and
analysis, and production and facilities solution gas have a strong influence
engineering to ensure uninterrupted on wax solubility.
■ Decrease production and optimum well productivity. Laboratory Laboratory-scale tests must account
remediation costs testing provides necessary data to assess for the actual thermophysical situation
■ Reduce system overdesign the flow assurance risk because it defines in the field if they are to be applicable.
■ Optimize fluid flow behavior phase behavior and the properties of To facilitate the most appropriate and
the waxes, asphaltenes, and hydrates cost-effective planning for wax inhibi-
■ Determine optimized pigging
known to be principal causes of flow tion, remediation strategies, or both,
frequencies and remediation
problems. Oilphase-DBR services include simula-
Schlumberger Oilphase-DBR* fluid tion of a variety of actual reservoir or
sampling and analysis services use proven process conditions for characterizing the
Features laboratory testing procedures for each waxy properties of production fluids.
■ Characterization of fluids of these problematic solids. With tech-
under actual reservoir and nologies that characterize fluid samples Wax appearance temperature
process conditions visually and quantitatively at realistic and pour point
■ Laser-based solids detection reservoir conditions, Oilphase-DBR serv-
The wax appearance temperature (WAT)
system (SDS) to evaluate the ices provide comprehensive flow assur-
is the temperature below which a solid
changes in pressure, tempera- ance studies that can help prevent or
wax phase forms within a hydrocarbon
ture, or composition where mediate flow impairment caused by dep-
fluid at a given pressure. Below the WAT,
solids precipitate osition of organic solids.
significant viscosity increases, deposition,
Oilphase-DBR services include reser-
■ High-pressure microscope and gelling are possible.
voir fluid sampling, surface sampling,
(HPM) to visually observe the The pour point is the temperature, at
sample management, sample container
onset and growth of organic a given pressure, below which the static
service and supply, improved oil recov-
solid precipitates fluid may form a gel. For a system cooled
ery studies, flow assurance studies, well-
■ Particle size analyzer (PSA) below its pour point, restarting flow may
site fluids analysis services, laboratory
to determine the size and be difficult or impossible.
phase behavior (PVT) studies, and soft-
distribution of solids and Oilphase-DBR services determine the
ware services.
immiscible liquids WAT of production fluids using cross-
polar microscopy (CPM), a visual tech-
■ Data to determine optimized Wax behavior
nique enabling direct identification of the
pigging frequencies and reme- Paraffinic or waxy crude oils are pro- onset of precipitation and the morphol-
diation strategies duced globally. In environments such ogy of the wax crystals. Using depres-
as subsea tiebacks, the precipitation, surized stock-tank oil, this test can be
deposition, and gelling of solid waxes performed as a preliminary indication of
in hydrocarbon fluids constitute critical the likelihood of wax-related production
production concerns. problems. If potential for wax formation
Accurate fluid characterization is is identified, high-pressure CPM tests can
an important component of any devel- be carried out under simulated produc-
opment, production, or intervention tion pressure conditions.
strategy for handling waxy crude. Under- Pour point tests can also be performed
standing wax behavior can help avoid on depressurized or live reservoir fluids.
high costs resulting from output reduc- A modified American Society of Testing
tions or stoppages, or conversely, from and Materials International D 97 tech-
system overdesign. Either situation nique is used to assess the temperature
can occur when facilities or treatment at which a live waxy liquid at a constant
regimes are designed on the basis of
elevated pressure, and in contact with
Live oil pour point effect of adding solution gas.
solution gas, ceases to display fluid
behavior when cooled quiescently.

Waxy crudes below their WAT do not
exhibit simple viscous behavior. These
fluids manifest shear-thinning viscosity
and other complex rheological phenom-
ena that must be properly quantified to Pour-point
completely optimize the design of waxy- temperature
crude flowlines.
For this purpose, Oilphase-DBR serv-
ices use a full-featured, controlled-stress,
high-pressure rheometer that operates
to 41,369 kPa [6,000 psi] and 150 degC
0 150 1,500 3,000
[302 degF]. Oilphase-DBR services
include systematic rheometry under Saturation pressure, psi
simulated conditions of live-fluid com-
position and processing pressures.

Gel strength Gel strength versus temperature.

If a well shut-in condition leads to gel

formation in waxy crude, the flow can-
not be restarted unless a certain mini- MPT1
mum stress level is applied to the system.
This threshold-yield stress is termed the MPT2
gel strength.
Gel strength measurements provide an
indication of the restart requirements of Gel
gelled crude and allow for selecting the strength
most appropriate techniques. Oilphase-
DBR services include a model pipeline
test (MPT) that measures the factors
affecting gel strength, including pres-
sure, thermal history, system geometry,
and fluid composition. The MPT is per- 48 58 72 86
formed at well conditions. Temperature, degF

Advanced tests
Wax solubility modeling is performed by
worsen, these problems. For example, behavior cell, and the near-infrared
evaluating the n-paraffin distribution of a
asphaltene-induced flow impairment laser beam passes through the reservoir
crude oil to C90+ using high-temperature
can be caused by normal pressure drop fluid contained within the cell.
gas chromatography and by quantifying
in the near-wellbore region or by crude By monitoring the intensity of the
wax precipitation using live-oil filtration.
dilution that occurs during gas lift. transmitted laser beam during the iso-
Specialized studies can also be carried
A suite of specialized proprietary thermal constant composition expansion
out in wax-crystal growth kinetics, copre-
tests that help predict and control these depressurization process, the asphaltene
cipitation of waxes with asphaltenes,
problems is provided by Oilphase-DBR precipitation onset (APO) is identified by
deposition measurement using organic
services. a marked decrease in the transmitted
solids deposition technology and mod-
laser beam intensity. By repeating this
eling, and various other means of prac-
Solids detection system procedure at different temperatures, the
tical and research interest—including
A laser-based SDS has been developed to complete APO envelope can be defined.
flow loop testing.
define the pressure and temperature at Compositional changes, such as those
which asphaltenes precipitate because that occur during gas lift, are simulated
Asphaltene testing
of fluid expansion depressurization of by incremental, isobaric gas-solvent
Asphaltenic crudes create exception- injections. These procedures provide a
the crude oil during production. The SDS
ally difficult flow problems. Normal thorough understanding of the complete
unit attaches directly to the PVT phase
production practices can cause, or range of conditions where APO occurs.
High-pressure microscopy Precipitation onset envelopes.
The studies of organic solids have been
greatly enhanced by development of
the Oilphase-DBR HPM. The ability to
directly observe the onset and growth
of organic solid precipitates at pres-
Hydrodynamic Initial reservoir pressure
sures to 137,895 kPa [20,000 psi] and path
Wax and temperature
temperatures to 200 degC [392 degF]
provides visual definition of the types Critical point
of solids present.
Pressure Asphaltene
It is also possible to define the abun- Hydrate
dance and morphology of these solids as
they grow. More importantly, it is possi-
ble to use Oilphase-DBR services to eval- Vapor-liquid equilibrium
uate and optimize the effectiveness of
various chemical programs of solids inhi-
bition or remediation. The ongoing devel-
opments in HPM technology, including
the cross-polar HPM, enable study of the
phenomena of pressurized wax forma-
tion or coprecipitation of waxes and
asphaltenes. deposition tendency and rate. Unlike pipe The PVT cell configuration and the
flow loops and other conventional meth- Sapphire* pressure gauge cell configu-
Particle size analysis ods used in evaluating flow assurance ration both use proprietary visual tech-
Oilphase-DBR services provide a propri- production system design and chemical nology. A customized Autoclave cell
etary image analysis technology for PSA. screening, the OSDC service can test technique utilizes proprietary nonvisual
The PSA process operates as a synchro- export oils (low pressure), as well as technology.
nous feature of the HPM, making it pos- bottomhole and pressurized fluids, up to System capabilities include measuring
sible to determine the number and sizes 103,420 kPa [15,000 psi]. In addition, basic hydrate formation conditions for fluid
of solid particles that are visually appar- OSDC testing can be completed using systems containing natural gas, CO2, H2S,
ent. The system is calibrated using par- approximately 150 mL of reservoir fluid gas condensate, or oil in the presence
ticle standards of various sizes and (per measurement point). of water or brine.
concentrations. This procedure leads to a savings in These systems support studying the
The PSA uses proprietary image analy- both sampling cost and sample consump- effectiveness of various hydrate inhibitors
sis software to determine the onsets, sizes, tion compared with the multiple-barrel such as methanol, glycol, and electrolyte
and distributions of wax, asphaltene, and sample requirements of traditional flow solutions. They are also used in determin-
immiscible hydrocarbon-liquid or water loop testing. By performing deposition ing the maximum concentration of water
droplets that are present. measurements at line conditions, the vapor allowable, while avoiding hydrate
OSDC service enables less conservative formation at a prespecified operating
Organic solids deposition system design and operation when appro- temperature and pressure condition.
and control service priate, while decreasing the risk associ-
The Schlumberger Oilphase-DBR organic ated with the uncertainty inherent in Innovative technologies
solids deposition and control (OSDC) conventional data scaling practices. The for flow assurance studies
service is an essential flow assurance OSDC service offers a direct laboratory As a leading provider of reservoir fluid
characterization tool capable of simulat- measurement of organic solids deposi- sampling, wellsite analysis, sample
ing the production conditions of oil and tion tendency that can be translated management, and fluid phase behavior
gas streams. The effect of pressure, tem- to the field. and flow assurance laboratory studies,
perature, composition, surface type, sur- Schlumberger offers clients the bene-
face roughness, flow regime, and shear Hydrate behavior fits of synergized technological innova-
on the deposition behavior of waxes and The Oilphase-DBR fluid sampling and tions and data that meet exacting
asphaltenes can be evaluated. analysis services use three mercury-free quality standards.
The OSDC service allows for independ- system configurations, two visual and
ent variation of these test parameters to one non-visual, for the thermodynamic
quantify their corresponding effect on study of hydrate behavior.
06-WT-031 September 2006
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2006 Schlumberger. All rights reserved.
Produced by Schlumberger Marketing Communications

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