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Question Text Question Type Option 1

Text of the question Question Type

Text for option 1
(required) (default is Multiple
(required in all cases
except open ended

The magnetization which exists

only in the presence of an Multiple Choice Magnetic Susceptibilit
external magnetic field is called …

Classical physics suggests that

the moment generated by an
Multiple Choice Angular Quantum
orbiting electron is proportional to
its …
The relationship between induced
magnetization and applied field
Checkbox Crystal shape
can be affected by ..., ..., ..., ...,

What keeps the charge in orbit is

the balance of the attractive force
of the proton drawing the electron
Checkbox Centripetal force
towards the ... and the “...”
pushing the electon away from the
The new balance of forces is
Multiple Choice Boltzman constant
known as …

The change in orbital frequency

Multiple Choice Magnetic moment.
results in a changed …

The attracive force between the

proton (...) and the electron (...) is Checkbox m2
given by Coulomb’s law

There is competition between

thermal energy kT (... is
temperature in kelvin) and the
magnetic energy ... x Em of a Checkbox α
magnetic moment m at an
angle ... with an external magnetic
field ...

In the absence of an applied field,

or in the absence of the ordering
Multiple Choice Diamagnetic susceptibi
influence of neighboring
spins which are known as …

The new balance of forces is

Multiple Choice Boltzman constant
known as …

The total saturation moment of a

given population of ... individual Checkbox H
magnetic moments ... is ...
have neglected all deviations from
isotropy including quantum
mechanical effects as well as Checkbox Lattice defects
crystal shape, lattice defects, and
state of stress.

Magnetic energy is at a minimum

when the magnetic moment is … Multiple Choice Across
to the magnetic field

The change in orbital frequency

Multiple Choice Magnetic moment.
results in a changed …

What keeps the charge in orbit is

the balance of the attractive force
of the proton drawing the electron
Checkbox Centripetal force
towards the ... and the “...”
pushing the electon away from the

To first order, paramagnetic

susceptibility is: positive, larger
than ... And... proportional to
Checkbox Paramagnetism
temperature. This inverse T
dependence is known as ... of

In the absence of an applied field,

or in the absence of the ordering
Multiple Choice Diamagnetic susceptibi
influence of neighboring
spins which are known as …

Magnetic energy is at a minimum

when the magnetic moment is … Multiple Choice Across
to the magnetic field

What keeps the charge in orbit is

the balance of the attractive force
of the proton drawing the electron
Checkbox Centripetal force
towards the ... and the “...”
pushing the electon away from the
The saturation value of
magnetization ... is thus ... Checkbox Ms
normalized by the volume …
Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5
Text for option 3 Text for option 4 Text for option 5
Text for option 2
(optional) (optional) (optional)
(required in all cases
except open ended

Induced MagnetizationBohr Magneton Remanent MagnetizatiBulk Magnetization

Magnetic Moment Magnetization Magnetizm Angular Momentum.

State of stress Dislocation density Lattice structure Anisotropic saturation

Attractive force Nucleus Torque diamagnetic

Bohr magneton Potential energy Larmor frequency Coulomb's law

Diamagnetic moment Centripetal force Increment Electronic spin

q1 m2 p1 q2

T H Ep Em

Dislocation density Exchange interactionsDiamagnetic moment Inversely magnetizatio

Bohr magneton Potential energy Larmor frequency Coulomb's law

N Nm m Z
State of stress Electronic spin Crystal shape Lattice structure

Sided Horizontal Vertikal Parallel

Diamagnetic moment Centripetal force Increment Electronic spin

Attractive force Nucleus Torque diamagnetic

Forwadely Diamagnetism Inversely Curie’s law

Dislocation density Exchange interactionsDiamagnetic moment Inversely magnetizatio

Sided Horizontal Vertikal Parallel

Attractive force Nucleus Torque diamagnetic

v N Nm Z
Correct Answer Time in seconds
The correct option choice
Time in seconds
(between 1-5).
(optional, default
Leave blank for "Open-
value is 30 seconds)
Ended", "Poll", and "Fill-in-

2 30.0

5 30.0

1,2,3,4 30.0

1.3 30.0

4 30.0

1 30.0

2.5 30.0

1,2,3,5 30.0

3 30.0

4 30.0

2,3,4 30.0
1,2,4 30.0

5 30.0

1 30.0

1.3 30.0

3,4,5 30.0

3 30.0

5 30.0

1.3 30.0

1,2,4 30.0
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Link of the image

(optional) No needed

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