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Average velocity Worksheet

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1. A train travels from Stockholm to Copenhagen. The journey is 500 kilometers long and takes 5 hours. What
is the train’s average speed (in km/hr) over the course of the trip?
a. 100
b. 10
c. 500
d. 50
e. 200


2. An object on a number line moved from to and then moved back to

. The time interval is 100 s. Find the average velocity of the object.
a. 0.7 cm/s
b. 4.0 cm/s
c. 0.1 cm/s
d. None of the above


3. Hunk travelled 540 km at an average speed of 90 km/h. If Tim completed the same amount of distance with
1 hour and 30 min less than Hunk, what was Tim's average speed for the whole journey?
 ___ km/h


4. A train travelled 3/5 of a journey in 6 hours. Then, it travelled the remaining 300 miles in 4 hours. What was
the total average speed for the whole journey?
 ___ mph


5. An ant crawled from a hole to the food. For the first 6 minutes, it travelled at an average speed of 15 m/min.
For the next 9 minutes, it travelled at an average speed of 10 m/min. What was the average speed of the
whole journey?
 ___ m/min
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6. A submarine took 9 hours to complete a journey. For the first 5 hours, it travelled at an average speed of 106
km/h. For the rest of the journey, it travelled at an average speed of 125 km/h. What was the total distance of
the journey?
 ___ km


7. Jason took 6 hours to travel 540 km. For the first 140 km, he took 2 hours. What was his average speed for
the rest of the journey?
 ___ km/h


8. A car travels 34 km in 0.5 hr, then 15 km in 0.2 hr. The average speed of the car is ___ km/hr.


9. The train took 2 h 30 min to travel 3/5 of a journey at an average speed of 96 km/h. If the train would
complete the journey in 4.1 h, what is the train’s average speed for the remaining journey?
 ___ km/h


10. A student walks 4 blocks east, 1 blocks north, 2 block west and then 1 blocks south in an hour. Her average
velocity is ___ block/ hour.

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Answer Keys

1.   100
2.   0.1 cm/s
3.   120
4.   75
5.   12
6.   1030
7.   100
8.   70
9.   100
10.   2

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Print ed: August 16, 2021

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