Learner's Activity Sheet: Technology and Livelihood Education-Cookery (Quarter II - Week 3)

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Learner’s Activity Sheet

Technology and Livelihood Education-Cookery

(Quarter II – Week 3)
Name: _____________________________________ Grade and Section: ________________
Teacher: ___________________________________ Date:______________________________

Dear Learner,

Good day!
In this week, you will learn to present vegetable dishes. Hope you’ll enjoy
our lesson.(TLE_HECK9-12VD-IId-11)

Specifically, you are expected to learn:

1. Presentation of prepared vegetable dishes
2. Factors in plating vegetable dishes
In this lesson, arts and techniques in presenting vegetable dishes is
being integrated.

Your Teacher

Presentation of Vegetable Dishes

Activity 1
Instructions: Chose only the letter that best describe the
statement. Write your answer on the space provided. (10 points)

_____1. The most important rule of this food presentation technique is

balancing contrast and variety.
a. Garnishing b. timing
b. Styling d. proportioning
_____2. It is the space between the food and the edge of the plate.
a. Half inch b. 1 inches
b. 1 ½ inches d. ¾ inch
_____3. This refers to the making sure the garnishes you use are quick and
easy to apply so that food still go out piping hot.
a. Placing of ingredients c. garnishing purposely
b. Paying attention to details d. creation of sauces
_____4. These are designed to enhance and complement the flavors of the
entrée you created, not to distract from them.
a. Paying attention to details b. garnishing purposely
b. Creation of sauces d. placing of ingredients
_____5. It is a food presentation technique where each ingredient should be
decided and maintain while plating.
a. Proportioning c. sugar

b. Meat d. fruit
_____6. This is a food preparation technique where it plays with colors and
textures of the plates by adding different sauces.
a. Proportioning c. garnishing
b. Styling d. timing

_____7. One of the food presentation techniques where it includes the use of
plates of different shapes and colors.
a. Garnishing c. right tableware
b. Proportioning d. timing
_____8. It is important in food presentation to include the plating time in the
preparation of the dish, and informing the guest of the time it would
take to serve it.
a. Right tableware c. timing
b. Garnishing d. proportioning
_____9. The food presentation technique that you can follow the traditional
clock pattern plating technique.
a. Proportioning c. styling
b. Garnishing d. timing
_____10 The food presentation technique which requires care and precision.
a. Styling c. proportioning
b. Timing d. garnishing

Activity 2
Instructions: Read and answer the questions, Write your
answer on the space provided or use another sheet of pad paper.
1. What do you know about the factors to consider in plating vegetable
2. If you are assign to present vegetable dishes in a family gathering,
how will you present? What techniques will you apply so the
presentation will go smoothly?_______________________________________

Activity 3
Present Vegetable Dishes
Instruction: Please practice your writing skills by copying the important
points in your notebook.10 points.
Food presentation is an art and it is the best way for a chef to bring
their personality into a dish. How you choose to present food to your guests
is an art form, and you get to choose what that art looks like. You can bring
the culture of the food to the surface of the dish with traditional
presentation or make something totally unique with a more abstract
technique. Presenting food is the key to pulling all five senses into the
experience of eating.
Essential Factors of Food Presentation
1. Good preparation and cooking techniques –Proper cutting and cooking of

2. Professional Skills - Ability to perform according to required standards
3. Visual Sense - Effective food presentation depends on the understanding
of techniques involving balance, arrangement, and garniture.

Select foods and garnishes that offer variety and contrast. This should
be applied to colors, shapes, textures and flavors.
Portion size
Match portion sizes and plates
Balance the portion sizes of the items on the plate
Arrangement on the plate
Many chefs display their creativity in plating presentations. One
important thing is, to keep in mind the convenience and comfort of
the diner when plating.

Plating Styles with Vegetable Dishes

Classic arrangement
1. Main item in front, vegetables,
starch items and garnish at the rear.

2.Main item in the center, with

vegetable distributed around it.

3.Main item in the center with neat

piles of vegetables carefully arranged

4.A starch or vegetable item heaped in

the center, the main item sliced and
leaning up against it.

Guidelines in Plating
1. Keep food off the rim of the plate. Select a plate large enough to hold food
without hanging off the edge.
2. Arrange the items for the convenience of the customer. Always arrange
the best side of food on plate to avoid letting the diner rearrange them
before eating.
3. Keep space between items, unless, they are stacked on one another.
Arrange vegetable on plate, that every item should be identifiable.
4. Maintain unity. Create a center of attention and relate everything to it.
5. Make every component count. Garnishes are not added just for color, but
sometimes they are needed to balance a plate by providing an additional
6. Add sauce or gravy attractively on plate. Pour sauce around or under the
dish or covering only a part of the dish. Always think of the sauce as part
of the overall design of the plate.
7. Keep it simple. Avoid making food too elaborate.
Creative Presentation Techniques
Vegetable Purees 1. Cook vegetable until soft, then drain well.
2. In food processor, process vegetable to smooth
3. Add melted butter or margarine.
4. Season with salt and pepper and process
5. Add whipping cream.
6. Using ice-cream scoop or spoon, shape puree
on heatproof plate and place in oven or
microwave until hot.
Ribbon Vegetables 1. With vegetable peeler, shred carrot, corvette
and radish into long ribbons, about 2.5 cm.
wide, pressing lightly with peeler so ribbons
will be very thin.
2. Toss vegetables with melted butter or
3. Cook until tender –crisp.

Vegetable Rings 1. With sharp knife, cut 3 peppers, (green, yellow,

red) and onion into rings.
2. Remove core, seeds and membranes from

3. Toss vegetables with melted butter or
4. Cook until tender –crisp.
5. Serve hot or refrigerate to serve chilled.

Activity 4

Instructions: Look for any available vegetables at home. Prepare and present
creatively a Stir Fried Mixed Vegetables applying your own presentation
design. Follow the procedures and ingredients given. If ingredients given are
not available make a substitute. Have a photo of the activity before, during
and after and submit to your teacher. (20 points)

Stir Fried Mixed Vegetables

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Pan, mixing bowl, ladle, chopping board, knife, plate for serving
350 g Chinese cabbage, cut into chunks
8 dried black mushrooms, cut julienne
4tbsp. carrots, cut julienne
4tbsp baby corn, drained
4 scallions, cut into shreds
4tbsp oil
1 garlic cloves, crushed
2 slices ginger root
½t salt
12tbsp water or chicken stock
1/8 c cornstarch
12tbsp water, cold
½t sesame oil
1. Heat oil in a wok.
2. Add garlic.
3. Add ginger and salt.
4. Add cabbage and stir fry.
5. Add the remaining vegetables except shredded cabbage. Continue to
stir fry for 1 -2 minutes, then add shredded cabbage.

6. Add the stock, soy sauce, and cook until vegetables are crispy.
7. Mix cornstarch with cold water, then stir into vegetables to thicken
the sauce.
8. Stir the sesame oil and serve at once.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

Follows correctly the procedures in preparing, cooking and
presenting stir fried vegetables and performs the skill very 4
satisfactorily without supervision and with initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.
Follows correctly the procedures in preparing, cooking and
presenting stir fried vegetables and performs the skill 3
satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.
Follows correctly the procedures in preparing, cooking and
presenting stir fried vegetables with minor errors and performs 2
the skill satisfactorily with some assistance and/or
Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing, cooking
and presenting stir fried vegetables and performs the skill 1

Activity 5
Instructions: Answer the questions below. Write your
answers on the space provided. (10 points)
______ 1. This is the art of modifying, processing, arranging or decorating
food to enhance its aesthetic appeal.
a. visual presentation c. sauce presentation
b. food presentation d. traditional presentation
______ 2. It is the best way for a chef to bring their personality into a dish.
a. traditional presentation c. visual presentation
b. food presentation d. sauce presentation
______ 3. This is the key to pulling all five senses into the experience of
a. decorating the food c. cooking the food
b. presenting food d. garnishing food
______ 4.The way of presenting food where it has an integral part in
controlling the cost.
a. styling c. timing
b. proportioning d. garnishing
______ 5. It is a food preparation technique where you leave a half-inch of
space between the food and the edge of the table.
a. garnishing c. styling
b. proportioning d. timing
______ 6. A food preparation technique which is related to the way you put a
dish together or style of a meal.
a. right tableware c. garnishing
b. styling d. proportioning

______ 7. This technique of food presentation where it improves the texture
and flavor of a dish.
a. timing c. styling
b. garnishing d. right tableware
______ 8. The food technique where it should be done as simple as a colorful
a. right tableware c. timing
b. garnishing d. styling
______ 9. Presenting of the plates must be according to the occasion.
a. styling c. timing
b. right tableware d. garnishing
______ 10. It is a food technique presentation where time is very essential.
a. proportioning c. garnishing
b. timing d. styling

1. K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies
2. Chonan H. Barraquis Third Edition (2004) English This Way, page
259. Rex Printing Company, Inc.
3. www.googleimages.com

This is to certify that my child has successfully done all the
activities included in this Learning Activity Sheet.

_________________________________________ ____________________
Name and Signature of the Parent Date

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