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Monomial Consist of

single term For ex (2x)

Binomial Consists of
two terms For ex (2x+5)

Types of Polynomials Trinomial Consists of

three terms For ex (2x

Polynomial There for all the

Consists of more Monomial, Binomial An
than three terms d Trinomial are all
Linear Polynomial Has
For ex (2x+3) For ex (2x+3y) Polynomial
only degree 1

Representation of k in
Quadratic Polynomial Types of Polynomial on
For ex (2x^2+3x+6) Polynomial -b/a = -(Constant term/
Has only degree 2 there degree
if k is a zero a zero Coefficient of x)
of p(x)=ax+b=0 i.e k=-
Cubic Polynomial Has
For ex (3x^3+2x^2+3x+3)
only degree 3 if p(x)=ax+b=0 zero= -(b/

ax+b=0 Linear Polynomial

Polynomials if p(x)=ax^2+bx+c=0let
Standard zeros be alpha and beta
ax^2+bx+c=0 Quadratic Polynomial Representation of then alpha + beta=-(b/
Polynomials a) ,alpha x beta = c/a
Relation of Polynomials

ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0 Cubic Polynmial

if p(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx
+d=0let zeros be
p(x)=g(x) . q(x) + r(x)
Dividend= Quotient x alpha ,beta and gamma
degree of r(x)< degree Standard form Division Algorithm
Divisor + Remainder the alpha + beta+
Cubic gamma = (-b/a), alpha x
beta+ beta x gyama+
gamma x alpha = c/a ,
alpha x beta x gamma =

If graph(point) cuts
down x axis or lie on
it ,it has zero
Graphical reprenstation

If not cut x axis has no


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