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“Itak sa Puso ni Mang Juan”

by Antipas Delotavo. 1978. Watercolor on paper

Photo courtesy of the artist

1. Form and Style

a. What do you see in the painting?
Looking at the painting, I see the mural logo of the famous soda brand, Coca Cola. There is a
man who seems exhausted and sad. He is walking, and as he continues to walk, he might get stabbed
by the end of the letter c, that looks like a sword or itak. It is one of the not-so-intricate artwork but
its message that it is trying to convey is exceptional.
b. Describe the person in the painting. How is it portrayed?
The mouth of the man is drooped and is holding his hands at the back. His back also looks
curved. This suggests that the man who is wearing polo and pants is submitting his self and obeys the
orders of the company. The man’s skin tone seems like he was exposed to sunlight for a long time.
This may have been the result of working too much. The man symbolizes all of the Filipino abor
workers who were taken advantage of by large companies.

c. Described the background.

The background of the painting was as important as the subject. The background is done by a
wet-on-wet technique using watercolor. The logo of Coca cola is painted on the wall. The red color
may symbolize blood, anger, sacrifice, and passion. The white part of the background may look like
an empty space at first, but when you look closely, it looks like people rallying which may have been
experiencing the same with what the man went through.
d. How will you describe the painting to someone who has not seen it?
The painting Itak sa Puso ni Mang Juan by Antipas Delotavo is an artwork that tackles issue
about the capitalism and globalization. It showcases the end of the letter C in cola was depicted as an
itak. The painting shows that the taking advantage of the large companies over Filipino laborers are
killing them. It is a painting that is part of the Nationalist art in an agenda to break away from the
growing western-culture influence in the country back in 1978.

2. Content
a. What is the theme of the painting?
The theme of the painting is globalization, commercialism and greed. Itak sa Puso ni Mang Juan
shows the disturbing truth of some huge companies. Behind its successful products, are the laborers
that are not paid enough. This is the sad reality of the commercialism in the Philippines. Companies
are focusing on maximizing the generation of profit, that they forgot the rights of their workers. It
opens up about the struggles of the Filipino workers under the influence of international companies
here in the Philippines.
b. Who is being represented?
The slouched man named “Mang Juan” is the representation of the Filipinos and Filipino
workers. With the brown and wrinkled skin, worn-out clothes, this is depicting the burden that
effects of what the international companies brought to our country. Being represented in the painting
are the voiceless and defenseless laborers who cannot fight for their rights and their country.
c. What does this painting remind you of?
The painting reminded me of the issue from 2018 or 2019. Where the government approved
import of rice from other countries claiming that the prices would be significantly lower. In the
concept of capitalism, it is good and the consumers will definitely prefer lower prices than the local
rice. But this significantly damaged the Filipino farmers. Their sales will be lesser and they have to
force to lower their prices in order for their product to be sold, which will not be enough to cover
their expenses. It is definitely a sad news for them, considering that the Filipino farmers are the
source of rice in the country, yet they earn the lowest.
d. What is the message of the artist?
That time during Marcos’ Regime, the average Filipino workers are voiceless and powerless, fully
submitting themselves to the order of the international companies. The artist of the painting, Antipas
Delotavo used this to give an eye opener to its viewers and to protest against it. He illustrated the sad
reality of the condition of economy that time. The negative effects of the greed and manipulation of
Coca Cola and other companies which brought poverty to the labor work force. Also, it is not a
message for the people of the society, but also to his fellow artist. To step up and use their talent and
skills to show the world, the reality at the time.
e. How is the painting related to our society today?
Globalization and capitalism grow more and more each year. The painting is related to the
situation the Filipino workers are in up to this day. Those who graduated with bachelor’s degree and
flying colors are given opportunities, and those who are not able to finish school usually gets a job
that pays them minimum salary or even lower than that. These leads to poverty, because those
people have family to feed. They work every day and it seems that they are getting tired and
exhausted, because no matter how hard they work, they are enslaved by the large companies. We
have this colonial mentality attitude, where we patronize foreign products and think poorly of our
very own.

3. Elements and Principles

a. How are the elements of art used in then painting?
Based on my observation, there are 4 elements of art are used in the painting. First of all, the
color. The red used in the background may look unintentional because it is the color of the brand.
But it may symbolize blood and anger of the Filipino laborers; the hardship that they went through
because of the greed of the companies. The empty white space on the bottom, depicts the rallying
people that experiences what he has. The watercolor texture of the overall painting, and the
simulated texture of his skin and clothes. The dark value of Mang Juan’s skin color is also used.
There is no visible shape in the painting. The color element of art is used in this painting as he used
darker values for the skin tone and contrasting colors of red and white so that the tip of the letter c is
emphasized like a sharp dagger. While the space between the sharp edge and his chest may mean the
slow process of his death. There is no visible line and shape with this style of art.
b. What principles of design are more dominant in the painting?
For me, the most dominant principle of design in the painting is the balance, particularly
asymmetrical balance as the left side of the painting where the logo is located is lighter, and Mang
Juan on the other side is heavier. This is done so that the concept and message of the artist is
delivered easier to convey. Also, I think emphasis is just as dominant in the painting. The
background is bright red, contrasting to the white text of coca cola. Also, the end part of the “C” is
in the middle. When you look at it, it will drag your eyes here. That is because, it is what the artist is
trying to convey and emphasize.

4. Context
a. In what type of society has the work been produced?
The painting was painted during Marcos Regime on 1978. It is when Marcos initiated
globalization and it led to Philippine economic decline. It was made as a protest to break away from
being dependent on the western and foreign influence, in which later on the greed of the
administration became a debt that we have to carry until now.
b. Is the message relevant in the present times?
Yes, I believe as time goes by, the issue becomes more and more rampant. The foreign influence
and colonial mentality of us Filipino people is what bringing our own country down. We idolize and
patronize product imports while mocking our very own. This is the sad truth of our generation
c. Does the title contribute to the message of the painting? In what way?
Yes, the title “Itak sa Puso ni Mang Juan” definitely contributed a lot to the message of the
painting. If I looked at the painting without reading the title, it would be as if building a jigsaw puzzle
and a piece is missing, it would be not complete. The title tells us that the letter c in the word Coca-
Cola is an itak that symbolizes the struggles that the international companies have put to the laborers,
and “ni Mang Juan”, specially pertains the painting to the Filipinos. Without the title, we would have
mistaken the letter c as other things, or even not notice it at all; also, we could have pertained to
other nationalities.

5. Personal Opinion

a. What other title can you give to this painting?

If I were to name the painting, I will call it the Silenced People of the Capital World or Behind
the mask of a successful Globalization. Because as we look up these large companies, or as we
patronize foreign products, there is a sad truth behind it. There are people who suffers and Filipino
people bring themselves down.
b. Pretend that you were inside this painting. How would you have felt? Why would you
feel that way?
If I was inside the painting, I would feel heavy and uncomfortable. It’s as if I feel the weight of
their responsibilities working in the company, having no rights, nor power to express themselves.
They had to work hard and yet earn the smallest amounts of salary, but they cannot do anything
about it, and rather just deal with it because they have families to feed.
c. Why do you suppose the artist made this painting?
He made the painting because indeed, art is a way to communicate. Without the use of talking,
he was able to show to its viewers about his message. He wanted to be the voice of the labor workers
who are not treated properly. He addressed this issue as a way to protest.
d. What do you think the extraordinary about his painting?
In my view, what made his painting extraordinary is his courage to use the logo of Coca-Cola to
symbolize big companies who are taking advantage of labor worker. He had the courage to point out
the issue about the society. The creative use of the Coca-Cola logo, which he regards to as an itak is
very creative. Me, myself would never have seen that it from that perspective.

By: Karen Noa D. Guevarra

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