How Hormones and Pheromones Affect Behaviour?: Anfisa Golubkova Psydp1 Amadeus International School Vienna

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How hormones and

pheromones affect behaviour?

Anfisa Golubkova
Psy DP 1
Amadeus International School Vienna

Amer Almaimam (Feb 2018)

Study on Testosterone
Sari M. van Anders, Jeffrey Steiger, and Katherine L. Goldey (2015)

Aim: to investigate the modulation of testosterone as mediated by

two possible testosterone pathways (gender) by the gender norms

Type of study: novel experimental design

Sampling: trained actors

Procedures: performance of specific type of competition (wielding

power) in stereotypical masc. and fem. ways. Two groups performed
stereotyped behaviour or stereotyped performance.

Results: wielding power in women compared with a control ,

regardless whether it was performed in gender-stereotyped masculine
or feminine ways

Conclusion: gender (testosterone pathway) mediated by competitive


(Chem-Search, 02/09/2021)
Study on Androstadienone

Tamsin K. Saxton, Anna Lyndon, Anthony C. Little, S. Craig

Roberts (2008)

Aim: to investigate how androgenic steroid may modulate

women’s level of attraction to men in an ecologically valid

Type of study: naturalistic observation

Sampling: random

Procedures: speed-dating event, where men and women briefly


Results: men were rated more attractive when assessed by

women who had been exposed to androstadienone

Conclusion: androstadienone can influence women’s attraction to

I’m convinced that pheromones affect human
van Anders, Sari M., et al. “Effects of Gendered Behavior on Testosterone in Women and Men.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, no.

45, 26 Oct. 2015, pp. 13805–13810,, 10.1073/pnas.1509591112.

Almaiman, Amer. “The Chemical Structure of Testosterone.” ResearchGate, Feb. 2018.

“CAS Number Search - Chemsrc.”,

Saxton, Tamsin K., et al. “Evidence That Androstadienone, a Putative Human Chemosignal, Modulates Women’s Attributions of Men’s Attractiveness.”

ResearchGate, July 2008.

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