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Media Log 9:


Go to the following website for journalism:
Make a copy of this document and then answer the following questions:

1) Examine 5 news stories that are told through photographs and list them here:
● Yemen: Hunger, Another War Around. Photographer: Pablo Tosco
● Cross-Border Love. Photographer: Roland Schmid
● California Sea Lion Plays with Mask. Photographer: Ralph Pace
● Path of the Panther. Photographer: Carlton Ward Jr.
● Habibi. Photographer: Antonio Faccilongo

2) Which of the five spoke to you the most? Why?

● California sea lion plays with mask, because people are littering face masks and it
also added waste to the environment
● Pantanal Ablaze, because the fires caused more damage to the wildlife and they lose
more of their habitat and the forest takes years to recover after a fire
● Rescue of giraffes from flooding island, animals are being poached in Africa and
without context it looked like the the giraffe was being poached but the giraffe was
actually being saved
● Taal volcano eruption, because I didn’t know that it erupted and people still live near
an active volcano that has erupted several times before
● One way to fight climate change: make your own glaciers, because they used stream
water from glaciers and when it’s summer, they used the melted water for crops

3) Which was the best at telling a news story? What did it do to make the story so
● Habibi. Because it was something that I didn’t know or heard about anywhere and it
was bizarre but interesting. They were accused and sent to prison but they found a
way for their wife to have a baby by smuggling their sperm from prison

4) Which story surprised or shocked you the most? Why?

● Reborn. Because the dolls looked so realistic and they use human hair for eyelashes
and they perfume it to smell like a new baby. They are also being used for other
purposes other than for medical purposes

5) What inspiration did you get for a type of story that you could photograph?
● It could be about things that affected people because of covid
● businesses that closed because of covid
● how people made more waste because they stayed at home

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