W5. Ethics and Human Research

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Name: Sayana Gramal

Teacher: Anjel Lublubjan

W5: Ethics and Human Research

Describe the ethical considerations that were applied in the study and explain if
further ethical considerations could be applied. [6]

The ethical considerations that were applied in the study to reach the aim were that
the female experimenter informed the participants about the study they were doing.
The participants were supposed to sign an informed consent form which creates
trust between the experimenter and the participant by ensuring good understanding.
The main purpose of the consent process I to protect the patient because it is an
ongoing communication process between you as the patient or participant and your
health care provider. But before signed it, the experimenter informed them also
about their rights to confidentiality to protect information exchanged between two or
more parties and anonymity because first of all it’s a principle of research ethics and
stating that the identity of a study participant should remain unknown. The
experimenter also informed about their rights to withdraw themselves on their data at
any time because it protects the autonomy of participants and because it’s part of the
five ethical principles. And the last ethical consideration applied was that they were
not fully informed about the purpose of the study until debriefing because debriefing
is an essential part of the consent process. It provides participants with a full
explanation of the hypothesis being tested and procedures to deceive participants
and the reason why it was necessary to deceive them.

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