OPT B2 Progress Test Audioscript

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PROGRESS TESTS |  Audioscript B2

PROGRESS TEST 1 (Units 1–4) Girl: Wow! I’d never have thought he could
do something like that. He’s so quiet
PT Track 1 | Listening, Exercises 1 and 2 and shy at school.
Boy: I know what you mean. That’s probably
1 why he didn’t tell anyone about it.
Boy: I don’t know how it happened. I just Girl: Either that or he’s just really modest.
put it down for a minute and the next He must be really clever. I wish I could
thing I knew it had gone. come up with something like that!
Girl: Someone’s stolen your phone? You’re 4
joking. You’d only had it for a few
Interviewer: So, Adam, how did you come up with
weeks, hadn’t you?
the idea of creating your own website?
Boy: Yes, it was a birthday present from my
Boy: Well, I wanted to find a way to help
mum and dad and it cost over £100. I
other dyslexic kids who, like me, have
know they’re going to accuse me of
difficulty in reading and writing.
being careless and I suppose they’re
right. I could have prevented it Interviewer: Right. And how have you done that?
happening if I’d been more careful. Boy: Well, er – sorry, I’ve forgotten what I
Girl: Well, don’t tell them yet. The first thing was going to say. I’ve never been on the
you should do is go to the police. radio before!
Boy: I don’t see the point – they’ll never be Interviewer: Just relax and take your time.
able to find it. No, I’m just going to Boy: OK. Oh, yes, I’ve got a list of tips on my
have to own up about it to my parents. site that can help you with reading and
Girl: Rather you than me! writing. For example, reading aloud is
much easier for many dyslexic people
than reading silently. I’ve also made a
Girl: Can you believe it? They’re going to be list of well-known people who have
doing auditions for that reality show been successful in life in spite of being
Talented Teens here next month. This is dyslexic. A lot of people think that
our big chance! having dyslexia means that you aren’t
Boy: Next month? That’s too soon! clever because there’s something
Girl: But it’ll give us something to aim for. wrong with you, but dyslexic people
Come on, Dan, you’ve been singing so just have a different type of brain from
well recently. Let’s go for it! other people.
Boy: I really don’t know if I want to take the Interviewer: That’s right. In fact, Einstein, who was
risk. What if it’s broadcast live and it’s a genius, is said to have had dyslexia,
a complete flop? so I guess that proves your point!
Girl: Well, we can only do our best. Let’s see 5
what the others think. This has to be a Girl: What a relief!
group decision, after all. Shall I send Boy: What do you mean?
them a message now?
Girl: I mean it’s nice to be out of the cinema.
Boy: Hang on a second. I need some time to I couldn’t wait for that film to finish!
think about this. I’m still not sure if it’s
Boy: Me neither! Why do the trailers always
a good idea.
make films look so exciting?
Girl: OK, but you’ve only got till Saturday
Girl: I suppose because they only show the
because that’s the deadline for
best bits. And the posters said this was
a box office hit in the United States,
3 but I find that hard to believe. I wish
Boy: Did you see that article in the I’d never suggested going to see it.
newspaper about Dylan? Boy: Well, there were some good action
Girl: No! What did it say? sequences …
Boy: Well, he got a top award in some Girl: Yes, but they were about the only thing
competition for young scientists! I worth watching. With such a well-
think it said he’d won £500! known cast, you’d expect it to have
Girl: He’s won £500? No way! That’s really kept your attention for more than five
impressive! What did he do? minutes! Did you notice? A couple of
people in the audience actually fell
Boy: He created some sort of high tech
app that helps you do your homework,
I think. Boy: Yeah. I don’t think we’ll see top awards
going to the actors for this film.

Optimise B2 Optimise B2 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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PROGRESS TESTS |  Audioscript B2

PROGRESS TEST 2 (Units 5–8) Speaker 4

When I was younger, my dad ran a corner shop which
PT Track 2 | Listening, Exercises 1 and 2 sold anything and everything. I started serving in the
shop on a Saturday when I was still at school – actually,
Speaker 1 it was a great way of practising my maths and acquiring
I still clearly remember the teachers who inspired me useful social skills, although I didn’t realise it at the
as a child, as well as those who took all the joy out of time. Anyway, I was working as an accountant in
learning and put me off certain subjects forever! I London, but not really enjoying it, when my dad rang
guess that’s what led me to go into teaching in the first me to say he was thinking of retiring and selling the
place – the fact that I would be making a huge shop. I felt overcome with sadness – that shop had been
difference to children’s futures. Yet we are completely such an important part of my life as I was growing up.
burnt out because of all the other tasks we have to do That’s when I made the decision to move back to the
on top of all the marking and lesson preparation. Don’t town I grew up in and take over the family business.
get the impression that I don’t like my job, though. On a Some people thought I was crazy, but if I hadn’t done it,
good day when your lessons go well and your classes I would have regretted it.
respond well, teaching is the best job in the world. Any Speaker 5
other job would seem boring in comparison.
At the age of 10, I was extremely shy and a friend of my
Speaker 2 parents suggested I go to drama classes to help build
I only decided to apply to be a vet after having an up my confidence. It worked. I found that by pretending
interview with the school careers adviser. I hated the to be a different person on stage, I could overcome my
idea of working in an office and told her I wanted a job fears. It was a real turning point for me because up till
that would be challenging and varied. When I also told then I had been quite miserable. After that, I tried to
her I was doing science ‘A’ levels, she mentioned several insist on going to drama school when I left school, but
possible careers in science. Veterinary medicine stood Mum and Dad wanted me to go to university. They
out. The course included a lot of work experience in didn’t want me struggling, trying to make a living out of
many different specialisations as a vet – as a farm vet, a acting. While I was in my second year, a producer friend
surgeon or in a wildlife hospital, to name a few. After of mine who was making a short film asked me to fill in
graduating, I got a job in a private practice, dealing for an actor who was sick. Unbelievably, the film won a
mainly with domestic animals plus the occasional prize at the Glasgow Film Festival and that’s when I got
injured owl! I feel that I’m doing something really my break. If I hadn’t dropped out of university and
useful every day, not just because I’m helping animals, moved to London, I would never have become an actor.
but because I’m having a positive effect on their
owners’ lives too.
Speaker 3
Most people find it strange when I say I get pleasure
out of cleaning, but it’s true! There’s something really
satisfying about transforming a messy, dirty room into a
clean, tidy one. I started off cleaning houses in my
neighbourhood and soon I had so many clients, I was
going crazy and working 10 hours a day! The business
just grew by word of mouth, really – I didn’t have to
advertise. There came a point when I realised I had to
take on someone to help me and now I have a staff of
15! We clean offices and shops as well as homes now
too. I don’t do any of the actual cleaning anymore
because I’m more involved with the management side
of things. The funny thing is I really miss it!

Optimise B2 Optimise B2 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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