Ilagan GTB Onheroism

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Kamile Andrea Ilagan

BSED English 2-1
GTB 121-21 Great Books
Submitted to: Ms. Mary Jane B. Angeles
A hero is an archetype that goes through a journey or an
adventure of a lifetime, usually to save someone, and is equipped
by superhuman or magical abilities or tools. They usually have
admirable qualities like courage, determination, protectiveness,
selflessness, and strength. They go through trials and tribulations
and are changed in some ways. A hero’s character arc makes
them reevaluate their own moralities and be humbled in some

An example of a hero is Achilles from Greek Mythology, Annabeth

Chase from the Percy Jackson series, and Harry Potter from the
Harry Potter series.
An anti-hero is an archetype that does not have the typical
characteristics of a hero and are known for their ambiguous and
“grey” morality. Their actions are based entirely on their whims
and selfish reasons or what they deem right and wrong. They are
usually complex, layered, realistic, plagued by inner conflict but
still possess a sense of justice.

An example of an anti-hero is Regina Mills from Once Upon a

Time, Deadpool from Marvel Comics, and Catwoman from DC
A reluctant hero is an archetype that is forced into circumstances
which requires them to do heroic acts, in spite of their lack of
inclination. Initially, they avoid being involved in going through
adventures and doing good deeds but as the story progresses,
they become more and more willing to be the hero. A reluctant
hero may be deliberately manipulated into playing the hero and
from time to time, have bouts of self-doubt, sometimes making
them an unreliable hero.

An example of a reluctant hero is Shrek from the movie Shrek,

Katnis Everdeen from The Hunger Games trilogy, and Frodo
Baggins from the Lord of the Rings series.
From the set of literary texts, who
among the regarded characters stood
out most as a hero for you? Why?

Based on my understanding of a conventional hero, Beowulf is

the character that fits the profile perfectly. Beowulf as an epic is
a story about goodness triumphing over evil. It is about a brave
prince who has defeated mythical creatures like demons and
dragons. Beowulf as a character is a perfect example of an epic
hero since his story has all the following tropes:
He is born of noble birth. Beowulf is the heir prince and later
becomes the king of Geats.
He has superhuman abilities. Beowulf possesses mighty
strength that could rival many men.
He is a vast traveler. Beowulf travels to the land of Danes to
defeat Grendel.
He is an unmatched warrior. Beowulf was a great combatant
in his youth, which was showcased when he won a swimming
competition against Breca the Bonding. He would also take
on challenges everyone was too afraid to do.
He is a cultural legend. After defeating Grendel and his
mother, Beowulf becomes widely established as a hero and
champion of the Danes for having rid of the land’s plagues.
He learns humility. Before fighting Grendel, Beowulf was
arrogant and cocky. He was humbled after realizing that it
took significant effort in his part in defeating his adversaries.
He battles superhuman foes. Beowulf battles with Grendel, a
demon and his mother. He also defeats a dragon in the end of
the poem.
How do you see/conceptualize a
modern hero/heroism?

For me, the perfect hero is the imperfect one. I find heroes
beleaguered with inner demons and struggling with their
own flaws, while fighting a greater evil to be much more
compelling compared to the typical, static hero. When I
conceptualize an ideal hero, they are someone who has
flaws, just like us. Deals with mundane things like us. Needs
sleep and feels hunger like us. They are infallible and
susceptible to weakness, and their great strength lies not in
their superhuman capabilities but in their kind and
compassionate disposition. I think the perfect hero for me is
Daredevil from the Netflix show, Marvel’s Daredevil. He is a
lawyer by day, and a vigilante by night. The reason why I
find this character compelling is because he is so invariably
human. Sure, he has enhanced senses and exceptional
combat skills but he also goes to confessional in a church,
he doesn’t earn much in his job, he eats fast food. What
makes him a hero isn’t the fact that he has toppled
powerful enemies but the fact that he’s one of us, and if he’s
one of us then that means that anyone of us can be a hero.
How do you see yourself in the
discussion? Did you see a hero in
you from your past, do you see a
hero in you at present or even in
the future? Discuss.

I don’t really see myself as a hero in any aspect, but it does

give me a heroic figure to look up to. I think all of us have
dreamed of being a hero once upon a time, especially when
we are children. Some part of me would like to have
superhuman abilities like those heroes do, but as I grow
older; I find that I want to be as compassionate and as
courageous like those heroes of old. This world is a cruel
place and I admit it has made me rougher in the edges, and
just as cruel. I want to be kinder, and not let people
weaponize my kindness against me. Perhaps if I absorb
more heroes, they will become a part of me.

Cherry, K. (2020) The Characteristics of a Hero. VeryWell Mind.

MasterClass (2021) 4 Tips for Writing Antiheroes: How to Create an

Unforgettable Antihero. MasterClass.

Mythbuster (2020) Achetypes: Willing and Unwilling Hero.


Carver, J. (2020) What Are Character Archetypes? [Video] YouTube,

uploaded by Jay Carver.

Roomland, C. (2020) 7 Characteristics of Epic Heroes: Summary

and Analysis. Classical Literature. https://www.ancient-

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