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Conspiracy theories may seem comforting to some, but global warming and its catastrophes
are no joke. It's a very serious threat to our world, and unfortunately it's probably going to lead
to catastrophes that will result in very high numbers of people losing their lives..

SYF000 enisdoku.indd 28 24.08.2021 20:39

Inthe 21st century, there were rising heat from the earth and So how do we know that the
then emit it back to the increase in carbon dioxide levels
large increases in
environment in random
numerous natural directions. Some of this heat in the atmosphere is human-
disasters such as escapes into space, while others caused? First, the increase
fires and floods. I return to earth. This process,
known as the greenhouse effect, begins around the same time as
don't know what to the industrial revolution.
warms the earth. The balance of
do anytime soon heat left on Earth and heat sent Secondly, when we examine the
Alas, we have seen examples back into space is one of the
most important factors carbon isotopes in the
of this in our country in a painful
determining the climate. atmosphere, we see that they are
way. The most important factor Disrupting this balance will not "new" carbon from living
in the increase of such natural directly affect the climate. If the
amount of greenhouse gases in things, but "old" carbon with a
disasters is the environmental
the atmosphere increases, the very small amount of carbon 14
impact of humanity's activities amount of heat they absorb and in it"Ancient" carbon comes from
after the industrial revolution. therefore repel back to the earth
increases, and the earth warms fossil fuels around the world,
global warming. Man, by his very more. indicating that carbon dioxide in
nature, tends to reject facts that Carbon dioxide at record the atmosphere is human-
exceed his power and to believe high derived. As a matter of fact,
that there is a plan behind them according to 2018 data, 14.7
that can be prevented. Since the last century, humanity's billion tons of carbon dioxide was
interventions in the world have released into the atmosphere that
unfortunately disrupted the year from burning coal, 12.4
Therefore, it is possible to see
energy balance, leading to global
the tendency to reject scientific billion tons from fuel and 7.5
warming. The gases and particles
data arising from the Covid-19 billion tons from burning natural
that we emit into the atmosphere
through the changes we make by gas. Of that, 49 percent is
INDUSTRY pandemic with conspiracy
slaughtering the Earth's surface, electricity and heating, 20
FROM ITS REVOLUTION theories in global warming.
for example forests, seriously percent is transportation, and
affect the process of absorbing another 20 percent is industry-
CARBON DIOXIDE IN In this article, we find that those
light and sending it back into related.
THE ATMOSPHERE 40 who argue that global warming is
space. The biggest factor among
PERCENT, NİtROUS not really a global conspiracy,
these factors is the noticeable Sea level rises by 20 cm
OXIDE 20 PERCENT, especially social increase in the amount of
METHANE GAS we will consider their allegations, greenhouse gases in the
which are widely mentioned in This increase in the amount of
PERCENT atmosphere. The most important
the media. The first and most carbon dioxide, as expected,
150 INCREASED IN reason for this is the industrial
basic claim is that we do not revolution. Since the industrial increases the average
PROPORTION. AS A temperature of the planet. This
have any scientific data on global revolution, the amount of carbon
RESULT, THE HEAT warming. Let's start our analysis dioxide in the atmosphere has is a phenomenon that can be
REFLECTED BACK with this claim. How do we know increased by 40 percent, nitrous measured directly and observed
TO OUR WORLD it's sphere-flood warming? oxide by 20 percent and methane with indirect evidence. Since the
FROM THE gas by 150 percent. As a result, 1850s, the temperature has
Our sun is the main source of the amount of heat reflected back been measured regularly, and
energy and heat in our world. The to earth from the atmosphere has the data indicate that the
increased. Carbon dioxide is the average temperature of the
sun warms our world with the
most influential gas in world has increased by 1.18
light it emits. Some of the light greenhouse gases for global degrees Celsius since then.Most
coming from the sun to our world warming.
of this warming has been in the
is reflected by bright surfaces It is possible to determine the
amount of carbon dioxide trapped
last 40 years.
such as ice and clouds, while the
rest is absorbed by the earth's in ice in Antarctica for hundreds
of thousands of
surface and atmosphere. This
years.Measurements show that
absorbed light is distributed to the from the 19th century onwards,
environment in the form of heat carbon dioxide gas began to rise
(mostly in the form of infrared noticeably from its value, which
radiation). has been almost constant for
10,000 years.

In this process, the atmosphere Using these "records" in the ice,

acts as a blanket, warming our we can also detect the level of
world. If the heat absorbed by the
earth and then emitted directly carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
into space, the average up to 800,000 years ago.
temperature of our world would Unfortunately, the value in the
be below 00celsius, making life atmosphere right now is above all
impossible on Earth.Some gases of these values, which is a record
in the atmosphere, such as water
vapor, nitrous oxide, carbon high.
dioxide, methane, absorb the
24.08.2021 20:39

and we are facing the highest IT IS NOT very vaccine opponents in the
temperatures in the last 7 years (2016- reasonable to may explain the temperature opponents of global warming; To
believe that such increase. But other factors are
2020). But 90 percent of the heat say that there is no consensus in
a different helping to increase global
returned to earth from the atmosphere organization is warming. The warmer the the scientific world on this issue
by greenhouse effect was stored in the part of such a atmosphere, the greater the by sharing quotes from some
scam, and it is amount of water vapor in it, the scientists that reject global
oceans, resulting in ocean also in need of more water vapor is another
warming or say there are things
temperatures increasing by almost half clarification on greenhouse gas and increases
how to learn the temperature even more. With we don't know.This approach is
a degree since the 1970s. Tree rings,
such a the melting of ice and snow, problematic in several ways.
ice cores and marine sediments can successful areas that reflect sunlight First, most scientists will say that
be examined to calculate the conspiracy, if decrease, our world begins to
we lack or disagree on a lot of
temperatures before the thermometer. any. absorb more sunlight.
Some opponents of global climate issues, some of which are
The results from this can be said that
warming reject our analysis so far also related to global
the temperature of our world in the last warming.But that doesn't mean
on the grounds that it is a hoax
40 years is the record of at least the there's no consensus on global
invented by global powers and
last 800 years.This data is not given warming, its justifications and its
accepted by the scientific world.
from a single center, the average existence. To say that we don't
This approach has several
temperature increase can be observed problems. First, every person know anything about something
by all countries. who is a science literate will is not that we don't know anything
Temperature rises aren't the only easily realize that the analysis we about it. Conspiracy theorists
indicator of global warming. Both in have presented so far is often make that mistake.
the Arctic and in the South Pole, scientifically Explanation to skeptics'
glaciers are melting rapidly.According reasonable.Secondly, hundreds reservations
to NASA measurements, Groenland of organizations around the
lost an average of 279 billion tons of world, from the Australian Secondly, it is not the people who
ice annually between 1993 and 2019, Academy of Sciences to the are important in science, but the
compared to 148 billion tons annually Turkish Academy of Sciences, scientific publications and the
for Antarctica.Conspiracy theorists from the Indonesian Academy of data that is revealed in them .
skeptical of NASA's data can take a Sciences to the Russian When a doctor makes a claim,
photo break showing how glaciers in Academy of Sciences, accept that doesn't make a medical
the Alps, Himalayas, Andes or high global warming as a scientific claim.The important thing is that
mountain peaks on the African fact.. Global warming and the the opinions expressed in
continent are melting over the main factors that cause it are scientific studies. While science is
years. As a matter of fact, as a result taught in the meteorological involved, scientists' claims are
of this glacial melting and the departments of universities all untrue, and some scientists, such
expansion of water due to the heat over the world. as the desire to become famous,
absorbed by the water, sea level has It is unlikely to claim that can make contrary claims for a
risen by 20 cm in the last century, and politically disengaged scientists in variety of reasons.When we look
this rise continues as time goes on.In so many different geographies at the weather publications, it is
addition, some of the carbon dioxide are all persuaded to do the same seen that there is a strong
accumulated in the air is absorbed by trick. Moreover, global warming consensus that global warming
the seas, which causes the oceans to and the fact that it is significantly and this is caused by human
acidify. This acidification can also be fossil fuel-related, many origin, especially due to carbon
easily detected by anyone. responsible large companies dioxide emissions.There are
Conspiracy theorists at work such as BP or Shell Oil, are people in the media who are
again accepting this despite their diss making statements against them,
vested concerns.It is not very or they've changed their identity.
reasonable to believe that so
many different organizations are Some of them are a disease
part of such a deception, and it is weather stop-how can
also in need of clarification on weaccurately predict the grind
how such a successful decades or even a century later
conspiracy, if any, was when there are so many
discovered. mistakes in predicting the
munu correctly
It is also possible to
see an approach
frequently used by
24.08.2021 20:39

It's alsotruethat we'recoming out 31This question is also left

ofa glacial age,and that global unanswered. This is enough to say
warmingisthe wayit'ssupposed that the objection in question is
to be.However, it cannot be invalid.
they object to the claim of global warming. concluded that today's global
There are those who make similar warming is largely or completely
objections in reference to the theory of In such a short article, of course,
natural. There are two main
chaos. First of all, it is worth remembering reasons for this. First, when we it is impossible to answer all the
that climate and weather are different talk about such a natural cycle, conspiracy theories circulating
concepts, and therefore the levels of we need to give a physical on the Internet.However, the
predictability are different from each other. mechanism to change the heat
problems faced by the claims we
The climate is the weather of a region for flow balance of our world.
decades. Random and unpredictable Those who make this claim have here are not the arguments
behavior in the weather is lost because we cannot provide such a of other global warming
average it. It is very difficult to predict with deniers.they are largely
great precision how high a momentary mechanism. Second, proponents
of this view need to explain why applicable.
wave in a sea will be, but the average
height of the sea (e.g. tidal effect) is easily greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, Conspiracy theories may seem
predictable. which increases significantly in comforting to some of us, or they
Another common and relatively may be giving us conversation
scientific claim is to claim that the atmosphere, does not affect
the climate. What eliminates the topics where we can express
global warming is not human-
caused, noting, for example, the greenhouse effect of carbon ourselves, engage in dialogue
hololy climatic optimum process, dioxide? with people. But global warming
that there have been such hot is a very serious threat to our
periods in the past. Holocene world and, unfortunately, it will
climatic optimum was a warm
probably lead to catastrophes
period that took place about 5,000
to 9,000 years ago, so there were that will result in the loss of very
periods in the past when the high numbers of people. Even if
climate was warmer than the sharing and rhetoric we make
today.However, the temperature negatively affects the fight
was limited to the northern globe
against global warming, the
and summer months. So it was
very different from today's global plague will be high. Global
warming. This regional warming warming and the catastrophes it
was related to the de-change in brings are unfortunately no joke.
the earth's orbit, known as the
Milankovic cycles. However, this
astronomical mechanism cannot
explain global warming today.I'm
afraid it's not a joke.
Another claim that frequently occurs on
the Internet is that global warming is a
natural cycle.

24.08.2021 20:39

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