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Nicole lyzzie C. Gimeno September 14, 2021.

BPED 1-1

Skin Diseases

- It is a common and contagious skin
infection. Bacteria like Staphylococcus
aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes
infect the outer layers of skin, called
the epidermis. The face, arms, and
legs are most often affected. Anyone
can get impetigo, but it most affects
children, especially those ages 2 to 5.
- It is an Infection caused by strains of staph or strep bacteria. These bacteria can get into your body
through break in the skin from a cut, scratch, insect bite, or rash. Then they can invade and
colonize. The condition can be contagious. You can catch these bacteria if you touch the sores of a
person with impetigo or you touch items like towels, clothes, or sheets that the person used.
- Antibiotics are effective against impetigo, if you have impetigo in only small are of your skin, topical
antibiotics are the preferred treatment. Options include mupirocin cream or ointment (Bactroban
or Centany) and retapamulin ointment (Altabax).
- If your impetigo is severe or widespread your doctor can prescribe oral antibiotics such as
amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin), certain cephalosporins, or clindamycin (Cleocin). These drugs
may work more quickly than topical antibiotics but they aren’t necessarily better at clearing the

- Also known as urticarial, are
itchy, raised welts that are found
on the skin. They are usually red,
pink, or flesh-colored, and
sometimes they sting or hurt. In
most cases, hives are caused by an
allergic reaction to a medication or
food or a reaction to an irritant in
the environment.
- Hives are usually caused by an allergic reaction to something that you have encountered or
swallowed. When you have an allergic reaction, your body begins to release histamines into your
blood. Histamines are chemicals your body produces in an attempt to defend itself against
infection and other outside intruders. In some people, the histamines can cause swelling, itching,
and many of the symptoms that are experienced with hives. In terms of allergens, hives can be
caused by factors such as pollen, medications, food, animal dander, and insect bites.

- Taking antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine or cetirizine.
- Avoiding irritating the area
- Avoiding hot water, which may aggravate the hives
- Taking a cool or lukewarm bath with colloidal oatmeal or baking soda

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