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Answer sheet for - "Mock-PoMc" Scored: 2 / 100 Time taken: 3 Min , 36 Sec

1. Who contributed towards the development of the concept of administrative management?

Who contributed towards the development of the concept of administrative management?

2 / 2 Marks Correct

Henri Fayol 

Robert Owen

Henry Laurence Gantt

Max Weber

 comments

2. What was the emphasis of the classical approach of the school of management?
What was the emphasis of the classical approach of the school of management?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

An organisation must be governed by a set of rules

Work in an organisation must be planned and assigned to workers by foremen

Production can be increased by improving the efficiency of an organisation 

Employees do not necessarily work for money

3. Which among the following can be a feature of Taylor s scientific management?

Which among the following can be a feature of Taylor s scientific management?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Science and not a rule of thumb

Mathematical models

Harmony and discord

Science and not a rule of thumb and Mathematical models 

4. Who is considered to be the precursor to the behavioural approach of management?

Who is considered to be the precursor to the behavioural approach of management?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Henry Ford

Lilian Gilbreth

Robert Owen 


5. Where did the first Mayos study take place?

Where did the first Mayos study take place?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Western Electric Company 

Michigan Textile Mill

Ohio Textile Mill

Manchester Textile Mill

6. What is the other name of the quantitative approach of management?

What is the other name of the quantitative approach of management?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Question theory approach

Answer theory approach

Management science approach 

All of the above

7. In which areas the quantitative approach of management is best suited?
In which areas the quantitative approach of management is best suited?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Linear programming

Queuing theory

Regression analysis

All of these 

8. According to Max Weber, an ideal organisation is considered to be

According to Max Weber, an ideal organisation is considered to be

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Bureaucratic 




9. Why is Henri Fayol regarded as the founder of modern management?

Why is Henri Fayol regarded as the founder of modern management?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

He was the first to suggest the functions of management essential for part of a manager s work

He was the first to develop the bureaucratic management theory in which he emphasised the
requirement of a hierarchy in organisations

He conducted a series of experiments in three organisations that greatly influenced management


None of these
10. Henry Laurence Gantt belong to which school of management?
Henry Laurence Gantt belong to which school of management?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Classical School of Management

Scientific School of Management 

Behavioural School of Management

Modern Approach to Management

11. What steps does a manager follow in the organising function?

What steps does a manager follow in the organising function?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Identification of activities

Department wise allocation of activities

Identification of activities and Department wise allocation of activities 

None of these

12. How does the Chain of Command help in eliminating insufficiencies in an organisation?
How does the Chain of Command help in eliminating insufficiencies in an organisation?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Each employee report to the general manager

Each employee report to board of directors

Each employee report to all department heads

Each employee report to a single manager 

13. Which of the decision making model emphasises the fact that the time to make any decision is
Which of the decision making model emphasises the fact that the time to make any decision is limited?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Bounded rationality model 

Contingency model

Rational model

Irrational model

14. Which types of decisions involve continuous tracking of a definite course of action?
Which types of decisions involve continuous tracking of a definite course of action?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Authoritative decisions

Experimental decisions

Trial and error decisions 

Quick decisions

15. In which step of decision making, different perspectives are considered by using 4 Ps?
In which step of decision making, different perspectives are considered by using 4 Ps?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Creating a constructive environment

Developing possible alternatives 

Exploring the developed alternatives

Selecting the best alternative

16. Which stage of Management by Objective (MBO) ensures that any divergence from the given
action plan is immediately rectified?
Which stage of Management by Objective (MBO) ensures that any divergence from the given action plan
is immediately rectified?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Setting up goals

Developing plans

Monitoring the performance 

Appraising the performance

17. Which of the following points CANNOT state the nature of planning?
Which of the following points CANNOT state the nature of planning?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Intellectual process

Selection process

Continuous process

Single managerial activity process 

18. Which step of planning involves making the blueprint of the plan?
Which step of planning involves making the blueprint of the plan?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Defining goals

Formulating the plan 

Monitoring the plan

Gathering information
19. Which of the following does NOT outline the importance of planning?
Which of the following does NOT outline the importance of planning?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Emphasising clear organisational objectives

Establishing organisational direction

Undermining the decision-making process 

Improving efficiency of operations

20. What is meant by time dimension in planning?

What is meant by time dimension in planning?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Proportion of the management system at which the plan is aimed

Level of the organisation at which the plan is aimed

Extent to which the plan is used over and over again

Length of time the plan covers 

21. Which marketing control tool is used to forecast the present and future demand for products
and services?
Which marketing control tool is used to forecast the present and future demand for products and

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Test marketing

Market research 

Financial control

22. Under which control errors are detected and corrected before patent?s results are reported?
Under which control errors are detected and corrected before patent?s results are reported?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Production control

Quality control 

Sales control

All of these

23. What does an annual plan in marketing control include?

What does an annual plan in marketing control include?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Objectives and allocation of resources

Well defined time limit

Rules policies and procedures

All of these 

24. ?Testing of previous articles? is a part of

?Testing of previous articles? is a part of

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted


Quality assurance 

Total quality management

Total customer satisfaction

25. Who has said the following lines?

Managers should work toward balance between short and long-term thinking, listening and
speaking. Similarities and diversity need to coexist as well. It is time to listen to others, to listen to
one self, and to challenge the imbalances existing today.
Who has said the following lines?
Managers should work toward balance between short and long-term thinking, listening and speaking.
Similarities and diversity need to coexist as well. It is time to listen to others, to listen to one self, and to
challenge the imbalances existing today.

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted


Newstrom 



26. What role does a manager play in managing organisational diversity?

What role does a manager play in managing organisational diversity?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

To ensure that every individual is called for team meetings

To ensure that every individual has liberty to contribute to the formulation of team strategies

To ensure that every individual is called for team meetings and To ensure that every individual
has liberty to contribute to the formulation of team strategies 

None of these

27. Biased viewpoints of an individual on the basis of race, gender, age and culture is called
Biased viewpoints of an individual on the basis of race, gender, age and culture is called

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Prejudice 


Social identity

28. ?Building a unique image of the organisation in the minds of stakeholders? covers the scope of
CSR in
?Building a unique image of the organisation in the minds of stakeholders? covers the scope of CSR in

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Human resources

Risk management

Brand differentiation 


29. A study by whom shows that investors are ready to pay a premium for organisations having a
good record of CSR activities?
A study by whom shows that investors are ready to pay a premium for organisations having a good
record of CSR activities?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

American Heritage Association

Mckinsey & Co 

Queens Borough Community College

The Bureau of Labor Statistics

30. What of the following statement is NOT true about Total Quality Management?
What of the following statement is NOT true about Total Quality Management?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Total customer satisfaction is one of the goals of TQM

A practice of producing goods and services with zero defects

A concept introduced by WEdwards Deming

Also famous with the name stock-less production 

31. Internally, corporate restructuring can be done by introducing new products and using new
technology or advanced ______________.
Internally, corporate restructuring can be done by introducing new products and using new technology or
advanced ______________.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Management team

Modes of production 



32. The decision-making is a _____________ process.

The decision-making is a _____________ process.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Face to face

Step by step 

One by two

End to end

33. The successful execution of planning requires consistent support from the ___________.
The successful execution of planning requires consistent support from the ___________.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Team leaders

Manufacturing unit

Top management 
Production department

34. Directing refers to the process of instructing, guiding, counselling, ________________ people in
the organisation to achieve its objectives.
Directing refers to the process of instructing, guiding, counselling, ________________ people in the
organisation to achieve its objectives.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Motivating and leading 




35. In brainstorming sessions wherein members are encouraged to exchange ideas can help spark
In brainstorming sessions wherein members are encouraged to exchange ideas can help spark

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Group decision making 

Performance appraisal



36. According to this theory, employees will be motivated to apply great effort when they believe
that it would result in __________.
According to this theory, employees will be motivated to apply great effort when they believe that it would
result in __________.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Hired choice


Performance appraisal 

37. The goal-setting theory of motivation emphasises the important relationship between
The goal-setting theory of motivation emphasises the important relationship between

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Dreams and performance

Goals and performance 

Goals and aspiration

Dreams and aspiration

38. A leader is expected to perform a creative function of determining goals and policies to
persuade ______________ to work with zeal and confidence.
A leader is expected to perform a creative function of determining goals and policies to persuade
______________ to work with zeal and confidence.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted


Top managers

Subordinates 

None of these

39. ___________ can be seen as a fire that ignites followers? energy and commitment, producing
results above and beyond the call of duty.
___________ can be seen as a fire that ignites followers? energy and commitment, producing results
above and beyond the call of duty.
0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted


Hard work

Charisma 


40. According to _____________, a high performance workforce can be built when the leaders
inspire the followers to work beyond their job responsibilities.
According to _____________, a high performance workforce can be built when the leaders inspire the
followers to work beyond their job responsibilities.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Transformational leadership theory 

Trait theory

Behavioural Theory

Contingency Theory

41. ____________ do not give any scope for decision making

____________ do not give any scope for decision making

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Rules 




42. ___________ approach focuses the external environment of an organisation.

___________ approach focuses the external environment of an organisation.
0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted


Contingency 



43. ___________ theory is based on empirical research.

___________ theory is based on empirical research.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Modern 

Neo classical



44. ______________ is the foundation upon which the whole structure of management is built.
______________ is the foundation upon which the whole structure of management is built.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted


Organisation 


Span of management

45. _____________ is based on the comparative study of Japanese and American management
_____________ is based on the comparative study of Japanese and American management practices.
0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Theory Z 

Theory X

Motivation Theory

Theory Y

46. _____________ needs are concerned with physical danger or loss of existing basic
physiological needs, like loss of job, support, etc.
_____________ needs are concerned with physical danger or loss of existing basic physiological needs,
like loss of job, support, etc.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Safety 




47. According to ___________, a worker is willing to participate in the decision making process and
shows a sense of creativity and imagination
According to ___________, a worker is willing to participate in the decision making process and shows a
sense of creativity and imagination

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Theory Z

Theory Y 

Motivation Theory

Theory X
48. ___________ theory is focused on a persons act rather than his/her traits or behaviour.
___________ theory is focused on a persons act rather than his/her traits or behaviour.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

System 




49. A ____________ permits the top executives to delegate authority and still retain control of
A ____________ permits the top executives to delegate authority and still retain control of action.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted




Policy 

50. _____________ are prepared for the purpose of describing the organisation structure showing
the organisational relationships and activities within an organisation.
_____________ are prepared for the purpose of describing the organisation structure showing the
organisational relationships and activities within an organisation.

0 / 1 Mark(s) Not Attempted

Organisation manuals

Master charts

Organisation charts 

Circular charts
51. MIS emphasises the need for adequate information in time for taking the best decision.
MIS emphasises the need for adequate information in time for taking the best decision.

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted



52. Control is applied at all levels of management and irrespective of the organisation.
Control is applied at all levels of management and irrespective of the organisation.

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted



53. Coordination is conducted to critically evaluate the activities and efficiency of the management.
Coordination is conducted to critically evaluate the activities and efficiency of the management.

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted



54. Which statement is false?

Which statement is false?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Management implements the policy and achieves the objectives

Functioning of government departments and non-profit institutions requiring skill is called


Administration acts as an agency 

Running of a business requires skill which is called management

55. Which statement is false?
Which statement is false?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

The classical theory deals with each and every part of a formal organisation and was given by
Henry Fayol 

The main contribution of Neo-classical theory is that it highlights the importance of the committee
management and better communication

Motivation theory is concerned with the study or work motivation of employees of the organisation

Modern theory studies an individual independently within and outside the system

56. Which statement is false?

Which statement is false?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Budgetary control is used by the management to obtain the objectives expressed as in the form
of budget

Vertical coordination is a process which flows from superior to subordinates

One of the objectives of management audit is to identify the defects or irregularities of

management executives

The total cost in break even analysis consists of direct and indirect cost 

57. Which statement is true?

Which statement is true?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Decision making is a static process

Decision making is the starting process

A decision is always positive

Decision making is a selection process 

58. Which statement is false?
Which statement is false?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Systems approach highlights interdependence between various elements in an organisation

Systems approach provides clue to the complex behaviour of the people

Systems approach can be applied to large and complex organisation 

Systems approach was developed some time after 1950s and was initially developed by Weiner

59. Which statement is true?

Which statement is true?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

Planning anticipates predictable contingencies

Planning reduces certainty

Planning reduces competition 

Effective utilisation of resources is not achieved through planning

60. Which statement is true?

Which statement is true?

0 / 2 Marks Not Attempted

An oral order is preferable to a written order

An order should be reasonable and enforceable over subordinates 

Motivation and job satisfaction are similar

Motivation is an ending process

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