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"Lalla Fatima N'Soumer" was the first female fighter who resisted French
colonialism in Algeria and inflicted heavy losses on it, thanks to her religious

When the name of Algeria is mentioned, many remember the revolution of one
and a half million martyrs, or the resistance of 8 million martyrs who gave their
lives and blood as a price for liberation from the French colonialism that
desecrated the land of Algeria for 132 years

The history of Algeria remains studded with male and female fighters, who not
only offered their lives, but also provided lessons in the resistance of a
defenseless people against the most powerful colonial power in the twentieth
century, and the struggle and revolution of the Algerians was not limited to their
men only. The struggle is Jamila Bouhired, and the martyrs: Hassiba Ben
Bouali, Mariam Bouataura, Malika Belkaid, and others.
But the history of Algeria still recounts to this day the first Algerian woman who
faced and struggled against French colonialism, inflicting major defeats on it,
and making the French generals prepare for her an army of 45,000 soldiers.
She is the great fighter "Lalla Fatima N'Soumer", nicknamed "Khawla of
Algeria" in reference to the Muslim heroine "Khawla Bint Al-Azwar", who was
armed in her fight against French colonialism with the Holy Qur'an, before her
sword and army, and she was also nicknamed "the sister of men", and her name
"Nsoumer" is attributed To the village of "Nsoumer" where she lived all her life.

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