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General Biology 1


Lab Simulation: A Scientific Method

Introduction: Scientific Method is a process of learning facts by observations and experimentation,

formulate and state problem in a simple and precise manner. Once the problem has been
formulated, the investigator sets out to observe carefully and patiently. With the aid of these
preliminary observations, he constructs a working solution or hypothesis. Some hypothesis can be
tested by making further observation and others lead themselves to testing by experimentation in
addition of making observation.
Access the Lab Simulation: A Scientific Method at

Name: Rufa Divimer D. Lariosa

Section:Tesla Date: September 11, 2021
Instructor: Mr. Florence Jhun F. Almadin Score:___________

After viewing the simulation provide some short response to the following items below:

I. Title of the Experiment:

Sci 251 - Lab Simulation - A Scientific Method Investigation

II. Objective of the Experiment:

To observe how fast an Alka-seltzer tablet dissolves in water at different temperatures.

III. List of Materials used in the Experiment:

Alka seltzer tablets (a.k.a. effervescent tablets)

250ml beakers (with labels)
hot, cold, and room temperature water
IV. Procedure/Methods (Sketch the procedure observed in the experiment)

V. Results & Observations (Note: No need to re conduct the experiment in your home)

1. Complete the table below:

1stTrial 2ndTrial
Temperature (⁰C) Time (min/sec) Temperature (⁰C) Time (min/sec)
Room Temp Water 21°C 40 sec 22°C 33 sec
Hot Water 58°C 14 sec 58°C 14 sec
Cold Water 7°C 114 sec 7°C 121 sec
2. Compute the following (Show the solution):

A. Average Temperature:

B. Average Time that the Tablet dissolved:

VI. Analysis and Discussion

1. What is the dependent variable in the experiment? Why do you think so?

The dependent variable is the time the Alka-seltzer tablet dissolves in each water with
different temperatures because it is the data you need for constructing a conclusion.

2. What is the independent variable in the experiment? Why do you think so?
The independent variable is the different temperatures of water because you can "change it on
purpose" in each experiment.

3. How does the dependent variable being measured?

It is measured using a stopwatch. The timer starts as the Alka-seltzer tablet touches the water.

VII. Conclusion
Therefore, the Alka-seltzer tablet dissolves faster the higher the temperature of the water.

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