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Name : Yani Prihartini [41]

ID. : 014201900177

Are Business People and Living in the Environment interconnected or not?

Of course they are related, why is that?

The reason:

Companies are increasingly aware of the importance of long-term business sustainability

(sustainable). Sustainability is one of the important aspects that are of concern to the management. On
the other hand, various challenges must be faced. At present, the challenges of enterprises are not only
global competition, but also the challenges of the natural environment. Global warming or global
warming, the echo has been heard since the last few years. Almost everyone from state leaders to
children, large institutions to small organizations is aggressively voicing it. How to save the
environment is a shared responsibility. This phenomenon touches all levels of society and institutions,
because it involves the next life of mankind and the universe and its contents. 

Awareness of the importance of this issue also reaches the level of the business world, relating to
corporate social responsibility. In developed countries, companies have started to implement it
through what is known as the green environment concept. How about in Indonesia? it seems just a
rhetoric, although some companies have started it, but how to deal with it still needs further thought.
Most managers still find it strange and do not feel the need to respond to environmental concerns.
Managers are more concerned with other issues related to how to achieve company goals, especially
those related to financial performance measures. The role of the industrial world in this matter is
actually quite large, especially with regard to the behavior of the company, which involves the
behavior of its stakeholders. If all stakeholders from various industries in the world are aware of this,
it will contribute a lot to this natural life. From here the author wants to explain in a simple way how
the role of the industrial world in reducing the impact of global warming through green management.

Environmental changes have a major impact on people's behavior. Increasing public awareness,
including understanding the importance of nature conservation, provides opportunities for companies
to carry out their various obligations. One of the company's obligations is to carry out social
responsibility towards the environment, which is a form of ethics in conducting its business. Is Green
Management a form of. practice business ethics? Does business ethics in the form of Green
Management not conflict with the meaning of corporate strategy which is a way to achieve goals?
Conceptually, the company's most common goal is to achieve the maximum possible profit. Does the
ethical response increase or decrease the company's performance? Can companies that implement
business ethics achieve profits and can maintain their viability? Companies generally try to position
themselves in the industry, because it is the basis of competitive strategy. Competitive strategy itself
is a source of competitive advantage. If a company needs to position itself strategically in its
industrial environment (market environment), it should also think about positioning itself strategically
in a non-market environment (legal, social, political). So that the company can balance itself between
a strategic position that leads to a market environment and at the same time an ethical position that
leads to a non-market environment.

Companies not only need to answer the challenges of global competition with the right strategy but
also at the same time respond to environmental challenges. The changing corporate environment, the
increasingly intelligent and critical society, the nature that also requires attention, make the company
management need to make breakthrough programs that are not only ethical but also strategic.
Companies that are ethically enlightened in their activities and carry out to the fullest, recognize that
integrity and trust are essential elements for maintaining successful business relationships. Companies
that are ethical in their business activities, apart from being appreciated by the community in general,
will also strengthen their network, getting more sympathy from their employees, customers, suppliers
and partners. Even though the company feels that it has done something ethically right, it is not
always economically profitable in the short term, but on the other hand it can foster confidence that
money or profit is not everything and that in the end it will provide long term benefits to the company.
Long-term benefits can be interpreted as being strategic for the company and achieving sustainability
(long-term survival). Green management can be considered as one of the environmental innovation
programs that are not only strategic but also ethical. Basically a good strategy is a strategy that is of
course also ethically good (good strategies are firmly grounded in good ethics). By doing green
management, it is expected that the company can lead to sustainability (strategic), social responsibility
(ethical and strategic) and at the same time environmental sensitivity (ethical). A completely
sustainable company is certainly the hope.

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