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Measures of Aggression


Measures Of Aggression

The methods used for measuring aggression were mainly of three types: observational measures;

self-report questionnaires; and structured chart reviews. Each of these tools is described herein,

with special focus on reliability and validity. Overall the reliability of the various scales is high,

but the empirical validity is rather poor. In choosing a suitable method for measuring aggression,

researchers should take into account the direction of investigation (e.g. state vs. trait aggression,

dynamic or biological aspects of aggression) and the target population.

Two ways of measuring the details of anger involve having split them into state aggression

(something with permanence) or trait aggression (which can be viewed as changing as per

decision and can be something that has passed for the client) For state aggression measures such

as Rage Attack questionnaire, Anger Self-Report, Brief Agitation Rating Scale, Brief Psychiatric

Rating Scale could be used. Inventories such as Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventor, the

Reaction Inventory, Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory and the widely-used State–

Trait Anger Expression Inventory.

To measure for aggressive traits: Driving Anger Scale, Lions Scale, Abusive Violence Scale,

Aggression Inventory, Aggression Questionnaire, Anger Expression Scale, Anger, Irritability

Assault Questionnaire can be used.

The observer scales, designed to measure episodes or acts of aggressive behavior, include Overt

Aggression Scale, Social Dysfunction and Aggression Scale, and Staff Observation Aggression

Scale. The goal of scales such as these is to obtain a description of separate aggressive events

through direct observation and/ or inquiry. The amount of exposure to aggression an observer

has experienced, however, may affect the ratings. In addition, inter-observer reliability may be

hard to obtain across settings.

Projective Tests:

Many projective assessment tools include aggression scales, and these have been used in a

variety of studies. The Hand Test was developed to detect potentially aggressive behavior among

individuals. The Hand Test is a projective technique yielding an Acting Out Score (AOS) which

the test authors feel is useful as a predictor of aggressive, acting-out behavior.The Thematic

Apperception Test (TAT) to assess aggression levels in participants following exposure to music.

The Draw-A-Person Test (non psychometric technique) can be used to assess the relative

sensitivity of subtlety or obviousness of items to response sets. Projective tests may be most

effectively used as part of a multimodal assessment battery that includes more traditional

psychometric tools and several raters and coding schemes. Rosenzweig Picture Frustration Study

(RPFS) assesses the reactions to frustrating situations which are presented in a set of pictures

provides scores of the direction of aggression and type of aggression.

Laboratory measures:
Laboratory behavioral tasks are often employed to measure aggression in a controlled setting.

These instruments may be computer-based and measure reactions in real time, sometimes

measuring brain waves or cognitive activity. Laboratory instruments that have been reported to

have been used for measuring aggression include continuous performance tasks (CPT), such as

the Integrated Visual and Auditory CPT, frontal-lobe function tasks, behavioral disinhibition

tasks, such as the Taylor Task, and interactive response to provocation tasks, such as the Point

Subtraction Aggression Paradigm. Impulsivity has also been measured using extinction, reward-

choice, and response disinhibition/attentional paradigms. Laboratory techniques can also include

direct measures of physiological activity, such as assays for cortisol blood levels or brain activity


Interview measures:

Each has specific advantages and disadvantages that should be considered in relation to the goal

of the study. Less-structured interviews allow the participant to be queried for supplemental

information. However, the amount and quality of information may be influenced by the

particular dyad dynamics of the face-to-face encounter. The format of semi-structured interviews

increases interrater reliability, and reliability is generally most robust in a structured format.

Interview tools frequently employed include: Abusive Violence Scale, Intermittent Explosive

Disorders Module, and Suicide and Aggression Scale.


measures of aggressive behaviour. (n.d.).

Http://Sites.Oxy.Edu/Clint/Articles/Measuresofaggressivebehavior.Pdf. Evolution/

Retrieved November 21, 2021, from

measures of aggression and hostility in adults. (n.d.). Www.Researchgate.Com. Retrieved

November 21, 2021, from


projective personality test. (n.d.). Https://Www.Sciencedirect.Com. Retrieved November 21,

2021, from


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