English-3 U3 Study Material 2021

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English (U3) Study Material for Class-3

Session 2020-2021

1. Topic: Pinocchio



Written by It is a magical tale, about a

Carlo Collodi wooden toy who turned into a
real boy through magic.

Once there lived a poor carpenter in Gepetto kissed Pinocchio’s cheek

Italy. His name was Gepetto. He was which made him jump, walk and
very lonely. So, he made a wooden talk. Gepetto felt very happy as he
toy and named it, Pinocchio. He called found Pinocchio different from other
Pinocchio his son. toys.

Once a fairy met Pinocchio and caught

him telling lies. She used a magic spell Pinocchio was disobedient and told
on him. Due to that magic spell, lies. This landed him into trouble
Pinocchio’s nose started growing several times.
longer whenever he lied.

Finally Pinocchio realized his mistake and hugged Gepetto. This turned him into a
real boy. Both lived happily ever after.

Testing your skills:

Check your understanding:
Read page No. 46-47 of your textbook and answer the questions that follow.

Start from Many years ago in Italy, lived a poor carpenter called Gepetto.___
____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____
____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

I will also sell my coat to buy you an A-B-C book, so you can go to school. Stop

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Answer the given questions:
Q1: What did Gepetto make one day?
Q2: What happened to Pinocchio when he sat near the fire?

Dictionary usage:
Q: Use a dictionary to find out the meanings of the following words.
a) cheek b) blinked c) chasing d) let e) rudely

Writing skill

Q: Use the given words in sentences of your own.

a) police station b) piece c) care

Select a few more words from the passage and use them in your own sentences.


Read page No. 47-48 of your textbook and answer the questions that follow.

Start from Gepetto made new feet for Pinocchio ___ ____ _____ _____
_____ _____ _____ ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____
_____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _______ . We hope Pinocchio kept his promise and never
lied again ! Stop
Answer the given questions:
Q1: Why did Pinocchio stop on the way to his school?
Q2: What happened to Pinocchio whenever he lied?


Q: Use a dictionary to find out the meanings of the following words.

a) steal b) fairy c) suddenly

Writing skill

Q: Use the given words in sentences of your own.

a) home b) lie c) coins

 Select a few more words from the passage and use them in your own sentences.

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Vocabulary Enrichment

Word map

Meaning: Puppet Picture:

a toy in the shape of

an animal or a person that
can be moved with strings Sentence:

I saw a puppet show.

Vocabulary – Book work Page 52


Opposites are also called antonyms. Words that have completely different
meanings are called opposite words.
Word Antonym
a) tall short
b) thick thin
c) beautiful ugly
d) dry wet
e) hot cold
Q: Write antonyms of the given words
Word Antonym
a) good
b) heavy
c) heaven
d) close
e) narrow
 Add five more words and write their antonyms.
Note: Do exercise of vocabulary in your English textbook (page 52-53)
Activity: Dictionary usage
Let’s learn to use a dictionary.
 Given below is a group of jumbled words. Arrange them as per the alphabetical
order of a dictionary.
cat ball fish tea
book kite orange queen
orchard tyre apple ant
 Steps:
i) First check the first alphabet of the word.
ii) If the first alphabet is same, check the second alphabet and so on.

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The correct dictionary order of the words would be:
 ant
 apple
 ball
 book
 cat
 fish
 orange
 orchard
 queen
 tea
 tyre
Find out the meanings of these words from the dictionary.

2. Topic: The Lost Camel


The Lost Camel

This is a short play about a king

is was very greedy and foolish


 king The play tells about the

 ministers foolishness of a king and
 the man with the camel how he realizes his mistake.


 King’s court
 a sandy road

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Gist of the story

One day, the king wanted some The ministers didn’t want the king to
ideas from his ministers to make a waste his money and time. They
new palace. The king’s old palace tried to stop the king, as they were
was very beautiful and there was no very wise.
need to make a new one.
The king became very angry with the
The ministers left the palace and
ministers and told them to leave the
started walking through a sandy
road. They found marks of a camel.
Those marks proved that the camel
was blind and lame and it carried He took the ministers to the king’s
honey and wheat. court. They explained to the king
that how they came to know about
the details of the camel. The king
This camel was lost and it belonged realized that the ministers were very
to a man. He came looking for it and wise and kept them back in the
enquired from the ministers about it. palace.
They told him the details of the
camel and the man thought that
they had stolen his camel.

Testing your skills:


Check your understanding:

Read page No. 74, 75 and 76 of your textbook and answer the questions that follow.
Start from This play is based on a Persian fairytale and tells the story of a
foolish and greedy king who sends away his wise ministers from the kingdom. Does he
realise his mistake? Read the play and find out.

Scene-I ____ ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ ____
_____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _______ ____

First minister: We will go with you. Stop

Answer the given questions:

Q1: Why did the king want to make a new palace?

Q2: What did the ministers notice on the sandy road?

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Dictionary usage:

Q: Use a dictionary to find out the meanings of the following words.

a) fairy tale b) grand c) ahead d) lame
Writing skill

Q: Use the given words in sentences of your own.

a) ministers b) city c) money


Read page No. 76 & 77 of your textbook and answer the questions that follow.

Start from

Scene-3 The king’s court. The king is seated on the throne. The man and ministers
appear before him. ___ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ ____
_____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ I cannot lose such
wise men. Stop
Answer the given questions:

Q1:Why did the man take the ministers to the king’s court?

Q2: Describe the lost camel in three sentences.


Q: Use a dictionary to find out the meanings of the following words.

a) explain b) clear c) lame d) wise e) reward

Writing skill

Q: Use the given words in the sentences of you own.

b) honey b) court c) side

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Vocabulary Enrichment
Word map

Meaning: Throne Picture:

chair on which
a king or a queen sits

I have seen a king’s throne.

Descriptive writing
Write five sentences on ‘A Camel’.

Ship of the desert

has long legs Camel can live without food

and water for many days

can eat thorns has long eyelashes

Note:- Use the above given clues to write sentences on a camel.

VOCABULARY – prefix- Book work – page 82

Prefix is a group of letters added at the beginning of a word to form a new word.


Prefix + word = new word

un kind = unkind
im possible = impossible
in discipline = indiscipline
ir responsible = irresponsible
dis obey = disobey

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Q: Add suitable prefix to the given words to form new words.

Prefix word new word

(a) ______ tidy _______

(b) ______ correct _______
(c) _______ proper _______
(d) _______ comfort _______
(e) _______ regular _______

Note:- Do text book exercise- Vocabulary –page 82 and 83 in your textbooks (Ex. of prefix)



before place
Prepositions tell us the position of a noun.
 The pen is on the table.

 The ball is under the chair.

 The cat jumped over the fence.

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 The keys are in the drawer.


 The shoe fell into the pond.

The words in, on, to, over, beside, across, near, outside and inside are prepositions

Fill in the blanks with correct preposition given in the box.

in near into outside on

1. The ball fell …… the well.

2. The baby is crawling ….. the floor.
3. My cousin lives….. Delhi.
4. There is a large shop….. my house.
5. We live…… the airport.
Note: Do exercise A and B Page 72 in grammar book (Grammar Champ)
The words during, by, before and after are also prepositions. They tell us the time at
which something happened.

1. The train arrived before I reached the station.

2. We should finish our homework by the evening.
3. They went to the park after school.
4. Ali was sleeping during the journey.
Circle the prepositions in the given sentences:
1. Look before you jump.
2. Sam visits his uncle during summer break.
3. John finished his work after dinner.
4. My brother reached home by midnight.
5. The leaves fall from trees during autumn.
Do Exercise C and D page 73 and 74 in your grammar book.


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