Electrical Resistivity of Subsurface Survey Report: (As Per IS: 3043) FOR

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(As per IS: 3043)

Village : Sanwata
Tehsil : Fatehgarh
District : Jaisalmer.


Your PO Reference No.

TALUKA & DISTRICT : Fatehgarh, Jaisalmer
SURVEY DATE : 6/10/2020
LOCATION COORDINATES : 26°39'44.44"N, 71°16'45.88"E
The Geo-Electrical Investigation of soil was carried out at the proposed site with the aim to determine
an average value of electrical resistivity of soil for design of safety earthing system.

The purpose of this investigation is to determine an average value of electrical resistivity of
subsurface for design of safety earthing system with the help of SSR-MP-ATS model Resistivity


The Jaisalmer is pericratonic sedimentary basin situated on the northwestern slope of the Indian
peninsular shield. The jaisalmer basin is dipping due northwest. Which is joining with the kachchh
basin in the south. The basin comprises both marine and non-marine conditions. Which are range
from terrestrial siliciclastic to marine carbonates.
The site area comprises a sequence of shale ,siltstone, sandstone and limestone. Which are grouped
into Lathi, Jaisalmer,Baisakhi,Bhadasar, pariwar formations in ascending order. The basement rocks
are of igneous origin which are of precambrian age maily phyllite and schist. The coarse grained ,
thickly bedded ferruginous quartzitic sandstone and shale of Randha formation situated on the
basement rock. The Birmania Formation deposited over the Randha formation comprises of grey,
cherty and dolomitic limestone intercalated with calcareous sandstone and shale. The Jaisalmer
Formation comprises of golden brown fossiliferous limestones, sandstone and siltstone . The most of
the building stones around the Golden city come from this formation. Which are deposited in the
middle Jurassic period.
Geophysical investigation was carried out as per IS: 3043: 1987 on the basis of Electrical Resistivity
meter model no SSR-MP-ATS. Wenner’s four-electrode method is used to determine the earth
This is one of the most commonly used arrays proposed by Wenner in 1916. Four electrodes A, B,
M, and N are placed at the surface of the ground along a straight symmetrically about a point O. The
observation point in such a way that the distance between AM = MN =NB = a., Where ‘a’ is called
electrode separation see fig. 1. Current ‘I’ is sent generally through outer electrodes A and B and the
potential difference (V) are measured between M and N.
The configuration factor (K) for this array is
K = 2πa
And apparent Resistivity, which is used for further analysis, is calculated with formula;

ρa = KR = 2πaR

a a a
Fig. 1 Wenner’s Configuration
Survey Procedure
Resistivity sounding is used to make investigations along the depth. In this method the center of
configuration is kept fixed and measurements are made by successively increasing electrode spacing.
The apparent resistivity values obtained with increasing values of electrode separations are used to
estimate the thickness and resistivity of the subsurface formations. In Wenner configuration all the
four electrodes are arranged in a line at an equal distance ‘a’ between the consecutive electrodes.
Measurements are taken by increasing the electrode separation gradually changing from small value;
say 1.0m to several tens and hundreds of meters depending on the depth of the investigations
required. Current is generally sent through the outer electrodes and the potential electrode separation
and apparent resistivity is calculated by multiplying value of ‘R’ with Wenner n.difference is
measured between the inner electrodes. The Resistance (R = V/I) is measured for each configuration
factor (2pa). The computation of the sounding data is discussed in the subsequent section.
Computation of Earth Resistivity
When the earth resistivity readings for different electrode spacing in a direction are within 20 to 30%,
the soil is considered to be uniform. When the spacing is increased gradually from low values, at a
stage, it may be found that the resistivity readings are more or less constant irrespective of the
increase in the electrode spacing. The resistivity for this spacing is noted and taken as the resistivity
for that direction. In a similar manner, resistivities for at least eight equally spaced directions from
the center of the site are measured. These resistivities are plotted in a graph sheet in the appropriate
directions choosing a scale. A closed curve is plotted on the graph sheets jointing all the resistivity
points plotted to get the polar resistivity curve. The area inside the polar resistivity curve is measured
and equivalent circle of the same area is found out. The radius of this equivalent circle is the average
resistivity of the site under consideration. The average resistivity thus obtained may be used for the
design of the earthing grid.

 Measured subsurface resistivity data is given in field data sheets. Summary of results are shown
in graphical & tabular form.
Location 01
 73.70ohm-meter resistivity of soil for determining corrosion allowance for Sizing of steel earthing
conductors for 5 mtrs.
 109.087ohm-meter resistivity of soil for design of earthing system to control, step touch and
transfer the potentials.
 Based on above moderate/high resistivity data, it is recommended to execute bore type earthing
at suitable depth.
Location 02
 104.9566ohm-meter resistivity of soil for determining corrosion allowance for Sizing of steel
earthing conductors for 5 mtrs.
 119.1256ohm-meter resistivity of soil for design of earthing system to control, step touch and
transfer the potentials.
 Based on above moderate/high resistivity data, it is recommended to execute bore type earthing
at suitable depth.
Location 03
 67.0523ohm-meter resistivity of soil for determining corrosion allowance for Sizing of steel
earthing conductors for 5 mtrs.
 83.4756ohm-meter resistivity of soil for design of earthing system to control, step touch and
transfer the potentials.
 Based on above moderate/high resistivity data, it is recommended to execute bore type earthing
at suitable depth.
Location 04
 113.3812ohm-meter resistivity of soil for determining corrosion allowance for Sizing of steel
earthing conductors for 5 mtrs.
 119.1256ohm-meter resistivity of soil for design of earthing system to control, step touch and
transfer the potentials.
 Based on above moderate/high resistivity data, it is recommended to execute bore type earthing
at suitable depth.

For Essquare Geo Services

Location 01 :
Location 02 :
Location 03:
Location 04:

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