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1. In Oracle 10g, 'g' stands for what?

2. what is grid computing?

3. why sql is known as structure query language?
4. how you can eliminate duplicate values in your output?
5. what is null?
6. what is the use of 'q' operator?
7. difference between IN and EXISTS operator?
8. what is the user of nvl and coalesce?
9. what is case and decode in sql?
10. what is the use of HAVING clause?
11. single row functions and multiple row functions?
12. how many types of joins are there? what are they?
13. what is equijoin(inner join), natural join and outer join?
14. what is subquery, what are the different types of subqueries?
15. difference between delete and truncate and drop?
16. what are the DDL, DML, DCL, TCL commands?
17. what is the use of DEFAULT keyword?
18. what is constraint? what are the different types of contraints?
19. what is a view? difference between simple views and complex views?
20. difference between unique index and non-unique index?
21. difference between long and clob datatype?
22. what is BFILE data type?
23. difference between binary_integer and pls_integer?
24. difference between system privileges and object privileges?
25. what is Role? what is the use of role?
26. what is PURGE?
27. what is FLASHBACK TABLE statement?
28. what is pivoting and what is merge?
29. what is SUBSTR and INSTR?
31. what is CO-RELATED subquery? what is the use?
32. what is EXIST operator? What is the use?
33. what is ROWNUM and ROWID?
34. what are the new features of oracle 10g?
35. difference varchar2 and char data type?
36. what is inline view?

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