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VIDEO 7 - Chapter 7: Standards of

Nursing Practice

67. The use of the Standards of Nursing Practice is

important in the hospital. Which of the following
statements best describes what it is?

A. These are statements that describe the

maximum or highest level of acceptable
performance in nursing practice
B. It refers to the scope of nursing practice as ● Core Competency Standards of Nursing Practice
defined in Republic Act 9173 - Made by BON, in collaboration with Commission on
C. It is a license issued by the Professional Higher Education Technical Committee on Nursing
Regulation Commission to protect the public Education
from substandard nursing practice - Last one was in 2005; new one in 2012
D. The Standards of Care includes the various - Was prepared for the PRC (Professional
types of the nursing process and the Regulation Commission)
standards of professional performance

● BON resolution No. 110, series of 1998

● Posted from BON website: ● 2012 NATIONAL NURSING CORE COMPETENCY
● Heightened by the escalating complexity of STANDARDS (2012 NNCCS)
globalization, dynamics of information technology,
demographic changes, health care reforms and
increasing demands for quality nursing care from I.BEGINNING NURSE’S ROLE ON CLIENT CARE
consumers, expectations for contemporary
nursing practice competencies emerged Responsibility 1: Practice in accordance with legal
● Thus, in 2005, as an output of a key project, Board principles and the code of ethics in making
of Nursing Resolution no. 112 Series of 2005, personal and professional judgement
adopted and promulgated the Core Competency - Clarifies unclear or questionable orders,
Standards of Nursing Practice in the Philippines. decisions or actions made by other inter
● As mandated, The Board of Nursing ensured, professional health care team members (p1,
through a monitoring and evaluation scheme, that 2012 Nursing Core Competency Standards)
the core competency standards are implemented - Articulates the vision, mission and values of
and utilized effectively in nursing education the institution where one belongs (p1)
● In the development of test questions for Nurse - Advocates for clients rights (Pt’s bill of rights
Licensure Examination (NLE) and in nursing and obligations
service as a basis for orientation, training and - Questions informed consent when the
performance appraisal requirements are not met
● LEGAL BASIS for Nursing Competitive * This requirement reflects general principle
Standards: Section 9 (c) , RA 9173 nurses should be client advocate.
● “ SEC. 9. Powers and Duties of Board. -- The
Board shall supervise and regulate the practice of 42. The nurse must see to it that the written consent of
the nursing profession and shall have the mentally ill patients must be taken from:
following powers, duties and functions: A. Doctor
● © Monitor and enforce quality standards of nursing B. Social Worker
practice in the Philippines and exercise the C. Parents or Legal Guardian
powers necessary to ensure the maintenance of D. Law enforcement authorities
efficient, ethical and technical, moral and
professional standards in the practice of nursing ● Situation 2- You are now working as a staff nurse in
taking into account the health needs of the a general hospital. You have to be prepared to
nation;” handle situations with ethico-legal and moral

6. You are on night duty in the surgical ward. One of

your patients Martin is a prisoner who sustained an
abdominal gunshot wound. He is being guarded by
policeman from the local police unit. During your
rounds, you heard a commotion. You saw the
policeman trying to hit Martin. You asked why he D. Recording of actions in advance to save
was trying to hit Martin. He denied the matter. time
Which among the following activities will you do
first? 74. Erasures, alterations and additions in medical
A. Write an accident report records and the nurse’s notes can be avoided. The
B. Call security officer and report the incident following are some tips on how to do corrections
C. Call your nurse supervisor and report the EXCEPT:
incident A. Cross out blank spaces
D. Call the physician on duty B. Cross out wrong word or phrase with one or
two lines making the crossed out word
Responsibility 2: Utilizes the nursing process in discernible
the interdisciplinary care of clients that empowers C. Insert additions or corrections
the clients and promotes safe quality care D. State the reason for any deviation from
- Conducts a comprehensive and systematic normal procedure/ practice
nursing assessment of clients within an
interdisciplinary framework (p2) Responsibility 3: Maintains complete and up to
- Performs evidence- based nursing date recording and reporting system.
procedures safely and effectively (p4) - Conforms to documentation standards (p9)
- Request change in assignment when - Demonstrate competence in use of
his/her competence level does not meet the informatics (p9)
clients care needs (p7)
- Promotes healthy lifestyle/adaptation (p7) 73. Charting should be legible and include only
standard abbreviations. Which of the following is
25. Which of these behaviors of Anita signal her NOT a standard abbreviation?
readiness to proceed to the working phase of the A. PRN
nurse- patient relationship? B. OD
A. She states she trusted the nurse C. NNO
B. She wants to tal to a lawyer D. NPO
C. She inquires about personal information
about the nurse Situation 11: The nurse is responsible to accurately
D. She wants to be told what her rights are records and reports patient’s progress. She is able
52. You ensure the appropriateness and safety of to communicate to the other member of the team
your nursing interventions while caring for various by documenting the nursing care plan and the
client groups by: appropriate nursing intervention.
A. Creating plans of care for particular clientele
B. Identifying the correct nursing diagnoses for 51. A main function of the patient’s record is to:
clients A. Prepare the nurse for to the shift worked
C. Making a thorough assessment of client B. Serve as record of financial charges
needs and problems C. Serve as a vehicle for communication
D. Using standards of nursing care as your D. Ensure that the message is received
criteria for evaluation
52. When the nurse writes in the chart and
Situation 11- Mr. Jose’s chart is the permanent discovers an error has been made, which is the
legal recording of all information that relates to his BEST approach?
health care management. As such, he entries in the A. Erase the erroneous material
chart must have accurate data B. Carefully ink out the erroneous material
C. Place an asterisk next to the statement,
66. Mr. Jose’s chart contains all information about then footnote it
his health care. The functions of records include all D. Draw a straight line through the error and
except: initial it.
A. Means of communication that health team
members use to communicate their Responsibility 4: Establishes collaborative
contributions to the client’s health care relationships with colleagues and other members of
B. The client's record also shows a document the team to enhance nursing and other health care
of how much the health care agencies will services.
be reimbursed for their services
C. Educational resource for students of nursing Responsibility 5: Promotes professional and
and medicine personal growth and development
- Complies with continuing professional
education requirement (p10) Responsibility 1: Engages in nursing or health
related research with or under the Supervision of
8. The standardized guidelines and procedures for an experienced researcher
the implementation of Continuing Professional
education (CPE) for all professionals. Resolution Situation 20- A nursing professor assigns a group
Number 2004-179 provides that the total CPE of students to do data gathering by interviewing
credit units for registered professionals with their classmates as subjects.
baccalaureate degree should be:
A. 20 credit units per year 96. She instructed the interviewees not to tell the
B. 30 credit units for 3 years interviewees that the data gathered are for her own
C. 60 credit units for 3 years research project for publication. This teacher has
D. 10 credit units required violated the student’s right to:
A. Not be harmed
D. Self- determination
Responsibility 1: Demonstrate management and
leadership skills to provide safe and quality care 42. Myrna need to review relevant literature and
- Delegates tasks and activities based on studies. The following processes are undertaken in
staff competencies (p12) reviewing literature EXCEPT:
- Listens to suggestions A. Locating and Identifying resources
- Suggest alternatives and consequences B. Reading and recording notes
C. Clarifying a research topic
Responsibility 2: Demonstrates accountability for D. Using the library
safe nursing practice
- Involves self actively in policy development Responsibility 2: Evaluates research study/ report
- Accomplishes assigned workload within a utilizing guidelines in the conduct of a written
given time frame research critique
- Institutes appropriate corrective actions to - Shows how the study framework is linked
prevent or minimize harm (incident report) with the research purpose, objectives and or
study hypotheses
85. The Code of Ethics refers to standards of - Evidences are offered in support of the
behavior or ideals of conduct. The ability to answer interpretation (p13)
for and stand by ones’s action refers to:
A. Accountability Responsibility 3: Applies the research process in
B. Advocacy improving client care in partnership with a quality
C. Veracity improvement/ quality assurance/ nursing audit
D. Responsibility team.
- Selects an appropriate model that would be
Responsibility 3: Demonstrates management and appropriate to change and improve the
leadership skills to deliver health programs and system or process (e.g. the Plan-Do-Check-
services effectively to specific client groups in the Act- cycle (PDCA) (p14)
community settings
- Carries out appropriate methods and tools Situation 14- Your director of nursing wants to
in planning community health programs and improve the quality of health care offered in the
nursing services (p13) hospital. As a staff nurse in that hospital you know
that this entails quality assurance programs.
Responsibility 4: Manages a community/ village
based health facility/ component of a health 66. The following mechanism can be utilized as
program or a nursing service part of the quality assurance program of your
hospital EXCEPT:
Responsibility 5: Demonstrates ability to lead and
supervise nursing support staff A. Patient satisfaction surveys
B. Peer review to assess care provided
Responsibility 6: Utilizes appropriate mechanisms C. Review of clinical records of care of client
for networking, linkage building and referrals D. Use of Nursing Interventions Classification


70. Part of standards of care has to do with the use B. Standardized care plans are used on all of
of restraints. Which of the following statements is the nurse’s clients
NOT true? C. Standards of care are developed by the
A. Doctors order for restraints should be hospital nursing service and should be
signed within 24 hours followed
B. Remove and reapply restraints every 2 D. Client’s needs are assessed and
hours individualized care plan are developed for
C. Check client’s pulse, blood pressure and each client
circulation every 4 hours
D. Offer food and toileting every 2 hours 23. To check if the nurses under her supervision
use critical thinking, Mrs. David observes if the
2. The OR team performs distinct roles for one nurses act responsibly when at work. Which of the
surgical procedure to be accomplished within a following actions of the nurse demonstrates the
prescribed time frame and deliver a standard attitude of responsibility?
patient outcome. While the surgeon performs the A. Thinking of alternative methods of nursing
surgical procedure, who monitors that status of the care
client like urine output, blood loss? B. Sharing ideas regarding patient care
A. Scrub Nurse C. Following standards of practice
B. Surgeon D. Planning other approaches for patient care
C. Anesthesiologist
D. Circulating Nurse 63. The hospital has an on going quality assurance
program. Which of the following indicates
57. As a nurse, you can help improve the implementation of process standards?
effectiveness of communication among healthcare A. The nurses check client’s identification band
givers by: before giving medications
A. Use of reminders of ‘what to do’ B. The nurse reports adverse reaction to drugs
B. Using standardized list of abbreviations, C. Average waiting time for medication
acronyms and symbols administration is measured
C. One on one oral endorsement D. The nunit has well ventilated medication
D. Text messaging and email room
*Now which brings me to a point, the AMA (Against
Medical Advice) abbrev. Is actually legitimate but
the HAMA (Home Against Medical Advice fondly 69. Nursing audit aims to:
use in nurses in Iligan City that’s not a legitimate A. Provide research data to hospital personnel
abbreviation B. Study client’s illness and treatment regimen
10. To ensure reliability of the study, the C. Compare actual nursing done to established
investigator’s analysis and interpretations were: standards
D. Provide information to health care providers
A. Subjected to statistical treatment
B. Correlated with a list of coping behaviors 83. Standards of care provided the legal basis for
C. Subjected to an interobserver agreement evaluation of nursing practice or malpractice. Its
D. Scored and compared standard criteria functions include all EXCEPT:
94. Precaution recommends the use of standard A. Used by nurse experts to define what
personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent appropriate nursing practice is in a given
cross contamination. Which is NOT considered a situation
piece of PPE? B. Used to measure or evaluate nursing
A. Cover gown conduct to determine if the nurse acted
B. Eyewear reasonably as any prudent nurse would
C. Gloves under similar circumstances
D. Face shield C. Used to delineate the scope, function and
119. You are the nurse manager of the Medical role of the nurse
Unit. Which of the following is a priority for you to D. Use to measure or evaluate the conduct of
consider when planning for the care of a group of nurse specialist who are certified in their
clients utilizing evidence-based practice? own specialty fields
A. Client’s care is planned based on the
nurse’s clinical expertise and latest research 84. As a standard in ethics, this represents an
findings understanding and agreement to respect another
person’s right to decide a course his or her own
A. Autonomy
B. Beneficence
C. Justice
D. Nonmaleficence

75. A student nurse is observed putting a standard

size cuff on an obese client. The action would
probably result in BP reading that is:
A. False high
B. False low
C. Normal
D. Undetectable

42. Which document addresses the

patient’s right to information, informed
consent and treatment refusal?
A. Code for Nurses
B. Nursing Practice Act
C. Patient’s Bill of Rights
D. Standard of Nursing Practice

VIDEO 8 - Chapter 8: Legal

Requirement in Practice of Nursing

- Is not a right but a privilege. It is given
primarily not for the benefit of the nurse but
the public, in order to assure safe nursing
53. The use of interpersonal decision making, - 1 chairman
psychomotor skills and application of knowledge - 6 members
expected in the role of a licensed healthcare - = 7 board members
professional in the context of public health welfare ● Represents 3 areas of nursing:
and safety is an example of: - Nursing education
A. Delegation - Nursing service
B. Suprevision - Community Health Nursing
C. Responsibility ● Stages of Appointment:
D. Competence A.Nomination:
License, being a mere privilege, it can be revoked - Submission of list of qualified
by the state. individuals
- PNA (APO: accredited professional
40. The professional license of an RN is: organization): 3 nominees/ vacancy
A. Transferable B. Recommendations:
B. Lifetime - Ranking of qualified individuals
C. Can be revoked for reasons stipulated in RA - PRC (Philippine Regulation
9173 Commission): 2 recommendees/
D. Personal vacancy
C. Appointment:
77. Negligence in the practice of nursing can be a - By President
ground for:
A. Revocation of license by the ombudsman B. Section 4: Qualifications of BON member
B. Revocation of license by the BON - Natural born Filipino citizen
C. Revocation of license by the DOH - Education: master degree in nursing,
D. Revocation of license by the Nursing education, or allied medical
Department profession ( but chairman and
License: is an exercise of the police power of the majority of members must have
state masters degree in nursing)
- To be a license or registered nurse, one - Work experience; 10 years of
must have studied BS Nursing (at least a 4 continuous nsg practice (last 5 years
year course, passed the nursing licensure in the Philippines)
examination and taken the nurse’s oath. - Should not be convicted of any
6. What is the basic requirement of the state for a - Should be an active member of PNA
nurse to practice her profession? (Philippine Nursing Association)
A. Willingness to practice the profession
B. A BSN degree C.Section 5: Requirements upon
C. A nursing license qualification as BON member
D. An NCLEX and CGFNS passer - Resign from any teaching position in
any nursing school or local NLE
82. When Mrs. Guevarra, a nurse, delegates review center
aspects of the clients care to the nurse-aide who is D. Section 6: Term of office
an unlicensed staff, Mrs. Guevarra: - 1 term: 3 years
A. Makes the assignment to teach the staff - Max if reappointed: 2 terms: 6 years
member Types of Appointment:
B. Is assigning the responsibility to the aide but - Regular: NRA ( nomination,
not the accountability for the tasks recommendation, appointment)
C. Does not have to supervise or evaluate the - Ad interim: a board member is appointed for
aide the mean time just to fill the vacancy in the
D. Most known how to perform task delegated board (shall fill the vacancy for the
unexpired portion only)
RA 9173 ( Philippine Nurses Act of 2002) * This happens when one of the member
● Article 1: Sec 1: Title 9Philippine Nursing dies
Act of 2002) *Ad interim is a latin word meaning “for the
● Article 2: Sec 2: Declaration of Policy meantime”
- Policy of the state to protect and - Doctrine of hold over: a board member is
improve the nursing profession permitted to continue his service until his
● Article 3: Board of Nursing Organization replacement had been appointed by the
A. Section 3: composition president
*The doctrine of hold over applies when H. Section 10: Annual Report
your terms has ended but then for some - BON annual report to President via
reason beyond your control, the process PRC
for the replacement has not yet began so - proceeding s and accomplishments
who will manage the home of BON, so for - Recommendations to improve
the mean time hold over ka muna nursing profession

E. Section 7: Compensation I. Section 11: removal or suspension of board

- Quantum meruit (as much as they members
deserve): like the compensation of - Continued neglect of duty/
the chairperson and members of incompetence
other professional regulatory boards - Unprofessional/ immoral
- chairman : salary grade 30 (25000- - Tolerated irregularities in the board
29000) exam
- Members: salary grade 28 (21000-
25000) ● Article 4: Examination and registration
- A.Section 12: NLE
F. Section 8: Administrative Supervision - In accordance with RA 8981 ( PRC
- BON under administrative modernization act of 2000)
supervision of PRC
B.Section 13: Qualifications for admission to
G. Section 9: Power and duties of the Board of the NLE
Nursing - Filipino citizen (or foreigner by
-S: Supervise and regulate the practice of reciprocity: same requirements for
nursing (#1 power of BON) registration of licensure of RN’s as
- H: Hearings and Investigations (quasi- Philippines)
judicial power) - Good moral character
- Issue subpoena - Holder of BSN degree
- s. ad. testificandum: testify (person)
- s. duces tecum: documents + person C. Section 14: Scope of Examination
- E: Ensure quality of nursing education - NP1: funda, LMR, prof ad
- BON examines school facilities - NP2: chn, ob/ pedia
- BON recommend closure of schools - NP3: Medsurg
*For example if the school continuously - NP4: Medsurg
flanked in the nsg licensure examination, - NP5: Psyche/ Neuro
the scores are too low below 60%, the BON
will recommend its closure along with the D. Section 15: ratings
CHED - General average: 75% (with no
- CHED: agency responsible for closure/ ratings below 60% in any subject)
reopening of a school - *Removal exam (for gen average of
- S: specialty organizations, recognize (ex. >75% but <60% in 1 or more
ANSAP: IV skills training) subjects): taken within 2 years and
- ANSAP: Association of Nursing Service rating must be >75% in the subjects/
Administrators of the Philippines of removal
- M: Monitor and enforce quality standards
of nursing practice in the Philippines and E. Section 16: Oath
exercise the powers necessary to ensure - Oath : A form of attestation by which
the maintenance of efficient, ethical and a person signifies that he is bound
technical, moral and professional standards by his conscience to practice and act
in the practice of nursing taking into account faithfully/ truthfully to profession
the health needs of the nation; (section 9 - 15 days after the release of the
[c], RA 9173; the basis of Nursing Core result
Competency Standards) - Administered by BON or by any
- I: Issue, suspend and revoke license authorized public official
- L: Licensure examination for nurses (place
and date determined by PRC) F. Section 17: Issuance of certificate of
- E: Ethics (Primary body that enforces registration (COR)/ Proof of license and
ethical standards for nurses PRC ID card
- COR ( certificate of registration)/ J. Section 21: Practice thru special/ temporary
professional license permit
- N: Name of registrant -* Special/ temporary permit
- S: seal of commission (PRC) - Issued by: BON
- S: Signature (8): PRC chairperson/ 7 - Approved by: PRC
BON members - Given to:
- Characteristics: evidence of basic - Medical Missions: foreign MDs and RNs
nursing skills (only if mission is for free)
- Purpose: To protect the health of the - A well known expert (whose business here
public is for fee or free)
- The most important tool for the legal - Exchange professors
control and enforcement of nursing
practice 24. Licensed nurses from foreign countries can
- Only temporary; a privilege (not a practice nursing in the Philippines in the following
right) condition:
- RA 1080: civil service eligibility A. Employed in state colleges and universities
- *PRC ID CARD: B. Special projects with hospitals with a fixed
1. Name fee
2. Registration Date C. Employees by private hospitals
3. Issuance Date D. Medical Mission whose services are free
4. License/ registration number
5. Expiration date
6. Signature (2): PRC chairperson/ K. Section 22: Non- registration and non
nurse’s signature registration of COR (certificate of registration)
- Renewal: q 3 years (birth - Convicted of a crime (“criminal”)
date/birth month) - Unsound mind ( “mental)
- PRC resolution # 2004-179 - Immoral
series of 2004
- Baccalaureate: 60 CPE units The Board hall furnish the applicant a written
(continuing professional statement setting forth the reason for its actions,
education)/ 3years (nurse) which shall be incorporated in the records of the
- Non baccalaureate: 30 CPE/ Board” (Due Process)
3 years (midwives)
- Reissuance of suspended/ L.Section 23: Revocation and suspension of
revoked licensed: after 4 COR/ license and cancellation of special /
years temporary permit:
- When cause of revocation A. For any of the causes mentioned in the
has disappeared/ payment of preceding section;
required fees/ for equity and B. For unprofessional and unethical conduct
justice C. For gross incompetence or serious
G. Section 18: Fees of examination and D. For malpractice or negligence in the
registration practice of nursing
H. Section 19: Automatic registration of E. For the use of fraud deceit or false
nurses statements in obtaining a certificate of
- All RNs under RA 7164 registration/ professional license or a
automatically or ipso facto becomes temporary/ special permit;
RNs under this act F. For violation of this Act, the rules and
regulations, Code of Ethics for nurses and
I. Section 20: Registration by reciprocity technical standards for nursing practice,
- *Reciprocity: mutual/same policies of the Board and the Commission or
requirements of registration and the conditions and limitations for the
licensure of nurses between 2 issuance of the temporary/ special permit;
countries or
- Principle: “du ut des” (I give that my G. For practicing his/ her profession during his/
you may give her suspension from such practice;
- (fyi: “I do that you may do”) (facio ut - Provided however, that the
facia) suspension of the certificate of
registration/ professional license
shall be for a period not to exceed not allowed to perform any of
four years these techniques without
- Gross incompetence/ practicing permission of RN
under suspension -IV treatment: required: 3 day
- > considered “criminal”, “immoral”, training by ANSAP)
“mental” -Requirement to take board
9. The board of Nursing is vested with power to - 6 IV insertion,
issue, suspend or revoke for cause the: - 6 medication infusion,
A. Certificate of Good Moral Character - 2 blood transfusion
B. Certificate of Practice - Ideal RN: pt Ratio: 1:4
C. Certificate of Registration B. Section 29: Qualifcations of nursing
D. Certificate of Employment service administrators
- (head nurse-1st/ nurse
M. Section 24: re-issuance of revoked - RN, PNA (APO), .9 units in
certificate of registration/ license ngs service administration in
- 4 years have passed the graduate school (actual:
- Cause of revocation has disappeared MAN)
- Upon payment of required fees - 2 yrs experience in general
nursing service
● Article 5: Nursing Education administration
A. Section 25: Nursing Education - Chief nurse 3rd
Program - RN, PNA (APO), MAN
-Follow prescribed curriculum by - 5 yrs in
CHED supervision/managerial
B. Section 26: Requirement for inactive position
nurses returning to practice ● Article 7: health human resource production,
- Not practicing for 5 years or utilization and development
more: A. Section 30: Studies on health human
- Attend: 1 month didactic resource production, utilization and
(lecture)/ 3 months practicum development
- By BON - accredited - By BON (in coordination with APO,
hospitals government or private agencies)
C. Section 27: Faculty qualifications B. Section 31: Comprehensive nursing
- Faculty: RN, PNA (APO), MA specialty program
(nursing, education, or other - Oncology, geriatrics, dialysis
allied health professions), 1 - Participation of this program are
year clinical experience obliged to work in the Philippines for
- Dean: RN, PNA (APO), > 2 years of continuous service
MAN, 1 year clinical C. Section 33: Funding for the
experience, 5 years comprehensive nursing specialty
experience in nursing program
education -At least salary grade 15 15 (RA
● Article 6: Nursing Practice D. Section 33: Funding for the
A. Section 28: Scope of Nursing comprehensive nursing specialty
- Assessment/ teachings/ program
evaluation/complex (sterile -Annual financial requirement to train
techs, meds admin, ngs dx) at least 10% of the nursing staff of
- Have special training before participating government hospitals
suturing perineal lacerations must be equally charged to:
(training by MCNAP: -PCSO (Phil Charity Sweepstake
maternal and child nursing Office)
association of the -PAGCOR (Phil Amusement and
Philippines) Gaming Corporation)
* Now as you can see, -Release funding to DOH (set
nursing students are not yet criteria for the availment of this
nsg professionals so they are program
E. Section 34: Incentives and benefits 5. Who falsely poses or
-BON+DOH+Hospitals+APO> free advertises as a registered
hospital care for nurse and their and licensed nurse or uses
dependents any other means that tend to
convey the impression that
● Article 8: Penal and Miscellaneous he/ she is a registered and
Provisions licensed nurse; or
A. Section 35: Prohibitions in the 6. Who appends BSN/ RN or
practice of nursing any similar appendage to his/
- 1-6 years imprisonment her name without having
+50k-100k for: been conferred said degree r
- False evidence as a nurse registration; or
- Falsely advertising as a 7. Who as a registered and
nurse license nurse, abets or
- Put BSN, RN to one’s name assists the illegal practice of
without such degree a person who is not lawfully
qualified to practice nursing
- Section 35. Prohibitions in the Practice of B. Any Person or the chief executive officer
Nursing.-- A fine of not less than fifty of a juridical entity who undertakes in
thousand pesos (50,000) nor or more than service educational programs or who
one hundred thousand pesos (100,000) or conducts review classes for both local and
imprisonment of not less than one year nor foreign examination without permit/
more than six years or both upon the clearance from the Board and the
discretion of the court shall be imposed Commission; or
A. Any personal practicing nursing in C.Any person or employer of nurses who
the Philippines within the meaning of violate the minimum base pay of nurses and
this Act: the incentives and benefits that should be
1. Without a certificate of accorded them as specified in Section 32
registration/ professional and 34; or
license and professional D. Any person or chief executive officer of a
identification card or special juridical entity violating any provision of this
temporary permit or without Act and its rules and regulations
having been declared
exempt from examination in ● Article 9: Final Provisions
accordance with the A. Section 36: Enforcement
provision of this Act; or - PRC
2. Who uses as his/her own - BON
certificates of registration/ - Assistance of duly law
professional licence and enforcement agencies/
professional identification officers (local or national)
card or special temporary B. Section 37: Appropriations (Money)
permit of another;or - PRC
3. Who uses an invalid C. Section 38: Rules and Regulations
certificate of registration/ - BON, PRC, PNA, DOH,DBM
professional license, a D. Section 39: Separability Clause
suspended or revoked - If any part is declared
certificate of registration/ unconstitutional, the
professional license or an remaining part is valid and
expired or cancelled special/ operational
temporary permit; or E. Section 40: Repealing Clause (PNA
4. Who gives any false of 1991)
evidence to the Board in - Repealed RA 7164
order to obtain a certificate of F. Section 41: Effectivity
registration/ professional - 15 days after publication in
license, a professional the official gazetted or in any
identification card or special 2 newspapers of general
permit ot circulation

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