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Board exam question: Which of the ff is NOT a
legally binding document but nonetheless very
important in the care of all patients in any setting?
ANS: Patient’s Bill of rights (as adopted by
American Nurses Association)
RATIONALE: it is not a legally binding document in
the Philippines because it is not inactive by the
congress, by the president or by any judicial, or
legislative body. So it is not made by congee or any
sanggunian. It is useful as a guideline, because
violation of a patient's rights can lead to other legal
consequences, like violation of criminal law, civil or
administrative law.
- Section 1 : section 1 of BP 702 to read as
1. Rights to Appropriate Medical care and
Human treatment - Every person has a
- In emergency or serious cases, XXX no
right to health and medical care
deposit ro any other form of advance
corresponding to his state of health, without
payment as prerequisite for rendering basic
any discrimination and within the limits of
emergency care xxx
the resources, manpowerand competence
- If there is “inadequacy of medical
available for health and medical care at the
capabilities of other hospital or medical
relevant time. The patient has the right to
clinic, the attending physician my transfer
appropriate health and medical care of good
the patient ot faculty where the appropriate
quality. In the course of such, his human
care can be given, after:
dignity, convictions, integrity, individual
A. The pt or next of kin consents ot transfer
needs and culture shall be respected.
B. The receiving hospital or medical clinic
If any person cannot immediately be given
agrees to such transfer
treatment that is medically necessary he
shall, depending on his state of health,
-If the pt is unconscious, incapable of giving
either be directed to wait for care, or be
consent and / or unaccompanied, the physician can
referred or sent for treatment elsewhere,
transfer the pt even without his consent after:
where the appropriate care can be provided.
A. Necessary emergency treatment and
If the patient has to wait for care, he shall be
support have been administered to stabilize
informed of the reason for the delay.
the pt.
Patients in emergency shall be extended
B. It has been established that such transfer
immediate medical care and treatment
entails less risks than pt continued
without any deposit, pledge, mortgage or
any form of advance payment for treatment.
> there is a law now that prohibits hospitals
-No hospital or clinic, after being informed of the
from demanding a deposit before they can
medical indications for such transfer, shall refuse to
provide emergency treatment. Ex pregnant
receive the patient nor demand from the pt or his
mother that is about to give birth or a man
next of kin any deposit or advance payment.
has been shot or stab, the hospital needs to
A. Emergency: a condition or state of a pt
treat the person if they appear in the
wherein based on the objective findings of a
hospital. The hospital may not refuse
prudent medical offer on duty for the day
treatment until deposit can be given,
there is immediate danger and mere delay
otherwise the head of hospital can be held
in initial support and treatment may cause
liable, a fine of 500,000, 1,000,000 and
loss of life or cause permanent disability to
the pt, or in the case of a pregnant woman,
permanent injury, or loss of her unborn
(RA 8344: hospitals to treat emergency
child, or would result in noninstitutional
cases without deposit otherwise the medical
direction become liable) strengthen by RA
B. Serious case : a condition of a pt
characterized by gravity of danger wherein
based on the objective findings of prudent
medical officer on duty for the day when left damages that may be rewarded to the pt-
attended to, may cause loss of life or cause compliant.
permanent disability to the pt, or in the case > the former provision, punishes
of a pregnant woman, permanent injury, or isolated incident, where in an employee of
loss of her unborn child. an hospital or a doctor of a hospital refuses
C. Basic emergency care - includes the to give emergency treatment without
procedure required for the initial diagnosis, deposit. But this particular provision talks
use of equipment and supplies in sufficiently about established policy of a hospital, it
addressing the emergency situation, doesn’t have to be written, like verbal
considering the welfare of the patient. transmitted lang. Ma punish ang director of
Includes the necessary medical procedure hospital.
and treatment administered to a woman in > what are the damages? Civil
active labor to ensure the safe delivery of amount which the court will cost you to pay
the newborn. the person you have wrong.
D. Noninstitutional delivery- the delivery of a >ex namatay ang baby kay nahulog,
newborn while in transit, outside of a health value of dead fetus, is NOTHING. A dead
facility , after an initial consultation was fetus has no fixed salary yet. It has no
done in a health facility monetary value. But the mother and father
can claim the damages, specifically for
Section3: section 3 of same, as amended, is moral damages, like tears and anxiety.
hereby further amended to read as follows > hindi ganon kalaki ang moral
- Where there is no ambulance for use by the damages, only rewarded to reduce suffering
hospital or the clinic for the emergency of parents who lost their baby. But couple
transfer of the patient to a facility where the can file exemplary damages, the rule is sky
appropriate care shall be given, the LGU is the limit.
where the hospital or clinic is located must > exemplary damages are awarded
allow the free use of its emergency vehicle. by the court to punish someone who has
Pwede gamitin ang LGU vehicle but if ayaw done a grievous wrong. Tinawag na
nila pwede kasuhan ng grave misconduct, grievous so that other people will not
or grave negligence of whoever is incharge commit the same mistake.
of LGU or controlling such vehicle. > mas malaki ang exemplary
- The hospital or clinical must provide a staff damages kaysa sa moral damages. You
nurse with advanced cardiac life support can ask a million.
certification or its equivalent to accompany
the pt in the emergency vehicles - Upon 3 repeated violations based on an
- All hospitals are required to post at their established policy of the hospital or clinic or
entrance a notice indicating the upon instruction of its management, the
classification level of the hospital as health facility’s license to operate shall be
licenced by the DOH and the list of medical revoked by the DOH. solidarily liable for the
services that the hospital is authorized to damages that may be awarded by the court
perform. Like how many capacity of bed, or to the pt-compliant, president, chairman ,
type of surgery to perform board of directors, or trustees, and other
officers of the health facility.
Section 4: amends sections 4 of same act > 3 repeated violations can cause
- Any officer, medical practitioner or hospital closure, the court may also award moral,
employee of the hospital or medical clinic exemplary, or actual damages to whoever was
who violates the provision of this act shall, wronged. Ang problema dito is the one being
upon conviction by final judgement be punished is the institutional, building yan, paano
punished by imprisonment 6 mo 1 day, to 2 maka bayad ang building, so ang magbabayad is
yrs 4 mo, or a fine of 100-300k, or both at the people in charge.
the discretion of the court.
- If the violation is committed pursuant to an
established policy of the hospital or clinic or Section 5: inserts new section 5,6,7 after section 4
upon instruction of its management, the - Section 5: In the event of death, permanent
director or officer of such hospital or clinic disability, serious impairment of the health
responsible for the formulation and condition of the patient-complainant, or in
implementation, suffer imprisonment 4-6 yrs the case of a pregnant woman, permanent
or a fine of 500k to 1M or both at the injury or loss of her unborn child,
discretion of the court without prejudice to proceeding from the denial of his or her
admission to a health facility pursuant to a penalty, like fines or imprisonment, ano lang
policy or practice of demanding deposits or magawa nya, revoke license of the hospital.
advance payments for confinement or If the nurse or doctor ang makasala, the
treatment, a presumption of liability shall investigative board can facilitate filing of
arise against the hospital, medical clinic, criminal case, they can draft complaint.
and the official, medical practitioner, or - This is without prejudice to the rights of the
employee involved. patient-complainant to directly institute
> what is the significance of a legal criminal proceedings in the court.
presumption? There are 2 types of > even without going to dOH you
presumption, 1. Presumption of facts, 2. can file in the court directly.
Presumption of law. And what appears to be >opinion ni sir, even without this law
presumed in this case is the facts. If the you can file a criminal case against the
laws provides in this section, for example a hospital who refused to treat you without
pregnant woman was refused by the deposit. Ex, article 365 of the revised penal
hospital because of no deposit and the baby code, reckless imprudence resulting in
or mother died just outside the gates of physical injuries.
hospital, the hospital is presumed liable.
Ano significance don? It means the family of Section 7: Philhealth Reimbursement of basic
the woman doesnt have to present much emergency care
evidence, all they have to do is present the - Furthermore, the philippine charity
circumstance of the case na namatay dahil sweepstakes office (PCSO) shall provide
it was being refused by the hospital. medical assistance for the basic emergency
Because of such presumption, it is the care needs of the poor and marginalized
hospital who has to prove that they did not > hindi malulugi ang hospital kasi if
commit a mistake. Hindi conclusive and they provide basic emergency care to those
presumption of fact so it can be rebutted. na walang pera, i-reimburse ng philhealth
> you cannot argue that section 5 is and PCSO
unfair to the hospital kasi hindi naman
conclusive young presumption, the hospital Section 8: Tax deduction
can still overturn the presumption by - For those expenses incurred by the hospital
presenting evidence na may justified reason or clinic in providing basic emergency care
sya for refusing the woman. to the poor and indigent agents not
reimbursed by philhealth.
> if may expense ng hospital na
Section 6: file complaint initially with the health hindi ma reimburse ng philhealth, pwede i
facilities and services regulatory board (HFSRB) of claim as tax deduction
the DOH. > ex you spent 1M sa hospital to
Composition: provide the basic care sa mga walang pera,
- DOH representative with min rank of and tax mo sa taong yung is 5 million, so 5-
director to serve as chair 1, 4 million will be your tax liability. To be
- Representative from Philhealth arranged sa BIR.
- Representative from Philippine medical - Approved August 3, 2017 by Pres. Duterte
- Representative from private health
institution 2. Rights to informed consent - The patient has a
- 3 representative from NGO advocating for right to a clear, truthful and substantial
pt rights and public health (one is licenced explanation, in a manner and language
physician) understandable to the patient, of all proposed
procedures, whether diagnostic, preventive,
- The board shall investigate the claims of the curative, rehabilitative or therapeutic, wherein the
patient and after adjudication, impose person who will perform the said procedure shall
administrative sanctions in accordance with provide his name and credentials to the patient,
this act including the revocation of the possibilities of any risk of mortality or serious
health facilities license. side effects, problems related to recuperation, and
- On the basis of its own findings the board probability of success and reasonable risks
shall also facilitate the filing of the criminal involved:
case in the proper courts > before any surgery or treatment, pt has to
> yung power nung investigative provide informed consent.
board of DOH, it cannot impose criminal
> only who can provide consent 18 yrs old the only way to save a life then they can file a
and above, sound mind. petition in court, for court to give order.
> taken before pt is given any
> court can order to give treatment even if
consciousness altering meds
the parents says no. Court represents people and
> pt must understand procedure, hindi the government, and government is a parent of
kaylangan na most detailed basta maintindihan everyone in the country.
> job of nurse to ask question to pt to know
if pt did understand . > the court can decide the fate of a child,
especially if it is measure to the best interest of the
Provided, That the patient will not be subjected child.
to any procedure without his written informed ● Who gets: doctor who performs surgery.
consent, except in the following cases: Sya mag eexplain ng procedure.
A. in emergency cases, when the patient is at ● Who signs: patient
imminent risk of physical injury, decline Of ● Who witnesses: nurse or SO of pt
death if treatment is withheld or postponed. In
such cases, the physician can perform any
diagnostic or treatment procedure as good 3. Rights to privacy and confidentiality - The
practice of medicine dictates without such privacy of the patients must be assured at all
consent; stages of his treatment. The patient has the right to
B. when the health of the population is dependent be free from unwarranted public exposure, except
on the adoption of a mass health program to in the foLLowing cases:
control epidemic;
A.) when his mental or physical condition is in
C. when the law makes it compulsory for
controversy and the appropriate court, in its
everyone to submit a procedure; discretion, order him to submit to a physical or
D. When the patient is either a minor, or legally mental examination by a physician
incompetent, in which case. a third party
consent Is required; > jig: court order; ex ;examination for
E. when disclosure of material information to gonorrhea of a suspected rapist when rape victim
had gonorrhea as a result of the rape.
patient will jeopardize the success of
treatment, in which case, third party > jig: the privileged doctor-pt relationship
disclosure and consent shall be in order; does not apply in a criminal case; it only applies in
(tawag is benevolent deception) civil case. For example, a woman was raped and
F. When the patient waives his right in writing. killed, then before she died she managed to tell
someone that the one who raped her has a specific
Informed consent shall be obtained from a patient tattoo on the chest. At yung sinabihan ng babae is
concerned if he is of legal age and of sound mind. the doctor na nag treat sa kanya, and the same
In case the patient is incapable of giving consent doctor treated the rapist for an injury.
and a third party consent is required. the
> Can the doctor testify in court? 1. The
following persons, in the order of priority stated
court can order someone to take off their shirt in
hereunder, may give consent:
court. In civil case, the doctor may refuse to divulge
i. spouse; information about a client he has treated, like
annulment, civil case yan. But in a criminal case, a
ii. son or daughter of legal age; doctor cannot invoke a doctor- pt relationship. If
you treated a man and you have knowledge of any
iii. either parent; medical fact that could convict him, then you can be
made to state that in court.
iv. brother or sister of legal age, or

v. guardian
Section 1 (rules 28 of court), when examination
If a patient is a minor, consent shall be obtained may be ordered-- action in which the mental or
from his parents or legal guardian. If next of kin, physical condition of a party is in controversy the
parents or legal guardians refuse to give consent court in which the action is pending may in its
to a medical or surgical proceoure necessary to discretion order him to submit to a physical or
save the life or limb of a minor or a patient mental examination by a physician.
incapable of giving consent, courts, upon the
petition of the physician or any person interested in Xxx
the welfare of the patient, in a summary
proceeding, may issue an order giving consent. Section 24. - Disqualification by reason of
privileged communication-0 the following persons
>Like blood transfusion. If parents ayaw cannot testify as to matters learned in confidence in
mag bigay ng consent but to the medical team it is the following cases.
> (A ) A person authorized to practice But there is a coding system to protect the identity
medicine surgery or obstetrics cannot in a civil case of pt.
without the consent of the patient be examined as
to any advice or treatment given by him or any Informing the spouse or the family to the first
information which he may have acquired in degree of the patient's medical condition may be
attending such patient in a professional capacity allowed; Provided That the patient of legal age shall
which information was necessary to enable him to have the right to choose on whom to inform. In
act in that capacity and which would blacken the case the patient is not of legal age or is mentally
reputation of the patient. incapacitated, such information shall be given to
the parents, legal guardian or his next of kin.
> paano yung nurse? Within the
contemplation of the law, the nurse is considered > if man has HIV, should the hospital inform
an agent of the doctor. Kung ano hindi pwede the wife? Yes. the hospital has the right to do that.
masabi ng doctor, hindi rin pwede masabi ng nurse. If the hospital does not inform the wife. The wife
In criminal case, the nurse can also be compelled can sue the hospital for damages.
to state what he knows medically related to the

> (B) When the public health and safety so 4. Rights to information - In the course of his/her
demand; treatment and hospital care, the patient or his/her
legal guardian has a right to be informed of the
> pubic consent may not be required for result of the evaluation of the nature and extent of
public health and safety so demand. For ex, COVID his/her disease, any other additional or further
19. The government requires everyone to social contemplated medical treatment on surgical
distancing. The government is not requiring your procedure or procedures, including any other
consent to be physically distant. It is giving you an additional medicines to be administered and their
order for the safety of everyone. generic counterpart including the possible
complications and other pertinent facts, statistics
>(C) when the patient waives this right in or studies, regarding his/her illness, any change
writing. in the plan of care before the change is made,
the person's participation in the plan of care
The patient has the right to demand that all and necessary changes before its implementation,
information, communication and records pertaining the extent to which payment maybe expected
to his care be treated as confidential. Any health from Philhealth or any payor and any charges for
care provider or practitioner involved in the which the patient maybe liable, the disciplines of
treatment of a patient and all those who have health care practitioners who will furnish the care
legitimate access to the patient's record is not and the frequency of services that are proposed to
authorized to divulge any information to a third be furnished.
party who has no concern with the care and
welfare of the patient without his consent, > in relation to generic names, may batas
except: na when a doctor prescribe ng medication , bawal
na na-brand name lang ang nilalagay sa
A) when such disclosure will benefit public health prescription , doctors are required to place the
and safety; generic name to give pt options, to buy cheaper
drug na same lang ang effect.
B) when it is in the interest of justice and upon the
order of a competent court; and > the practice of only prescribing expensive
meds is prohibited by law.
> may mga batas na kaylangan i observe,
ex, HIV positive yung client. Only the doctor The patient or his legal guardian has the right to
managing the pt, should know about it and examine and be given an itemized bill of the
everyone caring for him in the hospital. Usually hospital and medical services rendered in the
chart is placed with a code to warn you about the facility or by his/her physician and other health care
said condition. providers, regardless of the manner and source of
payment.He is entitled to a thorough explanation of
C) when the patients waives in writing the such bill.
confidential nature of such information;
The patient or hislher legal guardian has the
D) when it is needed for continued medical right to be informed by the physician or his/her
treatment or advancement of medical science delegate of hisJher continuing health care
subject to de-identification of patient and shared requirements following discharge, including
medical confidentiality for those who have access instructions about home medications, diet, physical
to the information. activity and all other pertinent information to
promote health and well-being.
> ex, the DOH has a nationwide databank
with everyone who has communicable disease, ex, > di pwede after giving treatment and nag
TB, HIV, to keep track and epidemiology purposes. bayad ang pt, papauwiin nalang nag basta2 without
giving instruction on what he should do about sa The patient has the right to discuss his condition
drug. Like take it with or without food? After meals? with a consultant specialist, at the patient's request
and expense. He also has the right to seek for a
>if the pt is injured because of lack of second opinion and subsequent opinions, if
discharge teaching by the physician, you can sue appropriate, from another health care
under article 365 . provider/practitioner.

At the end of his/her confinement, the patient is

entitled to a brief, written summary of the course
of his/her illness which shall include at least the 6. Rights to self- determination -The patient has
history, physical examination, diagnosis, the right to avail himself/herself of any
medications, surgical procedure, ancillary and recommended diagnostic and treatment
laboratory procedures, and the plan of further procedures.Any person of legal age and of sound
treatment, and which shall be provided by the mind may make an advance written directive for
attending physician. He/she is likewise entitled to physicians to administer terminal care when he/she
the explanation of, and to view, the contents of suffers from the terminal phase of a terminal illness:
medical record of his/her confinement but with the Provided That
presence of his/her attending physician or in the
absence of the attending physician, the A) he is informed of the medical consequences of
hospital's representative. his choice;
> about the chart, the pt can actually view B) he releases those involved in his care from any
the contents of the chart as well as relatives up to obligation relative to the consequences of his
the 4th civil degree. The info of the chart is property decision;
of the patient, even though the chart is a physical
property of the hospital. C) his decision will not prejudice public health and
> if ayaw ipakita ng doctor ang, you can file
for administrative case, civil case, subpoena -- a > it has something to do with advance
subpoena cannot be filed without filing the civil directive, pwede ka gumawa ng advance directive,
case. a written document that outlines to physician, what
you want to include or excluded in your care,
Notwithstanding that he/she may not be able to should you be incapacitated and no longer able to
settle his accounts by reason of financial deicde for your self. Ano limitation non? The
incapacity (pt na hindi makabayad), he/she is limitation you are now prejudice public health and
entitled to reproduction, at his/her expense, the safety.
pertinent part or parts of the medical record
the purpose or purposes of which he shall > meaning, di ka pwde mag write ng
indicate in his/her written request for instruction na when you die, you will be burn and
reproduction. The patient shall likewise be your ashes will be scattered in the city, especially if
entitled to medical certifICate, free of charge, you die from communicable disease, may
with respect to his/her previous confinement. limitations naman.

> even if pt is not able to pay bills, bawal i 7. Right to Religious Belief. - The patient has
detain ng hospital. Hospital can be sued for illegal the right to refuse medical treatment or procedures
detention. The lawyer can petition the court for the which may be contrary to his religious beliefs,
pt’s extrication from the hospital via petition for subject to the limitations described in the preceding
habeas corpus with damages. subsection:

> you are also obliged to furnish him Provided, That such a right shall not be imposed
records of the coses of his expenses, surrender by parents upon their children who have not
him an accounting, bakit ganon bill niya. reached the legal age in a life threatening situation
as determined by the attending physician or the
medical director of the facility.
5. the Right to Choose Health Care Provider 8. Right to Medical Records. - The patient is
and Facility. - The patient is free to choose the entitled to a summary of his medical history and
health care provider to serve him as well as the condition.He has the right to view the contents of
facility except when he is under the care of a his medical records, except psychiatric notes and
service facility or when public health and safety so other incriminatory information obtained about third
demands or when the patient expressly waives this parties, with the attending physician explaining
right in writing. contents thereof. At his expense and upon
discharge of the patient, he may obtain from the
> for example may covid and pt, dun sya health care institution a reproduction of the same
ilalagay sa communicable disease ward. Hindi mag record whether or not he has fully settled his
choose. financial obligation with the physician or institution
The health care institution shall safeguard the C) hislher decision will not prejudice public health
confidentiality of the medical records and to and safety.
likewise ensure the integrity and authenticity of the
medical records and shall keep the same within > as long as she signs against the medical
a reasonable time as may be determined by the advice form.
Department of Health.
No patient sha;; be detained against hi$/her will in
The health care institution shall issue a medical any health care institution on the sole basis of his
certificate to the patient upon request.Any other failure to fully settle his financial obligations.
document that the patient may require for insurance
claims shall also be made available to him within > jigs: remedy: file writ of habeas corpus
forty-fIVe (45) days from request. with damages. You can also file illegal detention

BOARD EXAM QUESTION : Disposal of medical However, he/she shall only be allowed to leave the
records in government hospitals/institutions must hospital provided appropriate arrangements have
be done in close coordination with what agency ? been made to settle the unpaid bills: Provided.
further, That unpaid bills of patients shall be
ANSWER: Department of health considered as loss income by the hospital and
health care provider/practitioner and shall be
BOARD EXAM QUESTION: in the hospital, when deducted from gross income as income loss only
you need the medical record of discharged pt for on that particular year.
research you will request permission through

ANSWER: the hospital director

10.Right to Refuse Participation In Medical
BOARD EXAM QUESTION: You readmitted a Research. - The patient has the right to be
client who was in another department a month ago advised if the health care provider plans to
since you will need to previous chart from whom do involve him in medical research, including but not
you pressed the old chart? limited to human experimentation which may be
performed only with the written informed consent of
ANSWER: medical record section. the patient: Provided, That, an institutional review
board or ethical review board in accordance with
BOARD EXAM QUESTION : Record management the guidelines set in the Declaration of Helsinki be
and archives office of the DOH is responsible for established for research involving human
implementing its policies on records disposal. You experimentation: Provided, further, That the
know that your institution is covered by this policy if. Department of Health shall safeguard the
continuing training and education of fUture health
ANSWER: it obtained to operate from DOH care provider/practitioner to ensure the
development of the health care delivery in the
BOARD EXAM QUESTION : Kathy is one of your country: Provided, fUrthermore, That the patient
pt, her uncle who is a doctor wants to read her involved in the human experimentation shall be
chart. Your appropriate actions would be. made aware of the provisions of the Declaration of
Helsinki and its respective guidelines.
ANSWER: instruct Kathy's uncle to present a
written authorization signed by the pt.

BOARD EXAM QUESTION : Which of the following 11. RIght to Correspondence and to Receive
person cannot have access to the pt records? Visitors. - The patient has the right to
communicate with relatives and other persons
ANSWER: lawyer of the family and to receive visitors subject to reasonable limits
prescribed by the rules and regulations of the
BOARD EXAM QUESTION: the pt’s medical record health care institution.
is the best evidence of the care that is given to the
pt. It is the property of. 12. Right to Express Grievances. - The patient
has the right to express complaints and
ANSWER: the physical property of the hospital. grievances about the care and services received
without fear of discrimination or reprisal and to
9. Right to leave- The patient has the right to know about the disposition of such complaints.Such
leave hospital or any other health care institution a system shall afford all parties concerned with the
regardless of his physical condition: Provided. opportunity to settle amicably all grievances.
13. RIght to be Informed of His Rights and
A) he/she is informed of the medical Obligations as a Patient. - Every person has the
consequences of his/her decision right to be informed of his rights and obligations as
a patient.The Department of Health,in coordination
B) helshe releases those involved in his/her care with healthcare providers, professional and civic
from any obligation relative to the consequences of groups, the media, health insurance corporations,
his decision; people's organizations,local government
organizations, shall launch and sustain a ANSWER: right to self determination
nationwide information and education campaign
to make known to people their rights as BOARD EXAM QUESTION: Breathing treatment
patients, as declared in this Act Such rights and or to be given purita. in anticipation that purita
obligations of patients shall be posted in a bulletin refuse dino one of the children request that he be
board conspicuously placed in a health care the one in behalf of the mother the nurse explains
institution. that purita is rationale in her thinking and which of
these clients right must be regarded
It shall be the duty of health care institutions to
inform of their rights as well as of the institution's ANSWER: right to refuse treatment.
rules and regulations that apply to the conduct of
the patient while in the care of such institutions. BOARD EXAM QUESTION: As you become
socialized into the nursing “culture” you become a
BOARD EXAM QUESTION:the pt’s bill of rights patient advocate advocacy is explained by the
helps practitioners provide more effective pt care. following except
Which should NOT be included in the list.
ANSWER: demonstrating loyalty to the institution
ANSWER: be informed of administrative and rights
policies and practices.

RATIONALE: kay not concern of th pt anymore.

BOARD EXAM QUESTION: the client says “ i want

to tell you something but can you promise that you
will keep it as a secret? “ a therapeutic response of
the nurse is:

ANSWER: “yes, our interaction is confidential

provide the information you tell me is not
detrimental to you safety.

BOARD EXAM QUESTION: it is unethical to tell

one’s friend and family members daya about pt
because doing is a violation of pt’s rights to:

ANSWER: confidentiality

BOARD EXAM QUESTION: When the nurse is

asked a personal question, which of these
reactions indicates a need for her to introspect.

ANSWER: his right to privacy is being intruded.

BOARD EXAM QUESTION: Client’s right should be

protected when doing research using human
subjects. Martha identifies these rights as follows

ANSWER: right to compensation

BOARD EXAM QUESTION: you inform the pt

about his rights which include the following, except

ANSWER: right to obtain information about other



works in a nursing home, and he knows that one of
his duties is to be an advocate for his pt. Mr. santos
knows primary duty of an advocate is to

ANSWER: maintain pt rights to privacy

BOARD EXAM QUESTION: an 85 yr old client in a

nursing home tells a nurse, “ i signed the paper for
that research study because a doctor was so
insistent and i want him to continue taking care of
me: which client right is being violated?

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