Video 1: Ethico Legal Considerations: The Ethical Principles or Bio-Ethical Principles

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Justice - equality for all ; you being fair to

CONSIDERATIONS D. Autonomy - promoting self determination
3 MAIN Laws of Nursing Practice
1. RA 9173 or the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002
(because not knowing this, could have your 2. Non-maleficence
license invoked) - doing no harm
2. RA 315 or the Revised Penal Code (because not - lessening the harm done
knowing this could land you in jail) - BEST Ex: be cautious during surgery
3. RA 386 or the New Civil Code of the (there is some harm here for example
Philippines (because not knowing this could take the surgeon has to use scalpel to cut but
all your money in civil damages). There are he has a duty to just minimize the
other laws damage or harm done)

Situation 17: NLE Question. Safe nursing practice Case 9: “The doctor who proceeded with NSVD or
involves an understanding of the law. attempted of a pre-eclamptic woman”
Number 81. In the Philippines, this law is: Case of Rogelio Nogales v Capitol Medical Center, Dr.
➔ The Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 or RA Oscar Estrada et al.
9173 correct answer (GR 142625, Dec 19, 2006)
➔ RA 7164 - old law, thus incorrect ; New law - A pregnant mother was admitted with
repeals old law preeclampsia, a condition characterized by
➔ IRR - Implementing Rules and Regulations severe hypertension with risk for convulsions
accompanying the pregnancy. In jurisprudence,
The ethical or bioethical principles are not laws; rather the mother with pre-eclampsia is usually made
they are guidelines in the conduct of a nurse. By to birth by Caesarian Section for her safety, not
following them, not only does the nurse become an through NSVD (normal spontaneous vaginal
excellent nurse, and a good person in general, the nurse delivery); she may even legally undergo
also wittingly follows the laws. abortion to terminate and expel the fetus-to save
her life.
That is probably why, in this case, the anesthesiologist
of Capitol Medical Center offered his services to Dr
1. Beneficence
Oscar Estrada. But Estrada refused the services of the
- Doing good
anesthesiologist and proceeded with the NSVD, as
- Ex: advocating for pt’s rights ( making
documented by the nurse in the nurses notes (good job
sure that informed consent is complete)
for the nurse). Nevertheless, the good anesthesiologist
remained in the hospital to monitor the situation. Indeed,
159. Tricia, a staff nurse working in a cancer unit, is
the worst happened: the blood pressure of the mother
considered a role model not only by her colleagues but
spiked and she experienced convulsions. Magnesium
also by her patients. She goes out of her way to help
sulfate was injected to her, to no avail.
others. She is very active in their professional
organization and she practices what she teaches. What
Doctor Estreda pulled the baby out by forceps delivery,
ethical principles is she practicing?
tearing a chunk of the mother's cervical tissue and
A. Beneficence
injuring the baby's head in the process (the baby came
B. Autonomy
out pale and apneic).
C. Advocacy
D. Justice
A series of medical treatments was done with many
specialists involved, but the mother ultimately died of
160. You are commuting to work riding the LRT. An
postpartum haemorrhage. The Supreme Court upheld the
older person collapsed and nobody seem to notice her.
decision reached by the RTC (Regional Trial Court)
The security guard tried to make her sit down but she
after eleven (11) years of trial: that it was the
remained unconscious. You saw what happened and you
malpractice of Dr. Oscar Estrada and the negligence of
decided to help. With help, you brought the patient to the
Capitol Medical Center that caused the patient's death.
nearest hospital. You learned later that woman was
As a result, Capitol Medical Center is made vicariously
diabetic. She was on her way to the diabetes clinic to
liable with Dr. Estrada for Php 105,000 for actual
have her fasting blood sugar tested. She developed
damages, and Php 700,000 for moral damages.
hypoglycemia. You were able to save a life. felt good.
What principle was applied?
A. Advocacy - fight for patient’s right
B. Beneficence - doing good
When you say vicarious liability means solidarily liable - [ Galinato: Personally, although not written in
which means the patient or the family of the patient will records, I think there is a quarrel between the
go after the doctor or will go after the hospital. anesthesiologist and the surgeon. Parang may
issue sa kanila ba, between Dr. Estrada, who is
Actual damages is for value of the life estimated by the the surgeon and the anesthesiologist, Dr.
courts Enriquez. Enriquez parang good guy, he offered
services to Estrada but etong si Estrada, parang
Moral damages is for the pain, the suffering, mental may issue kay Enriquez, he refuse his services,
anguish that the injury has caused upon the patient’s endangering the life of the patient ]

Personal observation: At 6:00 AM, Corazon was transferred to Delivery Room

This case has everything to do with respiratory No. 1 of the CMC. At 6:10 AM, Corazon's bag of water
assessment. The Preeclamptic mother with hypertension ruptured spontaneously. At 6:12 a.m., Corazon's cervix
and convulsion, is obviously in danger of cardiovascular was fully dilated. At 6:13 AM, Corazon started to
and pulmonary complications. It is the doctor who is in experience convulsions.
charge of thorough assessment and opting for surgery in
this case, not the nurse. But that does not mean that the At 6:15 AM, Dr. Estrada ordered the injection of ten
nurse should just stand by and let herself be legally grams of magnesium sulfate (to lower BP). However,
implicated and damned. She did what she was supposed Dr. Ely Villaflor ("Dr. Villaflor"), who was assisting Dr.
to do: document the doctor's actions and defend herself. Estrada, administered only 2.5 grams of magnesium
Clearly, not far away from proper assessment respiratory sulfate.
or otherwise is defensive and accurate documentation.
At 6:22 AM, Dr. Estrada, assisted by Dr. Villaflor,
applied low forceps to extract Corazon's baby. In the
See events, per documentation: process, a 1.0 x 2.5 cm. piece of cervical tissue was
For the documentation of the nurse, this is what allegedly torn. The baby came out in an apnic, cyanotic,
happened: weak and injured condition. Consequently, the baby had
- On 26 May 1976, Corazon was admitted at 2:30 to be intubated and resuscitated by Dr. Enriquez and Dr.
a.m. at the CMC after the staff nurse noted the Payumo.
written admission request of Dr. Estrada. Upon
Corazon's admission at the CMC, Rogelio At 6:27 AM, Corazon began to manifest moderate
Nogales ("Rogelio") executed and signed the vaginal bleeding which rapidly became profuse.
"Consent on Admission and Agreement" and Corazon's blood pressure dropped from 130/80 to 60/40
"Admission Agreement." Corazon was then within five minutes. There was continuous profuse
brought to the labor room of the CMC. vaginal bleeding. The assisting nurse administered
- Dr. Rosa Uy “Dr. Uy, who was then a resident hemacel through a gauge 19 needle as a side drip to the
physician of CMC, conducted an internal ongoing intravenous injection of dextrose.
examination of Corazon. Dr. Uy then called up
Dr. Estrada to notify him of her findings. At 7:45AM., Dr. Estrada ordered blood typing and cross
matching with bottled blood. It took approximately 30
minutes for the CMC laboratory, headed by Dr. Perpetua
Based on the Doctor's Order Sheet, around 3:00 a.m., Dr. Lacson ("Dr. Lacson"), to comply with Dr. Estrada's
Estrada ordered for 10 mg. of valium to be administered order and delivers the blood.
immediately by intramuscular injection. Dr. Estrada later - [ 30 minutes is the standard time to comply for
ordered the start of intravenous administration of blood matching. Legally, there’s nothing wrong
syntocinon admixed with dextrose, 5%, in lactated there.]
Ringers' solution, at the rate of eight to ten micro-drops
per minute. • At 8:00 AM, Dr. Noe Espinola ("Dr. Espinola"), head
of the Obstetrics Gynecology Department of the CMC,
was apprised of Corazon's condition by telephone. Upon
According to the Nurse's Observation Notes, Dr. Joel being informed that Corazon was bleeding profusely Dr.
Enriquez ("Dr. Enriquez"), an anesthesiologist at CMC, Espinola ordered immediate hysterectomy.
was notified at 4:15 a.m. of Corazon's admission.
Subsequently, when asked if he needed the services of Rogelio was made to sign a "Consent to Operation."
an anesthesiologist, Dr. Estrada refused. Despite Dr.
Estrada's refusal, Dr. Enriquez stayed in the hospital to • Due to the inclement weather then, Dr. Espinola, who
observe Corazon's condition. was fetched from his residence by an ambulance, arrived
at the CMC about an hour later or at 9:00 a.m. He
examined the patient and ordered some resuscitative "(c) decline any gift, favor or hospitality which might be
measures to be administered. Despite Dr. Espinola's interpreted as capitalizing on patients." (PARAGRAPH
efforts, Corazon died at 9:15 a.m. The cause of death C, section 11, Code of Ethics, Board of Nursing Res
was "hemorrhage, post partum." 220, Series of 2004)

- [ Galinato: receiving small and inconsequential

- [ We nurses know that when resuscitative gifts is okay [out of respect]; if it may not be
measures like CPR are undertaken, usually, interpreted as capitalizing on patients [ex:
more than 90% chance that the patient is not kopiko, you can accept that])
gonna make it. ] - In law there is equity, fairness. Equity fills the
blanks in the lines of law. For example, you will
accept the gift of kopiko, I don’t think the judge
will punish you for accepting such miniscule gift
out of respect plus its part of our culture, not to
3. Veracity disrespect patients. But kopiko along with the
- Vera means truth ; act of telling the truth keys for house and lot, that’s another story ; it
- benevolent deception: withholding of a truth that would be a violation of the Board of Nursing
may harm the client Resolution 220.
- (often with the consent/ at the request of the
family members) JUSTICE is also ensuring that scarce resources are
allocated to those who would most benefit from it
- Example, TRIAGE:
● immediate case: red (they have
4. Fidelity increased survival rate)
- being faithful to promises, patient, hospital, ● delayed: yellow (attended to in a matter
colleagues of hours)
- being loyal ● minimal cases: green (attended to a
- speaking well of others matter of days)
- Ex: I'll come back in 5 minutes (honesty) ● expectant: lack expected to die/dead) ;
no longer treated
● psychological trauma: blue
29. Benny elaborated on the concept of informed
consent. He determines that the nurses need more
explanation if their response is one of the following:
a. the consent should provide a description of 6. Respect
alternative treatments or procedures - the belief to that a person should be treated as a
b. the consent should offer a thorough person
explanation of the procedures to be done and - given to all clients
the consequences of it. [ informed consent - especially for:
should state the procedure as simple as possible ● dying clients
for the patient to understand, it shouldn’t be that ● Elderly
thorough ; men are not familiar with the detailed ● mentally
medical-surgical procedures so it should be
simplified otherwise pt will be ill informed. ]
c. the consent should include the medical diagnosis
and explanation of the wondershare patient's 7. Responsibility
condition - the obligation to correctly perform one's
d. the consent should describe the prognosis if the assigned duties
recommended care is refused. - stick to standards ( a basic structure in which
competent care is measured)
- EX: minimum safety protocols expected of a
5. Justice
- the obligation to be fair and just
- equitable distribution of goods/ resources
- EX: first come, first serve (used medical 8. Accountability
missions, feeding programs) - answerable to oneself and others for one's own
- nurse must not accept gifts [which might be actions
interpreted as capitalizing the patient
- Ex: can delegate responsibility of taking vital Case: The anesthesiologist who failed to keep track of
signs to nursing aide, but the accountability is all the patient's vital signs
yours (RN) Case of DR. EDUARDO AQUINO (anesthesiologist)
Case: The nurse who failed to check the patient's G.R. No. 158461
respiratory status
Case of Our lady of Lourdes Hospital v Spouses When his wife Raymunda went into labor pains and
Romeo and Regine Capanzana began bleeding, respondent Rodrigo Calayag brought
(GR 189218, March 22, 2017) her to St. Michael's Clinic. After initial examination, the
- A nurse neglected to assess the respiratory status doctor told Rodrigo that Raymunda had to have a
of a patient experiencing respiratory distress, caesarean section for her baby but this had to be done at
and whose significant others is complaining that the better-equipped Sacred Heart Hospital (SHH),
such patient's oxygen tank is running empty. As owned and operated by petitioner E. Alberta Reyes (Dr.
a result, the patient suffered cardiopulmonary Reyes) SHH admitted on the same day.
arrest which caused her brain damage and
subsequent vegetative state, to wit: "hypoxic
encephalopathy due to pulmonary cardiac arrest To prepare her, the attending anesthesiologist, petitioner
on the background of pulmonary edema." Dr. Eduardo Aquino injected with a preliminary
"Hypnotic" and he administered an anesthesia on her
- [Pt’s relatives was constantly telling the nurse spine. A few minutes later, Dr. Unite delivered a
that the oxygen tank is running low. The nurse, stillborn eight-month-old baby. A few minutes later the
instead of calling the management, disregarded operating team noticed that Raymunda had become
the relatives. Pt suffered from lack of oxygen. cyanotic and her blood darkened for lack of oxygen and
The hospital is also to blame for that because suddenly her vital signs were gone.
they do not have enough oxygen tanks available
so they are held liable. Doctors also have a • Fortunately, she was restored. It was found that
mistake in this case. Upon assessment by the suffered a cardiac arrest during the operation which
physician, it was discovered that the pt had a explained her comatose state and was advised to move
heart problem. No precautionary measures, her to a better-equipped hospital. Raymunda was moved
based on record, were instituted. In this case it to Medical Center Manila where Dr. Libarnes, a
was the nurses and the hospital who were to pay neurologist, found her in a "vegetative state" having
the amount of liability. suffered from an anoxic injury due to cardio-respiratory
arrest. Her condition worsened and she never regained
The nurse was held liable along with the hospital for: consciousness, prompting her MCM doctors to advise
Php 299,102.04 for actual damages Rodrigo to take her home since they could do no more to
Php 1,530,296.80 for compensatory damages, improve her condition. MCA discharged her and she
Php 100,000 for mor damages died 15 days later.
Php 100,000 for attorney's fees

Rodrigo filed, together with his seven children, a

The doctors in the above case got out scot-free, even if complaint damages for Dr. Unite, Dr. Aquino and Dr.
the RTC found out that they failed to assess the patient's Reyes claiming that Dr. Unite and Dr. Aquino failed to
heart disease - a rheumatic heart disease with mitral exercise the diligence required for operating Raymunda
stenosis - which led to the patients pulmonary while Dr. Reyes, as Rodrigo averred, was negligent in
hypertension, then pulmonary edema, and eventual supervising the work of the two doctors.
respiratory arrest; all because the nurse didn't assess the
respiratory function of the patient; an assessment which, ISSUE:
in my humble asseveration, could, and should, have been ● Whether or not Dr. Unite (the surgeon) and Dr.
done with greater accuracy and thoroughness by the Aquino (the anesthesiologist) acted negligently
admitting physician. in handling Raymunda's operation, resulting in
her death; and
LESSON: ● Whether or not Dr. Reyes is liable, as hospital
For me, is that nurses must do everything in their power owner, for the negligence of Dr. Unite and Dr.
not to be the "fall guy", the "stodge", or the "scapegoat." Aquino.
They must assess each patient like their jobs, liberty, and
dignity depend on it; and must never rely solely on the SUPREME COURT RULING: Yes
good doctor's proclamation that the "coast is clear." - Dr. Unite (surgeon) and Dr. Aquino
(anesthesiologist) are liable. The cause of action
against the doctors in these cases is commonly
known as medical malpractice and to investigation, you have to report it to the
successfully mount a medical malpractice hospital or the hospital have the knowledge of
action, the plaintiff should establish four basic the injury either actual or constructive. If there is
things: proof that the hospital knew of the injury that
(1) Duty happened, if there is the nurse who documented
(2) breach what happened, in this case it wasn’t shown that
(3) Injury the nurse documented what happened but there
(4) proximate causation. was records on the anesthesia which were
missing, 5 mins interval that the anesthesiologist
The evidence should show that the physician or surgeon, did not record VS.
either failed to do something which a reasonably prudent ➔ No one recorded any errors committed by
physician or surgeon would have done, or that he or she surgeons, the hospital couldn’t have know of the
did something that a reasonably prudent physician or error so the hospital couldn’t be held liable.
surgeon would not have done; and that the failure or
action caused injury to the patient. To prove the doctors PSI vs Agana - case wherein hospital held solidarily
negligence, Rodrigo presented Dr. Libarnes who liable because there was evidence on record of the
explained that it was the lack of oxygen in the brain that mistake of the surgeons, recorded by the nurses, but
caused Raymunda's vegetative state and it could be hospital failed to make investigation, so hospital was
traced to the anesthetic accident that resulted when Dr. held negligent.
Aino placed her under anesthesia.

Furthermore, Dr. Libarnes blamed the doctors who

operated on Raymunda for not properly keeping track of 9. Autonomy
her vital sign during the caesarean procedure resulting in - auto: self/ nomos: governance
their failure to promptly address the cyanosis when it set - ability to decide own destiny, free from coercion
in. The damage could have been averted had the - this is the essence of informed consent
attending doctors promptly detected the situation and
resuscitated her on time. 4. A nurse who supports a patient and family's need to
make a decision that is right for them is practicing which
In this case, there is no evidence that the hospital acted of the following ethical principles?
in a way that made Raymunda and her husband believe A. Autonomy - through informed consent
that the two doctors were in the hospital's employ. There B. Confidentiality
appears no concrete proof to show that Dr. Unite and Dr. C. Privacy
Aquino were under the hospital's payroll. Indeed, Dr. D. truthfulness
Aquino appeared to be a government physician
connected with the Integrated Provincial Health Office
of Bulacan while Dr. Unite appeared to be a self- Case: The doctor who failed to explain that the patient
employed doctor. No evidence has been presented that may have dissem inated intravascular coagulation and
Raymunda suffered her fate because of defective die as a result of chemotherapy.
hospital facilities of poor staff support to the surgeons. Case of DR. RUBI LI vs. SPS. SOLIMAN
GR No. 165279 June 7, 2011
This means that, in order for the hospital to be held 651 SCRA 32
vicariously liable, you need to prove that the eering
doctors or the doctors who made a mistake are FACTS:
employees of the hospital. Often you do that by payroll, - Angelica Soliman, the daughter of Sps. Soliman
by their contracts and often it is not accessible to underwent a biopsy of the mass located in her
plaintiffs. lower extremity at the St. Luke's Medical Center
➔ Usually employer - employee relationships (SLMC).
either actual or implied are established by - Results showed that Angelica was suffering
circumstantial evidence. For example, hospital’s from a highly malignant cancer of the one.
manifestations: if the name is written or placed Angelica's right leg was amputated in order to
at the lobby of the hospital, that is a good remove the tumor.
indicator that the doctors are employees of the - To eliminate any remaining cancer cells,
hospital, either actually or constructively. chemotherapy was administered by herein
➔ There was no evidence that the hospital was petitioner Dr. Rubi Li, a medical oncologist.
negligent in handling the issue.
➔ How do you prove it?
➔ Good way to prove this is the lack of Angelica was admitted to SLMC. However, she died 11
investigation. In order for it to have an days after the administration of the first cycle of the
chemotherapy regimen. Respondents filed a damage suit relating to the treatment which would have altered her
against Dr. Li and other doctors and against SLMC, decision to undergo it."
charging them with negligence and disregard of
Angelica's safety, health and welfare by their careless In this case, there was adequate disclosure of material
administration of the chemotherapy drugs, their failure risks inherent in the chemotherapy procedure performed
to observe the essential precautions in detecting early the with the consent of Angelica's parents. On the other
symptoms of fatal blood platelet decrease and stopping hand, the suing parents failed to establish the existence
early on the chemotherapy, which bleeding led to of the risks or side-effects Dr. Li should have disclosed
hypovolemic shock that caused Angelica's untimely to them in the use of chemotherapy in the treatment of
demise. osteosarcoma

Petitioner denied having been negligent in administering The mistake of the parents is that they didn't present an
the chemotherapy drugs to Angelica and asserted that expert witness. In medical case, you need a medical
she had fully explained to respondents the effects of witness when the case is so technical that you cannot
chemotherapy. On her supposed non-disclosure of all rely on the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur.
possible side effects of chemotherapy, including death,
petitioner argues that it was foolhardy to imagine her to Another important point is that (1) no one contradicted
be all-knowing. While the theoretical side effects of Dr. Li that the pt died of disseminated intravascular
chemotherapy were explained by her to the respondents, coagulation. DIC cannot be prevented and it cannot be
as these should be known to a competent doctor, cured. It is a systemic bleeding disorder wherein the
petitioner cannot possibly predict how particular platelets are wasted on one particular side so there is a
patient's body constitution would respond to the decrease of platelet to the other side so there was
treatment. bleeding.

These are obviously dependent on too many known, In law, it is considered as an unforeseeable and
unknown and immeasurable variables, thus requiring unpreventable event.
that Angelica be closely monitored during the treatment.
Petitioner asserts that she did everything within her The doctor presented as witness does not qualify as
professional competence to attend to the medical needs expert testimony to establish the standard of care in
of Angelica. obtaining consent for chemotherapy treatment.
Testimony was not given much weight by the court.

Whether the petitioner can be held liable for failure to • In the absence of expert testimony in this regard, the
fully disclose serious side effects to the parents of the Court felt hesitant in defining the scope of mandatory
child patient who died while undergoing chemotherapy, disclosure in cases of malpractice based on lack of
despite the absence of finding that petitioner was informed consent. Thus, the Court has no factual basis to
negligent in administering the said treatment. declare that the chemotherapy administered by the
petitioner proximately caused Angelica's death.

There are four essential elements a plaintiff must prove

in a malpractice action based upon the doctrine of 10. Paternalism
informed consent: - the restriction of the patient's autonomy to
(1) the physician had a duty to disclose material protect him/her from harm
risks; [DUTY] - the undesirable effect of beneficence
(2) he failed to disclose or inadequately disclosed - ex: state's duty to detain in mental institutions
those risks; [BREACH OF DUTY] those who are insane.
(3) as a dire and proximate result of the failure to
disclose, the patient consented to treatment sne STATE needs: court order testimony of chief medical
otherwise would not have consented to; officer / head of city health office that person is insane
[PROXIMATE CAUSE] before detaining them
(4) plaintiff was injured by the proposed treatment."
• NLE questions:
Situation 8 - Many hospitals form bioethical review
The gravamen in an informed consent case requires the committees to ensure better quality of life of patients.
plaintiff to "point to significant undisclosed information You are invited by the nursing service department to
participate in their bioethical review committee. You are
expected to know the purpose and apply bioethical woman was raped, she was pregnant and she aborts the
principles. child, that’s considered a crime.

156. Which of the following is the purpose of the ethical However there are exceptions to the rule (these come
review committee? from emergency situations):
A. Promote implementation of general standards ● If pregnancy threatens the mother, then
B. Enhance health care provider's liability pregnancy can be aborted in order to save the
C. Increase individuals responsibility for decision life of the mother. Legally that’s the significance
making of DOUBLE EFFECT.
D. Decrease public scrutiny of health care ● Paragraph 4, Article 11 - justifying
provider's action circumstances, there’s no crime, there’s no
criminal, there’s certainly no civil liability
157. Daria who is admitted to the hospital with
autoimmune thrombocytopenia and a platelet count of
20,000/æL develops epistaxis and melena. Treatment Ex: Therapeutic abortion.
with corticosteroids and immunoglobulin has not been • In the Philippines, abortion is a crime, punished by
successful. Her physician recommended splenectomy. Article 256, 257, 258, and 259 of the Revised Penal
Daria states "I don't need surgery. This will go away on Code (RA 3815); but it can be justified (meaning no
its own." In considering your response to Daria, you criminal liability) if it is done to save the life of the
must depend on the ethical principle of: mother (ex: preeclampsia, eclampsia), under paragraph
A. Beneficence. 4, Article 11 of RA 3815, to wit:
B. Justice
C. Autonomy - cannot force pt • "Article 11. Justifying Circumstances. The following
D. Advocacy do not incur any criminal liability:
Paragraph 4. Any person who, in order to avoid an evil
or injury, does an act which causes damage to another,
58. Zorayda is terminally ill and is experiencing severe provided the following requisites are present:
pain. She has bone and liver metastasis. She has been on (1) First. That the evil sought to be avoided actually
morphine for several months now. Zorayda is aware that exists;
they are having financial problems. She decides to sign a (2) Second. That the injury feared be greater than
DNR form. What ethical principle did Zorayda and her that done to avoid it;
family utilize as the basis for their decision to sign a (3) Third. That be be no other practical and less
DNR. harmful means of preventing it
A. Justice
B. Autonomy
C. Benefice • 74.A mother who is pregnant and has ovarian cancer
D. Advocacy has to undergo surgery to treat the cancer. In the process
the fetus died. The doctrine that justifies the death of the
Ethics fetus is:
- methods of inquiry that assists an individual to a. Justice
understand the morality of human behavior b. Anatomy
- morality: subjective perception of right and c. exception to the role
wrong d. double effect
- bioethics: ethics applied to care
.67. RhoGAM is given to Rh-negative women to prevent
maternal sensitization from occurring. The nurse is
Topic: Therapeutic Abortion topic: "double effect/two aware that in addition to pregnancy, Rh-negative women
fold effect" would also receive this medication after which of the
- exists when a situation has a good and bad effect following?
a. Unsuccessful artificial insemination procedure
4 conditions of double effect b. Blood transfusion after hemorrhage
1. action must be morally good c. Therapeutic or spontaneous abortion with
2. good effect is willed; bad effect merely allowed d. Head injury from a car accident
3. good effect must not come from evil action (June 07 NLE)
4. good effect > bad effect

In law, therapeutic abortion has legal consequence Note: There is civil liability under paragraph 4, Article
because abortion is illegal in the Philippines. Even when 11, RA 3815, to wit:
"In cases falling within subdivision 4 of Article 11, the • (RA 10951: An act adjusting the amount or the value
persons for whose benefit the harm has been prevented, of property and damage on which a penalty is based, and
shall be civilly liable in proportion to the benefit which the fine imposed under the revised penal code, amending
they may have received." (Article 101, RA 3815). for the purpose Act No. 3815, otherwise known as "the
revised penal code", as amended)
- Although the mother is civilly liable, no benefits
were taken in fact, there is loss, loss of a child. Ethical dilemma
- In practicality, no one will sue the mother for - exists when the nurse is confronted with 2
therapeutic abortion. conflicting principles
REVISED PENAL CODE (RA 3815) - common in ICU because:
➔ a client's legal right co-exists with the
articles on abortion
nurse's professional obligation
Article 256 to Article 259 of RA 3815:
- ex: euthanasia
A. Article 256: Intentional abortion by any person
- pt: autonomy
(1) who cause violence upon person of
- nurse: beneficence/ non maleficence
pregnant woman: Reclusion temporal
(12yrs 1 day to 20 years)
Euthanasia is not legal in Philippines; charged with
(2) who without using violence, shall act
without the consent of the woman:
prision mayor (6 yrs 1 day to 12 yrs)
(3) if woman shall have consented: prision
Is Suicide a crime?
correccional in med and max period ap
Firstly, suicide is not a crime.
to 6 yrs)
Why? Because there is no law punishing it; "nullum
B. Article 257: Unintentional abortion
crimen, nulla poena sine lege", that is, there is no crime
- by any person who shall cause abortion by
when there is no law punishing it (p 36, Luis B. Reyes,
violence, but unintentionally: prision
Criminal Law, Book 1, 2017).
correccional min and medium periods (~4 yrs
Article of 3 of RA 3815 puts it: "acts and omissions
punishable by law are felonies."
C. Article 258: Abortion practiced by the woman herself
- But giving assistance to suicide is a crime.
or by her parents
Under current laws, doctors (and nurses)
- abortion by woman upon herself or shall consent
assisting a patient to die can be imprisoned and
that any other person should do so: prision
charged with malpractice, to wit:
correccional in its medium and maximum
periods (up to 6 yrs)
Article 253 of RA 3815: Giving Assistance to Suicide.
- if practiced by woman to conceal her dishonor:
- Any person who shall assist another to commit
prision correccional in its minimum and medium
suicide shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor
periods (~4 yrs)
(up to 12 yrs);
- if the crime be committed by the parents of the
- if such person lends his assistance to another to
pregnant woman or either of them, and they act
the extent of doing the killing himself, he shall
with the consent of said woman for the purpose
suffer the penalty of reclusion temporal (up to
of concealing her dishonor: prision correccional
20 yrs [just like the penalty for homicide]).
in its medium and maximum periods (up to 6
However, if the suicide is not consummated, the penalty
of arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods
D. Article 259: Abortion practiced by a physicial or
shall be imposed (up to 6 mos).
midwife and dispensing of abortives
- physician or midwife who, taking advantage of
LESSON: Suide is not a crime. Giving assistance to
their scientific knowledge or skill, shall cause an
suicide is.
abortion or assist in causing the same: penalties
in art 256 in its maximum period (up to 6 yrs [if
Situation 1:
woman consented]; up to 12 yrs [without
Mr. Martin, 71 years old was suddenly rushed to the
violence, without consent of woman]; up to 20
hospital because of severe chest pain. On admission, he
yrs [with violence, without consent of woman])
was diagnosed to have acute myocardial infarction and
was placed in the ICU.
• any abortive shall suffer arresto mayor (up to 6 mos)
and a fine not exceeding 1000 pesos (now Php 100,000
[section 59, RA 10951])
2. After one day, the patient's condition worsened and (4) EO 292 (Administrative Code of 1987 on the
feeling hopeless. He requested the nurse to remove the Civil Service Commission
oxygen. The nurse should: (5) Glover, Jacqeline, Ethical Decision Making
A. follow the patient because it is his right die Guidelines and Tools, 2015
gracefully (6) Luis B. Res, The Revised Penal Code, Criminal
B. follow the patient as it is his right to determine Law, Books 1-2, 2017
the medical regimen he needs (7) Occupational Safety and Health Standards,
C. refuse the patient and encourage him to DOLE, 1989
verbalize hid feelings (8) PD 442 (Labor Code of the Philippines)
D. refuse the patient since euthanasia is not (9) RA 3815 (Revised Penal Code of the
accepted in the Philippines Philippines)
3. Euthanasia is an ethical dilemma which confronts (10) RA 386 (New Civil Code of the
nurses in the ICU because: Philippines)
A. the choices involved do not appear to be clearly (11) RA 7305 (Magna Carta for Public
right or wrong Health Workers)
B. A client's legal right co-exist with the nurse's (12) RA 9173 (Philippine Nursing Act of
professional obligation (NCLEX question) 2002)
C. decisions has to be made based on societal (13) Rodel apure, Atty-MID, Legal
norms. Prescription for Doctors, Philippine Journal of
D. decisions has to be mad quickly, often under Internal Medicine, 47:1V, May-June, 2009
stressful conditions (Dec 06)

What if someone tried to commit suicide by jumping

from a tall building, fell on a pedestrian, and killed the
latter instead? Is there a crime?

ANS: No. "When a person has not committed a felony,

he is not criminally liable for the result which is not
intended" (p 64, Reyes in explaining Article 4, RA 3815)
- Theoretical scenario common in law school.
Will jumper be liable? No. His initial act, if
proven that it is indeed suicidal, since it was not
a crime, then the consequence of his act, which
is not a crime, is also not a crime even though
there is injury.

LESSON: Walking in street look left, right, up, down.

Article 4. Criminal liability. Criminal liability shall be

1. By any person committing a felony (delito)
although the wrongful act done be different from
that which he intended.
2. By any person performing an act which would
be an offense against person or property, wore it
not for the inherent impossibility of its
accomplishment or on account of the
employment of inadequate or ineffectual means.

• (felonies are acts and omissions punishable by the

Revised Penal Code [p33, Reyes] in relation to Article 3,
RA 3815)

• Sources:
(1) 1987 Philippine Constitution
(2) 2012 Nursing Core Competency Standards
(3) Board of Nursing Resolution No. 220, Series of

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