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Harjot Singh Bedi (329025)

1. Why do the greedy games need to change their business budget?
2. Why do greedy games need to work on partnership marketing?
3. Why the companies new tactical planning about changing from mindshare to market
share is wrong?
• A business budget is the spending plan of a company based on their expenses and their
income. It gives you a picture of your available capital and gives you an estimate of your
expenses and revenue. It helps you plan your future activities so your shareholders know
their money that is invested is safe and will receive a good return in future. In this case,
the company is struggling with revenue as it is less than their expenses. So, this not only
is scary for the shareholders but the future investors as well.
• Partnership marketing is based on shared interests between two companies and seeks to
cover more market share which will help both the companies to earn better revenue. It not
only broadens your reach to the customers but also helps to reduce your cost to acquire
more customers. Last year Timi studios a big mobile games company partnership with
Reliance games to cover more share in India which later increased their revenue by 35
percent. But before your partnership with a company, you need to know which games
have the biggest hype and will help you achieve your goals.
• A tactical market planning helps the businesses to break down their goals into marketing
objectives and then details the marketing tactics or their go-to-market strategy to achieve
their goals.
1. Mindshare- It is the measurement of how well the consumers remember a product. It is
when your product is the first thing that comes into your customer's minds when they
think of their products.
2. Market share- It is the percentage of the revenue that you created your product-wise
according to that differentiate your product from each other.
3. Businesses always talk about market share with reference to measuring the success of
their business. But I believe checking your market share to achieve your goals is for a
short-term period that main goals of companies should be the long-term health of the
businesses which can be achieved. It is where you see the value of your company in the
market, what your customers or writers think of your product.
• The company needs to make a new budget which will show new financial goals. The
goals will help the investors believe that their capital and equity will not lose any value
and will grow in the future.
• Diablo Immortals is on number one multiplayer game that is releasing next year and has
the most views on their Beta version. Greedy games need to focus on multiplayer games
which give access to more customers and would be a great opportunity for the company.
• When we talk about greedy games success in using native advertisement and the same
format is not used by their competitors, they need to understand that their go-to strategy
of mindshare is one of the reasons too that differentiate them from their competitors as
well and they should not switch that to market share.

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