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1. Я всегда делаю свои домашние задания
I always do my homework
2. Завтра в это время я буду делать свои домашние задания
In this time tomorrow I will be doing my homework
3. Я вчера сделал свои домашние задания
I did my homework yesterday
4. Я делал домашние задания в течение трех часов до того, как пришла моя
I did my homework in three hours before my mother came
5. Я уже сделал свои домашние задания
I already did my homework
6. Я буду делать свои домашние задания до 5 часов
I will be doing my homework until 5 o’сlock
7. Вчера в 5 часов я делал домашние задания
I did my homework yesterday in 5 o`clock
8. Я сделал домашние задания до того, как пришла моя мама
I did my homework before my mother came
9. Сейчас я делаю домашние задания
I doing my homework now
10. Я сделаю свои домашние задания завтра
I will do my homework tomorrow
11. До полуночи я сделаю свои домашние задания
I will do my homework before midnight
12. Я с утра делаю свои домашние задания, надеюсь скоро закончу
I doing my homework in morning,hope soon finish

1. “Is Igor a teacher?” “ No, __________ .”
he not    it isn't    he doesn't    he isn’t
2. My brother  __________ like to go to school.
doesn’t    don't    not    hasn't  
3. I __________ the Beatles last year, but now I do.
not like    don't like    didn’t like   didn't liked
4. __________ milk in the bottle.
it is any    there is any    there is some    there are some  
5. My mother  __________ me to buy some bread from the shop.
said    told    say to    told to  
6. Have you __________ been to Paris?
often    never    usually    ever
7. Tamara didn't meet  __________ friends in the street.
none    any    someone    a
8. “Oh, I __________ this Thursday.”
am work    work    am working    be working  
9. “Oh I __________ 5th Element. It’s a good film".
already seen    have saw    have already seen    seen already  
10. “Yes, it is but Titanic is __________.”
badly    best    well    better  
11. “We __________ too much since Christmas.”
've been working    've been work    will be working    are working  
12. “I have exams in June so I __________ study every day".
should to    am      have to    must to  
13. “If you __________ the exams, we’ll take a long holiday.”
passing    pass    will pass    to pass  
14. Igor __________ in a bank when he met Tamara.
is working    has worked    works    was working
15. If Igor __________ time, he would go out more often.
would have more    had more    will have more    would had  
16. As soon as Ivan has more money, __________ a car.
he buy    he had bought    he’ll buying    he’ll buy  
17. The Titanic__________ 11 Oscars.
is given    was given    was gave    gave  
18. Tamara said she  __________ Coca Cola.
didn’t like    don’t like    might like    won't like   
19. By next year Igor __________ from the University.
will have graduated    graduates    graduated    will be graduating  
20. Yesterday Tamara said that she __________ in three months.
will marrying    has married    marrying    would marry  

3. Essay
The most important day in my life
For me the first of September was the most important and exciting day in my
life.This is the day when I start new life.In this day I went to law faculty.I met with
the new pupils.
In this is faculty we will have study laws of states.And we are about to start a
different category competition.When we get to the second year we will be
stationed in different places for example registry office,trial or procuracy.
I will work hard that perform my dream.I have got a lot of obstacles achead of me.I
hope it works out.

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