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*K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24 *K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24


Paper – II
±æà±ÜÅ – II

WÜÊÜá¯Ô : D ±Ü£ÅP¿æ áá (50) IÊÜñáÜ ¤ ÊÜÓáÜ ¤¯ÐÜu ÊÜÞ¨ÜÄ¿á ±ÜÅÍW°æ ÙÜ ®Ü ã

æ Ù° WÜ ã
æ íw¨Üá,ª ±ÜÅ£Áãí¨Üá ±ÜÅÍ¿
°æ áã GÃÜváÜ (2) Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions. Each question carries
AíPÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° Öæãí©¨æ. GÇÝÉ ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜ®Üã° PÜvÝx¿áÊÝX EñܤÄÓܸæàPÜá. two (2) marks. All questions are compulsory.

1. gWÜ£¤®Ý¨ÜÂíñÜ ÖÜãwPæ ÊÜÞvÜáÊÜ, Eñݳ©ÓÜáÊÜ, 4. PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜ®Üá° Öæãí©Ô ŸÃæÀáÄ : 1. The company which invests, produces, 4. Match the following :
æ áÈÉÃáÜ ÊÜ markets and operates across the world Name of the Member
ÊݱÝÄ WÜáí²®Ü ÓܨÜÓÜ ÃÝÐÜóWÜÙÜá is called
PÜí±Ü¯¿á®Üá° Gí¨Üá PÜÃæ¿ááñݤÃæ. ÖæÓÜÃÜá
Trading Block Countries
(A) hÝWÜ£PÜ PÜí±Ü¯ (A) Global Company (a) NAFTA (i) Australia,
(a) NAFTA (i) AÓæóàÈ¿á, New Zealand
(B) ŸÖÜáÃÝÑóà¿á PÜí±Ü¯ (B) Multinational Company
(C) AíñÜÃÜÃÝÑóà¿á PÜí±Ü¯
®ÜãÂiÇæív… (b) AMU (ii) US, Canada,
(C) International Company
(D) pÝÅ®…Õ®ÝÂÐÜ®ÜDž PÜí±Ü¯ (b) AMU (ii) ¿ááGӅ, Pæ®ÜvÜ, Mexico
(D) Transnational Company
ÊæáQÕPãæ (c) ANZCERT (iii) SAARC
2. hÝWÜ£àPÜÃÜ|ÊÜ®Üá° ÊÜáá®Ü°væÓÜáÊÜ ±ÜÅaæãà¨ÜPÜÃÜá (c) ANZCERT (iii) ÓÝP…ì ¨æàÍÜWÜÙÜá 2. The key drivers of globalisation are
(A) ÓÜPÝìÃÜ¨Ü PÜÅÊÜáWÜÙÜá, TÝÓÜXàPÜÃÜ|, ÊæaÜc (d) SAPTA (iv) BÈjàÄ¿á, ȹ¿á, (d) SAPTA (iv) Algeria, Libya,
(A) Govt. action, privatisation, cost and
ÊÜáñÜᤠ±æç±æäàq ÊæãàÄpݯ¿á
Ü áÜ , ÓÜPÝìÃÜ¨Ü Codes :
PÜÅÊÜá ÊÜáñÜᤠ±æç±æäàq ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : (B) Cost advantages, economic cycles,
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) (b) (c) (d) Govt. action and competition
(C) ÊÜÞÃÜáPÜpær PÜãwPæ, ˯ÊÜá¿á ¨ÜÃÜWÜÙÜá, (A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
ÊæaÝc®ÜáPÜãÆWÜÙÜá ÊÜáñÜᤠ(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (C) Market convergence, exchange
rates, cost advantages and socio- (B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
ÓÝÊÜÞiPÜ&g®ÜÓÜíTÝÂÍÝÓÜ÷¨Ü AíÍÜWÜÙÜá (B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
demographic factors (C) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(D) ÓÜPÝìÃÜ¨Ü ¯à£WÜÙÜá, ÊæaÜc , ÊÜÞÃÜáPÜpær ÊÜáñÜᤠ(C) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(D) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv) (D) Govt. policies, cost, market and (D) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
±æç±æäàq competition

3. ÖæàÚPæWÜÙÜá : 5. JŸº »ÝË ±æç±æäàq¨ÝÃÜ®Ü ±ÜÅÊæàÍÜÊÜ®Üá° 5. Factors preventing a potential

3. Statements : competitor entering the market are
(i) Jí¨Üá ˼®Ü° ÊÜÞÃÜáPÜpær¿á®Üá° ¯Ÿìí—ÓÜáÊÜ AíÍÜWÜÙÜá ¿ÞÊÜâÊæí¨ÜÃæ
±ÜÅÊæàÎÓÜáÊÜ JŸº »ÝË ±æç±æäàq¨ÝÃÜ®Üá B (i) Threat of entrant is the possibility of (a) Income of consumers
(a) E±Ü»æãàXWÜÙÜ B¨Ý¿á a potential competitor entering a
ÊÜÞÃÜáPÜpær¿á®Üá° ±ÜÅÊæàÎÓÜáÊÜ "±ÜÅÊæàÍÜ (b) »ÝÄ ŸívÜÊÝÙÜ¨Ü ÊæaÜcWÜÙÜá different market.
(b) High capital costs
»Ü¿áWÝÃÜ '®ÝWÜáÊÜ ÓÝ«ÜÂñæ C¨æ. (c) Product differentiation
(c) ÊÜÓÜá¤WÜÙÜ Ë¼®Ü°ñæ (ii) Threat of substitute is high if the
(ii) Jí¨Üá Ÿ¨ÜÈ ÊÜÓÜᤠÖæbc®Ü (d) Govt. policy
(d) ÓÜPÝìÄ ¯à£ substitute product provides a higher
WÜÅ×Pæ&ÊÜåèÆÂÊÜ®Üá° J¨ÜXÔ¨ÜÃæ, Ÿ¨ÜÈ perceived value or benefit. Codes :
ÊÜÓÜá¤WÜÙÜ »Ü¿á ÖæaÝcXÃÜáñܤ¨æ. ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá :
(A) (i) is correct (ii) is incorrect (A) (d) and (b)
(A) (i) ÓÜÄ, (ii) ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ (A) (d) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(b)
(B) (c) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(d) (B) (ii) is correct (i) is incorrect (B) (c) and (d)
(B) (ii) ÓÜÄ, (i) ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ
(C) GÃÜvÜã ÓÜÄÀá¨æ (C) (b) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(c) (C) Both are correct (C) (b) and (c)
(D) GÃÜvÜã ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ (D) (a) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(d) (D) Both are incorrect (D) (a) and (d)

Paper II 2 K-0114 K-0114 3 Paper II

*K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24 *K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24


Ü É®Ü ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Ü®áÜ ° B¨Ý¿á ÊæacÜÊíæ ¨Üá 9. ±Üqr – I ®Üá° ±Üqr – II Ãæãí©Wæ Öæãí©Ô : 6. Which one of the following should be 9. Match List – I with List – II :
±ÜÄWÜ~ÓܟÖÜá¨Üá ? considered as revenue expenditure ?
±Üqr – I ±Üqr – II List – I List II
(A) Jí¨Üá ÖæãÓÜ ¿áíñÜÅÊÜ®Üá° (A) Rs. 1,000/- paid for erection of a new
Ô§ÄàPÜÃÜ|WæãÚÓÜÆá ±ÝÊÜ£Ô¨Ü ÃÜã. 1,000 a) ÖÜ|PÝ暴 ÓÜ®æ° 1) PÝ¿áì¨ÜPÜÒñæ plant a) Financial 1) Efficiency
(B) Jí¨Üá ÖæãàpæÈ®ÜÈÉ BÓܮݩ ÊæaÜcÊÜ®Üá° b) QÒ±ÜÅ ®ÜWÜ©àPÜÃÜ| 2) ÇݻܨݿáPÜñæ (B) Cost of Rs. 10,000 incurred in Leverage
ÖæbcÓÜÆá ÊÜÞw¨Ü ÃÜã. 10,000 ÊæaÜc increasing the sitting
±ÜÅÊÜÞ| accommodation of a hotel b) Quick ratio 2) Profitability
PÜÃÝÃÜá ±ÜäÃæçPæ¿á Ë´ÜÆñæÀáí¨ÝX c) ÓÜÃÜPÜá ÊÜ×ÊÝoá 3) ®ÜÐÜr ÖæãOæWÝÄPæ (C) Damages paid on account of c) Stock turnover 3) Risk
±ÝÊÜ£Ô¨Ü Öݯ ÊæaÜc ±ÜÅÊÜÞ| breach of a contract to supply
certain goods ratio
(D) E±ÜÁãàXst ¿áíñÜÅÊÜ®Üá° SÄà©Ô¨Ü
d) ÊÜÞÃÝo¨Ü 4) «ÜêËàPÜÃÜ|ñæ
®ÜíñÜÃÜ ¨ÜáÃÜÔ¤WÝX ÊÜÞw¨Ü ÊæaÜc (D) Repairs to second hand machinery d) Margin on 4) Liquidity
Êæáà騆 ÇÝ»Ü purchased
7. Jí¨Üá ±ÝÆá¨ÝÄPæ ÓÜíÓ槿áÈÉ "A' ÊÜáñÜᤠ"B' ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá :
±ÝÆá¨ÝÃÜÃÜá ÊÜÂÊÜÖÝÃÜ¨Ü B¨Ý¿áÊÜ®Üá° 3 : 2 7. A and B are sharing profits in the ratio Codes :
±ÜÅÊÜÞ|¨ÜÈÉ ÖÜíbPæãÙÜáÛñݤÃæ. AÊÜÃÜá "C' GíŸ a) b) c) d) of 3 : 2. They admit a new partner C with
a) b) c) d)
ÖæãÓÜ ±ÝÆá¨ÝÃܮܮÜá° ÇݻܨÜÈÉ 1/5 »ÝWÜ (A) 3 4 1 2
1/5 share in profits of the firm. The new
Pæãoár ±ÜÅÊæàÍÜ PæãvÜáñݤÃæ. ñܨܮÜíñÜÃÜ, profit sharing ratio between the partners (A) 3 4 1 2
±ÝÆá¨ÝÃÜÃÜ B¨Ý¿á ÖÜíbPæ ÖæãÓÜ ±ÜÅÊÜÞ|ÊÜâ (B) 4 3 1 2 will be
(B) 4 3 1 2
(A) 12 : 8 : 5 (B) 8 : 12 : 5 (A) 12 : 8 : 5 (B) 8 : 12 : 5
(C) 4 3 2 1
(C) 2 : 2 : 1 (D) 3 : 2 : 1 (C) 2 : 2 : 1 (D) 3 : 2 : 1 (C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 3 4 2 1
(D) 3 4 2 1
8. D PæÙÜX®Ü ÖæàÚPæWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Üá ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ ? 8. Which one of the following statements
(A) PÜí±Ü¯¿á ±ÜäÊÜì»ÝË ÊæaÜcWÜÙÜ 10. ÓÜÊÜáÔ§£ ¹í¨ÜáÊÜ®Üá° D PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜâÊÜâ is incorrect ? 10. Which of the following affect the break
±ÜÅ»ÝËÓÜáñܤÊæ ? (A) Share premium received on issue even point ?
¹vÜáWÜvæ ÊÜÞw¨ÝWÜ ÊÜááS¸æÇæXíñÜ ÖæbcWæ of shares can be utilized for writing
ÔÌàPÜÄst ÖÜ|ÊÜ®Üá° E±ÜÁãàXÓÜáÊÜâ¨Üá 1) ÊÜÞÃÝo ÊÜÞw¨Ü ¿áá¯oárWÜÙÜ ÓÜíTæ off the preliminary expenses of the 1) Number of units sold
(B) ŸívÜÊÝÙÜ ÊÜáÃÜá±ÝÊÜ£WÝX PÝÀáªor 2) ±ÜÅ£ ¿áá¯qr®Ü aÜÃÜ ÊæaÜc company 2) Variable cost per unit
¯—¿áá PæàÊÜÆ ±Üä|ì ±ÝÊÜ£¿á (B) Capital redemption reserve is
ÇÝ»ÝíÍÜ ÐæàÃÜáWÜÙÜ®Üá° ¹vÜáWÜvæ ÊÜÞvÜÆá 3) Joár Ô§ÃÜ ÊæaÜc available only for issuing fully paid
3) Total fixed cost
Æ»ÜÂËÃÜáñܤ¨æ 4) ÓÜáÃÜPÜÒñæ&AíaÜá bonus shares 4) Margin of safety
(C) AyÝÊæ ±Ü£ÅPæ¿áÈÉ ÐæàÃÜáWÜÙÜ®Üá° ¹vÜáWÜvæ (C) Discount on issue of shares is
ÊÜÞw¨ÝWÜ Pæãor Óæãàw¿á®Üá° ŸívÜÊÝÙÜ (A) 1, 3 ÊÜáñÜᤠ4 (A) 1, 3 and 4
shown as a reduction from capital
TÝñæ¿áÈÉ ÊÜhÝ Gí¨Üá ñæãàÄÓÜáÊÜâ¨Üá (B) 1, 2 ÊÜáñÜᤠ3 account in the balance sheet (B) 1, 2 and 3
(D) ±ÜÅÓÜPܤ ÓÝÊÜޮܠÐæàÃÜá¨ÝÃÜÄWæ ±ÜÅ¥ÜÊÜá ÖÜQR®Ü (D) Right shares issued to the existing
(C) 2, 3 ÊÜáñÜᤠ4 (C) 2, 3 and 4
ÐæàÃÜáWÜÙÜ®Üá° ¯àw¨ÜÃæ A¨Ü®Üá° "Êæã¨ÜÆá equity shareholders is called
PæãÙÜáÛÊÜ ÖÜPÜáR' G®Üá°ñݤÃæ (D) 1 ÊÜáñÜᤠ3 pre-emptive right (D) 1 and 3

Paper II 4 K-0114 K-0114 5 Paper II

*K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24 *K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24

11. JŸº HPÜÓÝÌÊÜá¨ÝÃÜ®Ü ¸æàwPæ ÃæàTæ¿áá 14. PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜ®Üá° Öæãí©Ô : 11. The demand curve of a monopolist is 14. Match the following :
±Üqr – I ±Üqr – II List – I List – II
(A) X APÜÒPæR ÓÜÊÜá®ÝíñÜÃÜÊÝXÃÜáñܤ¨æ (A) Parallel to X-axis
(a) Xµ®Ü°®Ü (i) ±ÜÅ£Ðæu¿á ÓÜíPæàñÜ¨Ü (a) Giffin paradox (i) Status symbol
(B) Y APÜÒPæR ÓÜÊÜá®ÝíñÜÃÜÊÝXÃÜáñܤ¨æ AÓÜíWæãàQ¤ ÊÜÓÜᤠ(B) Parallel to Y-axis
(C) GvÜ©í¨Ü ŸÆPæR PæÙÜÊÜááSÊÝX hÝÃÜáñܤ¨æ (b) ÓÜãÊæPܤ (ii) ËÓܤÃÜOÝ ±Ü¥Ü ÃæàTæ (C) Slopes downwards from left to right (b) Conspicuous (ii) Expansion path
E±Ü»æãàWÜ consumption curve
(D) GvÜ©í¨Ü ŸÆPæR ÊæáàÆá¾SÊÝX HÃÜáñܤ¨æ (D) Rises upward from left to right
(c) Eñݳ¨Ü®Ý aÜÆ (iii) ÓÜÊÜáWÝñÜÅ¨Ü (c) Production (iii) Isoquant
±ÜÄÊÜÞ| Eñݳ¨Ü®æ 12. If the point elasticity of demand is function
12. ¸æàwPæ¿á ¹í¨Üá Ô§£ Óݧ±ÜPÜñÜÌÊÜâ Jí¨ÜPæR
(d) AñÜÂíñÜ (iv) ¸æàwPæ¿á ¯¿áÊÜá equal to one, the marginal revenue (d) Optimum (iv) Law of demand
A®ÜáPÜãÆPÜÃÜÊÝ¨Ü will be equal to
¿ÞÊÜâ¨ÜPæR ÓÜÄÀáÃÜáñܤ¨æ ? Eñݳ¨Ü®ÝíWÜWÜÙÜ combination
hæãàvÜOæ (A) Average Revenue Codes :
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : (B) Zero (a) (b) (c) (d)
(B) Óæã®æ° (a) (b) (c) (d)
(C) Positive (A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(C) «Ü®ÝñܾPÜ (A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) (B) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(D) Negative
(D) MáOÝñܾPÜ (C) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (C) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(D) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
13. Assertion (A) : If the two factors of (D) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
13. ¨ÜêyÜ ÊÜa®Ü Ü (A) : GÃÜváÜ Eñݳ¨®Ü Ü AíÍÜWÙÜ áÜ ±ÜÃÓÜ Ã³Ü Ü
15. PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Üá/¿ÞÊÜâÊÜâ ÓÜÄ C¨æ ? production are complements, the
±ÜäÃÜPÜ C¨ÝªWÜ , AÊÜâWÜÙÜ ®ÜváÜ Ë®Ü Aíb®Ü ñÝí£ÅPÜ CÊæ ? 15. Which of the following is (are) correct ?
marginal rate of technical substitution
Ü âÜ PÜwÊæá¿ÞWÜáÊÜâ©ÆÉ. (i) Exceptional demand curve slopes
(i) A±ÜÊÝ¨Ü¨Ü ¸æàwPæ ÃæàTæ¿áá ÊæáàÆá¾SÊÝX between them does not diminish.
ñÜPÜìÊÝ¨Ü (R) : GÃÜvÜá Eñݳ¨Ü®Ü AíÍÜWÜÙÜá aÜÈÓÜáñܤ¨æ. upward
Reasoning (R) : If the two factors of
Ü |¨ÜÈÉ (ii) A±ÜÊÝ¨Ü¨Ü ¸æàwPæ ÃæàTæ¿áá PæÙÜÊÜááSÊÝX (ii) Exceptional demand curve slopes
production are complements, it implies
aÜÈÓÜáñܤ¨æ. downward
E±ÜÁãàXÓÜÇÝWÜáñܤ¨æ Gí¨Ü¥Üì. that they are used in fixed proportions.
(iii) ÓÝÊÜÞ®ÜÂÊÝX ¸æàwPæ¿á ÃæàTæ¿áá (iii) Generally demand curve slopes
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : Codes : upward
ÊæáàÆá¾SÊÝX aÜÈÓÜáñܤ¨æ.
(A) (A) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) GÃÜvÜã ÓÜÄ (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct (iv) Generally demand curve remains
(iv) ÓÝÊÜÞ®ÜÂÊÝX ¸æàwPæ¿á ÃæàTæ¿áá
(B) (A) ÓÜÄ ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ Æí¸ÝíñÜÃÜÊÝXÃÜáñܤ¨æ. (B) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect
Codes :
(C) (A) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) GÃÜvÜã ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ (C) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect
(A) (i) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(ii) (B) (i) ÊÜÞñÜÅ (A) (i) and (ii) (B) Only (i)
(D) (A) ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) ÓÜÄÀá¨æ (C) (iv) ÊÜÞñÜÅ (D) (ii), (iii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iv) (D) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct (C) Only (iv) (D) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Paper II 6 K-0114 K-0114 7 Paper II

*K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24 *K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24

16. Jí¨Üá ¯©ìÐÜr FÖæ¿á QÃÜá ±ÜÄàPæÒ¿áÈÉ 19. ¨ÜêyÜ ÊÜaÜ®Ü (A) : Jí¨Üá AÊÜÆí¹ñÜ aÜÃÜ ÓÜíTæ¿á 16. For a particular hypothesis test, 19. Assertion (A) : The numerical value of

= 0.05 ÊÜáñÜᤠ= 0.10. AíñÜÖÜ 
Joár Ÿ¨ÜÇÝÊÜOæ¿á®Üá° ÓÜÖÜ ÓÜíŸí«Ü¨Ü ¸æÇæ¿áá 
= 0.05 and 
= 0.10. The power of coefficient of correlation explains total
QÃÜá ±ÜÄàPæÒ¿á ÍÜQ¤¿áá ËÊÜÄÓÜáñܤ¨æ. such a test is variation in dependent variable.

(A) 0.15
ñÜPÜìÊÝ¨Ü (R) : ÓÜÖÜ&ÓÜíŸí«Ü ¯«ÜìÄPæ¿á (A) 0.15 Reasoning (R) : The numerical value
ÓÝíUñÜ ¸æÇæ¿áá Jí¨Üá aÜÃÜ ÓÜíTæ¿á Joár of coefficient of determination explains
(B) 0.90 (B) 0.90
Ÿ¨ÜÇÝÊÜOæ¿á ËÊÜÄñÜ Ÿ¨ÜÇÝÊÜOæ¿á®Üá° that fraction of total variation that is
£ÚÓÜáñܤ¨æ. (C) 0.85 explained.
(C) 0.85
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : (D) 0.95 Codes :
(D) 0.95
(A) (A) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) GÃÜvÜã ÓÜÄ (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct
17. When the Null Hypothesis is
17. Jí¨Üá ÍÜã®Ü FÖæ¿áá H :   4 2
, C¨ÜÃÜ (B) (A) ÓÜÄ ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ (B) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect
, the alternative

±Ü¿Þì¿á FÖæ¿áá
H :   4 2

(C) (A) ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) ÓÜÄ hypothesis can be (C) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct
(A) (D) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect
(D) (A) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) GÃÜvÜã ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ (A)
H :   4 2

H :   4 2

H :   4 2

20. Match the following :

20. PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜ®Üá° Öæãí©Ô :

H :   4 2

H :   4 2

±Üqr – A ±Üqr – B List – A (Sum of List – B (Degrees

H :   4 2

(D) (D) Squares) of Freedom)

(ÊÜWÜìWÜÙÜ Êæãñܤ) (ÓÝÌñÜíñÜÅ$Âñæ¿á
H :   4 2

H :   4 2

AíÍÜWÜÙÜá) (a) SSC (i) (n – 1)

18. D PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜ ÊæaÜcÊÜ®Üá° ¯«ÜìÄÔ 18. Decision maker makes decisions at
¯|ì¿á¨ÝÃÜ®Üá Jí¨Üá ÓÜãPܤ ÊÜáñÜᤠÊÜáÖÜñÜÌ¨Ü (a) SSC (i) (n – 1) (b) SSR (ii) (c – 1)
the appropriate significance level by
ÊÜáor¨ÜÈÉ ¯|ì¿áWÜÙÜ®Üá° ñæWæ¨ÜáPæãÙÜáÛñݤ®æ ? (b) SSR (ii) (c – 1) determining the cost of
(c) SSE (iii) (r – 1)
(i) QÃÜá ±ÜÄàPæÒ¿á ¯ÊÜìÖÜOæ (c) SSE (iii) (r – 1) (i) Performing the test
(d) SST (iv) (c – 1) (r – 1)
(ii) ñÜÃÜÖÜ I ñܱÜâ³ (d) SST (iv) (c – 1) (r – 1) (ii) Type-I error
Codes :
(iii) ñÜÃÜÖÜ II ñܱÜâ³ ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : (iii) Type-II error
(a) (b) (c) (d)
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : (a) (b) (c) (d) Codes :

(A) (i) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(ii) (A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (i) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iii) (B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (B) (i) and (iii) (B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(C) (ii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iii) (C) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) (C) (ii) and (iii) (C) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

(D) (i), (ii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iii) (D) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (D) (i), (ii) and (iii) (D) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

Paper II 8 K-0114 K-0114 9 Paper II

*K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24 *K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24

21. ""Jí¨Üá ÊÜÞ¨ÜÄ ÓÜíÓ槿áá ®èPÜÃÜÍÝ× 24. ÖæàÚPæWÜÙÜá : 21. “An ideal organisation to be bureaucracy, 24. Statements :
aÜoáÊÜqPæWÜÙÜá ÊÜáñÜᤠE¨æªàÍÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° aæ®Ý°X whole activities and objectives were
(I) Ãݟp…ì JÊ殅ÃÜÊÜÃÜ®Üá° B«Üá¯PÜ rationally thought and whose divisions (I) Robert Owen is known as the father
A¥Üì ÊÜÞwPæãíwÃÜáñܤ¨æ ÊÜáñÜᤠÍÜÅÊÜá
ÊÜÞ®ÜÊÜ ÓÜí±Ü®Üã¾Æ ¯ÊÜìÖÜOÝÍÝÓÜ÷¨Ü of labour were explicitly spelled out”. of modern personnel management.
Ë»Üg®æ¿á®Üá° ÓܳÐÜrÊÝX EaÜfÄÓÜáñܤ¨æ .'' D Who considered the above statement ?
EQ¤¿á®Üá° WÜÊÜá¯Ô¨Ü ÊÜÂQ¤ g®ÜPÜ Gí¨Üá PÜÃæ¿ááñݤÃæ. (II) Prof. Mayo conducted time and
(A) Chester I. Bernard motion studies at Hawthorne
(A) aæÓÜrÅ I. Ÿ®Ýìv…ì (II) ±æäÅ. ÊÜÞÁã AÊÜÃÜá ÖÝñæãஅì Ôq¿á
(B) Max Weber works of Western Electric
(B) ÊÜÞÂP…Õ ÊæŸÃ… ÊæÓ®rÜ …ì GÇæQóP… PÜí±Ü¯¿áÈÉ ÓÜÊáÜ ¿á ÊÜáñÜᤠCompany.
(C) Henry Fayol
(C) Öæ¯Å ´Ü¿ÞDž aÜÆ®ÜÊÜÆ®Ü A«Ü¿áWÜÙÜ®Üá° ¯ÊÜì×Ô¨ÜÃÜá.
(D) Henry L. Gantt Codes :
(D) Öæ¯Å GDž. WÝÂíp… ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá :
22. The key elements of organisational (A) Both are true
22. ÓÝíÔ§PÜ ®ÜvÜñæ¿á ÊÜááS AíÍÜWÜÙÜá behaviour are
(B) Both are false
(B) GÃÜvÜã ñܱÜâ³ (A) Motivation, direction and leadership
(A) ±ÜÅaæãà¨Ü®æ, ¯¨æàìÍÜ®Ü ÊÜáñÜᤠÊÜááSívÜñÜÌ (C) (I) is true, (II) is false
(C) (I) ÓÜÄ, (II) ñܱÜâ³ (B) Group of people who work
interdependently (D) (I) is false, (II) is true
Jí¨Üá WÜáí±Üâ (D) (I) ñܱÜâ³ , (II) ÓÜÄ
(C) People and their behaviour
(C) g®ÜÃÜá ÊÜáñÜᤠAÊÜÃÜ ®ÜvÜñæ 25. Match the following :
(D) People, structure and technology
(D) g®ÜÃÜá, Ë®ÝÂÓÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠñÝí£ÅPÜñæ 25. PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜ®Üá° Öæãí©Ô ŸÃæÀáÄ :
List – I List – II
±Üqr – I ±Üqr – II 23. Arrange the following motivating needs
23. ÊÜÞÂÓæãÉ WÜáÃÜá£Ô¨Ü ±æÅàÃÜOÝ Ÿ¿áPæWÜÙÜ®Üá° HÄPæ in the order of ascendance as identified I) Habit 1) Organisational
I) aÜoWÜÙáÜ 1) ÓÜíÓ槿á ÊÜáor¨ÜÈÉ level
PÜÅÊÜá¨ÜÈÉ ®ÜÊÜáã©ÔÄ. by Maslow.

(i) WèÃÜÊÜ¨Ü Ÿ¿áPæWÜÙÜá II) ÓèÖݨÜìñæ 2) Êæç¿áQ¤PÜ ÊÜáor¨ÜÈÉ (i) Esteem needs II) Cohesion 2) Individual level
(ii) ÃÜPÜÒOÝ Ÿ¿áPæWÜÙÜá III) A—PÝÃÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠ3) WÜáí±Üâ ÊÜáor¨ÜÈÉ (ii) Safety needs
III) Power and 3) Group level
(iii) ÍÝÄàÄPÜ Ÿ¿áPæWÜÙÜá ÓÜíZÐÜì (iii) Physiological needs conflict
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : (iv) Social needs
(iv) ÓÝÊÜÞiPÜ Ÿ¿áPæWÜÙÜá Codes :
(v) Self actualisation needs
Codes :
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : (A) 1 3 2 (A) (i), (ii), (iv), (v) and (iii) (A) 1 3 2
(A) (i), (ii), (iv), (v) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iii)
(B) 3 2 1 (B) (ii), (i), (iii), (v) and (iv) (B) 3 2 1
(B) (ii), (i), (iii), (v) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iv)
(C) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i) and (v)
(C) 2 3 1 (C) 2 3 1
(C) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(v)
(D) (v), (iii), (iv), (ii) and (i)
(D) (v), (iii), (iv), (ii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(i) (D) 2 1 3 (D) 2 1 3

Paper II 10 K-0114 K-0114 11 Paper II

*K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24 *K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24

26. ""ÊÜÞÃÝoWÝÄPæ¿áá Jí¨Üá ñæãàoWÝÄPæÀá¨Üíª ñæ ''. 29. ¨ÜêyÜ ÊÜaÜ®Ü (A) : ÊÜÞÃÜáPÜpær A¼ÊÜ꩜ ñÜíñÜÅÊÜâ 26. “Marketing is gardening”. This is 29. Assertion (A) : Market development

C¨Üá PæÙÜX®Ü ¿ÞÊÜâ¨ÜÃÜÈÉ CíXñÜÊÝX¨æ ? PÜí±Ü¯Wæ Öæbc®Ü ÊÜÞÃÜáPÜpær¿á »ÝWÜÊÜ®Üá° WÜÚÓÜÆá implied in strategy enables the company to gain
®æÃÜÊÝWÜáñܤ¨æ. more market share.
(A) ÊÜÓÜᤠ±ÜÄPÜƳ®æ (A) The product concept
Reasoning (R) : Diversification
Ü ÊÝ¨Ü (R) : ÊæçË«ÜÂÊÜá¿á ñÜíñÜÅWÝÄPæ¿áá
(B) ËPÜÅ¿á ±ÜÄPÜƳ®æ ÊÜÞÃÜáPÜpær¿á »ÝWÜÊÜ®Üá° ÖæbcÓÜáñܤ¨æ. (B) The selling concept strategy leads to an increase in market
(C) ÊÜÞÃÝoWÝÄPæ¿á ±ÜÄPÜƳ®æ ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : (C) The marketing concept
Codes :
(D) The holistic marketing concept
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct
(B) (A) ÓÜÄ ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) ñܱÜâ³
(B) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect
27. ÊÜÓÜᤠÊÜáñÜᤠÊÜÞÃÜáPÜpær ËÓܤÃÜOÝ aèPÜqr®Ü (C) (A) ñܱÜâ³ ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) ÓÜÄ 27. Product – Market Expansion grid was
(C) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct
hÝÆÊÜ®Üá° ÊÜáíwÔ¨ÜÊÜÃÜá (D) (A) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(R) GÃÜvÜã ñܱÜâ³ proposed by
(D) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect
(A) ². G´…. vÜÅPÜÅ (A) P. F. Drucker
30. PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜ®Üá° Öæãí©Ô ŸÃæÀáÄ :
(B) ÊæáçPÜDž ±æäàoìÅ (B) Michael Porter 30. Match the following :
±Üqr – I ±Üqr – II
(C) A®ÝÕ´… (C) Ansoff List – I List – II
(a) ÊÜÓÜá¤ËáÍÜÅ|¨Ü (i) ÊÜÓÜá¤ÃæàTæ¿áÈÉ®Ü
¦Áã¨æãÃæ ÇæËp… (a) Width of (i) Number of
(D) AWÜÆÙÜñæ ¼®Ü° ¼®Ü° ÊÜÓÜá¤WÜÙÜ (D) Theodore Levitt
product-mix variants in the
product line
28. D PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Üá/¿ÞÊÜâÊÜâ (b) ÊÜÓÜá¤ËáÍÜÅ|¨Ü (ii) A£à ÓÜíŸí—ñÜ 28. Which of the following is (are)
(b) Depth of (ii) Closely related
ñÜíñÜÅWÝÄPæ Áãàg®æ¿á AíñÜÃÜPæR BÙÜ ÊÜÓÜᤠÃæàTæWÜÙÜá responsible for strategic planning
product-mix product lines
ÖæãOæ¿ÞX¨æ/¿ÞXÊæ ? (c) ÊÜÓÜá¤ËáÍÜÅ|¨Ü (iii) ÊÜÓÜá¤ËáÍÜÅ|¨ÜÈÉ®Ü gap ?
(c) Length of (iii) No. of items in
(i) £àÊÜÅ ÊÜáñÜᤠBÙÜ ¸æÙÜÊÜ~Wæ E¨ÜªÙÜñæ ÊÜÓÜá¤WÜÙÜ ÓÜíTæ (i) Intensive growth product-mix the product mix
(ii) ÓÜíÁãàg®ÝñܾPÜ ¸æÙÜÊÜ~Wæ (d) ÊÜÓÜá¤ËáÍÜÅ|¨Ü (iv) ÊÜÓÜá¤ÃæàTæWÜÙÜ (ii) Integrative growth (d) Consistency (iv) Number of
Ô§ÃÜñæ ÓÜíTæ of product-mix product lines
(iii) ÊæçË«ÜÂÊÜá¿á ¸æÙÜÊÜ~Wæ (iii) Diversification growth
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : Codes :
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(ii) (A) (i) and (ii)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (i) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iii) (B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (B) (i) and (iii)
(B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(C) (ii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iii) (C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (C) (ii) and (iii) (C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(D) (i), (ii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iii) (D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (D) (i), (ii) and (iii) (D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

Paper II 12 K-0114 K-0114 13 Paper II

*K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24 *K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24

31. ÊÝÆrÅ ÊÜÞ¨ÜÄ¿á ±ÜÅPÝÃÜ "r' BíñÜÄPÜ ±ÜÅ£´ÜÆ¨Ü 34. X PÜí±Ü¯¿á DQÌq ÖÜãwPæ¿á Êæáà騆 E¨æªàÎñÜ 31. According to Walter model, if ‘r’ is the 34. X Co. has target ROE of 14%. The
¨ÜÃÜ C¨ÜªÃæ, "g' ¸æÙÜÊÜ~Wæ¿á ¨ÜÃÜ C¨ÜªÃæ ÊÜáñÜᤠ"k' B¨Ý¿á ¨ÜÃÜÊÜâ ±ÜÅ£ÍÜñÜ 14 ÃÜÑr¨æ. ÖÜ|PÝ暴 internal rate of return, ‘g’ is the growth financial leverage of the company is
°æ á ÊÜáor 0.5ÃÜÑr¨æ. PÜí±Ü¯Wæ A®ÜÌÀáÓÜáÊÜ rate and ‘k’ is the cost of capital under 0.5. The corporate rate tax applicable
ÇÝ»ÝíÍÜ ¯àwPæ¿á ±ÜÅÊÜÞ|ÊÜâ ±ÜÅ£ÍÜñÜ ®ÜãÃÜPæR B¨Ý¿á PÜÃÜ ¨ÜÃÜÊÜâ ±ÜÅ£ÍÜñÜ 30ÃÜÑr¨æ. ÓÝÆ¨Ü which of the following conditions the to the company is 30%. If the average
cost of debt is 9.5%, the ROI that the
ÓÜÊÜÞ®ÜÊÝXÃÜáñܤ¨æ ? ÓÜÃÝÓÜÄ ÊæaÜc ±ÜÅ£ÍÜñÜ 9.5 C¨ÜªÃæ ÖÜãwPæ¿á optimal payout ratio is 100% ?
company should earn to achieve the
(A) r = ke Êæáà騆 E¨æªàÎñÜ B¨Ý¿á ¨ÜÃÜÊÜ®Üá° ÓݗÓÜÆá (A) r = ke target ROE is
(B) r < ke
PÜí±Ü¯¿á DQÌq ŸívÜÊÝÙÜ¨Ü Êæáà騆 E¨æªàÎñÜ
(B) r < k (A) 16.5% (B) 18.25%
B¨Ý¿á ¨ÜÃÜ GÑrÃÜáñܤ¨æ ? e
(C) r > ke
(A) 16.5% (B) 18.25% (C) r > ke (C) 19.35% (D) 20.20%
(D) g > k
e (C) 19.35% (D) 20.20% (D) g > ke
35. Match List – I with List – II :
32. BÆRÅ ÊÜÞ¨ÜÄ¿á ±ÜÅPÝÃÜ PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜÈÉ 35. ±Üqr – I ®Üá° ±Üqr – II Ãæãí©Wæ Öæãí©ÔÄ : 32. Which of the following is not a ‘value List – I List II
±Üqr – I ±Üqr – II driver’ that affects the value of a firm a) Operating 1) Cost of goods
aÝÆPÜ®ÜÆÉ ? according to Alcar model ? Income sold to average
(A) PÝ¿ÞìaÜÃÜOæ¿á ÇÝ»Ü¨Ü AíaÜá B¨Ý¿á ÊæaÜc ÊÜáñÜᤠÓÜÃÝÓÜÄ (A) Operating profit margin stock

(B) ŸívÜÊÝÙÜ¨Ü ÊæaÜc ÓÜÃÜPÜáWÜÙÜ ±ÜÅÊÜÞ| (B) Cost of capital b) Capital 2) Profits before
employed depreciation,
(C) ÓÜíÓæ§¿á ±ÜâÓܤQà¿á ÊÜåèÆ b) ÖÜãw¨Ü 2) ÓÜÊÜPÜÚ, Ÿwx ÊÜáñÜᤠ(C) Book value of the firm interest and tax
(D) B¨Ý¿á PÜÃÜ¨Ü ¨ÜÃÜ (D) Income Tax Rate c) Inventory 3) Net fixed assets
c) ÓÜÃÜQ®Ü ÊÜ×ÊÝoá 3) ¯ÊÜÌÙÜ Ô§ÃÜ BÔ¤WÜÙÜá, turnover investment and
33. A£à ÖæaÜác Ô§ÃÜ ÊæaÜc˨ܪ B¨ÜÃæ Ô§ÃÜÊÝ¨Ü ÊÜáñÜᤠÖÜãwPæWÜÙÜá ÊÜáñÜᤠ33. Since companies in some industries networking
¯ÊÜÌÙÜ aÜÃÜ have high fixed costs, but have stable capital
F×ÓܟÖÜá¨Ý¨Ü B¨Ý¿á C¨Üª PÜí±Ü¯WÜÚWæ,
ŸívÜÊÝÙÜ and predictable revenues, which of the d) Gross cash 4) Total funds
D PæÙÜX®Ü ¿ÞÊÜ EQ¤¿áá ¯gÊÝX¨æ ?
d) ÓÜã§Æ ®ÜWܨÜá 4) ÖÜãw¨Ü Joár following statement would be true about flow invested
(A) PÝ¿ÞìaÜÃÜOæ¿á Óܮ氿á ÊÜáorÊÜâ ÖÜÄÊÜâ ¯—WÜÙÜá these companies ?
5) Profits before
ñÜáÆ®ÝñܾPÜÊÝX PÜwÊæá CÃÜáñܤ¨æ
5) Ÿwx ÊÜáñÜᤠñæÄWæ (A) The degree of operating leverage interest and
(B) AÊÜâWÜÙÜ ÓÜÃÜPÝÄ ÓÝƱÜñÜÅWÜÙÜ ¹vÜáWÜvæ¿á ÊÜááíbñÜ ÇÝ»Ü is relatively low taxes
¨ÜÃÜÊÜâ FÖÝñܾPÜÊÝXÃÜáñܤ¨æ ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : (B) Their bond issues would tend to
Codes :

(C) AÊÜâWÜÙÜ ÓÜÊÜáWÜÅ ÊÜÂÊÜÖÝÃÜ ®ÜÐÜr a) b) c) d) have a speculative rating a) b) c) d)

ÖæãOæWÝÄPæ¿áá ñÜáÆ®ÝñܾPÜÊÝX PÜwÊæá (A) 2 1 4 5 (C) Their overall business risk is (A) 2 1 4 5
CÃÜáñܤ¨æ (B) 1 3 4 2 relatively low (B) 1 3 4 2
(D) AÊÜâWÜÙÜá ÖæaÜácÊÜÄ ÖÜ|PÝ暴 ®ÜÐÜr (C) 2 1 3 4 (D) They are unable to take on much (C) 2 1 3 4
ÖæãOæ¿á®Üá° ÓÜ×ÓÜÆá AÍÜPܤÊÝXÃÜáñܤÊæ (D) 5 3 1 2 additional financial risk (D) 5 3 1 2

Paper II 14 K-0114 K-0114 15 Paper II

*K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24 *K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24

36. ±ÜűÜÅ¥ÜÊÜáÊÝX ÓÜíŸÙÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠPÝ¿áì ÊæçSÄWÜÙÜ 39. PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜ®Üá° Öæãí©ÔÄ : 36. The individual who recognised the link 39. Match the following :
®ÜvÜá訆 Pæãíw¿á®Üá° WÜáÃÜá£Ô¨Ü ÊÜÂQ¤ (a) ÊÜÂQ¤ñÜÌ (i) PÝ¿áìÊÜ®Üá° between pay and performance for the (a) Personality (i) Ability to do
¯ÊÜì×ÓÜáÊÜ the job
first time
(A) CÆr®… ÊÜÞÁã ÓÝÊÜá¥ÜÂì (b) Aptitude (ii) Stable pattern
(b) ÊÜááPܤñæ (ii) ®ÜvÜñæ¿á ¨ÜêyÜ (A) Elton Mayo of behaviour
(B) G´…. vܟáÉ$Â. pæàÆÅ
ÊÜÞ¨ÜÄ (c) Skills (iii) Measuring the
(C) ÖÜÅjŸW…ì (c) PèÍÜÆ ±Üqr (iii) PÝ¿áìÓÝ«Ü®¿ æ á®Üá° (B) F. W. Taylor
inventory performance
AÙæ¿ááÊÜâ¨Üá (C) Herzberg
(D) PæãàÖÜ®… (d) Performance (iv) Capacity to
(d) PÝ¿áìÓÝ«Ü®æ¿á (iv) PèÍÜÆÊÜ®Üá°
(D) Kohn appraisal acquire skill
D PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Üá ±ÜÅ£ ԟºí©¿á Codes :
37. ÓÝÊÜá¥ÜÂì
PèÍÜÆÂWÜÙÜ®Üá° , ÓÝÊÜá¥ÜÂìWÜÙÜ®Üá° ÊÜáñÜᤠPæÆÓÜ¨Ü ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : 37. _________ contains data about each (a) (b) (c) (d)
A®Üá»ÜÊÜ®Üá° JÙÜWæãíwÃÜáñܤ¨æ ? (a) (b) (c) (d) employee’s skills, abilities and work (A) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(A) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(A) Êæç¿áQ¤PÜ ÊÜÞ×£ experience etc.
(B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(C) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(C) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii) (A) Bio-data
(B) ԟºí© ¨ÝSÇæWÜÙÜá (D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(C) PèÍÜÆÂWÜÙÜ ÓÜÃÜPÜá (B) Personnel record
40. D PæÙÜX®Ü ¿ÞÊÜ ÖæàÚPæWÜÙÜá ÓÜÄ¿ÞXÊæ ? (C) Skills inventory 40. Which of the following statements are
(D) WÜá|ËÊÜáÍæì¿á ®ÜÊÜáã®æ (i) ¿ÞÊÜ ®èPÜÃÜÃÜ ±ÝÊÜ£¿á®Üá° AÊÜÃÜá true ?
PÝ¿áì¯ÊÜì×st WÜípæWÜÚWÜ®ÜáÓÝÃÜÊÝX (D) Appraisal form (i) The term salary is commonly used
38. ÖæàÚPæWÜÙÜá : ÇæPÜR ÊÜÞvÜÇÝWÜáñܤ¨æÁãà A¨ÜPæR for those employees whose pay is
ÓÝÊÜÞ®ÜÂÊÝX ÓÜíŸÙÜ GíŸ ±Ü¨ÜÊÜ®Üá° 38. Statements : calculated according to the number
(I) JŸº ÓÜí«Ý®ÜPÝÃÜ®Üá JÙÜgWÜÙÜÊÜ®Üá° E±ÜÁãàXÓÜÇÝWÜáñܤ¨æ. of hours worked.
ÓÜÊÜáhÝÀáÓÜÆá ÖæãÃÜX¯í¨Ü Ÿí¨Üí¥Ü (ii) "QÅ¿ÞñܾPÜ ' ±Ü¨ÜÊÜâ XÅàQ®Ü ±Ü¨ÜÊÝX¨Ü᪠A¨ÜÃÜ (I) An arbitrator is an outside third party (ii) The word dynamics is derived from
ÊÜÂQ¤ ÊÜáñÜᤠAÊÜ®Üá/AÊÜÙÜá ¯|ì¿á A¥ÜìÊÜâ "ÍÜQ¤'. who is brought into settle a dispute a Greek word which means power.
ñæWæ¨ÜáPæãÙÜáÛÊÜ A—PÝÃÜ Öæãí©ÃÜáñݤ®æ /Ùæ. (iii) PÝ¿áìÓÝ«Ü®æ¿á ÊÜåèÆ ¯|ìÀáÓÜÆá and he or she has the authority to (iii) Time scale for performance
ÓÝÊÜޮܠÓÜÊÜá¿ÞÊÜPÝÍÜ Jí¨Üá ÊÜÐÜì. make a decision. appraisal is usually one year.
(II) Jí¨Üá ÓÜíÓ槿á ÓÜÊÜáígÓÜ PÝ¿áì¯ÃÜñÜ (iv) ÊÜÞ®ÜÊÜ ÓÜíŸí«ÜWÜÙÜ Ô¨ÝœíñÜÊÜâ
(iv) Human relations theory focuses
ԟºí©¿á AÊÜÍÜÂPÜñæWÜÙÜ®Üá° WÜáÃÜá£ÓÜáÊÜÈÉ A®è±ÜaÝÄPÜ ÓÜíZo®æ¿á ŸWæY (II) Man power planning is needed in on informal organisation.
ÊÜÞ®ÜÊÜ ÍÜQ¤¿á Áãàg®æ¿á WÜÊÜá®ÜÊÜ®Üá° Pæàí©ÅàPÜÄÓÜáñܤ¨æ. order to identify an organisations Codes :
AÊÜÍÜÂPÜñæÀá¨æ. ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : need to have optimum workforce.
(A) (i) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(ii) ÓÜÄ¿ÞXÊæ, (iii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iv) (A) (i) and (ii) are correct, (iii) and (iv)
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : Codes : are incorrect
(B) (i) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(ii) ñܱݳXÊæ, (iii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iv) (B) (i) and (ii) are incorrect, (iii) and (iv)
(A) GÃÜvÜã (I) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(II) ÓÜÄ (A) Both are correct are correct
(B) GÃÜvÜã (I) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(II) ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ (C) (ii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iv) ÓÜÄ¿ÞXÊæ, (i) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iii) (B) Both are incorrect (C) (ii) and (iv) are correct, (i) and (iii)
ÓÜÄ¿ÞXÆÉ are incorrect
(C) (I) ÓÜÄ ÊÜáñÜᤠ(II) ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ (C) (I) is correct, (II) is incorrect
(D) (i), (ii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iii) ÓÜÄ¿ÞXÊæ, (D) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct, (iv) is
(D) (II) ÓÜÄ ÊÜáñÜᤠ(I) ÓÜÄÀáÆÉ (iv) ÓÜÄ¿ÞXÆÉ (D) (II) is correct, (I) is incorrect incorrect

Paper II 16 K-0114 K-0114 17 Paper II

*K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24 *K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24

41. ÓÜÊÜáãÖÜ ¯—¿á ±ÜÄPÜƳ®æ¿á®Üá° ¿áã¯p… oÅӅr 44. ÖæàÚPæWÜÙÜá : 41. The concept of Mutual Funds was 44. Statements :
B´… Cíw¿Þ¨Ü ¿áã¯p… ÔRàÊÜå…WÜÙÜ®Üá° (I) væ¹p… PÝv…ì, ÖÜ| ÊÜáñÜᤠaæP… ±ÜâÓܤPÜ started with Unit Schemes of Unit (I) The debit card will free you from
±ÝÅÃÜí¼Ô¨Ü ÊÜÐÜì ¨æàÍÜ . Öæãí¨ÜáÊÜâ¨ÜÄí¨Ü ÊÜááPܤÊÝXÓÜáñܤ¨æ. Trust of India in _______ in _______ carrying cash or a cheque book.
(A) 1974, »ÝÃÜñÜ (II) aæQRXíñÜ væ¹p… PÝv…ìWÜÙÜ®Üá° PÜãvÜÇæà (A) 1974, India (II) Debit cards are readily accepted
(B) 1982, Pæ®ÜvÜ J±Ü³ÇÝWÜáñܤ¨æ. (B) 1982, Canada than cheques.
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : Codes :
(C) 1964, bPÝWæã (C) 1964, Chicago
(A) GÃÜvÜã ñܱÜâ³ (A) Both are incorrect
(D) 1964, »ÝÃÜñÜ (D) 1964, India
(B) Both are correct
42. APÝÈPÜ oÅgÄ ¹ÆáÉWÜÙÜ®Üá° PæàÊÜÆ . (C) (I) ÓÜÄ, (II) ñܱÜâ³ 42. Ad hoc Treasury Bills are issued in
(C) (I) is correct and (II) is incorrect
±ÜÃÜÊÝX ¹vÜáWÜvæ ÊÜÞvÜÇÝWÜáñܤ¨æ. (D) (I) ñܱÜâ³ , (II) ÓÜÄ favour of ________ only.
(D) (I) is incorrect and (II) is correct
(A) ÊÝ~g ¸ÝÂíPÜáWÜÙÜá (A) Commercial Banks
45. Öæãí©Ô ŸÃæÀáÄ :
(B) ÍævÜãDžx ¸ÝÂíPÜáWÜÙÜá (B) Scheduled Banks 45. Match the following :
±Üqr – I ±Üqr – II
(C) »ÝÃÜ£à¿á ÄgÊ…ì ¸ÝÂíPÜá (C) Reserve Bank of India List – I List II
(¸ÝÂíPÜá) (ËÈà®ÜÊÝX¨Ü᪠) Bank Merged with
(D) ±ÝŨæàÎPÜ WÝÅËáà| ¸ÝÂíPÜáWÜÙÜá (D) Regional Rural Banks
I) ®Üã ¸ÝÂíP… 1) ±Üíhݸ… ®ÝÂÐÜ®Ç
Ü …
I) New Bank 1) Punjab National
B´… Cíw¿Þ ¸ÝÂíP…
43. BÔv… pæӅr ÃæàÎÁã PÜívÜá×w¿áÆá PæÙÜPÜívÜ 43. Which of the following liabilities are of India Bank
¿ÞÊÜ gÊݸݪÄWÜÙÜ®Üá° ŸÙÜÔPæãÙÜÛ¸æàPÜá ? II) ¸ÝÂíP… B´… 2) Ga…. w. G´….Ô. taken into account for acid test ratio ?
II) Bank of 2) HDFC Bank
ÊÜá«ÜáÃÜ ¸ÝÂíP… Madura
(i) PæãvÜñÜPÜR ÊæaÜcWÜÙÜá (i) Outstanding expenses
III) pæçÊÜå…Õ ¸ÝÂíP… 3) KÄ¿áíoDž
(ii) PæãvÜñÜPÜR ÖÜáíwWÜÙÜá ¸ÝÂíP…
(ii) Bills payable III) Times Bank 3) Oriental Bank

(iii) ¸ÝÂíPÜáWÜÙÜ ËáàÃæÙæñÜ IV) WæãÉàŸÇ… oÅӅr 4) IÔIÔI ¸ÝÂíP…

(iii) Bank overdraft IV) Global Trust 4) ICICI Bank
(iv) ÊݱÝÄ ÓÝÖÜáPÝÃÜÃÜá ¸ÝÂíP… (iv) Trade creditors
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : Codes :
(v) ÊÜáÃÜá ±ÝÊÜ£ÓܸæàPÝ¨Ü ÓÝƱÜñÜÅWÜÙÜá (v) Redeemable debentures

(A) (i), (ii), (iii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iv) (A) 2 3 1 4 (A) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) (A) 2 3 1 4

(B) (i) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(ii) ÊÜÞñÜÅ (B) 1 4 2 3 (B) (i) and (ii) only (B) 1 4 2 3

(C) (i), (iii) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(iv) (C) 3 1 4 2 (C) (i), (iii) and (iv) (C) 3 1 4 2

(D) ÊæáàÇæ £ÚÔÃÜáÊÜ GÆÉÊÜä (D) 4 1 3 2 (D) All of the above (D) 4 1 3 2

Paper II 18 K-0114 K-0114 19 Paper II

*K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24 *K0114* Total Number of Pages : 24

46. D PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜ TÝñæ¿áá GÃÜvÜá 49. D PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Üá/ÊÜâ TRIPs ®Üá° 46. Which of the following is an account that 49. Which of the following covers
¨æàÍÜWÜÙÜ ®ÜvÜá訆 ÊݱÝÄ ÊÜ×ÊÝq®Ü shows the transactional relationship agreement on Trade Related
JÙÜWã æ íw¨æ.
between countries ? Aspects of Intellectual Property
ÓÜíŸí«ÜÊÜ®Üá° ÓÜãbÓÜáñܤ¨æ ? (I) ÊÜÂÊÜÖÝÃܨÜÈÉ JñݤÀáÓܟÖÜá¨Ý¨Ü Rights (TRIPs) ?
(A) Capital account
(A) ŸívÜÊÝÙÜ TÝñæ ÖÜPáÜ RWÙÜ áÜ . (I) Enforceable rights in trade
(B) Balance of payments accounts (II) Logical method of claiming
(C) Operational account property
(C) PÝ¿ÞìaÜÃÜOæ¿á TÝñæ
±Ü¨Üœ£. (III) Intellectual property
(III) Ÿá©œÊÜáñ椿á BÔ¤. (D) Current account
Codes :
(D) aÝȤ TÝñæ
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : (A) Only (III) above
47. In which of the following levels of (B) Both (II) and (III) above
47. D PæÙÜX®Ü ¿ÞÊÜ B¦ìPÜ JPÜãRo¨ÜÈÉ ÓܨÜÓÜ (A) Êæáà騆 (III) ÊÜÞñÜÅ economic integration, do the member (C) Only (I) above
ÃÝÐÜóWÜÙÜá ÓÝÊÜޮܠPÜÃæ¯Õ , ÓÝÊÜޮܠPÜÃÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠ(B) Êæáà騆 (II) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(III) ÊÜÞñÜÅ countries have common currency,
(D) Both (I) and (III) above
B¦ìPÜ ¯à£WÜÙÜ®Üá° Öæãí©¨æ ? fiscal and monetary policies ?
(C) Êæáà騆 (I) ÊÜÞñÜÅ
(A) ÓÜÌñÜíñÜÅ ÊݱÝÄ PæÒàñÜÅ (A) Free Trade Area 50. Match List – I with List – II :
(D) Êæáà騆 (I) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(III) ÊÜÞñÜÅ
(B) ÓÜáíPÜ JPÜãRo (B) Customs Union List – I List II
(C) B¦ìPÜ JPÜãRo 50. ±Üqr – I ®Üá° ±Üqr – II Ãæãí©Wæ Öæãí©Ô : (C) Economic Union a) EOUs, SEZs, 1) Trade Deficit
(D) ±ÝÎcÊÜÞñÜ JPÜãRo ±Üqr – I ±Üqr – II (D) European Union EHTPs, STPs
a) EOUs, SEZs, 1) ÊݱÝÄ PæãÃÜñæ b) BOP 2) International
48. Which of the following statements is/are Economic
48. ˨æàΠ˯ÊÜá¿á ÊÜÞÃÜáPÜpærWæ ÓÜíŸí«Ü±Üoríñæ, EHTPs, STPs
true regarding in foreign exchange
D PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜ EQ¤¿áá/WÜÙÜá b) BOP 2) AíñÜÃÜÃÝÑóà¿á market ? c) IMF, IFC, 3) Export Houses
®æçgÊÝX¨æ/Êæ ? B¦ìPÜ ÓÜíÓæ§WÜÙÜá ADB
(I) A higher spread indicates higher
(I) ¨ÜÃÜWÜÙÜÈÉ¿á Öæbc®Ü AíñÜÃÜÊÜâ B PÜÃæ¯Õ¿á c) IMF, IFC, 3) ÃÜ´Ü⤠ÊÜá®æWÜÙÜá trade in the currency. d) Leading 4) Advance
Öæbc®Ü ÊÜÂÊÜÖÝÃÜÊÜ®Üá° ñæãàÄÓÜáñܤ¨æ. ADB (II) A very low spread is an indication Payment of
(II) A£à PÜwÊæá AíñÜÃÜÊÜâ, ÊÜÞÃÜáPÜpær¿áÈÉ B of high liquidity in the markets for Foreign
d) ÈàwíW… 4) ˨æàÎ ÓÝÆWÜÙÜ Borrowings
PÜÃæ¯Õ¿á A£à ¨ÜÅÊÜÂñæ¿á®Üá° ÓÜãbÓÜáñܤ¨æ. the currency.
ÊÜááíWÜvÜ ±ÝÊÜ£ 5) Foreign
(III) ÓÜÊÝÆá ¸æÇæ Gí¨ÜÃæ PÜÃæ¯Õ¿á®Üá° ÊÜÞÃÜáÊÜ (III) Bid is the price at which the dealer
5) ÊÜááíbñÜÊÝX will sell the currency and ask is the Borrowings in
¸æÇæ ÊÜáñÜᤠPæàÚPæ ¨ÜÃÜ Gí¨ÜÃæ PÜÃæ¯Õ¿á®Üá° Advance
ÊÜÞw¨Ü ˨æàÎ price at which the dealer buys the
SÄà©ÓÜáÊÜ ¸æÇæ. currency. Codes :
ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜá : Codes : a) b) c) d)
(A) Êæáà騆 (I) ÊÜÞñÜÅ a) b) c) d) (A) Only (I) above (A) 3 1 2 5
(B) Êæáà騆 (II) ÊÜÞñÜÅ (A) 3 1 2 5 (B) Only (II) above (B) 3 1 2 4
(C) Êæáà騆 (III) ÊÜÞñÜÅ (B) 3 1 2 4 (C) Only (III) above (C) 2 1 3 4
(C) 2 1 3 4
(D) Êæáà騆 (I) ÊÜáñÜᤠ(III) (D) Both (I) and (III) above (D) 2 1 3 5
(D) 2 1 3 5
____________ ____________

Paper II 20 K-0114 K-0114 21 Paper II

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