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Common Carry Declaration

I, Wayne Robert Lund, a living man over the age of 21, a declared American State National , of
sound mind and body, do affirm and declare that I responsibly exercise my right to bear arms, as a
peaceful , private American , in fulfilling my duty to uphold the public law and keep the peace, I
will utilize my weapons through visible or concealed carry as is appropriate.

So signed and sealed this 29th day of November, 2021.

________________________________________by: Wayne Robert Lund©

All Rights Reserved
Without Prejudice

Recording Secretary and International Notarial Witness

I, ___________________________a Recording Secretary and International Notarial Witness approved by

the Minnesota Assembly , do hereby affirm that the Declarant has been positively identified and I have
witnessed their signing of this Common Carry Declaration before me this 22____day of November in the
year 2021.

Minnesota Assembly Recording Secretary ____________________________________________________



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