Summoner 5e Class - GM Binder

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The Summoner

A 5e class by platinumsketch
With scaled skin and folded wings, a half dragon human
stands at the top of a hill, over looking a nearby fortress. As he
looks on, his swarm of dragons fly into fortress. Though
young, their flames still burn hot, and they begin to destroy
those within the site.
Standing beside a succubus, a halfling women signs a
contract with a Balor. Promised might, power and access to
the armies of hell in return for her soul. She accepts, and
begins to plot how to escape the contract.
Speaking in a language you can't possible understand, an
orcish man crouches low, garbed in robes. Prophesying things
to come, you watch as he stands, and then tentacles claw their
way out of the robes and drag him forward.
Alone stands a goblin boy with gills on his neck, clouded
eyes, and claws. As he trots around, a displacer beast slowly
emerges from the aether, exiting a portal that can not be seen.
The boy climbs onto the beast and simply enjoys his ride.
In darkness waits a well armored woman. Her race
seemingly elf, though it's hard to tell through her rotted flesh.
As a company of adventurers enters her room, the corpses
near her rise, clawing out of the ground and combining to
make humanoid forms, preparing for battle.
Binding to Beast and Alien
Summoners can call upon creatures to do their bidding,
though they may only summon creatures they are bound to
until they become very powerful. These summoned creatures
may act upon their own will, though that of the summoner
takes more precedence, as they are magically compelled to
follow the summoner's desires
Influenced Forms
The bindings which allow summoners to call upon aid also
alters their body and mind. This grants them greater powers
and connection to the creatures they summon, often
morphing their body to give them additional limbs or features.
Creating a Summoner
When making a summoner there are several important
questions to consider. One such is hod did you get your
power? Did you pray to a god? What about some unknowable
creature? Do you like the creatures you summon? How do you
react to the creatures you summon?
It's important to work with your DM to better understand
your relationship to the character and its summons. Are you
their leader? Or are you some strange being to them as well,
one that they must simply follow?
Quick Build
You can quickly create a summoner by following these step.
First, make your highest ability score Strength or Dexterity,
followed by Intelligence. Second, choose the hermit

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Level Proficiency Bonus Features Requisition Points 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Bond, Requisition 1 — — — — —
2nd +2 Spellcasting 2 2 — — — —
3rd +2 Permanent Binding 3 3 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Increase 4 3 — — — —
5th +3 Extra Attack 5 4 2 — — —
6th +3 Bond feature 6 4 2 — — —
7th +3 Swarm Summoner 7 4 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Increase 8 4 3 — — —
9th +4 ─ 9 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 Bond feature 10 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 Universal Bond 11 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Increase 12 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 ─ 13 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 Empowered Summons 14 4 3 3 1 —
15th +5 Bond Feature 15 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 Ability Score Increase 16 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 ─ 17 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Call to Arms 18 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Increase 19 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Bond Feature 20 4 3 3 3 2

(a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Class Features any simple weapon
As a Summoner, you gain the following class features Bond
Hit Points Beginning at 1st level, your knowledge and understanding of
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Summoner level the planes and their inhabitants allows you to create a
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier. permanent bond with a type of creature. Choose a Bond,
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution which will determine some of your summons, as well as the
modifier per Summoner level after 1st features you get at 1st, 6th, 11th, 15th, and 20th level.
Proficiencies Requisition
Armor: light armor, medium armor At 1st level, your new magics allow you to call forth aid. By
Weapons: simple weapons expending Requisition Points your may summon a creature as
Tools: none an action. The number of Requisition Points you have are
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence shown on the Summoner table in the Requisition Points
Skills: Choose three from History, Insight, Investigation, column, with all expending points being refreshed at the end
Medicine, Nature, Perception and Religion. of a long rest. You may only summon one creature at a time,
Equipment which stays on your plane for number of minutes equal to
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the your Intelligence modifier or until it drops to 0 hp, which ever
equipment granted by your background: comes first. Additionally, summons act on their own turn and
will act on their own will unless ordered not to.
(a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
(a) two simple weapons or (b) a light crossbow and 20

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The following chart tells you the cost of summoning creatures When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and
at each CR, with you Bond telling you the type you may 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by
summon. 2, or two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you
can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Summoning Costs
CR Requisition Point Cost Extra Attack
1/8-1/4 1 Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
1/2 2 when you take the Attack action on your turn.
1 3 Swarm Summoner
2 4 Starting at 7th level, you may call upon multiple creatures at a
3 6 time. So long as you have the Requisition Points necessary,
you may summon a number of creatures equal to your
4 8 Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).
5 10
Universal Bond
6 12
By 11th level, your magical bonding extends to all planes. You
7 14 may summon any creature, though those not given to you by
8 16 your Planar Bond cost double Requisition Points and may not
9 18
be made permanent.
10 20 Empowered Summons
Once you reach 14th level, that which you summon is
Spell Casting empowered. All creatures you summon gain a +1 to all
Once you reach 2nd level, you gain the ability to cast spells as damage and attack rolls, and gain a number of temporary hit
your knowledge of magic becomes increasingly palpable. points equal to half your level rounding down.
Spell Slots Call to Arms
The Summoner table shows how many spell slots you have to At 18th level, you become capable of constantly summoning
cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these creatures. You regain Half your Requisition Points on a short
Summoner spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level rest, and 4 Requisition Points every time you roll initiative.
or higher. You regain all spell slots when you finish a long rest.
Preparing Spells
You can prepare a set amount of Summoner spells, which is
equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your Summoner
level (minimum of 1). You can change the spells you have
prepared over the course of a long rest.
Spell Casting Ability
Intelligence is the spellcasting ability for you Summoner
spells. Your magics come from an understanding of magic and
the planes. You use your Intelligence whenever a Summoner
spell refers to your spellcasting ability.
Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Permanent Binding
Once you reach 3rd level, you can permanently bind a creature
to your plane. When summoning a creature, you may decide
to reduce the total number of Requisition Points you have by
twice the amount it costs to summon the creature, causing the
creature to stay summoned until it dies. This reduction ends
once the creature dies as well.
Ability Score Increase

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Drakes and dragons have always called to you, and thus have
Bond become the creatures you summon. This grants you the form
Summoners do not simply call forth a creature. Instead they of dragon, that being wings, their breath weapon, and scales.
must bind themselves to a type of creature, learning of their Bond Magic
thoughts and actions. This allows them to call forth that type You gain the spells below at the listed levels. They do not
of creature at will. This is their Bond. count against your total number of known spells.
These Bonds effect their physical form over time, changing
their body to be like that of the creatures they summon. While Dracontine Bond Spells
this grants them special powers, it also comes with draw Summoner Level Spells
backs, such as the growth of wings or tentacles which horrify
those people which may once have trusted you. 2nd Burning Hands, Witch Bolt
5th Aganazzar's Scorcher, Dragon's Breath
9th Lightning Bolt, Fly
You have bond yourself to demons and evils, using the purest
of evils to gain power, culminating in empowered fire. 13th Fire Shield, Vitriolic Sphere
17th Cone of Cold, Immolation
Bond Magic
You gain the spells below at the listed levels. They do not Serpent Caller
count against your total number of known spells. When you choose this Bond at 1st level, you gain the ability to
Accursed Bond Spells summon creatures with the Dragon type. To summon one of
Summoner Level Spells
these creatures you must expend the number of stated points
under the Summoning Costs chart.
2nd Bane, Hellish Rebuke
5th Darkness, Flameblade
Dragon Breath
Starting at 6th level, you can channel the power of your
9th Summon Lesser Demon, Vampiric Touch summons to give yourself permanent benefits. Choose one of
13th Summon Greater Demon, Wall of Fire the following damage types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, and
Poison. You gain resistance to that damage type, and, as an
17th Flame Strike, Infernal Calling action, may breathe out a bout of that elemental energy in a 5
foot wide, 30 foot long line. All creatures in the line are forced
Fiend's Bond to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 damage of that
When you choose this Bond at 1st level, you gain the ability to type, taking half damage on a success. You may increase the
summon creatures with the Fiend type. To summon one of damage by expending a spell slot, with each level of the slot
these creatures you must expend the number of stated points expended increasing the damage by 1d6. This may be done
under the Summoning Costs chart. once per long rest
Hell Fire Unnatural Sense
By 6th, your flames are as hot as those of an inferno. When Beginning at 11th level, you gain further dragon like abilities.
you or your summons deal Fire damage, you add your You have advantage on perception checks for seeing and
Intelligence modifier to that damage. Additionally, you gain hearing, and you gain 60 feet of darkvision and 30 feet of
resistance to Fire damage. blindsight. Additionally, you may use your Dragon Breath
twice per long rest.
Blade of the Nine Hells
Starting at 11th level, you attacks become infused with hell Scaled Form
fire. Any weapon attack or unarmed strike you make deals 1d4 By 15th level, you've nearly completed your change into a
additional fire damage. This fire damage ignores resistances. draconic shape. Your hide grants you resistance to magic,
gaining advantage on saving throws against magic and
Unyielding Combustion magical effects, as well as permanently increasing your AC by
Beginning at 15th level, your flames become even stronger. 1. Additionally, you may use your Dragon Breath three times
The fire damage that you deal ignores resistances, and treats per long rest.
immunity as resistances. True Dragon
Infernal Being At 20th level, you take on the form of a dragon. You can now
At 20th level, you become inherently fiendish. You become use your Dragon Breath up to four times a day. Additionally,
immune to Fire damage and resistant to lightning damage. you sprout wings, giving you a fly speed of 30 feet and
Additionally, you gain the Fiend typing, becoming a Devil if immunity to the damage type you previously chose, as well as
your alignment is lawful, and a Demon if your alignment is the Dragon typing.
chaotic. If you are a Devil, you learn Infernal, and if you are a
demon you learn Abyssal.

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Eldritch Seeping Thoughts. You can now telepathically speak to
any creature within 120 feet of you, with you able to create an
You summon unspeakable horrors, which slowly drive you entire telepathic conversation between a number of creatures
into madness. Though your form becomes indisputably equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 3) instead of
powerful, your mind weakens and becomes entirely just two creatures.
otherworldly. Unbearable Commands. You can target a creature within
30 feet of you once per long rest, using your action to force it
Bond Magic to make a Wisdom save against your spell save DC. On a fail,
You gain the spells below at the listed levels. They do not the creature is under your control for the next 8 hours. You
count against your total number of known spells. can issue it a simple command as a bonus action, such as
make a single attack, move, or disengage, which it must
Eldritch Bond Spells follow. If you use this on a creature everyday for a year, it
Summoner Level Spells becomes permanently charmed by you.
2nd Armor of Agathys, Arms of Hadar
5th Crown of Madness, Enthrall
Its a connection to nature that allows you to summon forth
9th Hunger of Hadar, Tongues allies, the same connection that grants you immense power.
13th Confusion, Evard's Black Tentacles This allows you to call forth bestial and plant allows, and
command them as if you had known them all your life.
17th Dream, Geas
Bond Magic
Mad Speaker You gain the spells below at the listed levels. They do not
When you choose this Bond at 1st level, you gain the ability to count against your total number of known spells.
summon creatures with the Aberration type. To summon one Feral Bond Spells
of these creatures you must expend the number of stated
points under the Summoning Costs chart. Summoner Level Spells
2nd Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals
Incomprehensible Tongue
Beginning at 6th level, your speech alone may induce 5th Beast Sense, Spike Growth
madness. As an action once per long rest, you may choose a 9th Conjure Animals, Speak with Plants
number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of 1) that can hear you and are within 60 feet of 13th Dominate Beast, Giant Insect
you. They must make a saving throw against your spell save 17th Awaken, Insect Plague
DC or become Frightened of you for the next minute, rerolling
the save at the end of every turn. Nature's Master
Abominable Mind When you choose this Bond at 1st level, you gain the ability to
By 11th level, your connection to those otherworldly summon creatures with the Beast or Plant type. To summon
abominations has warped your mind. You can telepathically one of these creatures you must expend the number of stated
speak to creatures within 60 feet of you, being able to open a points under the Summoning Costs chart.
two way telepathic bond between you and one other creature Reclaim the Wilds
you can see. It takes your bonus action to maintain this two Starting at 6th level, your command over beasts and plants
way bond, otherwise you may speak to a creature, but it may increases. Using your bonus action, you may command one
not respond telepathically. Additionally, your exposure to the summoned creature of yours to make an attack or move up to
thoughts of such creatures has made you numb to horrors, half its speed using its reaction.
making you immune to the Frightened condition.
Unstoppable Movement Language of the Land
Starting at 15th level, you can not be halted. You sprout wings Beginning at 11th level, you can speak with the wild life
and tentacles, giving you a fly speed of 15 feet, and a climbing around you. You are permanently under the effects of the
and swimming speed of 30 feet. Additionally, you ignore all Speak with Plants and Speak with Animals spells, and both
difficult terrain. spells once a day without using a spell slot.
True Horror Guardian of Beasts and Plants
At 20th level, you can cause yourself to take on the form of an By 15th level, your connection to nature allows you to react
eldritch abomination. You gain one of the following permanent immediately when it's in danger. When a creature of the Beast
benefits, as well as the Aberration typing: or Plant type near you is attacked, you may use your reaction
Unfathomable Form. You can cause your tentacles to lash to attack the Beast or Plant's attacker.
out by using your action. This forces all creatures within 30
feet of you to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6
Bludgeoning damage and 2d6 Acid damage. You may do this a
number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence
modifier (minimum of 1).

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Timeless Form At 20th level, your form becomes much like the fey and
At 20th level, nature has bestowed its ultimate gift upon you, celestials you summon. You sprout wings, gaining a fly speed
true immortality. You no longer age, additionally, when you of 30 feet, and choose either the Fey or Celestial typing,
die, so long as your body remains, you reform as if the gaining the following benefits listed with that typing:
Reincarnate spell was casted upon you within 1d12 months. Illusory Knowledge. (Fey) You gain 10 feet of truesight, as
Once you have done this, you must wait a year after you fully you see through all nearby illusions.
reform before you can do it again. Fey Magics. (Fey) You can cast Charm Person at will.
Holy Visage. (Celestial) You become resistant to radiant
Hallowed damage.
Untouchable Form. (Celestial) You are permanently under
Prayer to the divine or worship of the fey allows you to the effects of Protection from Evil and Good, with the effected
summon forth allies, be those tricksters or holders of holy law. creature type being unable to change.
Bond Magic Lost
You gain the spells below at the listed levels. They do not
count against your total number of known spells. Eternal life calls to you, and you gain it by making allies with
the dead, slowly rotting as they do. Slowly becoming as they
Hallowed Bond Spells are.
Level Spells Bond Magic
You gain the spells below at the listed levels. They do not
2nd Charm Person, Bless count against your total number of known spells.
5th Spiritual Weapon, Suggestion
Lost Bond Spells
9th Daylight, Hypnotic Pattern Summoner Level Spells
Conjure Woodland Beings, Spirit 2nd Inflict Wounds, Ray of Sickness
5th Blindness/Deafness, Gentle Repose
17th Dawn, Dominate Person
9th Animate Dead, Bestow Curse
Court's Courier 13th Blight, Death Ward
When you choose this Bond at 1st level, you gain the ability to 17th Contagion, Negative Energy Flood
summon creatures with the Fey or Celestial type. To summon
one of these creatures you must expend the number of stated
points under the Summoning Costs chart. Dead Walker
When you choose this Bond at 1st level, you gain the ability to
Wits and Charm summon creatures with the Undead or Ooze type. To summon
By 6th level, you become deeply influenced by the magic of the one of these creatures you must expend the number of stated
Fey. You are immune to effects that would Charm you or put points under the Summoning Costs chart.
you to sleep, and learn the cantrip Friends if you did not know
it already. Additionally, you may cast Charm Person once per Touch of the Damned
day without expending a spell slot. Starting at 6th, your form becomes infused with the essence
of the dead. When you make a melee attack against a creature,
Strange Radiance you deal an additional 1d4 Necrotic damage. Additionally,
Starting at 11th level, you can emit radiant energy. As a bonus when you take necrotic damage you instead heal a number
action, you can decide to shed 10 feet of bright light, and a equal to half the necrotic damage dealt, and you gain the
further 10 feet of dim light, or stop shedding this light. All Undead typing.
creatures within the bright light take 1d4 Radiant damage
when they enter the light and at the start of their turn if they Rotting Army
stay within that light. Additionally, any time you make a By 11th level, your ability to call forth the dead is empowered.
weapon attack or unarmed strike against a creature while you When you cast Animate Dead, it always acts as if you casted it
are not shedding that light, you deal an additional 1d4 Radiant at a level higher than you actually did. Additionally, you may
damage. create Shadow instead of a the two zombies/skeltons when
you cast the spell at higher levels.
Purity of Soul
Beginning at 15th level, you being alone can protect others.
Once per long rest, you can cast Spirit Guardians without
expending a spell slot. Alternatively, you can expel a burst of
light from you, casting Hypnotic Pattern once per long rest
without expending a spell slot.

Holy Nature

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Gaze of Unending Torment Iron Flesh
Beginning at 15th level, you can focus your hatred at one Beginning at 15th level, your flesh becomes like steel. You are
target. Using a bonus action, you can force a creature to make resistant to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
a Wisdom save against you spell save DC, or become damage. Additionally, your fortuitous form gives you
frightened of you, and have your summons have advantage on advantage on Constitution saving throws.
their first attack against that creature. This may be done a Overwhelming Power
number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence
modifier (minimum of 1). Additionally, you all undead allies At 20th level, your elemental magics are supremely powerful.
within 30 feet of you have advantage on saves against effects Whenever you cast a spell that deals Cold, Fire, Lightning, or
that turn undead. Thunder damage, you may add your Intelligence modifier to
that damage. Additionally, any spell you cast over comes
Eternally Lifeless resistance to its damage type, with it treating immunity as
At 20th level, your body is permanently stuck in a stasis. You resistance.
no longer need to eat, drink, sleep, or breath, and do not age.
Additionally, you are immune to Poison damage and the Void
Poisoned condition, as well as the Exhausted condition. In the cosmos there are a type of creature which are out casts,
beings that should never be. You have formed a bond with
Primeval these beasts, slowly altering your body to their strange, alien
You control the elements, giving a direct line to the elementals forms.
which you summon. This allows you to control and alter those Bond Magic
elements, giving your abilities greater effectiveness over those
that would otherwise resist them. You gain the spells below at the listed levels. They do not
count against your total number of known spells.
Bond Magic
You gain the spells below at the listed levels. They do not Void Bond Spells
count against your total number of known spells. Summoner Level Spells
2nd Jump, Longstrider
Primeval Bond Spells
Summoner 5th Alter Self, Spider Climb
Level Spells 9th Fly, Stinking Cloud
2nd Absorb Elements, Earth Tremor 13th Polymorph, Stoneskin
5th Maximilian's Earthen Grasp 17th Cloudkill, Mislead
9th Elemental Weapon, Erupting Earth
Conjure Minor Elementals, Elemental Abyssal Seer
Bane When you choose this Bond at 1st level, you gain the ability to
summon creatures with the Monstrosity type. To summon one
17th Conjure Elemental, Transmute Rock of these creatures you must expend the number of stated
points under the Summoning Costs chart.
Master of Earth
When you choose this Bond at 1st level, you gain the ability to Body of the Void
summon creatures with the Elemental type. To summon one By 6th level, your knowledge of the unending expanse of the
of these creatures you must expend the number of stated void and reality allows you to alter yourself. You gain a fly
points under the Summoning Costs chart. speed of 15 feet, no longer need to breath, and do not need to
Elemental Ward
By 6th level, your mastery of the elements gives you some level Adaptive Form
of defense against them. You gain resistance to one type of the At 11th level, your body has learned to adapt to all
following types of damage, having the ability to change it to environments. You can cast Alter Self at will, and it does not
another type over the course of a week: Cold, Fire, Lightning, require concentration.
or Thunder.
Altered Energy
Starting at 11th level, you can change the form of elemental
energy you use. When you cast a spell, you can change its
damage type to one of the following: Cold, Fire, Lightning, or
Thunder. You may do this a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest.

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Strange Nature
Starting at 15th level, you can change yourself to further
mimic other creatures. You may choose to permanently gain
one of the following benefits:
All Seeing. You gain a blindsight of 30 feet, and a truesight
of 5 feet.
Pack Tactics. When a conscious ally is within 5 feet of
another creature, you have advantage on attacks against that
Liquid Form. You can Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus
action. Additionally, all forms of movement you have are
increased by 10 feet.
Living Mirror
Beginning at 20th level, you can make yourself look just like
another creature. Using your action, you can change your
shape to that of another creature. The shape you change into
may not be larger than yourself, and you must see the creature
you are changing into. All of your equipment melds into you as
you do so, and you gain the statistics of the creature. You can
do this once per long rest, with this transformation lasting a
number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of 1), after which you gain a level of exhaustion.
Additionally, you gain the Monstrosity typing

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Summoner Spell List
Blur Conjure Barrage Storm Sphere
1st Level Enlarge/Reduce Counter Spell
Chromatic Orb Flaming Sphere Melf's Minute Meteors 5th Level
False Life Hold Person Slow Animate Objects
Mage Armor Magic Weapon Thunderstep Antilife Shell
Magic Missile Melf's Magic Arrow Bigby's Hand
Shield Scorching Ray 4th Level Conjure Volley
Thunderwave Suggestion Dimension Door Destructive Wave
Witchbolt Mordenkainen's Faithful
3rd Level Hound
2nd Level Blink Otilukes/'s Resilient Sphere

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As with most homebrew, multiclassing can cause unexpected
results. The following are rules on how to do so, though do so
at your own risk.
To qualify for your new class, you must meet both the
prerequisites for your new class, shown in the Prerequisites
table, and the prerequisites of your current class.
Class Ability Score Minimum
Summoner Intelligence 13

When you gain a level in a class other than your first, you only
gain some of that class's starting proficiencies, as shown in
the Multiclassing Proficiencies table.
Multiclassing Porficiencies
Class Proficiencies Gained
light armor, medium armor, simple weapons,
one skill from the class's skill list

Author: u/platinumsketch

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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