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2. What are five reasons the agribusiness sector may be considered unique?

How or why
could agribusiness and firms outside the agribusiness sectors make different decisions in
similar situations?

five reasons the agribusiness sector may be considered unique

The government is involved. Due to almost all other factors that have emerged, the
government has a fundamental role in the fields of food and agribusiness. Several
government programs affect commodity prices and agricultural income. Others are intended
to protect consumer health through safe food and better nutritional information. Yet another
policy regulates the use of chemicals to protect food crops, and affects how farmers handle
animal waste. Tariffis and quotas impact international trade. School lunch programs and food
postage help shape food demand. Government, through policies and regulations, has a far-
reaching impact on the work of food and agribusiness managers.

Each particular feature of this food production and marketing system influences the
environment in which an agribusiness manager practices their skills. Agribusiness is unique
and therefore, requires the unique abilities and skills of those involved in this sector in the us


But the main difference between big and small business or between agribusiness and other
types of firms appearing in the specific business environment facing the organization. Despite
the similarities, the market faces a wide variety of General Electric businesses differ
substantially. The automotive industry is different from the retail industry. Too the unique
characteristics of the food production and marketing system lead to management different
practices for agribusiness companies. Our job is to better understand the similarities as well
as differences in the functions and duties of food and agribusiness managers are compared
another manager.

The differences between large and small businesses or between agribusinesses and other
types of fi rms arise in the specifi c business environment facing the organization. While
there are similarities, the markets facing General Electric’s wide range of businesses differ
substantially. The automotive industry is different from the retail industry. Likewise the
unique characteristics of the food production and marketing system cause management
practices to differ for agribusiness fi rms. Our job is to better understand the similarities and
differences in the functions and tasks of a food and agribusiness manager compared to other

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