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Senior High School


Earth Science
Quarter 1 - Module 1
Characteristics of the Earth and Its

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Earth Science- Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 1: Characteristics of Earth and Its Subsystems
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro Schools

Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Author: Dyna F. Gorre,

Reviewers: Jean C. Cutamora, Jean S. Macasero, Shirley Merida, Rosalina B. Fantilaga,

Rafael Silagan

Illustrators and Layout Artists: Jessica Bunani Cuňado, Kyla Mae L. Duliano
Management Team
Chairperson:Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, Ph.D., CESO V
Co-Chairperson: Rowena D. Paraon,
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Division CESO VI
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Earth Science
Quarter 1 - Module 1:
Characteristics of Earth and Its
Version 4

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from
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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

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Table of Contents
What This Module is About..............................................................................................................i

What I Need to Know.......................................................................................................................ii

How to Learn from this Module.......................................................................................................ii

Icons of this Module.........................................................................................................................iii

What I Know....................................................................................................................................iii

Lesson 1: Characteristics of Earth

What I Need to Know.............................................................................................1

What’s New: Guess What?......................................................................................2-3

What Is It: Learning Concepts.................................................................................3-4

What’s More: Fill me in..........................................................................................4-5

What Is It: Learning Concepts.................................................................................5-8

What’s More: Synthesizing Information................................................................8

What’s New: Reflection.........................................................................................9

What I Have Learned: Crash Landing.....................................................................10

What I Can Do: Performance Task and Enrichment Activity..................................11

Lesson 2: Subsystems of Earth

What I Need to Know..............................................................................................12

What’s New: Earth’s Systems and Intro to Earth System........................................13

What Is It: Learning Concepts.................................................................................14

What’s More: Why, Why, Why..............................................................................15

What I Have Learned: Fill me Up with Earth’s Systems.........................................16

What I Can Do: Where do You Think Life Exist?..................................................17

Concept Mapping....................................................................................................18


Assessment: (Post-Test)..................................................................................................................20

Key to Answers...............................................................................................................................21

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Module 1
Characteristics of Earth and Its Subsystems
What This Module is About

This module describes the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to support life,
particularly the essential components of this planet that drives all living things (biotic
components) such as plants, animals and microorganisms to exist. It also emphasizes on the
different subsystems (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere) that make up the
Earth and how these systems interact and affect the planet Earth that we live in today.

This module will aid you in understanding the key concepts on topics that will help
you answer the questions related to our very own planet Earth.

This module has two (2) lessons:

 Lesson 1- Characteristics of Earth that are Necessary to Support Life
 Lesson 2- The Four Subsystems that Make Up the Earth

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. describe the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to support life (S11ES-Ia- b-3);

2. explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries matter
and energy flow (S11ES-Ib-4).

How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the learning competencies stated above, you tasked do the following:
• Take your time by reading carefully the lessons.
• Follow diligently the directions in all the activities and exercises.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that
Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment of your

knowledge of the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge previous
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of new lesson

What’s New This part is the introduction of the new

lesson through activities, before it is
presented to you.

What is It This part provides the discussion

of the activity conducted to deepen your
understanding of the concept.

What’s More This part provides the follow-up activities for

you to practice more to master the

What I Have This part is the assessment of what you

Learned have learned from the lesson.

These are tasks for you to demonstrate the

What I can do knowledge and skills you gained and
apply them into real-life situations.
What I Know

Directions: Read carefully each item and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following describes a habitable Earth?

A. has a weak magnetic field
B. right distance from the Sun
C. dominant presence of solid ice
D. presence of oxygen in the hydrosphere
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why the hydrosphere is important?
A. It sustains various life forms
B. It helps in regulating the atmosphere
C. It plays an important role in ecosystems
D. It plays a major role in the movement of tectonic plates
3. Which of the following is NOT a correct description of oxygen gas (O2)?
A. use by animals for respiration
B. taken in by plants for photosynthesis
C. converted to carbon dioxide during respiration
D. a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas essential to living organisms
4. Which of the following describes a Goldilocks Zone?
A. a zone composed mainly of frozen water
B. a region where life is impossible to exists
C. a zone composed only of rocks and other celestial debris
D. an area where the temperature is not too hot and not too cold
5. Which of the following is an important characteristic of earth in sustaining life?
A. Earths’ position beyond the Goldilocks Zone
B. The atmosphere that blocks the rays of the sun from reaching Earth
C. The abundant nitrogen in the atmosphere made life possible on Earth
D. The presence of liquid water which plays a vital role for cell’s metabolism
6. Which of the following is the reason for the importance of Earth’s subsystems?
A. The subsystem influence Earth’s encounter with space objects.
B. The subsystems solely determine the survival of different organisms
C. The subsystems contribute scarcely in flow of matter and energy
D. The subsystems influence the climate, geological processes, and life on Earth.
7. Why is the ozone layer important in sustaining life on earth?
A. It is where Earth satellites orbit and auroras show.
B. It influences hydro-meteorological phenomenon such as storms.
C. It shields the Earth the Sun's ultraviolet radiation and keeps the planet warm.
D. It is where celestial objects get burned and disintegrated upon entering Earth.
8. Which subsystem helps regulate the temperature of the Earth so we do not experience too much
hotness or coldness.
A. Biosphere B. Lithosphere C. Atmosphere D. Hydrosphere
9. Which subsystem do bodies of water surround the Earth a part of?
A. Hydrosphere B. Geosphere C. Biosphere D. Atmosphere
10. In which subsystem are gases such as oxygen gas, water vapor, and nitrogen gas found?
A. Hydrosphere B. Geosphere C. Biosphere D. Atmosphere
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Characteristics of Earth that
Sustain Life

What I Need to Know

Earth is unique. It is termed as “planet of life” where matter and energy continue to
flow. Most of the cell’s processes requires energy from the Sun which is the main source of
energy. Since Earth is a closed system, energy flows to all of its living components to
continue various life processes and functions. The different forms of energy also allow the
recycling of matter needed for life. What are the characteristics of Earth that make life
possible? What makes Earth different from the rest of the planets and other heavenly bodies
in the Solar System?
In this lesson, you are tasked to describe the characteristics of Earth that supports life.

a. b

Figure 1a. Planet earth Figure 1b. Living things thriving on earth

Take a look at the pictures. Reflect on it. What do you see? Can you describe
Earth’s characteristics through these illustrations?

What’s New

Learning Activity # 1: Guess What?

Directions: The picture in each item depicts a certain characteristic of Earth as a planet of life.
Fill in the missing letters to form the words or phrases implied. Analyze each picture and
given clue letters to answer this activity. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.
1. L U __ W T

2. P S __ E of X G N

3. D S N E of E RT from the UN

4. I F U N E of M O on E _RT

5. E R H’S A T O PH R

What Is It

Earth is unique in our solar system because it has liquid water on its surface. In fact,
most of Earth’s surface is about 75 percent and covered with water. Water is present in the
atmosphere, ground, freshwater lakes, rivers, streams; and even in the polar ice caps. Water is
also found in all living things. Some plants, for example, are as much as 90–95 percent water
by weight. Adult humans are about 60 percent water by weight. Water is important for the
many life functions carried out by cells, tissues, and organs. It helps dissolve certain nutrients
and carry them throughout an organism. Water is also important for disposing of bodily

Scientists sometimes speak of Earth as having “Goldilocks” conditions—in other
words, Earth is “just right” for life as we know it. Earth’s place in the solar system as the third
planet from the Sun, places it in an area of space, that is not too hot and not too cold. If the
Sun is closer to Earth, liquid water would not be possible on this planet as all of it would
evaporate and life forms will not exist. If it were a little farther away, it would be colder and
liquid water would always be solid ice. Earth’s temperatures range from about –88˚C to
58˚C. All organisms on the planet are adapted to temperatures within this range.
Earth has enough gravitational force to keep most gases close to its surface. These
gases make up the atmosphere. The planet’s atmosphere is approximately 21% oxygen, a
gas which is produced mostly by plants needed in respiration. Earth’s atmosphere also traps
heat and protects the Earth from the damaging rays of the Sun. The moon, the only satellite
of Earth also plays important role for life. The moon’s gravitational pull causes tides. In
some instances, the moon also plays a role in the distribution of life forms, like in birds for
migration and navigation. It also has an
effect on the planet’s polar shifts.

What’s More
Learning Activity # 2: Fill me In
A. Fill me In.

Directions. Encircle the word within the parenthesis ( ) that best completes each
statement. (20 points)

Some characteristics of (Earth, Venus) that allow it to sustain life is the oxygen
(rich, poor) atmosphere and (polar ice cap, liquid water, water vapor) that is located
on the surface of the earth. Both oxygen and water are the (keys, not necessary) to life as
we know it. Oxygen is used by (animals, plants) during aerobic (respiration,
fermentation). Oxygen is (essential, not needed) for animals to adhere to their basic
needs. Surface (water, ocean) is also a basic need for all living things. Water keeps all
living things (hydrated, dry) as well as help control the (climate, weather) which affect
each organism’s survival.
Earth is surrounded by a (thin, thick) atmosphere that contains nitrogen, oxygen, and
other (trace, tiny) gases. This atmosphere provides the (air, fumes) that we breathe. It also
helps to (regulate, estimate) the temperature so that we do not experience extreme (hot or
cold, good or bad). Earth’s atmosphere also contains a layer of (ozone, helium) a
molecule consisting of three oxygen (atoms, molecules) which provides protection from
harmful solar (radiation, eclipse). Finally, three- quarters of Earth's surface is covered by
(water, oxygen) a necessary ingredient for life. Earth is the only (planet, heavenly
body) in the solar system that contains liquid water.
B. Directions: Put a check ( ⁄ ) mark for statements that describes the uniqueness of Earth. Write your
answers in sheet of paper.
_1. Presence of oxygen in the atmosphere has no effect on the Earth’s life
_2. There is a continuous flow of energy within the Earth’s system.

_3. Earth’s water is in the form of ice and is readily available for
_4. The energy of the sun drives all life processes on Earth.
_5. Earth is positioned in the Goldilocks zone.

What Is It

What makes earth habitable? The following are the factors that make our planet
capable of sustaining varied life forms which thrive in the various ecosystems. Try to read
and understand the factors that make our planet habitable.

1. Temperature – This will influence how quickly atoms and molecules move. Most
living things are limited to a temperature range of minus 15˚C to 115˚C. Given this
temperature range, H2O may still exist in liquid form being crucial to life. Among the
other planets, only Earth’s surface has this temperature range.
2. Water – This matter dissolves and transports materials in and out of the cell. Only
Earth has the right chemical materials like liquid water that could support life.
Right Atmospheric Conditions - The earth’s
atmosphere is capable of trapping heat and houses the
important atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide
and oxygen which cause the earth to warm. It shields
the surface from harmful radiation through the ozone
layer and Earth has the right size to hold a sufficient-
sized atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere is about 100
miles thick.
3. Energy – Living things use light or chemical energy
to run essential life processes. With the availability of
sufficient energy, organisms can perform different Figure 2. Earth’s ozone layer
metabolic reactions through the
cells. The inner planets such as Earth, get too much sunlight for life. The outer planets
get too little.
4. Right Distance from the Sun – Earth is in the
Goldilocks Zone. A region with the just the right
temperature to sustain life – not too cold not too hot.
5. Strong magnetic field - It shields us from the
electromagnetic radiation coming from the Sun. The
magnetic field deflects the radiation that may destroy
the ozone layer.
6. Nutrients – These are materials that build and
maintain an organism’s body. The inner planets
including Earth and moons have the same
general chemical components which makes Figure 3. Earth’s magnetic field
nutrients easily available in the environment.

There are various biogeochemical cycles and geologic processes that facilitate
the transport and replenishment of the chemicals and nutrients required by the biotic
factors. Examples include water cycle and volcanism. The presence of volcanoes,
cycle of water and atmosphere, contribute to the flow of nutrients within earth’s

Figure 4: The Water Cycle

Figure 5: Volcanic Activity

7. Greenhouse Gases - Without the greenhouse effect,

Earth would be frozen, more than 60º F colder. As
mentioned above, the atmosphere is capable of trapping
heat because of greenhouse gases. Examples of
greenhouse gases are water vapor, methane, and carbon

8. It is protected by the plate tectonics from the

very hot temperature of the core – The earth’s
Figure 6. Greenhouse gases
core causes the convection currents in the mantle absorbing heat
causing the overlaying lithosphere to move.
However, the surface is protected from heat from the core by the lithospheric plates.
What’s More
Learning Activity # 3
Directions: Describe the earth as a planet of life based on the specifications written inside the
left boxes. Write your descriptions on the right boxes. Do this in a sheet of paper.

Surface Features of Earth

Atmospheric Features

Relative Distance from

the Sun

Presence of Water

Influence of its moon

Other Factors

What’s New
Learning Activity # 4: Reflection

Reflection: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is a Goldilocks Zone?

_ _
2. What conditions need to exist in order for life to survive?
3. What temperature range is good for life?
4. What sort of atmosphere do living things need to survive?
5. Do living things need water to survive? Why?
6. What do organisms get from the food they eat? What is its use?
7. Is light necessary for living things? How?
8. How does the earth’s magnetic field affect life on earth?
9. Does it matter how massive the planet is? Why?
10. Describe three characteristics that make Earth suitable for life?

What I Have Learned

Learning Activity # 5: Crash Landing

Directions: A meteoroid has hit your spaceship! This happened while you are passing through a stellar
system with one (1) star and seven (7) planets, some of which has moons. You are
running out of fuel so you need to crash land on one of the planets. Listed below are the
planets and their characteristics. Which of these planets should be your choice for crash
landing? Support your answer. Write your answer in a sheet of paper.
Planet 1 (closest to the star) Planet 4:
Mass: 1.5 (almost the same size as earth) Mass - 1.5 (almost the same size as earth)
Tectonics: Active volcanoes and seismic activity Tectonics: Active volcanoes and seismic activity
detected detected
Atmosphere: None Atmosphere: trace amounts of nitrogen,
Average temperature: 651˚C methane and carbon dioxide
Description: Due to extreme surface Average Temperature: 2˚C
temperatures, instead of an atmosphere, the Description: oceans which are cooled solid ice
planet has a thin exosphere composed of atoms all throughout area
blasted off from the nearby star.
Planet 2 Planet 5
Mass-0.5 (half the size of Earth) Gas giant with one large moon
Tectonics: No activity detected Moon: sulfur dioxide (SO2) atmosphere Many
Atmosphere: Thin CO2 atmosphere detected volcanoes and hot springs on surface
Average Temperature: 10˚C Temperatures in hot spots can be up to 600˚C.
Description: Presence of ice caps in the polar Other spots away from volcanic heat can get as
region, riverbeds with no water, and a number low in temperatures 145˚C
of craters are observed from its orbit

Planet 3 Planet 6
Mass: 1 (same size as earth) Gas giant with four large, rocky satellites
Tectonics: Active volcanoes and seismic activity (moons)
detected Moons have no appreciable atmosphere Ice
Atmosphere: CO2, H2O(g), O2 detectable on one
Temperature: 50˚C
Description: Liquid water, oceans cover much
of the surface, volcanic island chains
Planet 7 (furthest from star)
Gas giant with two large moons
Moon 1: An atmosphere which is full of
methane gas with very high pressure to maintain
a methane ocean
Temperature: 2˚C
Moon 2: Covered in water ice, ice appears,
cracked and refrozen in parts, indicating a
potential liquid ocean underneath surface
Temperature: 1`˚C

Adopted from

What I Can Do

Learning Activity # 6
Performance Task:

Suppose you are an astronaut and you have a trip into space riding through a spaceship,
and you are instructed to create a list of items you would need to bring with you to survive on
this extended trip.
What supplies would be necessary for life to continue on this trip? Think beyond what
humans would need, and consider the needs of other forms of life that humans might bring

Enrichment Activity:

Watch a video entitled “Earth as a Planet of Life” through this YouTube link:`
In a short paragraph, share thoughts about the formation of the earth and existence of life
on earth.

Lesson Subsystems of the Earth
What’s In

In lesson 1, you have learned about the characteristics of Earth that makes it suitable
for life. Many of these characteristics, result from Earth’s distance from the Sun.
In the next topic, you will learn about the four subsystems of the earth namely:
atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. You will also discover through this
lesson that matter and energy flow in these four subsystems.

What I Need to Know

The planet Earth is home to varied life forms which interact continuously with the
non-living components. There are four subsystems that composed the earth. These include the
atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. Each of these systems, allow earth to
keep itself in balance. A change in one system will affect other system.

Figure 7. Planet Earth Figure 8. Mountain

In this lesson, you will explain that the earth consists of four (4) subsystems, across
whose boundaries, matter and energy flow.

What’s New
Learning Activity # 7: Earth’s Systems

A. Direction: Supply the blanks with the different subsystems of the earth which
are shown through the illustration. Write your answers in a sheet of paper.


What Is It

Earth is one of the inner planets in the solar system. According to radiometric dating
record, it is said to be 4.56 billion years old. It is the only planet in the solar system to harbor
life. Earth is a closed system. This means that if it gets what it wants, it does not return it
back. It gets energy from the Sun but returns only some back to space. Biogeochemical cycles
drive the Earth’s subsystems. It is through these cycles that earth materials are recycled and
replenish. The following are the definitions of the subsystems.

1. Atmosphere – A set of layers of gases that blankets the planet held by the planet’s
gravity. It is consisted of 78% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon and 0.04%
water vapor including all other gases. Different layers of the atmosphere include the
troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere.

2. Hydrosphere - It is the liquid component of the Earth including oceans, glacial

waters, and freshwater bodies that covers 70% of the earth’s surface; 98% of the water
on Earth is saltwater.

3. Geosphere - It is the solid sphere of the earth. This is where geologic processes
such as volcanism and orogenesis (mountain building) take place. The lithosphere is a
part of the geosphere that is composed of the solid, outermost part of the planet.

4. Biosphere - This is the living sphere of the earth. It is the totality of all the
ecosystems in the whole planet. It compels us to interact with other living organisms
with the influence of the abiotic factors in the system.

What’s More
Learning Activity # 8: Why, Why, Why?
Directions: Create “Why” type of questions that relate to the interactions of the four
subsystems of the Earth as illustrated below.




What I Have Learned

A. Fill Learning Activity # 9: Fill me Up with Earth’s System!

Direction: Identify the subsystems, its component/s and the interactions involved as
indicated by the white blank in the given illustration. Explain you answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

What I Can Do
Learning Activity # 10:
A. Where do you Think Life Exist?
Directions: The following table contains pictures of different places on Earth. Describe
what each photo is showing. Examine whether it is possible or impossible for life to exist
there. If you think so, list some of the organisms which you think may exist in these places
and the interactions involve. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
What is this Do you think there is life here? If so, what
A place on Earth image possible organism/s may exist here and
showing? how may they thrive?

B. Concept Mapping
Directions: Complete the concept map by filling in the necessary information pertaining on
the subsystems of the Earth. Analyze the flow of concepts through the diagram.

all To form

there are on or near



consist of

consist of
consist of Is a

in of


Earth is the only planet in the solar system where life of plants, animals, and even
microorganisms is possible. These salient features of Earth include distance from the sun,
right atmospheric conditions, availability of liquid water and even water vapor and solid ice,
influence of the moon, continuous flow of energy and nutrients in the system, strong
magnetic field and a fitting greenhouse effect to warm the planet.

There are four main subsystems of the Earth. The atmosphere is an envelope of gases
protecting the surface of the planet from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The hydrosphere
comprised all the bodies of water such as ocean, sea, rivers, lakes and glaciers. The geosphere
is the solid portion of earth which is consist also of the lithosphere where the crust, mantle
and core are found. The biosphere is consisting of all life forms. These systems interact and
are interconnected in sustaining life in varied forms.
Assessment: (Post-Test)

Direction: Select the letter of your choice. Write it in CAPITAL form. Your answers should be
written on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following describes a habitable Earth?

A. right distance from the Sun
B. presence of oxygen in the hydrosphere
C. has a weak magnetic field
D. dominant presence of solid ice
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why the hydrosphere is important?
E. It sustains various life forms
F. It helps in regulating the atmosphere
G. It plays an important role in ecosystems
H. It plays a major role in the movement of tectonic plates
3. Which of the following is NOT a correct description of oxygen gas (O2)?
E. use by animals for respiration
F. taken in by plants for photosynthesis
G. converted to carbon dioxide during respiration
H. a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas essential to living organisms
4. Which of the following describes a Goldilocks Zone?
E. a zone composed mainly of frozen water
F. a region where life is impossible to exists
G. a zone composed only of rocks and other celestial debris
H. an area where the temperature is not too hot and not too cold
5. Which of the following is an important characteristic of earth in sustaining life?
E. Earths’ position beyond the Goldilocks zone
F. The atmosphere that blocks the rays of the sun from reaching Earth
G. The abundant nitrogen in the atmosphere made life possible on Earth
H. The presence of liquid water which plays a vital role for cell’s metabolism
6. Which of the following is the reason for the importance of Earth’s subsystems?
E. The subsystem influence Earth’s encounter with space objects.
F. The subsystems contribute scarcely in flow of matter and energy
G. The subsystems barely influence the survival of different organisms
H. The subsystems influence the climate, geological processes, and life on Earth.
7. Why is the ozone layer important in sustaining life on earth?
E. It is where Earth satellites orbit and auroras show.
F. It influences hydro-meteorological phenomenon such as storms.
G. It shields the Earth the Sun's ultraviolet radiation and keeps the planet warm.
H. It is where celestial objects get burned and disintegrated upon entering Earth.
8. Which subsystem helps regulate the temperature of the Earth so we do not experience too much
hotness or coldness.
B. Biosphere B. Lithosphere C. Atmosphere D. Hydrosphere
9. Which subsystem do bodies of water surround the Earth a part of?
B. Hydrosphere B. Geosphere C. Biosphere D. Atmosphere
10. In which subsystem are gases such as oxygen gas, water vapor, and nitrogen gas found?
B. Hydrosphere B. Geosphere C. Biosphere D. Atmosphere
Key to Answers

A. Pre-test and Post test

1. A
2. D 10
3. A 9..
4. D 8.
5. A CC
6. C 7
7. A 6. .
8. C 5.
9. A DD 4
10. D 3..
B 2
A 1.
Concept map on the 4 subsystems of the Earth


Department of Education. Uniqueness of the Earth and Earth’s Subsystems. Senior High
Alternative Responsive Delivery Option (SHARED) Option. 2019.

Department of Education Central Office. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs).


Department of Education. Characteristics of Earth and Subsystems of Earth. Learning Resource

Management Development System.2016.

"Earth And Life Science - Earth Subsystems". 2020. Bit.Ly.

"Earthworm." Flickr. Accessed July 9, 2020.


HQ, Learn. 2020. "15 “Goldilocks" Factors That Allow Life On Earth To Exist". Bit.Ly.

"Image Of Earth:Creative Commons - Google Search". 2020. Bit.Ly.

"Intro To Earth System Crossword - Wordmint". 2020. Wordmint.Com.

"Is The Distance From The Earth To The Sun Always The Same?". 2020. Reader's Digest.

"Lesson 5: Activity 3: Habitable Worlds". 2020. Bit.Ly.

"Liquid". 2020. En.Wikipedia.Org.

Lunar and Planetary Institute. Accessed July 9, 2020.

National Geographic Society. "Earth's Systems." National Geographic Society. Last modified
October 29, 2019. systems/.

"Oxygen Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock". 2020. Shutterstock.Com.

"Requirements For Sustaining Life | The Biosphere | Siyavula". 2020. Bit.Ly.

"Starchild: The Planet Earth". 2020. Go.Nasa.Gov.

"What Amazing Characteristics Of Earth Enable It To Support Life? - Quora". 2020. Bit.Ly.

"What is the Habitable Zone?" Voyages Through Time: A High School Integrated
Educational Science Curriculum. Accessed July 9, 2020.

Voyages Through Time: A High School Integrated Educational Science Curriculum.

Accessed July 9, 2020. and.pdf.

"800px-Lotam_Mud_Hut." Flickr. Accessed July 9, 2020.

2020. Bit.Ly.

2020. Lpi.Usra. Edu.

2020. Voyagesthroughtime.Org.

Bitly | Custom URL Shortener, Link Management & Branded Links. Accessed July 9, 2020.
For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR) DepEd Division of

Cagayan de Oro City

Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro Telefax:((08822)855-0048
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