Introduction To The National Service Training Program: ROTC (Reserve Officers Training

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National Service Training Program (NSTP)

Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS)

Subject Code: GCAS 19
Professor: Arnel Navisa
Transcribed by: Angelita Ysabelle Asa (AB-Psychology)

TOPIC Introduction to the

#1  ROTC (Reserve Officers Training
National Service Training Program - Refers to the program component
(NSTP) designed to provide military
training in order to motivate, train,
THREE COMPONENTS OF NSTP organize and mobilize students for
 CWTS (Civil Welfare Training national defense preparedness.
- Is a program designed to enhance
the civic consciousness of students
by developing the value of service
and commitment for the welfare
and betterment of life of all
members of the community.
- Refers to the program component
or activities contributory to the
general welfare and betterment of
The Military instruction was incorporated in
life for the members of the
the Philippines universities collegiate
community or the enhancement of
programs during the American occupation.
its facilities, especially those
Through the years it had gone in several
devoted to improving health,
different changes.
education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation and moral of the FILIPINO YOUTH IN NATION-BUILDING
In December 19, 2001 the House of
Representatives and the Senate passed the
following Bills:
- House Bill No. 3595
- Senate Bill No. 1824
Both of which recognized the vital role of the
Filipino youth in nation-building.

Republic Act No. 9163
 LTS (Literacy Training Service) - National Service Training Program Act
- Refers to the program component of 2001
designed to train students to teach - Signed by former President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo into law in January 23,
literacy and numeracy skills to
school children, out-of-school
youth and other segments of SEC. 2. “It is hereby affirmed the prime duty of
society in need of their service. the government to serve and protect its citizens. In
turn, it shall be the responsibility of all citizens to
defend security of the state and in fulfilment
thereof, the government may require each citizen
to render personal, military or civil service.

Recognizing the youth’s vital role in nation

building, the state shall promote civic
consciousness among the youth and shall develop
their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and
social wellbeing.

It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism,

nationalism, and advance their involvement on
public and civic affairs. In pursuit of these goals,

Topic #1: Introduction to the National Service Training Program (NSTP)

Topic #2: The Human Person
National Service Training Program (NSTP)
Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
Subject Code: GCAS 19
Professor: Arnel Navisa
Transcribed by: Angelita Ysabelle Asa (AB-Psychology)

the youth, the most valuable resource of the universities are required to have
nation, shall be motivated, trained, organized and ROTC.
mobilized in military training, literacy, civic welfare What is the duration and equivalent
and other similar endeavours in the service of the
nation.”1 course unit of each of the NSTP
Legal Bases of NSTP
Republic Act No. 9163 (NSTP Law) – “An Act Each of the NSTP components shall be
Establishing the National Service Training undertaken for an academic period of two (2)
Program for tertiary students, amending for semesters for 54-90 training hours per
the purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and semester. It shall be credited for three (3)
Presidential Decree No. 1706, and for other units per semester
The Implementation and monitoring of the
said program was led by the following: Vision
- Department of National Defense
(DND) For students, who are committed to rendering
- Commission on Hager Education service to the community, to be innovators of
(CHED) social change with a culture of excellence and
- Technical Education and Skills to be leaders with integrity, and competence.
Development Authority (TESDA)
Their primary function is to oversee if the Mission
program is being conducted with accordance  Provide relevant developmental
of the rules and regulation of Republic Act.No. activities that will contribute to the
9163. physical, intellectual, spiritual, and
social development of the students;
Coverage of the NSTP law  Inculcate in the students’ values
formation, leadership, patriotism, and
 All incoming freshmen students of social responsibility;
school year 2002-2003, enrolled in any  Train students to become project
baccalaureate degree or in at least a planners, designers, and managers of
two-year technical-vocational or non- innovative and sustainable community
degree course, are required to service-oriented projects;
complete one NSTP component of  Create opportunities where students
their choice as a graduation and volunteers can render direct
requirement. service to the community;
 All higher and technical-vocational NSTP-CWTS CORE VALUES
educational institutions must offer at
least one of the NSTP components.  Discipline
 SUCs shall offer the ROTC component
 Awareness
and at least one other NSTP
 Respect
 Military academy, marine academy,  Excellence
police academy, and other SUCs of NSTP-CWTS COMPONENTS OF
similar nature are exempted from DEVELOPMENT
the NSTP.
 Private HEIs and tech-voc educational According to Rosminea A. Agcaoili, the
institutions with at least 350 student NSTP-CWTS component of development is
cadets may offer the ROTC SERVICE, which stands for:
component and establish a DMST,
although it is still subject to the existing S-afety and Security
rules and regulations of the AFP. - This involves disaster preparedness
 Private colleges can pick any of the 3 during a fire or any other disasters.
components but public or state E-ducation
Topic #1: Introduction to the National Service Training Program (NSTP)
Topic #2: The Human Person
National Service Training Program (NSTP)
Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
Subject Code: GCAS 19
Professor: Arnel Navisa
Transcribed by: Angelita Ysabelle Asa (AB-Psychology)

- Focus on the enhancement of  Aristotle and Boethius – A human

institutional support materials and being is a “ RATIONALBEING”
facilities for the community and school.  Theologians- Describe a human
R-ecreation person as someone with physical,
- Activities such as painting classes and spiritual substance.
parlor games for street children that  Dictionaries-Define the human
would help enrich the youth’s capacity person as a “self-conscious animal or
to relate to each other. a thing”
V-alues formation and Moral Recovery
- The development of youth to become THE NATURE OF A HUMAN PERSON
a good leader, responsible individual,
etc. A human person, like all others animals,
I- ndustry and Entrepreneurship has external and internal organs. The
- Programs and activities that is vital to human being becomes evident when
the economic growth. he/she starts to share his/her thoughts
C-are for Health and ideas with others.
Impart the students the knowledge on
medical related fields and extend to the PHILOSOPHICAL THEORIES OF
community needed health services. HUMAN NATURE
E-nvironment  Protagoras
Teaches environmental awareness and its “Man is measurable of all things that exist,
contribution to health related fields and of things that do not exist”

There is no objective true, whatever

individuals deem to be truth is true
Learning Objectives
 Describe the nature of human person
 Plato
 Identify the importance of a person’s ability
and capacity.
“The perfect human being does not exist in
 Describe a person’s unique qualities that this world, because what we see in in this
make him/her a productive social being. world is just an imperfect copy of humanity’s
This chapter present the nature of human original self in the realm of ideas”
being as it answer the questions
 What is a human person?
 What is the nature of a human person?
 How does a human person attain his
highest potential and create a positive
result towards the common good

Psychologist, philosophers, theologians, and  Parmenides

the scientist have written in depth analyses on “The man has knowledge of something that
the topic of human nature based on wide exist, for what does not exist is nothing”
range of theories and observations.

It is essential difficult to define a human

person, the perception of human nature
and the possibility of achieving a
productive society through the highest
potential of a person.
 Confucius
 Eric L. Estañol – The human person “Human being lives in accordance with the
has “ physical, spiritual, emotional, natural law that governs and guides the
and intellectual attributes” movement of all things”

Topic #1: Introduction to the National Service Training Program (NSTP)

Topic #2: The Human Person
National Service Training Program (NSTP)
Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
Subject Code: GCAS 19
Professor: Arnel Navisa
Transcribed by: Angelita Ysabelle Asa (AB-Psychology)

 A human person is capable of

knowing, loving, and believing, which
leads him/she to be fully aware of his
her humanity.

BEING Eddie Babor (2007)
The Human Person, Not real but existing the
The book of Genesis, Chapter 1 Verse several characteristics of human person
26 to 27
“ God made man and woman in his own 1. A rational person is a rational being
image in likeness of ourselves and let them - This is what distinguishes a person
be master of the fish of the sea, the birds, the from all other creatures in the world.
heaven, the earth , all the wild beast and all 2. A human being is a born free – A
the reptiles that crawl upon the earth” person has the freedom to do and not
to do things.
The Supreme Being entrusted the human 3. A Human person is unique- he/ she
person to take care of the creatures on possess an identity that makes
earth and to be aware of the possibilities, him/her unlike any others.
challenges, and difficulties he/she will 4. Social being- every person is
encounter in his/her life. intrinsically a social being and cannot
detach from other creatures in the
Grace C. Agbuya (1997) universe.
5. Human person is sexual – all created
“He (the human person) is designed by God living things are sexual in nature but
to exercise dominion over other creature in the uniqueness of expression of a
his everyday use freedom, search of person’s sexuality makes him/her
happiness, and openness to the world around different.
him. And what makes him human is his being
a true person, which include the special gifts PHILOSOPHY OF THE HUMAN BEING
and talents of thinking, loving, longing for DIFFERENT IDEOLOGICAL VIEWS OF
happiness, and making decisions. The human HUMAN PERSON
nature was patterned on the image of God.”
Regelio B. Maguigad (2006)
HUMAN BEING Philosophy of the human being the different
ideology views of a human person:
Classical Greek define the human person as 1. Conservatism – The conservative
a “rational animal” view is not entirely positive and
definitely non egalitarian.
 As an animal, vegetative sensory and 2. Liberalism – Has a more egalitarian
rational elements are integrated within view of human nature.
him/her being., thus he/she is a 3. Socialism – Human beings readily
material ( body) and spiritual being engage in cooperative social activities
( soul) when given opportunity. In socialism,
 As a vegetative creature, the human every individual has an equal share of
person needs to have food, to develop various elements of production,
and so reproduce, as sentient being distribution, and exchange of
he/she needs sensory perceptions to resources. Karl Marx views humans as
gain knowledge and as a rational social animals.
animal, he/she needs the power of 4. Fascism – Believes that what matters
thought, reason, and cognition. most is the country itself. The
governmental system is led by a
dictator that controls their power by
Topic #1: Introduction to the National Service Training Program (NSTP)
Topic #2: The Human Person
National Service Training Program (NSTP)
Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
Subject Code: GCAS 19
Professor: Arnel Navisa
Transcribed by: Angelita Ysabelle Asa (AB-Psychology)

suppressing oppositions and

criticism. Fascists took advantage of 4. Esteem – self-esteem which includes
these economic concerns to be able to achievement, mastery, confidence,
get rid of the blame from the and esteem derive from recognition,
government respect, attention and the like.

THE ESSENCE OF A PERSON 5. Self-actualization – the highest form

of motivation
 Understanding the different definition
of a human person, the question on Maslow’s theory points out that a
how to maximize the person needs to satisfy first the other lower
characteristics of human being to needs before realizing his/her self-worth and
create satisfactory results can now be potential.
In accordance with Roger’s theory, the
- The guiding principles on realizing a society should be a “sounding board” of
person’s competence and ability is the reflections in life so that an individual can
exploration of his/her totality in the realize his/her problem and formulate
field of humanistic psychology which solutions for it.
theorizes that a person behavior and
his/her relationship with others is A self-actualized person allows his/her innate
shaped by his/her inner feelings an positive values to transform further.
Every person must be guided by the thought
- Michael D. Moga (1995) a person’s that he/she only exists in this world
life on the “the ideals which motivate temporarily.
and inspire him”. “These ideals are
abstract realities which life is based
speak not to man’s body but to his
spirit. Here, similar to the case of the
experiences of the holy, the real is
identified with power, spiritual power”

1. Physiological level – biological and

basic needs such as water and
clothing which are immensely
important because they are mandatory
for survival.

2. Safety needs- a human person needs

to find security and protection from
physical and emotional harm.

3. Social needs- desire for affection,

belonging, and friendship.

Topic #1: Introduction to the National Service Training Program (NSTP)

Topic #2: The Human Person

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