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Breakfree: Mental Health Advocacy Video

:Have you ever woken up and suddenly lost the reason to live? The rhythm of life?
Struggling for motivation just like being blinded and that only darkness prevails. Ever felt
trapped in your own thoughts and negativity? Overwhelmed by anxiety and the sudden urge
of being angry? Images that pops-up from nowhere and the thought that nobody cares. The
feeling of being uncomfortable in your own home and can't even fit the tiniest bit of yourself
to the people you love. If ever you're feeling these kinds of difficulties -you are not alone.
Millions of people in this world are fighting and have fought this challenge even without
knowing if they’ll ever win or not.

:Mental Health
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-
being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal
stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his
or her community

:Mental Health is important and has always been there -it may either be positive or negative
and that sometimes the simple sadness that someone feels may be a harder fight for others.

:Plays Clip #1 Interviews with Patients of Depression by Psychiatrist (1959)

:Plays Clip#2 Living Through Depression: Julia's Story
:Plays Clip# 3 Interview with a sufferer of depression and anxiety

:People that suffer from mental health issues most of the time become the persons they are
not and they tend to hide it from other people to see. Mental Health disorders especially
depression is as old as mankind and perhaps the reason why people fail to see it as a
disease And most of the time people are having a hard time talking about it even if its affect
13% of the worlds population and causes injuries or worst death due to suicide.

:At trying times, people who struggle dealing with themselves need someone to catch them
when they’re falling in the bridge of despair and darkness, But who are these people?
Anyone can be a savior, even you. If you can be someone who's willing to listen without
judgement, someone who can ask the simplest questions like “How are you?” or “Are you
okay?” and if you're someone who cares then together , we have the strength, the voice and
the opportunity to be a generation that can finally free our fellowmen in the hole of
hopelessness and anxiety. We can be a generation who can embrace acceptance,
understand how mental health truly affects each one of us, help and reach out to those
people that need us. Together hand in hand we can and we will be able to Fight for Life,
Breakfree from anguish and Stop the Stigma and Discrimination.

“It's always okay to ask if somebody’s doing okay.”

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