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Mass - A Christian church ceremony, especially in a Roman Catholic or Orthodox church, during
which people eat bread and drink wine in order to remember the last meal of Jesus Christ.
2. Belief - is a feeling of certainty that something exists, is true, or is good.
3. Confession - In the Catholic church and in some other churches, if you go to confession, you
privately tell a priest about your sins and ask for forgiveness.
4. An agnostic - A person who believes that it is not possible to know whether God exists or not.
5. An atheist - A person who believes that there is no God.
6. Converted – If you are, you are persuaded to change your religious or political beliefs.
7. Meditate – If you meditate, you remain in a silent and calm state for a period of time as part of
a religious training or so that you are more able to deal with the problems or difficulties of
everyday life.
8. To be practicing – if a person is described as being a practicing Muslim, Catholic or etc., they
take part in the activities associated with a particular religion.
9. A mosque – a building where Muslims go and worship.
10. A devout person – has deep religious beliefs.
11. To pray – when people pray, they speak to God in order to give thank or to ask for his help.
12. Confirmation – a ceremony in which a person is confirmed, i.e. they are formally accepted as a
member of a Christian church during a ceremony in which they say they believe what the church
13. Polytheism – worshiping or believing in more than one god.
14. Monotheism – believing that there is only one god.
15. Lent – the period of 40 days before Easter, during which some Christians give up something that
they enjoy.
16. Halal meat – meat from animals that have been killed according to Muslim law.
17. A veil – a piece of thin, soft cloth that women wear over their heads and which covers their face.
18. A headscarf – a piece covering which Muslim women wear.
19. To fast – if you fast, you eat no food for a period of time, usually for either religious or medical
20. Circumcision ceremony – in a circumcision ceremony the loose skin at the end of a boy’s or
man’s penis is cut off. Jews and Muslims practice circumcision.
21. A synagogue – a building where Jewish people meet to worship or to study their religion.
22. Kosher food – food that is approved of or allowed by the laws of Judaism.
23. Reincarnation – if you believe in reincarnation, you believe that when a person dies, their spirit
will be born again and will live in the body of another person or animal.
24. A bindi – a red dot worn in the center of the forehead by many Hindu women, it is traditionally a
symbol of marriage.
25. A shrine – a place of worship which is associated with a particular holy person or object.
26. Incense – a substance that is burned for its sweet smell, often as part of a religious ceremony.
27. Offering – to leave an offering – offer a gift to a deity as a form of worship.
28. An indigenous tribe – the tribe that belongs to the country in which it is found, rather than
coming there from another country.
29. In laws – your in-laws are the parents and close relatives of your husband or wife.
30. To freak out – suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry and confused.
31. To be petrified – very frightened.
32. To pass out – to lose consciousness.
33. To sneak out – to go out very quietly on foot, trying to avoid being seen or heard.
34. A heathen – a person who has no religion, or belongs to a religion that is not Christianity,
Judaism, or Islam.
35. To be pretty ignorant about – not really know much about smth.
36. I see where you are coming from – I understand you.
37. It is hard for me to get my head round it – it is not easy for me to understand it.
38. To be duty bound – if you are duty bound to do something, you feel obliged to do it because
you feel it is your responsibility.
39. To take the mickey (out of somebody) – to make someone look silly, often in a friendly way, to
tease, mock or ridicule somebody.
40. A census – an official count of the number of people living in a country. It also obtains other
information about people – such as their age, religion, etc.
41. A circulation – is the number of copies that are sold each time a magazine or newspaper is
42. A scripture – sacred writings in Christianity.
43. A medium – a method or way of expressing something.
44. Pick and choose / mix belief system – people pick and choose which parts of religion they
believe in, because ultimately, religion and belief are always a matter of interpretation.
45. Swear by something – to have a great confidence in the value of that thing.
46. Dedicated to a cause – its purpose is to serve that cause.
47. Closer inspection – if someone says closer inspection reveals something or that on closer
inspection something is the case, they mean a more thorough examination reveals something or
that with a more thorough examination something is revealed to be the case.
48. To dabble in – to take a slight and not very serious interest in a subject or try a particular activity
for a short period of time.
49. To center somebody – being centered means that you have a reference point or a place to
come back to when life’s challenges and emotions push you off balance.
50. If something is on the verge of genius – it is very close to being a work of genius.
51. To feel bereft – not having something or feeling great loss.
52. To stave something off – to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an unwanted
situation or a person away, usually temporarily.
53. To adopt – to begin to use.
54. If someone inflates the amount or effect of something – they say it is bigger, better, and more
important than it really is.
55. Blow things up out of all proportion – exaggerate matters, make things bigger, more dangerous,
worrying, etc. than they really are.

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