03 Java Connector RFC Provider Service SOL

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JCO RFC Provider Service, Solutions

Unit: JCO RFC Provider Service

Topic: Making a remote call from SAP R/3

At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:

• How to make an outbound call from SAP R/3 to WAS.

1. Development Objectives
Creating a J2EE Project and using the SAP Java Connector (SAP JCO) process a
function call made from SAP R/3. The J2EE Project will contain an EAR
application and an EJB-JAR application. The EJB Project contains a Stateless
Session Bean with a processFunction () business method that will be called by the
JCO RFC Provider Service in WAS. The EJB JNDI name is the name of the
calling SAP R/3 function module Z_JCO_RFC_PROVIDER.

2. Result
As a result of the exercise you will be able to see the export parameter value of the
function module populated from J2EE.
3. Prerequisites
3-1 You have configured a RFC Destination in Visual Admin JCO Rfc
Provider tab and it is running.

3-2 You have configured a destination in SM59 and tested the link to the J2EE
3-3 The function module Z_JCO_RFC_PROVIDER is defined in SAP R/3.
3-4 You have opened the Netweaver Developer Studio, imported the projects
and selected the J2EE perspective.
4. Overview Developing

For your convenience, you can start

developing with a predefined Project.
The graphics on the left shows the J2EE
Enterprise Application Project (EAR)
and EJB Project imported into the
Developer Studio Workplace.

The Bean implementation class.
This contain the business method public
void processFunction(JCO.Funtion fn)
which is called by the JCO Rfc service.

4. Complete the business method code

4-1 Setup EJB Project Build Path
• Right Click on TestEJB -> Properties ->Java Build Path->Libraries
->Add Variable -> Choose WD_RUNTIME -> Extend -> Goto
com.sap.mw.jco\lib\ -> Select sapjco.jar
• Right Click on TestEJB -> Properties ->Java Build Path->Libraries
->Add Variable -> Choose SAP_LOGGING_LIB_HOME->
Extend -> Goto lib\ -> Select logging.jar
4-2 Setup EAR references
• Open application-j2ee-engine.xml file. Goto General tab
• Click Add -> Select Library/Interface -> sap.com ->
com.sap.mw.jco. Make the Reference type to ‘weak’
• Click Add -> Select Library/Interface -> sap.com ->
com.sap.tc.Logging. Make the Reference type to ‘weak’

4-3 Navigate to the function public void processFunction(JCO.Function)

in the Bean Z_JCO_RFC_PROVIDERBean. Add the following code
to the method.
// Get the import parameters for the function module
JCO.ParameterList importList =
logger.infoT("The value sent from SAP for UNAME is " +
// Set the export parameter value for the function module
JCO.ParameterList export =
export.setValue("From EJB", "RETURN");


5. Deploying the Application

5-1 Right Click on the TestEJB Project and “Choose Build EJB Archive”.
5-2 Right Click on the JCORfcProviderProjectEAR and “Choose Build
Application Archive”.
5-3 Right Click on the JCORfcProviderProjectEAR.ear file and “Choose Deploy
to J2EE Engine”

6. Testing the Application

Login to SAP R/3, Goto transaction SE37, Enter function module name

On successful execution the export parameter will have the value ‘From EJB’
populated from the EJB business method.
To View the values sent from SAP R/3 use the Visual Admin logviewer –

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