Every Thought Captive

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Kezia P.

Canuto Christian Apologetics

AB Theology 1 5-5-5 + Reflection


Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

1. “If a man builds his house on sand, it will fall; but if he builds his dwelling on solid rock, it
will stand secure even in a fierce of storm.” (pg. 1)
- God’s word is the absolute truth, where His word is our foundation for basis of
application in guidance for life, our reminder, defender to false teachings and our sword to
overcome calamity or wiles of the devil, just like a house built in a rock as its foundation, it
won’t easily fall down when storm come, because its foundation is firm. “Jesus is my rock and
my salvation”
2. “All fear should be gone from those who defend the faith because they will never stand
alone.” (pg. 8)
- Jesus encourages us not to have fear, for the Holy Spirit is within us believers, we are
able to be used by God through the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. After all it is the Holy
Spirit works within the hearts of the elect. We are just privileged to be an instrument or mouth
3. “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.” (pg. 10)
- The quote “Man without God is nothing, God without man is still God” applies here.
All things come from Him, we are His creature and He commanded us to obey. Without His
hand we will not exist, it is entirely His will that we exist. He is self-sufficient God, and we
creature are sufficient we need our creator every day.
4. “He is needed only in times of disaster and personal trauma.” (pg. 11)
- God deserves worship from His creation every day, for he is gracious. We believers
should pursuit true worship, not only in times of calamities or in need. He sees our hearts,
sometimes when tragedy or problems come to our life and the reason of weakening, it is the only
moment we come to Him, but as we see our lives suffering every day as we see other peoples
suffering, it shows we human who is dependant to God need Him every day in our life. Let us
aspire true worship in Him in every second, every day and for the rest of our life.
5. “Loving God compels us to destroy all idols produced by men.”
- A person who disremembers his or her past and chose to glorify God shows a
committed life, true repentance and conversion. A person who understands the love of God will
overcome all evil that God Hates and abides in His word daily.
5 Principles
1. “Every believer has the duty of defending the faith.” (pg. 7)
- If a person claims to be a follower and believer of Christ, he or she must live by its
function to show his or her loyalty by defending his or her faith. Jesus also said, “Take up your
cross and follow me”, it means to surrender all and hope only for Christ.
2. “If human reason is used independently of God, it will lead into falsehood and error, but if
it is used in dependence of God’s revelation, truth will be discovered.” (pg. 24)
- A view or a principle without God’s word in it leads to fall and distraction. Only God has
the right judgement and God’s word is enough to reveal the truth and expose the error of a logic
that is independent to God.
3. “Submission to the authority of Christ is necessary for a proper defense.” - Apostle Peter
- A defense based only in our thinking will not lead us to righteousness; rather it will lead
us to pride, false view, and distraction. But a defense inspired by Christ is the greatest defense
that will stands out. What apostle Peter have said, may be a reminder to exalt Christ above
everything by submitting and letting Him handle all things, for Christ uses a willing person for
God’s glory.
4. “Man’s thought is mere breath” (pg. 21)
- Man is finite. Man is limited in understanding and it shows that man needs God as the
source of wisdom and knowledge.

5. “God revealed Himself to man” (pg. 13)

- God has showed His existence. He reveal Himself through His creation and His
revelation to man.
5 Questions
1. How to out fear a highly intelligent unbeliever?
- We can out fear intelligent believer by the guidance of the Holy Spirit in us to defend
the faith. We believers are studying Biblical Apologetics that will lead us to strengthening.
2. What can we benefit in studying Biblical apologetics?
- As a Christians responsibility, we are accountable to people around us, also we are
accountable to their questions, that we are oblige to go deeper in His word so that we can be
more effective where we can be used by God to clear out random persons doubt about God by
having sound doctrine.
3. What is the difference of God as the creator and man as the dependent?
- The distinction of the Creator and creation is, God does not need anything, He is self-
sufficient, and the creation will only depend on God’s will and not by their own will. A thing that
we must keep in mind we can never be like our creator; He is the only source of our origin.
4. If God is with Paul during his ministry, why did Paul end up in jail and received
persecutions from people?
- Paul was once a persecutor of Christians, but he got converted and become God’s
apostle. God is all knowing, there is a reason for everything. In my opinion, Persecution from
people shows how much this world is fooled by the enemy and a challenge for us believer to
endure and persevere until the Lord comes. Also, to see the need of this crying world and as a
believer we are able to know our responses and exercise it, by having Christ words planted in our
heart and mind so that we can share this through compassion which Christ showed as an example
to follow.
5. If man has a creator, then who created God?
- God has no beginning and no end, no one created Him. He is the Alpha and Omega and
the only creator. He is eternal, all knowing, omniscient, omnipresent and the self-sufficient God.
Man is created limited in everything. Limited in physical and thinking. Because of this limit in
our mind we have a lot of question, that we cannot answer, and only God knows. “Secret things
belong unto the Lord. - Deuteronomy 29:29.”

Involving in an argument of a group of cult or random people is a very challenging

situation. Wherein as a follower of Christ, we are preserving the testimony to be a good example
and to show patience and love towards people who have distorted views that is affected by the
world standards. How full our pockets are? Or how many bullets left for shoot? But the question
is how are we founded by His word? Is our mind and heart filled by His word? Can we answer
somebody when he or she asks about our doctrine? It is our responsibility as Christian to be alert
in his word and to study it to be more able in God’s command, the great commission. We study
the doctrine of God’s word to correct our distorted views and worldly living, and it is not a thing
that we must brag or boast for the reason that we are informed, but it is by His grace that He led
us to the right path.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” – 2 Timothy 3:16
The late apostles experienced getting into argument before and received different
persecutions yet they stood up for Christ. That’s why he wrote it to encourage us Christians to
prepare for an answer and be accountable. It is our responsibility, to defend for the truth. We
must have the compassion that Christ hath towards the multitude.
“Thus you will recognize them by their fruit.” Matthew 7:20
We do not want to be stiffed neck people who do not appreciate what Christ did for the
world. This life is not our own, it belongs to God then it must be used for Christ glory. But how
can we glorify God if we cannot even defend the faith? There are no excuses when it comes to
serving the Lord because we are serving a risen God. He is the one that enables us in our
everyday walk.

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