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1. Which of the following is not a condition to be satisfied for nonrecognition of contributed collection items?
None of these

2. Income earned from permanent endowments that can be spent only on certain programs but has not yet
been spent would be recorded in the statement of activities as
Temporarily restricted

3. Which of the following is not a required external financial statement of an NPE?

Management Discussion and Analysis

4. When are conditional promises to give cash recognized in the financial statements?
When the promise becomes unconditional in status

5. The fair value of contributions cannot be determined by using

None of the above

6. Which of the following contributions are recognized in the statement of activities?

Contributions of services that enhance nonfinancial assets

7. Which of the following contributed services are not recognized in the financial statements?
Contributed services performed by persons not having specialized skills

8. Which statement is not correct?

Depreciation expense is not recognized by an NPE

9. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign.

Maxi Organization, an NPE disclosed the following in its 20x1 notes to the financial statements.
a. Received shares valued at P8,000,000 to be retained with the dividends used to support current
b. Net resources of P4,000,000 invested in plant assets
c. Received equipment valued at P20,000,000 which is to be sold with the proceeds used to renovate the
children’s playground
d. Board-designated fund of P2,400,000
e. Received P80,000 cash from a donor who did not specify any purpose restrictions on the contribution
however, the donor specified that the donation should be used until 20x2
f. Received P3,200,000 from a donor who stipulated that the contribution shall be invested indefinitely
and that the earnings shall be used for scholarships. Investment income in 20x1 amounted to P200,000
The total permanently net assets is: 11200000

10. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign. Use parentheses to
indicate DECREASE.

K2, an NPE, had the following transactions during 20x1:

a. Received contribution of P800,000 to be used for student scholarships. Of this amount, P480,000 was
expended during the year
b. Expended P200,000 for student scholarships from a P240,000 grant received in previous year
The net effect of the transactions in K2’s 20x1 unrestricted net assets is: 0

11. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign to encode your

GreenThinkers Organization, a non-profit organization, received the following donations during the period:
a. January 1, 20x1: Land with fair value of P4,000,000 to be used at the discretion of GreenThinkers
b. February 15, 20x1: Cash of P8,000,000, restricted for the acquisition of a truck. The truck will be used
in GreenThinker’s outreach programs
c. March 1, 20x1: Investment in equity securities with fair value of P2,000,000 to be held indefinitely. Only
the investment income shall be used by GreenThinkers on its current operations
d. May 1, 20x1: JPIA and JPAMA members from different universities contributed services in a tree-
planting activity initiated by GreenThinkers. Although the volunteers rendered their services for free,
GreenThinkers estimates that the fair value of these services would amount to P20,000

On June 30, 20x1, GreenThinkers acquired a truck for P8,000,000 and received dividends of P240,000 from
the equity securities.

The net effect of the transactions in the year-end unrestricted net assets (ignore depreciation) is: 12240000

12. In the absence of donor’s stipulations, gains recognized on an endowment would be reported in the
statement of financial activities as increases in
Unrestricted net assets

13. Which of the following categories of net assets is not required to be shown in the statement of financial

14. A local citizen gives a not-for-profit entity a cash donation that is restricted for research activities. The
money shall be returned to the donor if the NPE fails to meet the condition. The money should be recorded as
Deferred revenue

15. Reciprocal transfers where both parties give and receive something of value are
Exchange transactions

16. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign to encode your

GreenThinkers Organization, a non-profit organization, received the following donations during the period:
a. January 1, 20x1: Land with fair value of P4,000,000 to be used at the discretion of GreenThinkers
b. February 15, 20x1: Cash of P8,000,000, restricted for the acquisition of a truck. The truck will be used
in GreenThinker’s outreach programs
c. March 1, 20x1: Investment in equity securities with fair value of P2,000,000 to be held indefinitely. Only
the investment income shall be used by GreenThinkers on its current operations
d. May 1, 20x1: JPIA and JPAMA members from different universities contributed services in a tree-
planting activity initiated by GreenThinkers. Although the volunteers rendered their services for free,
GreenThinkers estimates that the fair value of these services would amount to P20,000

On June 30, 20x1, GreenThinkers acquired a truck for P8,000,000 and received dividends of P240,000 from
the equity securities.

The permanently restricted contributions revenue is: 2000000

17. Which of the following is not a required characteristic of a private not-for-profit organizations per the
definition given by GAAP
An organization dedicated to service for the public good

18. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign.

Maxi Organization, an NPE disclosed the following in its 20x1 notes to the financial statements.
a. Received shares valued at P8,000,000 to be retained with the dividends used to support current
b. Net resources of P4,000,000 invested in plant assets
c. Received equipment valued at P20,000,000 which is to be sold with the proceeds used to renovate the
children’s playground
d. Board-designated fund of P2,400,000
e. Received P80,000 cash from a donor who did not specify any purpose restrictions on the contribution
however, the donor specified that the donation should be used until 20x2
f. Received P3,200,000 from a donor who stipulated that the contribution shall be invested indefinitely
and that the earnings shall be used for scholarships. Investment income in 20x1 amounted to P200,000
The total unrestricted net assets is: 6400000

19. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign to encode your

GreenThinkers Organization, a non-profit organization, received the following donations during the period:
a. January 1, 20x1: Land with fair value of P4,000,000 to be used at the discretion of GreenThinkers
b. February 15, 20x1: Cash of P8,000,000, restricted for the acquisition of a truck. The truck will be used
in GreenThinker’s outreach programs
c. March 1, 20x1: Investment in equity securities with fair value of P2,000,000 to be held indefinitely. Only
the investment income shall be used by GreenThinkers on its current operations
d. May 1, 20x1: JPIA and JPAMA members from different universities contributed services in a tree-
planting activity initiated by GreenThinkers. Although the volunteers rendered their services for free,
GreenThinkers estimates that the fair value of these services would amount to P20,000

On June 30, 20x1, GreenThinkers acquired a truck for P8,000,000 and received dividends of P240,000 from
the equity securities.

The temporarily restricted contributions revenue is: 8000000

20. Investments are reported by NPEs at

Fair value

21. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign to encode your

GreenThinkers Organization, a non-profit organization, received the following donations during the period:
a. January 1, 20x1: Land with fair value of P4,000,000 to be used at the discretion of GreenThinkers
b. February 15, 20x1: Cash of P8,000,000, restricted for the acquisition of a truck. The truck will be used
in GreenThinker’s outreach programs
c. March 1, 20x1: Investment in equity securities with fair value of P2,000,000 to be held indefinitely. Only
the investment income shall be used by GreenThinkers on its current operations
d. May 1, 20x1: JPIA and JPAMA members from different universities contributed services in a tree-
planting activity initiated by GreenThinkers. Although the volunteers rendered their services for free,
GreenThinkers estimates that the fair value of these services would amount to P20,000

On June 30, 20x1, GreenThinkers acquired a truck for P8,000,000 and received dividends of P240,000 from
the equity securities.

The net effect of the transactions in the year-end permanently restricted net assets is: 2000000

22. The following gifts are received in Year 1 by an NPE:

a. P2,000 specified by the donor to be used to pay salaries
b. P10,000 for new conference room furniture
c. P5,000 to be held for one year before being expended

The salaries are paid in Year 2 and the conference room furniture is purchased in Year 1.
How much should be shown as increases in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets in Year 1?

23. Donor-restricted contributions are recognized in the financial statements when


24. The following gifts are received in Year 1 by an NPE:

a. P2,000 specified by the donor to be used to pay salaries
b. P10,000 for new conference room furniture
c. P5,000 to be held for one year before being expended

The salaries are paid in Year 2 and the conference room furniture is purchased in Year 1.
How much should be reclassified on the Statement of Activities in Year 2 from the Temporarily
Restricted Net Assets to the Unrestricted column?

25. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign.
Fighting Organization, an NPE, received the following contributions during 20x1:
a. P400,000 cash restricted for the purchase of equipment
b. P1,000,000 cash restricted for the renovation of an old building owned by Fighting

Fighting made the renovation in 20x2 and acquired the equipment in 20x3.

Net assets released from restrictions in Fighting’s 20x2 statement of activities is: 1000000

26. When are unconditional promises to give recognized as revenue?

In the period the promise is received

27. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign to encode your

GreenThinkers Organization, a non-profit organization, received the following donations during the period:
a. January 1, 20x1: Land with fair value of P4,000,000 to be used at the discretion of GreenThinkers
b. February 15, 20x1: Cash of P8,000,000, restricted for the acquisition of a truck. The truck will be used
in GreenThinker’s outreach programs
c. March 1, 20x1: Investment in equity securities with fair value of P2,000,000 to be held indefinitely. Only
the investment income shall be used by GreenThinkers on its current operations
d. May 1, 20x1: JPIA and JPAMA members from different universities contributed services in a tree-
planting activity initiated by GreenThinkers. Although the volunteers rendered their services for free,
GreenThinkers estimates that the fair value of these services would amount to P20,000

On June 30, 20x1, GreenThinkers acquired a truck for P8,000,000 and received dividends of P240,000 from
the equity securities.

The “net assets released from restrictions” in 20x1 is: 8000000

28. A contribution is a(an)

Unconditional transfer of cash

29. Unconditional promise to give that include promises of payments due in future periods are reported as
Restricted revenues

30. A nonprofit organization’s restricted fund typically is established in rationale to

Provisions of a contribution to the organization

31. On the financial statement of an NPE, “fund balance” is replaced by

Net assets

32. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign to encode your

GreenThinkers Organization, a non-profit organization, received the following donations during the period:
a. January 1, 20x1: Land with fair value of P4,000,000 to be used at the discretion of GreenThinkers
b. February 15, 20x1: Cash of P8,000,000, restricted for the acquisition of a truck. The truck will be used
in GreenThinker’s outreach programs
c. March 1, 20x1: Investment in equity securities with fair value of P2,000,000 to be held indefinitely. Only
the investment income shall be used by GreenThinkers on its current operations
d. May 1, 20x1: JPIA and JPAMA members from different universities contributed services in a tree-
planting activity initiated by GreenThinkers. Although the volunteers rendered their services for free,
GreenThinkers estimates that the fair value of these services would amount to P20,000

On June 30, 20x1, GreenThinkers acquired a truck for P8,000,000 and received dividends of P240,000 from
the equity securities.

The unrestricted contributions revenue is: 4000000

33. Alice makes a cash gift which has no strings attached to a political party. It is recorded as
Revenue-unrestricted contribution

34. Which of the following donated services would not be recognized as contributions in the statement of
Services contributed by lay volunteers manning a phone bank

35. Contributions are reported in the statement of activities using all of the following categories except

36. Which of the following contributions are not recognized in the statement of activities?
None of these

37. Income earned from temporary endowments that can be spent only on certain programs but has not yet
been spent would be reported in the statement of activities as
Temporarily restricted

38. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign.

Revlove Organization, an NPE, received the following during 20x1:

a. Land with fair value of P40,000,000 to be sold to acquire a bus

b. Shares of stocks with fair value of P12,000,000 to be retained indefinitely. The dividends from the
shares will be used to support current operations.

As a result of these donations, Revlove should report an increase in temporarily restricted net assets in the
amount of: 40000000

39. One characteristic of NPEs that is comparable with that of government entities is
Stewardship of resources

40. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign.

Maxi Organization, an NPE disclosed the following in its 20x1 notes to the financial statements.
a. Received shares valued at P8,000,000 to be retained with the dividends used to support current
b. Net resources of P4,000,000 invested in plant assets
c. Received equipment valued at P20,000,000 which is to be sold with the proceeds used to renovate the
children’s playground
d. Board-designated fund of P2,400,000
e. Received P80,000 cash from a donor who did not specify any purpose restrictions on the contribution
however, the donor specified that the donation should be used until 20x2
f. Received P3,200,000 from a donor who stipulated that the contribution shall be invested indefinitely
and that the earnings shall be used for scholarships. Investment income in 20x1 amounted to P200,000
The total temporarily restricted net assets is: 20280000

41. How would the expiration of a prior-year donor restriction as to purpose be reflected in the current year’s
statement of activities?
A separate line item reclassification between the temporarily restricted and unrestricted categories

42. Which of the following contributions are credited to a Deferred Revenue account until spending occurs?
None of these

43. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign.
Fighting Organization, an NPE, received the following contributions during 20x1:
a. P400,000 cash restricted for the purchase of equipment
b. P1,000,000 cash restricted for the renovation of an old building owned by Fighting

Fighting made the renovation in 20x2 and acquired the equipment in 20x3.

Total revenue recognized on the contributions in 20x1 is: 1400000

44. How would spending of money donated in the prior year for spending in the current year be reported in the
statement of activities?
As an expense in the unrestricted category

45. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign. Use parentheses to
indicate DECREASE.

K2, an NPE, had the following transactions during 20x1:

a. Received contribution of P800,000 to be used for student scholarships. Of this amount, P480,000 was
expended during the year
b. Expended P200,000 for student scholarships from a P240,000 grant received in previous year
The net effect of the transactions in K2’s 20x1 temporarily restricted net assets is: 120000

46. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign to encode your

GreenThinkers Organization, a non-profit organization, received the following donations during the period:
a. January 1, 20x1: Land with fair value of P4,000,000 to be used at the discretion of GreenThinkers
b. February 15, 20x1: Cash of P8,000,000, restricted for the acquisition of a truck. The truck will be used
in GreenThinker’s outreach programs
c. March 1, 20x1: Investment in equity securities with fair value of P2,000,000 to be held indefinitely. Only
the investment income shall be used by GreenThinkers on its current operations
d. May 1, 20x1: JPIA and JPAMA members from different universities contributed services in a tree-
planting activity initiated by GreenThinkers. Although the volunteers rendered their services for free,
GreenThinkers estimates that the fair value of these services would amount to P20,000

On June 30, 20x1, GreenThinkers acquired a truck for P8,000,000 and received dividends of P240,000 from
the equity securities.

The net effect of the transactions in the year-end temporarily restricted net assets (ignore depreciation) is: 0

47. Unconditional transfers of cash or other resources to an NPE in a voluntary nonreciprocal transaction is the
definition of

48. A gift in kind for which there is little or no discretion on disposition should be accounted for by an NPE as
An agency transaction

49. Which of the following contributions are credited directly to the entity’s net assets when received?
None of these

50. A pledge is unconditional if it

Depends only on the passage of time (ITO ANG SAGOT KAPAG WALA SA CHIOCES YUNG NASA #51)

51. A pledge is unconditional if it

Depends only on the passage of time or depends on the demand by the university to be paid


1. The governing board of Simplicity Hospital, which is operated by a religious organization, designated
P500,000 of cash for future expansion of the hospital. On the hospital's statement of financial position, the
cash designated for future plant expansion would be disclosed in which of the following classes of net assets? 

Unrestricted net assets

2. Faith Hospital, an NPE, rendered P2,400,000 in services to patients, P2,000,000 of which is charged to
PhilHealth. It is estimated that only P2,120,000 will be collected. Of the P280,000 difference, P140,000 is the
estimated contractual agreements with PhilHealth, P20,000 is allowance for discounts to hospital employees,
P80,000 is charity care, and P40,000 is the uncollectible accounts. The net patient revenue is:


3. The following accounts are taken from ledger balances of Caring & Loving Hospital, an NPE:

Gross patient service revenue, P11,049,200

Research grant revenue to the extent expended, P361,000

Revenues from sale of cafeteria meals to guest and employees, P108,000

Donated services of nurses and physicians (otherwise purchase), P145,000

Unrestricted gifts and grants, P100,200

Unrestricted endowment income, P12,000

Gifts restricted for equipment purchase, P540,000

Donor-restricted investments for permanent endowment, P150,000

Temporarily restricted endowment income, P25,000

Revenues from parking lot, P31,000

Revenues from vending machine, P68,000

Income on investment whose use is limited by the board for capital improvements, P207,000

Contributions restricted by donor for pediatric unit operations, P225,000

Contractual adjustments, P1,328,500

Courtesy allowances/staff discounts, P215,000

Provision for uncollectibles, P341,600

 The net patient revenue is: 9505700

 The total operating revenue-unrestricted is: 10218700
 The total operating revenue unrestricted & restricted is: 10443700

4. An NPE hospital received a donation of medicine from the Good Pharmaceutical Co. on March 15, 2020.
The cost of the medicine to the company was P66,000, and its market value was P110,000. Twenty percent of
the medicine was used by the hospital during the year ended December 31, 2020. On the hospital's statement
of operations for the year ended December 31, 2020, the contribution of medicine would increase operating
revenues by

5. In 2020, World Hospital, received an unrestricted bequest of ordinary shares with a fair value of P50,000.
The testator paid P20,000 for the shares. World should record the bequest to

Increase unrestricted net assets by P50,000

6. Perseverance Hospital, an NPE, signed an agreement with Patience, Inc. to provide medical services to
each of Patience’s 100 employees for P2,000 per month, per employee. During the month of April 2020, only
20 employees availed of the medical services. The premium revenue recognized in April 2020 is:


7. Resilience Hospital, an NPE, had the following transactions during the period:

a. Sales of P480,000 from gift shop and cafeteria

b. Received P80,000 dividends from donated shares whose use is unrestricted.

c. A computer consultant provided free services on the upgrading of Resilience’s information system
which would have been purchase if not donated for P200,000

d. Purchased medicines from Unilove Pharma but was not charged because it was deemed donated to

In Resilience’’s statement of operations, total other revenues is recorded at:


8. An NPE hospital has the following account balances

Revenue from newsstand, P50,000

Amounts charged to patients, P800,000

Interest income, P30,000

Salary expense-nurses, P100,000

Contractual adjustments, P110,000

Undesignated gifts, P80,000

Bad debts, P10,000

The hospital’s net patient service revenue is: 690000

9.Care Hospital, an NPE, had the following receipts during the year.

Net patient revenues, P1,000,000

Premium revenue, P200,000

Sales from canteen, P300,000

Investment income, P50,000

Contributions to be used in renovating the hospital, P400,000

The reported total revenues in the revenues section of the statement of operations is: 1550000

10. Under Clever Hospital’s established structure, it would have earned patient service revenue of P9,000,000
for the year ended December 31, 2020. However, P6,750,000 was collected because of charity allowances of
P1,500,000 and discounts of P750,000 to third party payors. The amount that Clever should record as net
patient revenue for the year ended December 31, 2020 is:


11. An NPE hospital receive the following restricted contributions and other receipts during the year ended
December 31, 2020.

a. for research, P300,000

b. for equipment acquisition, P200,000

c. Income from endowment to be used for new addition to hospital plant, P1,000,000

None of the contributions or other receipts were expended during the year ended December 31, 2020.

 For the year ended December 31, 2020, the amount that would be reported on the hospital’s
statement of changes in net assets as an increase in temporarily restricted net assets is: 1500000
 Assuming the P200,000 was expended to purchase a state-of-the-art x-ray machine, for the year
ended December 31, 2020, the amount that would reported on the hospital’s statement of changes
in net assets as an increase in temporarily restricted net assets is: 1300000

12. Brave Hospital, an NPE had the following receipts during the year:

Billings to patients, P4,800,000

Sales from canteen, P1,000,000

Undesignated gifts, P200,000

Contractual adjustments, P1,200,000

Billings on capitation agreements, P240,000

Interest income, P80,000

Uncollectible accounts, P400,000

Salaries of doctors, P1,400,000

The net patient revenue is: 3600000

13. Under Diligent Hospital’s established rate structure, the hospital would have earned patient service
revenue of P5,000,000 for the year ended December 31, 2020. However, Diligent did not expect to collect this
amount because of contractual adjustments of P500,000 to third payors. In May 2020, Diligent purchased
medical supplies from Happy Pharmacy at a cost of P1,000. However, Happy considered the P1,000 as
donation to Diligent. On December 31, 2020, Diligent has board-designated assets of P40,000 cash and
P700,000 investments.

 Diligent should report net patience revenue for the year ended December 31, 2020 in the amount
of: 4500000
 Diligent should report board-designated assets in unrestricted assets in the amount of: 740000

14. Justice Hospital, an NPE, has the following plant and equipment (net of depreciation):

a. Land, P500,000

b. Building, P10,000,000

c. Movable equipment, P2,000,000

Justice should report restricted assets at an amount of: 0

15. Under Savior Hospital’s established rate structure, the hospital would have earned patient service revenue
of P7,000,000 for the year ended December 31, 2020. However, it did not expect to collect this amount
because of charity allowances of P1,000,000 and discounts of P500,000 to third party payors. In May 2020,
Savior purchased bandages from Mercury Drug at a cost of P5,000. However, Mercury notified savior that the
invoice was being cancelled and that the bandages were donated to Savior. The patient service revenue that
Savior will record for the year ended December 31, 2020 is:


16. Hope Hospital, an NPE, had the following transactions during the period:

a. Sales of P120,000 from gift shop and cafeteria

b. Received P20,000 dividends from donated shares. The use of dividends is unrestricted.

c. A computer consultant upgraded Hope’s information system for free. Hope would have paid P50,000
for those services if they had not been donated.

d. Received donations of medicines worth P10,000 from a pharmaceutical company.

The total other revenues to be presented in Hope’s statement of operations for the period is: 200000

17. The following information relate to Courage Hospital, an NPE. Answer the questions that follow.

 The net patience revenue is: 289000

 The total operating revenue is: 344000
 The total operating expenses is: 330000
 The income from operations is: 14000
 The total non-operating income-unrestricted is: 57000
 The change in net assets-unrestricted is: 71000
 The net assets-unrestricted, ending is: 109000
 The net assets-temporarily restricted, ending is: 38000
 The total assets is: 450000
 The total net assets is: 397000
1. Where should an alumnus contribution of P50,000 to pay for scholarships for international study be
accounted for?

Current restricted fund

2. Which of the following is not an example of general and educational expenses recorded by a college or

Purchase of sweatshirts for sale in the college bookstore

3. A collection of first editions is donated to Southern Luzon State University for its library. Which is the correct

No entry is required

4. Calbayog Institute of Science and Technology, an NPE, as of June 30, 2020, and for the year ended:

I. Unrestricted net assets comprised P7,500,000 of assets and P4,500,000 of liabilities (including deferred
revenues of P15,000). Among the receipts recorded during the year were unrestricted gifts of P550,000 and
restricted grants totaling P330,000, of which P220,000 was expended during the year for current operations
and P110,000 remained unexpended at the close of the year.

II. Volunteers from the surrounding communities regularly contribute their service to the school and paid
nominal amounts to cover their travel costs. During the year, travel costs reimbursed to volunteers aggregated
to P18,000. The gross value of services performed by the volunteers and determined by reference to
equivalent wages available in that area for similar services amounted to P200,000. The school normally
purchases these types of contributed services, and it believes that these services enhance its assets.

At June 30, 2020, the school’s unrestricted net assets balance was


5. Calbayog Institute of Science and Technology, an NPE, as of June 30, 2020, and for the year ended:

I. Unrestricted net assets comprised P7,500,000 of assets and P4,500,000 of liabilities (including deferred
revenues of P15,000). Among the receipts recorded during the year were unrestricted gifts of P550,000 and
restricted grants totaling P330,000, of which P220,000 was expended during the year for current operations
and P110,000 remained unexpended at the close of the year.

II. Volunteers from the surrounding communities regularly contribute their service to the school and paid
nominal amounts to cover their travel costs. During the year, travel costs reimbursed to volunteers aggregated
to P18,000. The gross value of services performed by the volunteers and determined by reference to
equivalent wages available in that area for similar services amounted to P200,000. The school normally
purchases these types of contributed services, and it believes that these services enhance its assets.

For the year ended June 30, 2020, what amount should be included in the school’s revenue for the
unrestricted gifts and restricted grants?


6. Endowment income was restricted to student aid activities. Cash is paid for all activities. Which is the credit
necessary for classification?

Reclassification in-temporarily restricted, satisfaction of program restrictions

7. What is the basis of accounting used in accounting for NPE college or university?

Accrual basis

8. For the summer session of 2020, Ateneo de Manila University assessed its students P1,700,000 (net of
refunds) covering tuition and fees for educational and general purposes. However, only P1,500,000 was
expected to be realized because scholarships totaling P150,000 had been granted to students for which
services are rendered, and tuition remissions of P50,000 had been allowed to faculty members’ children
attending Ateneo. How much should Ateneo report for the summer session ended 2020 as net revenue
from tuition and fees?


9. Unrestricted current funds of Malayan University designated by the governing board for a specific future
purpose should be reported as part of

Unrestricted net assets

10. An alumni donates P10,000 to University of the Philippines for a new Women’s Studies program. The
alumni wants the principal to remain intact but the investment earnings can be used to support the Women’s
Studies program. This donation would be accounted for in the:

Endowment fund

11. The Divine Word College issues long-term debt to build a bridge over the gap between two main
campuses. The debt would be accounted for in the

Investment in plant

12. An NPE college received an offer from an engineer, an alumnus, to teach Engineering Math for one
semester at no cost. This contribution of service

Should be recorded as a revenue with an equivalent amount recorded as an expenditure

13. For the summer session of 2020, Ateneo de Manila University assessed its students P1,700,000 (net of
refunds) covering tuition and fees for educational and general purposes. However, only P1,500,000 was
expected to be realized because scholarships totaling P150,000 had been granted to students for which no
services are rendered, and tuition remissions of P50,000 had been allowed to faculty members’ children
attending Ateneo. What amount should Ateneo include as net revenues from student tuition and fees?


14. NPE college or university student unions, dormitories, and residence halls are considered

Auxiliary enterprises

15. Unexpended plant fund accounts for:

Assets allotted for future plant acquisition

16. A university’s long-term boards issued to build dormitories would be recorded in the

Investment in plant fund

17. The quasi-endowment fund of St. Augustine University would account funds set aside by

The governing board of the university for future purpose

18. Catarman University has the following information:

On December 31, 2020, the total liabilities amounted to:


19. A life income fund is used when

All income earned on donated assets are to be paid to the donor for his/her lifetime

20. Catarman University has the following information:

On December 31, 2020, the total assets amounted to:


21. For the 1st semester of 2020, DLSU-D assessed its students P4,000,000 (net of refunds), covering tuition
and fees for educational and general purposes. However, only P3,700,000 was expected to be realized
because tuition remissions of P80,000 were allowed to faculty members’ children attending DLSU-D, and
scholarships with services rendered to the university totaling P220,000 were granted to students. What
amount should DLSU-D include in net revenue from student tuition and fees for the first semester
ended 2020?


22. Which plant fund subgroup would consider the following transaction. A bond principal payment is made on
a bond that was issued with the proceeds being designated for construction of a new gymnasium?

Plant fund for retirement of indebtedness

23. For the summer session of 2020, Ateneo de Manila University assessed its students P1,700,000 (net of
refunds) covering tuition and fees for educational and general purposes. However, only P1,500,000 was
expected to be realized because scholarships totaling P150,000 had been granted to students for which no
services are rendered, and tuition remissions of P50,000 had been allowed to faculty members’ children
attending Ateneo. The increase in unrestricted net assets for the summer session ended 2020 amounted


24. Private grants which are essentially pass through financial aid to students are accounted for as

Agency transactions

25. For San Sebastian College-Recoletos, the receipt for operating activities that have external restrictions as
to the purpose for which they can be used is recorded by crediting:

Contribution Revenue

26. The loan fund of Pangasinan State University would account for loans

To university students

27. Which of the following is not an example of general and educational revenues of an NPE college or

Room and board fees received by the dormitory

28. In an NPE university, government grants given directly to students are an example of

An agency transaction

29. For the 1st semester of 2020, DLSU-D assessed its students P4,000,000 (net of refunds), covering tuition
and fees for educational and general purposes. However, only P3,700,000 was expected to be realized
because tuition remissions of P80,000 were allowed to faculty members’ children attending DLSU-D, and
scholarships with services rendered to the university totaling P220,000 were granted to students. What amount
should DLSU-D include in educational and general current funds or gross revenues (net of refunds) from
student tuition and fees?


30. Cebu Central University budget funds for the maintenance and repair of its building. These funds would be
accounted for under

Plant fund for renewals and replacements

31. The Board of Trustees decides to set aside P5,000,000 to consider purchasing additional land on the first
month of the next fiscal year. What type of transfer is this?


32. CALEB decides to contribute P1,000,000 to his alma mater. Southwestern Samar College agrees to pay
CALEB a fixed amount every month for the next 20 years in exchange for the donation. CALEB’s donation
would be accounted for in the

Annuity fund

33. Which of the following is not correct?

Expenses denote outlay of resources

34. Which of the following is not an example of the major categories of funds for an NPE college or university?

Proprietary funds

35. Which of the following receipts should be recorded in the restricted current fund of an NPE university?
A cash donation to provide scholarships

36. Which of the following funds of an NPE university makes periodic payments of a fixed amount at equal

Annuity fund

37. In accounting for loan funds, revenue is recorded when the

Contribution is received

38. The type of endowment fund for which the principal may be expended after the occurrence of an event
specified by the donor is a/an

None of these

39. Which university fund is most similar to the governmental general fund?


40. In a university, class cancellation refunds of tuition and fees should be recorded as
I. Reduction of revenue from tuition and fees.

II. Reduction of accounts receivable

I only

41. The following funds were among those on Holy Spirit University’s books at December 31, 2020:

 Funds to be used for acquisition of additional property for university purposes (unexpended at
12/31/2020) – P3,000,000
 Funds set aside for debt service charges and for the retirement of indebtedness on university’s property
– P7,000,000


42. All of the following are plant funds in colleges and universities except:

Plant replacement and expansion fund

43. An alumnus made a donation of an adjoining land to a university. The university would record the gift as

An unrestricted revenue

44. Admissions, counseling, and registration are considered to be:

Student services

45. Calbayog Institute of Science and Technology, an NPE, as of June 30, 2020, and for the year ended:

I. Unrestricted net assets comprised P7,500,000 of assets and P4,500,000 of liabilities (including deferred
revenues of P15,000). Among the receipts recorded during the year were unrestricted gifts of P550,000 and
restricted grants totaling P330,000, of which P220,000 was expended during the year for current operations
and P110,000 remained unexpended at the close of the year.

II. Volunteers from the surrounding communities regularly contribute their service to the school and paid
nominal amounts to cover their travel costs. During the year, travel costs reimbursed to volunteers aggregated
to P18,000. The gross value of services performed by the volunteers and determined by reference to
equivalent wages available in that area for similar services amounted to P200,000. The school normally
purchases these types of contributed services, and it believes that these services enhance its assets.

For the year ended June 30, 2020, what amount should the school record as contribution revenue from the
volunteers’ services?


46. Which of the following is an example of an inter-fund transaction?

Cash is set aside for payment of a mortgage

47. Calbayog Institute of Science and Technology, an NPE, as of June 30, 2020, and for the year ended:

I. Unrestricted net assets comprised P7,500,000 of assets and P4,500,000 of liabilities (including deferred
revenues of P15,000). Among the receipts recorded during the year were unrestricted gifts of P550,000 and
restricted grants totaling P330,000, of which P220,000 was expended during the year for current operations
and P110,000 remained unexpended at the close of the year.

II. Volunteers from the surrounding communities regularly contribute their service to the school and paid
nominal amounts to cover their travel costs. During the year, travel costs reimbursed to volunteers aggregated
to P18,000. The gross value of services performed by the volunteers and determined by reference to
equivalent wages available in that area for similar services amounted to P200,000. The school normally
purchases these types of contributed services, and it believes that these services enhance its assets.

What amount of total revenue from the above-mentioned transactions would be recognized as


48. Any restrictions on gifts, grants, or bequests received by NPE university are imposed by


49. NPE college or university student unions, dormitories, and residence halls are considered
Auxiliary enterprises

50. Which of the following is a mandatory transfer by Ateneo de Naga University?

Principal and interest payments on long-term debt 

1. A(n) conditional promise to give is not a contribution
2. Term endowments would be classified as temporarily restricted contributions.
3. Contributed services are recognized if they create or enhance nonfinancial assets or require
specialized skills.
4. Contributions of monetary and nonmonetary assets are valued at their fair value.
5. The statement of cash flows may be prepared using the direct method (the preferred method) or the
indirect method.
6. Contributions that create endowments are permanently restricted contributions.
7. A promise to give is a contribution if the promise is unconditional.
8. Promises with future payment dates would usually be classified as temporarily restricted
9. Contributed works of art, historical treasures, and similar assets are called collection items.
10. The three categories which contributions are to be reported are unrestricted, temporarily restricted,
and permanently restricted.
11. Contributions are unconditional transfers of cash or other assets.
12. In general, contributions are recognized when received.
13. The statement of activities may be in columnar format or in layered format.
14. All expenses are shown in the unrestricted category in the statement of activities.
15. In general, revenues and expenses are reported at their gross amounts.
16. A transfer in which value is not received or given in exchange is a(n) nonreciprocal transfer.
17. Private NPOs must issue financial statements that focus on the NPO as a whole.
1. Repairs made to a building on a volunteer basis by a plumber would not be recognized in the financial
2. Revenues from special events that are ongoing and major activities are reported net of related
3. The statement of financial position must show total amounts for each classification of net assets.
4. Gifts in kind do not qualify as recognizable contributions
5. Contributions that create term endowments are classified as increasing temporarily restricted net
6. An unconditional promise to give must be in writing to qualify as a recognizable contribution.
7. Collection items need not be depreciated.
8. Fund accounting for internal record-keeping is specifically discouraged.
9. Assets transferred to a NPE where it has little or no discretion over their use may be accounted for as
temporarily restricted.
10. Net assets with board-imposed restrictions are classified as temporarily restricted until conditions are
11. Board-restricted net assets must be shown separately in the statement of financial position
12. Contributed services are valued using the minimum wage.
13. All expenses are reported in the unrestricted category, even expenses incurred in satisfying donor-
imposed restrictions.
14. Contributed services are recognized only if they create or enhance nonfinancial assets
15. Income earned on endowments (other than term endowment) is reported as increasing permanently
restricted assets
16. A purpose restriction is deemed to have expired when an expense has been incurred for that purpose.
17. Contributions that create endowments are always reported in the statement of activities and not as
adjustments to equity.
18. The statement of financial position must show total assets, total liabilities, and total net assets.
19. Contributions with future payment dates usually would be classified as increasing temporarily restricted
net assets
20. Collections items need not be capitalized under certain circumstances.
21. Expiration of restrictions must be reported separately in the statement of activities
22. Contributions received are measured at fair value.
23. Private NPOs must present financial statements that focus on the NPO as a whole.
24. Conditional promises to give are considered unconditional if the probability that the specified future
event will occur is remote.
25. Unconditional promises to give are recognized in the financial statements when received not when
26. Gains and losses on investments are always treated as increases or decreases in unrestricted net
27. The definition of contributions does not include conditional promises to give
28. Exchange transactions are the main source of revenues for most NPEs
29. A communication that is unclear as to whether it constitutes an unconditional promise to give is deemed
an unconditional promise if it is legally enforceable
30. The definition of contributions includes both reciprocal and nonreciprocal transfers.


1. ABC Hospital, an NPE health care provider, bills P600,000 for services rendered to patients, P500,000 of
which is charged to Philhealth. It is estimated that only P530,000 will be collected. Of the P70,000 difference,
P35,000 represent contractual adjustments with Philhealth, P5,000 for employee discounts, P20,000 for charity
care, and P10,000 for uncollectible accounts. The entry to record the bill of P600,000 includes a
o Credit to patient service revenue, P540,000
o Credit to patient service revenue, P560,000
o Credit to patient service revenue, P600,000
o Credit to net patient service revenue, P540,000
o Credit to net patient service revenue, P540,000

2. An NPE hospital agreed to provide medical services to A Co’s 100 employees for P500 per month, per
employee. In April 20x1, only 20 employees availed of the medical services. The entry to record revenue on
April 30, 20xx1 includes a
o Credit to patient service revenue, P50,000
o Debit to cash, P10,000
o Credit to premium revenue, P50,000
o Debit to accounts receivable, P10,000

3. Hospital premium fees are:

o Only earned to the extent of the services provided
o Charity care services
o Refundable to the subscriber if services are unused
o Revenues earned even if the standard change is above or below the fee

4. Danna makes a cash gift which has no strings attached to an NPE hospital. It is recorded as
o Patient service revenue
o Non-operating revenue-unrestricted
o Other operating revenue-unrestricted
o A direct increase in net assets unrestricted

5. Donated medicines are classified as

o Non-operating revenue
o Other operating revenue
o Premium revenues
o Patient service revenue

6. Which is not a financial statement of an NPE hospital?

o Statement of changes in owner’s equity
o Statement of cash flows
o Statement of operations
o Statement of financial position

7. In accounting for NPE-hospital, what are third-party payors?

o Friends and relatives who pay the medical costs of a patient
o Insurance companies and other groups that pay a significant portion of the medical fees
o Charities that supply medicines to hospitals and other health-care providers
o Doctors who reduce fees for indigent patients

8. A private NPE hospital received a cash contribution of P100,000 from Samantha Hicks on Nov. 14 20x8. Ms.
Hicks specified the money be used to acquire equipment. On Dec 31, 20x8, the hospital had not expended any
of Ms. Hicks’ contribution. On the statement of changes in net assets for the year ended, Dec 31, 20x8, the
hospital should report the contribution as P100,000 increase in
o Deferred revenue
o Fund balance
o Net assets with donor restrictions
o Net assets without donor restrictions

9. This refers to free services rendered to patients

o Subsidy to indigents
o Contractual adjustments
o Charity care
o Premium expense

10. A private NPE hospital charged a patient P8,600 for services. It actually billed this amount to the patient’s
third-party payor. The third-party payor submitted a check for P7,900 with a note stating that “the reasonable
amount is paid in full per contract.” Which of the following statements is true?
o The third-party payor retained the P700 and will convey it to the NPE hospital at the start of the next
fiscal period.
o The NPE hospital recorded the P700 as a contractual adjustment that it will not collect
o The NPE hospital will bill the third-party payor again for the remaining P700
o The patient is responsible to pay the remaining P700

11. A donor-restricted fund of an NPE hospital which may be specific-purpose fund, a term endowment fund, or
a plant replacement and expansion fund
o Permanently restricted fund
o General fund
o Temporarily restricted fund
o Particular fund

12. Gain on sale of a hospital van is classified as

o Miscellaneous revenue
o Non-operating revenue
o Incidental revenue
o Other operating revenue

13. A fund restricted by the governing board for acquisition of equipment and construction of the hospital’s
annex is classified as
o Unrestricted
o Momentarily restricted
o Temporarily restricted
o Permanently restricted

14. What is the appropriate account to debit when reducing patient billings caused by arrangements with third-
party payors?
o Allowance for uncollectible and reduced accounts
o Contractual adjustments
o Patient service revenues
o Accounts receivable third-party payors
o Accounts receivable-patients

15. An NPE hospital agreed to provide medical services to A Co.’s 100 employees for P500 per month, per
employee. In April 20x1, only 20 employees availed of the medical services. This illustrates
o Third-party payor agreement
o Marketing strategy
o Private partnership
o Capitation agreement

16. Yumilka makes a cash gift to an NPE hospital to be used to buy toys for the pediatric ward. It should be
recorded as
o Temporarily restricted
o Momentarily restricted
o Permanently restricted
o unrestricted

17. Other Operating Revenues include

o Revenue from radiology services
o Revenues from nursing services for post-operative care
o Revenues from outpatient surgery
o Revenue from educational programs

18. Hospital courtesy allowances are

o Charity care services
o Revenue deductions
o Expenses
o Revenue earned if the standard charge is above or below the allowance

19. ABC Hospital, an NPE health care provider, bills P600,000 for services rendered to patients, P500,000 of
which is charged to Philhealth. It is estimated that only P530,000 will be collected. Of the P70,000 difference,
P35,000 represent contractual adjustments with Philhealth, P5,000 for employee discounts, P20,000 for charity
care, and P10,000 for uncollectible accounts. How much is the net patient service revenue?
o P545,000
o P540,000
o P565,000
o P600,000
o P560,000
o P575,000

20. ABC Hospital, an NPE health care provider, bills P600,000 for services rendered to patients, P500,000 of
which is charged to Philhealth. It is estimated that only P530,000 will be collected. Of the P70,000 difference,
P35,000 represent contractual adjustments with Philhealth, P5,000 for employee discounts, P20,000 for charity
care, and P10,000 for uncollectible accounts. The entry to record the contractual adjustments includes a
o Debit to third-party payor expense, P35,000
o Debit to net patient service revenue, P35,000
o Debit to agreements expense, P35,000
o Debit to contractual adjustments, P35,000
The preclosing trial balance of Dayag College of Business and the Arts shows the following balances:

1. In the statement of activities, unrestricted column, net assets at the end of the year is 395000 (please do not
use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

2. In the statement of activities, temporarily restricted column, total revenues and gains excluding other support
is 240000 (please do not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

3. In the statement of activities, unrestricted column, decrease in net assets is 280000 (please do not use peso
sign, comma, or decimal)

4. In the statement of activities, total unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted revenues
and gains excluding other support is 4055000 (please do not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

5. In the statement of activities, total expenses (expenditures) and losses (other deduction) is 3970000 (please
do not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

6. In the statement of activities, permanently restricted column, net assets at the end of the year is 3000000
(please do not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

7. In the statement of activities, temporarily restricted column, decrease in net assets is 135000 (please do not
use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

8. In the statement of activities, net assets (restricted and unrestricted) at the end of the year is 4235000
(please do not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

9. In the statement of activities, unrestricted column, total revenues and gains excluding other support is
3315000 (please do not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

10. In the statement of activities, unrestricted column, total revenues and gains and other other support is
3690000 (please do not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

11. In the statement of activities, permanently restricted column, total revenues and gains excluding other
support is 500000 (please do not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

12. In the statement of activities, temporarily restricted column, net assets at the end of the year is 840000
(please do not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

13. In the statement of activities, permanently restricted column, increase in net assets is 500000 (please do
not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)

14. In the statement of activities, total net assets released from restrictions is 375000 (please do not use peso
sign, comma, or decimal)

15. In the statement of activities, total (unrestricted and restricted) revenues and gains excluding other support
is 4055000 (please do not use peso sign, comma, or decimal)
On December 31, 20x1, ABC Organization, a not-for-profit entity, received the following donations:

 Ms. Alpha made a pledge (promise) to give P12,000 to ABC Organization each year for the next five
years starting on December 31, 20x2. The appropriate discount rate is 10%. The pledge is
 Ms. Beta made a pledge (promise) to provide half of the needed funds to construct a new building for
ABC Organization if ABC could get the remaining half of the funds needed from other donors by March
1, 20x2. As of December 31, 20x1, ABC has already accumulated 47% of the needed construction
funds from donations and ABC’s Board of Trustees strongly believes that the remaining 3% will be
received by the end of January 20x2. The estimated total costs of construction is P1,000,000.
 Mr. Charlie made a pledge (promise) to give ABC Organization a used offset printing equipment if ABC
acquires a paper cutting equipment. The offset printing equipment has a fair value of P1,200,000.
Because of recent cash flow problems, ABC’s Board of Trustees believes that it will not be able to
acquire a paper cutting equipment in the near term.
 Mr. Delta gave ABC Organization P500,000 as a challenge grant. ABC Organization can keep the
P500,000 if it can raise an additional P500,000 by the end of March 20x2. If ABC Organization fails to
comply with the condition, it shall return the amount received to Mr. Delta.

1. The entry to record the promise of Ms. Alpha includes a credit to

Contributions revenue – temporarily restricted support

2. The entry to record the promise of Mr. Charlie includes a credit to

Contributions revenue – temporarily restricted support

Contributions revenue – unrestricted support
Liability for refundable advance
None of these

3. The entry to record the promise of Mr. Delta includes a credit to

Liability for refundable advance

4. The entry to record the promise of Ms. Beta includes a credit to

Contributions revenue – temporarily restricted support

5. Private NPOs must present financial statements that focus on the NPO as a whole.


ABC Hospital, an NPE health care provider, bills P600,000 for services rendered to patients, P500,000
of which is charged to Philhealth. It is estimated that only P530,000 will be collected. Of the P70,000
difference, P35,000 represent contractual adjustments with Philhealth, P5,000 for employee discounts,
P20,000 for charity care, and P10,000 for uncollectible accounts.

6. The entry to record the contractual adjustments includes a

Debit to Contractual Adjustments, P35,000

7. The entry to record the bill of P600,000 includes a

Credit to Patient Service Revenue, P600,000

8. Assets transferred to a NPE where it has little or no discretion over their use may be accounted for as
temporarily restricted contributions.


An NPO disclosed the following in its 20x1 notes to financial statements:

a. Received shares valued at P2,000,000 to be retained with the dividends used to support current
operations. (permanently)
b. Net resources of P1,000,000 invested in plant assets. (unrestricted)
c. Received equipment valued at P5,000,000 which is to be sold with the proceeds used to renovate the
children’s playground. (temporarily)
d. Board-designated funds of P600,000. (unrestricted)
e. Received P20,000 cash from a donor who did not specify any use restrictions on the contribution
however, the donor specified that the donation should not be used until 20x2. (temporarily)
f. Received P800,000 (permanently) from a donor who stipulated that the contribution shall be invested
indefinitely and that the earnings shall be used for research purposes. Investment income in 20x1
amounted to P50,000. (temporarily)

9. The amount included in temporarily restricted net assets is:


10. The amount included in permanently restricted net assets is:


11. The amount included in unrestricted net assets is:


12. A purpose restriction is deemed to have expired when an expense has been incurred for that purpose.


13. On the statement of operations of a health care organization, expenses are deducted from

Unrestricted revenues

14. On July 31, 2020, Valenzuela College, an NPE, showed the following amount to be used:
Renewal and replacement of college properties 200,000
Retirement of indebtedness on college properties 300,000
Purchase of physical properties for college purposes, but unexpended at July 31, 2020 400,000

The total amount that should be included in Valenzuela’s plant funds at July 31, 2020 is:


15. A private NPE hospital received a cash contribution of P100,000 form Samantha Hicks on Nov. 14,
20x8. Ms. Hicks specified the money be used to acquire equipment. On Dec. 31, 20x8, the hospital had
not expended any of Ms. Hicks’ contribution. On the statement of changes in net assets for the year
ended, Dec. 31, 20x8, the hospital should report the contribution as a P100,000 increase in

Net assets with donor restrictions

16. Which is not a financial statement of an NPE hospital?

Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity

17. The financial statements of a not-for-profit entity should focus on the

Basic information on the organization as a whole

18. This refers to free services rendered to patients.

Charity care

19. ABC Organization, a not-for-profit entity, received the following donations during 20x1:
 Land with a fair value of P10,000,000 to be sold to acquire a bus.
 Shares of stocks with fair value of P3,000,000 to be retained indefinitely. The dividends from the
shares will be used to support current operations.

As a result of the donations above, ABC should report as increase in temporarily restricted net assets
an amount equal to:


20. In 2020, Bautista Hospital, an NPE, received P250,000 pure endowment grant. Also in the same year,
Bautista’s governing board designated for special purposes, P300,000 which had originated form
unrestricted gifts.

The amount that should be accounted for as part of the unrestricted net asset class is:


21. In accounting for NPE-hospital, what are third-party payors?

Insurance companies and other groups that pay a significant portion of the medical fees

22. Your answer should be a whole number. Do not use comma, decimal, and peso sign.

Revlove Organizations, an NPE, receive the following donations during 20x1:

 Land with fair value of P40,000,000 to be sold to acquire a bus.

 Shares of stocks with fair value of P12,000,000 to be retained indefinitely. The dividends from the
shares will be used to support current operations.

As a result of these donations, Revlove should report an increase in temporarily restricted net assets
in the amount of:


23. Contributions with future payment dates usually would be classified as increasing temporarily restricted
net assets.


24. Contributed services are valued using the minimum wage.


25. Contributed services are recognized only if they create or enhance nonfinancial assets/


26. A donor-restricted fund of an NPE hospital which may be a specific-purpose fund, a term endowment
fund, or a plant replacement and expansion fund.

Temporarily restricted fund

27. Contributions that create term endowments are classified as increasing temporarily restricted net


28. Hospital courtesy allowances are

Revenue deductions

29. An NPO received the following contributions in 20x1

 P100,000 cash for the purchase of equipment.
 P250,000 cash restricted for the renovation of an old building owned by the NPO.

None of the contributions were used in 20x1. However, in 20x2, the entity acquired an equipment for

The contributions revenue recognized in 20x1 is 350000.

30. General purpose external financial reporting by a health care organization requires presentation of

Statement of operation

31. In June 2020, Gatdula Hospital, an NPE, purchased medicines from Camutin Pharmaceutical Co. at a
cost of P2,000. However, Camutin Pharmaceutical Co. notified Gatdula Hospital that the invoice was
being canceled, and the medicines were being donated to Gatdula. Gatdula should record this donation
of medicine as

Other operating revenue of P2,000

32. All expenses are reported in the unrestricted category, even expenses incurred in satisfying donor-
imposed restrictions.


33. On December 1, 20x1, ABC Organization, a non-profit entity, had the following transactions:
 Purchased a vehicle costing P150,000 using unrestricted cash
 Received a vehicle with fair value of P120,000 from donation

ABC estimates that both of the vehicles have useful lives of 5 years and no residual value. ABC has an
accounting policy implying a time restriction on gifts of long-lived assets.

In ABC’s 20x1 statement of activities, the amount of depreciation expense that should be included
under changes in unrestricted net assets is 4500

34. Medina Hospital, an NPE, would have earned patient service revenue of P9,000,000 for the year
ended, December 31, 2020. However, only P6,750,000 was collected because of charity care services
of P1,5000,000 and discounts of P750,000 to third-party payors.

For the year ended December 31, 2020, Medina Hospital should record patient service revenues of

35. Gain on sale of a hospital van is classified as

Non-operating revenue
36. The statement of financial position must show total assets, total liabilities, and total net assets.
37. Conditional promises to give are considered unconditional if the probability that the specified future
event will occur is remote.
38. A fund restricted by the governing board for acquisition of equipment and construction of the hospital’s
annex is classified as
39. An NPO received the following contributions in 20x1
 P100,000 cash for the purchase of equipment.
 P250,000 cash restricted for the renovation of an old building owned by the NPO.

None of the contributions were used in 20x1. However, in 20x2, the entity acquired an equipment for

The net assets released from restrictions reported in the 20x2 statement of activities is 100000.

40. Collection items need not be depreciated.

41. On the statement of activities of a private university, expenses are reported by
42. An unconditional promise to give must be in writing to qualify as a recognizable contributions.
43. Contributions that create endowments are always reported in the statement of activities and not as
adjustments to equity.
44. A private NPE hospital charged a patient P8,600 for services. It actually billed this amount to the
patient's third-party payor. The third-party payor submitted a check for P7,900 with a note stating that
"the reasonable amount is paid in full per contract." Which of the following statements is true?
The NPE hospital recorded the P700 as a contractual adjustment that it will not collect.
45. The following funds were among those held by Calahati College, an NPE, at December 31, 2020:
Principal specified by the donor as nonexpendable P500,000
Principal expendable after the year 2025 300,000
Principal designated from current funds 100,000
The amount that Calahati College should classify as regular endowment fund is 500000.
46. ABC Organization, a non-profit entity, acquired shares of stocks to be held as investment for P200,000
using unrestricted net assets. During the year, ABC received cash dividends of P10,000. At year-end,
the shares have a fair value of P220,000.
The effect of the transactions described above on the year-end statement of activities of ABC amount
to 30000.
47. Which of the following statements related to pledges is incorrect?
Pledges are generally enforceable contracts
48. The definition of contributions does not include conditional promises to give.
49. A donor-restricted fund of an NPE hospital which may be a specific-purpose fund, a term endowment
fund, or a plant replacement and expansion fund.
Temporarily restricted fund
50. The machine of ABC Organization, a not-for-profit entity, has malfunctioned. Mang Tony, a professional
mechanic, repaired the machine for free. The fair value of the services is estimated at P10,000. Which
of the following statements is correct?
This event has a zero net effect on ABC’s net assets
51. Yumilka makes a cash gift to an NPE hospital to be used to buy toys for the pediatric ward. It should be
recorded as
Temporarily restricted
52. A non-profit organization receives donation of services in-kind from an accountant who was consulted
regarding the NPO’s financial reporting system. The NPO will most likely recognize those services as
Expenses and revenues
53. Gains and losses on investments are always treated as increases or decreases in unrestricted net
54. When the donor has specified a particular date or event after which the principal of the Endowment
fund may be expended, the Endowment Fund is referred to as a(an)
Term endowment fund
55. An NPE college’s unrestricted current fund comprised the following.
Asset 5,000,000
Liabilities (including deferred revenues of P100,000) 3,000,000
The fund balance of the NPE college’s unrestricted fund is 2000000
56. Board-designated funds should be accounted for as
Unrestricted funds
57. The following expenditures were among those incurred by Barrientos university an NPE during 2020
Administrative data processing P50,000
Scholarship and fellowship P100,000
Operation and maintenance of physical plant P200,000
The amount to be included in the functional classification “institutional support” expenditures account
is 50000
58. Private not-for-profit organizations should report a statement of cash flows using the
Either direct or indirect method
59. Collection items need not be capitalized under certain circumstances.

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