K22021 XLTH DSP (1) .Algorithms.for.Programmers 171to175 20182737 Nguyễn Hoàng Nhật Quang

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11.2.1 The Karatsuba algorithm

(Split the numbers U and V (assumed to have approximately the same length/precision) in two pieces

U = U0 + U1B (11.1)
V = V0 + V1B
Where B is a power of the radix (or base) close to the half length of U and V
Instead of the straight forward multiplication that needs 4 multiplications with half precision for one
multiplication with full precision
UV = U0V0 + B(U0V1 + V0U1) + B U1V1 (11.2)
use the relation

UV = (1 + B)U0V0 + B(U1 - U0)(V0 - V1) + (B + B )U1V1 (11.3)

which needs 3 multiplications with half precision for one multiplication with full precision.
Apply the scheme recursively until the numbers to multiply are of machine size. The asymptotics of
log (3) 1:585
the algorithm is ~ N 2 ≈ N .
For squaring use

2 2 2 2 2
U = (1 + B)U0 - B(U1 - U0) + (B + B )U1 (11.4)

2 2 2 2 2
U = (1 - B)U0 + B(U1 + U0) + (-B + B )U1 (11.5)
One can extend the above idea by splitting U and V into more than two pieces each, the resulting
algorithm is called Toom Cook algorithm.
6 1:585 6
Computing the product of two million-digit numbers would require ≈ (10 ) ≈ 3200.10 operations,
taking about 5 minutes on the 10 Mips machine.

11.2.2 Fast multiplication via FFT

Multiplication of two numbers is essentially a convolution of the sequences of their digits. The (linear)
convolution of the two sequences ak; bk; k = 0…N - 1 is defined as the sequence c where
ck ≔ ∑ ai b j k=0 … 2 N−2(11.6 )
i , j=0 ,i+ j=k
A number written in radix r as
aP aP-1 ... a2 a1 a0 . a-1 a-2 ... a-p+1 a-p (11.7)
denotes a quantity of
ck ≔ ∑ ai b j k=0 … 2 N−2(11.6 )
i , j=0 ,i+ j=k

That means, the digits can be considered as coefficients of a polynom in r. For example, with decimal
numbers one has r = 10 and 123.4 = 1 . 102 + 2 . 101 + 3 . 100 + 4 .10-1. The product of two numbers is
almost the polynomial product
2 N −2 N−1 N−1
c k r := ∑ ai r . ∑ b j r j (11.9)
k i

k=0 i =0 j=0

The ck are found by comparing coefficients. One easily checks that the ck must satisfy the convolution
equation 11.6.
As the ck can be greater than ‘nine’ (that is, r − 1), the result has to be ‘fixed’ using carry operations: Go
from right to left, replace ck by ck % r and add (ck – ck % r) / r to its left neighbour.
An example: usually one would multiply the numbers 82 and 34 as follows:

82 ×34
3 28
24 6
We just said that the carries can be delayed to the end of the computation:
82× 34
32 8
24 6
24 38 8
¿ 27 8 8

. . . which is really polynomial multiplication (which in turn is a convolution of the coefficients):

(8 x+2)×(3 x + 4)
32 x 8
24 x 2 6 x
¿ 24 x 2+38 x +8
Convolution can be done efficiently using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): Convolution is a simple
(elementwise array) multiplication in Fourier space. The FFT itself takes N . log N operations. Instead of
the direct convolution (~N2) one proceeds like this:

 compute the FFTs of multiplicand and multiplicator

 multiply the transformed sequences elementwise

 compute inverse transform of the product

To understand why this actually works note that (1) the multiplication of two polynoms can be achieved by
the (more complicated) scheme:

 evaluate both polynoms at sufficiently many points

 pointwise multiply the found values

 find the polynom corresponding to those (product-)values


and (2) that the FFT is an algorithm for the parallel evaluation of a given polynom at many points, namely
the roots of unity. (3) the inverse FFT is an algorithm to find (the coefficients of) a polynom whose values
are given at the roots of unity.
You might be surprised if you always thought of the FFT as an algorithm for the ‘decomposition into
frequencies’. There is no problem with either of these notions.
Relaunching our example we use the fourth roots of unity ±1 and ±i:

a= ( 8 x +2 ) ×b=( 3 x+ 4 ) × c=ab
+i +8 i+2+3 i+ 4+ 38i−16
−i−8 i+2−3 i+4−38 i−16
c=(24 x 2 +38 x +8)

This table has to be read like this: first the given polynoms a and b are evaluated at the points given in the
left column, thereby the columns below a and b are filled. Then the values are multiplied to fill the
column below c, giving the values of c at the points. Finally, the actual polynom c is found from those
values, resulting in the lower right entry. You may find it instructive to verify that a 4-point FFT really
evaluates a, b by transforming the sequences 0, 0, 8, 2 and 0, 0, 3, 4 by hand. The backward transform of
70, 38i − 16, −6, −38i − 16 should produce the final result given for c.
The operation count is dominated by that of the FFTs (the elementwise multiplication is of course ~ N), so
the whole fast convolution algorithm takes ~ N . log N operations. The following carry operation is also ∼
N and can therefore be neglected when counting operations.
Multiplying our million-digit numbers will now take only 106 log2 (106) ≈ 106 . 20 operations, taking
approximately 2 seconds on a 10 Mips machine.
Strictly speaking N · log N is not really the truth: it has to be N · log N · log log N. This is because the
sums in the convolutions have to be represented as exact integers. The biggest term C that can
possibly occur is approximately NR2 for a number with N digits (see next section). Therefore, working
with some fixed radix R one has to do FFTs with log N bits precision, leading to an operation count of N ·
log N · log N. The slightly better N · log N · log log N is obtained by recursive use of FFT multiplies.
For realistic applications (where the sums in the convolution all fit into the machine type floating point
numbers) it is safe to think of FFT multiplication being proportional N · log N.

11.2.3 Radix/precision considerations with FFT multiplication

This section describes the dependencies between the radix of the number and the achievable precision
when using FFT multiplication. In what follows it is assumed that the ‘superdigits’, called LIMBs occupy a
16 bit word in memory. Thereby the radix of the numbers can be in the range 2 . . . 65536 (= 2 16). Further
restrictions are due to the fact that the components of the convolution must be representable as integer
numbers with the data type used for the FFTs (here: doubles): The cumulative sums c k have to be
represented precisely enough to distinguish every (integer) quantity from the next bigger (or smaller)
value. The highest possible value for a ck will appear in the middle of the product and when multiplicand
and multiplicator consist of ‘nines’ (that is R − 1) only. It must not jump to c m ± 1 due to numerical errors.
For radix R and a precision of N LIMBs Let the maximal possible value be C, then

C = N(R-1) (11.10)
The number of bits to represent C exactly is the integer greater or equal to

log2(N (R - 1) ) = log2 N + 2 log2(R - 1) (11.11)


Due to numerical errors there must be a few more bits for safety. If computations are made using doubles
one typically has a mantissa of 53 bits then we need to have

M ‚ log2 N + 2 log2(R - 1) + S (11.12)

where M :=mantissabits and S :=safetybits. Using log2 (R - 1) <log2 (R):

N max ( R ) =2M− S−2 log ( R )( 11.13)


Suppose we have M = 53 mantissabits and require S = 3 safetybits. With base 2 numbers one could use
radix R = 216 for precisions up to a length of Nmax = 253-3-2.16 = 256k LIMBs. Corresponding are 4096 kilo
bits and = 1024 kilo hex digits. For greater lengths smaller radices have to be used according
to the following table (extra horizontal line at the 16 bit limit for LIMBs):

Radix R max # LIMBs max # hex digits max # bits

210 = 1024 1048; 576 k 2621; 440 k 10240 M
211 = 2048 262; 144 k 720; 896 k 2816 M
212 = 4096 65; 536 k 196; 608 k 768 M
213 = 8192 16384 k 53; 248 k 208 M
214 = 16384 4096 k 14; 336 k 56 M
215 = 32768 1024 k 3840 k 15 M
216 = 65536 256 k 1024 k 4M
217 = 128 k 64 k 272 k 1062 k
218 = 256 k 16 k 72 k 281 k
219 = 512 k 4k 19 k 74 k
220 = 1M 1k 5k 19 k
221 = 2M 256 1300 5120
For decimal numbers:

Radix R max # LIMBs max # digits max # bits

102 110 G 220 G 730 G
103 1100 M 3300 M 11 G
104 11 M 44 M 146 M
105 110 k 550 k 1826 k
106 1k 6; 597 22 k
107 11 77 255

 For decimal digits and precisions up to 11 million LIMBs use radix 10,000. (corresponding
to more about 44 million decimal digits), for even greater precisions choose radix 1,000.
 For hexadecimal digits and precisions up to 256,000 LIMBs use radix 65,536
(corresponding to more than 1 million hexadecimal digits), for even greater precisions
choose radix 4,096.

11.2.3 Division, square root and cube root

11.3.1 Division

The ordinary division algorithm is useless for numbers of extreme precision. Instead one replaces the
a 1
division by the multiplication of a with the inverse of b. The inverse of b= is computed by finding a
b b
starting approximation x0 ≈ and then iterating
xk+1 = xk + xk(1 - b xk) (11.14)

until the desired precision is reached. The convergence is quadratical (2nd order), which means that the
number of correct digits is doubled with each step: if x k = (1 + €) then
1 1 1
b b b(
x k+1= ( 1+€ )+ ( 1+€ ) 1−b ( 1+€ ) ( 11.15 ) )
¿ ( 1−€ 2 ) (11.16)
Moreover, each step needs only computations with twice the number of digits that were correct at its
beginning. Still better: the multiplication xk(. . .) needs only to be done with half precision as it computes
the ‘correcting’ digits (which alter only the less significant half of the digits). Thus, at each step we have
1.5 multiplications of the ‘current’ precision. The total work amounts to
1.5 . ∑ n
n=0 2

which is less than 3 full precision multiplications. Together with the final multiplication a division costs as
much as 4 multiplications. Another nice feature of the algorithm is that it is self-correcting. The
following numerical example shows the first two steps of the computation5 of an inverse starting from a
two-digit initial approximation:
b := 3:1415926 (11.17)
x0 = 0.31 xấp xỉ 2 chữ số ban đầu cho 1/b (11.18)

b . x0 = 3.141 . 0.3100 = 0.9737 (11.19)

y0 := 1.000 - b . x0 = 0.02629 (11.20)
x0 . y0 = 0.3100 . 0.02629 = 0.0081(49) (11.21)
x1 := x0 + x0 . y0 = 0.3100 + 0.0081 = 0.3181 (11.22)

b . x1 = 3.1415926 . 0.31810000 = 0.9993406 (11.23)

y1 := 1:0000000 – b . x0 = 0.0006594 (11.24)
x1 . y1 = 0.31810000 . 0.0006594 = 0.0002097(5500) (11.25)
x2 := x1 + x1 . y1 = 0.31810000 + 0.0002097 = 0.31830975 (11.26)

11.3.1 Square root extraction

Computing square roots is quite similar to division: first compute then a final multiply with d gives √ d .
Find a starting approximation x0 ≈ then iterate
( 1−d x 2k )
x k+1=x k + x k (11.27)
until the desired precision is reached. Convergence is again 2nd order. Similar considerations as above
(with squaring considered as expensive as multiplication) give an operation count of 4 multiplications for
or 5 for √ d .

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