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Reading Section (No 16 – 50)

16. (Announcement > Grade X)

>> Siswa dapat menemukan gambaran umum isi pengumuman tersebut.

Because of the high demand for electrical power due to extremely cold weather, the city is
facing a serious power shortage. We are asking residents to help us avoid this situation. Please
reduce your power consumption as much as possible. Lower household heat to sixty degrees. Turn
of all unnecessary appliances. Postpone energy-consuming tasks such as doing the laundry.
The announcement is about …..
a. a serious power shortage in the city

b. the high demand for electrical power

c. the extremely cold weather in the city

d. the need to turn off all unnecessary appliances

e. the demand to postpone energy-consuming tasks

Text for number 17 and 18

How to Clean a Toaster
Toasters can gather an amazing amount of dust, lint and, ick, bugs because it doesn't have a
door to shut out contaminants like other appliances. This means you need to clean it out on a
regular basis so that your toast doesn't get tainted.

Giving your toaster a good wash is easy and you won't get electrocuted. I promise.
 Unplug your toaster and do the normal upside-down shake thing over the sink.
 Pull out the crumb tray, if it has one, take a second to be grossed out and then wash it with
warm water and dish soap.
 While you let the crumb tray dry, dampen a cotton cloth with a little white vinegar and wipe out
the slots where the bread goes. Remember, damp is the key word here. A sopping wet cloth can
leave your toaster with puddles of moisture inside, which can take forever to dry.
 If there are stuck-on crumbs left over from breakfast pastries on the heating elements, gently
brush them with a vinegar-dampened old toothbrush.
 Wipe the insides down with a water-dampened cloth to remove any vinegar residue.

Page 1
 Give the toaster one last good upside-down shake and let everything dry before plugging your
toaster back in. It should only take a couple of hours to dry.
17. (Procedure Text > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan gambaran umum teks tersebut.
What does the text tell about?
a. How to unplug your toaster
b. How to remove any vinegar residue inside the toaster
c. How to clean a toaster so that your toast doesn't get tainted
d. How to shake and let everything dry before plugging a toaster
e. How to clean a toaster with wipes
18. (Procedure Text > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersurat dalam teks tersebut.

We can remove the crumbs on heating elements with . . . .

a. A sopping wet cloth
b. A cotton bud
c. A water dampened cloth
d. A vinegar-dampened old toothbrush
e. Wipes

Text for number 19 and 20

3-Step Chocolate Cheese Cake Recipe

Yield : 6 servings
Prep. Time   : 5 minutes
Cook Time   : 40 minutes
Total Time   : 45 minutes

Page 2
16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 prepared Graham cracker crust

Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well-blended. Blend in 2 eggs. Stir in
chocolate chips then pour batter into Graham cracker crust. (You may sprinkle ¼ cup mini semi-
sweet chocolate chips on top if you desire). Bake at 35 o Celsius for 40 minutes, or until curter is
almost set. Cool, or best results refrigerate for 3 hours.
19. (Procedure Text > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan tujuan penulis teks tersebut.
The goal of the text is to tell about . . . . .
a. how to beat cream cheese
b. how to blend sugar and vanilla
c. how to bake chocolate cheese and cake
d. how make chocolate cheese cake 
e. how to make mini sweet chocolate chips
20. (Procedure Text > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan padanan kata dari dalam teks tersebut.
“Stir in chocolate chips then pour batter into Graham cracker crust.”
The underlined word has similar meaning with . . . .
a. band
b. encrustation
c. bloom
d. coat
e. shell
Text for number 21 and 22
A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world. What is a cell phone? A cell phone is
actually a radio in certain way. Like a radio, by a cell phone we can communicate to other people in
real time. Million people use cell phone for their communication. Even nowadays, people use cell
phones to communicate in voice, written and data. Alexander Graham Bell is the person who make

Page 3
great change in the way people communicate to each other. He invented a telephone in 1876. While
wireless radio was formally known in 18994 presented by Guglielmo Marconi. By these two
technologies, then a cell phone was born. However do you know how actually cell phones work?
This short explanation on how a cell phone work is really wonderful. A cell phone or in long term
“cellular telephone” works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular. The towers are
networked to a central switching station. The connection usually uses wire, fiber optic-cables, or
Then the central switching station which handles calls in certain given area is directed
connected to the wire-based telephone system. Cellular are pick up by the towers and relayed to
another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based telephone network. The towers vary in the
capacity and capability to receive signals. Some can receive the signal from short distance and the
others can receive more distance. However, there are usually more than one tower in certain given
area so that the system can handle the increasing telephone traffic.
21. (Explanation Text > Grade XI)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan gambaran umum teks tersebut.
What is the text about?
a. How to use the telephone
b. The founder of telephone
c. The history of telephone
d. Function of telephone
e. How to make the telephone
22. (Explanation Text > Grade XI)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersurat dalam teks tersebut.
How telephone cellular works?
a. By signal radio
b. By battery
c. By user
d. By GPS Signal
e. By transmitting signal

Page 4
Text for number 23 and 24

23. (Caption . Grade XII)

>> Siswa dapat menentukan tujuan teks caption tersebut

What is the purpose of the text?

a. To make funny
b. To inform readers
c. To educate readers
d. To make surprised
e. To motivate readers
24. (Caption . Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersirat dalam teks caption tersebut.

From the caption above, we can learn . . . .

a. We can dream every time
b. Never too late to reach our dream
c. You can’t set your goal
d. You only set your dream in young
e. The elder can’t reach their dream

Text for number 25 and 26

Page 5
25. (Caption . Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menentukan makna dari sebuah kalimat dalam teks caption tersebut.
 “I can’t change the direction of the wind”.  What does the sentence mean?

a. We can follow the wind blows

b. We can’t change the God’s will
c. We need to change our wind blows
d. We need someone to direct our ways
e. We should follow the rule
26. (Caption . Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan makna dari sebuah kata dalam teks caption tersebut.

 What does the word adjust means in the caption?

a. We can decide our ways
b. We can arrange our plans
c. We can make our ways
d. We need someone to give advances
e. We should appreciate our ways

27. (Caption . Grade XII)

>> Siswa dapat menyimpulkan nilai pelajaran dari teks caption tersebut.

What can we learn from the caption?

a. A child can change the world
b. A reader can change the world
c. A writer can change the world
d. Education can change the world
e. The teacher can change the world

Page 6
Text for number 28 – 30
Hiring Management
SP Health Clinic
34 Folsom Street
San Fransisco
July 23rd, 2020
Dear Sir,
I would like to apply for the role of receptionist that you have got advertised in SF Daily
News, July 18th, 2020.
I am very experienced receptionist that enjoys dealing with customers over the telephone as
well as face to face. I have a good personality and feel that I am very thorough and efficient in my
work. I have had experience of making appointment and I feel that this skill is transferable to this
I am very organized person, and I manage my time and workload well. I am keen to learn
any new skill that I need to ensure that my work is done effectively and efficiently.
I enclose my resume for your consideration and I would be happy to answer any questions
that you may have with regards to my skills and experiences. I am available to attend an interview.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and CV, and I look forward to hearing from
you in due course.
Yours sincerely,

Martha Hamid
28. (Application Letter > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menentukan harapan pelamar kerja dalam teks tersebut.
What is the writer’s purpose to send the letter?
a. To invite someone for an interview
b. To announce someone about a job vacancy
c. To apply for a job as a receptionist
d. To describe herself as a receptionist
e. To share the writer’s experience when she worked
29. (Application Letter > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersurat dalam teks tersebut.
From the letter, we know that the writer mostly tells about . . . .
a. Her study
b. Her past job

Page 7
c. Her resume
d. Her personality and abilities
e. Her performance and skills
30. (Application Letter > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menentukan harapan pelamar kerja dalam teks tersebut
Why the writer so confident that she will attend an interview?
a. Because she is very experienced
b. Because she is very organized person
c. Because she has skills and experiences for the position applied
d. Because she is the first applicant
e. Because she really want to fill the position

Text for number 31 - 32

One day Hercules did something that made the King angry. He did not like Hercules because of
Hercules’ strength. He told Hercules that he was going to punish him. He ordered Hercules to do
twelve very difficult and dangerous things. Hercules could not refuse. He had to obey the orders of
the King.
The King’s first order was to kill a lion. The lion lived in a valley. There were hills all around the
valley. All the people who lived in the valley were afraid of the lion. It had killed all their cattle. It
sometimes killed the people too. It was so strong and fierce that everyone was afraid of it.
At sunrise Hercules picked up his bow and arrows and set off. He walked and walked until he came
to the valley. It was then midday. He could not see any people. They were so frightened that they
would not leave their houses. Then Hercules saw a large tree.
“That would make a good club to hit the lion with,” he thought. He pulled up the tree and cut
its branches. He made it into a club. Then he sat down behind some bushes to wait for the lion.
He waited all the afternoon. Then, at sunset the lion appeared. It was covered with blood. At first
the lion did not see the Hercules. He shot an arrow at it. The arrow hit the lion. It stuck in the lion’s
skin but did not hurt the lion. Hercules shot another arrow. It also hit the lion but did not hurt it. The
lion looked around angrily. Hercules took out another arrow into his bow. Before he could not shoot
it, the lion saw him. It jumped at him.
Hercules lifted his club high into the air and hit the lion’s head with all his strength. The club
broke into two pieces. The lion fell to the ground but did not die. Then Hercules held the lion’s
throat in his hand. He squeezed and squeezed the lion’s throat until it died. Then Hercules cut the
skin off the lion and wore it over his shoulders. He made for himself another club. Then he went
back to the King.

Page 8
31. (Narrative Text > Grade X)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan nilai moral dalam teks tersebut.
What is the moral value of the story?
a. We should always work hard to fulfill our dreams
b. We never know who might help you in the future
c. We can be strong to fight the others
d. We can do anything if we have a power
e. One good turn deserves another
32. (Narrative Text > Grade X)
>> Siswa dapat menentukan karakter tokoh dalam teks.
At the end of the episode, Hercules went back to the King wearing the lion’s skin over his shoulder.
What did he do that for?
a. To give the King the lion’s skin
b. To give the club back to the King
c. To prove the King that he was super
d. To show the King that he was stronger than him
e. To show the King that he had completed the first order

Text for number 33 – 34

Boarding School Education

While many parents send their children to public schools, while others choose boarding
school education. They prefer their children to be educated there for several reasons.

At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a child’s
personal life and can be especially helpful for his/her future. In a boarding school, shy children can
take advantage of interaction through communal activities such as arts, sports, and music that allow
the children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their free time.

Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at the boarding school may help
student get used to a well-ordered way of life. The manners and social skill will help them become
more responsible and confident, to develop their talents in leadership. Professionally trained
teachers and educators at a boarding school can offer excellent education without the parent’s
constant supervision.

Page 9
In conclusion, boarding schools allow students to interact communally and to do positive
activities. Beside they also build student’s characters.

33. (Analytical Exposition > Grade XI)

>> Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersurat dalam teks tersebut.
According to the text, the weakness of boarding school is….
a. It provides excellent education.
b. It is inappropriate for dependent student.
c. It can help the learners develop their talents.
d. It makes the learners more responsible and confident.
e. It helps the student develop their talent in leadership.
34. (Analytical Exposition > Grade XI)
>> Siswa dapat menyimpulkan isi teks tersebut.
What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. Boarding school teaches students to interact with people.
b. Boarding school prepares student’s future.
c. Boarding school teaches students about social skills
d. Boarding school has come professional teachers.
e. Boarding school teaches students to be disciplined.

Text for number 35 to 36.

Page 10
Page 11
35. (Personal Letter > Grade XI)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan gambaran umum teks tersebut.
What is the letter about?
a. Planning to stay and do some activities in Indonesia during holiday.
b. Buying in the fast food restaurant and shopping at Sarinah.
c. Going to buy souvenirs and going to tourist spots.
d. Planning to stay in Indonesia for the holidays.
e. Picking up at the airport when he comes.
36. (Personal Letter > Grade XI)
>> Siswa dapat menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks tersebut.
What will probably Jonathan buy for his lunch while he is in Indonesia?
a. Mixed vegetables with peanut-chilli sauce.
b. Spicy food with chilli sauce.
c. Soup with hot black pepper.
d. Satay with hot pepper.
e. Non spicy food.

Text for number 37 to 38.

For all colleague and Friends,

As those who are close to me know very well I’m not good at saying goodbyes. So I do apologize if
anyone offended by receiving only this letter as a sign farewell. I cannot bear meeting everyone face to
face, shaking hands and wishing each other the best of luck. I have so many people to thank for I am
blessed with amazing people that have to trust me and support everything did I do.

It is impossible to mention your name one by one in these short letters, but everybody knows who they
are and their influence on my life. I am humbly grateful to have the opportunity to accomplish many
things with amazing people.

Thank you for everyone that I have the opportunity to work and coach. I commend each of you for a
good life and wish you all the best of luck and May you continue and make an amazing achievement.

I can be contacted through emails until I arrive in the country that I’m moving at. I wish everyone
prosperous life and good health. Thank you.

Regards and best wishes

Page 12
Bill James

Page 13
37. (Personal Letter > Grade XI)
>> Siswa menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks tersebut.
Why does Bill James write the letter?
a. To thank everyone for their wishes.
b. To inform about his leaving the office.
c. To say good things to his friends.
d. To apologize for everything that he has done wrong.
e. To thank everyone who support him.
38. (Personal Letter > Grade XI)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersurat dalam teks tersebut.
Why did the writer have to leave his office?
a. Because he was sick.
b. Because he was alone in the office.
c. Because he had another job in different country.
d. Because he couldn’t work well.
e. Because he has many faults to his friends.

39. (Narrative Text > Grade X)

>> Siswa dapat menentukan tujuan teks tersebut.
The Princess and the Pea
Once upon a time there was a prince he wanted to get himself a princess, but she had to be
real princess. So he traveled all over the world to find one, but in every case something was the
matter. There were lots of princess, but he could never quite make out whether they were real or
not. So he came home feeling very unhappy, for really wanted to find a true princess.
One evening a terrible storm came; lightening flashed, thunder rolled, and the rain poured down in
torrents-it was simply awful, suddenly there was a knock at the city gate, and the old king went out
to answer it.
There was a princess standing outside, but what a sight the rain and the bad weather had
made of her ! The water streamed down her hair and her clothes, and yet she said she was a real
“It won’t take long to find that out,” thought the old Queen. Without saying anything, she went into
bed chamber, took off all the bedclothes, and places one pea on the bottom boards of the bed. Then
she took twenty mattresses and put them on top of the pea, and after that she put twenty feather-
pillows on top of the mattresses. That was where the princess was to spend the night.

Page 14
In the morning they asked her how she had slept. “Oh, dreadfully! said the princess. “I hardly
slept a wink all night. Whatever could have been in the bed ? I was lying on something so hard that
I’m black and blue all over.” So of course they could see that she was a real princess, since she had
felt the pea through twenty mattresses and twenty feather-pillows. No one but a real princess could
have such a tender skin as that. So the prince took her for his wife, and they lived happily ever
What is the purpose of the text?
a. To inform about the princess and the pea.
b. To describe the story of the princess and the pea.
c. To give information that the prince looked for the real princess.
d. To amuse the reader with the story of the princess and the pea.
e. To explain the reader how the prince find the princess.
40. (Announcement > Grade X)
>> Siswa dapat menentukan tujuan dari pengumuman tersebut.

 This is to inform all members of Staff and the General Public that the Consulate General of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria, Atlanta, will be closed on Monday November 11, 2019 to observe
the Veteran's Day holiday declared by the United States Government.

 Normal business will resume on Thursday, November 12, 2019.

Consulate General of Nigeria, Atlanta

What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform public holidays in Nigeria.

B. To announce the Veteran's Day celebration.
C. To invite the staff of the Consulate General of Nigeria to the White House.
D. To tell Nigeria about the Veteran's Day hold by the United States of America.
E. To announce the Consulate General of Nigeria closing due to the US Veteran’s Day.

41. (Personal Letter > Grade XI)

>> Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersurat dari teks tersebut.
October 28th, 2020
Dear Gomad,

Page 15
I received your letter explaining your inability to come here yesterday. As you know, I celebrated my
birthday on October 26th without you. It was truly a great moment for me. The birthday party was
arranged at our residence at 7 pm.
My home was beautifully decorated by my friends. New curtains, flower-pots, some paintings, and
posters looked so cool. I bought all I need for the party from the market. I invited all our close
friends and relatives.
Oh, do you know how I missed you on that day? But you had to be busy with your compulsions.
Anyway, please convey my regards to your parents and thanks for your birthday card and give you
have sent to me.
Best regard,
Prayi Du Naim
Why did Prayi Du Naim write the letter?
a. To invite her friend to come to her birthday
b. To thank her friend for his birthday’s card and present
c. To describe the celebration of her birthday
d. To tell her happiness during her birthday party
e. To explain how her friend didn’t come to her birthday party

This songs for number 42 to 43.


Rain and tears are the same

But in the sun you've got to play the game

When you cry in winter time

You can pretend it's nothing but the rain

How many times I've seen

Tears coming from your blue eyes

Rain and tears are the same

But in the sun you've got to play the game

Give me an uncertain love

I need an uncertain love

Page 16
Rain and tears in the sun
But in your heart you feel the rainbow waves

Rain or tears both are shown

For in my heart there'll never be a sun

Rain and tears are the same

But in the sun you've got to play the game

(Demis Roussos)

42. (Song > Grade XII)

>> Siswa dapat menemukan gambaran umum dari suatu stanza/bait lirik lagu.

Which one of the following statements is implied in this song?

a. The writer’s lover treats him well.

b. The writer’s lover often expresses her sadness.

c. The writer has got his expectation from his lover.

d. The writer of the song feels sure with his love.

e. The writer feels that his love story will have a happy ending.

43. (Song > Grade XII)

>> Siswa dapat menemukan makna tersirat dari suatu baris lirik lagu.

“For in my heart there'll never be a sun”

The underlined expression means that the writer . . . . .

a. will feel sure in this heart

b. will always feel sad
c. will have his heart be with bright life
d. will feel so faithless all the time
e. will get very tired all his life

Page 17
Text for no 44 to 45.

JAYAPURA, Indonesia – This morning, 6-year-old Moreyna woke up at 7 a.m. just like she usually

does. After showering and eating breakfast, she put on her school uniform and asked her mother to take

her to school in the hope that everything had gone back to normal.

But Moreyna was soon disappointed to find out that her school is still closed due to the pandemic.

Moreyna is a student at the Kuncup Mekar Kindergarten in Jayapura. Since the Papuan Government

decided to close all schools in the province in March 2020, she has been studying from home with her

mother Maria Morin.

Over 60 million students in Indonesia are temporarily out of school due to COVID-19, impacting their

education in unprecedented ways.

UNICEF Indonesia/2020/Daud10-year old Kezia works on an assignment sent by her teacher.

She studies from home while her school is closed due to COVID-19.

“Based on a survey of parents and students, the biggest obstacles that students face while learning at

home is a lack of internet access and electronic devices,” said UNICEF Education Specialist Nugroho

Page 18
Warman. “Parents also have to focus on other obligations to support their family, which leaves them with

less time to support their children.”

In response, the Government of Indonesia is broadcasting an educational TV programme called Belajar

dari Rumah (Learning from Home) through the TVRI network to help children learn from home. The

programme, which is organised by the Ministry of Education, broadcasts shows from Monday to Friday for

school-aged children from preschool to high school that cover a range of areas, including a parenting


The closure of schools, therefore, doesn’t mean the learning also stops.

To help assess the effectiveness of the programme, UNICEF has supported education authorities to

conduct regular surveys involving teachers, parents and children. The surveys, which are SMS-based to

reach areas with no internet access, collect feedback on home learning activities to ensure every student

is receiving the support they need.

UNICEF is also helping the Ministry of Education and Culture to develop offline learning materials and

establish guidelines for preventing and responding to COVID-19 in the education sector at provincial and

district levels.

UNICEF Indonesia/2020/Sumule8-year-old Joaquin participates in an online learning activity at home. “I can still connect with my
teachers while learning at home. If I have difficulty with the assignments from school, I can reach out to them and ask for help.”

Page 19
The closure of schools, therefore, doesn’t mean the learning also stops. Moreyna, who will attend primary

school soon, is still happily studying at home. With her mother by her side, she regularly watches

the Belajar dari Rumah programme on TV and takes part in online learning when needed.

While she’s been at home, Moreyna has also been active around the house. She helps her mother bake

and has started dancing, a new hobby that she and her brother enjoy.

Just like other children her age, staying at home hasn’t been easy for Moreyna. The past two months

have felt like a long time for the little girl.

“I don’t like it because I can’t see my friends and teachers,” she said. Her mother has also noticed that

Moreyna appears bored at times and is eager to return to school.

“I hope this virus will be gone soon so all activities and everything else can go back to normal again,”

Maria said.

44. (News Item > Grade XII)

>> Siswa dapat menemukan gambaran umum dalam teks tersebut.
What is the text about?
a. The closure of schools.
b. Online learning activity during Covid 19 pandemic.
c. The lack of internet access and electronic devices.
d. The broadcasting an educational TV programme in Indonesia.
e. The difficulties of students understand the lesson.
45. (News Item > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersurat dari teks tersebut.
What does Maria hope to the situation?
a. She hopes her daughter put on the uniform.
b. She wants to open the school.
c. She hopes this virus will be gone soon so all activities and everything else can go
back to normal again.
d. She wishes the government help them to improve the internet access.
e. She wants the teachers can teach her daughter at home.

Page 20
This lyric for no 46 to 47.

There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along

With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

It's a long road

When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear

(Hero, Mariah Carey)

Page 21
46. (Song > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menentukan nilai moral lagu tersebut.
What is the moral value of the song?
a. You should be confident and brave to reach the dreams.
b. Don’t be afraid to be a hero.
c. You may doubt to do something.
d. There is no strength in yourself.
e. You can ask for help the others to reach your goal.
47. (Song > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menentukan lawan kata dari dalam lirik lagu tersebut.
“And the emptiness you felt, Will disappear….”
The underlined word has the different meaning to . . . .
a. blankness
b. hollowness
c. fullness
d. desertedness
e. depletedness
48. (Procedure Text > Grade XII)
>> Siswa dapat menyusun procedure text dalam bentuk acak menjadi urutan yang lebih

How to Make Fried Chicken

1. When cooked, remove from pan and place on kitchen paper to get rid of any excess oil.
2. Serve the fried chicken the hot rice.
3. Heat the oil on the frying pan.
4. Coat the chicken wings entirely with flour mixture.
5. First, prepare the ingredients and wash the chicken wings.
6. After that, fry chicken pieces for 5 minutes turning regularly to ensure they don’t burn.

The best arrangement is . . . .

A 5–7–3–4–6–1–2
B 5–7–4–6–3–1–2
C 5–7–4–3–6–1–2
D 5–4–7–3–6–1–2
E 5–3–7–4–1–6–2

7. Then, mix flour, pepper, and chili powder.

49. (Invitation Letter > Grade XI)

Page 22
>> Siswa dapat menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam surat undangan tersebut.

Dear all committees of Smart Competition 2021,

Invite you in last meeting of this event
On Wednesday, February 24th, 2021
6 – 8 p.m.
AL.A.D room, third floor
for head of division, please prepare your progress on this event and for those who have idea, don’t forget
deliver it in the meeting.
M Dani Aulia

Where is the meeting of smart competition 2021 take place?

a. AL.A.D room, third floor
b. M Dani’s house
c. Not yet announced
d. Committee’s room
e. Meeting’s room

50. (Invitation Letter > Grade XI)

>> Siswa dapat menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam surat undangan tersebut.
Glad if you can attend and laugh with us In respect of our Daughter’s perseverance and persistence
Isyana Sarasvati has graduated from an Msi
(Master of Science from Bandung Institute Technology)
Accompany with us on
Sunday, Mei 30, 2019 at 8 p.m.
The Suite Room, Hermitage Hotel.
Afgan and Melly Goeslaw
RSVP 65412397
Based on the invitation text above, we can conclude that…
A. Melly Goeslaw is Isyana’s daughter
B. The party will be held in Hermitage Hotel
C. The party ended at 8 p.m
D. The party is to celebrate Isyana’s Birthday
E. Afgan and Melly Goeslaw have been graduate from Bandung Institute Technology

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