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The World Health Organization (WHO) defined pandemic as the spread of

a certain disease worldwide or across international borders, affecting a large
number of people. Corona virus also known as Covid-19 is a newly discovered
deadly virus that spreads from one person to another through transmission.
Face-to-face learning provides real-time contact with resources and others, takes
place within a specified contact time, and provides prompt feedback to students.
e-learning is capable of making course content available online, because of the
widespread use of modern technologies such as hardware resources
(computers, laptops, mobile phones and others), and software resources
(learning management system, software applications, social media sites and
others). This suggests that students have freedom to access course
information/content anytime and anywhere, irrespective of challenges such as
the pandemic outbreak—provided they have access to hardware and software
Generally, perceived emotional stress involves the experience of
negative affect, such as anxiety. The purpose of this research is to know the
perceived emotional stress among grade 12 HUMSS students of Solano High
School during coronavirus pandemic. Throughout, conducting this research
quantitative method which is a set of questionnaire will be used. On the basis of
the research the result we got are that; majority of the respondents chose
sadness as the type of emotional stress that they encountered during this
pandemic. The weighted average of the perceived emotional stress scale of the
Grade 12 humss students with an overall weighted mean of 2.9 reveals with
quantitative description of fairly often. The weighted average of the negative
impact of perceived emotional stress of the students with an overall weighted
mean of 2.8 reveals with quantitative description of agree. Learn to adapt and
accept and having a time management are the ways to prevent perceived
emotional stress. Online stress management program is recommended to
improve emotional stress and coping strategies, as well as prevent further
psychological consequences. The conduct of a similar study is also
recommended in order to validate the result of this research.

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the subject Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion


Andres, Olive Joy R.

Balunsat, Clariz Hannah A.
Constantino, Jose II D.
Caparas, Diovi Ana
Javier, Dolores C.
Lavarias, Ej V.
Sardan, Jhon Michael C. (L)
Sunga, Glenn Cesar R.
Saldivar, Nicole Mae P.
Santos, Clarey Jane D.
Tanedo, Jonalie A.

Submitted to:

Gerome R. Rogel
Subject Teacher
2nd Semester SY 2020-2021


A. Rationale

The World Health Organization (WHO) defined pandemic as the spread of

a certain disease worldwide or across international borders, affecting a large
number of people. Corona virus also known as Covid-19 is a newly discovered
deadly virus that spreads from one person to another through transmission. The
virus emerged in December 2019 and was first discovered in Wuhan,China. It
was declared as a international public health emergency concern in January,

Among other countries, Philippines implemented strict precautions and

protocols on its citizens in an attempt to control the spread. The country
transferred its in person educational system to virtual learning, closing public
places, invoking travel bans and curfews. Face-to-face learning provides real-
time contact with resources and others, takes place within a specified contact
time, and provides prompt feedback to students (Black and Wiliam, 2006;
Waghid, 2018). Amory (2010) and Khoza (2019), state that e-learning is capable
of making course content available online, because of the widespread use of
modern technologies such as hardware resources (computers, laptops, mobile
phones and others), and software resources (learning management system,
software applications, social media sites and others). This suggests that students
have freedom to access course information/content anytime and anywhere,
irrespective of challenges such as the pandemic outbreak—provided they have
access to hardware and software resources.

The literature on recent outbreaks, such as Ebola, the (SARS) and

(MERS). Several factors were identified in the process of understanding how the
public would respond during disease outbreaks, including disease course, media
and misinformation, quarantine, and the mental health burden among health care
workers and students.
Although several studies showed that disease outbreaks impacted
individual mental health and well being. Multiple factors were addressed. It was
found that women and those aged between 16 and 24 exhibited a great risk of
psychological distress. Similarly, recent studies showed a emotionally disturbed
during the H1N1 pandemic. To our knowledge, there are currently no studies that
have assessed stress among students during the quarantine related to the
Covid-19 pandemic.

The aim of this study is to explore the perceived stress level among
students due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak and the resulting suspension of
in person teaching.

B. Statement of the Problem

Students experience stress which comes from Covid-19 Pandemic and

various aspects of life. The stress experience could come from developmental
changes, financial and accommodation problems, or even academic challenges.
In Solano High School, we observed that most students of the school have
ended up spending more weeks even months than expected in their various
disciplines due to academic failures without an understanding of how stress
experienced affect their academic performance. More stress is probably
experienced by aged 16-24 students due to a big range of content to be learnt,
test and examinations, video presentations, and frequently changing
environment. This research is carried out to assess the stress experienced by the
students and its relationship to academic performance.

C. Objectives of the Study :

The researchers seek to know the perceived emotional stress among

Grade 12 HUMSS students of Solano High School during corona virus pandemic.
Specifically, this research aimed to answer the following question:

1. What is the profile of perceived stress students according to:

Age: Year Level:
Gender: Strand:
2. To identify the different emotional stress experienced by students based
on levels.
3. To determine the perceived impact of stress on academic performance.
4. To identify the percentage of student who experienced stress amids
5. To identify the percentage of students whose emotional stress greatly
affects their academic performance.
D. Conceptual Framework


Profile of the respondents in
Analysis of data a. identified the
terms of: through different
emotional stress
Age: Gender:  Questionnai experience by
res students based
Address: Year Level:  Informal on level.
interviews b. determined the
Strand: perceived impact
Statistical and
of stress on
 identify the different Scientific
emotional stress. performance.
 determine the perceived c. identified the
percentage of
impact of stress on students who
academic performance. experience
 the percentage of student stress amidst
who experienced stress d. Identified the
amids pandemic. percentage of
 the percentage of students students whose
emotional stress
whose emotional stress
greatly affects
greatly affects their their academic
academic performance. performance
The conceptual framework of the study consists of input, process and
output. The input includes the profile of the learners in terms of gender, age,
address, year level, and strand. The process include questionnaires, informal
interviews and statistical and scientific treatment. The output shows to determine
who are experienced perceive emotional stress among Grade 12 HUMSS
students of Solano High School during coronavirus pandemic.

E. Significance of the Study

This study is to determine the perceived emotional stress among students

during Covid-19 pandemic. It is expected therefore that the result of the study
would help and benefit the following:

Students- This study will help them to know that perceived stress can affect their
academic performance also their health if they ignore the feeling of stress.

Teachers- This study will help them to help their students and enhance their
responsible skills. They will also have an idea of what they can share to
encourage students to value learning.

Parents- This study will help them to guide their child to manage stress.

Future Researchers. This research study can provide the future researchers to
a basis in making literature review. It will guide them to their research and use it
as their basis to make the research more accurate..
F. Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The main focus of the study is to determine who are the perceived
emotional stress among Grade 12 HUMSS students during Coronavirus
pandemic and the impact of perceiving stress in their academic performance.
Although our study represents the first survey of stress levels during the Covid-
19 pandemic in Nueva Vizcaya, we acknowledge several limitations. The
mentioned repondents are the one who will give their perception on the study by
the items in the questionnaires. Results will be based on the answers of the
respondents in the questionnaires which may be bias or is not true to

G. Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to give the readers a clear understanding
of the study.

a. Covid-19 Pandemic. 'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for
disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel
coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.' The COVID-19 virus is a new virus linked to
the same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS) and some types of common cold.
b. Academic Performance. Is measured by taking written and oral tests
performing presentations, turning in homework participating in class or in
discussion. Teachers evaluate in the form of letter or a number grades
and side notes to describe how well a student has done.
c. Respondents. Those persons who have been invited to participate in
particular study. Are those persons who have been invited to participate
study and have actually taken apart in the study.
d. Researcher. Is somebody who performs research independently as a
principal investigator the search for knowledge or in general any
systematic investigation to establish facts. Researchers can work in
academic industrials, government or private institutions.
e. Humss or The Humanities and Social Science. One of the academic
track in the Philippines . This strand focuses on oral communication,
media and information, and enhancing your reading and writing skills.
f. Emotional Stress. Involves the experience of negative effect, such an
anxiety, in the context of a physiological stress response that includes
cardiovascular and hormonal changes.
g. Anxiety. Is a normal and often healthy emotion. However, when a person
regulargy feels disproportionate levels of anxiety, it might become a
medical disorder. Anxiety disorders from a category of mental health
diagnoses that lead to excessive nervousness, fear, apprehension, and
h. Psysiological stress. Can be defined as any exernal or internet condition
that challenges the homeostasis of a cell or an organism. It an be divided
into three different aspects. Environment stress, intrinsic developmental
stress and aging.
i. Hormonal. Imbalance may be to blame for a range of unwanted systoms
from fatigue or weight gain to itchy skin orlow mood. Homomes are
chemicals produced by glands in the endocine system and release into
the blood stream. An imbalance occurs when there is too much or too little
of hormones.


This chapter includes idea, opinions, research findings, generalizations,

published or unpublished theories and discussions on related literature and
studies, which provides relevant facts about the perceived emotional stress
among students that helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and
similar to the present study.

Related Literature

According to Alateeq. (2020), explains that the literature on recent

outbreaks, such as Ebola, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and
Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), showed unique consequences of
mental health burden during pandemics. Several factors were identified in the
process of understanding how the public would respond during disease
outbreaks, including disease course, media and misinformation, quarantine,
neuropsychological sequel of the infected individual, and the mental health
burden among health care workers. During a quarantine, people face many
consequences of physical and emotional social distancing, including isolation
and future uncertainty. Degrees of isolation vary between individuals, ranging
from physical or symbolic separation from loved ones and affect the human
psyche.5 Previous studies showed that disease outbreaks impacted individual
mental health and well being. Multiple risk factors were addressed. It was found
that women and those aged between 16 and 24 years exhibited a great risk of
developing psychological distress.

A recent study, emphasize that the covid19 crisis has rapidly become the
most significant public health crisis of our times. It has particularly impacted
students due to cancellation of school and having to adjust to online learning and
anxiety about their future, as well as prolonged social isolation. All these factors
has likely led to significant stress and anxiety.( Aiyer et. al. (2020)

Aslan et al. (2020), explain that psychological stress emerges from an

imbalance between an individual’s perception and external demands. Perceived
stress refers to the assessment of the degree to which the situation in one’s life is
seen as stressful; therefore, it is related to the subjective assessment of life
events. It is related to assessing how unpredictable, uncontrollable, and
overloaded individuals find their lives. Mental health is analyzed in this study
through the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) scale and depression
symptoms according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) criteria. Based on those criteria, GAD is
characterized by persistent and excessive worry about a number of different
things. It relates to anxiety as a state. Depression is one of the most common yet
treatable mental health disorders. It refers to a number of symptoms including
depressed mood, loss of interest in most or all activities, loss of energy, or feeling
of worthlessness. Perceived stress is strongly related to both anxiety and
depression symptoms. The relationship between perceived stress and mental
health is complex, and the direct cause-and-effect relationship is not clear .

Aslan et al. (2020), argue that public mental health during COVID-19
deserves special attention; based on previous experiences, pandemic outbreaks
are related to generalized fear that can impede infection control and lead to
depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. Previous health emergencies
have shown psychological consequences of quarantine, such as high stress
levels and depression, especially in younger women. Therefore, even though
lockdown can decrease the spread of COVID-19, it can deteriorate mental
health. A survey carried out during the self-isolation, lockdown, and social
distancing periods revealed that female gender, younger age, lower annual
income, smoking, and multiple physical morbidities were found to be correlated
with a higher risk of mental health problems and lower satisfaction with life.

Related Studies
According to Dr. Erin Olivo, the perceived emotional stress came feeling
that are being disregarded, denied, misjudged and troubling feelings when they
of most basis issue, the student during corona virus pandemic they become
present after the body’s response to the perceived emotional stress to what
happen to the body during coronavirus pandemic among students.

According to James and Lange theory of stress, the feeling of fear and
other emotional stress after you experienced during coronavirus pandemic there
are many student affected the study.Fully aware of the perceived emotional
stress and for parents, teacher and student to gain knowledge . The perceived
emotional stress maximize the ideas overcoming such difficulties.

These two concepts have connections in the way skills can be developed
through the coaches and teachers and can help the researchers in determining
the student’s who experienced emotional stress, and the extent that parents and
peers can be of influence to the student’s overcome emotional stress during
corona virus pandemic.
Mental health issues are the leading impediment to academic success.
Mental illness can affect students’ motivation, concentration, and social
interactions—crucial factors for students to succeed in higher education. The
2019 Annual Report of the Center for Collegiate Mental Health reported that
anxiety continues to be the most common problem (62.7% of 82,685
respondents) among students who completed the Counseling Center
Assessment of Psychological Symptoms, with clinicians also reporting that
anxiety continues to be the most common diagnosis of the students that seek
services at university counseling centers. Consistent with the national trend,
Texas A&M University has seen a rise in the number of students seeking
services for anxiety disorders over the past 8 years. In 2018, slightly over 50% of
students reported anxiety as the main reason for seeking services. Despite the
increasing need for mental health care services at postsecondary institutions,
alarmingly, only a small portion of students committing suicide contact their
institution counseling centers, perhaps due to the stigma associated with mental
health. Such negative stigma surrounding mental health diagnosis and care has
been found to correlate with a reduction in adherence to treatment and even
early termination of treatment. ( Journal of Medical Internet Research,2020).

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into focus the mental health of
various affected populations. It is known that the prevalence of epidemics
accentuates or creates new stressors including fear and worry for oneself or
loved ones, constraints on physical movement and social activities due to
quarantine, and sudden and radical lifestyle changes. A recent review of virus
outbreaks and pandemics documented stressors such as infection fears,
frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate information, financial loss,
and stigma. Much of the current literature on psychological impacts of COVID-19
has emerged from the earliest hot spots in China. Although several studies have
assessed mental health issues during epidemics, most have focused on health
workers, patients, children, and the general population. (Journal of Medical
Internet Research,2020)

The outbreak of COVID-19 can be regarded as a mental health

catastrophe. In contrast to common life stressors, the COVID-19 epidemic
represents an acute, large-scale, and uncontrollable stressor. Generally,
psychosocial responses to such stressors are varied and include feelings of
anxiety, shame, personal and social failure, or weakness. (Verghese, 2020)

Students are particularly vulnerable to mental health problems, as a study

before the COVID-19 pandemic showed. Among variables related to mental
health were older age and female sex, although the relationship was relatively
modest. Therefore, it was assumed that mental health disorder symptoms were
widely distributed in the general student population. The prevalence of
depression and anxiety was 29% and 21%, respectively, among medical
students. Among Turkish students, 43.5% presented moderate to high anxiety,
18.6% moderate to high depression, and 30.9% moderate to high stress levels.
The prevalence of moderate and severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and
stress was respectively 29.5%, 50.3%, and 39.9% among final-year Turkish
students before the pandemic. Turkish female students had higher depression,
anxiety, and stress levels compared to male students. The impact of the COVID-
19 pandemic on mental health and education is expected to be highly noticeable.
A comparison of students’ mental health before and during the pandemic showed
significant deterioration in aspects of depression, anxiety, and perceived stress,
with female students being more vulnerable to decreased mental health
compared to male students. Most of the students indicated increased perceived
stress and anxiety due to the pandemic. Additionally, a Turkish study showed
that students experienced higher levels of anxiety, depression, and perceived
stress during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period.

Students’ mental health has been rising concern with a significant number
of students experiencing psychological distress. Mental health issues can
significantly impair students’ academic success and social interactions affecting
their future career and personal opportunities. The rapid spread of COVID-19
and social distancing measures imposed across the country are expected to
further affect the mental health of the population, including college students.
Several studies have examined the psychological impact of the pandemic on the
general public, health care workers, or older adults. These surveys revealed
greater concerns about social isolation, and increased stress, anxiety, and
depression among respondents. Interestingly, a study of Chinese general public.
Also reported that exposure to accurate content of health information during the
epidemic was associated with lower stress levels. Conversely, the studies of
previous epidemics show that inaccurate information, particularly prevalent in
online discussion boards or social media, was associated with anxiety and fear.
Accurate information, knowledge and perceptions of risk can contribute to
behavioral changes, such as social distancing, which is currently one of the few
ways to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The current evidence also shows that
taking prescribed precautionary measures (i.e. hand hygiene, mask wearing) to
prevent the spread of COVID-19 may reduce negative psychological impacts by
providing a sense of security to those engaging in these preventative actions.
While many colleges and universities provide students with information related to
COVID-19 from reliable sources, there is a high potential for misinformation and
disinformation to spread through online sources and social media often used by
young adults further contributing to stress, anxiety and depression among
students .(Kecojevi,2020).

COVID-19 poses a real threat to physical and emotional health. Indeed,

previous research on viruses shows that pandemic situations exert an emotional
impact on people's levels of stress and resilience. People's fears that they
themselves or those close to them will become ill or will die may generate
psychological effects. Feelings of fear and helplessness together with reports of
shortages in medical supplies are liable to increase stress. For example, during a
flu outbreak about 10–30% of the general public reported major fears of
contracting the disease.5 When schools and shops were closed during the SARS
outbreak, people reported an increase in negative emotions and the level of
psychiatric morbidity also increased.6 Women, older adults, educated individuals,
anxious individuals and those who had symptoms of the virus complied more
strictly with precautionary measures against the virus. Moreover, research that
examined emotional responses to the Ebola virus revealed cases of depression,
anxiety, difficulties in concentration and a sense of grief. (Levkovich,2020)


According to various studies by experts and researchers perceived

emotional stress can cause a lot of damage to ones body. It also affects a
person’s behavior, health and thinking that in result in lowering a students grades
or leading to depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress. The perceived
emotional stress came feeling that are being disregarded, denied, misjudged and
troubling feelings when they of most basis issue. The covid19 crisis has rapidly
become the most significant public health crisis of our times. It has particularly
impacted students due to cancellation of school and having to adjust to online
learning and anxiety about their future, as well as prolonged social isolation. All
these factors has likely led to significant stress and anxiety. The study and
literatures concerning the effect of emotional stress on students academic
performance because it may leads to negative effects. When a student is
perceiving emotional stress, they have a tendency to commit suicide that they
cannot handle their situation.

This chapter presents the methodology of the study. Specifically, it

discussed the research design, research locale, the respondents, the researcher
instrument used in gathering data; the data gathering procedure; and statistical
tools that was used in analyzing the data.
Research Design
This quantitative study used descriptive method as its design. It deals with
the perceived emotional stress among grade 12 humss students of Solano High
School during Coronavirus Pandemic. It used a survey questionnaire to gather
information. This research intends to generalize an in-depth data in terms of the
meaning the respondents present to the researchers. This study used descriptive
statistics to interpret the numerical and statistical value of the gathered data.
Research Locale
This study was conducted at Solano High School located in Barangay
Quirino, Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. It is headed by Victor G. Taleon, School
Principal IV of Solano High School. With the total number of 133 teaching and 14
non-teaching teachers and staff. This school has a total of 3,330 students coming
from different barangays of Solano, Nueva Vizcaya.
The respondents of this study were the grade 12 HUMSS students of
Solano High School. They were being chosen through Stratified Simple Random
Sampling technique meaning the researchers was chosen randomly. HUMSS
Students are 110 was multiplied by 5% to get the total number of the
respondents. Entirely by chance such that each individual has the same
probability of being selected. Where,
n = sample size
Formula: sf= n/N N = total number of students
=55/110 e = margin of error

Table 1. Distribution of the Grade 12 HUMSS students according to section
Plato 70 35
Socrates 20 10
Aristotle 20 10
Total: N= 110 N= 55
Research Instrument

The research tool used in this study is a questionnaire made by the

researchers and checked by the research adviser and validated by experts in the
field. Part I contains the items that seek the profile of the respondents. The
questionnaire that was used in this study was designed to obtain information on
the different stress experienced by Grade 12 HUMSS Student based on levels.
Open-minded questions will be use to give the respondents the opportunity to
give their responses and suggestions. The questionnaire will prepare by the
researcher was develop by reading reference materials and related about the
perceived emotional stress among Grade 12 HUMSS students during covid-19

Data Gathering Procedure

This study was conducted during the first semester of school year 2020-
2021. The following processes and steps were undertaken during the conduct of
this research:
1. The researchers prepared the questionnaire to gather data from the
2. A letter asking permission to conduct the study was presented to the
principal of Solano High School. The researchers asked permission from the
advisers of the Grade 12 HUMSS students to ensure the availability of the
3. The researchers requested the respondents to answer the items in the
4. The researchers administered and retrieved the questionnaire.
5. After gathering all the data, the researchers tallied all the gathered data
6. After analyzing the gathered data, the researchers summarized all the
tallied data and interpreted generally and objectively.
7. After interpreting, the researchers made the conclusions and
8. The researchers prepared for the oral defense of the research work.
9. The researchers finalized the study incorporating all the
recommendations of the research evaluators.
Data Analysis and Treatment
Responses from the respondents were analyzed and interpreted using
appropriate statistical treatment. Descriptive data analysis such as frequency
distribution, mean and percentage were used to describe responses to the
problem posed in this study.
The data gathered from the respondents were tallied and described using
the descriptive data analysis and the interpretation were based on the
scale utilized.
a. To determine the profile of the respondents, frequency, percentage and
mean were used.
b. To identify the percentage of students whose emotional stress greatly
affects their academic performance.
c. To identify the different stress experienced by students based on levels.
d. To determine the perceived impact of stress on academic performance.
e. To identify the percentage of student who experienced stress amids

Range Description
4.00 to 4.49 Often
3.00 to 3.49 Fairly often
2.00 to 2.49 Sometimes
1.0 o 1.49 Never

Range Description

4.00 to 4.49 Strongly Agree

3.00 to 3.49 Agree

2.00 to 2.49 Disagree

1.0 o 1.49 Strongly Disagree


This chapter presents the gathered data, the results, the statistical
analysis done and interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables
sequenced according to the specific research problem regarding the Quantitative
Analysis on Perceived Emotional Stress among Grade 12 HUMSS students of
Solano High School during Coronavirus Pandemic S.Y. 2020-2021.

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Table 4.1 Distribution of the respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percent Mean

16 2 3.60%
17 18 32.70%
18 20 36.40%
19 9 16.40% 17.78
20 4 7.30%
21 2 3.60%
Total 55 100%

Table 4.1 shows the distribution of the respondents in terms of their age.
The data show that out of the 55 respondents from Grade-12 HUMSS of Solano
High School, there are 20 or 36.40% respondents who are 18 years old, 18 or
32.70% are 17 years old. There are 9 or 16.40% respondents who are 19 years
old, four (4) or 7.30% are 20 years old, and both 16 years old and 21 years old
has the same frequency of 2 or 3.60%. The mean age of the respondents is
17.78 and the majority age is 18.

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Table 4.2 Distribution of the respondents in terms of Gender.

  Frequency Percent
FEMALE 38 69.1%
MALE 17 30.9%
Total 55 100%

Table 4.2 shows that out of the 55 respondents from Grade 12 HUMSS of
Solano High School, there are 38 or 69.1% female and 17 or 30.9% male
respondents. There are more females than males.

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Section

Table 4.3 Distribution of the respondents in terms of Section

  Frequency Percent
Plato 35 63.6%
Socrates 10 18.2%
Aristotle 10 18.2%
Total 55 100%

Table 4.3 shows that out of the 55 respondents from Grade 12 HUMSS of
Solano High School, there are 35 or 63.6% Plato. Both Socrates and Aristotle
has the same frequency of 10 or 18.2% respondents. There are more responses
in Plato than Aristotle and Socrates.

Table 4.4 What type of emotional stress do you encounter during this
Frequency Percent
(55) (100%)
1.      irritation 32 58.2%
2.      depression 20 36.4%
3.      frustration (upset) 31 56.4%
4.      fears 20 36.4%
5. failure 23 41.8%
6. anger 15 27.3%
7. anxiety 32 58.2%
8. sadness 41 74.5%
9. losing control 23 41.8%
Table 4.4 shows that out of the 55 respondents from Grade 12 HUMSS
Senior High School of Solano High School, there are 41 or 74.5% of them whose
experienced sadness, both irritation and anxiety has the same frequency of 32 or
58.2% respondents. There are 31 or 56.4% of them whose experienced
frustration, both failure and losing control has the same frequency of 23 or 41.8%
respondents, also depression and fears has the same frequency of 20 or 36.4%
respondents, there are 15 or 27.3% of them whose experienced anger during this
pandemic. Therefore, sadness is most likely encounter during this pandemic.

Table 4.5 Perceived Emotional Stress Scale

QUESTION Often Fairly Sometimes Never Mean Verbal

(4) Often (2) (1) Satisfaction
1.In the last 16 19 19 1 3.2 Fairly often
month, how
often have you
been upset
because of
something that
2.In the last 14 23 15 3 2.8 Fairly often
month, how
often have you
felt that you
were unable to
control the
important things
in your life?
3.In the last 15 27 12 1 3.0 Fairly often
month, how
often have you
felt nervous and
4.In the last 9 33 12 1 2.9 Fairly often
month, how
often have you
felt confident
about your
ability to handle
your personal
5.In the last 13 23 17 2 2.8 Fairly often
month, how
often have you
felt that things
were going your
6.In the last 6 28 18 3 2.6 Fairly often
month, how
often have you
found that you
could not cope
with all the
things that you
had to do?
Weighted 2.9 Fairly often

The table 4.5 shows the perceived emotional stress scale of the
respondents. For the question number 1 got the highest average of 3.2 with
quantitative description of Fairly Often and least of the respondents choice is the
question number 6 that has a weighted mean of 2.6 with quantitative description
of Fairly Often. In conclusion, the weighted average of the perceived emotional
stress scale of the students with an overall weighted mean of 2.9 reveals with
quantitative description of Fairly Often.
Table 4.6 Negative Impact of Perceived Emotional Stress

QUESTION Strongly Agre Disagree Strongly Mean Verbal

Agree e (3) (2) Disagree Satisfaction
(4) (1)
1.I have trouble 26 14 15 0 3.2 Agree
sleeping or falling
to asleep
2.I am easily 18 18 18 1 2.9 Agree
agitated or
3.I no longer enjoy 12 17 21 5 2.6 Agree
the things I used
to enjoy
4.Changes in 14 21 18 2 2.8 Agree
appetite-either not
eating or eating
too much
5.Result to having 12 21 19 3 2.7 Agree
poor quality of
6.Feeling bad 19 18 17 1 3.O Agree
about yourself
(low self-esteem,
lonely etc.)
7.Feeling 16 13 21 5 2.7 Agree
overwhelmed, like
you are losing
control or need to
take control
8.Having difficulty 17 21 16 1 2.9 Agree
relaxing and
quieting your mind
9. Can lead to 12 22 14 7 2.7 Agree
10.Having a 13 15 18 9 2.6 Agree
mental disorder
(panic, phobias,
Weighted 2.8 Agree

As seen in the data presented in Table 4.6, there are 10 negative impact
of perceived emotional stress. “I have trouble sleeping or falling to asleep” got
the highest average of 3.2 with quantitative description of Agree and least of the
respondents choice is “I no longer enjoy the things I used to enjoy” and “Having a
mental disorder (panic, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder)”, both has a
weighted mean of 2.6 with quantitative description of Agree. In conclusion, the
weighted average of the negative impact of perceived emotional stress of the
students with an overall weighted mean of 2.8 reveals with quantitative
description of Agree.
This finds support from the study of (Noland et al.), found that 42% of
12th Grade students report that stress is an impediment to good sleep, in 384
students surveyed.
Table 4.7 Ways to prevent perceived emotional stress

QUESTION Strongly Agre Disagree Strongly Mea Verbal

Agree e (3) (2) Disagree n Satisfaction
(4) (1)
1. Squeeze a stress 9 21 14 11 2.5 Agree
2.Take a nap 21 18 12 4 3.0 Agree
3.Establish a steady 11 25 18 1 2.8 Agree
4.Reframe problems 21 23 11 0 3.1 Agree
to a more positive
5.Learn adapt and 25 21 9 0 3.2 Agree
6.Having time 25 19 10 1 3.2 Agree
7.Stay focused avoid 19 21 14 1 3.0 Agree
distractions (gadgets
8. Reach out to 17 20 14 4 2.9 Agree
9.If you can’t stand 25 17 11 2 3.1 Agree
schoolwork find other
motivations (friends in
school etc.)
10.Seek guidance of 7 19 17 12 2.3 Disagree
a counselor
Weighte 2.9 Agree

The data presented in Table 4.7, there are 10 ways to prevent perceived
emotional stress. “Learn adapt and accept” and “Having time management” got
the highest average of 3.2 with quantitative description of Agree and least of the
respondents choice is “Seek guidance of a counselor”, that has a weighted mean
of 2.3 with quantitative description of Disagree. In conclusion, the weighted
average of ways to prevent perceived emotional stress of the students with an
overall weighted mean of 2.9 reveals with quantitative description of Agree.

The research study entitled “A Quantitative Analysis on Perceived

Emotional Stress among Grade 12 HUMSS Students of Solano High School
during Corona Virus Pandemic” after 2 months of doing this research, the result
are as follows:

The World Health Organization (WHO) defined pandemic as the spread of
a certain disease worldwide or across international borders, affecting a large
number of people. Corona virus is a newly discovered coronavirus that spreads
from one person to another through droplets. To our knowledge, there are
currently no studies that have assessed stress among students during the
quarantine related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to explore
the perceived stress level among students due to the Covid-19 pandemic
outbreak and the resulting suspension of in person teaching.
This research used descriptive as its design. This study was conducted at
Solano High School located in Barangay Quirino, Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. It is
headed by Victor G. Taleon, School Principal IV of Solano High School. With the
total number of 133 teaching and 14 non-teaching teachers and staff. This school
has a total of 3,330 students coming from different barangays of Solano, Nueva
Vizcaya. This study was conducted during the first semester of school year 2020-
2021 among the grade 12 learners of Solano High School who are enrolled in
HUMSS Strand chosen through utilizing Stratified Simple Random Sampling
technique meaning the researchers was choosing an individual randomly using
Slovin’s Formula. The research tool used in this study is a questionnaire made by
the researchers. Responses from the respondents were analyzed and interpreted
using appropriate statistical treatment.

The study led the researchers to the following findings:

1. The mean age of the respondents is 17.78 and most of them are female.
2. There are more responses in Plato than Aristotle and Socrates.
3. Based on the emotional stress that encounter during this pandemic is
4. Based on the negative impact of perceived emotional stress of the
students with an overall weighted mean of 2.8 reveals with quantitative
description of Agree.
5. Based on ways to prevent perceived emotional stress of the students with
an overall weighted mean of 2.9 reveals with quantitative description of

Based on the data gathered, the researchers confirmed that most of the
Grade 12 humss students of Solano High School are mostly 18 years old and
females out numbered the males in Senior High.
Based on the result, majority of the respondents choose sadness as the
type of emotional stress that they encounter during this pandemic. The weighted
average of the perceived emotional stress scale of the Grade 12 humss students
with an overall weighted mean of 2.9 reveals with quantitative description of
Fairly Often. The weighted average of the negative impact of perceived
emotional stress of the students with an overall weighted mean of 2.8 reveals
with quantitative description of Agree. Learn to adapt and accept and having a
time management are the ways to prevent perceived emotional stress.
The researchers conclude that the perceived emotional stress among the
Grade 12 HUMSS students of Solano High School is sadness.
This study revealed the possible effects of perceived emotional stress
among grade 12 HUMSS students. Thus, the following recommendations are
1. Based on the findings of the research that most students choose sadness
as the type of emotional stress that they encounter during this pandemic, it
is important to equip would be senior high school humss students with
enough information about the negative impact of perceived emotional
stress . The reference paper that will be produced will serve this purpose.
2. Online stress management programs are recommended to improve
emotional stress and coping strategies, as well as prevent further
psychological consequences.
3. The conduct of a similar study is recommended in order to validate the
result of this research.

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