DBQ Practice Wwi

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Data-based Questions Practice – First World War

Name: Class: Marks: /9

Alliance System
1. Study Source A.

The following passage is adapted from a commentary.
It only took Britain more than five years to turn the two most threatening enemies
into its friends. However, the serious consequence of abandoning the ‘splendid
isolation’ policy was the loss of strategic freedom and initiative. The joining of
Britain greatly strengthened the Franco-Russian Entente and stimulated the war
ambitions of France and Russia. At the same time, the British alliance deepened
the strategic suspicion between Britain and Germany, leading to the First World
(a) Identify the ‘British alliance’ mentioned in Source A. Cite one clue from Source A
to support your answer. (2 marks)
‘British alliance’ mentioned in Source A means ________________________.

According to Source A, Britain greatly


__________________________________________________. This shows that Britain

formed alliance with France and Russia, and the alliance was ___________________.

(b) Describe the change (before + after) of the Anglo-Russian relations from 1878 to
1914 with reference to Source A. (3 marks)

From 1878 to 1907, Britain was in a ___________________ relationship with Russia.

According to Source A, Russia was a _________________________ of Britain. This shows

the original hostile relationship between Britain and Russia.


In 1907, Britain joined the ___________________ with France and Russia, which solved the

hostile relationship with both countries. According to Source A, Britain


__________________________________. It shows that Anglo-Russian relation changed

Data-based Questions Practice – First World War

from hostile to ___________________.

(c) ‘Alliance system primarily led to the outbreak of the WWI.’ Do you agree?

Explain your answer with reference to Source A and using your own knowledge.
(4 marks)
Primarily = for the most part; mainly

According to Source A, __________________________________________________

________________________________________. This shows the alliance system contributed

to _______________________________.

According to my own knowledge,





(According to my own knowledge,





Data-based Questions Practice – First World War

Name: Class: Marks: /9

Extreme Nationalism
1. Study Source A.

The following passage is adapted from a commentary.
With the development of the second industrial revolution, the Prussian German
economy after the reunification quickly rose. By the end of the 19th century,
Germany's economic strength had surpassed France and became the number one
economic power on the European continent. Germany at this time could be said to
be head high and arrogant, but as a long-overdue character, looking around, it
found that it no longer had its place in the feast that divided Europe and the world.
In 1897, German Minister of Foreign Affairs Billow declared, ‘The era of letting this
neighbouring country or that neighbouring country divide the continents and
oceans while we ourselves are content to appreciate the blue sky is gone.’

(a) What was the attitude of the author of Source A towards Germany? Explain your
answer with reference to Source A in terms of language and arguments.
(4 marks)

(b) ‘The First World War was primarily caused by the miscalculation of the European
powers.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer with reference to Source A and using
your own knowledge. (5 marks)
Data-based Questions Practice – First World War

Name: Class: Marks: /14

Armaments Race
1. Study Sources A and B.

The following table shows the naval strength of the European powers in 1914.

The following is adapted from a history book.
The outbreak of the war (First World War) made the High Seas Fleet face the
awkward situation of a decisive battle with the Royal Navy, but Germany could
only rely on its lack of quantitative advantages to defend its maritime transport
safety. The disadvantages of Germany’s geographic strategy were fully exposed.
Jutland divided the German territorial waters into two. Whether the German Navy
was based in the North Sea or the Baltic Sea, the Royal Navy could easily block
German ships from the British Isles. Therefore, this powerful fleet had become a
veritable "existence fleet" in the long four years.

(a) Compare the naval strength of Britain and Germany with reference to Source A.
(3 marks)

(b) Does the author of Source B agree with your answer in (a)? Explain your answer
with reference to Source B. (4 marks)

(c) To what extent was the First World War triggered by the tension among the
Data-based Questions Practice – First World War

European powers? Explain your answer with reference to Sources A and B, and
using your own knowledge. (7 marks)
Name: Class: Marks: /13
Economic and colonial conflicts
1. Study Sources A and B.

The following cartoon is adopted in a German magazine published in 1905. The title
of the cartoon is ‘English-French fleet festival’.

The following passage is adopted in a commentary written by a particular historian.
In 1905, William II's remarks on guaranteeing the independence and integrity of
Morocco were clearly aimed at France, which brought about great changes in
international relations again. For example, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs
advocated the development of an alliance with Britain but this decision was
opposed by Congress, and Germany also insisted on convening an international
conference on this issue. Under these circumstances, the French government
could only make concessions to Germany in this regard, which was the Algeciras

a. What is the main message of the cartoon? Explain your answer with reference to
Source A. (3 marks)

b. Does the writer of Source B agree with the view of Source A’s cartoonist? Explain
your answer with reference to Source B. (4 marks)
Data-based Questions Practice – First World War

c. How useful are Sources A and B in helping you understand how extreme
nationalism led to the outbreak of the WWI? Explain your answer with reference
Sources A and B, and using your own knowledge. (6 marks)

Name: Class: Marks: /17

Causes of the First World War
1. Study Sources A, B and C.

The following cartoon was published in the 1880s.

The following cartoon was published in Britain, titled ‘The bone of contention’.
Data-based Questions Practice – First World War

The following text is adopted in the letter written by the German Chancellor
Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg to the Austrian ambassador in Berlin.
Finally, as far as concerns Serbia, His Majesty (Kaiser), of course, cannot interfere in
the dispute now going on between Austria-Hungary and that country, as it is a
matter not within his competence. The Emperor Francis Joseph may, however, rest
assured that His Majesty will faithfully stand by Austria-Hungary, as is required by
the obligations of his alliance and of his ancient friendship.
(a) Identify the alliance reflected in Source A. Cite one clue from Source A to explain
your answer. (2 marks)

(b) What is the cartoonist’s attitude towards the Austro-Serbian territorial conflicts?
Explain your answer with reference to Source B. (3 marks)

(c) Identify ‘that country’ in Source C. What kind of assistance did Kaiser give
Austria? Explain your answer with reference to your own knowledge.
(4 marks)

(d) Did Sources A, B and C adequately reflect the importance of extreme nationalism
in leading to the outbreak of the First World War? Explain your answer with
reference to Sources A, B and C and using your own knowledge. (8 marks)

Causes of the First World War

2. Study Sources D, E and F.

The following cartoon was published in 1898.

The following
was published
in 1899.

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