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Use of the CHA2DS2-VASc and HAS-BLED Scores to Aid Decision Making for

Thromboprophylaxis in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation

Deirdre A. Lane and Gregory Y.H. Lip

Circulation. 2012;126:860-865
doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.111.060061
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Use of the CHA2DS2-VASc and HAS-BLED Scores to Aid

Decision Making for Thromboprophylaxis in Nonvalvular
Atrial Fibrillation
Deirdre A. Lane, PhD; Gregory Y.H. Lip, MD

A 65-year-old woman with a his-

tory of myocardial infarction pre-
sented to the emergency department
AF is heterogeneous and depends on
the presence of various stroke risk
Table 1. Risks Factors for Stroke in
Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Patients
Previous stroke
with palpitations. ECG on admission Numerous stroke risk stratification Transient ischemic attack
documented atrial fibrillation (AF), schemas have been developed on the
Previous thromboembolism
which subsequently reverted spontane- basis of risk factors identified from
ously to sinus rhythm. Echocardio- nonwarfarin arms of clinical trials, co-
gram revealed mild systolic impair- hort studies, and consensus expert pan- Hypertension
ment, normal left atrial size, and els. These schemas vary in their com- Heart failure
normal valves. Thyroid function tests plexity and the number of risk factors Diabetes mellitus
were normal. She returned to the out- they include and have conventionally Female sex
patient clinic 4 weeks later with a categorized AF patients into low, mod- Vascular disease
history of intermittent palpitations. Her erate, and high risk. Traditionally, Coronary or peripheral artery disease
average clinic blood pressure was 140/ guidelines have recommended aspirin
85 mm Hg, and the 30-day cardiac or antiplatelet therapy for those at low
loop monitor demonstrated AF, which risk of stroke and oral anticoagulation Heart Failure, Hypertension, Age ⱖ75
coincided with diary entries of symp- (OAC) for those at high risk, whereas Years, Diabetes Mellitus [1 point for
toms of palpitations. What is the most individuals at moderate risk have the presence of each], and Stroke/TIA [2
appropriate stroke prophylaxis for this option of receiving either aspirin or points]; scores range from 0 to 6) was
patient, given her new-onset AF? oral anticoagulation. To determine the derived from the risk factors obtained
AF increases the risk of stroke most appropriate antithrombotic ther- from the original (now historical) data
5-fold, and anticoagulant therapy re- apy for each patient, the individual risk sets from the AF Investigators and the
duces the risk of stroke and all-cause of stroke should be assessed. Stroke Prevention in AF 1 trial. Of
mortality.1,2 Consequently, clinical Systematic reviews3–5 demonstrate note, the historical trials randomized
guidelines recommend stroke throm- that the main risk factors for stroke in ⬍10% of the patients who were
boprophylaxis among AF patients un- patients with AF are previous stroke or screened, and many risk factors were
less they are at low risk; low-risk transient ischemic attack, increasing inconsistently defined or systemati-
patients are defined as those with age age, hypertension, heart failure, and cally recorded.
⬍65 years and lone AF.1,2 Indeed, the diabetes mellitus (Table 1). The widely Over the last decade, major devel-
risk of stroke among patients with used CHADS2 score6 (Congestive opments have led to significant

From the University of Birmingham Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences, City Hospital, Birmingham, UK.
Correspondence to Gregory Y.H. Lip, MD, University of Birmingham Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences, City Hospital, Dudley Rd, Birmingham, B18
7QH, UK. E-mail
(Circulation. 2012;126:860-865.)
© 2012 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.111.060061

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changes in the antithrombotic manage- Table 2. Assessment of Stroke (CHA2DS2-VASc)14 and Bleeding Risk (HAS-BLED)15 in
ment of patients with AF. First, new Atrial Fibrillation Patients
data have emerged on what were pre- CHA2DS2-VASc Score HAS-BLED Score
viously referred to as less well vali-
Congestive heart failure 1 Hypertension (systolic blood pressure ⬎160 mm Hg) 1
dated risk factors for stroke, namely
Hypertension 1 Abnormal renal and liver function* (1 point each) 1 or 2
female sex, age of 65 to 74 years, and
vascular disease.7,8 Second, cohort Age ⱖ75 y 2 Stroke 1
studies have demonstrated the benefit Diabetes mellitus 1 Bleeding tendency/predisposition* 1
of OAC over aspirin in terms of stroke Stroke/TIA/TE 2 Labile INRs (if on warfarin)* 1
reduction and mortality, even in pa- Vascular disease (prior MI, 1 Elderly (eg, age ⬎65 y) 1
tients at so-called moderate risk (eg, PAD, or aortic plaque) Drugs or alcohol (1 point each)* 1 or 2
CHADS2 score of 1).1 Third, the ben- Aged 65 to 74 y 1
efit of aspirin for stroke prophylaxis in Sex category (ie, female sex) 1
AF has been questioned.9 Finally, 3 Maximum score 9 Maximum score 9
large randomized, controlled trials of
TIA indicates transient ischemic attack; TE, thromboembolic; INR, international normalized ratio; MI,
novel OAC drugs have demonstrated myocardial infarction; and PAD, peripheral artery disease. CHA2DS2-VASc score of 0: recommend no
noninferiority—in some cases, superi- antithrombotic therapy. CHA2DS2-VASc score of 1: recommend antithrombotic therapy with oral anticoag-
ority— compared with warfarin in ulation or antiplatelet therapy but preferably oral anticoagulation. CHA2DS2-VASc score ⱖ2: recommend oral
terms of both efficacy and safety. anticoagulation.2 A HAS-BLED score of ⱖ3 indicates that caution is warranted when prescribing oral
Given that stroke risk in AF is a anticoagulation and regular review is recommended.2
*Abnormal renal function is classified as the presence of chronic dialysis, renal transplantation, or serum
continuum, a risk factor– based ap-
creatinine ⱖ200 mmol/L. Abnormal liver function is defined as chronic hepatic disease (eg, cirrhosis) or
proach to risk assessment has resulted biochemical evidence of significant hepatic derangement (bilirubin 2 to 3 times the upper limit of normal,
in a paradigm shift that now focuses on in association with aspartate aminotransferase/alanine aminotransferase/alkaline phosphatase 3 times the
better identification of truly low-risk upper limit normal, etc), history of bleeding or predisposition (anemia), labile INR (ie, time in therapeutic
patients who do not need any anti- range ⬍60%), concomitant antiplatelets or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or excess alcohol.
thrombotic therapy, whereas those
with ⱖ1 stroke risk factors can be Real-world cohort data have pro- In the original validation, CHA2DS2-
considered for effective stroke preven- vided further information to inform VASc was compared with 7 other con-
tion therapy, which is essentially stroke risk. Indeed, the independent temporary stroke risk stratification
OAC, whether with well-controlled predictive value of female sex, age of schemas in 1084 patients in the Euro
dose-adjusted warfarin or one of the 65 to 74 years, and vascular disease is Heart Survey on AF and demonstrated
new agents. now evident from numerous cohorts.7,8 reasonable predictive ability for high-
In addition, a history of heart failure risk patients but was good at identify-
Use of CHA2DS2-VASc to (the C in CHADS2) is not a consistent ing low-risk patients and categorizing
Assess Stroke Risk stroke risk factor,3,7 whereas moderate few patients into the moderate-risk cat-
Although simple, the CHADS2 score to severe systolic impairment is an egory.14 The CHA2DS2-VASc schema
does not include many common stroke independent risk factor.13 has subsequently been validated in nu-
risk factors, and its limitations have Given the need to be more inclusive merous AF populations, most com-
recently been highlighted.10,11 Even of common stroke risk factors, the monly compared with CHADS2.7,16
patients classified as low risk by CHA2DS2-VASc score14 has been pro- All studies have confirmed the ability of
CHADS2 in its original validation posed (Table 2), with scores ranging CHA2DS2-VASc to reliably identify
study have a stroke rate of 1.9%/y,6 from 0 to 9. CHA2DS2-VASc ac- ‘truly low risk’ patients, who could be
which is close to the criterion of a knowledges the importance of age managed with no antithrombotic ther-
cardiovascular event rate of 20% over ⱖ75 years as having additional weight apy, as well as to predict stroke and
10 years for primary prevention strat- as a single risk factor for stroke (de- thromboembolism in high risk patients
egies (eg, the use of statins). A recent noted by a score of 2 points) and with AF, although the C statistic var-
analysis also confirms that patients indicates that age is not a yes-no phe- ies, depending on the cohort used.
with a CHADS2 score of 0 were not all nomenon because risk of stroke in- Patients who are ⬍65 years of age
low risk, and anticoagulation decisions creases with age, particularly from 65 with lone AF (strictly defined, irre-
based simply on a CHADS2 score of 0 years of age on.5,7 CHA2DS2-VASc spective of sex) have very low abso-
(the category recommended to have no also incorporates vascular disease, in- lute stroke risk, and the purpose of the
antithrombotic therapy or aspirin in cluding myocardial infarction, aortic CHA2DS2-VASc schema is to aid in
some guidelines) may be insufficient plaque, and peripheral vascular dis- the identification of those other com-
to avoid stroke/thromboembolism in ease, and recognizes the increased risk monly encountered AF patients in clin-
patients with AF.12 of stroke among women with AF.7 ical practice (ie, other than those ⬍65
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862 Circulation August 14, 2012

years of age and with lone AF) who platelet therapy, and only about one Table 3. Risk Factors for Bleeding on
are truly low risk (CHA2DS2-VASc quarter of the 39% receiving warfarin Oral Anticoagulation
score of 0)17,18 who may reasonably be (10%) achieved therapeutic interna- Patient-related factors
considered for no antithrombotic treat- tional normalized ratio levels. 20
ment. All other AF patients, those with Greater efforts among physicians to
History of bleeding
a CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score of ⱖ1, prescribe OAC appropriately and to
Previous stroke
should be considered for stroke pre- monitor antithrombotic therapy are
vention, which is essentially treatment needed if we want to reduce the inci- Anemia
with OAC. One validation of dence of stroke in AF patients and Genetic factors
CHA2DS2-VASc and CHADS2 in a prevent the burdensome consequences Sex
Danish nationwide cohort of 73 538 of stroke for patients and their families. Uncontrolled hypertension
AF patients not receiving vitamin K Overestimation of the risk of Renal insufficiency
antagonists (eg, warfarin) demon- bleeding by physicians is a key bar- Hepatic dysfunction
strated that CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc per- rier to OAC prescription,21 particu-
formed better than CHADS2 (C statis- larly among elderly patients, in whom
OAC treatment-related factors*
tic, 0.888 [95% confidence interval, aspirin is perceived as a safe and via-
0.875– 0.900] and 0.812 [95% confi- ble alternative. However, a patient- Inception vs OAC experience
dence interval, 0.796 – 0.827], respec- level data analysis of 12 trials compris- Adherence
tively) in predicting the risk of stroke ing almost 9000 patients that assessed Intensity of anticoagulation (INR)*
and thromboembolism.16 the effect of antithrombotic therapy on Time in therapeutic range*
Another analysis demonstrated that stroke prevention, serious hemorrhage, Dietary intake of vitamin K*
patients with a CHADS2 score of 0 were and vascular events demonstrated Management of OAC (self-monitoring,
not all low risk when further categorized that although the risk of all these dedicated OAC clinic, usual care)*
with the CHA2DS2-VASc score, with outcomes was greater with increasing Concomitant medications/alcohol
1-year stroke/thromboembolism event age, OAC remained significantly pro- Antiplatelet drugs
rates ranging from 0.84 (CHA2DS2- tective against ischemic stroke regard-
VASc score⫽0) to 1.75 (CHA2DS2- less of the patient’s age.22 The relative
Other medications affecting OAC intensity
VASc score⫽1), 2.69 (CHA2DS2-VASc benefit of antiplatelet therapy for pro-
score⫽2), and 3.2 (CHA2DS2-VASc tection against ischemic stroke de- Excessive alcohol intake
score⫽3).12 As mentioned, OAC deci- creased significantly as age increased, OAC indicates oral anticoagulants; INR, inter-
sions based simply on a CHADS2 score whereas the absolute benefit for OAC national normalized ratio; and NSAIDs, nonsteroi-
dal antiinflammatory drugs.
of 0 to 1 (as in some guidelines or increased as the patients aged.22 The
*Applicable to vitamin K antagonist therapy
prescribing standards) may lead to many risk of serious hemorrhage was rela- only.
AF patients being provided suboptimal tively low, and although it increased
thromboprophylaxis and being at sub- slightly with age, there was no signif-
simple bleeding risk tools. A new
stantial risk of stroke. icant difference in hemorrhage rates
between patients on aspirin and those bleeding risk score, known by the ac-
Why Is It Important to Risk on warfarin.22 Thus, aspirin is not safer ronym HAS-BLED15 (Table 2), is one
of a number of bleeding risk tools
Stratify AF Patients? than warfarin in elderly people, but it
is substantially less effective. currently available to assess AF pa-
Despite the abundant evidence in favor
of OAC for stroke prevention, a recent tients (Table 4).
systematic review19 investigating the Bleeding Risk With
current treatment practice for stroke Antithrombotic Therapy Use of HAS-BLED to Assess
prevention in eligible AF patients re- Many risk factors for stroke are also Bleeding Risk in AF Patients
vealed ongoing underuse of OAC risk factors for bleeding on OAC23 (see The acronym HAS-BLED represents
treatment (defined as ⬍70% of eligible Table 3). Integral to the decision about each of the bleeding risk factors and
patients receiving OAC), particularly whether to anticoagulate an AF patient assigns 1 point for the presence of each
among those patients at highest risk is the assessment of bleeding risk, of the following: hypertension (uncon-
(ie, those with a previous stroke/tran- which must be undertaken on an indi- trolled systolic blood pressure ⬎160
sient ischemic attack). Another review vidual basis. Until fairly recently, for- mm Hg), abnormal renal and/or liver
of antithrombotic therapy in high-risk mal assessment of bleeding risk before function, previous stroke, bleeding
AF patients before admission for the initiation of stroke thromboprophy- history or predisposition, labile inter-
stroke revealed that 29% of patients laxis for AF patients was not recom- national normalized ratios, elderly,
were not receiving any antithrombotic mended in clinical guidelines, attribut- and concomitant drugs and/or alcohol
therapy, 31% were prescribed anti- able in part to the paucity of validated excess.15 The HAS-BLED scores range
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Table 4. Bleeding Risk Stratification Schemas

Bleeding Risk

Authors Low Moderate High Calculation of Bleeding Risk Score

Beyth et al, 1998
28 0 1–2 ⱖ3 OBRI: age ⱖ65 y, GI bleed in last 2 wk, previous stroke, comorbidities
(recent MI, Hct ⬍30%, diabetes mellitus, creatinine ⬎1.5 mL/L);
1 point for presence of each, 0 if absent
Kuijer et al,27 1999 0 1–3 ⬎3 (1.6⫻age)⫹(1.3⫻sex)⫹(2.2⫻malignancy); 1 point for age ⱖ60 y,
female, or malignancy, 0 if absent
Gage et al,26 2006 0–1 2–3 ⱖ4 HEMORR2HAGES: liver/renal disease, alcohol abuse, malignancy, age
⬎75 y, low platelet count/function, rebleeding risk, uncontrolled
hypertension, anemia, genetic factors (eg, CYP2C9), risk of falls or
stroke; 1 point for each, 2 points for previous bleed
Shireman et al,25 2006 ⱕ1.07 ⬎1.07–⬍2.19 ⱖ2.19 (0.49⫻age ⬎70 y)⫹(0.32⫻female)⫹(0.58⫻remote
bleed)⫹(0.62⫻recent bleed)⫹(0.71⫻alcohol/drug
abuse)⫹(0.27⫻diabetes mellitus)⫹(0.86⫻anemia)⫹(0.32⫻antiplatelet
drug use); 1 point for presence of each, 0 if absent
Pisters et al,15 2010 0 1–2 ⱖ3 HAS-BLED: uncontrolled hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function
(1 point each), stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile INR,
elderly, concomitant drugs/alcohol excess (1 point each)
Fang et al,24 2011 0–3 4 5–10 ATRIA: anemia (3 points), severe renal disease (eg, glomerular filtration
rate ⱕ30 mL/min or dialysis dependent, 3 points), age ⬎75 y
(2 points), prior bleeding (1 point), and hypertension (1 point)
ATRIA indicates Anticoagulation and Risk Factors in Atrial Fibrillation; INR, international normalized ratio; OBRI, Outpatient Bleeding Risk Index; GI, gastrointestinal;
MI, myocardial infarction; and Hct, hematocrit.

from 0 to 9, with scores of ⱖ3 indicating clinical information that is routinely fully informed of the risks and benefits
high risk of bleeding, for which caution available before therapy is initiated (with of OAC therapy to enable them to
and regular review of the patient are the exception of international normal- make an informed decision about treat-
recommended. In the original validation ized ratio values), thereby making it ment and to be aware of the potential
in the Euro Heart Survey,15 the predic- more clinically applicable. consequences of their decision.
tive accuracy of the HAS-BLED score HAS-BLED should not be used on
was compared against another bleeding its own to exclude patients from OAC Net Clinical Benefit of OAC:
risk score, HEMORR2HAGES,26 and re- therapy; it allows the clinician to iden- Warfarin and Novel
vealed similar C statistics of 0.72 and tify bleeding risk factors and to correct OAC Agents
0.66, respectively, for the overall valida- those that are modifiable, ie, by con- When making treatment decisions
tion cohort. In analyses among those trolling blood pressure, removing con- about stroke thromboprophylaxis, you
patients receiving no antithrombotic comitant antiplatelet or nonsteroidal must balance the benefits of treatment
therapy or antiplatelet therapy, HAS- antiinflammatory drugs, and coun- (ie, stroke prevention) with minimiz-
BLED demonstrated better accuracy at seling the patient about reducing al- ing the risk of serious bleeding com-
predicting the risk of major bleeding cohol intake (if excessive). Thus, plications (ie, intracranial hemorrhage)
(with C statistics of 0.85 and 0.91, re- bleeding risk assessment with HAS- associated with such therapy in assess-
spectively). The HAS-BLED score has BLED should not be used as an excuse ing the net clinical benefit.
also been validated in several different not to prescribe OAC but rather to A recent analysis was undertaken of
cohorts, including large real-world and highlight those patients in whom cau- the net clinical benefit (balancing is-
clinical trial populations, as recently re- tion with such treatment and regular chemic stroke and intracranial hemor-
viewed in a comprehensive European review is warranted. rhage) of vitamin K antagonist in a
consensus document.23 Overall, HAS- real-world nationwide Danish cohort
BLED offers better prediction of bleed- Patients’ Values and of ⬎130 000 people in whom stroke
ing compared with many other bleeding Preferences for Treatment risk was assessed by both CHADS2
risk scores,29,30 although once again the It is also important to consider pa- and CHA2DS2-VASc and bleeding by
predictive accuracy varies, depending on tients’ preferences for antithrombotic HAS-BLED.31 This analysis revealed
the cohort in which it is validated. In therapy because many patients are of- that there was a positive net clinical
addition, the advantage of HAS-BLED ten willing to accept a higher risk of benefit with vitamin K antagonist
over other bleeding risk scores is that it bleeding to avoid a stroke. Education alone in patients with CHADS2 ⱖ1
more user friendly and is made up of is essential because patients need to be and a CHA2DS2-VASc score ⱖ2. The
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864 Circulation August 14, 2012

net clinical benefit with a vitamin K choice of antithrombotic agent and the and therefore making her a candidate
antagonist was higher in patients with management strategy. Discussion of for OAC. We used the latter scoring
a high risk of bleeding (HAS-BLED these risks with the patient is essential, system and initiated OAC.
score ⱖ3). There was a neutral net and regular review of the risk profiles
clinical benefit with CHADS2 score of over the patient’s lifetime/treatment Disclosures
0 and CHA2DS2-VASc score of 1. The course is essential to reduce the likeli- Dr Lane has received research funding
only group in which vitamin K antag- hood of adverse events. and/or honoraria for educational symposia
from Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer Health-
onist was associated a negative net These aspects were highlighted in a care, and Bristol Myers Squibb/Pfizer in
clinical benefit was made up of pa- recent Consensus Conference orga- relation to AF. Dr Lane is also a panelist on
tients with a CHA2DS2-VASc score of nized by the Royal College of Physi- the Ninth Edition of the American College
0, a reflection of their truly low-risk cians of Edinburgh on March 1 to 2, of Chest Physicians Guidelines on Anti-
2012. The key recommendations are thrombotic Therapy. Dr Lip has served as
status. Aspirin alone was not associ-
a consultant for Bayer, Astellas, Merck,
ated with a positive net clinical benefit summarized as follows33: Sanofi, BMS/Pfizer, Daiichi-Sankyo, Biotro-
at any risk strata; therefore, aspirin is nik, Portola, and Boehringer Ingelheim and
● Detection of AF must be improved;
not a good option if we seriously has been on the speakers’ bureau for Bayer,
a national screening program should BMS/Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim, and
intend to prevent stroke in AF.31
be introduced. Sanofi Aventis.
Given the gradual availability of
● Uptake of OAC must be increased,
novel OAC drugs and in the absence of References
and methods of engaging patients in
a head-to-head comparison of these 1. You JJ, Singer DE, Howard PA, Lane DA,
their AF management should be
drugs in clinical trials, a modeling anal- Eckman MH, Fang MC, Hylek EM,
improved. Schulman S, Go AS, Hughes M, Spencer
ysis of the net clinical benefit (based on
● Aspirin should not be used for FA, Manning WJ, Halperin JL, Lip GY.
the risk of ischemic stroke and intracra- Antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation:
stroke prevention in AF.
nial hemorrhage reported in these clini- antithrombotic therapy and prevention of
● In relation to rate and rhythm con-
cal trials) of dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of
trol for AF, relief of symptoms Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical
apixaban undertaken in the nationwide
should be the goal of treatment. Practice Guidelines. Chest. 2012;141:e531S–
Danish cohort32 may help to inform clin- e575S.
ical decision making. In patients with a The Royal College of Physicians of 2. European Heart Rhythm Association; European
CHADS2 score of 0 but with a high risk Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery,
Edinburgh consensus statement31 also Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, Schotten U,
of bleeding, apixaban and dabigatran highlighted that all patients with AF Savelieva I, Ernst S, Van Gelder IC, Al-Attar
had a positive net clinical benefit. In should have a formal stroke risk as- N, Hindricks G, Prendergast B, Heidbuchel
patients with a CHA2DS2-VASc score sessment with a scoring tool such as H, Alfieri O, Angelini A, Atar D, Colonna P,
De Caterina R, De Sutter J, Goette A,
of 1, apixaban and both doses of dabiga- CHA2DS2-VASc. It also states that the Gorenek B, Heldal M, Hohloser SH, Kolh P,
tran (150 and 110 mg twice daily) had a use of the HAS-BLED score can help Le Heuzey JY, Ponikowski P, Rutten FH.
positive net clinical benefit. All 3 novel identify modifiable bleeding risks that Guidelines for the management of atrial
OACs, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and fibrillation: the Task Force for the Man-
need to be addressed but emphasizes agement of Atrial Fibrillation of the
apixaban, appear to offer superior net that it should not be used on its own to European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur
clinical benefit over warfarin in patients exclude patients from OAC therapy. Heart J. 2010;31:2369 –2429.
with a CHADS2 score ⱖ1 or CHA2DS2- 3. Stroke Risk in Atrial Fibrillation Working
Group. Independent predictors of stroke in
VASc score ⱖ2, regardless of bleeding Case Disposition patients with atrial fibrillation: a systematic
risk. When the risks of stroke and bleed- The case study illustrates the implica- review. Neurology. 2007;69:546 –554.
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oxaban, and apixaban appear to have a ification tool on the patient’s treat- Group. Comparison of 12 risk stratification
schemes to predict stroke in patients with
greater net clinical benefit than ment. Her HAS-BLED score is 1 non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Stroke. 2008;
warfarin.32 (because of age of 65 years), indicating 39:1901–1910.
that her risk of bleeding on OAC is 5. Marinigh R, Lip GY, Fiotti N, Giansante C,
Lane DA. Age as a risk factor for stroke in
Conclusions low. If this patient’s stroke risk were atrial fibrillation patients implications for
AF is a very common, often asymp- assessed with the CHADS2 score, she thromboprophylaxis: Implications for throm-
tomatic, condition that can present for would score 0 and therefore be pre- boprophylaxis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;56:
the first time as a devastating stroke. scribed either aspirin or no antithrom- 827– 837.
6. Gage BF, Waterman AD, Shannon W,
The decisions about appropriate stroke botic therapy. In contrast, with the use Boechler M, Rich MW, Radford MJ. Vali-
thromboprophylaxis require individual of the CHA2DS2-VASc score, this pa- dation of clinical classification schemes for
assessment of stroke risk and risk of tient would score 3 (female sex, age of predicting stroke: results from the National
Registry of Atrial Fibrillation. JAMA. 2001;
bleeding on such therapy. Use of risk 65 years, and previous myocardial in-
285:2864 –2870.
schemas such as CHA2DS2-VASc and farction [vascular disease]; 1 point 7. Friberg L, Rosenqvist M, Lip GY. Eval-
HAS-BLED can help to inform the each), placing her at high risk of stroke uation of risk stratification schemes for

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