NEJM Readers Choice 2014

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NEJM Readers’ Choice Clinical Care Collection


February 2014

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Thank you for your interest in this NEJM Readers’ Choice Clinical Care Collection. This exclusive
resource is available only to NEJM community members and is made up of the clinical care articles
your peers viewed the most on Each popular article provides important, clinically relevant
information that is useful in everyday practice.
You’ll find new information and best practices on a wide range of topics including:
• Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
• Vitamin B12 Deficiency
• Infective Endocarditis
• Herpes Zoster
• Carotid Stenosis
Plus you will find an additional five articles in this valuable collection to help you stay current with the
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Table of Contents
Dead Man Walking

Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
with a Mediterranean Diet

Duodenal Infusion of Donor Feces for Recurrent
Clostridium difficile

Critical Care Medicine: Severe Sepsis and
Septic Shock

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Infective Endocarditis

Herpes Zoster

Carotid Stenosis

A Patient with Syncope


Case 23-2013: A 54-Year-Old Woman with
Abdominal Pain, Vomiting, and Confusion

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4 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection


Perspective november 14, 2013

Dead Man Walking

Michael Stillman, M.D., and Monalisa Tailor, M.D.

“S hocked” wouldn’t be accu­

rate, since we were accus­
tomed to our uninsured patients’
mary care physician, who had tak­
en a cursory history, told Mr. Davis
he’d need insurance to be ade­
for our patients’ medications be­
cause they are unable to cover even
a $4 copayment. But a fair number
receiving inadequate medical care. quately evaluated, and billed him of our patients — the medical
“Saddened” wasn’t right, either, $200 for the appointment. Since “have­nots” — are denied basic
only pecking at the edge of our Mr. Davis was poor and ineligible services simply because they lack
response. And “disheartened” just for Kentucky Medicaid, however, insurance, and our country’s re­
smacked of victimhood. After he’d simply used enemas until he sponse to this problem has, at
hearing this story, we were neither was unable to defecate. By the times, seemed toothless.
shocked nor saddened nor disheart­ time of his emergency department In our clinic, uninsured patients
ened. We were simply appalled. evaluation, he had a fully obstruct­ frequently find necessary care un­
We met Tommy Davis in our ed colon and widespread disease obtainable. An obese 60­year­old
hospital’s clinic for indigent per­ and chose to forgo treatment. woman with symptoms and signs
sons in March 2013 (the name Mr. Davis had had an inkling of congestive heart failure was re­
and date have been changed to that something was awry, but he’d cently evaluated in the clinic. She
protect the patient’s privacy). He been unable to pay for an evalua­ couldn’t afford the echocardio­
and his wife had been chroni­ tion. As his wife sobbed next to gram and evaluation for ischemic
cally uninsured despite working him in our examination room, he heart disease that most internists
full­time jobs and were now fac­ recounted his months of weight would have ordered, so furose­
ing disastrous consequences. loss, the unbearable pain of his mide treatment was initiated and
The week before this appoint­ bowel movements, and his gnaw­ adjusted to relieve her symptoms.
ment, Mr. Davis had come to our ing suspicion that he had cancer. This past spring, our colleagues
emergency department with ab­ “If we’d found it sooner,” he con­ saw a woman with a newly dis­
dominal pain and obstipation. His tended, “it would have made a dif­ covered lung nodule that was
examination, laboratory tests, and ference. But now I’m just a dead highly suspicious for cancer. She
CT scan had cost him $10,000 man walking.” was referred to a thoracic surgeon,
(his entire life savings), and at For many of our patients, pov­ but he insisted that she first have
evening’s end he’d been sent home erty alone limits access to care. a PET scan — a test for which
with a diagnosis of metastatic We recently saw a man with AIDS she couldn’t possibly pay.
colon cancer. and a full­body rash who couldn’t However unconscionable we
The year before, he’d had sim­ afford bus fare to a dermatology may find the story of Mr. Davis,
ilar symptoms and visited a pri­ appointment. We sometimes pay a U.S. citizen who will die because

n engl j med 369;20 november 14, 2013 1880

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Dead Man Walking 5

he was uninsured, the literature and expand Medicaid eligibility, patients have no health insurance,
suggests that it’s a common tale. how can we as physicians ensure and they are all frighteningly vul­
A 2009 study revealed a direct that the needs of patients like Mr. nerable; their care is erratic, they
correlation between lack of in­ Davis are met? are disqualified from receiving
surance and increased mortality First, we can honor our funda­ certain preventive and screening
and suggested that nearly 45,000 mental professional duty to help. measures, and their lack of re­
American adults die each year Some have argued that the onus sources prevents them from par­
because they have no medical for providing access to health care ticipating in the medical system.
coverage.1 And although we can’t rests on society at large rather And this is not a community­ or
confidently argue that Mr. Davis than on individual physicians,3 state­specific problem. A recent
would have survived had he been yet the Hippocratic Oath compels study showed that underinsured
insured, research suggests that us to treat the sick according to patients have higher mortality
possibility; formerly uninsured our ability and judgment and to rates after myocardial infarction,4
adults given access to Oregon keep them from harm and injus­ and it is well documented that
Medicaid were more likely than tice. Even as we continue to hope our country’s uninsured present
those who remained uninsured for and work toward a future in with later­stage cancers and more
to have a usual place of care and which all Americans have health poorly controlled chronic diseases
a personal physician, to attend insurance, we believe it’s our indi­ than do patients with insurance.5
outpatient medical visits, and to vidual professional responsibility We find it terribly and tragically
receive recommended preventive to treat people in need. inhumane that Mr. Davis and tens
care.2 Had Mr. Davis been in­ Second, we can familiarize our­ of thousands of other citizens of
sured, he might well have been selves with legislative details and this wealthy country will die this
offered timely and appropriate educate our patients about pro­ year for lack of insurance.
screening for colorectal cancer, posed health care reforms. During Disclosure forms provided by the authors
and his abdominal pain and ob­ our appointment with Mr. Davis, are available with the full text of this article
stipation would surely have been he worried aloud that under the at

urgently evaluated. ACA, “the government would tax

From the Department of Medicine, Univer­
Elected officials bear a great him for not having insurance.” sity of Louisville School of Medicine, Louis­
deal of blame for the appalling vul­ He was unaware (as many of our ville, KY.
nerability of the 22% of American poor and uninsured patients may
adults who currently lack insur­ be) that under that law’s final rule, This article was published on October 23,
2013, at
ance. The Affordable Care Act he and his family would meet the
(ACA) — the only legitimate legis­ eligibility criteria for Medicaid 1. Wilper AP, Woolhandler S, Lasser KE, Mc­
lative attempt to provide near­uni­ and hence have access to compre­ Cormick D, Bor DH, Himmelstein DU.
versal health coverage — remains hensive and affordable care. Health insurance and mortality in US adults.
Am J Public Health 2009;99:2289­95.
under attack from some members Finally, we can pressure our 2. Finkelstein A, Taubman S, Wright B, et al.
of Congress, and our own two sen­ professional organizations to de­ The Oregon health insurance experiment:
ators argue that enhancing mar­ mand health care for all. The evidence from the first year. Q J Econ 2012;
ketplace competition and enacting American College of Physicians, 3. Huddle TS, Centor RM. Retainer medi­
tort reform will provide security the American Medical Association, cine: an ethically legitimate form of practice
enough for our nation’s poor. and the Society of General Internal that can improve primary care. Ann Intern
Med 2011;155:633­5.
In discussing (and grieving Medicine have endorsed the prin­ 4. Ng DK, Brotman DJ, Lau B, Young JH.
over) what has happened to Mr. ciple of universal health care cov­ Insurance status, not race, is associated with
Davis and our many clinic patients erage yet have generally remained mortality after an acute cardiovascular event
in Maryland. J Gen Intern Med 2012;27:1368­
whose health suffers for lack of silent during years of political 76.
insurance, we have considered our debate. Lack of insurance can be 5. Institute of Medicine. America’s unin­
own obligations. As some con­ lethal, and we believe our profes­ sured crisis: consequences for health and
health care. Consensus report. Washington,
gresspeople attempt to defund sional community should treat DC: National Academies Press, February 23,
Obamacare, and as some states’ inaccessible coverage as a public 2009 (
governors and attorneys general health catastrophe and stand be­ Americas­Uninsured­Crisis­Consequences
deliberate over whether to imple­ hind people who are at risk. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1312793
ment health insurance exchanges Seventy percent of our clinic Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.

1881 n engl j med 369;20 november 14, 2013

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6 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
Mediterr anean Diet and Cardiovascular Events


Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

with a Mediterranean Diet
Ramón Estruch, M.D., Ph.D., Emilio Ros, M.D., Ph.D., Jordi Salas-Salvadó, M.D., Ph.D.,
Maria-Isabel Covas, D.Pharm., Ph.D., Dolores Corella, D.Pharm., Ph.D., Fernando Arós, M.D., Ph.D.,
Enrique Gómez-Gracia, M.D., Ph.D., Valentina Ruiz-Gutiérrez, Ph.D., Miquel Fiol, M.D., Ph.D.,
José Lapetra, M.D., Ph.D., Rosa Maria Lamuela-Raventos, D.Pharm., Ph.D., Lluís Serra-Majem, M.D., Ph.D.,
Xavier Pintó, M.D., Ph.D., Josep Basora, M.D., Ph.D., Miguel Angel Muñoz, M.D., Ph.D., José V. Sorlí, M.D., Ph.D.,
José Alfredo Martínez, D.Pharm, M.D., Ph.D., and Miguel Angel Martínez-González, M.D., Ph.D.,
for the PREDIMED Study Investigators*

A bs t r ac t

Observational cohort studies and a secondary prevention trial have shown an in- The authors’ affiliations are listed in the
verse association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and cardiovascular Appendix. Address reprint requests to
Dr. Estruch at the Department of Internal
risk. We conducted a randomized trial of this diet pattern for the primary preven- Medicine, Hospital Clinic, Villarroel 170,
tion of cardiovascular events. 08036 Barcelona, Spain, or at restruch@, or to Dr. Martínez-González
Methods at the Department of Preventive Medi-
In a multicenter trial in Spain, we randomly assigned participants who were at high cine and Public Health, Facultad de Me-
dicina–Clínica Universidad de Navarra,
cardiovascular risk, but with no cardiovascular disease at enrollment, to one of Irunlarrea 1, 31008 Pamplona, Spain, or
three diets: a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil, a Medi- at
terranean diet supplemented with mixed nuts, or a control diet (advice to reduce
* The PREDIMED (Prevención con Dieta
dietary fat). Participants received quarterly individual and group educational ses- Mediterránea) study investigators are
sions and, depending on group assignment, free provision of extra-virgin olive oil, listed in the Supplementary Appendix,
mixed nuts, or small nonfood gifts. The primary end point was the rate of major available at

cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction, stroke, or death from cardiovascular Drs. Estruch and Martínez-González con-
causes). On the basis of the results of an interim analysis, the trial was stopped tributed equally to this article.
after a median follow-up of 4.8 years.
This article was published on February 25,
Results 2013, at

A total of 7447 persons were enrolled (age range, 55 to 80 years); 57% were women. N Engl J Med 2013;368:1279-90.
The two Mediterranean-diet groups had good adherence to the intervention, ac- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1200303
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.
cording to self-reported intake and biomarker analyses. A primary end-point event
occurred in 288 participants. The multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios were 0.70
(95% confidence interval [CI], 0.54 to 0.92) and 0.72 (95% CI, 0.54 to 0.96) for the
group assigned to a Mediterranean diet with extra-virgin olive oil (96 events) and
the group assigned to a Mediterranean diet with nuts (83 events), respectively, ver-
sus the control group (109 events). No diet-related adverse effects were reported.
Among persons at high cardiovascular risk, a Mediterranean diet supplemented
with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts reduced the incidence of major cardiovascular
events. (Funded by the Spanish government’s Instituto de Salud Carlos III and oth-
ers; number, ISRCTN35739639.)

n engl j med 368;14 april 4, 2013 1279

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 7

he traditional Mediterranean diet cholesterol levels, low high-density lipoprotein
is characterized by a high intake of olive cholesterol levels, overweight or obesity, or a
oil, fruit, nuts, vegetables, and cereals; a family history of premature coronary heart dis-
moderate intake of fish and poultry; a low intake ease. Detailed enrollment criteria are provided
of dairy products, red meat, processed meats, in the Supplementary Appendix, available at NEJM
and sweets; and wine in moderation, consumed .org. All participants provided written informed
with meals.1 In observational cohort studies2,3 consent.
and a secondary prevention trial (the Lyon Diet Beginning on October 1, 2003, participants
Heart Study),4 increasing adherence to the Medi- were randomly assigned, in a 1:1:1 ratio, to one
terranean diet has been consistently beneficial of three dietary intervention groups: a Mediter-
with respect to cardiovascular risk.2-4 A system- ranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive
atic review ranked the Mediterranean diet as the oil, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with
most likely dietary model to provide protection nuts, or a control diet. Randomization was per-
against coronary heart disease.5 Small clinical formed centrally by means of a computer-gener-
trials have uncovered plausible biologic mecha- ated random-number sequence.
nisms to explain the salutary effects of this food
pattern.6-9 We designed a randomized trial to Interventions and Measurements
test the efficacy of two Mediterranean diets (one The dietary intervention8,10-13 is detailed in the
supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil and an- Supplementary Appendix. The specific recom-
other with nuts), as compared with a control diet mended diets are summarized in Table 1. Par-
(advice on a low-fat diet), on primary cardiovas- ticipants in the two Mediterranean-diet groups
cular prevention. received either extra-virgin olive oil (approxi-
mately 1 liter per week) or 30 g of mixed nuts per
Me thods day (15 g of walnuts, 7.5 g of hazelnuts, and
7.5 g of almonds) at no cost, and those in the
Study design control group received small nonfood gifts. No
The PREDIMED trial (Prevención con Dieta Med- total calorie restriction was advised, nor was
iterránea) was a parallel-group, multicenter, ran- physical activity promoted.
domized trial. Details of the trial design are pro- For participants in the two Mediterranean-
vided elsewhere.10-12 The trial was designed and diet groups, dietitians ran individual and group
conducted by the authors, and the protocol was dietary-training sessions at the baseline visit and
approved by the institutional review boards at all quarterly thereafter. In each session, a 14-item
study locations. The authors vouch for the accu- dietary screener was used to assess adherence to
racy and completeness of the data and all analy- the Mediterranean diet8,14 (Table S1 in the Sup-
ses and for the fidelity of this report to the pro- plementary Appendix) so that personalized ad-
tocol, which is available with the full text of this vice could be provided to the study participants
article at in these groups.
Supplemental foods were donated, including Participants in the control group also re-
extra-virgin olive oil (by Hojiblanca and Patrimo- ceived dietary training at the baseline visit and
nio Comunal Olivarero, both in Spain), walnuts completed the 14-item dietary screener used to
(by the California Walnut Commission), al- assess baseline adherence to the Mediterranean
monds (by Borges, in Spain), and hazelnuts (by diet. Thereafter, during the first 3 years of the
La Morella Nuts, in Spain). None of the sponsors trial, they received a leaflet explaining the low-
had any role in the trial design, data analysis, or fat diet (Table S2 in the Supplementary Appen-
reporting of the results. dix) on a yearly basis. However, the realization
that the more infrequent visit schedule and less
Participant Selection and Randomization intense support for the control group might be
Eligible participants were men (55 to 80 years of limitations of the trial prompted us to amend
age) and women (60 to 80 years of age) with no the protocol in October 2006. Thereafter, par-
cardiovascular disease at enrollment, who had ticipants assigned to the control diet received
either type 2 diabetes mellitus or at least three personalized advice and were invited to group
of the following major risk factors: smoking, sessions with the same frequency and intensity
hypertension, elevated low-density lipoprotein as those in the Mediterranean-diet groups, with

280 n engl j med 368;14 april 4, 2013

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8 nejm readers’ choice clinical
Mediterr aneancare
and Cardiovascular Events

the use of a separate 9-item dietary screener

Table 1. Summary of Dietary Recommendations to Participants in the
(Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix). Mediterranean-Diet Groups and the Control-Diet Group.
A general medical questionnaire, a 137-item
validated food-frequency questionnaire,15 and Food Goal
the Minnesota Leisure-Time Physical Activity Mediterranean diet
Questionnaire were administered on a yearly Recommended
basis.10 Information from the food-frequency Olive oil* ≥4 tbsp/day
questionnaire was used to calculate intake of Tree nuts and peanuts† ≥3 servings/wk
energy and nutrients. Weight, height, and waist Fresh fruits ≥3 servings/day
circumference were directly measured.16 Bio-
Vegetables ≥2 servings/day
markers of compliance, including urinary hy-
Fish (especially fatty fish), seafood ≥3 servings/wk
droxytyrosol levels (to confirm compliance in
the group receiving extra-virgin olive oil) and Legumes ≥3 servings/wk
plasma alpha-linolenic acid levels (to confirm Sofrito‡ ≥2 servings/wk
compliance in the group receiving mixed nuts), White meat Instead of red meat
were measured in random subsamples of par- Wine with meals (optionally, only for habitual ≥7 glasses/wk
ticipants at 1, 3, and 5 years (see the Supplemen- drinkers)
tary Appendix). Discouraged
Soda drinks <1 drink/day
End Points Commercial bakery goods, sweets, and pastries§ <3 servings/wk
The primary end point was a composite of myo- Spread fats <1 serving/day
cardial infarction, stroke, and death from cardio- Red and processed meats <1 serving/day
vascular causes. Secondary end points were
Low-fat diet (control)
stroke, myocardial infarction, death from cardio-
vascular causes, and death from any cause. We
used four sources of information to identify end Low-fat dairy products ≥3 servings/day
points: repeated contacts with participants, con- Bread, potatoes, pasta, rice ≥3 servings/day
tacts with family physicians, a yearly review of Fresh fruits ≥3 servings/day
medical records, and consultation of the Nation- Vegetables ≥2 servings/wk
al Death Index. All medical records related to Lean fish and seafood ≥3 servings/wk
end points were examined by the end-point adju- Discouraged
dication committee, whose members were un- Vegetable oils (including olive oil) ≤2 tbsp/day
aware of the study-group assignments. Only end
Commercial bakery goods, sweets, and pastries§ ≤1 serving/wk
points that were confirmed by the adjudication
Nuts and fried snacks ≤1 serving /wk
committee and that occurred between October 1,
2003, and December 1, 2010, were included in Red and processed fatty meats ≤1 serving/wk
the analyses. The criteria for adjudicating pri- Visible fat in meats and soups¶ Always remove
mary and secondary end points are detailed in Fatty fish, seafood canned in oil ≤1 serving/wk
the Supplementary Appendix. Spread fats ≤1 serving/wk
Sofrito‡ ≤2 servings/wk
Statistical Analysis
We initially estimated that a sample of 9000 par- * The amount of olive oil includes oil used for cooking and salads and oil con-
sumed in meals eaten outside the home. In the group assigned to the Medi-
ticipants would be required to provide statistical terranean diet with extra-virgin olive oil, the goal was to consume 50 g (ap-
power of 80% to detect a relative risk reduction proximately 4 tbsp) or more per day of the polyphenol-rich olive oil supplied,
of 20% in each Mediterranean-diet group versus instead of the ordinary refined variety, which is low in polyphenols.
† For participants assigned to the Mediterranean diet with nuts, the recommend-
the control-diet group during a 4-year follow-up ed consumption was one daily serving (30 g, composed of 15 g of walnuts,
period, assuming an event rate of 12% in the 7.5 g of almonds, and 7.5 g of hazelnuts).
control group.10,17 In April 2008, on the advice of ‡ Sofrito is a sauce made with tomato and onion, often including garlic and aro-
matic herbs, and slowly simmered with olive oil.
the data and safety monitoring board and on the § Commercial bakery goods, sweets, and pastries (not homemade) included
basis of lower-than-expected rates of end-point cakes, cookies, biscuits, and custard.
events, the sample size was recalculated as 7400 ¶ Participants were advised to remove the visible fat (or the skin) of chicken,
duck, pork, lamb, or veal before cooking and the fat of soups, broths, and
participants, with the assumption of a 6-year cooked meat dishes before consumption.
follow-up period and underlying event rates of

n engl j med 368;14 april 4, 2013 1281

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 9

8.8% and 6.6% in the control and intervention with nuts) to obtain two hazard ratios for the
groups, respectively. Power curves under several comparison with the control group. To account
assumptions can be found in Figure S1 in the for small imbalances in risk factors at baseline
Supplementary Appendix. among the groups, Cox regression models were
Yearly interim analyses began after a median used to adjust for sex, age, and baseline risk fac-
of 2 years of follow-up. With the use of O’Brien– tors. We tested the proportionality of hazards
Fleming stopping boundaries, the P values for with the use of time-varying covariates. All
stopping the trial at each yearly interim analysis analyses were stratified according to center. Pre-
were 5×10−6, 0.001, 0.009, and 0.02 for benefit specified subgroup analyses were conducted ac-
and 9×10−5, 0.005, 0.02, and 0.05 for adverse ef- cording to sex, age, body-mass index (BMI),
fects.18 The stopping boundary for the benefit of cardiovascular-risk-factor status, and baseline
the Mediterranean diets with respect to the pri- adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Sensitivity
mary end point was crossed at the fourth inter- analyses were conducted under several assump-
im evaluation; on July 22, 2011, the data and tions, including imputation of data for missing
safety monitoring board recommended stopping values and participants who dropped out (see the
the trial on the basis of end points documented Supplementary Appendix).
through December 1, 2010.
All primary analyses were performed on an R e sult s
intention-to-treat basis by two independent ana-
lysts. Time-to-event data were analyzed with the Baseline Characteristics of the Study
use of Cox models with two dummy variables Participants
(one for the Mediterranean diet with extra-virgin From October 2003 through June 2009, a total of
olive oil and another for the Mediterranean diet 8713 candidates were screened for eligibility, and

Table 2. Baseline Characteristics of the Participants According to Study Group.*

Mediterranean Mediterranean
Diet with EVOO Diet with Nuts Control Diet
Characteristic (N = 2543) (N = 2454) (N = 2450)
Female sex — no. (%)† 1493 (58.7) 1326 (54.0) 1463 (59.7)
Age — yr† 67.0±6.2 66.7±6.1 67.3±6.3
Race or ethnic group — no. (%)
White, from Europe 2470 (97.1) 2390 (97.4) 2375 (96.9)
Hispanic, from Central or South America 35 (1.4) 29 (1.2) 38 (1.6)
Other 38 (1.5) 35 (1.4) 37 (1.5)
Smoking status — no. (%)
Never smoked 1572 (61.8) 1465 (59.7) 1527 (62.3)
Former smoker 618 (24.3) 634 (25.8) 584 (23.8)
Current smoker 353 (13.9) 355 (14.5) 339 (13.8)
Body-mass index†‡
Mean 29.9±3.7 29.7±3.8 30.2±4.0
<25 — no. (%) 195 (7.7) 204 (8.3) 164 (6.7)
25–30 — no. (%) 1153 (45.3) 1163 (47.4) 1085 (44.3)
>30 — no. (%) 1195 (47.0) 1087 (44.3) 1201 (49.0)
Waist circumference — cm 100±10 100±11 101±11
Waist-to-height ratio†§ 0.63±0.06 0.63±0.06 0.63±0.07
Hypertension — no. (%)¶ 2088 (82.1) 2024 (82.5) 2050 (83.7)
Type 2 diabetes — no. (%)†‖ 1282 (50.4) 1143 (46.6) 1189 (48.5)
Dyslipidemia — no. (%)** 1821 (71.6) 1799 (73.3) 1763 (72.0)
Family history of premature CHD — no. (%)†† 576 (22.7) 532 (21.7) 560 (22.9)

282 n engl j med 368;14 april 4, 2013

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10 nejm readers’ choice clinical Mediterr
care collection
anean Diet and Cardiovascular Events

Table 2. (Continued.)

Mediterranean Mediterranean
Diet with EVOO Diet with Nuts Control Diet
Characteristic (N = 2543) (N = 2454) (N = 2450)
Medication use — no. (%)
ACE inhibitors 1236 (48.6) 1223 (49.8) 1216 (49.6)
Diuretics† 534 (21.0) 477 (19.4) 562 (22.9)
Other antihypertensive agents 725 (28.5) 710 (28.9) 758 (30.9)
Statins 1039 (40.9) 964 (39.3) 983 (40.1)
Other lipid-lowering agents 121 (4.8) 145 (5.9) 126 (5.1)
Insulin 124 (4.9) 126 (5.1) 134 (5.5)
Oral hypoglycemic agents† 768 (30.2) 680 (27.7) 757 (30.9)
Antiplatelet therapy 475 (18.7) 490 (20.0) 513 (20.9)
Hormone-replacement therapy‡‡ 42 (2.8) 35 (2.6) 39 (2.7)
Score for adherence to Med diet§§ 8.7±2.0 8.7±2.0 8.4±2.1

* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. ACE denotes angiotensin-converting enzyme, and EVOO extra-virgin olive oil.
† P<0.05 for comparisons between groups.
‡ The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
§ The waist-to-height ratio (an index of central obesity) is the waist circumference divided by height.
¶ Hypertension was defined as a systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or higher, a diastolic blood pressure of
90 mm Hg or higher, or the use of antihypertensive therapy.
‖ Diabetes was defined as a fasting blood glucose level of 126 mg per deciliter (7.0 mmol per liter) or higher on two
occasions, a 2-hour plasma glucose level of 200 mg per deciliter (11 mmol per liter) or higher during a 75-g oral glu-
cose-tolerance test, or the use of antidiabetic medication.
** Dyslipidemia was defined as a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level higher than 160 mg per deciliter (4.1 mmol
per liter), a high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level of 40 mg per deciliter (1.0 mmol per liter) or lower in men or 50 mg
per deciliter (1.3 mmol per liter) or lower in women, or the use of lipid-lowering therapy.
†† A family history of premature coronary heart disease (CHD) was defined as a diagnosis of the disease in a male first-
degree relative younger than 55 years of age or in a female first-degree relative younger than 65 years of age.
‡‡ The values for hormone-replacement therapy are for women only.
§§ The score for adherence to the Mediterranean diet is based on the 14-item dietary screener shown in Table S1 in the
Supplementary Appendix (a score of 0 indicates minimum adherence, and a score of 14 indicates maximum adherence).

7447 were randomly assigned to one of the three were younger (by 1.4 years), had a higher BMI
study groups (Fig. S2 in the Supplementary Ap- (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of
pendix). Their baseline characteristics according the height in meters; by 0.4), a higher waist-to-
to study group are shown in Table 2. Drug-treat- height ratio (by 0.01), and a lower score for ad-
ment regimens were similar for participants in herence to the Mediterranean diet (by 1.0 points
the three groups, and they continued to be bal- on the 14-item dietary screener) (P<0.05 for all
anced during the follow-up period (Table S4 in comparisons).
the Supplementary Appendix).
Participants were followed for a median of Compliance with the Dietary Intervention
4.8 years (interquartile range, 2.8 to 5.8). After Participants in the three groups reported similar
the initial assessment, 209 participants (2.8%) adherence to the Mediterranean diet at baseline
chose not to attend subsequent visits, and their (Table 2, and Fig. S3 in the Supplementary Ap-
follow-up was based on reviews of medical re- pendix) and similar food and nutrient intakes.
cords. By December 2010, a total of 523 partici- During follow-up, scores on the 14-item Medi-
pants (7.0%) had been lost to follow-up for 2 or terranean-diet screener increased for the par-
more years. Dropout rates were higher in the con- ticipants in the two Mediterranean-diet groups
trol group (11.3%) than in the Mediterranean- (Fig. S3 in the Supplementary Appendix). There
diet groups (4.9%) (Fig. S2 in the Supplementary were significant differences between these groups
Appendix). As compared with participants who and the control group in 12 of the 14 items at
remained in the trial, those who dropped out 3 years (Table S5 in the Supplementary Appen-

n engl j med 368;14 april 4, 2013 128

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 11

dix). Changes in objective biomarkers also indi- nificantly increased their consumption of extra-
cated good compliance with the dietary assign- virgin olive oil (to 50 and 32 g per day, respec-
ments (Fig. S4 and S5 in the Supplementary tively) and nuts (to 0.9 and 6 servings per week,
Appendix). respectively). The main nutrient changes in the
Participants in the two Mediterranean-diet Mediterranean-diet groups reflected the fat con-
groups significantly increased weekly servings of tent and composition of the supplemental foods
fish (by 0.3 servings) and legumes (by 0.4 serv- (Tables S7 and S8 in the Supplementary Appen-
ings) in comparison with those in the control dix). No relevant diet-related adverse effects
group (Table S6 in the Supplementary Appendix). were reported (see the Supplementary Appen-
In addition, participants assigned to a Mediter- dix). We did not find any significant difference
ranean diet with extra-virgin olive oil and those in changes in physical activity among the three
assigned to a Mediterranean diet with nuts sig- groups.

Table 3. Outcomes According to Study Group.*

Mediterranean Mediterranean
Diet with EVOO Diet with Nuts Control Diet
End Point (N = 2543) (N = 2454) (N = 2450) P Value†
Mediterranean Mediterranean
Diet with EVOO Diet with Nuts
vs. Control Diet vs. Control Diet
Person-yr of follow-up 11,852 10,365 9763
Primary end point‡
No. of events 96 83 109
Crude rate/1000 person-yr (95% CI) 8.1 (6.6–9.9) 8.0 (6.4–9.9) 11.2 (9.2–13.5) 0.009 0.02
Secondary end points
No. of events 49 32 58
Crude rate/1000 person-yr (95% CI) 4.1 (3.1–5.5) 3.1 (2.1–4.4) 5.9 (4.5–7.7) 0.03 0.003
Myocardial infarction
No. of events 37 31 38
Crude rate/1000 person-yr (95% CI) 3.1 (2.2–4.3) 3.0 (2.0–4.2) 3.9 (2.8–5.3) 0.31 0.25
Death from cardiovascular causes
No. of events 26 31 30
Crude rate/1000 person-yr (95% CI) 2.2 (1.4–3.2) 3.0 (2.0–4.2) 3.1 (2.1–4.4) 0.15 0.85
Death from any cause
No. of events 118 116 114
Crude rate/1000 person-yr (95% CI) 10.0 (8.2–11.9) 11.2 (9.3–13.4) 11.7 (9.6–14.0) 0.11 0.68
Hazard ratio for each Mediterranean diet
vs. control (95% CI)
Primary end point
Unadjusted 0.70 (0.53–0.91) 0.70 (0.53–0.94) 1.00 (ref) 0.009 0.02
Multivariable-adjusted 1§ 0.69 (0.53–0.91) 0.72 (0.54–0.97) 1.00 (ref) 0.008 0.03
Multivariable-adjusted 2¶ 0.70 (0.54–0.92) 0.72 (0.54–0.96) 1.00 (ref) 0.01 0.03
Secondary end points‖
Stroke 0.67 (0.46–0.98) 0.54 (0.35–0.84) 1.00 (ref) 0.04 0.006
Myocardial infarction 0.80 (0.51–1.26) 0.74 (0.46–1.19) 1.00 (ref) 0.34 0.22
Death from cardiovascular causes 0.69 (0.41–1.16) 1.01 (0.61–1.66) 1.00 (ref) 0.17 0.98
Death from any cause 0.82 (0.64–1.07) 0.97 (0.74–1.26) 1.00 (ref) 0.15 0.82

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12 nejm readers’ choice clinical
Mediterr anean care
and Cardiovascular Events

Table 3. (Continued.)

Mediterranean Mediterranean
Diet with EVOO Diet with Nuts Control Diet
End Point (N = 2543) (N = 2454) (N = 2450) P Value†
Mediterranean Mediterranean
Diet with EVOO Diet with Nuts
vs. Control Diet vs. Control Diet
Hazard ratio for Mediterranean diets combined
vs. control (95% CI)
Primary end point
Unadjusted 0.70 (0.55–0.89) 1 (ref) 0.003
Multivariable-adjusted 1§ 0.71 (0.56–0.90) 1 (ref) 0.004
Multivariable-adjusted 2¶ 0.71 (0.56–0.90) 1 (ref) 0.005
Secondary end points‖
Stroke 0.61 (0.44–0.86) 1 (ref) 0.005
Myocardial infarction 0.77 (0.52–1.15) 1 (ref) 0.20
Death from cardiovascular causes 0.83 (0.54–1.29) 1 (ref) 0.41
Death from any cause 0.89 (0.71–1.12) 1 (ref) 0.32

* CI denotes confidence interval, and ref reference.

† All P values were calculated with the use of Cox proportional-hazards models with robust variance estimators and stratification according to
recruiting center.
‡ The primary end point was a composite of myocardial infarction, stroke, and death from cardiovascular causes.
§ The primary end point was stratified according to recruiting center and adjusted for sex, age (continuous variable), family history of pre-
mature coronary heart disease (yes or no), and smoking status (never smoked, former smoker, or current smoker).
¶ The primary end point was additionally adjusted for body-mass index (continuous variable), waist-to-height ratio (continuous variable),
hypertension at baseline (yes or no), dyslipidemia at baseline (yes or no), and diabetes at baseline (yes or no).
‖ The secondary end points were stratified according to recruiting center and adjusted for sex, age (continuous variable), family history of
premature coronary heart disease (yes or no), smoking status (never smoked, former smoker, or current smoker), body-mass index (con-
tinuous variable), waist-to-height ratio (continuous variable), hypertension at baseline (yes or no), dyslipidemia at baseline (yes or no), and
diabetes at baseline (yes or no).

End Points the primary end point (Table 3). Regarding com-
The median follow-up period was 4.8 years. A ponents of the primary end point, only the com-
total of 288 primary-outcome events occurred: parisons of stroke risk reached statistical signifi-
96 in the group assigned to a Mediterranean diet cance (Table 3, and Fig. S6 in the Supplementary
with extra-virgin olive oil (3.8%), 83 in the group Appendix). The Kaplan–Meier curves for the
assigned to a Mediterranean diet with nuts primary end point diverged soon after the trial
(3.4%), and 109 in the control group (4.4%). Tak- started, but no effect on all-cause mortality was
ing into account the small differences in the ac- apparent (Fig. 1). The results of several sensitiv-
crual of person-years among the three groups, ity analyses were also consistent with the find-
the respective rates of the primary end point ings of the primary analysis (Table S9 in the
were 8.1, 8.0, and 11.2 per 1000 person-years Supplementary Appendix).
(Table 3). The unadjusted hazard ratios were 0.70
(95% confidence interval [CI], 0.53 to 0.91) for a Subgroup Analyses
Mediterranean diet with extra-virgin olive oil and Reductions in disease risk in the two Mediterra-
0.70 (95% CI, 0.53 to 0.94) for a Mediterranean nean-diet groups as compared with the control
diet with nuts (Fig. 1) as compared with the con- group were similar across the prespecified sub-
trol diet (P = 0.015, by the likelihood ratio test, groups (Fig. 2, and Table S10 in the Supplemen-
for the overall effect of the intervention). tary Appendix). In addition, to account for the
The results of multivariate analyses showed a protocol change in October 2006 whereby the
similar protective effect of the two Mediterra- intensity of dietary intervention in the control
nean diets versus the control diet with respect to group was increased, we compared hazard ratios

n engl j med 368;14 april 4, 2013 1285

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 13

A Primary End Point (acute myocardial infarction, stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes)
Control diet
Med diet, EVOO: hazard ratio, 0.70 0.06

Incidence of Composite Cardiovascular

(95% CI, 0.53–0.91); P=0.009
Med diet, nuts: hazard ratio, 0.70 0.05 Med diet, nuts
(95% CI, 0.53–0.94); P=0.02

0.6 Med diet, EVOO
End Point


0.4 0.01

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5
No. at Risk
Control diet 2450 2268 2020 1583 1268 946
Med diet, EVOO 2543 2486 2320 1987 1687 1310
Med diet, nuts 2454 2343 2093 1657 1389 1031

B Total Mortality
1.0 0.07
Med diet, EVOO: hazard ratio, 0.81
(95% CI, 0.63–1.05); P=0.11 0.06 Med diet, nuts
Med diet, nuts: hazard ratio, 0.95
0.8 0.05
(95% CI, 0.73–1.23); P=0.68
0.04 Control diet Med diet, EVOO
Total Mortality

0.6 0.03

0.4 0.01

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5
No. at Risk
Control diet 2450 2268 2026 1585 1272 948
Med diet, EVOO 2543 2485 2322 1988 1690 1308
Med diet, nuts 2454 2345 2097 1662 1395 1037

Figure 1. Kaplan–Meier Estimates of the Incidence of Outcome Events in the Total Study Population.
Panel A shows the incidence of the primary end point (a composite of acute myocardial infarction, stroke, and death
from cardiovascular causes), and Panel B shows total mortality. Hazard ratios were stratified according to center
(Cox model with robust variance estimators). CI denotes confidence interval, EVOO extra-virgin olive oil, and Med

for the Mediterranean-diet groups (both groups Discussion

merged vs. the control group) before and after
this date. Adjusted hazard ratios were 0.77 (95% In this trial, an energy-unrestricted Mediterra-
CI, 0.59 to 1.00) for participants recruited before nean diet supplemented with either extra-virgin
October 2006 and 0.49 (95% CI, 0.26 to 0.92) for olive oil or nuts resulted in an absolute risk re-
those recruited thereafter (P = 0.21 for interaction). duction of approximately 3 major cardiovascular

286 n engl j med 368;14 april 4, 2013

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14 nejm readers’ choice clinical
Mediterr aneancare
and Cardiovascular Events

Combined Control P Value for

Subgroup Mediterranean Diets Diet Hazard Ratio (95% CI) Interaction
no. of participants with primary end-point
event/total no. of participants
Sex 0.62
Male 107/2178 64/987 0.69 (0.51–0.94)
Female 72/2819 45/1463 0.73 (0.50–1.07)
Age 0.84
<70 yr 86/3272 47/1504 0.73 (0.52–1.05)
≥70 yr 93/1725 62/946 0.71 (0.51–0.98)
Diabetes 0.63
No 58/2572 40/1261 0.67 (0.45–1.01)
Yes 121/2425 69/1189 0.71 (0.53–0.96)
Hypertension 0.06
No 40/885 11/400 1.25 (0.64–2.45)
Yes 139/4112 98/2050 0.65 (0.50–0.84)
Dyslipidemia 0.06
No 77/1377 36/687 0.95 (0.64–1.42)
Yes 102/3620 73/1763 0.60 (0.44–0.80)
Smoking 0.75
Never 80/3037 54/1527 0.67 (0.47–0.94)
Ever 99/1960 55/923 0.75 (0.54–1.03)
Family history of premature CHD 0.97
No 144/3889 87/1890 0.72 (0.55–0.94)
Yes 35/1108 22/560 0.75 (0.43–1.29)
BMI 0.05
<25 18/399 7/164 0.69 (0.29–1.67)
25–30 88/2316 37/1085 1.04 (0.71–1.54)
>30 73/2282 65/1201 0.51 (0.37–0.71)
Waist 0.72
<Median 87/2561 48/1177 0.76 (0.53–1.08)
≥Median 92/2436 61/1273 0.67 (0.48–0.93)
Waist-to-height ratio 0.82
<Median 81/2549 47/1182 0.74 (0.52–1.06)
≥Median 98/2448 62/1268 0.68 (0.50–0.94)
Baseline score for adherence to Mediterranean diet 0.44
<9 (low) 93/2178 61/1256 0.81 (0.58–1.12)
≥9 (high) 86/2819 48/1194 0.64 (0.45–0.92)
End-point components
Stroke 81/4997 58/2450 0.61 (0.44–0.86)
Myocardial infarction 68/4997 38/2450 0.77 (0.52–1.15)
Death from cardiovascular causes 57/4997 30/2450 0.83 (0.54–1.29)
0.5 1.0 2.0

Mediterranean Diets Better Control Diet Better

Figure 2. Results of Subgroup Analyses.

Shown are adjusted hazard ratios for the primary end point within specific subgroups. Squares denote hazard ratios; horizontal lines
represent 95% confidence intervals. Hazard ratios indicate the relative risk in both intervention groups merged together (vs. the control
group) within each stratum. Hazard ratios were stratified according to recruiting center and were adjusted for sex, age (continuous vari-
able), family history of premature coronary heart disease (CHD) (yes or no), smoking (never smoked, former smoker, or current smok-
er), body-mass index (BMI) (continuous variable), waist-to-height ratio (continuous variable), hypertension at baseline (yes or no), dys-
lipidemia at baseline (yes or no), and diabetes at baseline (yes or no). Scores for adherence to the Mediterranean diet range from 0 to
14, with higher scores indicating greater adherence.

events per 1000 person-years, for a relative risk reduction. They are particularly relevant given the
reduction of approximately 30%, among high- challenges of achieving and maintaining weight
risk persons who were initially free of cardiovas- loss. The secondary prevention Lyon Diet Heart
cular disease. These results support the benefits Study also showed a large reduction in rates of
of the Mediterranean diet for cardiovascular risk coronary heart disease events with a modified

n engl j med 368;14 april 4, 2013 1287

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 15

Mediterranean diet enriched with alpha-linolenic Our study has several limitations. First, the
acid (a key constituent of walnuts). That result, protocol for the control group was changed half-
however, was based on only a few major events.4,19,20 way through the trial. The lower intensity of
There were small between-group differences dietary intervention for the control group during
in some baseline characteristics in our trial, which the first few years might have caused a bias to-
were not clinically meaningful but were statisti- ward a benefit in the two Mediterranean-diet
cally significant, and we therefore adjusted for groups, since the participants in these two groups
these variables. In fully adjusted analyses, we found received a more intensive intervention during
significant results for the combined cardiovas- that time. However, we found no significant in-
cular end point and for stroke, but not for myo- teraction between the period of trial enrollment
cardial infarction alone. This could be due to (before vs. after the protocol change) and the
stronger effects on specific risk factors for stroke benefit in the Mediterranean-diet groups. Sec-
but also to a lower statistical power to identify ond, we had losses to follow-up, predominantly
effects on myocardial infarction. Our findings in the control group, but the participants who
are consistent with those of prior observational dropped out had a worse cardiovascular risk pro-
studies of the cardiovascular protective effects file at baseline than those who remained in the
of the Mediterranean diet,2,5 olive oil,21-23 and study, suggesting a bias toward a benefit in the
nuts24,25; smaller trials assessing effects on tra- control group. Third, the generalizability of our
ditional cardiovascular risk factors6-9 and novel findings is limited because all the study partici-
risk factors, such as markers of oxidation, in- pants lived in a Mediterranean country and were
flammation, and endothelial dysfunction6,8,26-28; at high cardiovascular risk; whether the results
and studies of conditions associated with high can be generalized to persons at lower risk or to
cardiovascular risk — namely, the metabolic other settings requires further research.
syndrome6,16,29 and diabetes.30-32 Thus, a causal As with many clinical trials, the observed rates
role of the Mediterranean diet in cardiovascular of cardiovascular events were lower than antici-
prevention has high biologic plausibility. The pated, with reduced statistical power to sepa-
results of our trial might explain, in part, the rately assess components of the primary end
lower cardiovascular mortality in Mediterranean point. However, favorable trends were seen for
countries than in northern European countries both stroke and myocardial infarction. We ac-
or the United States.33 knowledge that, even though participants in the
The risk of stroke was reduced significantly control group received advice to reduce fat in-
in the two Mediterranean-diet groups. This is take, changes in total fat were small and the
consistent with epidemiologic studies that showed largest differences at the end of the trial were in
an inverse association between the Mediterra- the distribution of fat subtypes. The interventions
nean diet2,34 or olive-oil consumption22 and in- were intended to improve the overall dietary pat-
cident stroke. tern, but the major between-group differences
Our results compare favorably with those of involved the supplemental items. Thus, extra-
the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Modifica- virgin olive oil and nuts were probably respon-
tion Trial, wherein a low-fat dietary approach sible for most of the observed benefits of the
resulted in no cardiovascular benefit.35 Salient Mediterranean diets. Differences were also ob-
components of the Mediterranean diet report- served for fish and legumes but not for other
edly associated with better survival include mod- food groups. The small between-group differ-
erate consumption of ethanol (mostly from wine), ences in the diets during the trial are probably
low consumption of meat and meat products, due to the facts that for most trial participants
and high consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, the baseline diet was similar to the trial Mediter-
legumes, fish, and olive oil.36,37 Perhaps there is ranean diet and that the control group was given
a synergy among the nutrient-rich foods includ- recommendations for a healthy diet, suggesting
ed in the Mediterranean diet that fosters favor- a potentially greater benefit of the Mediterra-
able changes in intermediate pathways of car- nean diet as compared with Western diets.
diometabolic risk, such as blood lipids, insulin In conclusion, in this primary prevention trial,
sensitivity, resistance to oxidation, inflammation, we observed that an energy-unrestricted Medi-
and vasoreactivity.38 terranean diet, supplemented with extra-virgin

288 n engl j med 368;14 april 4, 2013

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16 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
Mediterr anean Diet and Cardiovascular Events

olive oil or nuts, resulted in a substantial reduc- Laboratories; receiving consulting fees and lecture fees, as well
as grant support through his institution, from Merck; receiving
tion in the risk of major cardiovascular events lecture fees from Danone, Pace, AstraZeneca, and Rottapharm;
among high-risk persons. The results support receiving lecture fees and payment for the development of edu-
the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for the cational presentations, as well as grant support through his in-
stitution, from Ferrer; receiving payment for the development of
primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. educational presentations from Recordati; and receiving grant
support through his institution from Sanofi-Aventis, Takeda,
Supported by the official funding agency for biomedical re- Daiichi Sankyo, Nutrexpa, Feiraco, Unilever, and Karo Bio. Dr.
search of the Spanish government, Instituto de Salud Carlos III Salas-Salvadó reports serving on the board of and receiving grant
(ISCIII), through grants provided to research networks specifi- support through his institution from the International Nut and
cally developed for the trial (RTIC G03/140, to Dr. Estruch; RTIC Dried Fruit Council; receiving consulting fees from Danone;
RD 06/0045, to Dr. Martínez-González and through Centro de and receiving grant support through his institution from Eroski
Investigación Biomédica en Red de Fisiopatología de la Obesi- and Nestlé. Dr. Arós reports receiving payment for the develop-
dad y Nutrición [CIBERobn]), and by grants from Centro Nacio- ment of educational presentations from Menarini and AstraZeneca.
nal de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC 06/2007), Fondo Dr. Lamuela-Raventos reports serving on the board of and re-
de Investigación Sanitaria–Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Re- ceiving lecture fees from FIVIN; receiving lecture fees from
gional (PI04-2239, PI 05/2584, CP06/00100, PI07/0240, PI07/1138, Cerveceros de España; and receiving lecture fees and travel sup-
PI07/0954, PI 07/0473, PI10/01407, PI10/02658, PI11/01647, and port from PepsiCo. Dr. Serra-Majem reports serving on the
P11/02505), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (AGL-2009- boards of the Mediterranean Diet Foundation and the Beer and
13906-C02 and AGL2010-22319-C03), Fundación Mapfre 2010, Health Foundation. Dr. Pintó reports serving on the board of
Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía (PI0105/2007), Pub- and receiving grant support through his institution from the
lic Health Division of the Department of Health of the Auto- Residual Risk Reduction Initiative (R3i) Foundation; serving on
nomous Government of Catalonia, Generalitat Valenciana the board of Omegafort; serving on the board of and receiving
(ACOMP06109, GVACOMP2010-181, GVACOMP2011-151, CS2010- payment for the development of educational presentations, as
AP-111, and CS2011-AP-042), and Regional Government of Na- well as grant support through his institution, from Ferrer; re-
varra (P27/2011). ceiving consulting fees from Abbott Laboratories; receiving lec-
Dr. Estruch reports serving on the board of and receiving ture fees, as well as grant support through his institution, from
lecture fees from the Research Foundation on Wine and Nutri- Merck and Roche; receiving lecture fees from Danone and Esteve;
tion (FIVIN); serving on the boards of the Beer and Health receiving payment for the development of educational presenta-
Foundation and the European Foundation for Alcohol Research tions from Menarini; and receiving grant support through his
(ERAB); receiving lecture fees from Cerveceros de España and institution from Sanofi-Aventis, Kowa, Unilever, Boehringer
Sanofi-Aventis; and receiving grant support through his institu- Ingelheim, and Karo Bio. No other potential conflict of interest
tion from Novartis. Dr. Ros reports serving on the board of and relevant to this article was reported.
receiving travel support, as well as grant support through his Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
institution, from the California Walnut Commission; serving on the full text of this article at
the board of the Flora Foundation (Unilever); serving on the We thank the participants in the trial for their enthusiastic
board of and receiving lecture fees from Roche; serving on the and sustained collaboration and Joan Vila from Institut Munici-
board of and receiving grant support through his institution pal d’Investigació Mèdica, Barcelona, for expert assessment in
from Amgen; receiving consulting fees from Damm and Abbott the statistical analyses.

The author’s affiliations are as follows: Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (R.E.,
E.R., J.S.-S., M.-I.C., D.C., M.F., J.L., R.M.L.-R., J.B., J.V.S., J.A.M.) and the PREDIMED (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea) Network
(RD 06/0045) (R.E., J.S.-S., F.A., E.G.-G., V.R.-G., R.M.L.-R., L.S.-M., X.P., J.B., J.V.S., J.A.M., M.A.M.-G.), Instituto de Salud Carlos
III, Madrid; the Department of Internal Medicine (R.E.) and Lipid Clinic, Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition (E.R.), Institut
d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi I Sunyer, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Barcelona; Human Nutrition Department,
Hospital Universitari Sant Joan, Institut d’Investigació Sanitaria Pere Virgili, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Reus (J.S.-S.); Cardiovascular
and Nutrition Research Group, Institut de Recerca Hospital del Mar, Barcelona (M.-I.C.); the Department of Preventive Medicine, Uni-
versity of Valencia, Valencia (D.C.); the Department of Cardiology, University Hospital of Alava, Vitoria (F.A.); the Department of Preven-
tive Medicine, University of Malaga, Malaga (E.G.-G.); Instituto de la Grasa, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Seville
(V.R.-G.); Institute of Health Sciences (IUNICS), University of Balearic Islands, and Hospital Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca (M.F.);
the Department of Family Medicine, Primary Care Division of Seville, San Pablo Health Center, Seville (J.L.); the Department of Nutrition
and Food Science, School of Pharmacy, Xarxa de Referència en Tecnologia dels Aliments, Instituto de Investigación en Nutrición y Se-
guridad Alimentaria, University of Barcelona, Barcelona (R.M.L.-R.); the Department of Clinical Sciences, University of Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, Las Palmas (L.S.-M.); Lipids and Vascular Risk Unit, Internal Medicine, Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge, Hospitalet de
Llobregat, Barcelona (X.P.); Primary Care Division, Catalan Institute of Health, Institut d’Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol,
Tarragona-Reus (J.B.) and Barcelona (M.A.M.); Primary Care Division, Valencia Institute of Health, Valencia (J.V.S.); and the Depart-
ments of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Physiology and Toxicology (J.A.M.) and Preventive Medicine and Public Health (M.A.M.-G.),
University of Navarra, Pamplona — all in Spain.

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16. Salas-Salvadó J, Fernández-Ballart J, cell activation: a molecular antiinflam- Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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290 n engl j med 368;14 april 4, 2013

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18 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
Donor-Feces Infusion for Recurrent C. difficile


Duodenal Infusion of Donor Feces for Recurrent

Clostridium difficile
Els van Nood, M.D., Anne Vrieze, M.D., Max Nieuwdorp, M.D., Ph.D., Susana Fuentes, Ph.D.,
Erwin G. Zoetendal, Ph.D., Willem M. de Vos, Ph.D., Caroline E. Visser, M.D., Ph.D., Ed J. Kuijper, M.D., Ph.D.,
Joep F.W.M. Bartelsman, M.D., Jan G.P. Tijssen, Ph.D., Peter Speelman, M.D., Ph.D.,
Marcel G.W. Dijkgraaf, Ph.D., and Josbert J. Keller, M.D., Ph.D.

A bs t r ac t

Recurrent Clostridium difficile infection is difficult to treat, and failure rates for anti- From the Departments of Internal Medi-
biotic therapy are high. We studied the effect of duodenal infusion of donor feces cine (E.N., A.V., M.N., P.S.), Microbiology
(C.E.V.), Gastroenterology (J.F.W.M.B.,
in patients with recurrent C. difficile infection. J.J.K.), and Cardiology (J.G.P.T.) and the
Clinical Research Unit (M.G.W.D.), Aca-
Methods demic Medical Center, University of Am-
sterdam, Amsterdam; the Laboratory of
We randomly assigned patients to receive one of three therapies: an initial vanco- Microbiology, Wageningen University,
mycin regimen (500 mg orally four times per day for 4 days), followed by bowel Wageningen (S.F., E.G.Z., W.M.V.); the
lavage and subsequent infusion of a solution of donor feces through a nasoduode- Department of Experimental and Medical
Microbiology, Leiden University Medical
nal tube; a standard vancomycin regimen (500 mg orally four times per day for Center, Leiden (E.J.K.); and the Department
14 days); or a standard vancomycin regimen with bowel lavage. The primary end of Gastroenterology, Hagaziekenhuis, The
point was the resolution of diarrhea associated with C. difficile infection without Hague (J.J.K.) — all in the Netherlands;
and the Department of Bacteriology and
relapse after 10 weeks. Immunology, Medical Faculty, University
of Helsinki, Helsinki (W.M.V.). Address
Results reprint requests to Dr. Keller at the Aca-
demic Medical Center, Department of
The study was stopped after an interim analysis. Of 16 patients in the infusion Gastroenterology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105
group, 13 (81%) had resolution of C. difficile–associated diarrhea after the first infu- AZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands, or at
sion. The 3 remaining patients received a second infusion with feces from a differ-

ent donor, with resolution in 2 patients. Resolution of C. difficile infection occurred This article was published on January 16,
in 4 of 13 patients (31%) receiving vancomycin alone and in 3 of 13 patients (23%) 2013, at
receiving vancomycin with bowel lavage (P<0.001 for both comparisons with the N Engl J Med 2013;368:407-15.
infusion group). No significant differences in adverse events among the three study DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1205037
groups were observed except for mild diarrhea and abdominal cramping in the in- Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.

fusion group on the infusion day. After donor-feces infusion, patients showed in-
creased fecal bacterial diversity, similar to that in healthy donors, with an increase
in Bacteroidetes species and clostridium clusters IV and XIVa and a decrease in
Proteobacteria species.

The infusion of donor feces was significantly more effective for the treatment of
recurrent C. difficile infection than the use of vancomycin. (Funded by the Nether-
lands Organization for Health Research and Development and the Netherlands
Organization for Scientific Research; Netherlands Trial Register number, NTR1177.)

n engl j med 368;5 january 31, 2013 407

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 19

ntibiotic treatment for an initial Study Population
Clostridium difficile infection typically does Included in the study were patients who were at
not induce a durable response in approxi- least 18 years of age and who had a life expectancy
mately 15 to 26% of patients.1-3 An effective of at least 3 months and a relapse of C. difficile in-
treatment against recurrent C. difficile infection is fection after at least one course of adequate antibi-
not available. Generally, repeated and extended otic therapy (≥10 days of vancomycin at a dose of
courses of vancomycin are prescribed.4 The esti- ≥125 mg four times per day or ≥10 days of metro-
mated efficacy of antibiotic therapy for a first nidazole at a dose of 500 mg three times per day).
recurrence is 60%, a proportion that further de- C. difficile infection was defined as diarrhea (≥3
clines in patients with multiple recurrences.2,5-7 loose or watery stools per day for at least 2 con-
Mechanisms that have been proposed for recur- secutive days or ≥8 loose stools in 48 hours) and
rence include persistence of spores of C. difficile, a positive stool test for C. difficile toxin. Available
diminished antibody response to clostridium tox- isolates were characterized by polymerase-chain-
ins, and persistent disturbance with a reduced di- reaction (PCR) ribotyping.19
versity of intestinal microbiota.8-12 Exclusion criteria were prolonged compromised
Infusion of feces from healthy donors has immunity because of recent chemotherapy, the
been reported as an effective treatment for recur- presence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
rent C. difficile infection in more than 300 pa- infection with a CD4 count of less than 240, or
tients.13-18 However, experience with this proce- prolonged use of prednisolone at a dose of at
dure is limited by a lack of randomized trials least 60 mg per day; pregnancy; use of antibiot-
supporting its efficacy and the unappealing na- ics other than for treatment of C. difficile infection
ture of the treatment. In this study, donor feces at baseline; admission to an intensive care unit; or
were infused in patients with recurrent C. difficile need for vasopressor medication.
infection and compared with conventional 14-day
vancomycin treatment, with and without bowel Treatments
lavage. Patients received an abbreviated regimen of van-
comycin (500 mg orally four times per day for 4 or
Me thods 5 days), followed by bowel lavage with 4 liters of
macrogol solution (Klean-Prep) on the last day of
Study Design antibiotic treatment and the infusion of a suspen-
The complete methods are included in the Sup- sion of donor feces through a nasoduodenal tube
plementary Appendix, which along with the re- the next day; a standard vancomycin regimen
search protocol is available with the full text of (500 mg orally four times per day for 14 days); or
this article at a standard vancomycin regimen with bowel lavage
In this open-label, randomized, controlled trial, on day 4 or 5. Patients in whom recurrent C. difficile
we compared three treatment regimens: the in- infection developed after the first donor-feces in-
fusion of donor feces preceded by an abbreviated fusion were given a second infusion with feces
regimen of vancomycin and bowel lavage, a stan- from a different donor. Patients in whom antibi-
dard vancomycin regimen, and a standard van- otic therapy failed were offered treatment with
comycin regimen with bowel lavage. donor feces off protocol.
The study was conducted at the Academic
Medical Center in Amsterdam. Patients who had Infusion of Donor Feces
been admitted to referring hospitals were visited Donors (<60 years of age) were volunteers who
by the study physicians, who performed the ran- were initially screened using a questionnaire ad-
domization. All participants provided written in- dressing risk factors for potentially transmissible
formed consent. A data and safety monitoring diseases. Donor feces were screened for parasites
board monitored the trial on an ongoing basis. (including Blastocystis hominis and Dientamoeba fra-
The research protocol was approved by the ethics gilis), C. difficile, and enteropathogenic bacteria.
committee at the Academic Medical Center. The Blood was screened for antibodies to HIV; human
first and last two authors vouch for the accuracy T-cell lymphotropic virus types 1 and 2; hepatitis
and completeness of the reported data and for A, B, and C; cytomegalovirus; Epstein–Barr virus;
the fidelity of the report to the study protocol. Treponema pallidum; Strongyloides stercoralis; and Ent-

08 n engl j med 368;5 january 31, 2013

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20 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
Donor-Feces Infusion for Recurrent C. difficile

amoeba histolytica. A donor pool was created, and bacterial communities before and after donor-
screening was repeated every 4 months. Before feces infusion using Simpson’s Reciprocal Index of
donation, another questionnaire was used to diversity,22 on a scale ranging from 1 to 250, with
screen for recent illnesses. higher values indicating greater diversity.
Feces were collected by the donor on the day
of infusion and immediately transported to the Statistical Analysis
hospital. Feces were diluted with 500 ml of ster- The objective was to determine the superiority of
ile saline (0.9%). This solution was stirred, and donor-feces infusion, as compared with vanco-
the supernatant strained and poured in a sterile mycin, both without and with bowel lavage. A
bottle. Within 6 hours after collection of feces cure rate of 90% for donor-feces infusion13,14 and
by the donor, the solution was infused through of 60% for antibiotic therapy2,6 was assumed. Per
a nasoduodenal tube (2 to 3 minutes per 50 ml). group, 38 patients were needed to achieve a pow-
The tube was removed 30 minutes after the infu- er of 80% to detect a difference between groups
sion, and patients were monitored for 2 hours. with a one-sided level of significance of 0.025. To
For patients who had been admitted at referring account for dropouts, we planned to enroll 40 pa-
hospitals, the donor-feces solution was produced tients per group. All analyses were performed on
at the study center and immediately transported a modified intention-to-treat basis with the ex-
and infused by a study physician. clusion of one patient who required high-dose
prednisolone treatment after randomization but
Outcomes before the study treatment was initiated. Differ-
The primary end point was cure without relapse ences in cure rates were assessed with Fisher’s
within 10 weeks after the initiation of therapy. exact probability test. Since the trial was termi-
For patients in the infusion group who required nated early according to the Haybittle–Peto rule
a second infusion of donor feces, follow-up was (i.e., P<0.001 for the primary end point), rate ra-
extended to 10 weeks after the second infusion. tios for the primary end point (overall cure) were
The secondary end point was cure without relapse calculated with their exact 99.9% confidence in-
after 5 weeks. Cure was defined as an absence of terval.
diarrhea or persistent diarrhea that could be ex- On the basis of Simpson’s Reciprocal Index of
plained by other causes with three consecutive diversity,22 the statistical significance of a change
negative stool tests for C. difficile toxin. Relapse in microbiota diversity was assessed with the use
was defined as diarrhea with a positive stool test of a paired-samples Student t-test. A principal
for C. difficile toxin. An adjudication committee component analysis was performed on profiles
whose members were unaware of study-group derived from the HITChip phylogenetic microar-
assignments decided which patients were cured. ray.21 Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were performed
Patients kept a stool diary and were ques- with the application of the Benjamini–Hochberg
tioned about stool frequency and consistency, approach to determine microbial groups that
medication use, and adverse effects on days 7, were significantly different in matched pairs of
14, 21, 35, and 70 after the initiation of vanco- fecal samples obtained from patients before and
mycin. Stool tests for C. difficile toxin were per- after infusion.23
formed in a central laboratory (Premier Toxins
A&B, Meridian Bioscience) on days 14, 21, 35, R e sult s
and 70 and whenever diarrhea occurred.
Patients and Termination of the Trial
Analysis of Fecal Microbiota From January 2008 through April 2010, a total of
We analyzed the fecal microbiota for bacterial 43 patients were randomly assigned to receive
diversity by extracting DNA from samples from donor-feces infusion (17 patients), vancomycin
patients before and after donor-feces infusion (13), or vancomycin and bowel lavage (13). Ini-
and from the respective donor samples.20 We tially, the inclusion of 40 patients per study group
then characterized 16S ribosomal RNA gene am- was planned. Because most patients in both con-
plicons using the Human Intestinal Tract Chip trol groups had a relapse, the data and safety
(HITChip), a phylogenetic microarray, as described monitoring board performed the interim efficacy
previously.21 We estimated the diversity of the analysis and advised termination of the trial, as

n engl j med 368;5 january 31, 2013 40

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 21

described in the Supplementary Appendix. At that severe heart failure and chronic obstructive pul-
time, 43 patients were included, with one of them monary disease and died 13 days after random-
subsequently excluded from further analysis (Ta- ization, without providing data on response. In
ble 1 and Fig. 1). In 39 patients, a positive toxin the intention-to-treat analysis, vancomycin ther-
test before inclusion was confirmed by a positive apy was considered to have failed in this patient.
C. difficile culture. PCR ribotyping was performed Another patient in the infusion group required
on strains obtained from 34 patients (see the high-dose prednisolone because of a rapid de-
Supplementary Appendix). crease in renal-graft function. The patient had
Forty-one patients completed the study proto- received a renal transplant from an unrelated do-
col. One patient in the vancomycin-only group nor 11 months before study enrollment, and graft
was discharged home from the hospital after the dysfunction was noted immediately after ran-
initiation of vancomycin. At home, the patient domization but before the study treatment was
decided to discontinue all medication because of initiated. At that time, the nephrologist objected

Table 1. Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients.*

Donor-Feces Vancomycin and

Infusion Vancomycin Only Bowel Lavage
Characteristic (N = 16) (N = 13) (N = 13) P Value†
Age — yr 73±13 66±14 69±16 0.39
Body-mass index‡ 22±3 22±4 24±4 0.41
Female sex — no. (%) 8 (50) 7 (54) 3 (23) 0.22
Karnofsky performance status§ 50±18 50±17 56±21 0.62
Median Charlson comorbidity index (range) — score¶ 3 (0–4) 1 (0–8) 1 (0–6) 0.53
Median recurrences of CDI (range) — no. 3 (1–5) 3 (1–4) 2 (1–9) 0.69
Previous failure of tapered vancomycin therapy — no. (%) 10 (62) 8 (62) 6 (46) 0.63
Reported antibiotic use before CDI — no. (%) 16 (100) 12 (92) 13 (100) 0.62
Hospital-acquired CDI infection — no. (%) 10 (62) 6 (46) 10 (77) 0.27
Admitted to a hospital at study inclusion — no. (%) 5 (31) 4 (31) 4 (31) 1.00
Days of antibiotic use for CDI since first diagnosis — no.‖ 63±41 51±27 49±38 0.56
Use of proton-pump inhibitor — no. (%) 13 (81) 10 (77) 11 (85) 0.88
ICU admission in preceding month — no. (%) 1 (6) 0 1 (8) 1.00
Feeding tube present — no. (%) 3 (19) 2 (15) 2 (15) 0.96
Median stool frequency per 24 hr (range) — no. 5 (3–20) 5 (3–12) 5 (3–10) 0.72
Leukocyte count — per mm3**
Median 8000 8100 6500 0.39
Range 4000–15,000 4000–23,000 3000–14,000
Albumin — g/dl** 3.7±0.7 3.8±0.7 3.9±0.8 0.66
Median creatinine (range) — mg/dl** 1.3 (0.6–10.3) 1.0 (0.5–1.8) 0.9 (0.6–5.2) 0.26
Ribotype 027 in first sample — no. (%)†† 3 (23) 1 (11) 0 0.28

* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. To convert the values for creatinine to micromoles per liter, multiply by 88.4. CDI denotes Clostridium
difficile infection, and ICU intensive care unit.
† P values are for the overall comparison among the three groups.
‡ The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
§ The Karnofsky performance status ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating improved functional status.
¶ Scores on the Charlson comorbidity index range from 0 to 6 for each of 17 indicators, with higher scores indicating greater severity of illness.
‖ Data were missing for one patient in the infusion group and one in the vancomycin-only group.
** Data were missing for one patient in the vancomycin-only group.
†† Data for ribotype 027 (a more virulent strain of C. difficile) were missing for three patients in the infusion group, four in the vancomycin-
only group, and two in the group receiving vancomycin with bowel lavage.

410 n engl j med 368;5 january 31, 2013

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22 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
Donor-Feces Infusion for Recurrent C. difficile

102 Patients were assessed for eligibility

or their treating physicians contacted
the study center

49 Were excluded
2 Were pregnant
2 Were admitted to the intensive care unit
2 Had life expectancy <3 mo
3 Were immunocompromised
8 Were not able to give informed consent
1 Was allergic to vancomycin
31 Did not meet criteria of both diarrhea and
positive stool toxin for Clostridium difficile
10 Declined to participate

43 Underwent randomization

17 Were assigned to receive 13 Were assigned to receive 13 Were assigned to receive

donor-feces infusion vancomycin vancomycin and bowel lavage

1 Was excluded 1 Died

16 Completed evaluation 12 Completed evaluation 13 Completed evaluation

Figure 1. Enrollment and Outcomes.

After randomization, one patient in the infusion group required high-dose prednisolone because of a rapid decrease
in renal-graft function that was noted immediately after randomization but before the study treatment was initiated.
This patient was excluded from the analysis. One patient in the vancomycin-only group died before the first stool
sample could be tested for the presence of Clostridium difficile toxin.

to treatment with donor feces. The patient was Study Outcomes

treated with vancomycin for 45 days, had a re- Of 16 patients in the infusion group, 13 (81%)
currence 41 days after cessation of vancomycin, were cured after the first infusion of donor feces.
and was subsequently cured by donor-feces infu- The 3 remaining patients received a second infu-
sion. This patient was excluded from the analysis sion with feces from a different donor at 14, 50,
because of a clinically driven protocol deviation, and 53 days after randomization; of these pa-
which meant that the patient’s response to treat- tients, 2 were subsequently cured. Overall, donor
ment could not be evaluated. feces cured 15 of 16 patients (94%). Resolution of
infection occurred in 4 of 13 patients (31%) in
Donors the vancomycin-alone group and in 3 of 13 pa-
Of 77 candidates, 25 donors were approved (see tients (23%) in the group receiving vancomycin
the Supplementary Appendix for results of donor with bowel lavage. Donor-feces infusion was sta-
screening). Feces from 15 donors were used for tistically superior to both vancomycin regimens
43 infusions in the infusion group and for pa- (P<0.01 for both comparisons after the first infu-
tients who had a relapse after vancomycin treat- sion and P<0.001 for overall cure rates) (Fig. 2).
ment. A mean (±SD) of 141±71 g of feces was in- The overall cure rate ratio of donor-feces infusion
fused. The mean time from defecation to infusion was 3.05 as compared with vancomycin alone
was 3.1±1.9 hours. (99.9% confidence interval [CI], 1.08 to 290.05)

n engl j med 368;5 january 31, 2013 41

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 23

Table 2. Adverse Events in 16 Patients in the Infusion

P<0.001 Group.*

P<0.001 On Day of Infusion During

Adverse Event of Donor Feces Follow-up
no. of events
P=0.003 Belching 3 0
100 Nausea 1 0
Vomiting 0 0
Percentage Cured without Relapse

80 Abdominal cramps 5 0
70 Diarrhea 15 0
60 Constipation 0 3
50 Abdominal pain 2 (associated with 0
40 cramping)
23.1 Infection 0 2†
20 Hospital admission NA 1‡
10 Death 0 0
0 Other adverse event 1§ 1‡
First Infusion Infusion of Donor Vancomycin Vancomycin with
of Donor Feces Feces Overall (N=13) Bowel Lavage
(N=16) (N=16) (N=13) * Adverse events that were reported on the day of donor-
feces infusion and those that were reported during follow-
Figure 2. Rates of Cure without Relapse for Recurrent Clostridium difficile up are listed separately. NA denotes not applicable.
Infection. † During follow-up, one patient with recurrent urinary tract
infections had a urinary tract infection for which antibiotics
Shown are the proportions of patients who were cured by the infusion of were prescribed. Another patient had fever during hemo-
donor feces (first infusion and overall results), by standard vancomycin dialysis for which antibiotics were prescribed; cultures
therapy, and by standard vancomycin therapy plus bowel lavage. remained negative.
‡ On day 56, one patient was hospitalized for symptomatic
choledocholithiasis, for which endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography and stone extraction were per-
and 4.05 as compared with vancomycin with formed.
bowel lavage (99.9% CI, 1.21 to 290.12). § One patient with autonomic dysfunction had dizziness
The median time to recurrence was 23 days combined with diarrhea after donor-feces infusion.
(range, 13 to 43) after the initiation of vancomy-
cin alone and 25 days (range, 18 to 70) after the Eighteen patients who had a relapse after ini-
initiation of vancomycin with bowel lavage. Five tial antibiotic treatment received off-protocol do-
weeks after the initiation of therapy, there was a nor-feces infusions; of these patients, 15 (83%)
recurrence of infection in 1 of 16 patients (6%) were cured. Eleven patients were cured after one
in the infusion group, 8 of 13 (62%) in the van- donor-feces infusion, and 4 patients were cured
comycin-alone group, and 7 of 13 (54%) in the after a second infusion.
group receiving vancomycin with bowel lavage.
Fourteen patients who were cured reported Adverse Events
having diarrhea during follow-up; these episodes A complete description of adverse events is includ-
were short and self-limited in 10 patients. Three ed in the Supplementary Appendix. Immediately
patients had a preexistent defecation frequency after donor-feces infusion, most patients (94%)
of at least three stools per day, a frequency that was had diarrhea. In addition, cramping (31%) and
markedly increased during episodes with C. dif- belching (19%) were reported (Table 2). In all pa-
ficile infection and returned to normal after donor- tients, these symptoms resolved within 3 hours.
feces infusion. In these patients, toxin tests were During follow-up, three patients who were treat-
repeatedly negative, and there was no clinical ed with donor feces (19%) had constipation. No
suspicion of recurrence. One patient in the van- other adverse events related to study treatment
comycin-only group had persistent diarrhea, were reported. The death of one patient from se-
with repeatedly negative toxin tests; this patient vere heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmo-
was considered to have had a response, although nary disease in the vancomycin-only group was
there was clinical suspicion of recurrence. considered to be unrelated to the study drug.

412 n engl j med 368;5 january 31, 2013

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24 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
Donor-Feces Infusion for Recurrent C. difficile

Fecal Microbiota
The Simpson’s Reciprocal Index of diversity of fe- 250
cal microbiota obtained from nine patients who
were evaluated before the donor-feces infusion 200

Simpson’s Reciprocal Index

was consistently low (mean, 57±26) and increased
within 2 weeks after infusion to 179±42 (P<0.001), 150
becoming undistinguishable from the fecal mi-
crobiota diversity level of the donors (mean,
172±54) (Fig. 3). In eight patients for whom sam-
ples were available, the diversity of fecal micro-
biota remained undistinguishable from that of 50

the donor during follow-up.

In addition, a principal component analysis 0
Donors Patients before Patients after
was performed on the phylogenetic microarray Infusion Infusion
profiles of each sample. This unsupervised anal-
ysis showed that nearly 50% of the variation in Figure 3. Microbiota Diversity in Patients before and
the data was explained by the first two principal after Infusion of Donor Feces, as Compared with
Diversity in Healthy Donors.
components, indicating a major shift in the pa-
Microbiota diversity is expressed as Simpson’s Recip-
tients’ microbiota after donor-feces infusion to- rocal Index of diversity in fecal samples obtained from
ward that of the donors (Fig. S2 in the Supple- nine patients before and 14 days after the first infusion
mentary Appendix). of donor feces, as compared with their donors. The in-
After donor-feces infusion, we observed dex ranges from 1 to 250, with higher values indicating
quantitative changes in relevant groups of intes- more diversity. The box-and-whisker plots indicate in-
terquartile ranges (boxes), medians (dark horizontal
tinal bacteria (P<0.05) (Table S2 in the Supple- lines in the boxes), and highest and lowest values
mentary Appendix). These changes included in- (whiskers above and below the boxes).
creased numbers of Bacteroidetes species and of
clostridium clusters IV and XIVa (by a factor of
2 to 4 for both groups) and decreased numbers ing additional antibiotics to treat infections oth-
of Proteobacteria (by a factor of up to 100). er than C. difficile because it seems reasonable to
postpone donor-feces infusion until antibiotics
Discussion can be stopped, enabling colonization of the
bowel with healthy donor feces.
In this small, open-label, randomized, controlled Although our study was designed for patients
trial, we found that the infusion of donor feces is with any recurrence of C. difficile infection, only
a potential therapeutic strategy against recurrent 8 of 43 patients were included after a first re-
C. difficile infection. Our study population of lapse, reflecting the reluctance of patients and
mainly elderly patients reflects the population in physicians to choose donor-feces infusion at an
whom C. difficile infection develops in daily prac- early stage. The efficacy of antibiotic therapy de-
tice. However, we excluded three groups of pa- creases with subsequent recurrences, and it seems
tients at risk for recurrent C. difficile infection. reasonable to initiate treatment with donor-feces
Patients with prolonged immunodeficiency were infusion after the second or third relapse. It has
excluded to prevent the potential translocation of yet to be established whether other promising
infused intestinal bacteria. Infectious complica- treatment strategies, such as fidaxomycin or infu-
tions were not observed after donor infusion in sion of antibodies against clostridium toxins,3,27
our study and have not been reported in the lit- are effective against recurrent C. difficile infection.
erature.15 Also, critically ill patients who were The power calculation of our study was based
admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) were ex- on the efficacy of vancomycin for a first recur-
cluded. However, C. difficile infection in the ICU is rence of C. difficile infection. Because most pa-
associated with high death rates,24 and anecdotal tients had several relapses before inclusion in
reports have shown promising results of donor- the study (typically, after a failure of vancomycin
feces infusion in critically ill patients.25,26 The therapy), the efficacy of vancomycin in our study
third excluded group comprised patients requir- was considerably lower than expected, which prob-

n engl j med 368;5 january 31, 2013 41

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 25

ably contributed to the findings of a difference against C. difficile.31 Changes in the gut bacterial
between study groups. At study termination, 16 phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were associ-
patients had been treated with donor-feces infu- ated with C. difficile infection.31,32 We found that
sion. The success rate of donor-feces infusion was the fecal microbiota in patients with C. difficile
extended off protocol in another 18 patients who infection had a reduced bacterial diversity, as com-
had initially been assigned to receive antibiotic pared with healthy persons, extending previous
therapy. A prolonged tapering schedule of vanco- observations.12 Infusion of donor feces resulted
mycin may be prescribed for recurrent C. difficile in improvement in the microbial diversity, which
infection and was not incorporated into the trial persisted over time. Also, there was an increase
for practical reasons. This may be a limitation of in Bacteroidetes species and clostridium clusters
our study, although 56% of the patients were un- IV and XIVa (Firmicutes), whereas Proteobacteria
successfully treated with prolonged and tapering species decreased.
vancomycin schedules before inclusion. In conclusion, in patients with recurrent C. dif-
Several questions remain unanswered. The op- ficile infection, the infusion of donor feces, as
timal protocol for donor-feces infusion is un- compared with vancomycin therapy, resulted in
known. We pretreated patients with vancomycin better treatment outcomes. In particular, patients
and bowel lavage, following a protocol that was with multiple relapses of C. difficile infection ben-
effective in previously published case series.15,28 efited from this unconventional approach.
Bowel lavage was incorporated to reduce the Supported by grants from the Netherlands Organization for
pathogenic bowel content, facilitating coloniza- Health Research and Development (ZonMW, 170881001; VENI
tion of healthy donor microbiota. Whether bowel grant, MN: 016096044) and a Spinoza Award (to Dr. de Vos)
from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.
lavage indeed contributes to the efficacy of do- Dr. van Nood reports receiving lecture fees from Astellas;
nor-feces infusion is not known.29 However, the Drs. Kuijper, Speelman, and Keller, serving on an advisory
possibility that bowel lavage itself cures C. diffi- board for and receiving consulting fees from Astellas; and Drs.
Kuijper and Keller, serving on an advisory board for and receiv-
cile is unlikely, since no benefit was seen in the ing consulting fees from Microbex. No other potential conflict
second control group, in whom vancomycin was of interest relevant to this article was reported.
combined with bowel lavage. Furthermore, the Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
amount of feces required and the importance of We thank Hans Zaaijer and Tom van Gool for their contribu-
varying potential routes of infusion (nasoduode- tion to the donor screening; the European Study Group of Clos-
nal tube, enema, or colonoscopy) are unknown tridium difficile for their support; Jeroen Jansen, Martijn Bauer,
Jeanin van Hooft, Hanke Wattel, Wim Meijer, Jan Veenstra, An-
since the literature reports many different treat- nekatrien Depla, Ser Peters, Gitte van Twillert, Marcel Spanier,
ment protocols.15,18,30 In our study, infusion of a Michiel van Agtmael, Reindert Vermeijden, Gerard van Asselt,
relatively large amount of feces through a naso- Oanh Thang, and all other participating doctors in the referring
hospitals; Paul Fockens, Jan van der Meer, Harry Buller, Zinzi
duodenal tube had an acceptable adverse-event Hegeman, Rob Weijts, Isaie Reuling, Iuke Douwes Dekker, Men-
profile and was logistically manageable. no Vergeer, Wim Nicolaas, and Vanessa Harris for their contri-
The mechanism underlying the efficacy of bution to the study; Philippe Puylaert and Wilma Akkermans-
van Vliet for their assistance in the microbiota analysis; and
donor-feces infusion is probably the reestablish- Frank Giardiello, Johan Offerhaus, and Marcel Levi for review-
ment of the normal microbiota as a host defense ing a previous draft of the manuscript.


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4. Bartlett JG. The case for vancomycin dii in combination with standard tridium difficile and serum levels of IgG

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antibody against toxin A. N Engl J Med transplantation (fecal bacteriotherapy) for the treatment of pseudomembranous en-
2000;342:390-7. recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. terocolitis. Surgery 1958;44:854-9.
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teria cure chronic C. difficile diarrhea. tion of the human intestinal tract chip, a ment of chronic, relapsing Clostridium
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n engl j med 368;5 january 31, 2013 41

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 27

review article

Critical Care Medicine

Simon R. Finfer, M.D., and Jean-Louis Vincent, M.D., Ph.D., Editors

Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock

Derek C. Angus, M.D., M.P.H., and Tom van der Poll, M.D., Ph.D.

From the CRISMA (Clinical Research, Inves- epsis is one of the oldest and most elusive syndromes in medicine.
tigation, and Systems Modeling of Acute Hippocrates claimed that sepsis (σηψις)
´ was the process by which flesh rots,
Illness) Center, Department of Critical
Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh swamps generate foul airs, and wounds fester.1 Galen later considered sepsis
School of Medicine, Pittsburgh (D.C.A.); a laudable event, necessary for wound healing.2 With the confirmation of germ
and the Center for Experimental and Mo- theory by Semmelweis, Pasteur, and others, sepsis was recast as a systemic infec-
lecular Medicine, Division of Infectious
Diseases, and Center for Infection and tion, often described as “blood poisoning,” and assumed to be the result of the
Immunity Amsterdam, Academic Medical host’s invasion by pathogenic organisms that then spread in the bloodstream.
Center, University of Amsterdam, Am- However, with the advent of modern antibiotics, germ theory did not fully explain
sterdam (T.P.). Address reprint requests
to Dr. Angus at the Department of Criti- the pathogenesis of sepsis: many patients with sepsis died despite successful erad-
cal Care Medicine, University of Pitts- ication of the inciting pathogen. Thus, researchers suggested that it was the host,
burgh, 614 Scaife Hall, 3550 Terrace St., not the germ, that drove the pathogenesis of sepsis.3
Pittsburgh, PA 15261, or at angusdc@; or to Dr. van der Poll at the In 1992, an international consensus panel defined sepsis as a systemic inflam-
Division of Infectious Diseases, Academ- matory response to infection, noting that sepsis could arise in response to mul-
ic Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9, Rm. tiple infectious causes and that septicemia was neither a necessary condition nor
G2-130, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, the Nether-
lands, or at a helpful term.4 Instead, the panel proposed the term “severe sepsis” to describe
instances in which sepsis is complicated by acute organ dysfunction, and they
This article was updated on November codified “septic shock” as sepsis complicated by either hypotension that is refrac-
21, 2013, at
tory to fluid resuscitation or by hyperlactatemia. In 2003, a second consensus
N Engl J Med 2013;369:840-51. panel endorsed most of these concepts, with the caveat that signs of a systemic
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1208623
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. inflammatory response, such as tachycardia or an elevated white-cell count, occur
in many infectious and noninfectious conditions and therefore are not helpful in
distinguishing sepsis from other conditions.5 Thus, “severe sepsis” and “sepsis”
are sometimes used interchangeably to describe the syndrome of infection com-
plicated by acute organ dysfunction.

Incidence a nd C ause s

The incidence of severe sepsis depends on how acute organ dysfunction is defined
and on whether that dysfunction is attributed to an underlying infection. Organ
dysfunction is often defined by the provision of supportive therapy (e.g., mechani-
cal ventilation), and epidemiologic studies thus count the “treated incidence” rath-
er than the actual incidence. In the United States, severe sepsis is recorded in 2% of
patients admitted to the hospital. Of these patients, half are treated in the intensive
care unit (ICU), representing 10% of all ICU admissions.6,7 The number of cases in
the United States exceeds 750,000 per year7 and was recently reported to be rising.8
However, several factors — new International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision
(ICD-9) coding rules, confusion over the distinction between septicemia and severe
sepsis, the increasing capacity to provide intensive care, and increased awareness
and surveillance — confound the interpretation of temporal trends.
Studies from other high-income countries show similar rates of sepsis in the
ICU.9 The incidence of severe sepsis outside modern ICUs, especially in parts of

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28 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
critical care medicine

the world in which ICU care is scarce, is largely encoding proteins implicated in the pathogene-
unknown. Extrapolating from treated incidence sis of sepsis, including cytokines and other me-
rates in the United States, Adhikari et al. estimated diators involved in innate immunity, coagula-
up to 19 million cases worldwide per year.10 The tion, and fibrinolysis. However, findings are
true incidence is presumably far higher. often inconsistent, owing at least in part to the
Severe sepsis occurs as a result of both com- heterogeneity of the patient populations stud-
munity-acquired and health care–associated in- ied.19,20 Although a recent genomewide associa-
fections. Pneumonia is the most common cause, tion study21 explored drug responsiveness in
accounting for about half of all cases, followed by sepsis, no such large-scale studies of susceptibil-
intraabdominal and urinary tract infections.7,8,11,12 ity to or outcome of sepsis have been performed.
Blood cultures are typically positive in only one
third of cases, and in up to a third of cases, Cl inic a l Fe at ur e s
cultures from all sites are negative.7,11,13,14 Staphy-
lococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae are the The clinical manifestations of sepsis are highly
most common gram-positive isolates, whereas variable, depending on the initial site of infec-
Escherichia coli, klebsiella species, and Pseudomonas tion, the causative organism, the pattern of acute
aeruginosa predominate among gram-negative iso- organ dysfunction, the underlying health status
lates.11,14 An epidemiologic study of sepsis of the patient, and the interval before initiation
showed that during the period from 1979 to of treatment. The signs of both infection and or-
2000, gram-positive infections overtook gram- gan dysfunction may be subtle, and thus the
negative infections.15 However, in a more recent most recent international consensus guidelines
study involving 14,000 ICU patients in 75 coun- provide a long list of warning signs of incipient
tries, gram-negative bacteria were isolated in 62% sepsis (Table 1).5 Acute organ dysfunction most
of patients with severe sepsis who had positive commonly affects the respiratory and cardiovas-
cultures, gram-positive bacteria in 47%, and cular systems. Respiratory compromise is classi-
fungi in 19%.12 cally manifested as the acute respiratory distress
Risk factors for severe sepsis are related both syndrome (ARDS), which is defined as hypox-
to a patient’s predisposition for infection and to emia with bilateral infiltrates of noncardiac ori-
the likelihood of acute organ dysfunction if in- gin.22 Cardiovascular compromise is manifested
fection develops. There are many well-known risk primarily as hypotension or an elevated serum
factors for the infections that most commonly lactate level. After adequate volume expansion,
precipitate severe sepsis and septic shock, includ- hypotension frequently persists, requiring the
ing chronic diseases (e.g., the acquired immuno- use of vasopressors, and myocardial dysfunction
deficiency syndrome, chronic obstructive pul- may occur.23
monary disease, and many cancers) and the use The brain and kidneys are also often affected.
of immunosuppressive agents.7 Among patients Central nervous system dysfunction is typically
with such infections, however, the risk factors manifested as obtundation or delirium. Imaging
for organ dysfunction are less well studied but studies generally show no focal lesions, and
probably include the causative organism and the findings on electroencephalography are usually
patient’s genetic composition, underlying health consistent with nonfocal encephalopathy. Criti-
status, and preexisting organ function, along cal illness polyneuropathy and myopathy are
with the timeliness of therapeutic intervention.16 also common, especially in patients with a pro-
Age, sex, and race or ethnic group all influence longed ICU stay.24 Acute kidney injury is mani-
the incidence of severe sepsis, which is higher in fested as decreasing urine output and an in-
infants and elderly persons than in other age creasing serum creatinine level and frequently
groups, higher in males than in females, and requires treatment with renal-replacement ther-
higher in blacks than in whites.7,17 apy. Paralytic ileus, elevated aminotransferase
There is considerable interest in the contribu- levels, altered glycemic control, thrombocytope-
tion of host genetic characteristics to the inci- nia and disseminated intravascular coagulation,
dence and outcome of sepsis, in part because of adrenal dysfunction, and the euthyroid sick syn-
strong evidence of inherited risk factors.18 Many drome are all common in patients with severe
studies have focused on polymorphisms in genes sepsis.5

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 29

Table 1. Diagnostic Criteria for Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock.*

Sepsis (documented or suspected infection plus ≥1 of the following)†

General variables
Fever (core temperature, >38.3°C)
Hypothermia (core temperature, <36°C)
Elevated heart rate (>90 beats per min or >2 SD above the upper limit of the normal range for age)
Altered mental status
Substantial edema or positive fluid balance (>20 ml/kg of body weight over a 24-hr period)
Hyperglycemia (plasma glucose, >120 mg/dl [6.7 mmol/liter]) in the absence of diabetes
Inflammatory variables
Leukocytosis (white-cell count, >12,000/mm3)
Leukopenia (white-cell count, <4000/mm3)
Normal white-cell count with >10% immature forms
Elevated plasma C-reactive protein (>2 SD above the upper limit of the normal range)
Elevated plasma procalcitonin (>2 SD above the upper limit of the normal range)
Hemodynamic variables
Arterial hypotension (systolic pressure, <90 mm Hg; mean arterial pressure, <70 mm Hg; or decrease in systolic
pressure of >40 mm Hg in adults or to >2 SD below the lower limit of the normal range for age)
Elevated mixed venous oxygen saturation (>70%)‡
Elevated cardiac index (>3.5 liters/min/square meter of body-surface area)§
Organ-dysfunction variables
Arterial hypoxemia (ratio of the partial pressure of arterial oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen, <300)
Acute oliguria (urine output, <0.5 ml/kg/hr or 45 ml/hr for at least 2 hr)
Increase in creatinine level of >0.5 mg/dl (>44 μmol/liter)
Coagulation abnormalities (international normalized ratio, >1.5; or activated partial-thromboplastin time, >60 sec)
Paralytic ileus (absence of bowel sounds)
Thrombocytopenia (platelet count, <100,000/mm3)
Hyperbilirubinemia (plasma total bilirubin, >4 mg/dl [68 μmol/liter])
Tissue-perfusion variables
Hyperlactatemia (lactate, >1 mmol/liter)
Decreased capillary refill or mottling
Severe sepsis (sepsis plus organ dysfunction)
Septic shock (sepsis plus either hypotension [refractory to intravenous fluids] or hyperlactatemia)¶

* Data are adapted from Levy et al.5

† In children, diagnostic criteria for sepsis are signs and symptoms of inflammation plus infection with hyperthermia or
hypothermia (rectal temperature, >38.5°C or <35°C, respectively), tachycardia (may be absent with hypothermia), and at
least one of the following indications of altered organ function: altered mental status, hypoxemia, increased serum lac-
tate level, or bounding pulses.
‡ A mixed venous oxygen saturation level of more than 70% is normal in newborns and children (pediatric range, 75 to 80%).
§ A cardiac index ranging from 3.5 to 5.5 liters per minute per square meter is normal in children.
¶ Refractory hypotension is defined as either persistent hypotension or a requirement for vasopressors after the adminis-
tration of an intravenous fluid bolus.

Ou t c ome death from septic shock were often in excess of

80% as recently as 30 years ago.25 However, with
Before the introduction of modern intensive care advances in training, better surveillance and
with the ability to provide vital-organ support, monitoring, and prompt initiation of therapy to
severe sepsis and septic shock were typically le- treat the underlying infection and support failing
thal. Even with intensive care, rates of in-hospital organs, mortality is now closer to 20 to 30% in

42 n engl j med 369;9 august 29, 2013

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30 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
critical care medicine

many series.7,26 With decreasing death rates, at- four main classes — toll-like receptors, C-type
tention has focused on the trajectory of recovery lectin receptors, retinoic acid inducible gene 1–like
among survivors. Numerous studies have sug- receptors, and nucleotide-binding oligomerization
gested that patients who survive to hospital dis- domain–like receptors — have been identified,
charge after sepsis remain at increased risk for with the last group partially acting in protein
death in the following months and years. Those complexes called inflammasomes (Fig. 1).31
who survive often have impaired physical or neu- These receptors recognize structures that are
rocognitive functioning, mood disorders, and a conserved among microbial species, so-called
low quality of life.27 In most studies, determining pathogen-associated molecular patterns, result-
the causal role of sepsis in such subsequent disor- ing in the up-regulation of inflammatory gene
ders has been difficult. However, a recent analy- transcription and initiation of innate immunity.
sis of the Health and Retirement Study, involving The same receptors also sense endogenous mol-
a large, longitudinal cohort of aging Americans, ecules released from injured cells, so-called
suggested that severe sepsis significantly acceler- damage-associated molecular patterns, or alarm-
ated physical and neurocognitive decline.28 ins, such as high-mobility group protein B1, S100
proteins, and extracellular RNA, DNA, and his-
Pathoph ysiol o gy tones.32 Alarmins are also released during sterile
injury such as trauma, giving rise to the concept
Host Response that the pathogenesis of multiple organ failure in
As the concept of the host theory emerged, it was sepsis is not fundamentally different from that in
first assumed that the clinical features of sepsis noninfectious critical illness.32
were the result of overly exuberant inflamma-
tion. Later, Bone et al.29 advanced the idea that Coagulation Abnormalities
the initial inflammatory response gave way to a Severe sepsis is almost invariably associated with
subsequent “compensatory antiinflammatory re- altered coagulation, frequently leading to dis-
sponse syndrome.” However, it has become ap- seminated intravascular coagulation.33 Excess
parent that infection triggers a much more com- fibrin deposition is driven by coagulation
plex, variable, and prolonged host response, in through the action of tissue factor, a transmem-
which both proinflammatory and antiinflamma- brane glycoprotein expressed by various cell
tory mechanisms can contribute to clearance of types; by impaired anticoagulant mechanisms,
infection and tissue recovery on the one hand including the protein C system and antithrom-
and organ injury and secondary infections on the bin; and by compromised fibrin removal owing
other.30 The specific response in any patient de- to depression of the fibrinolytic system (Fig. 2).33
pends on the causative pathogen (load and viru- Protease-activated receptors (PARs) form the mo-
lence) and the host (genetic characteristics and lecular link between coagulation and inflamma-
coexisting illnesses), with differential responses tion. Among the four subtypes that have been
at local, regional, and systemic levels (Fig. 1). The identified, PAR1 in particular is implicated in
composition and direction of the host response sepsis.33 PAR1 exerts cytoprotective effects when
probably change over time in parallel with the stimulated by activated protein C or low-dose
clinical course. In general, proinflammatory reac- thrombin but exerts disruptive effects on endo-
tions (directed at eliminating invading pathogens) thelial-cell barrier function when activated by
are thought to be responsible for collateral tissue high-dose thrombin.34 The protective effect of
damage in severe sepsis, whereas antiinflamma- activated protein C in animal models of sepsis is
tory responses (important for limiting local and dependent on its capacity to activate PAR1 and
systemic tissue injury) are implicated in the en- not on its anticoagulant properties.34
hanced susceptibility to secondary infections.
Antiinflammatory Mechanisms
Innate Immunity and Immunosuppression
Knowledge of pathogen recognition has in- The immune system harbors humoral, cellular,
creased tremendously in the past decade. Patho- and neural mechanisms that attenuate the poten-
gens activate immune cells through an interac- tially harmful effects of the proinflammatory
tion with pattern-recognition receptors, of which response (Fig. 1).30 Phagocytes can switch to an

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 31

Proinflammatory response Excessive inflammation causing collateral damage (tissue injury)

Pathogen factors Perpetuation of inflammation molecular patterns
molecular patterns
Reactive oxygen species Complement products Coagulation proteases
Host–pathogen interaction

TLRs Leukocyte activation Complement activation Coagulation activation Necrotic cell death

Impaired function Inhibition of proinflammatory

Neuroendocrine regulation
of immune cells gene transcription

Vagus Apoptosis of T, B,
RLRs nerve Celiac and dendritic cells
Endosome ganglion
Antiinflammatory cytokines
Host cell Spleen Soluble cytokine receptors
Negative regulators
Expansion of regulatory of TLR signaling
T and myeloid Epigenetic regulation
Host factors Hypothalamic– suppressor cells
Environment pituitary– Acetylcholine
adrenal axis
Age Inhibition of proinflammatory
Other illnesses cytokine production Impaired
Medications phagocytosis
Adrenal Catecholamines
gland Cortisol

Antiinflammatory response Immunosuppression with enhanced susceptibility to secondary infections

Figure 1. The Host Response in Severe Sepsis. COLOR FIGURE

Draft 6
The host response to sepsis is characterized by both proinflammatory responses (top of panel, in red) and antiinflammatory immunosup- 8/09/13
Author Angus
pressive responses (bottom of panel, in blue). The direction, extent, and duration of these reactions are determined by1 both host factors
Fig #
(e.g., genetic characteristics, age, coexisting illnesses, and medications) and pathogen factors (e.g., microbial Title
load and virulence). In-
flammatory responses are initiated by interaction between pathogen-associated molecular patterns expressed by pathogens and pattern-
recognition receptors expressed by host cells at the cell surface (toll-like receptors [TLRs] and C-type lectin receptors [CLRs]), in the
DE Drazen
endosome (TLRs), or in the cytoplasm (retinoic acid inducible gene 1–like receptors [RLRs] and nucleotide-binding Artist
domain–like receptors [NLRs]). The consequence of exaggerated inflammation is collateral tissue damage and necrotic cell PLEASE
AUTHOR death, which
results in the release of damage-associated molecular patterns, so-called danger molecules that perpetuate inflammation at least in part
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset
Please check carefully
by acting on the same pattern-recognition receptors that are triggered by pathogens. Issue date 8/29/13

antiinflammatory phenotype that promotes tis- T cells. The acetylcholine release targets α7 cho-
sue repair, and regulatory T cells and myeloid- linergic receptors on macrophages, suppressing
derived suppressor cells further reduce inflam- the release of proinflammatory cytokines.36 In
mation. In addition, neural mechanisms can animal models of sepsis,35 disruption of this
inhibit inflammation.35 In the so-called neuroin- neural-based system by vagotomy increases sus-
flammatory reflex, sensory input is relayed ceptibility to endotoxin shock, whereas stimula-
through the afferent vagus nerve to the brain tion of the efferent vagus nerve or α7 cholinergic
stem, from which the efferent vagus nerve acti- receptors attenuates systemic inflammation.
vates the splenic nerve in the celiac plexus, re- Patients who survive early sepsis but remain
sulting in norepinephrine release in the spleen dependent on intensive care have evidence of im-
and acetylcholine secretion by a subset of CD4+ munosuppression, in part reflected by reduced

844 n engl j med 369;9 august 29, 2013

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32 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
critical care medicine

Tissue hypoperfusion Loss of barrier function

Increased coagulation Decreased anticoagulation

Endothelial cell
↑ Tissue factor pathway S1P3 S1P1
factor inhibitor ↓ TM ↓ Endothelial PAR1
Monocyte ↑ S1P3 and
protein C receptor
↓ S1P1
↓ Antithrombin ↓ Protein C

↓ Activated protein C ↑ Angiopoietin 2

NETs Vasodilatation and ↑ thrombin
↓ Activated
with trapped protein C ↓ Blood pressure
↑ PAI-1 ↓Fibrinolysis ↓ Red-cell
Cell shrinkage
deformability and cell death
Neutrophil ↓ VE cadherin and
Thrombus ↓Tight junctions

Capillary leak
and interstitial
Loss of
Tissue hypoperfusion barrier function

Release of Mitochondrial
mitochondrial dysfunction
↓Tissue oxygenation

Organ failure

Figure 2. Organ Failure in Severe Sepsis and Dysfunction of the Vascular Endothelium and Mitochondria.
Sepsis is associated with microvascular thrombosis caused by concurrent activation of coagulation (mediated by tissue factor) COLOR FIGURE and im-

pairment of anticoagulant mechanisms as a consequence of reduced activity of endogenous anticoagulant pathways Draft(mediated
6 by acti-
vated protein C, antithrombin, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor), plus impaired fibrinolysis owing to enhanced release
Author Angus of plasminogen
Fig # 2
activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1). The capacity to generate activated protein C is impaired at least in part by reduced expression of two
endothelial receptors: thrombomodulin (TM) and the endothelial protein C receptor. Thrombus formation is further facilitated by neu-
trophil extracellular traps (NETs) released from dying neutrophils. Thrombus formation results in tissue hypoperfusion,
ME which is aggra-
vated by vasodilatation, hypotension, and reduced red-cell deformability. Tissue oxygenation is further impaired DEby the loss of barrier
Artist Knoper
function of the endothelium owing to a loss of function of vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin, alterations in endothelial cell-to-cell tight
junctions, high levels of angiopoietin 2, and a disturbed balance between sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 1 (S1P1) Figure hasand S1P3
been redrawn within
and type has been reset
Please check carefully
the vascular wall, which is at least in part due to preferential induction of S1P3 through protease activated receptor 1 (PAR1)
Issue date 8/29/13
as a result
of a reduced ratio of activated protein C to thrombin. Oxygen use is impaired at the subcellular level because of damage to mitochondria
from oxidative stress.

expression of HLA-DR on myeloid cells.37 These tients who had died of sepsis in the ICU.37 Be-
patients frequently have ongoing infectious foci, sides the spleen, the lungs also showed evidence
despite antimicrobial therapy, or reactivation of of immunosuppression; both organs had en-
latent viral infection.38,39 Multiple studies have hanced expression of ligands for T-cell inhibi-
documented reduced responsiveness of blood tory receptors on parenchymal cells.37 Enhanced
leukocytes to pathogens in patients with sep- apoptosis, especially of B cells, CD4+ T cells,
sis,30 findings that were recently corroborated by and follicular dendritic cells, has been implicat-
postmortem studies revealing strong functional ed in sepsis-associated immunosuppression and
impairments of splenocytes obtained from pa- death.40,41 Epigenetic regulation of gene expres-

n engl j med 369;9 august 29, 2013 845

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Table 2. Guidelines for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock from the Surviving Sepsis Campaign.*

Element of Care Grade†
Begin goal-directed resuscitation during first 6 hr after recognition 1C
Begin initial fluid resuscitation with crystalloid and consider the addition of albumin 1B
Consider the addition of albumin when substantial amounts of crystalloid are required to maintain adequate arterial pressure 2C
Avoid hetastarch formulations 1C
Begin initial fluid challenge in patients with tissue hypoperfusion and suspected hypovolemia, to achieve ≥30 ml of crystalloids per kilogram of body weight‡ 1C
Continue fluid-challenge technique as long as there is hemodynamic improvement UG
Use norepinephrine as the first-choice vasopressor to maintain a mean arterial pressure of ≥65 mm Hg 1B
Use epinephrine when an additional agent is needed to maintain adequate blood pressure 2B
Add vasopressin (at a dose of 0.03 units/min) with weaning of norepinephrine, if tolerated UG
Avoid the use of dopamine except in carefully selected patients (e.g., patients with a low risk of arrhythmias and either known marked left ventricular systolic dys- 2C

function or low heart rate)

Infuse dobutamine or add it to vasopressor therapy in the presence of myocardial dysfunction (e.g., elevated cardiac filling pressures or low cardiac output) or on- 1C
going hypoperfusion despite adequate intravascular volume and mean arterial pressure
Avoid the use of intravenous hydrocortisone if adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy restore hemodynamic stability; if hydrocortisone is used, ad- 2C
minister at a dose of 200 mg/day
Target a hemoglobin level of 7 to 9 g/dl in patients without hypoperfusion, critical coronary artery disease or myocardial ischemia, or acute hemorrhage 1B

n engl j med 369;9

Infection control
Obtain blood cultures before antibiotic therapy is administered 1C

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Perform imaging studies promptly to confirm source of infection UG
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

Administer broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy within 1 hr after diagnosis of either severe sepsis or septic shock 1B/1C

Reassess antibiotic therapy daily for de-escalation when appropriate 1B

Perform source control with attention to risks and benefits of the chosen method within 12 hr after diagnosis 1C

august 29, 2013

Respiratory support
Use a low tidal volume and limitation of inspiratory-plateau-pressure strategy for ARDS 1A/1B
m e dic i n e

Apply a minimal amount of positive end-expiratory pressure in ARDS 1B

Administer higher rather than lower positive end-expiratory pressure for patients with sepsis-induced ARDS 2C
Use recruitment maneuvers in patients with severe refractory hypoxemia due to ARDS 2C
Use prone positioning in patients with sepsis-induced ARDS and a ratio of the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (mm Hg) to the fraction of inspired oxygen of 2C
<100, in facilities that have experience with such practice
Elevate the head of the bed in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation, unless contraindicated 1B

Use a conservative fluid strategy for established acute lung injury or ARDS with no evidence of tissue hypoperfusion 1C
Use weaning protocols 1A
34 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
critical care medicine

sion may also contribute to sepsis-associated

ministration of a bolus of 20 ml of crystalloids (or albumin equivalent) per kilogram of body weight during a period of 5 to 10 minutes for hypovolemia (2C); increased use of inotropes
tinuous positive end-expiratory pressure in the presence of respiratory distress and hypoxemia (2C); use of physical examination therapeutic end points, such as capillary refill (2C); ad-
† For all grades, the number indicates the strength of the recommendation (1, recommended; 2, suggested), and the letter indicates the level of evidence, from high (A) to low (D), with

and vasodilators in septic shock with low cardiac output associated with elevated systemic vascular resistance (2C); and use of hydrocortisone only in children with suspected or prov-
UG indicating ungraded. Recommendations that are specific to pediatric severe sepsis include therapy with face-mask oxygen, high-flow nasal cannula oxygen, or nasopharyngeal con-



Organ Dysfunction
Although the mechanisms that underlie organ
failure in sepsis have been only partially eluci-
Use a protocol-specified approach to blood glucose management, with the initiation of insulin after two consecutive blood glucose levels of >180 mg/dl (10 mmol/

Administer oral or enteral feedings, as tolerated, rather than either complete fasting or provision of only intravenous glucose within the first 48 hr after a diagnosis
dated, impaired tissue oxygenation plays a key
role (Fig. 2). Several factors — including hypo-
tension, reduced red-cell deformability, and
microvascular thrombosis — contribute to dimin-
ished oxygen delivery in septic shock. Inflamma-
tion can cause dysfunction of the vascular endo-
thelium, accompanied by cell death and loss of
barrier integrity, giving rise to subcutaneous and
Use the equivalent of continuous venovenous hemofiltration or intermittent hemodialysis as needed for renal failure or fluid overload

body-cavity edema.43 In addition, mitochondrial

damage caused by oxidative stress and other mech-
anisms impairs cellular oxygen use.44 Moreover,
injured mitochondria release alarmins into the
* Data are adapted from Dellinger et al.23 ARDS denotes acute respiratory distress syndrome, and ICU intensive care unit.

extracellular environment, including mitochon-

drial DNA and formyl peptides, which can acti-
vate neutrophils and cause further tissue injury.45

T r e atmen t
Administer a short course of a neuromuscular blocker (<48 hr) for patients with early, severe ARDS

The Surviving Sepsis Campaign, an international

consortium of professional societies involved in
critical care, treatment of infectious diseases,
Address goals of care, including treatment plans and end-of-life planning as appropriate

‡ The guidelines recommend completing the initial fluid resuscitation within 3 hours (UG).

and emergency medicine, recently issued the third

iteration of clinical guidelines for the manage-
Administer stress-ulcer prophylaxis to prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding

ment of severe sepsis and septic shock (Table 2).23

The most important elements of the guidelines
are organized into two “bundles” of care: an ini-
Use sedation protocols, targeting specific dose-escalation end points
Avoid neuromuscular blockers if possible in patients without ARDS

tial management bundle to be accomplished with-

in 6 hours after the patient’s presentation and a
management bundle to be accomplished in the
ICU.23 Implementation of the bundles is associ-
liter), targeting a blood glucose level of <180 mg/dl

ated with an improved outcome.46,47

Administer prophylaxis for deep-vein thrombosis

The principles of the initial management

bundle are to provide cardiorespiratory resusci-
tation and mitigate the immediate threats of
uncontrolled infection. Resuscitation requires the
of severe sepsis or septic shock

en absolute adrenal insufficiency (2C).

use of intravenous fluids and vasopressors, with

oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation pro-
Central nervous system support

vided as necessary. The exact components re-

quired to optimize resuscitation, such as the
General supportive care

choice and amount of fluids, appropriate type

and intensity of hemodynamic monitoring, and
role of adjunctive vasoactive agents, all remain the
subject of ongoing debate and clinical trials;
many of these issues will be covered in this se-
ries.23 Nonetheless, some form of resuscitation is
considered essential, and a standardized approach

n engl j med 369;9 august 29, 2013 847

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 35

has been advocated to ensure prompt, effective agents and agents exerting more pleiotropic ef-
management.23 The initial management of in- fects. The specific agents can be divided into
fection requires forming a probable diagnosis, those designed to interrupt the initial cytokine
obtaining cultures, and initiating appropriate cascade (e.g., antilipopolysaccharide or anti–pro-
and timely empirical antimicrobial therapy and inflammatory cytokine strategies) and those de-
source control (i.e., draining pus, if appropriate). signed to interfere with dysregulated coagulation
The choice of empirical therapy depends on (e.g., antithrombin or activated protein C).61 The
the suspected site of infection, the setting in only new agent that gained regulatory approval
which the infection developed (i.e., home, nurs- was activated protein C.62 However, postapproval
ing home, or hospital), medical history, and lo- concern about the safety and efficacy of activated
cal microbial-susceptibility patterns. Inappropri- protein C prompted a repeat study, which did not
ate or delayed antibiotic treatment is associated show a benefit and led the manufacturer, Eli Lilly,
with increased mortality.48,49 Thus, intravenous to withdraw the drug from the market.11 All other
antibiotic therapy should be started as early as strategies thus far have not shown efficacy. With
possible and should cover all likely pathogens. It the recent decision to stop further clinical devel-
has not been determined whether combination opment of CytoFab, a polyclonal anti–tumor ne-
antimicrobial therapy produces better outcomes crosis factor antibody ( number,
than adequate single-agent antibiotic therapy in NCT01145560), there are no current large-scale
patients with severe sepsis.50-53 Current guide- trials of anticytokine strategies in the treatment
lines recommend combination antimicrobial of sepsis.
therapy only for neutropenic sepsis and sepsis Among the agents with broader immunomod-
caused by pseudomonas species. Empirical anti- ulatory effects, glucocorticoids have received the
fungal therapy should be used only in patients at most attention. Intravenous immune globulin is
high risk for invasive candidiasis.50 also associated with a potential benefit,63 but
The patient should also be moved to an ap- important questions remain, and its use is not
propriate setting, such as an ICU, for ongoing part of routine practice.23 Despite a large num-
care. After the first 6 hours, attention focuses on ber of observational studies suggesting that the
monitoring and support of organ function, use of statins reduces the incidence or improves
avoidance of complications, and de-escalation of the outcome of sepsis and severe infection,64
care when possible. De-escalation of initial broad- such findings have not been confirmed in ran-
spectrum therapy may prevent the emergence of domized, controlled trials, so the use of statins
resistant organisms, minimize the risk of drug is not part of routine sepsis care.23
toxicity, and reduce costs, and evidence from
observational studies indicates that such an ap- PROBLEMS WITH therapeutic development
proach is safe.54 The only immunomodulatory Faced with these disappointing results, many ob-
therapy that is currently advocated is a short servers question the current approach to the de-
course of hydrocortisone (200 to 300 mg per day velopment of sepsis drugs. Preclinical studies
for up to 7 days or until vasopressor support is commonly test drugs in young, healthy mice or
no longer required) for patients with refractory rats exposed to a septic challenge (e.g., bacteria or
septic shock.23 This recommendation is support- bacterial toxins) with limited or no ancillary treat-
ed by a meta-analysis,55 but the two largest stud- ment. In contrast, patients with sepsis are often
ies had conflicting results,56,57 and other clinical elderly or have serious coexisting illnesses, which
trials are ongoing.58,59 may affect the host response and increase the risk
of acute organ dysfunction. Furthermore, death in
se a rch for ne w ther a pie s the clinical setting often occurs despite the use of
antibiotics, resuscitation, and intensive life sup-
Recent Failures port, and the disease mechanisms in such cases
One of the great disappointments during the past are probably very different from those underlying
30 years has been the failure to convert advances the early deterioration that typically occurs in ani-
in our understanding of the underlying biologic mal models in the absence of supportive care.
features of sepsis into effective new therapies.60 There are also large between-species genetic dif-
Researchers have tested both highly specific ferences in the inflammatory host response.65

48 n engl j med 369;9 august 29, 2013

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36 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
critical care medicine

In clinical studies, the enrollment criteria are survivors of sepsis opens up avenues to explore
typically very broad, the agent is administered on agents currently being tested in patients with
the basis of a standard formula for only a short dementia and related conditions.
period, there is little information on how the agent The designs of trials could be modified to
changes the host response and host–pathogen more easily incorporate these ideas. For exam-
interactions, and the primary end point is death ple, the considerable uncertainty at the begin-
from any cause. Such a research strategy is prob- ning of a trial with regard to the appropriate
ably overly simplistic in that it does not select pa- selection of patients and drug-administration
tients who are most likely to benefit, cannot adjust strategy and the possibility of treatment inter-
therapy on the basis of the evolving host response actions may be better handled with the use of
and clinical course, and does not capture poten- a Bayesian design. A trial could commence with
tially important effects on nonfatal outcomes. multiple study groups that reflect the various un-
certainties to be tested but then automatically nar-
NEW STRATEGIES row assignments to the best-performing groups
Consequently, hope is pinned on newer so-called on the basis of predefined-response adaptive
precision-medicine strategies with better preclin- randomization rules. Such designs could be par-
ical models, more targeted drug development, ticularly helpful when testing combination ther-
and clinical trials that incorporate better patient apy or incorporating potential biomarkers of drug
selection, drug delivery, and outcome measure- responsiveness.
ment. For example, options to enrich the pre-
clinical portfolio include the study of animals C onclusions
that are more genetically diverse, are older, or
have preexisting disease. Longer experiments Severe sepsis and septic shock represent one of
with more advanced supportive care would allow the oldest and most pressing problems in medi-
better mimicry of the later stages of sepsis and cine. With advances in intensive care, increased
multiorgan failure, permitting the testing of awareness, and dissemination of evidence-based
drugs in a more realistic setting and perhaps fa- guidelines, clinicians have taken large strides in
cilitating the measurement of outcomes such as reducing the risk of imminent death associated
cognitive and physical functioning. In addition, with sepsis. However, as more patients survive
preclinical studies could be used to screen for sepsis, concern mounts over the lingering se-
potential biomarkers of a therapeutic response quelae of what was previously a lethal event.
for which there are human homologues. Strategies are also needed to reach the many mil-
Activated protein C mutants that lack antico- lions of patients with sepsis who are far from
agulant properties are examples of more target- modern intensive care. At the same time, advanc-
ed drug development and were shown to provide es in molecular biology have provided keen in-
protection from sepsis-induced death in animals, sight into the complexity of pathogen and alarm
without an increased risk of bleeding.66 Bio- recognition by the human host and important
markers such as whole-genome expression pat- clues to a host response that has gone awry.
terns in peripheral-blood leukocytes may aid in However, harnessing that information to provide
stratifying patients into more homogeneous sub- effective new therapies has proved to be difficult.
groups or in developing more targeted therapeu- To further improve the outcome of patients with
tic interventions.67 The insight that severe sepsis sepsis through the development of new therapeu-
can cause immunosuppression raises the possi- tic agents, newer, smarter approaches to clinical-
bility of using immune-stimulatory therapy (e.g., trial design and execution are essential.
interleukin-7, granulocyte–macrophage colony- Dr. Angus reports receiving grant support through his insti-
stimulating factor,68 or interferon-γ69), but ide- tution from Eisai, consulting fees from Idaho Technology, Pfizer,
ally, such therapy would be used only in patients Eisai, MedImmune, BioAegis, and Ferring, and fees from Eli
Lilly for serving as a member of a clinical-trial data and safety
in whom immunosuppression is identified or monitoring board. Dr. van der Poll reports receiving grant sup-
predicted. Thus, such therapies could be deployed port through his institution from Sirtris Pharmaceuticals and
on the basis of laboratory measures, such as consulting fees from Eisai. No other potential conflict of inter-
est relevant to this article was reported.
monocyte HLA-DR expression. In addition, con- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
cern about accelerated neurocognitive decline in the full text of this article at

n engl j med 369;9 august 29, 2013 84

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 37


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38 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
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critical determinant of survival in human severe sepsis and septic shock in adults: septic shock in critically ill adults: a sys-
septic shock. Crit Care Med 2006;34:1589- a systematic review. JAMA 2009;301:2362- tematic review and meta-analysis. Crit
96. 75. Care Med 2007;35:2686-92.
50. Bochud PY, Bonten M, Marchetti O, 56. Annane D, Sebille V, Charpentier C, 64. Yende S, Milbrandt EB, Kellum JA, et
Calandra T. Antimicrobial therapy for pa- et al. Effect of treatment with low doses al. Understanding the potential role of
tients with severe sepsis and septic shock: of hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone on statins in pneumonia and sepsis. Crit Care
an evidence-based review. Crit Care Med mortality in patients with septic shock. Med 2011;39:1871-8.
2004;32:S495-S512. JAMA 2002;288:862-71. 65. Seok J, Warren HS, Cuenca AG, et al.
51. Safdar N, Handelsman J, Maki DG. 57. Sprung CL, Annane D, Keh D, et al. Genomic responses in mouse models
Does combination antimicrobial therapy Hydrocortisone therapy for patients with poorly mimic human inflammatory dis-
reduce mortality in Gram-negative bacte- septic shock. N Engl J Med 2008;358:111- eases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013;110:
raemia? A meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis 24. 3507-12.
2004;4:519-27. 58. ADjunctive coRticosteroid trEatment 66. Kerschen EJ, Fernandez JA, Cooley
52. Brunkhorst FM, Oppert M, Marx G, et iN criticAlly ilL Patients With Septic Shock BC, et al. Endotoxemia and sepsis mortal-
al. Effect of empirical treatment with (ADRENAL)., 2013 (http:// ity reduction by non-anticoagulant acti-
moxifloxacin and meropenem vs merope- vated protein C. J Exp Med 2007;204:2439-
nem on sepsis-related organ dysfunction 59. Hydrocortisone for Prevention of Sep- 48.
in patients with severe sepsis: a random- tic Shock (HYPRESS)., 67. Wong HR. Clinical review: sepsis and
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53. Paul M, Benuri-Silbiger I, Soares- show/NCT00670254). rays. Crit Care 2012;16:204.
Weiser K, Leibovici L. Beta lactam mono- 60. Angus DC. The search for effective 68. Meisel C, Schefold JC, Pschowski R, et
therapy versus beta lactam-aminoglyco- therapy for sepsis: back to the drawing al. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stim-
side combination therapy for sepsis in board? JAMA 2011;306:2614-5. ulating factor to reverse sepsis-associated
immunocompetent patients: systematic 61. Webster NR, Galley HF. Immuno- immunosuppression: a double-blind, ran-
review and meta-analysis of randomised modulation in the critically ill. Br J An- domized, placebo-controlled multicenter
trials. BMJ 2004;328:668. [Erratum, BMJ aesth 2009;103:70-81. trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009;
2004;328:884.] 62. Bernard GR, Vincent JL, Laterre PF, et 180:640-8.
54. Heenen S, Jacobs F, Vincent JL. Anti- al. Efficacy and safety of recombinant hu- 69. Döcke WD, Randow F, Syrbe U, et al.
biotic strategies in severe nosocomial man activated protein C for severe sepsis. Monocyte deactivation in septic patients:
sepsis: why do we not de-escalate more N Engl J Med 2001;344:699-709. restoration by IFN-gamma treatment. Nat
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55. Annane D, Bellissant E, Bollaert PE, A. Polyclonal intravenous immunoglobu- Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.
et al. Corticosteroids in the treatment of lin for the treatment of severe sepsis and

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n engl j med 369;9 august 29, 2013 85

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 39

clinical practice

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Sally P. Stabler, M.D.

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem.
Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines,
when they exist. The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations.

A 57-year-old woman reports increasing symptoms of painful paresthesias in both From the University of Colorado School
legs for the past 18 months. Physical examination reveals impaired position sense of Medicine, Aurora. Address reprint re-
quests to Dr. Stabler at the Division of
and vibration sense. The serum vitamin B12 level is 205 pg per milliliter (151.2 pmol Hematology, University of Colorado,
per liter), which is above the lower end of the laboratory reference range. The hemato- Aurora, CO 80045, or at sally.stabler@
crit is 42%, with a mean corpuscular volume of 96 fl. The serum methylmalonic acid

level is 3600 nmol per liter (normal level, <400), and the serum homocysteine level N Engl J Med 2013;368:149-60.
49.1 μmol per liter (normal level, <14). How should this patient be further evaluated DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp1113996
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.
and treated?

The Cl inic a l Probl em

The recognition and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency is critical since it is a re-
versible cause of bone marrow failure and demyelinating nervous system disease.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is synthesized by microorganisms and detected in trace
amounts mostly in foods of animal origin.1 Uptake in the gastrointestinal tract
depends on intrinsic factor, which is synthesized by the gastric parietal cells, and
on the “cubam receptor” in the distal ileum.2 The most frequent cause of severe
vitamin B12 deficiency is a loss of intrinsic factor due to autoimmune atrophic gas- An audio version
of this article is
tritis,3 historically called “pernicious anemia,” even though many patients present available at
with mainly neurologic manifestations.4,5

Pathophysiology of Vitamin B 12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is a cofactor for only two enzymes: methionine synthase and l-methyl-
malonyl–coenzyme A mutase6,7 (see Fig. 1 in the Supplementary Appendix, avail-
able with the full text of this article at The interaction between folate
and B12 is responsible for the megaloblastic anemia seen in both vitamin deficien-
cies. Dyssynchrony between the maturation of cytoplasm and that of nuclei leads to
macrocytosis, immature nuclei, and hypersegmentation in granulocytes6 in the
peripheral blood (Fig. 1A). The hypercellular and dysplastic bone marrow can be
mistaken for signs of acute leukemia (Fig. 1B).10 The ineffective erythropoiesis re-
sults in intramedullary hemolysis and release of lactate dehydrogenase, features
that are similar to those of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia.8 Clinical and labo-
ratory findings of megaloblastic anemia in the peripheral blood and bone marrow
are shown in Figure 2.
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the development and initial myelination of the
central nervous system as well as for the maintenance of its normal function.
Demyelination of the cervical and thoracic dorsal and lateral columns of the spinal
cord, occasional demyelination of cranial and peripheral nerves, and demyelin-
ation of white matter in the brain5 (i.e., “combined-systems disease” or “subacute
combined degeneration”) can occur with vitamin B12 deficiency (Fig. 2). Pathologi-

n engl j med 368;2 january 10, 2013 149

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40 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
T h ecollection
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

key Clinical points

vitamin b12 deficiency

• Vitamin B12 deficiency causes reversible megaloblastic anemia, demyelinating neurologic disease, or both.

• Autoimmune gastritis (pernicious anemia) is the most common cause of severe deficiency.

• Methodologic problems may compromise the sensitivity and specificity of current vitamin B12 assays.

• Measurement of methylmalonic acid, homocysteine, or both is used to confirm vitamin B12 deficiency in untreated patients;
an elevated level of methylmalonic acid is more sensitive and specific for the diagnosis.

• For patients with pernicious anemia or malabsorption, lifelong vitamin B12 therapy is indicated.

• High-dose oral vitamin B12 tablets (1000 to 2000 µg) taken daily are as effective as intramuscular monthly injections in
correcting blood and neurologic abnormalities.

cal analysis reveals a “spongy degeneration” due also commonly associated with pernicious ane-
to the loss of and swelling of myelin sheaths; mia. Whether the stomach pathogen Helicobacter
this degeneration is visible on magnetic reso- pylori plays a causative role in pernicious anemia
nance imaging.11 For unclear reasons, the sever- is unclear.19 Autoimmune gastritis may cause
ity of megaloblastic anemia is inversely corre- malabsorption of iron, with clinical iron deficien-
lated with the degree of neurologic dysfunction.4,5 cy developing early in life and eventually progress-
Less common conditions associated with vi- ing to malabsorption of vitamin B12.20 The preva-
tamin B12 deficiency include glossitis, malab- lence of pernicious anemia ranges from 50 to
sorption, infertility, and thrombosis (including 4000 cases per 100,000 persons, depending on
thrombosis at unusual sites such as cerebral ve- the diagnostic criteria.1 All age groups are af-
nous sinus thrombosis).12,13 Thrombosis has been fected, but the median age range in large series
attributed to the marked hyperhomocysteinemia is 70 to 80 years.21,22 Pernicious anemia is more
seen in severe cases of vitamin B12 deficiency. common in persons of African or European an-
Patients occasionally have hyperpigmentation, cestry (4.3% and 4.0% prevalence among older
which clears with treatment.6 adults, respectively) than in those of Asian ances-
try.1,21 Milder forms of atrophic gastritis with
Causes of Vitamin B 12 Deficiency hypochlorhydria and an inability to release di-
Table 1 and Figure 3 list causes of vitamin B12 etary protein-bound vitamin B12 affect up to 20%
deficiency and recommended management. Per- of older adults.19,23,24
nicious anemia is discussed below, since this is
the most common cause of severe vitamin B12 Dietary Deficiency in Infancy and Childhood
deficiency worldwide. The infant of a mother with vitamin B12 defi-
Dietary vitamin B12 deficiency in infants and ciency may be born with the deficiency or it may
children is also discussed because of the in- occur if he or she is exclusively breast-fed,15,16
creasing recognition of severe abnormalities in usually between 4 and 6 months of age. Typical
exclusively breast-fed infants of mothers with manifestations of vitamin B12 deficiency in chil-
vitamin B12 deficiency. dren include failure of brain development and
overall growth and development, developmental
Pernicious Anemia regression, hypotonia, feeding difficulties, leth-
Pernicious anemia1 is an autoimmune gastritis argy, tremors, hyperirritability, and coma (Fig.
resulting from the destruction of gastric parietal 2).15,16 Brain imaging may reveal atrophy and
cells and the associated lack of intrinsic factor to delayed myelination. Anemia may be present.
bind ingested vitamin B12. The immune response Vitamin B12 replacement results in rapid im-
is directed against the gastric H/K–ATPase, provement in responsiveness, and many infants
which accounts for associated achlorhydria.2,3 recover fully. However, the longer the period of
Other autoimmune disorders, especially thyroid deficiency, the more likely that there will be
disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and vitiligo, are permanent disabilities. Mothers of infants with

150 n engl j med 368;2 january 10, 2013

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clinical pr actice 41

vitamin B12 deficiency often have unrecognized

pernicious anemia, but alternatively, they may A
have a history of gastric bypass surgery, the
short-gut syndrome, or a long-term vegetarian or
vegan diet.16 Tandem mass spectrometry, used
in neonatal screening programs in all 50 states,
may detect nutritional B12 deficiency owing to
an increase in propionyl carnitine, but direct
measurement of methylmalonic acid has higher
sensitivity.25 Other causes of B12 deficiency in
children, such as ileal resections, the Imerslund–
Gräsbeck syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease,
and pernicious anemia, are listed in Table 1.18
S t r ategie s a nd E v idence

Both the clinical recognition of vitamin B12 defi-
ciency and confirmation of the diagnosis by
means of testing can be difficult. An approach to
testing is shown in Table 2.
The patient’s history may include symptoms
of anemia, underlying disorders causing malab-
sorption, and neurologic symptoms. The most
common neurologic symptoms are symmetric
paresthesias or numbness and gait problems.4,5 Figure 1. Peripheral-Blood Cells and Bone Marrow
The physical examination may reveal pallor, ede- Specimen Obtained from a Patient with Vitamin B12
ma, pigmentary changes in the skin, jaundice, or Deficiency.
neurologic defects such as impaired vibration In Panel A, a peripheral-blood smear shows oval macro-
sense, impaired position and cutaneous sensa- cytes as well as fragmented, misshapen cells and an
tion, ataxia, and weakness (Fig. 2). immature megaloblastic nucleated red cell (arrow).
The variation in red-cell size and shape could lead to a
Bone marrow biopsy and aspiration are not misdiagnosis of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
necessary for the diagnosis of megaloblastic instead of megaloblastic anemia.8,9 The mean corpuscu-
anemia and may be misleading in cases of severe lar volume was in the normal range, but an extremely
pancytopenia with hypercellularity, increased high red-cell distribution width suggested macrocytosis
erythroblasts, and even cytogenetic abnormali- combined with microcytic fragmented cells. In Panel B,
a bone marrow aspirate shows megaloblastic features.
ties, confusing the diagnosis with acute leuke- Large erythroblasts and other red-cell precursors are
mia.8-10 Imaging of the spinal cord is not indi- characterized by an open, immature nuclear chromatin
cated in patients with recognized vitamin B12 pattern. There is dyssynchrony between the maturation
deficiency, but in cases of severe myelopathy that of cytoplasm and that of nuclei in later red-cell and
are not initially recognized as the result of vita- granulocyte precursors. A “giant” band is present. Sev-
eral red-cell precursors have dysplastic nuclei (arrows),
min B12 deficiency, there is characteristic hyper- with nuclear fragments (arrowhead) that are compati-
intensity on T2-weighted imaging, described as ble with cellular apoptosis and resulting intramedullary
an inverted V-shaped pattern in the cervical and hemolysis. (Photographs courtesy of John W. Ryder,
thoracic spinal cord.11 M.D., Department of Pathology, University of Colorado
School of Medicine.)
Vitamin B12 Assay
The first test performed to confirm the diagnosis quently observed. Both false negative and false
of vitamin B12 deficiency is generally measure- positive values are common (occurring in up to
ment of the serum vitamin B12 level. Although 50% of tests) with the use of the laboratory-
an extremely low level (<100 pg per milliliter reported lower limit of the normal range as a
[<73.8 pmol per liter]) is usually associated with cutoff point for deficiency.4,24,26 The high rate of
clinical deficiency, such low levels are infre- false negative and false positive results may be

n engl j med 368;2 january 10, 2013 151

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42 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
T h ecollection
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Altered mental status
Cognitive defects
“Megaloblastic madness”: depression,
Optic atrophy, anosmia, loss of taste, mania, irritability, paranoia,
delusions, lability

Spinal cord
Spongy degeneration
Abnormalities in infants and children
Developmental delay or regression,
permanent disability
Does not smile
Feeding difficulties
Hypotonia, lethargy, coma
Hyperirritability, convulsions, tremors, Paresthesias
myoclonus Loss of proprioception: vibration,
Microcephaly position, ataxic gait, limb weakness;
spasticity (hyperreflexia); positive
Choreoathetoid movements
Romberg sign; Lhermitte’s sign;
segmental cutaneous sensory level
Autonomic nervous system
Postural hypotension
Infertility Incontinence
Peripheral nervous system
Peripheral blood Cutaneous sensory loss
Macrocytic red cells, macroovalocytes Hyporeflexia
Anisocytosis, fragmented forms Symmetric weakness
Hypersegmented neutrophils, 1% with Paresthesias
six lobes or 5% with 5 lobes
Leukopenia, possible immature white
cells Bone marrow
Thrombocytopenia Hypercellular, increased erythroid
Pancytopenia precursors
Elevated lactate dehydrogenase level Open, immature nuclear chromatin
(extremes possible) Dyssynchrony between maturation of
Elevated indirect bilirubin and cytoplasm and nuclei
aspartate aminotransferase levels Giant bands, metamyelocytes
Decreased haptoglobin level Karyorrhexis, dysplasia
Elevated levels of methylmalonic acid, Abnormal results on flow cytometry
homocysteine, or both and cytogenetic analysis

152 n engl j med 368;2 january 10, 2013

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clinical pr actice 43

mocysteine are markedly elevated in the vast ma-

Figure 2 (facing page). Clinical and Laboratory Findings
in Vitamin B12 Deficiency. jority (>98%) of patients with clinical B12 defi-
The spectrum of disease associated with vitamin B12 ciency (Fig. 4),7,22 including those who have only
deficiency is wide, from asymptomatic to life-threatening neurologic manifestations of deficiency (i.e., no
pancytopenia or myelopathy. An increase in the mean anemia).4,22
red-cell volume or distribution width or a mean volume Elevated levels of methylmalonic acid and total
that is higher than expected for the patient’s age, pre-
homocysteine decrease immediately after treat-
sumed iron status (either high or low iron levels), and
the presence of thalassemia are important determinants ment, and the levels can be remeasured to docu-
of macrocytosis, rather than an absolute value above the ment adequate vitamin B12 replacement. Levels of
reference range. Cerebral symptoms are usually accom- these metabolites are normal in up to 50% of
panied by paresthesias and signs of myelopathy or patients with low vitamin B12 levels who have no
hematologic or neurologic response to replacement
therapy, indicating that the low values are false
due to the fact that only 20% of the total mea- positive results.26 Given the limitations of vitamin
sured vitamin B12 is on the cellular delivery pro- B12 assays in confirming the diagnosis of B12
tein, transcobalamin; the remainder is bound to deficiency,31,34 it may be prudent to measure meth-
haptocorrin, a protein of unknown function.27 ylmalonic acid, total homocysteine, or both in pa-
Most laboratories now perform automated assays tients with compatible clinical findings or pro-
of vitamin B12 on platforms used for many other vide empirical treatment with the use of defined
analytes. There is often poor agreement when end points to document a clinical response.
samples are assayed by different laboratories or An elevated level of methylmalonic acid is rea-
with the use of different methods.31-34 Because sonably specific for vitamin B12 deficiency, and the
intrinsic factor is used as the assay-binding pro- level always decreases with vitamin B12 thera-
tein, anti–intrinsic factor antibodies (which are py.24,36 Modest increases (to 300 to 700 nmol per
common in pernicious anemia) must be removed liter) occur with renal failure.36,37 However,
chemically from the sample, which has proved to nearly all patients with megaloblastic anemia or
be problematic in the automated assays.33,34 Re- myelopathy have levels of methylmalonic acid
cent studies show normal values34 or falsely high that are higher than 500 nmol per liter, and 86%
values33 of vitamin B12 in many patients with per- have levels that are higher than 1000 nmol per
nicious anemia. New assays of holotranscobala- liter (Fig. 3). The level of serum total homocys-
min (to measure the vitamin B12 saturation of teine is less specific, since it is also elevated in
transcobalamin) provide a modest improvement folate deficiency,22,35 classic homocystinuria, and
in specificity over that provided by assays of total renal failure.
serum vitamin B12, but they have not been clini-
cally validated27-29 and are not yet available com- Tests to Determine the Cause of Vitamin B 12
mercially in the United States. Deficiency
Given the limitations of available assays, cli- If the patient consumes sufficient amounts of vi-
nicians should not use a laboratory’s reported tamin B12 and has clinically confirmed B12 defi-
lower limit of the normal range to rule out the ciency, then malabsorption must be present.
diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency in patients Testing for pernicious anemia is described in
with compatible clinical abnormalities. Clinicians Table 2. A positive test for anti–intrinsic factor or
should also recognize that vitamin B12 values are anti–parietal-cell antibodies is indicative of per-
frequently low in patients without other meta- nicious anemia; surveillance for autoimmune
bolic or clinical evidence of vitamin B12 deficiency thyroid disease is reasonable in patients with
(i.e., megaloblastic anemia or myelopathy). positive antibody tests. Chronic atrophic gastritis
can be diagnosed on the basis of an elevated fast-
Measurement of Serum Methylmalonic Acid ing serum gastrin level and a low level of serum
and Total Homocysteine pepsinogen I.3,19 Some experts recommend en-
Measurement of methylmalonic acid, total ho- doscopy to confirm gastritis and rule out gastric
mocysteine, or both is useful in making the diag- carcinoid and other gastric cancers, since pa-
nosis of vitamin B12 deficiency in patients who tients with pernicious anemia are at increased
have not received treatment.4,22,24,26,33,35,36 The risk for such cancers.3
levels of both methylmalonic acid and total ho- The Schilling test of radioactive vitamin B12

n engl j med 368;2 january 10, 2013 153

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Table 1. Causes and Treatment of Vitamin B12 Deficiency.

Cause Treatment Follow-up

Severe malabsorption
Pernicious anemia (autoimmune gastritis) Intramuscular cyanocobalamin at a dose of 1000 µg administered Administer iron and folate replacement as needed for full hemo-
intramuscularly daily or every other day for 1 wk, then weekly globin response, especially in patients with intestinal dis-
for 4 to 8 wk, and then monthly for life, or oral cyanocobala- ease; perform surveillance for other autoimmune condi-
min at a daily dose of 1000 to 2000 µg for life* tions, especially thyroid disease in patients with pernicious
anemia; perform upper endoscopy in patients with symp-
toms of gastric cancer† or iron deficiency
nejm readers’ choice clinical care

Total or partial gastrectomy Same as for pernicious anemia Same as for pernicious anemia
Gastric bypass or other bariatric surgery Same as for pernicious anemia Same as for pernicious anemia
Ileal resection or organ reconstructive surgery Same as for pernicious anemia Same as for pernicious anemia
(ileal conduit diversion and ileocysto-
T h ecollection

Inflammatory bowel disease, tropical sprue Same as for pernicious anemia Same as for pernicious anemia

n engl j med 368;2

Imerslund–Gräsbeck and other syndromes‡ Same as for pernicious anemia Genetic counseling to detect vitamin B12 deficiency in family

Back to Table of Contents

Mild malabsorption
Protein-bound vitamin B12 malabsorption Oral cyanocobalamin at a dose of 500 to 1000 µg daily or intra- Perform tests for iron deficiency, anemia of chronic kidney dis-
muscular cyanocobalamin at a dose of 1000 µg daily or every ease, and anemia of chronic inflammation; these conditions
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

other day for 1 wk, then weekly for 4 to 8 wk, and then coexist frequently in older adults, may limit the response to

monthly for life treatment, and may require further treatment

Mild atrophic gastritis Same as for protein-bound vitamin B12 malabsorption Same as for protein-bound vitamin B12 malabsorption

january 10, 2013

Use of metformin14 Same as for protein-bound vitamin B12 malabsorption Same as for protein-bound vitamin B12 malabsorption
Use of drugs that block stomach acid Same as for protein-bound vitamin B12 malabsorption Same as for protein-bound vitamin B12 malabsorption
m e dic i n e

Dietary deficiency
Vegan or vegetarian diet, or diet low in meat Supplements containing >2 µg of vitamin B12 or foods fortified Perform tests for iron deficiency, which is very common
and dairy products with vitamin B12
Breast-feeding in infants with vitamin B12– Intramuscular cyanocobalamin at a dose of 250 to 1000 µg daily, Confirm metabolic response in infants or refer parents to genet-
deficient mothers15,16 then weekly until patient recovers; treatment of mother to ics specialist for evaluation; provide nutritional counseling
enrich breast milk; oral supplementation with 1 to 2 µg of for mothers
vitamin B12 daily or vitamin B12–enriched formula or food
clinical pr actice 45

absorption is no longer available. A potential

† Experts are not in agreement about the necessity or frequency of routine upper endoscopy in patients with pernicious anemia. However, symptoms suggestive of gastric carcinoma, un-
Evaluate for vitamin B12 malabsorption; provide addiction coun-

‡ Congenital malabsorption of vitamin B12 results from mutations of the ileal cubam receptor, cubilin, or amnionless (as in the Imerslund–Gräsbeck syndrome) and from mutations in
replacement absorption test is under develop-
Confirm pernicious anemia or congenital malabsorption ment wherein the increase in vitamin B12 satura-

§ Nitrous oxide inactivates the vitamin B12–dependent enzyme methionine synthase and causes formation of vitamin B12 analogues and gradual tissue depletion of vitamin B12.
tion of holotranscobalamin is measured after
several days of oral B12 loading,39 but this re-

* Intramuscular hydroxocobalamin can be substituted for intramuscular cyanocobalamin, but document the long-term response if it is administered at 3-month intervals.
quires further study.

gastric intrinsic factor. These syndromes are usually manifested in infancy and early childhood, although studies have shown a delay in onset even into adolescence.18
Treatment of Vitamin B 12 Deficiency
The daily requirement of vitamin B12 has been set
at 2.4 μg,40,41 but higher amounts — 4 to 7 μg
per day — which are common in persons who eat
meat or take a daily multivitamin, are associated
with lower methylmalonic acid values.42 Healthy
older adults should consider taking supplemental
crystalline vitamin B12 as recommended by the
Food and Nutrition Board.41 However, most pa-

tients with clinical vitamin B12 deficiency have

malabsorption and will require parenteral or high-
dose oral replacement. Adequate supplementa-
tion results in resolution of megaloblastic anemia
above and for life if underlying pernicious anemia is present
100 µg of intramuscular vitamin B12 monthly or high-dose oral

tered on the same schedule as that for pernicious anemia

Recreational or occupational abuse of nitrous oxide§ Intramuscular cyanocobalamin at a dose of 1000 µg adminis-

and resolution of or improvement in myelopathy.

vitamin B12 daily in younger children; treatment as per

Injected Vitamin B12

There are many recommended schedules for in-
explained iron deficiency, and proven gastrointestinal blood loss should prompt a full investigation.

jections of vitamin B12 (called cyanocobalamin in

the United States and hydroxocobalamin in Eu-
rope).6,23 About 10% of the injected dose (100 of
1000 μg) is retained. Patients with severe abnor-
malities should receive injections of 1000 μg at
least several times per week for 1 to 2 weeks,
adults in older children

then weekly until clear improvement is shown,

followed by monthly injections. Hematologic re-
sponse is rapid, with an increase in the reticulo-
cyte count in 1 week and correction of megalo-
blastic anemia in 6 to 8 weeks. Patients with
severe anemia and cardiac symptoms should be
treated with transfusion and diuretic agents, and
Nitrous oxide anesthesia in occult pernicious anemia17

electrolytes should be monitored. Neurologic

symptoms may worsen transiently and then sub-
Diseases similar to those causing malab-

side over weeks to months.5 The severity and du-

ration of the neurologic abnormalities before
treatment influence the eventual degree of recov-
ery.4,5 Treatment of pernicious anemia is lifelong.
In patients in whom vitamin B12 supplementa-
sorption in adults

tion is discontinued after clinical recovery, neu-

rologic symptoms recur within as short a period
as 6 months, and megaloblastic anemia recurs in
several years.6

High-Dose Oral Treatment

High-dose oral treatment is effective and is increas-
ingly popular. A study performed 45 years ago

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46 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
T h ecollection
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Figure 3. The Normal Mechanisms and Defects of Absorption of Vitamin B12 .

The vitamin B12 (Cbl) released from food protein by peptic action is bound to haptocorrin (HC) in the stomach and
travels to the duodenum, where pancreatic proteases digest the HC, releasing Cbl to bind to intrinsic factor (IF).
The IF-Cbl complex binds to a specific receptor in the distal ileum (the cubam receptor) and is internalized, eventu-
ally released from lysosomes, and transported into the blood. Both HC and transcobalamin (TC) bind Cbl in the cir-
culation, although the latter is the cellular delivery protein. Adapted from Stabler.6

156 n engl j med 368;2 january 10, 2013

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Table 2. Laboratory Testing in Vitamin B12 Deficiency.*

Test Sensitivity Specificity Comments

Measurement to detect deficiency
Serum vitamin B12 <200 pg/ml or labo- 65–95% for proven clinical deficiency†; 50% 50–60% for clinical response†; 80% for de- Current vitamin B12 assays are especially
ratory cutoff level for detecting elevated level of methylma- tecting elevated level of methylmalonic problematic in patients with anti–intrinsic
lonic acid acid factor antibodies
Serum vitamin B12 <350 pg/ml 90% 25% for detecting elevated level of methyl-
malonic acid
Holotranscobalamin <20 to 45 pmol/ Insufficient data on sensitivity for clinical de- Insufficient data on specificity for clinical de- Levels of holotranscobalamin increase in re-
liter‡ ficiency; 46–89% for detecting elevated ficiency; 28–96% for detecting elevated nal failure; superior to measurement of
level of methylmalonic acid level of methylmalonic acid total vitamin B12 in pregnancy, when the
total level decreases
Serum methylmalonic acid >400 nmol/ 98% for clinical deficiency Poor specificity for clinical response in patients Renal failure and volume depletion may in-
liter§ with modest elevation of level of methyl- crease level of serum methylmalonic
malonic acid (300–1000 nmol/liter)¶ acid, but rarely to >1000 nmol/liter
Serum or plasma total homocysteine 96% for clinical deficiency Homocysteine level also increased in clinical
>21 µmol/liter folate deficiency and renal insufficiency

n engl j med 368;2

Test to determine cause of deficiency‖
Pernicious anemia
Anti–intrinsic factor antibodies 50% 100% Must be tested >7 days after vitamin B12 in-
jection to prevent false positive result
Anti–parietal-cell antibodies 80% 50–100%
clinical pr actice

Atrophic body gastritis (antral sparing)**

Fasting high serum gastrin level 85%
(>100 pmol/liter)

january 10, 2013

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Low level of serum pepsinogen I 90%
(<30 µg/liter)
Endoscopy with pentagastrin-fast 100% Rarely performed
Malabsorption of vitamin B12††
Vitamin B12 absorption test Schilling test no longer available
Increase in serum holotranscobalamin Unknown Unknown Promising preclinical data, but still experi-
level after oral loading mental

* To convert the values for vitamin B12 to picomoles per liter, multiply by 0.7378.
† Available assays are largely chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassays performed with the use of automated analyzers that in general show higher values than the radiodilution
and microbiologic assays used in past studies of clinically confirmed deficiency.4,22,24,26 Thus, these tests are likely to have lower sensitivities and specificities than the older assays.
‡ The holotranscobalamin assay has been studied widely in Europe27-30 but is not yet commercially available in the United States. The appropriate lower end of the reference range is
still under debate.33 The values for sensitivity and specificity are reviewed in Heil et al.29
§ Urinary methylmalonic acid has not been extensively studied, but values greater than 2.5 µmol per millimole of creatinine suggest deficiency.
¶ Elevated levels of methylmalonic acid fall with vitamin B12 therapy, but an associated clinical response is highly variable, depending largely on the presence of vitamin B12–related disease.

‖ Evidence of a causal pathologic process does not confirm coexisting B12 deficiency, since underlying gastrointestinal disease may predate the deficiency by many years.
** The relationship between atrophic body gastritis (autoimmune gastritis) and infection with Helicobacter pylori is variable. Antral sparing is a type of atrophic body gastritis in which
the cells in the antrum can produce high levels of gastrin.

†† There is malabsorption if clinically proven vitamin B12 deficiency is present in a patient who eats meat, receives multivitamin therapy, or both.
48 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
T h collection
e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

with daily oral treatment (169 nmol per liter, vs.

265 nmol per liter with parenteral treatment)
300,000 and vitamin B12 levels were significantly higher
(1005 pg per milliliter vs. 325 pg per milliliter
[741.5 vs. 239.8 pmol per liter]). A more recent
Serum Methylmalonic Acid (nmol/liter)


trial with a similar design involving a proprie-
tary oral vitamin B12 preparation also revealed
significantly lower levels of methylmalonic acid
in the oral-treatment group at the 3-month follow-
up.30 In a randomized trial comparing oral with
intramuscular vitamin B12 (1000-μg doses, daily
for 10 days, then weekly for 4 weeks, and month-
ly thereafter), the two groups had similar im-
provements in hematologic abnormalities and
500 vitamin B12 levels at 90 days.44 Case series of
patients treated with oral vitamin B12 have
yielded variable results; elevated levels of meth-
100 ylmalonic acid, homocysteine, or both were re-
0 10 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
ported in about half of patients with malabsorp-
Serum Total Homocysteine (µmol/liter)
tion who were treated with twice-weekly oral
Figure 4. Serum Methylmalonic Acid and Total Homocysteine Concentrations
doses of 1000 μg,45 whereas normal homocyste-
in 491 Episodes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency. ine levels were reported in patients treated with
The data shown have been combined from studies performed over a period 1500 μg daily after gastrectomy.46 Data are lack-
of 25 years.4,6,22,24,26,35,37,38 Most of the patients with clinically confirmed ing from long-term studies to assess whether
vitamin B12 deficiency had documented pernicious anemia and a proven re- oral treatment is effective when doses are ad-
sponse to vitamin B12 therapy. Open circles indicate episodes in patients ministered less frequently than daily. Studies
with a hematocrit lower than 38%, and solid circles indicate episodes in
those with a hematocrit of 38% or higher. Patients without anemia had
involving older adults, many of whom had
neurologic manifestations of vitamin B12 deficiency and similar values of chronic atrophic gastritis, showed that 60% re-
methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine. The axis for serum methylmalo- quired large oral doses (>500 μg daily) to correct
nic acid is plotted on a log scale. The dashed lines indicate values that are elevated levels of methylmalonic acid.47,48
3 SD above the mean for healthy blood donors: 376 nmol per liter for meth- Proponents of parenteral therapy state that
ylmalonic acid and 21.3 µmol per liter for total homocysteine. The level of
methylmalonic acid was greater than 500 nmol per liter in 98% of the pa-
compliance and monitoring are better in patients
tients and greater than 1000 nmol per liter in 86%. Adapted from Stabler.7 who receive this form of therapy because they
have frequent contact with health care providers,
whereas proponents of oral therapy maintain
showed that 0.5 to 4% of radioactively labeled that compliance will be improved in patients
oral vitamin B12 can be absorbed by passive dif- who receive oral therapy because of convenience,
fusion in both normal controls and patients with comfort, and decreased expense. High-dose vita-
pernicious anemia.43 Thus, oral doses of 1000 μg min B12 tablets (500 to 1500 μg) are available in
deliver 5 to 40 μg, even if taken with food. the United States without a prescription. Self-
A randomized trial that compared an oral administered injections are also easily taught,
dose of 2000 μg daily with parenteral therapy economical, and in my experience, effective. Pa-
(seven injections of 1000 μg of cyanocobalamin tients should be informed of the pros and cons
over a period of 1 month, followed by monthly of oral versus parenteral therapy, and regardless
injections) in patients with pernicious anemia, of the form of treatment, those with pernicious
atrophic gastritis, or a history of ileal resection anemia or malabsorption should be reminded of
showed similar reductions in the mean corpus- the need for lifelong replacement.
cular volume and increases in the hematocrit at
4 months in both groups.38 All participants A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y
(four in each group) with paresthesias, ataxia, or
memory loss had resolution or improved with Vitamin B12 deficiency is the major cause of hy-
treatment. However, levels of methylmalonic perhomocysteinemia in countries with folate-
acid after treatment were significantly lower fortified food, such as the United States and

158 n engl j med 368;2 january 10, 2013

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clinical pr actice 49

Canada. Epidemiologic studies show significant endoscopic evaluation at the diagnosis of perni-
associations between elevated homocysteine lev- cious anemia.52
els and vascular disease and thrombosis. How-
ever, large randomized trials of combined high- C onclusions
dose vitamin B therapy in patients with vascular a nd R ec om mendat ions
disease have shown no reduction in vascular
events.49 Vitamin B12 status should be evaluated The patient in the vignette has neurologic abnor-
in patients with hyperhomocysteinemia before malities that are consistent with vitamin B12 de-
folic acid treatment is initiated. ficiency. Since vitamin B12 levels may be above
The potential role of mild vitamin B12 defi- the lower end of the laboratory reference range
ciency in cognitive decline with aging remains even in patients with clinical deficiency, methyl-
uncertain. Epidemiologic studies indicate an in- malonic acid, total homocysteine, or both should
verse association between vitamin B12 supplemen- be measured to document vitamin B12 deficiency
tation and neurodegenerative disease, but results before treatment is initiated; the elevated levels
of randomized trials have been largely negative.50 in this patient confirm the diagnosis. In the ab-
Besides oral tablets, vitamin B is available in sence of dietary restriction or a known cause of
sublingual preparations, oral sprays, nasal gels malabsorption, further evaluation is warranted
or sprays, and transdermal patches. Data on the — in particular, testing for pernicious anemia
absorption and efficacy of these alternative prep- (anti–intrinsic factor antibodies). Either paren-
arations are lacking. teral vitamin B12 treatment (8 to 10 loading injec-
tions of 1000 μg each, followed by monthly
Guidel ine s 1000-μg injections), or high-dose oral vitamin
B12 treatment (1000 to 2000 μg daily) is an effec-
Nutritional guidelines for vitamin B12 intake are tive therapy. I would review both options (includ-
published by the Food and Nutrition Board,41 ing the possibility of self-injection at home) with
and nutritional guidelines for vegetarians are the patient. Effective vitamin replacement will
published by the American Dietetic Association.40 correct blood counts in 2 months and correct or
There are no recommendations from the Ameri- improve neurologic signs and symptoms within
can Society of Hematology for the diagnosis and 6 months.
treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency. The Ameri- Dr. Stabler reports holding patents (assigned to the University
of Colorado and Competitive Technologies) on the use of homo-
can Academy of Neurology recommends mea- cysteine, methylmalonic acid, and other metabolites in the diag-
surements of vitamin B12, methylmalonic acid, nosis of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency, but no longer receiv-
and homocysteine in patients with symmetric ing royalties for these patents. No other potential conflict of
interest relevant to this article was reported.
polyneuropathy.51 The American Society for Gas- Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
trointestinal Endoscopy recommends a single full text of this article at

1. Stabler SP, Allen RH. Vitamin B12 de- 6. Stabler SP. Megaloblastic anemias: errations mimicking myelodysplastic syn-
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19. Lewerin C, Jacobsson S, Lindstedt G, 33. Yang DT, Cook RJ. Spurious eleva- ited vitamin B12 deficiency. Haematolog-
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20. Hershko C, Ronson A, Souroujon M, 35. Stabler SP, Marcell PD, Podell ER, et Oncol 2011;18:3711-7.
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29. Heil SG, de Jonge R, de Rotte MC, et Kauwell GP, et al. Daily intake of 4 to 7 μg

160 n engl j med 368;2 january 10, 2013

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 51

clinical practice

Infective Endocarditis
Bruno Hoen, M.D., Ph.D., and Xavier Duval, M.D., Ph.D.

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem.
Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines,
when they exist. The article ends with the authors’ clinical recommendations.

A 55-year-old man with a history of mitral regurgitation seeks care after an episode of From Service de Maladies Infectieuses et
Tropicales, Centre Hospitalier Régional
transient weakness in his right arm and speech difficulties. He underwent dental
Universitaire, and Unité Mixte de Recher-
scaling 1 month earlier. He notes recent intermittent fevers and weight loss. On cardiac che 6249 Chrono-environnement, Centre
examination, his regurgitation murmur appears to be unchanged. A transthoracic National de la Recherche Scientifique,
Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon
echocardiogram shows a mobile, 12-mm mitral-valve vegetation and grade 2 (mild)
(B.H.); Association pour l’Etude et la
regurgitation. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain reveals recent ischemic le- Prévention de l’Endocardite Infectieuse,
sions. How should the patient be further evaluated and treated? Paris (B.H., X.D.); and INSERM Centre
d’Investigation Clinique 007, Assistance
Publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital
THE CL INIC A L PROBL EM Universitaire Bichat, and INSERM Unité
738, Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7,
Unité de Formation et de Recherche de
Infective endocarditis has an estimated annual incidence of 3 to 9 cases per 100,000
Médecine–Bichat, Bichat (X.D.) — all in
persons in industrialized countries.1-7 The male:female case ratio is more than 2:1. France. Address reprint requests to Dr.
The highest rates are observed among patients with prosthetic valves, intracardiac Hoen at Service de Maladies Infectieuses
et Tropicales, CHRU de Besançon, 25030
devices, unrepaired cyanotic congenital heart diseases, or a history of infective endo-
Besançon CEDEX, France, or at bruno
carditis, although 50% of cases of infective endocarditis develop in patients with no
known history of valve disease. Other risk factors include chronic rheumatic heart
Drs. Hoen and Duval contributed equally
disease (which now accounts for <10% of cases in industrialized countries), age-
to this article.
related degenerative valvular lesions,1,2,5 hemodialysis, and coexisting conditions
such as diabetes, human immunodeficiency virus infection, and intravenous drug This article was updated on June 27,
2013, at
use. More than one third of the cases of infective endocarditis in the United States
in recent years were reported to be health care–associated (nosocomial or non- N Engl J Med 2013;368:1425-33.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp1206782
nosocomial).8 The clustering of several of these predisposing factors with age probably
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.
explains the increased incidence of infective endocarditis among persons 65 years
of age or older (Fig. 1).7

Streptococci and staphylococci account for 80% of cases of infective endocarditis, with
proportions varying according to valve (native vs. prosthetic), source of infection, An audio version
patient age, and coexisting conditions. Staphylococci are now the most frequently of this article is
identified microorganisms in several types of infective endocarditis (Fig. 1; and available at
Table 1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at,2,7,9 which results from the increased proportion of health care–associated
cases of infective endocarditis. In parallel, the incidence of cases attributable to oral
streptococci has decreased in industrialized countries.2
Cases of infective endocarditis in which a blood culture is negative (10% of cases)
may reflect one of two situations: infective endocarditis in patients exposed to
antibiotic agents before the diagnosis of infective endocarditis or infective endocar-
ditis caused by fastidious microorganisms. In the latter case, serologic testing, valve
or blood polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) assay, and highly specialized microbio-
logic techniques lead to the identification of the pathogen in 60% of cases,10 with
the most frequent microorganisms being bartonella species, brucella species,

n engl j med 368;15 april 11, 2013 1425

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52 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
T h ecollection
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

key Clinical points

infective endocarditis
• Staphylococci and streptococci account for 80% of cases of infective endocarditis, with staphylococci currently the most
common pathogens.
• Cerebral complications are the most frequent and most severe extracardiac complications. Vegetations that are large, mo-
bile, or in the mitral position and infective endocarditis due to Staphylococcus aureus are associated with an increased risk of
symptomatic embolism.
• Identifying the causative microorganism is central to diagnosis and appropriate treatment; two or three blood cultures
should routinely be drawn before antibiotic therapy is initiated.
• When infective endocarditis is suspected, echocardiography should be performed as soon as possible.
• Indications for surgery include heart failure, uncontrolled infection, and prevention of embolic events.
• Treatment should involve a multidisciplinary team with expertise in cardiology, cardiac surgery, and infectious disease.
• Indications for antibiotic prophylaxis have been restricted to invasive dental procedures in patients with a prosthetic valve,
a history of infective endocarditis, or unrepaired cyanotic congenital heart disease.

Coxiella burnetii (the agent causing Q fever), bacte- more than one group. Table 1 in the Supplemen-
ria in the HACEK group (haemophilus species, tary Appendix shows the distribution of cases
Aggregatibacter [formerly Actinobacillus] actinomy- among these categories and the corresponding
cetemcomitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella cor- microorganisms.
rodens, and Kingella kingae), and Tropheryma whip-
plei.6,10,11 OUTCOMES
In contemporary population-based studies of in-
PATHOGENESIS fective endocarditis in industrialized countries, in-
Normal valvular endothelium is naturally resistant hospital mortality ranges from 15 to 22%,5,7 and
to colonization by bacteria. In the conventional 5-year mortality is approximately 40%.14 How-
model of native-valve infectious endocarditis, in- ever, rates vary widely across subgroups of pa-
fection results from the colonization of damaged tients. For instance, in-hospital mortality is less
valvular endothelium by circulating bacteria with than 10% among patients with right-sided lesions
specific adherence properties. Endothelial dam- or oral streptococcal, left-sided, native-valve le-
age may result from so-called jet lesions due to sions, whereas it is 40% or more among patients
turbulent blood flow or may be provoked by elec- with prosthetic-valve infective endocarditis due
trodes or catheters or by repeated intravenous in- to Staphylococcus aureus. In a multivariate analysis
jections of solid particles in intravenous-drug users. assessing risk factors for death among patients
Chronic inflammation, as in chronic rheumatic with infective endocarditis, independent predic-
heart disease and degenerative valvular lesions,12 tors included higher age, S. aureus infection, heart
may also promote infective endocarditis. How- failure, cerebrovascular and embolic events, and
ever, the conventional model may not accurately health care–associated infective endocarditis.5,7
explain the pathogenesis of infective endocardi-
tis due to intracellular microorganisms, such as S T R ATEGIE S A ND E V IDENCE
C. burnetii, bartonella species, or T. whippelii, in which
the exposure and immune response of the host may PRESENTATION AND DIAGNOSIS
play a prominent role.13 The diagnosis of infective endocarditis is generally
based on clinical, microbiologic, and echocar-
CLASSIFICATION diographic findings. The Duke criteria (Table 1)
Whereas infective endocarditis was previously clas- have sensitivity and specificity of more than 80%
sified according to its mode of presentation (acute, and are the reference criteria for diagnosis.15
subacute, or chronic), it is now categorized accord- However, they should not replace clinical judg-
ing to underlying cardiac conditions, location, ment for diagnosis in the individual patient, es-
the presence of intracardiac devices, or the mode pecially in the first stage of care.
of acquisition. These classifications overlap, with Fever is common, occurring in 80% of cases.6,7
some cases of infective endocarditis belonging to In large, contemporary case series, recognition of

1426 n engl j med 368;15 april 11, 2013

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clinical pr actice 53

Incidence per 100,000 Population 10
8 No microorganisms
7 Enterococci
6 Group D streptococci
5 Oral and pyogenic
4 Coagulase-negative
3 staphylococci
2 Staphylococcus aureus
1 Other or mixed






























Age (yr)

Figure 1. Incidence of Definite Infective Endocarditis, According to Age and Microorganism.

Streptococci and staphylococci account for 80% of cases of infective endocarditis, with proportions varying according
to valve (native vs. prosthetic), source of infection, patient age, and coexisting conditions. The clustering of various
predisposing factors with age probably explains the higher incidence of infective endocarditis in persons 65 years
of age or older. Adapted from Selton-Suty et al.7

a new murmur and worsening of a known murmur Mycotic aneurysms result from septic arterial
are reported in 48% and 20% of cases, respectively. embolism to the intraluminal space or vasa vaso-
Other signs are less common: hematuria in 25% rum and spread of infection through the vessel
of cases, splenomegaly in 11%, splinter hemor- wall. These aneurysms were reported in 5% of
rhages in 8%, Janeway’s lesions in 5%, Roth’s cases in older case series,24 but they are now
spots in 5%, and conjunctival hemorrhage in 5%. detected more frequently because of the wider use
Sepsis, meningitis, unexplained heart failure, sep- of imaging. Magnetic resonance angiography is
tic pulmonary emboli, stroke, acute peripheral the best confirmation test.25
arterial occlusion, and renal failure may also be
presenting manifestations.16 Elevated inflamma- MICROBIOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS
tory markers (erythrocyte sedimentation rate and Identifying the causative microorganism is cen-
C-reactive protein level) are observed in two thirds tral to making the diagnosis of infective endocar-
of cases, and leukocytosis and anemia in about ditis and guiding antimicrobial treatment. Blood
half the cases.6,17 cultures should be performed routinely before the
Cerebral complications are the most severe ex- administration of antibiotics. When three sets of
tracardiac complications of infective endocarditis, blood cultures are performed, the pathogen is
as well as the most frequent (occurring in 15 to identified in about 90% of cases. Serologic tests
20% of patients).18,19 They include ischemic and for bartonella, C. burnetii, and brucella should be
hemorrhagic stroke (preceding the diagnosis of performed in patients with negative blood cultures
infective endocarditis in 60% of patients20,21), who have risk factors for these infections. If the
transient ischemic attack, silent cerebral embolism, causative pathogen has not been identified by
mycotic aneurysm, brain abscess, and meningitis. means of blood cultures and the patient requires
Specific characteristics of vegetations (those that valve surgery, gene amplification in cardiac-valve
are large, mobile, and located in the mitral valve)21 specimens, as well as immunostaining tech-
and S. aureus infection21,22 have been associated niques, if available, may yield a microbiologic
with an increased risk of symptomatic embolic diagnosis.10,26,27
events. Systematic magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) of the brain may reveal cerebral abnormali- DIAGNOSIS OF VALVULAR LESIONS
ties in up to 80% of patients, including embolic Transthoracic echocardiography is performed first
events (mostly asymptomatic) in 50%.23 and is better than transesophageal echocardiog-

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54 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
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Table 1. Duke Criteria for the Diagnosis of Infective Endocarditis.*

Definite diagnosis
Pathological criteria: microorganisms identified by culture or histologic examination of a vegetation, a vegetation that has
embolized, or an intracardiac abscess specimen; or active endocarditis confirmed by histologic examina-
tion of vegetation or intracardiac abscess
Clinical criteria: two major, one major and three minor, or five minor criteria
Major clinical criteria
Blood culture positive for infective endocarditis
Microorganisms typically associated with infective endocarditis identified from two separate blood cultures:
viridans streptococci, Streptococcus bovis, bacteria in the HACEK group, or Staphylococcus aureus; or
community-acquired enterococci in the absence of a primary focus
Microorganisms consistent with infective endocarditis identified from persistently positive blood cultures:
at least two positive cultures of blood samples drawn >12 hr apart, or positive results of all of three or a
majority of four or more separate blood cultures (with first and last samples drawn at least 1 hr apart)
Single positive blood culture for Coxiella burnetii or IgG antibody titer for Q fever phase 1 antigen >1:800
Evidence of endocardial involvement
Echocardiogram positive for infective endocarditis: pendulum-like intracardiac mass on valve or supporting
structures, in the path of regurgitant jets, or on implanted material in the absence of an alternative ana-
tomical explanation; abscess; or new partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve†
New valvular regurgitation (worsening or changing of preexisting murmur not a sufficient criterion)
Minor clinical criteria
Predisposition to infective endocarditis, such as a predisposing heart condition, or intravenous drug use
Fever, defined as a temperature >38°C
Vascular phenomena, such as major arterial emboli, septic pulmonary infarcts, mycotic aneurysm, intracranial
hemorrhage, conjunctival hemorrhage, and Janeway’s lesions
Immunologic phenomena, such as glomerulonephritis, Osler’s nodes, Roth’s spots, and rheumatoid factor
Microbiologic evidence: positive blood culture but with no major clinical criterion met or serologic evidence of
active infection with an organism consistent with infective endocarditis
Possible diagnosis
Clinical criteria (see above): one major criterion and one minor criterion or three minor criteria
Rejected diagnosis
Firmly established alternative diagnosis; resolution of infective endocarditis–like syndrome with antibiotic therapy for
≤4 days; no pathological evidence of infective endocarditis at surgery or autopsy, with antibiotic therapy
for ≤4 days; or criteria for possible infective endocarditis not met

* Adapted from Li et al.15 HACEK denotes haemophilus species, Aggregatibacter (formerly Actinobacillus) actinomycetem-
comitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella corrodens, and Kingella kingae.
† Transesophageal echocardiography is recommended in patients with prosthetic valves and possible infective endocarditis
according to clinical criteria or infective endocarditis complicated by paravalvular abscess; transthoracic echocardiography
is recommended as the first test in other patients.

raphy for detecting abscesses in the anterior aortic Combined transthoracic and transesophageal
valve in a patient with a prosthetic valve and for echocardiography shows vegetations (Fig. 2) in
assessing the hemodynamic consequences of val- 90% of cases, valve regurgitation in 60%, para-
vular dysfunction. Transesophageal echocardiog- valvular abscess in 20%,6,7 and infrequently, de-
raphy has higher sensitivity and specificity overall hiscence of the prosthesis, pseudoaneurysms, and
and is recommended when the results of trans- fistulas. In cases with initially negative findings
thoracic echocardiography are negative and there on echocardiography, repeat examination should
is a high clinical suspicion, poor imaging quality, be performed if infective endocarditis continues
and the presence of prosthetic valves or an intra- to be suspected. Repeat transthoracic or trans-
cardiac device, as well as in cases in which the esophageal echocardiography is recommended if
transthoracic echocardiographic findings are sug- a new complication is suspected and when ther-
gestive of infective endocarditis but not definitive. apy has been completed.

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clinical pr actice 55

The treatment of patients with suspected or con-
firmed infective endocarditis should be provided
by a multidisciplinary team with expertise in car-
diology, cardiac surgery, and infectious disease.28
Successful treatment is dependent on eradication
of the causative agent, which requires prolonged
bactericidal antibiotic treatment. Surgery may con-
tribute to this goal by removing infected material
and draining abscesses. LV

Antibiotic Treatment
Guidelines for appropriate antibiotic treatment of Figure 2. Transesophageal Echocardiogram Showing
infective endocarditis are published by profession- a Large Vegetation on a Native Mitral Valve.
al societies and updated regularly.29-31 Table 2 in A large vegetation (white arrow) can be seen near the
mitral valve (black arrow). LA denotes left atrium, and
the Supplementary Appendix is adapted from the LV left ventricle.
European Society of Cardiology guidelines and
reviews antibiotic regimens recommended be-
fore an organism is identified and for most com- trials have shown that a 14-day course of genta-
mon causative bacteria.30 micin, given once daily instead of twice daily, in
For native-valve infective endocarditis due to combination with ceftriaxone is effective for the
common microorganisms, the duration of anti- treatment of uncomplicated cases of streptococcal
biotic treatment ranges from 2 weeks (for un- infective endocarditis involving a native valve.33,34
complicated infective endocarditis due to fully Combination therapy with a beta-lactam antibi-
penicillin-susceptible streptococci treated with a otic and an aminoglycoside should be used for
beta-lactam antibiotic combined with an amino- prosthetic-valve infective endocarditis (Table 2 in
glycoside) to 6 weeks (for enterococcal infective the Supplementary Appendix).
endocarditis). For infective endocarditis involving In cases of enterococcal infective endocarditis,
a prosthetic valve, the duration of antibiotic thera- whenever the strain does not exhibit high-level
py is usually 6 weeks, and regimens are basi- resistance to gentamicin, that drug should be used
cally the same as those for native-valve infective in combination with an antibiotic agent that is
endocarditis, with the notable exception of staphy- active against the bacterial cell wall. Gentamicin
lococcal prosthetic-valve infective endocarditis, is generally given for the full 6-week course of
for which the regimen should include both rif- antibiotic treatment; however, in an observational
ampin, whenever the strain is susceptible to this study, the cure rate of enterococcal infective endo-
antibiotic, and gentamicin. carditis was as high as 81%, with a median dura-
When valve replacement is performed during tion of aminoglycoside administration of 15 days.
antibiotic treatment of native-valve infective endo- This suggests that shorter courses of aminogly-
carditis, the duration of antibiotic therapy should cosides (2 to 3 weeks), which minimize the risk
remain the same as the duration recommended of renal toxicity, may be effective.35 The question
for native-valve infective endocarditis and should of whether gentamicin should be administered
not be switched to that recommended for pros- in divided daily doses continues to be debated;
thetic-valve infective endocarditis. In both na- clinical data are lacking, and experimental data
tive-valve and prosthetic-valve infective endocar- are conflicting. The combination of ampicillin
ditis, the duration of treatment should be (at a dose of 12 g per 24 hours) with ceftriaxone
calculated from the first day of appropriate anti- (at a dose of 2 g twice daily) may be effective in
biotic therapy, not from the day of surgery. After infective endocarditis due to Enterococcus faecalis,
surgery, a new full course of treatment should be regardless of whether the strain is highly resis-
started only if valve cultures are positive.32 tant to gentamicin36 or not highly resistant.37
Among aminoglycosides, only gentamicin has Gentamicin is no longer recommended for
been fully evaluated for the treatment of infec- staphylococcal infective endocarditis involving a
tive endocarditis and should be used when the native valve, because there is no documented
disease is caused by gram-positive cocci. Clinical clinical benefit and there is a risk of nephrotox-

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56 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
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icity.38 In cases involving a prosthetic valve, how- still have an indication for valve surgery. The
ever, a regimen that includes gentamicin for the decision to proceed with surgery must take into
first 2 weeks is recommended, especially in cases account the risk of further embolism and the
of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) infection, risks associated with surgery. The incidence of
to mitigate the risk of selection of rifampin- stroke among patients receiving appropriate an-
resistant escape mutants. timicrobial therapy decreases from 4.8 cases per
Daptomycin (at a dose of 6 mg per kilogram 1000 patient-days in the first week of therapy to
of body weight per day, given once daily) was 1.7 per 1000 patient-days in the second week, with
approved by the Food and Drug Administration further decreases thereafter.20 A history of em-
for adults with S. aureus bacteremia and right- bolic stroke or transient ischemic attack is not in
sided infective endocarditis, on the basis of a itself a contraindication to surgery. Postoperative
randomized trial showing its noninferiority to neurologic deterioration is infrequent after a silent
standard therapy (vancomycin or an antistaphy- cerebral embolism or a transient ischemic attack.
lococcal penicillin).39 Observational studies have After an ischemic stroke, the risk associated with
also shown the efficacy of daptomycin in pa- surgery depends on the neurologic condition of
tients with left-sided infective endocarditis40 the patient19; generally, surgery is performed if
and in patients with infective endocarditis in- the patient does not have severe neurologic dam-
volving an implanted intracardiac device (with age, as long as cerebral hemorrhage has been
daptomycin used at a dose of 8 to 10 mg per ruled out by means of cerebral imaging.30
kilogram per day).41 Daptomycin has been recom-
mended as an alternative to vancomycin for the Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Therapies
treatment of adults with infective endocarditis Observational data have suggested an increased
due to MRSA.42 risk of death from cerebral hemorrhage, with no
reduction in the risk of embolic events, in pa-
Surgical Treatment tients with prosthetic-valve infective endocarditis
The rate of early valve replacement or repair (i.e., due to S. aureus who were receiving treatment with
surgery performed during the course of antibi- oral anticoagulant agents.44 European Society of
otic treatment for infective endocarditis) has in- Cardiology guidelines currently recommend that
creased over the past three decades to approxi- in patients already receiving oral anticoagulant
mately 50%.6,7 The main indications for early therapy in whom infective endocarditis develops
valve surgery are heart failure, uncontrolled in- and is complicated by ischemic and nonhemor-
fection, and prevention of embolic events (Table rhagic stroke, the oral anticoagulant agent be
2).30 Observational studies assessing associations replaced with heparin for 2 weeks; however, the
between the timing of surgery and outcomes guidelines acknowledge the low level of evidence
have yielded inconsistent results.14 supporting this recommendation.30
In a recent randomized trial involving 76 pa- Antiplatelet agents are not recommended for
tients with severe left-sided infective endocardi- patients with infective endocarditis. In a double-
tis and a large vegetation but no indications for blind, placebo-controlled trial, patients with in-
emergency surgery at the time of randomization, fective endocarditis who were randomly assigned
the incidence of the composite end point of in- to receive aspirin at a dose of 325 mg per day for
hospital death or embolic events within the first 4 weeks had no significant decrease in the inci-
6 weeks after randomization was significantly dence of embolic events and had a nonsignifi-
lower among patients assigned to surgery within cant increase in the rate of cerebral bleeding
48 hours after randomization than among those episodes.45 Observational studies have yielded
assigned to usual care (3% vs. 23%); the benefit conflicting findings with respect to the associa-
was driven by the reduction in embolic events.43 tions of aspirin use before infective endocarditis
However, it is unclear whether these results should with risks of death and embolic events.46-49 In
be generalized to support the routine use of early the absence of bleeding, aspirin taken for other
valve surgery, because the patients enrolled in this indications may not need to be discontinued.
study were young (mean age, 47 years), with a low
frequency of coexisting conditions and very low Prophylaxis
mortality (<5%). In the past decade, on the basis of expert opinion,
After a cerebral embolic event, most patients indications for antibiotic prophylaxis against infec-

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clinical pr actice 57

Table 2. Indications for and Timing of Surgery in Patients with Left-Sided, Native-Valve Infective Endocarditis.*

Indication Timing of Surgery†

Heart failure
Aortic or mitral-valve infective endocarditis with severe acute regurgitation or obstruction caus- Emergency
ing refractory pulmonary edema or cardiogenic shock
Aortic or mitral-valve infective endocarditis with fistula into a cardiac chamber or pericardium Emergency
causing refractory pulmonary edema or cardiogenic shock
Aortic or mitral-valve infective endocarditis with severe acute regurgitation or obstruction and Urgent
persistent heart failure or signs of poor hemodynamic tolerance (early mitral-valve closure or
pulmonary hypertension)
Aortic or mitral-valve infective endocarditis with severe regurgitation and heart failure easily con- Elective
trolled with medical treatment
Uncontrolled infection
Locally uncontrolled infection (abscess, false aneurysm, fistula, enlarging vegetation, or dehis- Urgent
cence of prosthetic valve)
Persistent fever and positive blood cultures for >5–7 days Urgent
Infection caused by fungi or multidrug-resistant organisms, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa Elective
and other gram-negative bacilli
Prevention of embolism
Aortic or mitral-valve infective endocarditis with large vegetations (>10 mm in length) after one Urgent
or more embolic episodes, despite appropriate antibiotic therapy, especially during the first
2 weeks of therapy
Aortic or mitral-valve infective endocarditis with large vegetations (>10 mm) and other predictors Urgent
of complicated course (heart failure, persistent infection, or abscess)
Isolated, very large vegetations (>15 mm); surgery may be preferred if a procedure preserving Urgent
the native valve is feasible

* Adapted from Habib et al.30

† Emergency surgery was defined as surgery performed within 24 hours after the condition was identified, urgent surgery
as that performed within a few days after the condition was identified, and elective surgery as that performed after at
least 1 or 2 weeks of antibiotic therapy.

tive endocarditis have been restricted to patients rifampin was reported to be effective for S. aureus
who have a prosthetic valve, a history of infective infective endocarditis in a study of intravenous-
endocarditis, or unrepaired cyanotic congenital drug users,54 oral therapy cannot currently be rec-
heart disease and who are planning to undergo an ommended for infective endocarditis.
invasive dental procedure; the recommended regi- Despite the recent randomized trial suggesting
mens are summarized in Table 3 in the Supple- a benefit of early surgery,43 the appropriate tim-
mentary Appendix.30,50 In the United Kingdom, ing of surgery remains controversial. When sur-
antibiotic prophylaxis against infective endocarditis
gery is performed within the first week of anti-
is no longer recommended in any circumstances.51 biotic treatment, there may be increased risks of
To date, reports indicate no appreciable increase inrelapse and prosthetic-valve dysfunction.55
the incidence of infective endocarditis due to viri- The usefulness of systematic brain imaging and
dans group streptococci since the guidelines were the preferred treatment of patients with infective
revised to recommend a restricted use of antibi- endocarditis and cerebral mycotic aneurysms are
otic prophylaxis.52,53 Good oral, dental, and skin also uncertain. Because unruptured aneurysms
hygiene are recommended to reduce risks. may resolve with antibiotic therapy alone,24 such
patients should receive antibiotics, with serial an-
A R E A S OF UNCER TA IN T Y giography performed to document the resolution
of the aneurysm. Endovascular treatment should
The appropriate duration of antibiotic therapy, es- be pursued only if the aneurysm is very large
pecially aminoglycosides, remains uncertain. Al- (e.g., >10 mm) or if it is not resolving or is en-
though a combination of oral ciprofloxacin and larging despite treatment with antibiotics.25

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58 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
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GUIDEL INE S valve vegetation seen on the echocardiogram are

indications for urgent mitral-valve surgery, in the
Guidelines addressing the prophylaxis and man- absence of contraindications. If blood cultures are
agement of infective endocarditis have been pub- still negative at the time of surgery, a sample of
lished by professional societies in the United States valve tissue should be obtained for culture, and a
and Europe.29-31 The recommendations presented broad-range PCR assay should be performed to
here are largely consistent with these guidelines. help identify the causative microorganism, with
adaptation of the antibiotic regimen to the iden-
C ONCLUSIONS tified microorganism. The patient should be coun-
A ND R EC OM MENDAT IONS seled concerning the prevention of recurrent in-
fective endocarditis (oral and overall hygiene and
The patient in the vignette has evidence of native appropriate use of antibiotic prophylaxis, given that
mitral-valve infective endocarditis complicated by he will now have both a history of infective endo-
cerebral emboli. Antibiotic treatment should be carditis and a prosthetic valve).
started immediately after two to three blood cul-
tures have been drawn. Pending culture results, an Dr. Duval reports receiving grant support through his institu-
tion from Pfizer and travel expenses from Roche. No other po-
aminopenicillin with beta-lactam inhibitor (either tential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
ampicillin with sulbactam or amoxicillin with Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
clavulanate potassium)29,30 should be given in the full text of this article at
We thank Dr. L. Kritharides and Dr. R.W. Sy for sharing data
combination with gentamicin. The recent cere- from the Australian population-based study on infective endo-
bral embolic events and the large, mobile mitral- carditis.

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American Heart Association: endorsed 355:653-65. mary of NICE guidance. BMJ 2008;336:
by the Infectious Diseases Society of 40. Das I, Saluja T, Steeds R. Use of dap- 770-1.
America. Circulation 2005;111(23):e394- tomycin in complicated cases of infective 52. Thornhill MH, Dayer MJ, Forde JM, et
e434. [Errata, Circulation 2005;112:2373, endocarditis. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect al. Impact of the NICE guideline recom-
2007;115(15):e408, 116(21):e547, 2008; Dis 2011;30:807-12. mending cessation of antibiotic prophy-
118(12):e497.] 41. Durante-Mangoni E, Casillo R, Ber- laxis for prevention of infective endocar-
30. Habib G, Hoen B, Tornos P, et al. nardo M, et al. High-dose daptomycin for ditis: before and after study. BMJ 2011;
Guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis, cardiac implantable electronic device- 342:d2392.
and treatment of infective endocarditis related infective endocarditis. Clin Infect 53. Desimone DC, Tleyjeh IM, Correa de
(new version 2009): the Task Force on the Dis 2012;54:347-54. Sa DD, et al. Incidence of infective endo-
Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of 42. Liu C, Bayer A, Cosgrove SE, et al. carditis caused by viridans group strepto-
Infective Endocarditis of the European Clinical practice guidelines by the Infec- cocci before and after publication of the
Society of Cardiology (ESC): endorsed by tious Diseases Society of America for the 2007 American Heart Association’s endo-
the European Society of Clinical Microbi- treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphy- carditis prevention guidelines. Circula-
ology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) lococcus aureus infections in adults and tion 2012;126:60-4.
and the International Society of Chemo- children: executive summary. Clin Infect 54. Heldman AW, Hartert TV, Ray SC, et
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Eur Heart J 2009;30:2369-413. 43. Kang D-H, Kim Y-J, Kim S-H, et al. staphylococcal endocarditis in injection
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al. Guidelines for the diagnosis and anti- ment for infective endocarditis. N Engl J parison with parenteral therapy. Am J
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a report of the Working Party of the Brit- 44. Tornos P, Almirante B, Mirabet S, Per- 55. Thuny F, Beurtheret S, Mancini J, et al.
ish Society for Antimicrobial Chemother- manyer G, Pahissa A, Soler-Soler J. Infec- The timing of surgery influences mortal-
apy. J Antimicrob Chemother 2012;67:269- tive endocarditis due to Staphylococcus ity and morbidity in adults with severe
89. [Erratum, J Antimicrob Chemother aureus: deleterious effect of anticoagu- complicated infective endocarditis: a pro-
2012;67:1304.] lant therapy. Arch Intern Med 1999;159: pensity analysis. Eur Heart J 2011;32:2027-
32. Morris AJ, Drinković D, Pottumarthy 473-5. 33.
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n engl j med 368;15 april 11, 2013 1433

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60 nejm readers’ choice
The n clinical
e w e ng l a n d care
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na l o f m e dic i n e

clinical practice

Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

Herpes Zoster
Jeffrey I. Cohen, M.D.

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem.
Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines,
when they exist. The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations.

A 65-year-old man presents with a rash of 2 days’ duration over the right forehead From the Medical Virology Section, Lab-
with vesicles and pustules, a few lesions on the right side and tip of the nose, and oratory of Infectious Diseases, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Ad-
slight blurring of vision in the right eye. The rash was preceded by tingling in the area dress reprint requests to Dr. Cohen at the
and is now associated with aching pain. How should this patient be evaluated and Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Nation-
treated? al Institutes of Health, Bldg. 50, Rm. 6134,
50 South Dr., MSC1807, Bethesda, MD
20892-1807, or at
The Cl inic a l Probl em N Engl J Med 2013;369:255-63.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp1302674
Primary infection with varicella–zoster virus (VZV) results in chickenpox, charac- Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.
terized by viremia with a diffuse rash and seeding of multiple sensory ganglia,
where the virus establishes lifelong latency. Herpes zoster is caused by reactivation
of latent VZV in cranial-nerve or dorsal-root ganglia, with spread of the virus along
the sensory nerve to the dermatome. There are more than 1 million cases of herpes
zoster in the United States each year, with an annual rate of 3 to 4 cases per 1000
persons. Studies suggest that the incidence of herpes zoster is increasing.1 Unvac-
cinated persons who live to 85 years of age have a 50% risk of herpes zoster. Up to
3% of patients with the disease require hospitalization.
The major risk factor for herpes zoster is increasing age. With increasing time
after varicella infection, there is a reduction in the level of T-cell immunity to VZV,2 An audio version
of this article is
which, unlike levels of virus-specific antibodies, correlates with protection against available at
herpes zoster. The risk is higher for women than for men, for whites than for blacks,
and for persons with a family history of herpes zoster than for those without such
a background.3 Chickenpox that occurs in utero or early in infancy, at a time when
the cellular immune system is not fully mature, is associated with herpes zoster in
childhood. Immunocompromised persons with impaired T-cell immunity, includ-
ing recipients of organ or hematopoietic stem-cell transplants, those receiving im-
munosuppressive therapy, and those with lymphoma, leukemia, or human immu-
nodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, are at increased risk for herpes zoster and for
severe disease.
Postherpetic neuralgia, or pain persisting after the rash has resolved (often de-
fined specifically as pain persisting for 90 days or more after the onset of the rash),
is a feared complication of herpes zoster. The pain may persist for many months or
even years; it may be severe and interfere with sleep and activities of daily living,
resulting in anorexia, weight loss, fatigue, depression, withdrawal from social ac-
tivities and employment, and loss of independent living. Depending on age and the
definition used, postherpetic neuralgia develops in 10 to 50% of persons with
herpes zoster. The risk increases with age (particularly after 50 years of age) and
is also increased among persons with severe pain at the onset of herpes zoster or
with a severe rash and a large number of lesions.
Various neurologic complications have been reported to occur with herpes zos-

n engl j med 369;3 july 18, 2013 255

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 61

key Clinical points

herpes zoster
• In the absence of the herpes zoster vaccine, persons who live to 85 years of age have a 50% risk of her-
pes zoster.
• The persons most likely to benefit from antiviral therapy for herpes zoster are those who have or are at
risk for complications of herpes zoster, including immunocompromised persons, those 50 years of age
or older, and those with severe pain or severe rash.
• Antiviral agents hasten the resolution of herpes zoster lesions and decrease the severity of acute pain
but have not been shown to reduce the risk of postherpetic neuralgia.
• Valacyclovir or famciclovir is preferable to acyclovir because of ease of dosing and higher levels of anti-
viral drug activity.
• Patients with herpes zoster and new visual symptoms should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist to
determine whether eye-specific therapy is needed.
• The herpes zoster vaccine is recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for
persons 60 years of age or older and is used in those with or without a history of herpes zoster.

ter, including Bell’s palsy, the Ramsay Hunt syn- Depending on the location and severity, this pro-
drome, transverse myelitis, transient ischemic dromal pain may lead to misdiagnosis and costly
attacks, and stroke.4 In addition, ophthalmologic testing. The rash begins as macules and papules,
complications of herpes zoster occurring in the which evolve into vesicles and then pustules (Fig.
V1 distribution of the trigeminal nerve can include 1B). New lesions appear over a period of 3 to 5 days,
keratitis, scleritis, uveitis, and acute retinal ne- often with filling in of the dermatome despite
crosis (Table 1). Immunocompromised persons antiviral treatment. The rash usually dries with
can have additional complications, including dis- crusting in 7 to 10 days. Some persons have pain
seminated skin disease, acute or progressive outer in the absence of a rash, termed zoster sine herpete,
retinal necrosis, chronic herpes zoster with verru- which is difficult to diagnose and may lead to
cous skin lesions, and development of acyclovir- numerous unnecessary tests or procedures. Im-
resistant VZV. In these patients, the disease can munocompromised patients may have dissemi-
nated rashes with viremia and new lesions occur-
involve multiple organs (e.g., lung, liver, brain, and
gastrointestinal tract), and patients may present ring for up to 2 weeks. The characteristics of
with hepatitis or pancreatitis several days before pain associated with herpes zoster vary. Patients
the rash appears.5 may have paresthesias (e.g., burning and tingling),
dysesthesia (altered or painful sensitivity to touch),
S t r ategie s a nd E v idence allodynia (pain associated with nonpainful stim-
uli), or hyperesthesia (exaggerated or prolonged
Symptoms response to pain). Pruritus is also commonly as-
The rash of herpes zoster is dermatomal and does sociated with herpes zoster.
not cross the midline, a feature that is consistent
with reactivation from a single dorsal-root or Diagnosis
cranial-nerve ganglion. The thoracic, trigeminal Most cases of herpes zoster can be diagnosed
(Fig. 1A), lumbar, and cervical dermatomes are clinically, although atypical rashes may require a
the most frequent sites of rash, although any area direct immunofluorescence assay for VZV antigen
of the skin can be involved. In nonimmunocom- or a polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) assay for
promised persons, a few scattered lesions outside VZV DNA in cells from the base of lesions after
the affected dermatome are not unexpected. The they are unroofed. In a study comparing PCR
rash is often preceded by tingling, itching, or pain with other diagnostic methods, the sensitivity and
(or a combination of these) for 2 to 3 days, and specificity of PCR for detecting VZV DNA were
these symptoms can be continuous or episodic. 95% and 100%, respectively, whereas the values

56 n engl j med 369;3 july 18, 2013

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62 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collectionclinical pr actice

Table 1. Selected Complications of Herpes Zoster in Nonimmunocompromised Persons.*

Complication Manifestations Site of VZV Reactivation

Aseptic meningitis Headache, meningismus Cranial nerve V
Bacterial superinfection Streptococcus, staphylococcus cellulitis Any sensory ganglia
Bell’s palsy Unilateral facial paralysis Cranial nerve VII
Eye involvement (herpes zoster Keratitis, episcleritis, iritis, conjunctivi- Cranial nerve II, III, or V (ophthalmic
ophthalmicus) tis, uveitis, acute retinal necrosis, [V1] branch)
optic neuritis, acute glaucoma
Hearing impairment Deafness Cranial nerve VIII
Motor neuropathy Weakness, diaphragmatic paralysis, Any sensory ganglia
neurogenic bladder
Postherpetic neuralgia Pain persisting after the rash has resolved Any sensory ganglia
Ramsay Hunt syndrome Ear pain and vesicles in the canal, Cranial nerve VII geniculate ganglia,
numbness of anterior tongue, with spread to cranial nerve VIII
facial paralysis
Transverse myelitis Paraparesis, sensory loss, sphincter Vertebral ganglia
Vasculopathy (encephalitis) Vasculitis of cerebral arteries, confu- Cranial nerve V
sion, seizures, TIAs, stroke

* TIA denotes transient ischemic attack, and VZV varicella–zoster virus.

for immunofluorescence testing for VZV antigen Other persons might also benefit from antiviral
were 82% and 76%.6 The condition that is most therapy, although they have a lower risk of com-
commonly mistaken for herpes zoster is herpes plications from herpes zoster. Three guanosine
analogues — acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famci-
simplex virus infection, which can recur in a der-
matomal distribution; accordingly, when patients clovir — have been approved by the Food and
present with “recurrent zoster” or atypical lesions
Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of
or are immunocompromised with disseminated herpes zoster (Table 3). The oral bioavailability
skin lesions, specific testing for both VZV and and levels of antiviral drug activity in the blood
herpes simplex virus is often useful. VZV has been
are higher and more consistent in patients receiv-
detected in the saliva of persons with herpes zos-
ing thrice-daily valacyclovir or famciclovir than
ter,7 although such testing does not currently in those receiving acyclovir five times daily. This
have a demonstrated role in clinical practice. is important because VZV is less sensitive than
A PCR assay of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) herpes simplex virus to acyclovir, valacyclovir, and
has been used for the diagnosis of central nervous
system (CNS) vasculopathy; evidence of an increase These antiviral agents hasten the resolution
in the ratio of the anti-VZV antibody level in the
of lesions, reduce the formation of new lesions,
CSF to that in the blood is more sensitive.4 A PCR
reduce viral shedding, and decrease the severity
assay of the blood may be helpful for the diag- of acute pain (Table 3). For example, in the largest
nosis of visceral herpes zoster in immunocom- randomized, double-blind trial of acyclovir for
promised persons who present with hepatitis or herpes zoster, oral acyclovir given within 47 hours
pancreatitis in the absence of a rash.5 A PCR as-after the onset of rash shortened the mean time
say for VZV in the blood or CSF has been used forto the last day of new-lesion formation, the loss
the diagnosis of zoster sine herpete. of vesicles, and full crusting by 0.5 days, 1.8 days,
and 2.2 days, respectively, as compared with
Treatment and Prevention placebo.10 In another large trial, acyclovir re-
Antiviral Therapy duced the duration of viral shedding by 0.8 days
Antiviral therapy is recommended for herpes zos- as compared with placebo.11 In a meta-analysis of
ter in certain nonimmunocompromised patients several randomized, controlled trials, antiviral
and all immunocompromised patients (Table 2). agents did not significantly reduce the incidence

n engl j med 369;3 july 18, 2013 25

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 63

A Table 2. Indications for Antiviral Treatment in Patients

with Herpes Zoster.*

Age ≥50 yr
Moderate or severe pain
Severe rash
Involvement of the face or eye
Other complications of herpes zoster
Immunocompromised state

* Although antiviral agents may benefit other patients with

herpes zoster, they are primarily recommended by experts
for patients with these indications who either have com-
plications or are at increased risk for complications from
herpes zoster.8,9

ated within 72 hours after the onset of the rash,

and it is recommended that treatment start as
early as possible within this interval. However,
many experts recommend that if new skin lesions
are still appearing or complications of herpes
B zoster are present, treatment should be initiated
even if the rash began more than 3 days earlier.
Treatment is usually given for 7 days in the ab-
sence of complications of herpes zoster. Intrave-
nous acyclovir is recommended for immunocom-
promised persons who require hospitalization and
for persons with severe neurologic complications.
Foscarnet is used for immunocompromised pa-
tients with acyclovir-resistant VZV.

Figure 1. Clinical Features of Herpes Zoster.
The use of glucocorticoids with antiviral therapy
Panel A shows herpes zoster in the ophthalmic (V1)
branch of the trigeminal ganglia. Photograph courtesy
for uncomplicated herpes zoster remains contro-
of Michael Oxman, M.D. Panel B shows vesicles and versial. Randomized, controlled trials have shown
pustules in a patient with herpes zoster. These are benefits of a tapering course of predisone22 or
representative photographs and are not from the case prednisolone,12 including a reduction in acute
presented. pain,12,22 improved performance of activities of
daily living,22 accelerated early healing,12 and in
one study22 but not another,12 a reduction in the
of postherpetic neuralgia,20 and they are not ap- time to complete healing. The addition of gluco-
proved for the prevention of the condition by the corticoids to antiviral therapy has not been shown
FDA. In some studies, treatment with either va- to reduce the incidence of postherpetic neuralgia.
lacyclovir or famciclovir has been shown to be Owing to their immunosuppressive properties,
superior to treatment with acyclovir for reducing glucocorticoids should not be administered for
pain associated with herpes zoster.14,15 Valacy- herpes zoster without concomitant antiviral ther-
clovir is similar to famciclovir in terms of effi- apy. Glucocorticoids should be avoided in patients
cacy in reducing acute pain and accelerating with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer
healing.21 As compared with acyclovir, valacyclo- disease, or osteoporosis; particular caution is war-
vir and famciclovir require fewer daily doses but ranted in the case of elderly patients, who are at
are more expensive. increased risk for serious adverse events. Predni-
In controlled trials, treatment has been initi- sone is used for the treatment of certain CNS com-

58 n engl j med 369;3 july 18, 2013

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64 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
clinical pr actice

Table 3. Antiviral Therapy for Herpes Zoster.

Medication Dose Effects Observed in Controlled Trials Side Effects

Nonimmunocompromised persons
Acyclovir (e.g., Zovirax) 800 mg orally five times daily Reduced time to last new-lesion formation, Malaise
for 7–10 days loss of vesicles, full crusting, cessation
of viral shedding, reduced severity of
acute pain10-12
Famciclovir (e.g., Famvir) 500 mg orally three times Reduced time to last new-lesion formation, Headache, nausea
daily for 7 days loss of vesicles, full crusting, cessation
of viral shedding, cessation of pain13,14
Valacyclovir (e.g., Valtrex) 1 g orally three times daily Reduced time to last new-lesion formation, Headache, nausea
for 7 days loss of vesicles, full crusting, cessation
of pain15,16
Brivudin (e.g., Zostex, 125 mg orally once daily Reduced time to last new-lesion formation, Headache, nausea; contraindi-
Helpin)* for 7 days full crusting, cessation of pain17 cated in persons receiving
fluorouracil or other fluoro-
Immunocompromised persons
requiring hospitalization or persons
with severe neurologic complications
Acyclovir (e.g., Zovirax) 10 mg/kg intravenously Reduced time to last new-lesion formation, Renal insufficiency
every 8 hr for 7–10 days full crusting, cessation of viral shedding,
cessation of pain, reduced cutaneous
dissemination, reduced visceral herpes
Foscarnet (e.g., Foscavir) for 40 mg/kg intravenously Not reported Renal insufficiency, hypokale-
acyclovir-resistant VZV† every 8 hr until lesions mia, hypocalcemia, hypo-
are healed magnesemia, hypophospha-
temia, nausea, diarrhea,
vomiting, anemia, granulocy-
topenia, headache

* Brivudin is not available in the United States and has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
† Foscarnet is not approved for this use by the FDA.

plications of herpes zoster, such as vasculopathy or shown to be effective in randomized, controlled

Bell’s palsy in nonimmunocompromised patients. clinical trials for acute pain associated with her-
pes zoster, they have been used when opioids were
Acute Pain Associated with Herpes Zoster insufficient for pain.
Several medications have been used for the treat-
ment of acute pain associated with herpes zoster Eye Disease Associated with Herpes Zoster
(Table 4). Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs Patients with herpes zoster in the V1 distribution
or acetaminophen can be administered in patients of the trigeminal nerve (including lesions on the
with mild pain. Opioids, such as oxycodone, are forehead and the upper eyelid) and either lesions
used for more severe pain associated with herpes on the tip or side of the nose or new visual symp-
zoster. Opioids were more effective than gabapen- toms should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist.
tin for herpes zoster–related pain in a random- Other treatment may be needed in addition to
ized, placebo-controlled trial.23 In one controlled antiviral therapy, including mydriatic eyedrops to
trial24 but not another,23 gabapentin reduced pain dilate the pupil and reduce the risk of scarring
associated with herpes zoster. Lidocaine patches (synechiae); topical glucocorticoids for keratitis,
reduced pain associated with herpes zoster in a episcleritis, or iritis; medications to reduce intra-
placebo-controlled trial; they should be applied ocular pressure for the treatment of glaucoma;
to intact skin only, not to the area of the rash.25 and intravitreal antiviral therapy for immuno-
Although tricyclic antidepressants have not been compromised patients with retinal necrosis.

n engl j med 369;3 july 18, 2013 259

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Table 4. Medications Commonly Used for Treatment of Acute Pain Associated with Herpes Zoster.*

Medication Dose Dose Adjustment Maximum Dose Side Effects

Opioid and nonopioid analgesics
Oxycodone 5 mg every 4 hr as needed Increase by 5 mg four times daily every None specified, but should not exceed Drowsiness, dizziness, con-
2 days as tolerated 120 mg daily except in consultation stipation, nausea, vom-
with a pain specialist iting
Tramadol 50 mg once or twice daily Increase by 50–100 mg daily in divided 400 mg daily; 300 mg daily if patient is Drowsiness, dizziness, con-

doses every 2 days as tolerated >75 years of age stipation, nausea, vom-
Prednisone 60 mg daily for 7 days, then decrease None 60 mg daily Gastrointestinal distress,
to 30 mg daily for 7 days, then de- nausea, vomiting, mood
crease to 15 mg daily for 7 days changes, edema, glu-
cose intolerance, in-

n engl j med 369;3

creased blood pressure
Gabapentin 300 mg at bedtime or 100–300 mg Increase by 100–300 mg three times 3600 mg daily Drowsiness, dizziness, atax-
three times daily daily every 2 days as tolerated ia, peripheral edema
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

Pregabalin 75 mg at bedtime or 75 mg twice daily Increase by 75 mg twice daily every 600 mg daily Drowsiness, dizziness, atax-

3 days as tolerated ia, peripheral edema

Tricyclic antidepressants

july 18, 2013

Nortriptyline 25 mg at bedtime Increase by 25 mg daily every 2–3 days 150 mg daily Drowsiness, dry mouth,
as tolerated blurred vision, weight
m e dic i n e

gain, urinary retention

Back to Table of Contents

Topical therapy
Lidocaine patch (5%) One patch, applied to intact skin only, None One patch for up to 12 hr per day Local irritation; if systemic,
for up to 12 hr per day absorption can cause
drowsiness, dizziness

* This table provides examples and is not meant to be comprehensive. Modified from Dworkin et al.8 by permission of Oxford University Press.
† The use of glucocorticoids is controversial because they are often associated with adverse events in older patients.
66 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collectionclinical pr actice

Postherpetic Neuralgia ter (at a mean of 3.6 years before vaccination) and
Pain associated with postherpetic neuralgia is among those with no history of the disease.38
often challenging to treat. A detailed discussion The optimal timing of vaccination after an
of the management of postherpetic neuralgia is episode of herpes zoster is uncertain. Because the
beyond the scope of this article. In brief, medica- risk of recurrent herpes zoster after a recent epi-
tions shown in randomized trials to reduce pain sode of the disease is relatively low39 and because
associated with postherpetic neuralgia include the cellular immune response to VZV during the
topical lidocaine,26 anticonvulsant agents (e.g., first 3 years after vaccination is similar to that after
gabapentin27 and pregabalin28), opioids,29 tricyclic an episode of herpes zoster,40 one might delay
antidepressants (e.g., nortriptyline30), and capsa- vaccination for 3 years in immunocompetent
icin.31 Combination therapy, such as gabapentin persons with a recent history of herpes zoster,
and nortriptyline32 or an opiate and gabapentin,33 provided that the diagnosis of herpes zoster has
have been more effective for postherpetic neural- been well documented by a health care provider.
gia than single-agent therapy but also confer a The vaccine is contraindicated in persons with
greater risk of side effects. Even with treatment, hematologic cancers whose disease is not in re-
many patients do not have adequate relief of pain, mission or who have received cytotoxic chemo-
and for such patients, referral to a pain specialist therapy within 3 months, in persons with T-cell
can be helpful. immunodeficiency (e.g., HIV infection with a CD4
cell count of ≤200 per cubic millimeter or <15%
Prevention of Herpes Zoster of total lymphocytes), and in those receiving
A live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine is recom- high-dose immunosuppressive therapy (e.g.,
mended by the Advisory Committee on Immuni- ≥20 mg of prednisone daily for ≥2 weeks or
zation Practices for persons 60 years of age or anti–tumor necrosis factor therapy).
older to prevent herpes zoster and its complica-
tions, including postherpetic neuralgia.9,34 On the Infection Control
basis of the results of a recent clinical trial, the Although herpes zoster is less contagious than
vaccine is now approved by the FDA to prevent varicella, patients with herpes zoster can trans-
herpes zoster in persons 50 years of age or old- mit VZV to susceptible persons, in whom vari-
er.35 The efficacy of the vaccine in preventing cella may develop. For nonimmunocompromised
herpes zoster is 70% for persons 50 to 59 years of persons with dermatomal herpes zoster, contact
age, 64% for persons 60 to 69 years of age, and precautions should be used, and lesions should
38% for persons 70 years of age or older.34-36 be covered if possible.41 Despite these measures,
However, vaccine efficacy in preventing posther- viral transmission has occasionally been reported
petic neuralgia is 66% for persons 60 to 69 years in such patients.42 For persons with disseminat-
of age and is undiminished at 67% for persons ed lesions and for immunocompromised persons
70 years of age or older.34,36 Although the effec- with herpes zoster, airborne and contact precau-
tiveness of the vaccine to prevent herpes zoster is tions are required until all lesions have crusted.
reduced in persons 70 years of age or older, the
increased risk of severe disease and the persisting A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y
efficacy of the vaccine in preventing postherpetic
neuralgia in these older persons strongly favor Improved therapies are needed for pain associ-
vaccinating them. A follow-up study showed that ated with herpes zoster and postherpetic neural-
the reduction in the risk of herpes zoster remained gia and to prevent the development of postherpetic
significant for at least 5 years after vaccination, neuralgia. In addition, studies are needed to deter-
though the effectiveness declined over time.37 In mine which patients are at highest risk for posther-
vaccinated (as compared with unvaccinated) per- petic neuralgia so that more aggressive therapy
sons in whom herpes zoster developed, pain was can be given. There is uncertainty regarding the
significantly shorter in duration and less severe.34 safety and effectiveness of the vaccine in persons
The vaccine can be given to persons with a his- with immunocompromising conditions that are
tory of herpes zoster. In a recent study, rates of currently considered contraindications to vacci-
adverse events associated with vaccination were nation, the duration of immunity induced by the
similar among persons who had had herpes zos- vaccine, and the need for booster doses.

n engl j med 369;3 july 18, 2013 26

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 67

Guidel ine s rash. Valacyclovir or famciclovir is preferred over

acyclovir owing to the reduced frequency of dos-
Recommendations have been developed for the ing and higher levels of antiviral drug activity.
management of herpes zoster by a group of ex- The patient described in the vignette should re-
perts8 and for the prevention of herpes zoster by ceive oral antiviral therapy, medication for pain
the Advisory Committee on Immunization Prac- (e.g., an opioid, with the addition of gabapentin
tices.9 The present review is generally concordant if needed), and prompt referral to an ophthal-
with these recommendations. mologist. He should also be advised to avoid con-
tact with persons who have not had varicella or
C onclusions a nd have not received the varicella vaccine until his
R ec om mendat ions lesions have completely crusted. I would recom-
mend herpes zoster vaccination to reduce the
Whereas herpes zoster is often mild in healthy risk of recurrence, but in an immunocompetent
young persons, older persons are at increased patient such as this one, I would defer vaccina-
risk for pain and complications, including tion for approximately 3 years, since the current
postherpetic neuralgia, ocular disease, motor episode of herpes zoster should boost his cellular
neuropathy, and CNS disease. In the vast major- immune response to VZV for that period of time.
ity of cases, the diagnosis can be made clinically.
Antiviral therapy is most beneficial for persons The views expressed here are those of the author and not
necessarily those of the U.S. government.
who have complications of herpes zoster or who No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
are at increased risk for complications, such as reported.
older persons and immunocompromised per- Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
full text of this article at
sons, and should be initiated as soon as possible, I thank Drs. Adriana Marques and Michael Oxman for their
generally within 72 hours after the onset of the comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.

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trolled clinical trial of valacyclovir and regimens on allodynia and time to onset against herpes zoster and postherpetic
famciclovir therapy in immunocompetent of pain relief. J Pain 2008;9:1006-17. neuralgia. J Infect Dis 2008;197:Suppl
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22. Whitley RJ, Weiss H, Gnann JW Jr, et ized trial in postherpetic neuralgia. Neu- et al. Persistence of the efficacy of zoster
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 69

clinical practice
Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

Carotid Stenosis
James C. Grotta, M.D.

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem.
Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines,
when they exist. The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations.

A 53-year-old woman who smoked and had hypertension had brief numbness of the
right side of her body. Six months later, aphasia and right hemiparesis suddenly devel-
oped, and they resolved after 48 hours. Computed tomographic angiography (CTA)
showed left internal-carotid-artery stenosis of 70% just distal to the bifurcation. Mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed a left frontotemporal infarct without hem-
orrhagic transformation or cerebral edema. Cardiac evaluation was normal. What is
the appropriate management of this patient’s carotid stenosis?

The Cl inic a l Probl em

Carotid artery disease causes approximately 10 to 20% of strokes, and appropriate From the University of Texas Medical
intervention is important for secondary and possibly primary stroke prevention. School at Houston. Address reprint re-
quests to Dr. Grotta at the Department of
The degree of carotid stenosis is the strongest determinant of stroke risk. Neurology, University of Texas Medical
School at Houston, 6431 Fannin St., 7.044,
Atherosclerosis Houston, TX 77030, or at james.c.grotta@
Atherosclerosis, the most common disease affecting the carotid artery, occurs most
frequently at its bifurcation (Fig. 1A and 1B). Atherosclerotic plaques cause symp- N Engl J Med 2013;369:1143-50.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp1214999
toms most often through distal embolism to branches of the retinal or cerebral Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.
arteries; hemodynamically significant luminal stenosis may also result in critical
reduction of perfusion.
Most emboli result from activation of platelets on the plaque surface; less fre-
quently, they result from cholesterol particles. An “unstable plaque” with rupture
of the cap may cause emboli.1 Emboli in retinal arterioles lead to transient mon- An audio version
ocular blindness (amaurosis fugax).2 Emboli in the cerebral circulation most often of this article is
available at
lodge in the middle cerebral-artery branches, but they can also end up in anterior
or posterior cerebral-artery branches, depending on the anatomy of the circle of
Willis. If patients who have had a stroke attributed to carotid disease are ques-
tioned closely, at least 50% report symptoms preceding the stroke that are consis-
tent with a transient ischemic attack (TIA).3 Stroke syndromes related to carotid
disease involve some combination of motor or sensory symptoms (involving the
contralateral face, arm, or leg) or speech, language, or visual symptoms.
Reduction of flow due to high-grade stenosis causes symptoms referable to
brain regions at the border zones between the anterior, middle, and posterior cere-
bral arteries, where perfusion pressure is the lowest and most vulnerable to further
reduction by proximal stenosis.4 Such lesions often cause repetitive TIAs that are
brief (<1 minute), sometimes with limb shaking, as compared with embolic TIAs,
which tend to be longer (5 to 30 minutes).5 Border-zone (“watershed”) infarcts can
be distinguished from embolic infarcts on brain imaging (see Fig. S1a and S1b in the
Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at

n engl j med 369;12 september 19, 2013 1143

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70 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
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key Clinical points

• Carotid artery disease is a common cause of stroke and should be assessed by means of one of
several readily available noninvasive tests in all patients who have had a transient ischemic attack
(TIA) or stroke in the carotid-artery distribution.

• Control of smoking, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia and the use of an antiplatelet agent are in-
dicated to reduce the risk of stroke among persons with carotid artery disease.

• In patients with an ischemic stroke or a TIA in the carotid-artery distribution, carotid endarterectomy
should be considered within 2 weeks if there is stenosis of more than 70% of the diameter of the ipsi-
lateral carotid artery (measured according to the method used in the North American Symptomatic
Carotid Endarterectomy Trial) due to atherosclerosis. There is less benefit in patients with stenosis of 50
to 69% and in asymptomatic patients, and there is no benefit in patients with stenosis of less than 50%.

• Carotid stenting is an alternative to carotid endarterectomy, particularly in patients at high surgical

risk and in younger patients (<70 years of age).

The prognosis for patients with carotid disease is rysm (often erroneously called a pseudoaneurysm)
most closely linked to the degree of stenosis, with can develop, but these aneurysms rarely bleed un-
a 2-mm residual luminal diameter or a 60 to 70% less the dissection extends intracranially. Consid-
reduction in diameter associated with a marked erable ipsilateral neck, facial, or head pain occurs
increase in the risk of stroke.6 Plaque ulcerations in more than 60% of dissections, and if such pain
are common, but they do not strongly correlate is present after trauma or in association with a TIA
with subsequent ipsilateral ischemic stroke.7 or stroke, dissection should be suspected. Horner’s
Whereas total occlusion of the carotid in some syndrome may also be present as a result of in-
patients results in a devastating stroke, it can be jured sympathetic nerves in the arterial wall, and
asymptomatic in patients with adequate collateral lower cranial nerves may be compressed. Genetic
flow to the intracranial arteries.8 The contralateral collagen abnormalities such as the Ehlers–Danlos
carotid provides collateral flow through the an- syndrome (type IV) should be considered in pa-
terior communicating artery (Fig. S2 in the Sup- tients with spontaneous dissection.
plementary Appendix). Consequently, contralat- Fibromuscular dysplasia is twice as common in
eral carotid stenosis or occlusion is an important women as in men,11 and it is marked by fibrotic
determinant of risk that should be considered in thickening of the arterial wall, most often the me-
planning treatment. Carotid siphon atherosclero- dia (Fig. S3b in the Supplementary Appendix).
sis can also cause TIAs and strokes.9 Fibromuscular dysplasia is associated with intra-
cranial aneurysms and carotid dissection. Both
Dissection and Fibromuscular Dysplasia dissection and fibromuscular dysplasia can cause
Dissection of the carotid artery is a common strokes due to embolization or hemodynamically
cause of stroke in patients younger than 45 years significant narrowing of the luminal diameter.
of age, and it is frequently detected by means of Other, less common arterial diseases are be-
noninvasive vascular imaging.10,11 Carotid dissec- yond the scope of this review. Coiling, looping,
tion usually occurs about 2 cm distal to the bifur- and kinking of the extracranial carotids are com-
cation (Fig. S3a in the Supplementary Appendix), mon but rarely of pathologic significance.12
and it may be related to trauma to the artery by
the transverse processes of the C2 and C3 verte- S t r ategie s a nd E v idence
brae or the styloid process. Dissection, which can
occur spontaneously, is due to a hematoma in the Diagnosis
tunica media that ruptures through the intima and A carotid bruit may signal the presence of clini-
compromises the arterial lumen. If the dissection cally significant internal carotid artery disease; this
extends toward the adventitia, a dissecting aneu- finding is present in 70 to 89% of patients with a

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clinical pr actice 71

Figure 1. Atherosclerosis at the Bifurcation of the Ca- A

rotid Artery in the Patient in the Case Vignette.
Panel A shows a cerebral arteriogram indicating ste-
notic plaque (arrow) before stenting. Panel B shows a
three-dimensional reconstruction of the angiogram.
Panel C shows calculation of the percentage of steno-
sis with the use of the North American Symptomatic
Carotid Endarterectomy Trial criteria. The minimal di-
ameter (X3) is 0.89 mm, and the distal diameter (X2)
is 3.30 mm. The percentage of stenosis is calculated as
[1 − (X3 ÷ X2)] × 100, which in this case is 73%. Imag-
es courtesy of Peng Chen, M.D.

2-mm luminal narrowing. However, a bruit is a

nonspecific finding, since it is heard in 5% of pa-
tients who are 45 to 80 years of age in the absence
of clinically significant internal carotid disease.13
The various tests for evaluating carotid disease B
are listed in Table 1. The most common screening
test is duplex Doppler ultrasonography (Fig. 2).
Ultrasonography is highly accurate in identifying
calcification of carotid-artery plaque and intra-
plaque hemorrhage and measuring the degree of
stenosis,14 and it is indicated in patients who have
had ischemic symptoms in the carotid-artery dis-
tribution or who have a carotid bruit and would
be candidates for intervention. A peak systolic ve-
locity in excess of 200 cm per second usually in-
dicates stenosis of 50% or more.15
CTA (Fig. 3) and magnetic resonance angiog-
raphy (MRA) are widely used to evaluate the ca-
rotid artery.16,17 Carotid Doppler ultrasonography
with either CTA or MRA may be sufficient for
making clinical decisions about the management
of carotid disease. However, in some cases, ce- C
rebral angiography may be necessary to provide
additional anatomical detail18 (Fig. 1A and 1B).
The most important information gained from
each of these tests is the percentage of stenosis.
The measurement method used in the North
American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy
Trial (NASCET)19 is used most widely (Fig. 1C).
The diameter of the smallest residual lumen is
compared with the diameter of the normal artery
distal to the carotid bifurcation, according to the
following formula: the percentage of stenosis =
[1 − (minimal diameter ÷ distal diameter)] × 100.
Imaging also identifies the location of the bifur-
cation in relation to the angle of the jaw, the
extent of plaque, distal arterial tortuosity or ste-
nosis, and the status of contralateral carotid and

n engl j med 369;12 september 19, 2013 1145

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72 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
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Table 1. Tests to Detect Carotid Stenosis.

Test Feasibility Accuracy Risks

Ultrasonography Widely available, rapidly Detects bifurcation only None
Magnetic resonance Requires patient to be Cannot discriminate Gadolinium usually not needed;
angiography immobile for duration subtotal from total when used, it carries risk of
of test; not feasible in occlusion nephrogenic systemic fibrosis;
patients with metallic gadolinium contraindicated in
implants or in severely patients with renal insufficiency
obese patients
Computed tomographic Widely available, rapidly Provides good resolution Iodinated contrast material carries
angiography performed of entire vascular tree risk of nephrotoxic effects;
computed tomographic angi-
ography should be avoided in
patients with renal insufficiency
Catheter angiography Requires angiography team Excellent 0.5–1.0% Risk of stroke, myocar-
dial infarction, arterial injury,
retroperitoneal bleeding

collateral flow, and it can usually be used to dis- quired to avoid hypoperfusion during carotid
tinguish atherosclerosis from other conditions endarterectomy or stenting and the hyperperfu-
(Fig. S3a and S3b in the Supplementary Appendix). sion syndrome immediately afterward.26
Other techniques to assess carotid atheroscle- Statin drugs are effective for both primary and
rosis have been described; these include high-reso- secondary stroke prevention, and they may lead
lution MRI of the arterial wall to examine the to stabilization and even regression of intima–
morphologic characteristics of the plaque,1 ultra- media thickness of the carotid-artery wall.27
sonographic assessment of the carotid intima– Antiplatelet drugs logically would be of par-
media thickness,20 detection of microemboli by ticular benefit in patients with carotid plaques
means of ultrasonography,21 and imaging of ad- that cause platelet activation. Patients undergoing
hesion molecules on the surface of the plaque or carotid endarterectomy have a reduced risk of
inflamed area.22 However, data are lacking to de- perioperative stroke if they receive aspirin preop-
termine the role of these techniques, if any, in eratively.28 For long-term secondary prevention
clinical practice. of stroke, current guidelines recommend aspirin,
clopidogrel, or the combination of aspirin and
Medical Management dipyridamole.24 The combination of aspirin and
Aggressive treatment of modifiable risk factors clopidogrel is not recommended because of an
for carotid atherosclerosis — especially hyperten- increased risk of bleeding, but data from studies
sion and hyperlipidemia — and cessation of smok- of coronary stenting suggest that this combina-
ing are central to stroke prevention. Measures to tion should be routinely used for a short period
reduce stroke risk have been reviewed in a previ- (e.g., 1 to 3 months) after carotid-artery stenting.29
ous Clinical Practice article23 and in guidelines for Current guidelines suggest that anticoagula-
primary and secondary stroke prevention.24,25 tion therapy with heparin followed by warfarin
Some aspects of risk-factor management par- can be used for 3 to 6 months in patients with
ticular to patients with severe carotid-artery ste- acute extracranial dissection.24 Newer oral anti-
nosis warrant mention. In patients with hyper- coagulants have not been studied in these patients.
tension, treatment goals must take into account Patients with extensive trauma, intracranial dis-
the risk of reduced cerebral perfusion with overly section, or dissection that is discovered weeks after
aggressive treatment, pending correction of steno- it occurred probably should not receive anticoagu-
sis. Treated patients should be followed carefully lation therapy. Treatment with antiplatelet agents
for clinical deterioration, and relative hypotension is a reasonable alternative; a study comparing
should be immediately corrected. Furthermore, warfarin with aspirin in patients with a carotid
special attention to blood-pressure control is re- dissection is ongoing.30 Patients with fibromus-

1146 n engl j med 369;12 september 19, 2013

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clinical pr actice 73

cular dysplasia usually receive aspirin for stroke


Carotid Endarterectomy
Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis
In several randomized trials involving patients who
had a TIA or stroke associated with ipsilateral
carotid stenosis (symptomatic stenosis), carotid
endarterectomy reduced the subsequent risk of Figure 2. Duplex Ultrasonography of the Carotid Artery
Showing Severe Carotid Stenosis.
stroke.31-34 In the NASCET,31,32 among patients
On the left, the arrowheads outline the internal carotid
with stenosis of 70% or more, the 2-year risk of artery. The plaque is visible in the lumen. On the right,
ipsilateral stroke was 9% in the group of patients the spectral Doppler waveform shows elevated peak
randomly assigned to carotid endarterectomy (plus systolic and end diastolic velocities (486 and 164 cm
medical therapy) versus 26% in the group assigned per second, respectively) that are consistent with ste-
to medical therapy alone (P<0.001). The 5-year risks nosis of more than 70%. The ultrasonographic device
(CX50, Philips Healthcare) had a linear 3-to-12-MHz
were 15.7% in the endarterectomy group versus transducer. Images courtesy of Andrew Barreto, M.D.
22.2% in the medical-therapy group (P = 0.04)
among patients with stenosis of 50 to 69%. There
was no benefit of carotid endarterectomy in pa- was 1.5%. The risk of ipsilateral stroke projected
tients with stenosis of less than 50%. Among all over 5 years was 5.1% with carotid endarterecto-
patients who were randomly assigned to carotid my versus 11.0% without carotid endarterectomy
endarterectomy, perioperative strokes occurred (P = 0.004). A similar study in Europe, the Asymp-
in 5.5% (nondisabling in 3.7% and disabling in tomatic Carotid Surgery Trial,40 showed a similar
1.8%), death in 1.1%, and wound hematoma in projected reduction in the risk of stroke with ca-
5.5%. The European Carotid Surgery Trial,33 an- rotid endarterectomy but a higher rate of periop-
other randomized trial comparing carotid endar- erative stroke or death (3.1%). In both studies,
terectomy plus medical management with medical the absolute risk reduction for stroke associated
management alone, yielded similar results, with a with carotid endarterectomy was only 1 percent-
significant benefit of surgery in patients with age point per year; this finding indicates that a
stenosis of at least 70%. substantial benefit is likely only in patients with
A meta-analysis of the major trials of carotid a prolonged life expectancy. The absolute risk re-
endarterectomy showed that the benefit from this duction was 11.0 percentage points among men
procedure was greatest when it was performed but only 2.8 percentage points among women. In
within 2 weeks after a TIA or stroke, rather than post hoc analyses, besides female sex, factors as-
later.35 sociated with increased surgical risk included a
long plaque dimension and contralateral carotid
Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis stenosis or occlusion.41 Surgical expertise and
Carotid stenosis that is not associated with ipsi- surgical technique are critically important for
lateral symptoms (asymptomatic stenosis) is typ- minimizing the risk of perioperative complica-
ically detected on screening ultrasonographic ex- tions and realizing the small benefit of carotid
amination or as part of the investigation of a endarterectomy. Since these trials were carried
symptomatic contralateral artery. The most ap- out more than two decades ago, before the use of
propriate management of asymptomatic stenosis statins and other aggressive approaches to the
is less clear than that for symptomatic disease, management of risk factors, it is possible that a
despite several randomized trials addressing this benefit of carotid endarterectomy in asymptom-
question.36-41 The Asymptomatic Carotid Athero- atic patients would no longer be observed if both
sclerosis Surgery study,39 which involved patients groups received current medical treatment.
with stenosis of more than 60% who were random-
ly assigned to carotid endarterectomy with medical Carotid Stenting
management or medical management alone, was Carotid-artery angioplasty with stenting has
discontinued after a mean follow-up of 2.7 years. emerged as an alternative to carotid endarterec-
The combined risk of perioperative stroke or death tomy in patients at high risk for complications

n engl j med 369;12 september 19, 2013 1147

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74 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
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carotid stenting.43-46 More recently, the Carotid

Revascularization Endarterectomy versus Stenting
Trial (CREST)47 and the International Carotid
Stenting Study (ICSS)48 have provided additional
informative results. In CREST, symptomatic and
asymptomatic patients with stenosis of 50% on
angiography or 70% or more on ultrasonography
or CTA were randomly assigned to the study
treatments; this study required training of inter-
ventionists and used distal protection devices.
CREST showed no significant difference between
the stenting and endarterectomy groups overall
in the rates of a composite outcome that included
major periprocedural complications (stroke, myo-
cardial infarction, or death) and ipsilateral stroke
over a 4-year follow-up period (7.2% vs. 6.8%).
Whereas the presence or absence of symptoms
did not significantly affect the findings, there was
a significant interaction of treatment with age: pa-
tients younger than 70 years of age had a slightly
B better outcome after carotid stenting, whereas
older patients benefited more from carotid end-
arterectomy. The endarterectomy group, as com-
pared with the stenting group, had a higher fre-
quency of periprocedural myocardial infarction
(2.3% vs. 1.1%) but a lower frequency of peripro-
cedural stroke (2.3% vs. 4.1%). At 2 years of fol-
low-up, the rate of carotid restenosis (a predictor
of subsequent stroke) was relatively low (approxi-
mately 6%) in both groups.49 Among patients in
the ICSS, only short-term follow-up has been re-
ported, but for those randomly assigned to ca-
rotid stenting there was a significantly increased
risk of stroke, death, or myocardial infarction at
Figure 3. Computed Tomographic (CT) Arteriography 120 days. In both studies, medical management
in the Patient in the Case Vignette.
was at the discretion of the treating physician.
In Panel A, a CT arteriogram shows left carotid-artery
stenosis (arrow). In Panel B, embolic occlusion (arrow)
In aggregate, the available data provide sup-
of the left middle cerebral-artery branch is shown. port for carotid endarterectomy or carotid stent-
ing in most patients with symptomatic stenosis of
more than 70% (number needed to treat to pre-
from endarterectomy such as contralateral occlu- vent one stroke at 24 months, 6),31 in selected
sion or severe coronary artery disease. The Stent- patients with symptomatic stenosis of 50 to 69%
ing and Angioplasty with Protection in Patients (number needed to treat to prevent one stroke
at High Risk for Endarterectomy study42 showed at 5 years, 15),32 and in a selected subgroup of
that stenting (with an emboli-protection device) asymptomatic patients with a low risk of peri-
was not inferior to endarterectomy with respect procedural complications (e.g., no clinically sig-
to the rate of a composite outcome of stroke, nificant cardiopulmonary or other coexisting
myocardial infarction, or death at 30 days (4.8% conditions and an age younger than 70 years)
vs. 9.8%) and the rate of ipsilateral stroke or (number needed to treat to prevent one stroke at
death between 31 days and 1 year. Other trials, 5 years, 17).39 Carotid endarterectomy is currently
however, were discontinued because of high considered the preferable intervention in most
rates of periprocedural neurologic events with patients, although selected patients (e.g., those

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clinical pr actice 75

younger than 70 years of age with favorable ana-

tomical features or symptomatic patients with C onclusions a nd
R ec om mendat ions
severe stenosis who have coexisting conditions
conferring a high surgical risk) may benefit more The patient described in the vignette had a TIA,
from carotid stenting. and 6 months later she had a stroke due to em-
bolization from a stenotic atherosclerotic plaque
A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y in the left internal carotid artery. She is at high
risk for subsequent stroke, and the carotid steno-
The benefits of carotid endarterectomy or carotid sis should be treated. On the basis of a meta-anal-
stenting in addition to current medical therapy, ysis of randomized trials and current guidelines,
as compared with current medical therapy alone, I would recommend treatment within 2 weeks after
are uncertain in patients with asymptomatic ca- her stroke.29,35,50 Either carotid endarterectomy
rotid stenosis, especially women. The most ap- or stenting is an option for management. Where-
propriate timing and choice of carotid interven- as carotid endarterectomy is preferred in many
tion after stroke also remain uncertain, as do the cases, given this patient’s relatively young age as
timing and choice of procedure in patients with well as her recent stroke, which increases the
carotid stenosis who require other major surgery, risks associated with surgery and general anes-
especially coronary-artery bypass grafting. It is thesia, I would consider her to be a good candi-
not known whether improvements in techniques date for carotid stenting as long as the lesion
of carotid stenting will result in reduced rates of could be treated with this approach. Advice and
complications. Data are lacking on the benefits treatment are needed to help her quit smoking.
and risks of carotid stenting in patients with dis- Her hypertension should be well controlled; she
section or fibromuscular dysplasia; these patients should receive statin therapy. Although the most
are at high risk for complications from interven- appropriate duration of combined therapy with
tion, and dissections often heal with medical man- aspirin and clopidogrel after stent placement re-
agement.11 The most appropriate duration of dual mains unclear, I would provide treatment with
antiplatelet therapy after carotid stenting is also aspirin and clopidogrel for 1 month and then as-
uncertain. pirin indefinitely.

Dr. Grotta reports receiving consulting fees from Merck, Hae-

Guidel ine s monetics, Genentech, Janssen, Pfizer, Lundbeck, and Ferrer;
lecture fees from IPG and Vindico; a grant to his institution
Guidelines for the treatment of patients with ca- from Haemonetics; and royalties from patents regarding a
rotid stenosis have been published previous- method for treating cerebral ischemia. No other potential con-
flict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
ly.24,25,29,50 The recommendations in this article Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
are generally consistent with these guidelines. full text of this article at

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 77

clinical problem-solving

Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

A Patient with Syncope

Michelle C. Fox, M.D., Neal Lakdawala, M.D., Amy Leigh Miller, M.D., Ph.D.,
and Joseph Loscalzo, M.D., Ph.D.
In this Journal feature, information about a real patient is presented in stages (boldface type)
to an expert clinician, who responds to the information, sharing his or her reasoning with
the reader (regular type). The authors’ commentary follows.

From the Department of Medicine, Brig­ A 35-year-old man presented to the emergency department after having an episode of
ham and Women’s Hospital, and Har­ syncope while playing soccer. Loss of consciousness lasted only seconds and was pre-
vard Medical School — both in Boston.
Address reprint requests to Dr. Miller at ceded by a brief period of light-headedness. When he regained consciousness, he had
the Department of Internal Medicine, no nausea, diaphoresis, chest pain, or dyspnea. He was not injured and had no bowel
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Fran­ or bladder incontinence. Witnesses reported no tonic–clonic movements. The patient
cis St., Boston, MA 02115, or at almiller@ had no history of fainting or light-headedness.
N Engl J Med 2013;369:966-72.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcps1300093 In the evaluation of syncope, the history of the episode is critical; particular atten-
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. tion should be paid to any symptoms that occurred before loss of consciousness,
the context within which syncope occurred, and any consequences (e.g., injury or
postictal confusion). Neurally mediated, or vasovagal, syncope is typically associ-
ated with a prodrome of nausea, diaphoresis, and tunnel vision. In the absence of
a prodrome, a diagnosis of cardiac syncope is more likely, although the presence
of a prodrome does not rule out cardiac syncope. Cardiac syncope is generally
related to inadequate cardiac output, which may be a consequence of an outflow-
An Interactive tract obstruction, tachycardia, or bradycardia. The occurrence of an injury with
Medical Case syncope is also suggestive of — though not specific for — cardiac syncope. How-
related to this ever, the absence of injury does not rule out cardiac syncope.
Clinical Problem-
Solving article
Vasovagal syncope is often situational, occurring in association with specific
is available at activities (e.g., coughing or micturition) or with pain, and it generally occurs when the patient is standing. It is atypical for vasovagal syncope to occur when a person
is seated or reclining and even more atypical during exercise, which further sup-
ports a diagnosis of cardiac syncope in this patient. The patient’s normal mental
status on recovery of consciousness and the absence of bowel or bladder inconti-
nence argue against seizure. The patient did not have tonic–clonic jerks, but their
presence is in any case not specific for seizure as the underlying cause. A more
detailed history should be obtained to identify any risk factors for cardiac disease,
including a family history of heart disease or sudden death.

The patient did not take medications, did not use tobacco or illicit drugs, and drank
alcohol only occasionally. He was born in Mexico, immigrated to the United States as
a teenager, and lived with his wife in western Massachusetts, where he worked as a
dairy farmer. He did not recall any major childhood illnesses. His maternal grand-
mother and a maternal uncle had both died suddenly at 65 years of age without known
antecedent cardiovascular disease. He had five siblings and three children, all of
whom were well.

The fact that the patient took no medications eliminates one point of concern,
since some medications, particularly beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, anti-
hypertensive agents, and QT-prolonging medications, can cause syncope. The ab-

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78 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
clinical problem-solving

sence of risk factors for coronary disease argues tachycardia, allowing for definitive diagnosis
against myocardial ischemia, and a seemingly and appropriate treatment.
healthy childhood lowers the index of suspicion This patient’s clinical course underscores the
for undiagnosed congenital heart disease. Al- risk of discharging a patient with possible car-
though the patient had two relatives who died diac syncope with a plan for ambulatory moni-
suddenly, neither death occurred at a young age. toring. The intensity of the initial evaluation of
syncope depends on clinical risk stratification.
At initial presentation, the patient had normal vi- In a patient presenting with exercise-associated
tal signs, and the physical examination was un- syncope, an exercise stress test should be per-
remarkable. An electrocardiogram (ECG) was formed as part of the initial evaluation; in this
normal. Echocardiography showed a structurally patient, a stress test might have reproduced the
normal heart. The patient was discharged with an arrhythmia in a controlled environment.
event monitor, and 2 weeks later he had an episode
of monomorphic wide-complex tachycardia, with The results of coronary angiography were normal.
a heart rate of almost 300 beats per minute, while An invasive electrophysiological study showed a
playing soccer. At the time, he noted mild dyspnea ventricular tachycardia originating from an endo-
and neck discomfort but reported no chest pain, cardial, inferolateral focus in the left ventricle; an
palpitations, or light-headedness. He was admit- endocardial voltage map did not reveal significant
ted for further evaluation and management of his scarring. After radiofrequency endocardial abla-
condition. tion, ventricular tachycardia could no longer be
Monomorphic wide-complex tachycardias include
supraventricular tachycardia with aberrant con- In assessing monomorphic ventricular tachycar-
duction, supraventricular tachycardia with pre- dia, the first consideration is the presence or ab-
excitation, and ventricular tachycardia. Although sence of structural heart disease. In this young,
ventricular tachycardia is the most common cause healthy patient whose echocardiogram showed a
of wide-complex tachycardia, in a young healthy structurally normal heart, the leading diagnosis
patient, supraventricular tachycardias remain a is idiopathic ventricular tachycardia, which fre-
distinct possibility. In general, however, patients quently occurs with exercise or emotional stress
should be presumed to have ventricular tachy- and is most often explained by an automatic
cardia until proved otherwise. A history of coro- focus, although reentrant circuits involving the
nary artery disease increases the likelihood of Purkinje fibers can also produce idiopathic ven-
ventricular tachycardia, whereas structural cardiac tricular tachycardia. It tends to be paroxysmal
abnormalities can be associated with an increased and spontaneously terminating and is often as-
likelihood of preexcitation, ventricular tachycar- sociated with premature ventricular beats from
dia, or both. Accordingly, evaluation for both the same automatic focus. Syncope is not typical
ischemia and structural heart disease is warrant- of idiopathic ventricular tachycardia but can be
ed in patients presenting with wide-complex associated with it. Although the most common
tachycardia. site of origin is the right ventricular outflow
In a patient with sustained, hemodynamically tract, resulting in a pattern of left bundle-branch
stable wide-complex tachycardia, physical find- block with an inferior axis, inferolateral idio-
ings suggestive of atrioventricular dissociation pathic ventricular tachycardias can be observed.
can be diagnostic. In most cases, however, the There are no findings suggestive of a more
diagnosis is made on the basis of ECG or inva- sinister cause of arrhythmia, such as multiple
sive testing. A finding of atrioventricular disso- ventricular tachycardia involving different cir-
ciation on ECG is diagnostic of ventricular cuits (which would suggest processes such as
tachycardia; other features, such as the QRS sarcoidosis), an electroanatomical map sugges-
axis, width, and morphologic characteristics, are tive of marked scarring (which would be mani-
informative but not definitive. Unfortunately, fested as reduced voltage level), or concomitant
recordings obtained by means of ambulatory conduction abnormalities.
monitoring rarely provide diagnostic informa- Given that the patient spent his childhood in
tion. In such cases, programmed stimulation (an Mexico, Chagas’ disease is an important consid-
electrophysiological study) can often induce the eration. In Chagas’ disease, conduction abnor-

n engl j med 369;10 september 5, 2013 96

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 79

malities (right bundle-branch block or left ante- suppression of ventricular arrhythmias depends
rior hemiblock, high-grade atrioventricular in part on the proposed mechanism of ventricu-
nodal block, sinus-node dysfunction, or a com- lar tachycardia. Beta-blockers may prevent exer-
bination of these conduction abnormalities) of- cise-induced ventricular tachycardia by suppress-
ten precede other abnormalities. In the absence ing reentry, reducing automaticity, or reducing
of conduction abnormalities, idiopathic ventric- myocardial oxygen demand. Some idiopathic left
ular tachycardia remains the most likely diagno- ventricular tachycardias are exquisitely sensitive
sis, but it must be considered a diagnosis of ex- to verapamil; these “verapamil-sensitive ventric-
clusion. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging ular tachycardias” are typically induced by exer-
(MRI), which has greater sensitivity for detect- cise and in classic cases are characterized by a
ing subtle abnormalities than echocardiography, pattern of right bundle-branch block with a su-
should be considered to rule out structural heart perior axis. Antiarrhythmic agents (e.g., amio-
disease. Although ischemia is associated with darone or sotalol) may be considered, since they
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and ven- can both reduce the burden of the arrhythmia
tricular fibrillation rather than monomorphic and slow its rate. Some patients are reluctant to
ventricular arrhythmias, given its high preva- undergo long-term treatment with medication.
lence and the ready availability of treatments, In considering treatment options, the risks asso-
ischemia should be ruled out in patients with ciated with the medications and with ICD place-
new ventricular arrhythmias. As in this case, ment must be discussed, the latter including
cardiac catheterization is often performed in inappropriate shocks and post-traumatic stress
patients with wide-complex tachycardia, since it disorder.
can be used to rule out obstructive coronary ar-
tery disease or anomalies. A year later, during sexual intercourse, the pa-
tient had an episode of monomorphic ventricular
A cardiac MRI scan showed no abnormalities oth- tachycardia, which was terminated by a single
er than the lesions created by radiofrequency abla- shock from his ICD.
tion. On follow-up exercise stress testing, the pa-
tient achieved 17.8 metabolic equivalents; he had Given the recurrence of ventricular arrhythmias,
frequent premature ventricular contractions with another catheter ablation should be strongly
the same morphologic features as his ventricular considered. Although antiarrhythmic therapy
tachycardia, but there was no sustained arrhyth- could be contemplated, catheter ablation is pref-
mia. Given continued ectopy, which was consis- erable as the next therapeutic intervention, given
tent with his clinical arrhythmia, and given the the patient’s young age. A repeat echocardio-
hemodynamically significant nature of that ar- gram should be obtained to reassess the patient
rhythmia, the decision was made to place an im- for structural heart disease, since the recurrent
plantable cardioverter–defibrillator (ICD) before arrhythmia raises the question of whether the
discharge. initial diagnosis of idiopathic ventricular tachy-
cardia was incorrect or (although much less
Whereas ICDs are clearly indicated for the sec- likely) whether a different, unrelated arrhythmia
ondary prevention of cardiac events related to may have developed. Unfortunately, the presence
structural heart disease, idiopathic ventricular of an ICD precludes repeat cardiac MRI, but volt-
tachycardia is rarely an indication for ICD place- age mapping in the electrophysiology laboratory
ment, since these arrhythmias are generally can be very informative with respect to the bur-
nonlethal and can in most cases be eliminated den of scarring.
by means of catheter ablation. However, alterna-
tive approaches to the management of care On admission, the patient was afebrile, with a
should be considered when there is concern that heart rate of 92 beats per minute, blood pressure
the arrhythmia will recur after an initial attempt of 125/66 mm Hg, and oxygen saturation of 99%
at ablation; options include a second attempt at while he was breathing ambient air. Notable find-
ablation, particularly if there is a substantial ec- ings on physical examination included a nondis-
topic burden, or long-term pharmacologic ther- placed precordial impulse and a widely split sec-
apy. The choice of pharmacologic agent for the ond heart sound without a murmur or a gallop. An

68 n engl j med 369;10 september 5, 2013

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80 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
clinical problem-solving

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5





Figure 1. Electrocardiogram Obtained on Admission, Showing Right Bundle-Branch Block and Right-Axis Deviation.

ECG revealed a new right bundle-branch block tion often goes unrecognized, chronic disease
(Fig. 1). An echocardiogram showed normal left will develop in up to 30% of patients with acute
ventricular size and thickness, with minimally re- infection. A hallmark of chronic disease is car-
duced systolic function (ejection fraction, approx- diomyopathy. Conduction abnormalities, such as
imately 50 to 55%); it was otherwise normal. An the right bundle-branch block observed in this
electrophysiological study showed a large endo- patient, are characteristic of Chagas’ disease, and
cardial and epicardial scar in the lateral wall of the involvement of the posterolateral wall of the left
left ventricle that was consistent with myocardial ventricle is very common.
fibrosis (Fig. 2). After endocardial and epicardial Cardiac sarcoidosis can also cause conduc-
ablation along the scar, ventricular tachycardia tion abnormalities and ventricular arrhythmias,
was no longer inducible. but it is typically a patchy process that is less
likely than Chagas’ disease to produce a single
The development of a new structural abnormal- large region of fibrosis. Nonetheless, sarcoidosis
ity, a clinically significant scar, suggests a pro- must be considered in patients with unexplained,
gressive cardiomyopathy. Although ventricular recurrent ventricular arrhythmias. When sarcoid-
tachycardia can lead to a transient depression in osis is a possibility, cardiac MRI (which is con-
global systolic function, the abnormalities ob- traindicated in this patient because of his ICD)
served on electroanatomical mapping cannot be or combined positron-emission tomography and
attributed to the arrhythmia or to the earlier computed tomography (PET-CT) should be per-
ablation. In the absence of coronary heart dis- formed. Other, less likely possibilities include
ease, these findings are suggestive of certain giant-cell myocarditis, an autoimmune disease
cardiomyopathies, including cardiac sarcoidosis, that results in severe heart failure and refractory
giant-cell myocarditis, genetic cardiomyopa- ventricular arrhythmias characterized by a much
thies, and Chagas’ disease. more accelerated course than that observed in
The cause of Chagas’ disease is the protozoal this patient, and genetic cardiomyopathies, in-
parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which is endemic in cluding those caused by mutations in the lamin
Central and South America. Infection with T. cruzi A (LMNA) and desmosomal genes.
should be suspected in persons who have emi-
grated from these areas, including this patient, Combined 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET-CT
who was born in Mexico. Although acute infec- did not show FDG avidity but did reveal a trans-

n engl j med 369;10 september 5, 2013 96

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e 81

megacolon, occurs in 10 to 30% of infected per-

sons, usually manifested 10 to 30 years after
initial infection.2 Cardiac manifestations pre-
dominate; gastrointestinal manifestations are
much less common and are usually restricted to
patients in the southern part of South America.3
The mechanism of cardiac damage in Chagas’
disease remains elusive. Inciting factors may
represent a response to the persistence of T. cruzi
within the myocardium or an autoimmune pro-
cess triggered by its presence.1 No matter what
the cause, ongoing inflammation results in pro-
gressive cardiac dysfunction.
In Chagas’ disease, arrhythmia and conduc-
tion abnormalities (particularly right bundle-
branch block, left anterior hemifascicular block,
and ventricular tachycardia) typically precede
overt myocardial dysfunction, apical aneurysm,
Figure 2. Electroanatomical Map Showing the Endocardial and the progressive biventricular systolic dys-
Surface of the Patient’s Heart.
function that culminates in heart failure.2,4 Pa-
The representation of the heart in the lower right corner
shows the orientation. Normal voltage on the endocar­
tients with advanced disease may die from heart
dial map is indicated by pink; the voltage is increasing­ failure, whereas those with earlier stages of car-
ly abnormal as the color changes from blue to green to diac involvement may die from sudden arrhyth-
red. The map reveals a significant scar in the lateral wall mia. This pattern of conduction disease and ar-
of the left ventricle. Red and white spheres indicate rhythmia accompanying or preceding structural
points of ablation, and gray spheres indicate a dense
scar where pacing could not capture the local tissue.
heart disease is not unique to Chagas’ disease; it
may also be seen in persons with ischemic, in-
flammatory, genetic, or infiltrative diseases.5
mural perfusion defect extending from the basal The diagnosis of Chagas’ disease is generally
to the midlateral wall, suggesting the formation of based on serologic testing for IgG antibodies to
an aneurysm (Fig. 3). Tests for T. cruzi with both an T. cruzi antigens in a patient with supportive
immunofluorescence assay and an enzyme-linked clinical findings. No one of the available assays
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were positive. The (ELISA, immunofluorescence assay, and hemag-
patient was referred to an infectious-disease spe- glutination assay) has adequate sensitivity and
cialist for the initiation of antiparasitic therapy specificity for the diagnosis. Two tests, in which
and was treated with a 60-day course of benznida- different antigens or techniques are used, are
zole. At follow-up 9 months later, he remained required to make the diagnosis; when the results
symptom-free. are discordant, additional testing must be per-
formed.3 Potential causes of the clinical mani-
C om men ta r y festations other than Chagas’ disease should
also be ruled out with appropriate testing (e.g.,
Approximately 10 million people worldwide are 18F-FDG PET-CT would be used to rule out sar-

infected with T. cruzi, the parasite responsible for coidosis).

Chagas’ disease,1 which is endemic in rural The best management strategy for chronic
parts of Latin America.1,2 Although historically Chagas’ cardiac disease remains uncertain. Most
Chagas’ disease has been rare in developed management guidelines for Chagas’ cardiomy-
countries, its prevalence is expected to increase opathy are extrapolated from data on ischemic
in the United States and other developed coun- and nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy.6 Ow-
tries as more people emigrate from regions ing to the resource-poor nature of the regions in
where the disease is endemic.2 which Chagas’ disease is endemic, primary data
Chronic Chagas’ disease, the hallmarks of are limited to retrospective studies and small
which are cardiomyopathy, megaesophagus, and registries. Whereas sustained ventricular tachy-

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82 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
clinical problem-solving

Figure 3. Images Obtained on 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron-Emission Tomography and CT, Showing

a Transmural Perfusion Defect in the Patient’s Heart.
The arrows point to the perfusion defect in the basal to midlateral left myocardial wall.

cardia is an accepted indication for ICD im- has fewer side effects than nifurtimox and is
plantation,7 the annual mortality rate is high recommended as first-line treatment.3,12 Adults
among patients with Chagas’ disease who have younger than 50 years of age who have acute or
an ICD,8 and there is uncertainty regarding the chronic infection without end-stage cardiac dis-
efficacy of an ICD as compared with amioda- ease should generally be treated with antitrypano-
rone (the preferred antiarrhythmic medication somal medications.3 An ongoing blinded, ran-
for patients with Chagas’ cardiomyopathy).6,9 domized trial of benznidazole (
In patients with Chagas’ disease who have sus- number, NCT00123916) should further clarify
tained ventricular tachycardia, the occurrence the role of antitrypanosomal medications in
of syncope does not appear to portend a poor patients with chronic Chagas’ infection and car-
prognosis,10 but moderate or severe ventricular diac involvement.15 Anticoagulation is not indi-
systolic dysfunction does portend a poor prog- cated in the absence of intracavitary thrombus.6
nosis for patients with unsustained or sus- Whereas idiopathic ventricular tachycardia
tained ventricular tachycardia11; the relatively was the most likely diagnosis at the time of this
preserved ejection fraction in this patient is patient’s initial presentation, the clinical fea-
reassuring. Cardiac transplantation has been tures of recurrent arrhythmia and the patient’s
successfully performed in a few patients with region of origin argued for a more complicated
Chagas’ disease. process. It is essential in such cases to perform
Antitrypanosomal medications are now being a reassessment for the presence of structural
used in the management of Chagas’ disease. heart disease, which can evolve over time. This
Observational data indicate that their use is as- case underscores the importance of such a reas-
sociated with a reduced likelihood of progres- sessment and of the consideration of diseases
sion of cardiomyopathy, although gastrointesti- endemic to a patient’s region of origin.
nal problems may not resolve.1,3,12 Benznidazole No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
and nifurtimox have established antitrypano- reported.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
somal efficacy; neither agent is widely available the full text of this article at
in the United States.3,13,14 Benznidazole generally We thank Dr. James Maguire for expert clinical insights.

n engl j med 369;10 september 5, 2013 97

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clinical problem-solving 83

1. Control of Chagas’ disease: second the ICD Registry Latin America. Europace verter-defibrillators. Pacing Clin Electro-
report of the WHO Expert Committee. 2009;11:164-8. physiol 2011;34:54-62.
Geneva: World Health Organization, 2002. 8. Cardinalli-Neto A, Bestetti RB, Cor- 12. Bern C, Montgomery SP, Herwaldt BL,
2. Rassi A Jr, Rassi A, Marin-Neto JA. deiro JA, Rodrigues VC. Predictors of all- et al. Evaluation and treatment of Chagas
Chagas disease. Lancet 2010;375:1388-402. cause mortality for patients with chronic disease in the United States: a systematic
3. Gayraud M, Guillevin L, le Toumelin P, Chagas’ heart disease receiving implant- review. JAMA 2007;298:2171-81.
et al. Long-term follow-up of polyarteritis able cardioverter defibrillator therapy. 13. Viotti R, Vigliano C, Lococo B, et al.
nodosa, microscopic polyangiitis, and J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2007;18:1236- Long-term cardiac outcomes of treating
Churg-Strauss syndrome: analysis of four 40. chronic Chagas disease with benznida-
prospective trials including 278 patients. 9. Rassi A Jr. Implantable cardioverter- zole versus no treatment: a nonrandom-
Arthritis Rheum 2001;44:666-75. defibrillators in patients with Chagas ized trial. Ann Intern Med 2006;144:724-
4. Rassi A Jr, Rassi A, Little WC. Chagas’ heart disease: misperceptions, many ques- 34.
heart disease. Clin Cardiol 2000;23:883-9. tions and the urgent need for a random- 14. Viotti R, Vigliano C, Lococo B, et al.
5. Lakdawala NK, Givertz MM. Dilated ized clinical trial. J Cardiovasc Electro- Side effects of benznidazole as treatment
cardiomyopathy with conduction disease physiol 2007;18:1241-3. in chronic Chagas disease: fears and re-
and arrhythmia. Circulation 2010;122:527- 10. Leite LR, Fenelon G, Paes AT, de Paola alities. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2009;
34. AA. The impact of syncope during clinical 7:157-63.
6. Andrade JP, Marin Neto JA, Paola AA, presentation of sustained ventricular 15. Marin-Neto JA, Rassi A Jr, Avezum A Jr,
et al. I Latin American guidelines for the tachycardia on total and cardiac mortality et al. The BENEFIT trial: testing the hy-
diagnosis and treatment of Chagas’ heart in patients with chronic Chagasic heart pothesis that trypanocidal therapy is ben-
disease: executive summary. Arq Bras disease. Arq Bras Cardiol 2001;77:439-52. eficial for patients with chronic Chagas
Cardiol 2011;96:434-42. 11. Sarabanda AV, Marin-Neto JA. Predic- heart disease. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz
7. Muratore CA, Batista Sa LA, Chiale tors of mortality in patients with Chagas’ 2009;104:Suppl 1:319-24. [Erratum, Mem
PA, et al. Implantable cardioverter defi- cardiomyopathy and ventricular tachycar- Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2009;104:937.]
brillators and Chagas’ disease: results of dia not treated with implantable cardio- Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.

clinical problem-solving series

The Journal welcomes submissions of manuscripts for the Clinical Problem-Solving
series. This regular feature considers the step-by-step process of clinical decision
making. For more information, please see

72 n engl j med 369;10 september 5, 2013

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84 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

case records of the massachusetts general hospital

Founded by Richard C. Cabot

Nancy Lee Harris, m.d., Editor Eric S. Rosenberg, m.d., Editor
Jo-Anne O. Shepard, m.d., Associate Editor Alice M. Cort, m.d., Associate Editor
Sally H. Ebeling, Assistant Editor Emily K. McDonald, Assistant Editor

Case 23-2013: A 54-Year-Old Woman with

Abdominal Pain, Vomiting, and Confusion
Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., Raul N. Uppot, M.D.,
and Kent B. Lewandrowski, M.D.

Pr e sen tat ion of C a se

From the Department of Medicine, Univer- Dr. Sara R. Schoenfeld (Medicine): A 54-year-old woman was admitted to this hospital
sity of California, Irvine, Orange (K.K.-Z.); because of abdominal pain, vomiting, and confusion.
and the Departments of Radiology (R.N.U.)
and Pathology (K.B.L.), Massachusetts The patient was in her usual health until approximately 3 days before admission,
General Hospital, and the Departments when she reportedly began to feel unwell, with weakness, chills, and skin that was
of Radiology (R.N.U.) and Pathology abnormally warm to the touch. She self-administered aspirin, without improvement.
(K.B.L.), Harvard Medical School — both
in Boston. During the next 2 days, her oral intake decreased. Approximately 22 hours before
presentation, vomiting occurred. Nine hours before presentation, she began to
N Engl J Med 2013;369:374-82.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcpc1208154 travel home to Italy from the eastern United States. During the next 2 hours, increas-
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. ing abdominal pain occurred, associated with vomiting and shortness of breath, and
she took additional aspirin for pain. Approximately 2 hours before presentation,
while the patient was in flight, abdominal pain markedly worsened, vomiting in-
creased, and she became confused and unresponsive. The flight was diverted to
Boston. On examination by emergency medical services personnel, she was non-
verbal and was moaning continuously. The blood pressure was 120/70 mm Hg, the
pulse 52 beats per minute, and the respiratory rate 26 breaths per minute. The
capillary blood glucose level was 116 mg per deciliter (6.4 mmol per liter). She was
brought to the emergency department at this hospital by ambulance.
The patient’s history was obtained from her husband through an interpreter.
She had non–insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus, hypertension, nephro-
lithiasis, and chronic kidney disease. Medications included enalapril, metformin,
glimepiride, nimesulide, imipramine, aspirin, and ibuprofen. She had no known
allergies. She was married and had children. She lived in Italy and did not speak
English. She had vacationed in North America for 10 days, traveling to urban areas.
She did not smoke, drink alcohol, or use illicit drugs, and there was no history of
unusual ingestions.
On examination, the patient was incoherent and appeared agitated and uncom-
fortable, with frequent groaning. She was oriented to person only and opened her
eyes to command. The blood pressure was 120/70 mm Hg, the pulse 52 beats per
minute, the temperature 36.7°C, the respiratory rate 18 breaths per minute, and the
oxygen saturation 95% while she was breathing ambient air. The pupils were 3 mm

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case records of the massachuset ts gener al hospital 85

in diameter and minimally reactive to light; the small bowel, and an atrophic left kidney contain-
oral mucous membranes were dry, and the neck ing a nonobstructing calculus. CT of the chest
was supple. The abdomen was soft, without revealed dependent atelectasis, with no focal
distention, rebound tenderness, or guarding. consolidation, masses, or effusions, and calci-
The skin was cool. The remainder of the gen- fications of the left breast. CT of the brain was
eral examination was normal. The neurologic normal.
examination was limited because of the pa- Dr. Schoenfeld: Cefepime, vancomycin, and met-
tient’s inability to follow commands; she with- ronidazole were administered intravenously. Af-
drew all extremities to pain, and cranial nerves ter laboratory results were known, sodium poly-
and strength appeared normal. Normal saline styrene sulfonate was given orally. Toxicologic
was rapidly infused, and dextrose, insulin, on- screening of the blood and urine was negative.
dansetron, and morphine sulfate were adminis- The patient was admitted to the cardiac inten-
tered intravenously. An electrocardiogram re- sive care unit (ICU). Vasopressin, propofol, and
vealed atrial fibrillation at a rate of 115 beats calcium were added, and additional bicarbonate
per minute and a QRS duration of 94 msec, and glucose were administered. Eight hours after
with a tremulous baseline possibly obscuring her presentation, continuous venovenous hemo-
ST-segment depression in the inferior leads. filtration with bicarbonate solution was begun.
Blood levels of calcium, triglycerides, glycated Cultures of the blood and urine were obtained.
hemoglobin, and haptoglobin were normal, as Fourteen hours after presentation, the urine so-
were the results of liver-function tests; other dium level was 136 mmol per liter, and the urine
test results are shown in Table 1. Placement creatinine level was 0.25 mg per milliliter. Echo-
of an indwelling urinary catheter was followed cardiography revealed normal global cardiac func-
by placement of intravascular catheters in the tion, without pericardial effusion.
right external jugular vein and the femoral Dr. Uppot: Ultrasonography of the abdomen re-
artery. vealed small-volume ascites, nonspecific thicken-
Within 2 hours after the patient’s arrival in the ing of the gallbladder wall, and an atrophic left
emergency department, tachypnea and increas- kidney; there was increased renal parenchymal
ing somnolence developed; results of venous echogenicity of both kidneys (Fig. 2).
oximetry are shown in Table 1. The trachea was Dr. Schoenfeld: During the first 17 hours, the
intubated after the administration of etomidate patient had oliguria, with approximately 125 ml
and rocuronium, and 100% oxygen was admin- of urine excreted. Additional laboratory tests are
istered and bicarbonate was infused. A chest shown in Table 1.
radiograph showed no evidence of pneumonia or A diagnostic test was performed.
pleural effusion. There were ill-defined calcifica-
tions in the soft tissue of the left breast. Differ en t i a l Di agnosis
Approximately 3 hours after the patient’s ar-
rival, the rectal temperature decreased to 31.7°C Dr. Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh: The patient was an
and the blood pressure to 84/43 mm Hg. Norepi- acutely ill 54-year-old woman with a medical his-
nephrine bitartrate and bicarbonate were admin- tory of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, kidney
istered; fluids were warmed before infusion, and stones, and chronic kidney disease of unknown
a blanket warmer was placed. Dark-brown gas- severity. She presented to the emergency depart-
tric secretions that were positive for occult blood ment with deteriorating mental state, respiratory
were aspirated through an orogastric tube; the distress, and worsening gastrointestinal symp-
gastric pH was 5.7. toms. Laboratory evaluation showed a profound
Dr. Raul N. Uppot: Computed tomography (CT) leukocytosis with a left shift (increased levels of
of the abdomen and pelvis without the adminis- immature neutrophil forms circulating in the pe-
tration of intravenous or oral contrast material ripheral blood), an increase in pancreatic enzyme
(Fig. 1) revealed pancreatic edema, peripancreatic levels, severe metabolic acidosis with a markedly
fat stranding, a small amount of perihepatic and elevated serum lactate level, profound hyperphos-
pericholecystic fluid without biliary ductal dila- phatemia, and oliguric kidney failure. Although
tation, some thickened walls in several loops of it would be helpful to have a urinalysis, it was not

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86 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
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e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

performed in the first 24 to 48 hours because of ications and cancer); concurrent acute pancreatitis;
worsening oliguria, the need for other more ur- and concomitant acute kidney injury, probably su-
gent tests, and other priorities. perimposed on preexisting chronic kidney disease,
My initial differential diagnoses include severe which could be a result of sepsis, the cardiorenal
lactic acidosis, probably resulting from sepsis, car- syndrome, rhabdomyolysis with hyperphosphate-
diogenic shock, or nonhypoxic causes (e.g., med- mia, or other causes (Table 2).

Table 1. Laboratory Data.*

Reference Range, 17 Hr after

Variable Adults† On Admission Presentation
Hematocrit (%) 36.0–46.0 (women) 44.4 30.0
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 12.0–16.0 (women) 13.4 10.1
White-cell count (per mm3) 4500–11,000 34,800 32,100
Differential count (%)
Neutrophils 40–70 79
Band forms 0–10 2
Lymphocytes 22–44 10
Monocytes 4–11 5
Eosinophils 0–8 1
Myelocytes 0 2
Metamyelocytes 0 1
Platelet count (per mm3) 150,000–400,000 >483,000, with 179,000
platelet clumps
Erythrocyte count (per mm3) 4,000,000–5,200,000 4,340,000 3,330,000
Mean corpuscular volume (μm 80–100 103 90
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) 31.0–37.0 30.1 33.6
Smear description Toxic granulations and in-
creased burr cells pres-
ent; 3+ hypochromasia;
1+ macrocytes
Activated partial-thromboplastin time (sec) 21.0–33.0 36.2 26.4
Prothrombin time (sec) 11.0–13.7 15.7 14.3
International normalized ratio for prothrombin time 1.3 1.2
Sodium (mmol/liter) 135–145 146 140
Potassium (mmol/liter) 3.4–4.8 6.3 (not hemolyzed) 3.5
Chloride (mmol/liter) 100–108 83 88
Carbon dioxide (mmol/liter) 23.0–31.9 <2.0 16.0
Urea nitrogen (mg/dl) 8–25 94 58
Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.60–1.50 7.88 3.94
Glucose (mg/dl) 70–110 168 316
Glycated hemoglobin (%) 3.80–6.40 5.70
Protein (g/dl)
Total 6.0–8.3 6.7 4.2
Albumin 3.3–5.0 4.6 2.9
Globulin 2.3–4.1 2.1 1.3
Calcium (mg/dl) 8.5–10.5 9.5 6.6 (7.5 hr after

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case records of the massachuset ts gener al hospital 87

Table 1. (Continued.)

Reference Range, 17 Hr after

Variable Adults† On Admission Presentation
Phosphorus (mg/dl) 2.6–4.5 19.3
Magnesium (mmol/liter) 0.7–1.0 1.1
Lactate dehydrogenase (U/liter) 110–210 515
Lipase (U/liter) 13–60 595 88
Amylase (U/liter) 3–100 386 276
Lactate (mmol/liter) 0.5–2.2 20.3 13.7
Troponin T (ng/ml) <0.03 0.03
Creatine kinase (U/liter) 40–150 656
Osmolality (mOsm/kg of water) 280–296 354 (11 hr after
Blood gases
Fraction of inspired oxygen 0.21 (ambient air) 0.40
Source Venous Unspecified
pH 7.30–7.40 (venous); 6.62 7.38
7.32–7.45 (unspec-
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (mm Hg) 38–50 (venous); 35–50 18 27
Partial pressure of oxygen (mm Hg) 35–50 (venous); 40–90 73 156
Base excess (mmol/liter) −35.1 −8.6

* To convert the values for urea nitrogen to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.357. To convert the values for creatinine to micromoles per liter,
multiply by 88.4. To convert the values for glucose to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.05551. To convert the values for calcium to milli-
moles per liter, multiply by 0.250. To convert the values for phosphorus to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.3229. To convert the values for
magnesium to milligrams per deciliter, divide by 0.4114. To convert the values for lactate to milligrams per deciliter, divide by 0.1110.
† Reference values are affected by many variables, including the patient population and the laboratory methods used. The ranges used at
Massachusetts General Hospital are for adults who are not pregnant and do not have medical conditions that could affect the results. They
may therefore not be appropriate for all patients.

Acid–base disorders
Some of the patient’s test results are markedly
abnormal. These include a profoundly low blood
pH (6.62), a markedly low serum bicarbonate level
(<2 mmol per liter; target range, 23 to 25), and
a low partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pco2)
(18 mm Hg). Given the severely acidemic pH,
which is unusual even for a venous blood sample,1
we should first confirm that this blood-gas analysis
is correct. The concentration of hydrogen ions in
the patient’s blood is calculated (with the modi-
fied Henderson’s equation2) to be 216 nmol per
liter, which corresponds to a blood pH between
6.6 and 6.7 and confirms the accuracy of the re- Figure 1. Abdominal Imaging.
ported blood-gas data and suggests that she had A CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis, without intrave-
nous or oral contrast material, reveals pancreatic ede-
an exceptionally severe metabolic acidosis.
ma and peripancreatic fat stranding and fluid (arrows),
The patient had a markedly elevated anion gap features consistent with acute pancreatitis. No pseudo-
of 61 mmol per liter (reference range, 8 to 12), in- cyst or gallstones were visualized.
dicating that she had a profound anion-gap meta-

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88 nejm readers’ choice clinical care
T h ecollection
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

profound rise in the osmolal gap, making such

ingestion a less likely diagnosis in this case.
Furthermore, the patient’s anion gap is ap-
proximately 50 mmol per liter above the normal
level, and the serum bicarbonate level is ap-
proximately 20 mmol per liter below the normal
level (i.e., the deviation from normal of the an-
ion gap is more than two times as high as the
deviation from normal of the bicarbonate level).
This suggests that she could have a concomitant
metabolic alkalosis, probably because of repeated
vomiting and loss of hydrochloric acid. Never-
theless, the patient’s profound hyperphosphate-
mia may have contributed to the disproportion-
ately high anion gap.3
Respiratory acid–base disorders
Does this patient have a concurrent respiratory
acid–base disorder? We would expect that for
each 10 mmol per liter decrease from normal in
the bicarbonate level, a compensatory decrease
in the Pco2 of at least 12 mm Hg would ensue.4
Since the patient’s serum bicarbonate level was
22 mmol per liter lower than the target level of
24 mmol per liter, the expected drop in the Pco2
should have been approximately 26 mm Hg. In-
deed, despite her acute illness and altered mental
state, she was capable of lowering the Pco2 by
Figure 2. Renal Imaging.
22 mm Hg (from a normal value of 40 mm Hg to
An ultrasonographic study of the abdomen shows an
atrophic left kidney (Panel A) and increased renal pa-
18 mm Hg), probably by breathing deeply and in-
renchymal echogenicity of both kidneys (Panels A creasing her respiratory rate in an attempt to
and B), features suggestive of chronic renal disease. compensate for the marked decrease in the serum
bicarbonate level. Her remarkable and effective
compensatory hyperventilation, classically known
as Kussmaul respiration, is often perceived by cli-
bolic acidosis. Conditions causing this degree of nicians as “respiratory distress.”5 In addition, the
acidosis include lactic acidosis, aspirin overdose, chest radiograph obtained on the patient’s arrival
methanol or ethylene glycol toxicity, diabetic keto- in the emergency department was normal, pro-
acidosis, and uremia. Lactic acidosis in this pa- viding further support that she probably had no
tient was corroborated by a markedly elevated respiratory disease. Her need for intubation and
serum lactate level (>20 mmol per liter); other mechanical ventilation was probably the result of
causes of metabolic acidosis could not be sub- her worsening mental state, which could have
stantiated by the test results. been aggravated by the administration of mor-
Estimating this patient’s osmolal gap is an- phine in association with renal insufficiency.6
other way to refine the differential diagnosis. She
had a mildly elevated osmolal gap (the difference severe Acidemia
between the measured and calculated serum Many, if not all, features of this patient’s presen-
osmolality) of 18 mOsm per kilogram of water tation can be explained by profound acidemia
(reference range, 5 to 15). A slightly elevated or (Fig. 3). Altered mental status, including lethargy,
borderline high osmolal gap is usually caused by stupor, and even coma, can be a direct consequence
either lactic acidosis or ketoacidosis; methanol of acidosis.7 Acidemia may lead to increased vaso-
or ethylene glycol ingestion often leads to a more dilatation and warm skin, which the patient had

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case records of the massachuset ts gener al hospital 89

Table 2. Differential Diagnoses.

Diagnosis Findings More Consistent with Diagnosis Findings Less Consistent with Diagnosis
Sepsis (e.g., pyelonephritis and Leukocytosis, lactic acidosis (type A), Initial normal blood pressure, no identifi-
intraabdominal infection, hypothermia, altered mental state able source of infection
such as emphysematous
Cardiogenic shock (e.g., acute Lactic acidosis (type A), arrhythmias, pre- Initial normal blood pressure, normal tropo-
coronary syndrome) existing vascular calcification, pulmo- nin level, normal echocardiogram, hypo-
nary edema thermia, profound leukocytosis
Metformin-associated lactic Metformin therapy, lactic acidosis (type Profound leukocytosis, prominent gastro-
acidosis B), profound acidemia, altered mental intestinal symptoms
state, preexisting renal insufficiency
Cancer (e.g., lymphoma and Hyperphosphatemia (possible tumor lysis Prominent gastrointestinal symptoms, no
leukemia) syndrome), leukocytosis (with leuke- other identifiable clues to malignant
moid reaction), lactic acidosis (type B), conditions
kidney failure
Overdose of salicylates (e.g., History of aspirin intake, anion-gap No respiratory alkalosis, too-severe lactic
acetylsalicylic acid) acidosis, hyperventilation acidosis, no initial respiratory alkalosis,
negative toxicologic screening
Intoxication with ethylene gly- Anion-gap acidosis, altered mental state, Negative toxicologic screening, too-small
col, methanol, or paralde- worsening kidney function osmolal gap, too-severe lactate acidosis
Mesenteric ischemia Severe gastrointestinal symptoms, leuko- Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, non-
cytosis, hypothermia, lactic acidosis supporting imaging studies
(type A), altered mental state
Rhabdomyolysis Hyperphosphatemia, large anion gap, Profound leukocytosis, no other support-
increased creatine kinase level ing clues
Diabetic ketoacidosis History of diabetes, abdominal pain, Normal glucose level, normal glycated
anion-gap acidosis hemoglobin, high lactate level (too
high for diabetic ketoacidosis)
Acute pancreatitis Gastrointestinal symptoms, elevated A pattern of abdominal pain not typical
amylase and lipase levels, evidence for pancreatitis
on imaging studies
Acute kidney injury, super- History of chronic kidney disease, history of Normal hemoglobin level
imposed on chronic nephrolithiasis with atrophic left kidney,
kidney disease type 2 diabetes, history of intake of an
angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibi-
tor and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
drugs, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphate-
mia, low urinary creatinine level

reported during the 3 days before hospitalization. in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR).7 Given
However, by the time the patient arrived at the the patient’s reported medical history of chronic
emergency department, the acidosis had dramat- kidney disease, probably caused by diabetic or
ically worsened and had most likely led to her tubulointerstitial nephropathy or hypertensive
paradoxical hypothermia, which is a known com- nephrosclerosis and the administration of an an-
plication of profound acidosis.7 She also had some giotensin-converting–enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and
of the cardiovascular consequences of acidosis, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
including cardiac failure and catecholamine re- she was probably susceptible to the development
lease, which led to arrhythmia and respiratory of superimposed acute kidney injury from any of
compromise. Her atrial fibrillation could be a di- these events.8 Her gastrointestinal manifestations
rect complication of acute acidemia. were impressive and most likely were due to a
Although we need to rule out cardiogenic or concurrent acute pancreatitis. Nevertheless, we
septic shock, which could explain the acute kid- should note again that acidemia could cause
ney injury, severe acidosis could lead to a decline gastric atony, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal

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90 nejm readers’ choice clinical care collection
T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Central Nervous System Cardiovascular

Weakness Reduced left ventricular contractility
Altered sensorium Decreased cardiac output
Lethargy Increased catecholamine release
Stupor and coma
Increased respiratory rate
Increased tidal volume
Respiratory alkalosis Endocrine
Decreased venous compliance Insulin resistance
Pulmonary edema Increased calcium release from bone
Increased protein catabolism
Gastric atony Renal
Nausea and vomiting Decreased GFR
Abdominal pain (tubuloglomerular feedback)
Decreased hepatic blood flow Increased urinary calcium excretion
Skin Hyperphosphatemia
Increased peripheral vasodilatation
Warm skin Leukocytosis with left shift
(warm shock)


Figure 3. Clinical Manifestations of Acidemia.


GFR denotes glomerular filtration rate.

Draft 5 6/26/13
Author Kalantar-Zadeh
Fig # 3

pain. Finally, the remarkable leukocytosis with a ducing gluconeogenesis DE and glycogenolysis,
Harris in-
left shift can also be explained by severe acido- hibiting oxygen consumption,Artist Knoper and impairing
sis9; however, an infectious disease is a more mitochondrial function inFigurethe has beenliver
redrawn andand other
type has been reset
Please check carefully
likely explanation, as are malignant conditions organs.11 In fact, phenformin
Issue dateand buformin were
such as leukemia and lymphoma. removed from the market because they are as-
sociated with an unacceptably high risk of lactic
Anion-gap metabolic acidosis acidosis.12
What could explain anion-gap metabolic acidosis This patient had a high risk of metformin ac-
with an elevated serum lactate level in this patient? cumulation, given her history of chronic kidney
One possible cause of a classic (type A) lactic aci- disease, and this is corroborated by seemingly
dosis is impaired tissue perfusion that typically normalized glucose and glycated hemoglobin
happens in patients with septic or cardiogenic levels, which probably resulted from the progres-
shock or during cardiopulmonary arrest. However, sion of renal insufficiency.13,14 The profound aci-
another likely cause of anion-gap metabolic aci- demia with a massive decrease in the serum bi-
dosis in this patient is nonhypoxic (type B) lactic carbonate level and a markedly elevated serum
acidosis. Impaired lactate metabolism can occur lactate level is consistent with other reports of
in association with the administration of certain metformin-associated acidosis.11,15 A case series
medications (e.g., metformin, salicylate, isoniazid, comparing metformin-associated acidosis with
and zidovudine) or in association with certain other types of lactic acidosis, such as those as-
cancers (e.g., lymphoma and leukemia), among sociated with postcardiac arrest, septic shock,
other reasons.10 This patient had been taking met- cardiogenic shock, mesenteric ischemia, and
formin, which, like other biguanides (e.g., phen- hemorrhagic shock, described only metformin
formin and buformin), can lead to the increased as being associated with a mean blood pH below
generation and accumulation of lactate by re- 7.0, as in this patient.16 Survival rates associated

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case records of the massachuset ts gener al hospital 91

with the toxic effects of metformin are generally Cl inic a l Di agnosis

better, despite a more severe acidemia, than the
rates associated with other causes of lactic aci- Lactic acidosis caused by the toxic effects of met-
dosis.16 Therefore, I expect and certainly hope that formin.
this patient survived, especially since she under-
went continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration DR . K A M Y A R K A L A N TA R-Z A DEH ’ S
therapy for oliguric renal failure, which could also DI AGNOSIS
effectively lower the metformin level despite its
large volume of distribution.11,17 Not many labo- Type B lactic acidosis caused by metformin ac-
ratories can measure metformin levels rapidly; if cumulation.
such testing is available, it is usually performed as
a late confirmatory test.17 Pathol o gic a l Discussion
In my experience and on the basis of the data
reviewed in the literature,16,17 metformin overdose Dr. Kent B. Lewandrowski: The patient’s plasma
or accumulation as the cause of lactic acidosis is metformin level was 23 μg per milliliter (refer-
highly likely in any patient who has most or all ence range, 1 to 2), which explains her presenta-
of the following five criteria even if the metformin tion. The clinical thinking at the time was that
level is not known: a history of metformin ad- her exposure to multiple nephrotoxic drugs, in-
ministration (e.g., in a patient with type 2 diabe- cluding aspirin, ibuprofen, and enalapril, result-
tes), a markedly elevated lactate level (>15 mmol ed in acute kidney injury. Metformin is excreted
per liter) and a large anion gap (>20 mmol per li- unmetabolized in the urine. Therefore, the pa-
ter), severe acidemia (pH <7.1), a very low serum tient’s impaired renal function resulted in the ac-
bicarbonate level (<10 mmol per liter), and a his- cumulation of metformin in the plasma, causing
tory of renal insufficiency (estimated GFR, <45 ml lactic acidosis. In patients who have toxic effects
per minute per 1.73 m2 of body-surface area; or of metformin, the mechanism of lactic acidosis is
serum creatinine level, >2.0 mg per deciliter [>177 multifactorial, including enhanced conversion of
μmol per liter]). glucose to lactate in the small intestine and in-
This patient has all these features. The acute hibition of gluconeogenesis by lactate, pyruvate,
pancreatitis also could have been caused by met- and alanine. As in this patient, the toxic effects
formin accumulation.12,18 Therefore, I expect that of metformin typically present with nausea and
the diagnostic test in this case was a high met- abdominal pain,19 and the mortality rate is high,
formin level or maybe a novel surrogate of the approaching 50%. The diagnosis requires a high
metformin level that I am not aware of. index of suspicion and a consideration of clinical
Dr. Eric S. Rosenberg (Pathology): Dr. Schoenfeld, and laboratory findings and the patient’s medica-
what was your initial impression when you evalu- tion history. Measurement of a metformin level
ated this patient? will firmly establish the diagnosis; however, this
Dr. Schoenfeld: Our initial impression was that approach is usually impractical because few hospi-
the renal failure was due to a combination of tals offer this test in-house and obtaining results
factors, including poor oral intake and multiple from a reference laboratory may take several days.
nephrotoxic agents, including an ACE inhibitor Dr. Schoenfeld: The patient was admitted to the
and NSAIDs. We believed that the lactic acidosis cardiac ICU, and continuous venovenous hemo-
was probably a result of metformin accumulation filtration was continued. Within the first 24 hours
in association with the renal failure. Given the after admission, her mental status improved dra-
CT findings of peripancreatic fat stranding and matically. She was extubated 1 day after admis-
pancreatic edema, we wondered whether the sion. Within the next 48 hours, her metabolic
initial insult may have been pancreatitis, which abnormalities started to normalize and she be-
led to the abdominal pain, nausea, and reduced gan to make copious amounts of urine. At that
oral intake. However, we could not be certain point, continuous venovenous hemofiltration was
that pancreatitis was the primary insult; alterna- discontinued and she was weaned off vasopressin.
tively, the abdominal pain and pancreatitis could Out of concern for infection, she had been started
have been a result of severe acidemia and the on broad-spectrum antibiotics at the time of ad-
toxic effects of metformin. mission, but after 48 hours, cultures of blood and

n engl j med 369;4 july 25, 2013 381

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92  nejm readers’ choice clinical
casecare collection
records of the massachuset ts gener al hospital

urine remained negative and the antibiotics were Fina l Di agnosis

discontinued. She was transferred to the general
medical unit, where her hypertension was man- Toxic effects of metformin.
aged with a calcium-channel blocker. Her renal This case was presented as part of the Harvard Medical School
function completely normalized. She was dis- postgraduate course Internal Medicine: Comprehensive Review
and Update, directed by Ravi I. Thadhani, M.D., M.P.H., Sekar
charged from the hospital 1 week after admis- Kathiresan, M.D., and Dennis Ausiello, M.D.
sion, and she returned home to Italy. We received Dr. Uppot reports receiving payment for reviewing testimony
notification from her primary care doctor 1 week for a legal case involving renal biopsy. No other potential conflict
of interest relevant to this article was reported.
later that she was doing well and had resumed Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
her normal daily activities. the full text of this article at

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