Agents of Change

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A growing number of individuals experience an emerging
need of change in the way they engage and participate
in their communities, workplaces and society as whole.
Incremental tension in professional roles, perceived
geopolitical threats, concerns about the future living
conditions through climate change are just a few driving
symptoms to mention, leading to a loss of trust in the
systems we are subject to.
When we are no longer It is a safe learning environment filled with encouragement

able to change a situation,

and collaboration where you can build your capacity to
contribute to meaningful change.

we are challenged to start welcome

As a friend of ebbf, we invite you to be a part of a

change ourselves. journey on which you will progress on a path of learning,

developing and applying your personal talents in order to
become an Agent of Change.
V. Frankl Date Thursday Sept 26th
Time 06.30pm - 09.30pm
Place WeWork, Neuturmstraße 5, 80331 München
Space Up to 30 participants

In order to enable a positive objectives

• Unfold individual capacity as an Agent of Change
change in society, all stake- to promote and contribute to meaningful change in
organizations and the build-up of communities
holder groups and organizations • Sharing experiences and learning with a diverse
group of people
are needed in a participatory • Building awareness to identify and commit to own
process of redesign and align- • Become a part of an international Agent of Change
network sharing practices to nudge our work
ment to achieve the future we environments towards change

need and want. Eventually, In the first session, we will explore how you can start
a change process. By sharing of experiences and
the success of effective change ideas, each of us will have defined an assignment to be
presented and discussed during the second session.
boils down to the capacity The third session will focus on creating a new mind (-set)
by looking at conditions and the nature of meaningful
of each individual within the conversations within a group. Your own practical
experience of applying the acquired understanding will be
society. shared and discussed during the fourth session.

As members of a global, collaborative society we would Finally, developing capacities for building unity is our
like to invite you to participate in Agents of change: a 6 focus for the fifth session. With the gained learnings, you
session program for people who wish to make a positive will practice your capacity to contribute to meaningful
impact on their community of belonging, be it the own change in organizations of your specific context. In the
family, neighborhood, workplace, local community or last session, we together will share and evaluate the
society as a whole. outcomes and insights.

Subscribe: click here
Fee: 280€ per year (excl. VAT)

Copyright The concepts and models presented here are developed by B.V. and are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work of

* Terms & conditions All prices in this document are valid and until eind of 2020. For some regions, we
have local prices. Please request specific prices for your region. The prices do not include VAT, travel and
accommodation expenses. We bill at the start of the contracts. Please pay your invoice directly or within 14 days
after the invoice date. Our general conditions apply to all our offers and agreements. A copy can be downloaded
from our website or will be send to you on request.

Published September 2019

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